Andrzej Duda and Rafal Trzaskowski Will Face Each Other in the Second

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Andrzej Duda and Rafal Trzaskowski Will Face Each Other in the Second PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN POLAND 12th July 2020 Outgoing President Andrzej Duda European and the Mayor of Warsaw Rafal Elections monitor Trzaskowski will face each other Corinne Deloy during the second round of the Polish presidential election on July 12 Results Outgoing President Andrzej Duda (Law and Justice, PiS) who was running as a freelancer, took third place with came out ahead in the first round of the presidential 13.85% of the votes. He failed to embody an alternative election in Poland on June 28. He won 43.67% of the force capable of dethroning the country's two main vote and Rafal Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw and parties, which have fought a fierce battle in every former Minister of Administration and Digital Affairs election for the past fifteen years. Krzysztof Bosak (2013-2014), candidate of the Civic Platform (PO) led (National Movement, RN) won 6.75% of the votes. The by Grzegorz Schetyna, who obtained 30.34% of the other seven candidates each received less than 3%. votes. The two men will face on July 12 for a second round of voting. More than six in ten Poles voted (62.90%), 13.64 points more than in the first round of the previous presidential Szymon Holownia, a journalist and presenter of the election on May 10 2015. television programme Poland has incredible talent Results of the first round of the presidential election on June 28 2020 in Poland Turn out: 62.90% Number of votes won % of votes won Candidates (first round) (first round) Andrzej Duda (Law and justice, PiS) 8 412 188 43.67 Rafal Trzaskowski (Civic Platform, PO) 5 845 164 30.64 Szymon Holownia (independent) 2 667 655 13.85 Krzysztof Bosak (National Movement RN), 1 360 923 6.75 Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz (Farmers’ Party PSL) 457 092 2.37 Robert Biedron (Wiosna) 425 734 2.21 Stanislaw Zoltek (New Right Congress, KNP) 45 092 0.23 Marek Jakubiak, independent 33 294 0.17 Pawel Tanajno, independent 27 610 0.14 Waldemar Witkowski (Labour Union, UP) 26 877 0.14 Miroslaw Piotrowski (Movement of Real Europe) 20 944 0.11 Source: Political issues FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN POLAND / 12TH JULY 2020 Presidential elections in Poland 12th July 2020 Andrzej Duda, a strong favourite in the election until a Rafal Trzaskowski replaced the Vice-President of the few weeks ago (some opinion polls showed him to be Parliament Malgorzata Kidawa-Blonska as the Civic victorious in the first round), saw his lead shrink as the Platform's candidate in the presidential election on May 02 difficulties in organising the election by the government 16. The latter, who had fallen below 5% of the vote led by Mateusz Morawiecki (PiS) became apparent. in opinion polls, chose to withdraw. "Rafal Trzaskowski Originally scheduled for May 10, the presidential election set the tone and Andrzej Duda tried to regain control, had been postponed indefinitely, before being set for without much success. The LGBT issue was raised June 28 (second round on July 12) due to the coronavirus very late in the campaign, compared to the previous pandemic[1] and the government's inability to reach a elections, which shows a certain form of panic within compromise with the opposition on the modalities of the the ruling party," analysed Ben Stanley, professor of vote as well as its legality. political science at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS) in Warsaw. Feeling weakened, Andrzej Duda stepped up his election campaign in the last month to better mobilize his supporters: "I won this first round thanks to your votes in an absolutely he strongly defended family values and opposed the unquestionable way. The lead is huge and I'm grateful to recognition of the rights of sexual minorities. On June 13, you for that. The campaign is going to continue, we are he compared the defenders of the rights of homosexual having a very important discussion about Poland, we raise and transgender (LGBT) minorities, who for him "are not the question of the Poland of the future," said Andrzej human beings", to "defenders of Bolshevik ideology". Duda on the announcement of the first results. Andrzej Duda clearly sought to distinguish himself from his main opponent, Rafal Trzaskowski, a signatory of the Rafal Trzaskowski said that "the second round will not be LGBT+ Charter, who, for his part, advocates tolerance and a choice between Andrzej Duda and Rafal Trzaskowski, openness towards sexual minorities. but a choice between an open Poland and a Poland that is always looking for an enemy and prefers to divide the By hardening his tone, the outgoing president may have population" adding "I will be the candidate for change". locked himself into conservative rhetoric that could make it difficult to rally moderate voters in the second round. The victory of the PO candidate is possible on July 12 "Unlike parliamentary elections, you need more than 50 but the outgoing head of state Andrzej Duda does not percent of the vote to win a presidential election. Andrzej admit defeat. He is the incumbent president and enjoys Duda therefore needs the centrist electorate. By stirring up preferential treatment in the State media, an important the LGBT issue, he has mobilized his base, but moderate advantage in a context where the election campaign is voters may find his rhetoric too clumsy, too extreme," said made difficult. Stanley Bill, a professor of Polish studies at Cambridge University. Krzysztof Bosak's voters are expected to switch The second round is therefore very open. We will see on to Andrzej Duda on July 12, but this rapprochement could July 12 whether Poland chooses to turn the page on Duda deter Poles who have voted for other candidates from or whether it prefers to keep its trust in him for the next doing the same. five years. You can read all of our publications on our site : Publishing Director : Pascale JOANNIN [1] As of June 28, Poland had THE FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main 33,907 cases of Covid-19. The country recorded 1,438 deaths French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content due to the disease (Ministry of Health figures). of these in France , Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by Mr. Jean‑Dominique Giuliani Political issues FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN POLAND / 12TH JULY 2020.
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