The Queen's Birthday Honours 1989
SPECIAL 277t The New Zealand aze WELLINGTON: MONDAY, 26 JUNE f9E9 ISSUE NO. IOE THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY HONOURS 1989 Hts Excellency the Govemor-General has announced that The Silvia Rose, Mrs CARTWRIGHT, of Wellington. For Queen has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the services to women. celebratlon of Her Majesty's Birthday, to confer the following honours and awards: K.B.E. Crvr Lsr To be an Ordtnary Knlght Commander of the Civil Division KNIGHTS BACHELOR of the satd Most Excellent Order: Robert Edward JONES, of Lower Hutt. For services to Ross Malcolm JANSEN, c.B.E., J.p., of Hamilton. For business management and the community. services to local government. Professor lan Hugh KAWHARU, of Auckland. For services c.B.E. to the Maori people. To Commanders of the Civil Divislon of the The Right Honourable (Mr Justice) Edward Jonathan be Ordinary said Most Excellent Order: SOMERS, of Wellington. Judge of the Court of Appeal. (Ruth ii,Iinnie Mumford), of Dunedin. For THE MOST DISTINGUISHED ORDER OF SAINT Ruth DALLAS services to literature. MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE John Harold GRAY, o.B.E., 8.D., of Christchurch. General C.M.G. Manager and Town Clerk, Christchurch City Council. To be Ordinary Members of the Third Class, or Dr Charmian Jocelyn O'CONNOR, ,1.p., of Auckland. For Companions, of the said Most Distinguished Order: services to chemistry, education and the community. Malcolm Leitch CAMERON, of Wellington. Lately Director- Professor Thomas Vianney O'DONNELL, of Wellington. General, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. For services to medicine. Denis Bazeley Gordon McLEAN, of Wellington.
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