MLS PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH ISSN: 2605-5295 How to cite this article: Alberich Nistal, T. (2019). Polyamory, Free Love or in Freedom? Potentialities and Difficulties. MLS Psychology Research 2 (1), 99-116 doi: 10.33000/mlspr.v2i1.212 POLYAMORY, FREE LOVE OR IN FREEDOM? POTENTIALITIES AND DIFFICULTIES Tomás Alberich Nistal Universidad Complutense de Madrid
[email protected] · Abstract. After a brief historical introduction of the multiple forms of sexual life and love relationships, this article studies the concept of polyamory, its different definitions and its differences with other close related terms such as the relational anarchy or free love, and responds to some critical voices that consider polyamory as characteristic of neoliberalism. Between the denominations used related to the subject would be the love in freedom, the polyamory (to love several people - the main one is the affections, the feelings) and the multiloving. Then, the article focuses on the main difficulties that hinder the development of polyamory and for to live the free love, according to different authors, such as time and space management, and legal obstacles, security, trust, consent and difficulties in open relationships. Analyzing in more detail jealously and romantic love, in which you want to satisfy with one person, in the same couple, up to six different levels of relationship. Keywords: Polyamory; Free love; Jealously; Romantic love ¿POLIAMOR, AMOR LIBRE O EN LIBERTAD? POTENCIALIDADES Y DIFICULTADES Resumen. Después de una breve introducción histórica sobre las muy diversas formas de vivir la sexualidad y las relaciones amorosas, en el artículo se plantea el concepto del poliamor, sus diferentes definiciones y otros conceptos próximos, como la anarquía relacional, diferenciándolo del amor libre y respondiendo a algunas de las críticas que lo consideran propio del neoliberalismo.