April – June 2019

Ph: (904) 361-9218/ Fax: (904) 744-4625 (24 hrs/day) P.O. Box 8395, Jacksonville, Florida USA 32239-8395 Http:// / [email protected] America’s original World Head Founders/ elite Masters Organization – est. 1992

As always, before we begin with our internationa l news, we would like to pay our respects to those who have passed on & to mention the trials, as well as accomplishments of our members in their personal lives……

Since this newsletter is coming out late in mid- July, we would like to mention the recent passing of our member from England, Soke Richard Morris who died on July 16th…..From Argentina, GM Gerardo Cantore’s Mother passed in late March……Also in late March, GM Thomas Forman’s Father……GM Mark Colangelo’s Father passed away on April 19th…..GM Michael DeAlba’s Son, Thomas in late April …..& lastly, Ms. Dana Stamos’ Aunt, Gloria died in early July from Cancer….May the dearly departed Rest In Peace & may their loved ones experience the love & healing of our Lord Jesus Christ during this time of strife……In health news, GM Kenneth MacKenzie’s Father was admitted to the E.R. in New Jersey on July 10th because of irratic blood levels……& in Florida, Master Amir Ardebily’s Brother, Casey had a heart transplant at Tampa General Hospital on May 12th . God Speed in their healing…..

In happier news. GM Stuart Hicken of England became a Great Grandpa with the birth of his Great Grandson, Dexter on April 17th (of course, congrats to the parents, Franklyn Hicken & Abbie Wood, as well) .....GM Gini Lau & her husband, Sifu William Lam celebrated their 29th Wedding Anniversary on May 25th…..GM Joe & Kathy Williams celebrated their 35th Anniversary with a trip to Ireland & Iceland on June 2nd……Professor Tony & Diane Maynard celebrated their 35th on June 9th…..GM Leo Fong & his lovely Wife, their 34th on June 14th….GM Frank Schneider tied the knot in Germany with both he & his new Bride wearing gis on June 16th……GM Carl & Rosa Pluchino celebrated their 36th Anniversary on June 18th……Master Amir & Mrs. Arbebily their 16th on June 23rd ……GM David & Sensei Sandy Grago celebrated their 6th on June 30th ……Master Chris & Sensei Jill Marquez their 24th on July 2nd…..& Sifu Alan Goldberg & his lovely Wife celebrated their 40th Anniversary on July 1st . CONGRATULATIONS, people!!

In international news……

DON’T FORGET the 27th Anniversary WHFSC Annual Meeting – seminar symposium – awards banquet coming up on August 30th – 31st , Labor Day Weekend 2019 in Orlando, Florida!! Be present to support your Council and be a part of history! All funds raised will be used to perpetuate the Council through the year while offering a way to network with your peers and celebrate the accomplishments of your Associates and students with our seminars and awards banquet backed by the prestige of America’s first internationally recognized headfounders/ elite masters organization est. in 1992. We will also be honoring fallen officers, GM Vincent Marchetti & GM Neal Hummerstone on this date. REMEMBER that the deadlines for banquet funds and to register with the hotel under our discount room block of “WHS”is JULY 31st! DoubleTree Hilton Airport Hotel Orlando 1- 800-222-8733 . For info regarding banquet attendance/ attendance payments via internet or mail, write to [email protected] .

DoubleTree Hilton Airport Hotel 5555 Hazeltine Dr., Orlando, FL. 32812

Already confirmed for attendance are such notables as GM Maurice Elmalem (World Guiness book of records holder/ Editor of the American Canadian edition of Budo International Magazine); Master Rondy McKee (owner of the largest school in the U.S./

2 in demand instructor & business consultant/ writer for TaeKwonDo Times Magazine); GM John Pellegrini (Black Belt Magazine Hall of Famer/ Head of the largest independent Hapkido organization in the U.S., Combat Hapkido); Master Trina Pellegrini (Executive of Combat Hapkido & creator of TRU, women’s empowerment training); Master Dana Abbott (Black Belt Magazine Hall of Famer/ Japanese sword master extraordinaire); GM George Alexander (Shorinryu great, expert in Japanese JiuJitsu, Kendo & the rare Art of White Crane); GM Brian Kula Fung (world forms champion/ founder of Hawaiian Heritage Kenpo & Gung Fu/ Head of Ohana 8), GM Bill Gossett (one of the late Taika Seiyu Oyata’s foremost instructors in Ryukyu Kempo); GM Sam Kuoha (Head of Karaho Kempo); GM Glen Fraticelli (an executive of K.S.D.I. (Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute/ Kajukenbo grandmaster/ Founder of Zenshido healing arts); GM Gary Wasniewski (Founder of Tyga / internationally renowned kicker/ European martial arts actor); GM Juerg Ziegler (multi faceted grandmaster of Sin Moo Hapkido, Hung Gar, , etc from Switzerland); GM Philippe Floch (Int’l Modern Combat Federation – France), GM Rene Latosa (Latosa Eskrima), Master Shuki Drai (Israeli knife); Master Kevin Bergquist (Guiness World Record holder); GM Carl Stone (Fl. Kickboxing pioneer/ Founder Kyu Shin Ryu) & many, many more!

From Argentina, GM Gerardo Cantore received a certificate of 10th dan from Okinawan O’sensei Kosei Wakugawa, along with the title of Soke of Shinshinkan Ryu Okinawa Karate Kobudo……Professor John Therien of the WORLD KOBUDO FEDERATION in Canada reports that their CAPITAL CONQUEST event will feature the new KOBUDOMANIA SHOW & a WOMENS POWER HOUR featuring some of the world’s best female instructors. For more information on this event slated to take place November 1st, 2nd & 3rd in Canada, contact Professor Therien at [email protected] ……

GM Gerardo Cantore Certificate of 10th dan from O’sensei Kosei Wakugawa Prof John Therien

From England, GM Gary Wasniewski has his TY GA WORLD MARTIAL ARTS

CHAMPIONSHIP on th November 17 in London. For more info., you can contact Gary at [email protected]


From the , GM Rene Tongson reports that the 1st ANNUAL HEROES OF FMA AWARDS Show took place on April 26th in Manila, Philippines featuring camaraderie & cooperation between the various organizations


GM Sam Kuoha of California has a busy year cut out for him! Not only is he appearing at our event, but he is also going to be a featured instructor at DRAGONFEST in August in Burbank, CA. & he also has an action figure debuting at the COMICON in San Diego. The action figure can also be ordered directly from Sam at [email protected]

Dragonfest Poster Sam Kuoha Action Figure

WHFSC Master member & action movie star, Mark Dacascos stars in the new movie JOHN WICK 3 along with lead actor, Keanu Reeves which premiered on May 17th . An article from the “HOLLYWOOD BULLETIN”shows the deep respect they have for one another: actors-keanu-reeves-and-mark-dacascos-have-high-regard-for-each-other/ ……Mark also starred in the History Channel documentary, “THE LEGEND OF SAMURAI WARRIOR MIYAMOTO MUSASHI”……

Link to Musashi documentary::

Master Mark Dacascos John Wick 3 Poster Legend of Musashi Documentary

From England, super kicker GM Gary Wasniewski announces that his new film, “THE KARATE BREAKER” is out. For more info, you can write to Gary at [email protected] ……GM Michael DePasquale Jr. reports that his movie, “THE OPERATIVE” which has been many years in the making is now available on . You can view a trailer of the movie at ...... & Dr. Robert Goldman’s METROGOLDMAN MOTION PICTURES has a new film documentary about Asian champion body builder & famous kung fu movie villain, Bolo Yeung entitled, “THE CHINESE HERCULES: THE BOLO YEUNG STORY”. Trailer at Cb1CSLJlYW6vapXK4TQ-XZmplZq3poNY27-ugKcUMTQ4KHE


GM Gary Wasniewski The Karate Breaker Poster GM Michael DePasquale Jr. The Last Operative Poster

Dr. Robert Goldman Bolo Yeung Documentary

Also, the news from BLACK BELT MAGAZINE is that our Honorary Member from Hong Kong, Master Jackie Chan will be starring in a film on climbing Mr. Everest……& from the Philippines, Honorary Member, Philippine Senator & 8 division world boxing champion, Manny Pacquiao will be fighting Super WBA Welter Weight Champion, Keith Thurman on July 20th at the MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA in Las Vegas, Neveda.

Master Jackie Chan Manny Pacquiao Dan Severn Wrestling Hall of Fame GM Jim Arvanitis

From Michigan, Honorary Member Dan Severn was in Ann Arbor the last part of April to receive a LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for the sport of wrestling & will be in Florida the month of October as he goes cross country doing his seminar appearances . As I mentioned earlier to some friends in Florida, if you would like to have a seminar with one of the most dynamic grapplers in the business today, you can contact the “Beast” at [email protected] …..From New Hampshire, GM Jim Arvanitis is being honored in September for both his State & worldwide accomplishments……& GM Robert Redfeather from California received a letter of induction from Michael Matsuda of the HISTORY MARTIAL ARTS MUSEUM stating that he would be a 2018 inductee of its HISTORY MUSEUM HALL OF FAME. CONGRATULATIONS to all three of these martial arts stars on their much deserved recognition !!



GM Glen Fraticelli of the K.S.D.I. (Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute) reports that the K.S.D.I. SIJO ADRIANO D EMPERADO 69TH ANNIVERSARY K.S.D.I. 2019 World Championships Open Martial Arts Tournament & Seminars took place on June 28th & 29th in Las Vegas, Neveda…..Grandmasters Michael DePasquale & Bruce Juchnik became the first time recipients of GM Bill Wallace’s Superfoot Systems PIONEER AWARD in New Hampshire in March……Super promoter, Sijo Alan Goldberg was appointed by the Private Equity Firm FGA Partners as Head of Business Development for the Mega Movie Fund & as an Advisory Board Member to the Firm. In addition to Alan’s new role as head of business development for the fund, he was also made a member of FGA’s advisory board to assist in all matters pertaining to the entertainment industry and to the Mega Movie Fund’s current and future projects……From California, I am proud to announce that

GM Glen Fraticelli the late Sijo Emperado GM Bill Wallace GMs Juchnik & DePasquale Jr. one of my martial arts “Fathers” & Honorary Member of the WHFSC, Sensei Yasutoshi “Moon” Watanabe will be a Guest of Honor at the SONS OF KENPO/ KEMPO event in California on October 5th (along with Mimi Chow- Hoon). Also being invited as participants are Danzan Ryu greats, Professors James Muro of “Hawaiian Blend” & Hans Ingebretsen, current Head of the Kilohana Martial Arts Association in Campbell, California (biographical link for “Moon” on KENPO/ KEMPO LO KAHI Website = _guests/soke_moon_watanabe.html?fbclid=IwAR1n10vcHmHpiX1ZQ8oJysRggWxk1KOt6 jO-IY69uoaP4SJxeZZ7Vs0Iq3s

Sifu Alan Goldberg Sensei “Moon” Watanabe Prof. James Muro Prof. Hans Ingebretsen

For more info. on this event you can access the information on the event flyer which follows. The event celebrates Kenpo/ Kempo heritage from the Hawaiian Islands to the U.S. Mainland & is being hosted by Sifu Bill Chun Jr. in Vallejo, California.



CONGRATULATIONS to GM John Byrne & students, Master Valerie & Sensei Jon Trizila for the completion of their new school & headquarters building for the 5 CIRCLE SYSTEM in Nebraska. Their newly completed school is 6000 sq. ft. on the main floor & 1,730 sq.ft. on the mezzanine level with a Japanese gateway facade in front.

GM John Byrne Sensei Jon & Master Val Trizila

The beautiful Newly built headquarters for the “5 Circle System” owned by Sensei Jon & Valerie Trizila

GM Eddie DeLuca from New Mexico reports that he does allot of volunteer work for the kids in his area when he is not busy teaching his Art of Jing Sai Do to military & security types. His latest project was donating a large collection of rocks & minerals that he procured from his travels around the country & from the mines that he owns to the Science Spectrum Omni Theater which is a kids museum in New Mexico to expand their collection (the display cases shown in the link are temporary according to Eddie until the museum can replace them with permanent lit display cases).

GM Eddie DeLuca Master Dana Abbott

& lastly in our international news. Master Dana Abbott from Arizona demonstrates how he takes the cap of f a bottle in the new “bottle cap challenge” now making the rounds ….Hmmmm, I wonder if this will become a new training method for sword practitioners???????


In our new books department…..

FIGHT LIKE THE WIND – APACHE KNIFE is the title of the new book by GM Robert Redfeather that is out now on LULU.COM. The book explains the fighting principles & techniques of Apache knife fighting with a book signing for its release slated for August 3rd at the MARTIAL ARTS HISTORY MUSEUM. For more info regarding its availability & price, you can contact Robert at [email protected] …….GM George Alexander’s new book entitled JAPANESE SWORDMANSHIP – THE ART OF THE SAMURAI is a limited edition publication of 100 copies only for the serious sword practitioner. The price of the book is $99.95 which includes the Author’s signature & seal as well as shipping. To order, you can write to George at [email protected] …..Professor Jody Perry’s book entitled IRON WING AIKIJUJITSU TRAINING MANUAL will be showcased at our upcoming World Head of Family/ Sokeship Council event in Orlando, Florida. For its availability & cost, write to Jody at [email protected] …..& lastly, GM Jim Arvantis’ new book entitled “PANKRATION GRAPPLING & GROUND FIGHTING” is available in both paperback & e-book format on AMAZON.COM. for more info contact Jim at [email protected]

In our new members department……

We’d like to WELCOME Chief George Lepine – Head of OKICHITAW – indigenous combat arts of CANADA to our Grandmasters Division…..WELCOME to your new “family”!

Chief George Lepine


On the covers of publications this news cycle……

Dr. Robert Goldman graces the cover of the new “AOF MEGAFEST MAGAZINE” vol. 1 issue 4 JULY 2019

In the magazines this time around……BLACK BELT Magazine’s June/ July issue features a mention of the WHFSC’s 27th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION to be held in Orlando, Florida in August in its “NEWS BITES” Column; an article by Sensei Mike Stone entitled “STONE ON COMBAT: COLLECTED QUOTES FROM KARATE LEGEND MIKE STONE”; an 8 page article by Floyd Burk entitled “HOW TRAINING WITH THE JAPANESE SWORD CAN FORTIFY YOUR SKILLS WITH OTHER WEAPONS” featuring Master Dana Abbott; Master Rickson Gracie featured in an article entitled “TOUGHEST MEN ON PLANET EARTH PART 2 – THE SENIOR EDITION”; an article entitled “DON’T FORGET YOUR MORNING STRETCH WITH BILL WALLACE” written by Floyd Burk & featuring GM Bill Wallace; & its “FROM THE ARCHIVES” Column featuring the December 1979 issue of BLACK BELT with GM George Kirby……In the July issue of TAEKWONDO TIMES there is a pic of GM Michael DePasquale Jr. in “MARTIAL ARTS NEWS” attending the 39th ANNUAL OCEAN STATE GRAND NATIONAL KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP in Rhode Island; an article entitled :CHI SAU, THE HEART OF WING CHUN” by GM Samuel Kwok; & an article entitled “TAEKWONDO & WING CHUN” by Master Rondy McKee……& lastly, BUDO INTERNATIONAL Magazine’s July issue features an article entitled “FOR WOMEN BY WOMEN – SELF DEFENSE by Master Trina Pellegrini ; Technique pages with Soke Juan Diaz demonstrating his Art of Kaisendo & GM Avi Nardia demonstrating techniques from his Art of KAPAP; & an article on GM Martin Sewer entitled “SHAOLIN HUNG GAR KUNG FU – THE CHIU CHI LING LINEAGE”



GM Haim Zut (L) from Israel receives promotion to grandmaster rank by the late founder of Krav Maga, GM Imi Lichtenfeld w/ letter from Lichtenfeld showing that he is his most Senior student (both members of theWHFSC)

General Alexander Retyunskikh of Russia, Head of the worldwide Russian R.O.S.S. System becomes the Russian Representative for the World Head of Family/ Sokeship Council & a true Brother of mine. The photo shows us in the transition of “shifting papers” before shaking hands. At the podium is Dr. Jerry Aiello from Michigan who started the very first radio show for martial arts in America.

Well, this concludes this quarterly issue. Please remember to send in your news for our next issue (no news about seminars please, because we all do them! Unless they concern teaching the police/ military or it is a national/ international seminar symposium)& I’ll see you at our 27th Anniversary event in Orlando! In the meantime, stay aggressive and fair in all you do…… GM Frank E. Sanchez - Founder/ Executive Director International



E-mail ______Phone______Fax______


World Head of Family Sokeship Council Order Form P.O. Box 8395, Jacksonville, Florida USA 32239-8395


Replacement for membership certificate $50.00 Official multi-color patch $15.00 ea. Grandmaster___ Master___ Official rubber seal stamp $20.00 ea. Grandmaster___ Master___ WHFSC Certification certificates for students $30.00 ea. WHFSC t-shirt with logo white ( ) black ( ) $25.00 ea. WHFSC jacket with logo white ( ) black ( ) $50.00 ea.

Master membership re-newal $35.00 @ year

Description Amount ordered Size Unit price Total

______SUB TOTAL______

Foreign orders add 10% of total for shipping and handling______GRAND TOTAL______U.S. dollars only ( ) Check ( ) Money order ( ) credit/ debit card through secured link of:

NOTE: T-shirts and jackets are ordered on an individual basis and are not mass produced – turn around time may be three or more weeks for delivery. There is also a three week clearance time on personal checks before order is processed.