F I^ A Y , DBCEMBER t , 1968 Avtooge Doily Net Pram Ron The Weather page raiBTYJ-TWO Ear I h e W eek BaOed Cloudy tonight with chance of iiUmtligHlgr lEwgtting 1|graU> Nevambar 16, 1868 light snow. Lows In the 90s. To­ morrow, cloudy, windy and cold, chance of snow flurries. toghO Him Manchester Square Dance The Perennial Planters The VFW will spansor a sea­ The public Is invited to attend iUmtfhpfitpr lEumtig BpraUi food and steak night tonight a re ce ^ o n marking the formal 15,341 In mid 80s. About Town Caub will sponsor an open dance Carden Chib will have its annual for an area square dance club Chrlstmss party Monday at 8 from r:80 to 10:80 at the post opening of the Manchester Com­ Manchester-— A City of Village Charm munity CoHege Stairwell Art Mandwriter Rod and Gun C9ub members tomorrow at 8 p.m. p.m. at the home o< Mrs. home, 608 E. Center St Mem­ Gallery and the MldYear Stu­ PRICE TEN CENTS wtt hava.a quaitarty meatlnf at Waddell SebooL Bart JohMteoi Herbert Hutfleld, 28 S t ^ e n St bers and guests are invited. VOL. LXXXVni, NO. 58 (FtiURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 (Claasified Advorttebig on Pag* il) IConday at S p.m. at the chib- dent Art Exhibit tomght from 8 will be the caller, and Mr. and Co-hostesses sre Mrs. Theodore This will be the last seafood houae, Daley Rd., Coventry. to 10 in the Hartford Rd. build­ HOUSE 8.HALE Chambers snd Mrs. York irfght until after the holidays. Mte. Russell Wbtte wlU cue the ing. Refreshments wRl be serv­ Strangfeld. Members are re­ DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER— 84M123 round. Committees are Mr. and ed. The exhibit will be open bo The IBancheatier Carden Chib Mrs. Bniest Fesola, door duty; minded to make a Christmas Mrs. Harry Mahoney, VFW ^ have a Chriatmaa buffet the pubUc Monday through Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fhlnney, re­ decoration for the gift exchange. Auxiliary Americanism diedr- 11-Telescope Observatory No Room for Quadh r Monday at 6:10 p.m. at the home day from 8 a.m. to 10 pm. freshment chairmen, assisted by On Wednesday, Etee. 4, the group man and patriotic instructor, through Jan. 34. erf i t i i MUUeent Jonea, Tolland yesterday afternoon presented 8YLMAR, OoUf. (A P )— Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Richmond decorated Whiton Memorial Li­ ONE DAY ONLY! Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gal- Rd., Bolton. A propram of brary for the Yuletide season as an American flag to Cadette Chrlrtmea music will be preaent- and Mr. and Mrs. James Stack- The Rev. Earie R. Curfter of llon became the peurente of Seven Procedural Issues it does each December. Clrt Scut Troop 689 at Bolton Stargazer Satellite ed. poie. North Uidbed Methodist Church qusidnipleta Friday. High Sdtb station famous -FALCON" Broncl We don’t have room right Boouta. WINF. The i«ogram Is sponsor­ now,’’ said Galllon, 38, a ed by the Msaohesber CounoB of R ocketed into O rbit idieet metal mechanic to ll­ Grace Groiqi of Center Con­ Chundies and the Manchester | DELUXE TAILORED CAPE KBNNEX)6, Fla. (AP) as great a step forward in as­ man. The GolUona who have gregational Church will meet Clergy AMOdatian. tronomy as was the invention of a two bedroom house In the Monday at 6:80 p.m. for a pot- — An astronomlced observatory Resolved by U.S., Hanoi the telescope.’’ suburti, already h a hick and Christmas party. Mem­ nxAsted Into orbit today pack­ have two boys. K The atmosphere, a curtain of DUSE : ’Ihe Guild of Cur Lady acecraft and the universe,’’ said Dr. tion, and his North Vietnamese counterpart, Ha Van with a tea tomorrow aft the home rode atop an Atlas-Centaur James E. Kupperian Jr., GAO Special Rites of Mrs. Roy Foabrink, 88 Fox- Principal A. Raynumd Rogers is hmuiooB UnM» Lau, a re: )booater fiiat drilled It into a project scientist at Goddard. —’fhe first four-way session croft Dr., West Hartford. Guest abbendiiv the conference of. the PROPORTIONED RAINCOAT near-circular orbit ranging fro PEARL HARBOR , Hawaii speaker will be Mrs. Robert D. New Bkigland Association of Col­ The observatory has two ma­ will be restricted to conference 467 to 489 miles high—very close (AP) —America remembered IH A T HAS GVERY1HING MlaoCurdy of Bridgewater, leges and Secondary Schools in jor experiments, a cluster of Ky^ Delegates procedure. to the 480-mlle-hlgh clrciilar Masa, who Is flm vice president today. four telescopes developed by the its fighting men fcllled during —Each group wUl have a WASH AND WEAR path for wditch It was aimed. of the national crganlsaiUon. Smithsonian Astrophyslcal Ob­ the Pearl Harbor attack 27 speaker. Officials plan to activate the —They will meet in the same DACRON« AND COTTON The nominating oomutilttee of servatory, and a group of seven years ago with a special memo­ Leave Saigon spacecraft’s telescopes Wetkies- room previously used for U.S.- Salvation Army fair and hiodt- Center Congregational Church telescopes designed by the Uni­ rial service today at the USB ZEPGL* 1REA1CD day after checking all space­ North Vietnamese talks at the eon will be tomorrow from 10 will meet Monday at 7:80 p.m. versity of Wisconsin. Arizona memorial. craft systenis. Majestic Hotel. TO SHAKE OfF a.m. to 6 p.m. In the Youth In the church office. Dr. George Lundqulst of the Representatives of the Naticm- For Paris The 176-million satellite is the —The allied and Otmmunist Center at the Citadel. Smithsonian Institution said al Conference of State Legisla­ RAIN AND STAINS heavlert and most complex sides each may bring 10-12 per OA02 will attempt to probe the tive Leaders were among those SAIGXIN (AP) —Vice Presi­ . . . ZlP-m ORLON« ooni9«i« s cie n tific spacecraft ever sons. Navy Ens. Richard L. Trotter, Students on Bus mysteries of quasars, celeatial at services on the gleaming dent Nguyen Gao Ky and a alx- launched by the United States. —Business can be conducted PILE LINING SCO of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow objects emitting such vast white memorial which stradffles man South Vietnamese delega­ Operating above the obscur­ in English, Vietnamese and T. Trobter of 516 Gardner St., Unhurt in Crash •tfSO I amounts of energy in light and the sunken batUeriiip. tion left today for Paris to at­ ing blanket of eaifli’s atmoa- French. recently made Ms first solo radio waves that they can be ob­ Normally the only memorial tend the exparxled peace talks. ASTOUNDING AT ONLY irfiere, the observatory la de­ —Thpe recorders will be ad­ flight after completing a ground A Rocky Hin man, Richard served out to the fringes of the progirams held aboard the *dilte Ky will act as supreme advis­ signed to provide astronomers mitted. trakflng ooime in rotcuy wing Allegard, 42, was charged with universe. monument are. on Memorial er and la not a member o f the with their first unobstructed —Newsmen will not be admit­ aircraft principles with Helicop­ "These strange new objects Day. But Secretary of the Navy delegation. He cuid the others speeding too fast for conditions glimpse of the unlveiae—explor­ ted. ’ 19.99 ter Training Squadron Eight at 3-in one value... are creating great excitement in Paul R. Ignatius granted special were seen k^ on. COnnectlcift. PM Kcqipa PM is new secretary of state, met pri­ , jilhere. waa- otrlct. aecuiity at the opportunity to make public a Handsome {Said lining in rayon and CO 6 tovmstt tor anMuneing Ms wreath-'to W40ri (SM. IB 5:30) a national henonry society for vately. A perron privy to the Saigon’s Tan Son Nbut aliport, stateiAmts. acetate. cabinet choices. But they said Lanlprey, incoming president of with troops deployed all around E comrersatlon insisted it dealt 461 Tim es Students in all academic fields. the lenslative leaders. Lampi*y ’The shape of the conference The new mmbera Include Pam- such a radio-TV appearance with on appointment at sub-cab­ At San Francisco State It. waa being given serious is pre)ndent of the New Hamp­ table, although a seemingly tri­ a Beige, Mack, navy, cranberry. Stses 8 d a Baminghsm of 288 Moiarfaln inet level SAIGON (AP) — The U.S. The delegation will be headed to 18, regular 6 to 16 thought. shire state senate. vial Issue, Is one wMch the ri­ Rd., Patricia A. Fsltham of 84 Nixon came here to attend the Command said today American by Ambassador Pham Dang Nixon has said sdl cabinet The floral display was vals feel could be translated In­ Jarvis Rd., Cbarlane M. Faradia annaul meeting of the Republi­ reconnalsswce uncovered at Lam. (Xhers are: Nguyen Xuan choices will be aimounced In the dropped in the waters over the to a bargaining advantage later of Rockville, Joseph R. Lacy of can Governors Association. least 461 indications of enemy Phong, former rtpnisterinto: in coming week. The decision ap- sunken battleship. ’The rain­ Student Strikers Vow ch a r^ of pereuading Viet Gong Gonaequently there has been Soutti Windsor, and Stuart L. ^leaking briefly Friday night, activity In the demUlitarlzed jMirently depended on whether bow-colored oU rings, wMch atill to defect utvder an open arms non breakthrough on this point, Kaplan of OolumUa. the Incoming president said the zone since the United States Nixon could line up an entire United States has the wealth to surface from the submerged stopped bombing North Vietaam program; Vuong Van Bac, a The Communists want a cabinet in time. vessel, blended with the floating “iBand of Outstders” (French, be the best fed, best housed na­ To Enlist Faeulty Aid Nov. 1. lawyer; Mrs. Nguyen TYil Virf, a «square table, whose equal sides Sources close to the presi­ wreath. 1964) will be shown Simday at tion in the world has ever Only 36 of the sightings re­ la n ^ r ; Nguyen Ngoc Hul, a would fit their claim that the C dent-elect sMd Friday night Sen. The legislative leaders attend­ 7:30 p.m. In the WWiton Memo­ known—and to share its pros­ SAN FRANCISOO (AP) — Re­ Morning and late afternoon at­ vealed whait the command professor, and Nguyen ’Trieu NLF has equal status in a four- ing the ceremony included dele­ rial LBirary auditorium, 86 N. Henry Jackson of Washington, a perity "m ore equally than any jecting partial concessions, tendance was reported normal. termed "significant’’ enemy ac­ Dan, cMef of Saigon’s delega- sided conference, gates from every state as well Main St., as the third film in former diaiihnan of the Demo­ people have ever Chared." strikers at San Francisco State Hayakawa turned down stu­ tion. But 128 were serious tion to the International Oontrol ‘The United States wants two cratic National Oonunlttee, had as Guam, Puerto .Rico and the the Manchester Oommuirfty Col­ He said “we’re going to see to College vow they’ll enlist more dent demands for amnesty for enough to warrant retaliatory Oommlsskm, set up by the 1964 long tables each facing each Virgin Islands. lege Cinema Sunday night removed MmseU from conten­ it’’ that Americans now fighting faculty help in the fight to close strike participants and for rein­ fire from American planes, ar- Geneva convention to supervise other, to support its claim that 'The 16-minute ceremony series. Sidiscriptions or single tion as a possible secretary of in Vietnam come home to a na­ the campus. statement of twice-suspended tilleiy end warshix>s, the com­ the truce in Indodiina. the parley is composed of two closed with the firing of three admisalans may be purchased Defense. tion wMch can be imlted with ’Ihe college ended its first George Murray, a Black Pan­ mand said. There were about 60 possen- sides. The allies do not recog­ NIGHT UNTIL to HonMuhi, where he ^poke week of classes under semanti- ther and part-time English in­ gers on the blue and white char- nixe the NLF, uliicb the Saigon at the door. (See Page Three) Ambassador W. Avei*ll Har- to the National Confeience of (Bee Page Fourteen) cist 8. I. Hayakawa -as the act­ structor who urged Negroes to tered Boeing 727. They lircluded government regards as an out- riman, chief U.S. negotiator at The Women’s Christian Fel­ ing president acceded Friday to bring guns to school. the Paris peace talks, said ear­ (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fuurtaeu) HALE SAT. lowship executive of board of 6 of 15 demands of the Black The strikers want 20 Negro lier this week there was a clear Second Congregational Church Students Union and the Third professors hired to run the tU 1 5 :3 0 agreementi before Preaideift CHRISTMAS wUl meet Monday at 8 pjn. at World Liberation Front, com­ black studies department and UNITED STATES PROPOSAL posed of non-Negro minority Jolmson ordered the bombing r the church. all minority students admitted halt ithat serious negotiations groups. Uniiad Statai to the college regardless of could not continue If the enemy Pbyakawa announced crea­ qualifications. Hayakawa of­ abused the DMZ or shelled ma­ Special Purchase! tion of a black studies depart­ fered 11 teacMng spots and jor cities. ment. A controversial Negro In- granted 128 vacancies In the Radio Hanoi charged today striKtor, Nathan Hare, was special admission program. named department head. that U.S. warplanes bombed an agricultural cooperative and a Confaranca T oblei But militant students, sup­ MADISON, Wis. (AP) — About hamlet In Nartti Vleltnam' Dec. ported by an increasingly larger 160 chanting demonstrators 3, killing mote than 30 North group of faculty, students and pushed passed two guards and Vietnamese. outsiders, replied with obsceni­ smashed a glaas door panel to The report by the "Gommls- enter a Gapitol itwm where the ties and called, the acting presi­ slon for Ihvestigatlcn of U.S. ¥ dent a liar. Their demands, they state univeietty system’s Board I m per 1 a 1 i s ts’ War Grimes” of Regents were meeting Fri­ Hanoi Nol’l. Liberation Front said, are non-negotlable. claimed American planes hav^ “ He’s offering us tidbits,” day. made seven bombing raids said Rsindall Bridges of the The demonstrators, demand­ against North Vietnamese prov­ NORTH VIETNAM PROPOSAL Black Students Union. "H e’s ing reinstatement of 89 Negro inces since Nov. 1, and artillery trying to divide us.” students suspended from Osh­ and naval guns have fired 81 United Stotff “ The situation hasn’t kosh State University, intemqrf- rounds at targets in the Vinh changed,” said Roger Alvarado ed the meeting for 20 minutes. Linh area. of the Third World Liberation They withdrew after the re­ South Vietnamese headquar­ Front. ”We’i* atlU on strike.” gents agreed to appoint former ters said today there have been No violence occurred FYiday. Supreme Gourt Justice Ward 122 shellings of provincial capi­ Conference Like every other day through­ Rector of Oshkoeh to hear stu­ tals and diatrlct towns sliice Not'l. Table paigen out the week, a police force of dent appeals at the university Nov. 1. Fif^-slx civlUans have about 600 stood by but did not Liberolion | Jewelry move to confiyit the marchers. (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) Front

Honoi Conference Ends Today COMPROMISE l 4 KT.aOLD OVKHLAV

Roses of delicately hand* carved genuine ivory, with Nixon Assures Governors Vi Saigon i . United Siotat Price! finely veined leavei in 14Kt. yellow gold overlay. ORIGINALLY SELLING FOR *1 to *15 See our beautiful selec­ Of His Ear on Problems tion of this fine quality By JACK BELL Most frequently mentioned to lations but made no specific Unbelievable ... A opedid porehafle of “ replace ritiring Gov. John H. jewelry today. Associated Press Writer promises. Not’l. — .ns mannteetnrar.... A onee ki a lifetime f^ rtm iity to boy m Chafee of Rhode Island as PALM SPRINGS, CaUf. (AP) "We wet® abaolutely ssdls- libarotian o f ft M«mI deeicn pieew for yoalreelf, for gtito Gold a ^ ^ v e r m tals, prar^ rtiairman were Govs. Ronald Hanoi Use Your “CBT Charge fled,” said Gov. Paul Laxatt of Front s y n th e tic or and^nodom stoocs. Bright shiny, sparkling and every one is — President-elect Richard M. Reagan of California, Daniel J. Oard” and Our Nevada, one of those who talked j S t t a l f yra would ordinarily pay . . . This to a buy imporaible to Nixon has assured Republican Evans of Waddngton, the Mi­ w im i Lay-Away PIob , . . with Nixon. He said Nixon governors that they will got a ami Beach, Fla., convention le o to t! keynoter, and (Sov. Raymond promised that ’ ’State govern­ ment will be made much atrotig- sympathetic hearing on state Shafer of Pennsylvania. R c g n l ^ f l ...... N O W « # ^ Expert Watch and Kennedy Urges U,S» Assistance to Biafra problems in W arhln^n. er. The U. S. and North Vietnam have agreed on all Jewelry RepalrlDg He met singly and in groups Indications were the gover­ at Beasonabie Prieea. nors would pick a chairman for Ronald L. Ziegler, Nixon’s procedural questi<»is for the expanded peace tallro Regnloriy ...... Sen. Edwani M. Kennedy, left, talks with Nobel Peace Prize winner Rene Cas­ virlth them during their annual press assistant, aald the presi­ conference which winds up to­ 1969 and a vice-chairman who except for two points, including the o f ein last night in New York City prior to 25th anniversary dinner of the Inter- would take over the Job to, 1970, dent-elect conferred with 24 of shape the Regotorly ...... NOW 1 day with election of a new the governor* or govemors- natioiMl League for the Rights of Man. In address to the League Sen. Ken­ chairman. Nixon was reported Governors who conferred with elect Friday, talked "in the negotiating table. The U. S. prefers two rectangular Regotoriy 9 8 ...... BRAY'S to have pledged his full coopera­ Nixon reported he listened sym­ JEWELKY BTOBE nedy urged the U. S. to provide all possible assistance to starving civilians in most general terms” of the cab- tables, the North Vietnamese want a square tabled Othsr ptoeiaonaatoat$lD , $ 1 2 , $ 1 S ... Now afl at half the price. tion in strengthening the role of pathetically to suggestions for 787 Itohi St.. Masohester Btofra. (AP Photofax). state houses in government. improving state and federal re­ (See Page Fi'^^rteen) and a possible ctMupramiae is a round taUe. f f m n ra m w nAO, MAIN nXNMl, BEAK.. . CHABOE AOOOUNIB INYRED FfeMW 60-M 17

' ' ' ’‘ v i i

- r - f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 PAGE THREE MANCHESriEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 19W ------^ RAffll l^fO Pearl Harbor Champs Elysees Stocks May 3 Arrested Sheinwold on Bridge STAR GAXEK^ TrtY Ig L o s in g Its By eXAY B. FOIXAN NKOEMITY n MOTHEm NORTH Recalled in f both Soon Reach — ABI U88A In Protests OF ONDBDAI. DEFENSE* Business Bodies y V MAS JK y*ur Daily AcHrily Guida ♦ AQJ FAIRWAX Unique FTavw >> According to fha Stars. ii By ALFRED SHEINWiHJ) Cp 95 stores Asl Special Rites first 3 - 1 3 -:^ To develop message for Surfdoy, 9-17-2M 0^ 0 AK13 TRIRD GENERATION f>A10i (AP) — Tile JH-mO* ‘Dow 1,000’ At VConn (Oontinued from Page One) 1>'47-3M9 r e ^ words corresponding to numbers 1S2-57-67 ^ Bi your eariy yean as a de- 4b 6542 The election of Douglas Straw KlytM , with it« Aoot- of your Zodtoc birth sign NEW YfXtK (AP) — Cbeen y^TAUIUS scotno 8TORBB, Own. (AP)—State fonder you are taught nevOr to WEST e a s t of Old Toppan, N.J., to board volleys by the Marine Corps ri­ tag geDwtes, movie hooeea, F-\ AS*. JO 1 Km p 31 Dteisiom 61 To will ring and obampagne carts o a .w police have amnteil three more ^ nmu Quit dummy can ruff. 4 6532 4 10984 of directors of the Colonial flemen and the playing of echo ore open ridewalk cafes and a doable- ASAYJO 2PI*asing 3201 62Electrlcoi wiB pope when the Dow Jones 30poor1unity 33 Show 63 Just NOV. 3! Athe-.youa^dotogdW ih^r’. (7Q4 (JAKJ1063 Board Oo. marks the third gen­ taps. There were no speeches. decker ptm parlor, la l)egla- S 3-30J041 64 Short Indastrlsl average fattw (be 1,000 4Somt 34 In 11-21-32- 0 10 87542 0 9 eration of Straws to serve in an The Arizona rests in 88 feet of n«iig to hMk like the rebuilt :^SS-73-84^ SGood ^ Arrivt 65 Attitude 4»6M1 of CbmeoOcut Nov. M againat wort tor him. At worat, dectar- m art. 36 For 66T o « ^ 4b 9 executive capacity for toe Man­ water at the bottom of Pearl tonight till atretdiea of Wew York’s Third GIMINI 6 OKtiny SAOTTARIUS It came close two yean ago 7 Your 37 Is 67Adeice OUn lUtUaBoa. er alio may be void of tbe wit SOUTH chester shoeboard company. Harbor. The monument over it Arenne. •TrO MAY 21 8 Don't 38 68 Not NOV.22 ^ and has bulH up to the point—it The three, whose «urreeta toing mid may diecard a loaer while 4 K7 The son of Hany C. Straw, was dedicated In 1662. More And like lota of New Yorkers, JUNEJO ^Look 39 Got 69GiH DEC 21 ^ 1 started tbe week sg MO—where lOGood 40 Wrong 70 Trips ttie tofol number arreated to 80, dimuny ruffs. NeveribelEaB, (? 8 7 2 ; • Douglas will (ill Ms father’s un- than 222,600 people visited the many ParlaUns aren't pleased ^ 4-16-37-31 II Tbtrt'i 41 You're 71 Sorneor^e 6-15-25-34^ were taken Into cuetody on ibe neceeaity ia the mottier of un- SHOPPING DAYS tt could hit 1,000 before Oie end 0 Q 6 memorial so fa r this year. by the plate-glaas blankness of y4M 6800! 12t4tws 42ldMS 72 Awore 496Q.75L8673 c of tbe year. 1 3 ^ 43 Discord 73 Ofildren UOonn campuB BYiday. uaual defenatve ptaya. 4 AKQJ 107 A large marble wall in the auto showrooms, banks and air­ TIL CHRISTMAS CAHCnt 74 To CArsKOeN They were identified by atata ‘ Openiiig lead—queen of hearta. Ibe ottafomenf of “Dow lATrme 44 Mon«Y shrine room o f the memorial is line Ucket officee that Is replac­ JUNE 11 iSTokes 4Sf>lo9ued 75 And poHoe aa: Rirtard EBiot Re- to miJce sure of leading the w it Sooth West Norih la d 1,000" WiB actually be naore of a 16Gtmtni 46 Betm 76 impress 14 Pau 10. 1 ^ engraved wito the names of toe ing the Boardwalk mood. JUV12 JAN. 19 bock, IS, Faltfield, diarged with again. After Eaat iiaa won the OPEN psydnlogical triumph than a 170ut 47 Perhops 77 Someone 2 4b Pau 2 Pau 1,177 Navy and Marine Corps of­ A new Pan American Airways 5-14-3»4»| 18 For 48 Needed 78 Elders 1-13-36J6^ tmach of peewse and aaaault; second trick the queaUon la what 4 real achiervement in terms of an ^ 5 3 ^ -8 1 8 7 49 Forming 79 Ufa's 5061B268' to e r pahaea. 459 Hartford Rd.—649-994S, face across six lanes of traffic. 7-10-34-37 25Hond 55 Only 85 FoHure 33-1 weedmees,” the books say, and But rten came one of the most 86 Pattern 73-75-78 Storrs, charged with breach of You hold: Spodea, U-M -6; About BO little diope have BOSrrON (AP) — New Eng­ '48-50.71 26 Alert 56 By dummy's only weakness Is In horresidous drops in fafatcry as 27 Will 57 And 87 Repoired msces peeoe, interfering with pedea- Hearta, A-K-J-10-6-8» DIamiMtoa, dosed in the last few years, ac­ viaeo 88 income SUNDAY land vignettes: the D ow sank 280.83 pototta to a 28 For 58A FES. 19 triaiB and refusing to disperse. clubs. 8; Cbiia, 8-8. Andover cording to a merchants' associa­ 29To 59 By 89 It All were released on their own TWs is made to order for de­ Yes, Virginia, Calvin OooUdge low of 744.33 by O ct 7. c / i ^ “ 30 If 60 Your 90 Assoc lotes MAI. 10 What do you aayf tion. They cannot match what SiST.22 clarer. He draws tnimpa and After jagged ups anl downs, 12/8 10-18J1.42^ recognizance pending a court Anawer: Bid four baoita. Do big firms are willing to nie letter is part of the book, plenty of oUrtere In the Street mend tor Immediate withdrawal World War II. the United States West's only possible trick is an ^ as director at the company’s Andover boy or girl at Rhnm Candy Kitchen overrutf of dummy on a third Srd SMASH WEEK! (‘ fourth quarterly meeting this High School. 800 per wait. Pan American “Tour Son, Calvin Ooolidge," remember when the whole na- strategic bombers from "malntainB bases in tMs coun- Annual Sessions Where Quality Candy U Made Freah Dally agreed to pay $380,ODD for 280 published by the Vermont His- ffgjf gtock crazy in U.S.-admlnlatored island, try on a scale fanplyirg the oc- round of hearts. j week and was elected director A children’s booth will offer square------— yards ’*• ” torlcal Society. The letters cov- 1929 and the Dow ttnhutrlala Japanese newspepera reported, cupatkn contiiwea." The news- F o r L egislatu re As it turns out, West can ruff I emeritus. stuffed animals, Santa’s candy ChooM From Over 200 Varletleo the tfalid heart with the nine of J The first Straw to serve the Joseph Mazzotta, left, director of Driver Educa­ .school’s use by Ted Trudon Inc., automobile deal­ A Pan American spokesman er the period from 1887, when reached a p—v of 881.17. Then In central Okinawa, another paper Asehi rycotnmended "the ers on Tolland Tpke., in Talcottville. Presenting the jars and many other things. The said this WM exaggerated but young Calvin was a student in came the greet crash in October 800 teachers adopted a resohi- number of U.8. bases be cut T o p ic o f Javcee *rfeauiig “ H e • company was the late Arthur J. tion at Manchester High School accepted the keys knitting booth will have mit­ Straw who in 1881 became a car is, penter, Ted Trudon and, right, Pjob Jones, A truly wonderful gift . , . conceded that tbe new office is Ludlow, V t, to 1906, when he >29 followed by the iIt ti— protesting the recent. craA- down as much as posatole" to r ^ J East is to get a friendly nod, H I this week to a brand new fully automatic 1969 tens, hats, slipper.^ and such for "the most expensive ticket of­ was president of the United -nie Dow Industriote scraped to «» o< 85««t Stastotoitreas ptones reAsce the danger of J^ian be- Should the State General As- i» better for Wm to get is from OMBQ! • partner, and later treasiwer of Volkswagen Fastback. The car was given for the Trudon salesman. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) sale. Christman decorations of fice rental paid by Pan Ameri­ Btates. a bottom of 4 1 to 1982, the demanding their withdraw- coming entangled in a war. sembly meet every two years os partner than from an op- GONE WITH I the parent company, the Lydall many choices can be bought at MUNSON’S CHOCOLATES can anywhere in tbe world." al. “Complaints these It does now cr every years as ponent. ‘ A Foulds Paper Oo. economic indicators including Corporation to its employes this against $2.70 (or the previous the Holiday House booth. A I His son, Harry C. Straw of A gift of our freshly made chocolates reflects Several fauslneaamen have Neither sleet nor snow nor It took toe Dow 2B A Vietnam-bound B62 crashed bases Include immoral conduct many state leaders propose? Modern defenders rtKwid And THE WIND population, retail sales, employ­ holiday season. The tradition, year. large variety of homemade your excellent taste and thoughtfulness, (or } Box Mt. Dr., Vernon, has serv- pointed to an irony here. They dark of night could stay Liuly years to come back to the burned Nov. 19i killing two In their neigltoortioods, dlarup- The queetloh will be discussed tbe winning play quite e a s^ ment, Incomes, number of dating back to the founding of items. Including rock jewelry, everyone likes truly fine candy. Choose from on say that with the departure of from tbe swift completion of her record of 1929. That was 196* crewmen and injuring five other tkm of raAo and TV reception, by a three-m.-ui pcmel Monday In the last 16 or 30 tte QSRkGABI£ 2^] I ed on the board of Colonial since Bcbool-age children, construction the corporation, began when Gary N. Mara of Glastonbury will be sold along wHh herbs excellent selection of Christmas oandlgs. I the company’s reorganization in the boutiques, tourists will have appointed rounds. ciewiueu and five civilians. An- excessive let noise, nosslble in- nlsdit itoout 9. after too resrular old-fashioned practioe of leaxL VIVIENIDGH activity, number of motor ve- each of the original 26 employes has joined W.C. Miwon and Co. and spices from Caprlland tai leas and leas interest in a stroll I 1963, and Is a director of toe was given a turkey after the of Hartford as a fuel oil repre- the This and That bto. It took a bout with a cat to LESLIE HOWMU) Metes, local tax rates, end on the Champe Elysees. Thus, .sentative for the Manchester ground the mailman’s mongrd factory payrolls. It can be used first Wasp airplane engine had The highUght of the fair will they contend, the tremendous OUMAdcUAVniAND to evaluate growth trends in been assembled and prepared area. The company serves Man­ be Santa Claus with gifts for all mascot. I you do lead the queen, you indi­ rents win prove out of propor- zy height while toe ectoomic Critlckam o f U .8 . bases In Ja^ taonination o f porta, potenttEd ters. The panel m em bers are Cionnecticut communities as for its test run on Christmas chester, Bolton, Coventry, and children who come. Two tiww- Lady had wiUked with Danny cate that you have only one or Uon to the tourist traffic. pfui mounted in editorials today dUnger from stored explosives not expected to debate, as all gan.-Thni«. 7 :M I Ma they relate to each other and to Bve in 1925. Vernon as well as the Hartford Ings of a film “ Spirit of Christ­ Bliss on his Enfield, NJL, mail news was bad. ^ ^ ^ two cards in the suit. At least three projects are un- It also prompted a stock ana- «"«*■ • •urvey by tbe Kometto and actuai dangers from toe three Eue In favor of annual aes- Frt.-Sat. 8A9 I Safc-Sm, 9 the counties and state as a Cash payments, not birds, are area. Mara has been associat­ mas" will take place, one at 2 route tor sevenU years, despite Daily Qnestiao i^ r way to add a little chic and lyst, Benton W. Davto, to write lean Government—party {done crashes and errora in dr- aiona. Dec. U —"DB. DOOUtnUB" whole. given now. The payments ed with the fuel oil industry (or and one at 4 p.m. To sustain the fact her owner w u a nind Partner opens wito 1-NT (18 protect the emaller shop own- a book entitled "Dow 1,000?"— claimed public hazards exlrt In 1^ Eind bombing practioe,” The panelists sue DemocrEtiic — . amount to more than $6,500,000 the past six years. letter carrier and toe could the viewers, sweets and soda toe operation of 64 of the 146 Yomluri said. State Sen. David M. Barry, Re­ BUY WARD MACHINE and will go later this month to will be on sale as well as cof­ have traded the long treks in tJl with a quesOon maolt in the ti­ One involves the construction publican State Rep. Donald S. employes of Pratt & Whitney Peter P. Wright, OLU. 18 fee for the adulto. Mrs. Charles kinds of weather for a soft ride tle. It locked to many as if Ben Two Hartford area men re­ —with funds from a real estate Davis had "toeamed toe impos- Genovesl, and Robert F. Frank­ ONLY 4 MOBE DAYS Aircraft, Hamilton Standard Mark Circle, Vernon, has been Williams, chainjnan of 'the (air. in a warm car. lin, director of State Research cently purchased Thi Ward Ma­ ROUTE 6. lOLTON — TEL 649-4332 groiq> attached to toe Vatican, Mble dretun" and he had to Sikorsky Aircraft, Nortlen, appointed manager of the Life, exp ats’ a T a i^ ' turoourof both However, Lady raised coin More Testimony Slated Service for toe Connecticut Pub­ HELD OVER! ENDS TDEBDAT chine Co., 259 Adams St. They Group and Pension Department tbe Societe ImmoMliere dl have toe book privately printed. United Technology Center, Elec young and old. OPEN DAILY and SUNDAY till 8:80 P.M. owner ralMd coin with Lady lic Expenditure Council. are Howard Miller of West Hart- of Kelly Associates Inc. In Hart­ Roma—of an Indoor Eueade with Nine years later, wtth the Dow tronlc Components, United Air­ Tax Exemption Oaady Alto Available For Fund Raising owner riased cfUn with Lady George R. English, Jaycee ford. Wright spent eight years ■hops representing such big over 8(KV be had no trouble find­ Today in Mine Hearing craft Research Laboratories, Last year, 24 owners of real and the letter cturier. project chEUrman, will moder­ with Aetna and six years with names as Givenchy, Dior, Pucci ing a publisher of an expanded and United Aircraft Interna­ estate In town who were over Now Lady—under ^rders from ate. j Hartford Life Insurance Oo. He and Charles Jourdan tooes. versicn of "Dow 1,000"—this FAIRMQNT, W.Va. (AP) — L ew is Ehrans, SEifety Inspector tional Inc. 65 years of age were granteii her owner—carries .'toe moll in The General Assembly con­ has been a member of the facul­ The second is a group of new time with no question mark. for UMW and member of toe the *1,000 exemption due them spirit only. More testimony about unsafe venes next month, and Etnnual ty of the University of Connecti­ movie bouses, including cne Davis’ theory w a baaed on a hearing panel, rem arked: BRIEFS under Oonnecticut State law. conditions ti Mountaineer Coal sessions euy! expected to be a cut School of Insurance in toe sbowliv only Swedish films ajvl mathematical concept of "ejqx>- “Busy, you must be flying. I George J. Vincek, 35 Green­ 'To qualify for the exemption Jerry Harmon is a suiUess Max Grossman another with usherettes in Ber­ a e m ^ Oo Mine No. 9 was given Frl- don’t see how it’s possible for malor subject. wood Dr., an employe In the Hartford branch since 1967. again this year another appli­ Santa. Recently the State League of muda toorts. Along with toe to be followed by all growing day sit a bearing into causes of any two men to comply with toe ed with the Manchester firm for sales office of Kraft Poods in cation must be filed. There re­ Tbe Concord, N 3 ., fire (igbt- Women Votenj came out in fa­ thingB "frotn yeast ceUs to civl- the explosions suid fire that left west Virginia mining law (or 35 years as a principal owner Hartford, was honored for 16 Rham District mains just about one month to vor of Eumual seaslona to end cream, toeyTl aerve hard Uquor ^ an accelerated pat- 78 men dead. fire bossing.” and officer. A charter member years service with the company do this. People over 65, new in " lo c a l fo r 10 the biennial system in effect to toe customers. for youngsters tern based on toe "8 ewre” The testimony came from Other miners testified Thuirs- -of the Manchester Elks, he is this week. He received an town or coming Into that age years, loimed his suit to another since 1887. The Jaycees may School Menu A law also la before toe Na­ wMch looked just like that on a miners who worked in No. 9— day, toe first day of toe hearing, also a charter member and award, a gold filled fountain -pen group during this year, should if also act

I ly JW fiP W iJs > f iJJiJIlpjP Iff I jj .1 ; iXjIcilLArfi.'lTcWi't-'l p a g e S E V E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1968 AfANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 P A O B SDC Christians^uestidnina C h u r c h e s Dogma of Vitkin Birth C Chnroh mt m Gospel Hall By OKOBOE W. OOb Ju XL Joflus w«k "not bom In an ordi­ M rW dB St. Adams St. and Ihompaon Bd. 41S C enter St. AP ReUflon Writer nary way. n sA and Uood did not produce nUn . . . His coining B0V. Jauepk K. Bourret, Bdwaod 8^ Faptai, USINESS SERVICES ii^JIRECTORY Paator 10 n .m ., B reakin g bread. NEW YORK (AP) — >»■ Into the w cilA ^W ooimethlng B ov . V o ^ B . B a oer i r „ Bev. Bneat J. Oappa 11:45 a.m., Sunday Scdiool. Uovo to God llto Slather Aimlgh- new. Jesus ^ wofM. 7 p.m., Gtoapd meeting. “ ___ ^ and earth’ ulUmatoly, not frdm Ms enoes- Mnnsea at 7, 8, 8:1S, 10:80 ty. Creator of tors, but from God Mmwlf.” an d in JemjB CSiriiti W» church fatherh took **a 9. n jn .. Holy Oomnumion, and 11:45 n.m. The Salvation Army son, our Lord, w*" special biological vtm r o f H IG H G R A D E Cburdi School and Nursery. •81 M ain St. St. Bartholomew’a Chnroii celved by the M y Spirit, bom virginity,” he sayi^ but CAMPING 10 ;M a.m., The Service, MaJ. Kenneth liSnoe, o t the Virgin Mat^.. have be'en bee vH Church School and Nursery. Bev. PhlUp Hosaey, Pastor Offloer in Charge CAR LEASING PRINTING Rev. Edward M. LaBoae Down through their ^ey held "special views on 4 to 7 p.m., Family diactis- EQUIPMENT mum Job end CommereiEl Cairlstlans have uaiity and human nature sion program with buHet sup­ Sunday, 8 a.m., Prayer Break- V « v Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, , Prlntiiur '^hlch demanded excluding Je- per. Ob 1 or 2 Maaaeo at 8:45, 7:45, 9, 10:16 Ues Creed, w® bus from nomlal generaUve pro- Air Mattresses, Stoves, Prompt and BSIeient a.m., Sunday School BonsMp of JesuB through his P rin tin g Ot AU K inds and 11:80 &.fn. (C lasses to r aU a g e s). YEAR PLAN Center Congregational Cbmeh 3 to 6 pjn., OuUd's Day of b l^ from * ^ in other words. Father Baum 10:45 a.m., Hdlneas Meeting MANCHESTER United Cfavoh o( Christ Recollection. First In Maa^sater. Now 11 C enter St. (nursery provided). biSiSf oT t^ WrSday a*ls, the quesUon Is whether SURPLUS SALES C O . Community Pnss 6:15 p.m.. Open Air Meeting. 55®** "the phyaloal aspect” is an au- oars, fun maintenance, fully 1S9 N. BIAIN ST. Rev. CUlford O. SInqiaan, St. Bitdget Chnrdi 9 East Middle Tpke. 6:30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. ta^ R ^an CWhollc and East- thentlc part ^ the c h ip ’s tra- laoured to rsdnee yonr prob- M hdater R ev . John J. Delaney, Pastor st Depot Sqnare 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting. ^ n rth n ^ f ntlll declare that dlUon In handling on flie gospel lemd and worriea. For fnU Telephone 643-5727 Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, Rev. Kenneth J. Friable Open Dally to 9:00 PAL Asaodate Minister roimathm, call J. FABB — SiS-nU Rev. Harry McBrien •rt, “.Q uestion US basic to a spertal jm ders^dl^ rt BBSS Antoinette Bieroe, United Penteooatal Chnrch D irector o t Christian Edooatlon 78 Center St. Dod9« PonticK CUSTOM MADI Masoes at 7, 8, 9:16, 10:30 in That was part of the nimtoUng gospel accounts, DICK’S the church. 9:16, 10:30 and 12:00 (Orange HaU) INC. CANVAS AWNINGS 8, 9:15 and 11 a.m.. White Gift to CaihoUclsm over speculation MANCHESTER in the auditorium. Robert Baker, Pastor F AIN STKEBT Sunday. Morning Worship—Ser­ by some rt its European theolo­ SH E a gians concerning the virgin I 649-2881 mon: “The Winds of Change." St. Jameo’ Chnrdi 10 a .m ., Sim day School. Smith Studeints MEMORIAL GO. W rth. We UVge^ I To Support SERVICE _ The Rev. Winfield Q. Swart Magr. Edward J. Reardon, 11 a.m., Worahip Service. Like some Piotertant counter­ Oppoelto East Cemetery preaching. P astor 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Sendee. Unfliijatered by The Lata dor Museum 668 CENTER STREET 9:16 and 11 a.m.. Church parts who have raised similar Rev. dooeph E. Vqjs iasues to toe past, toe Catholic School. Church of the Naiarene Julie M x o n Puollty Msmoricris MECHANIC ON DUTY Bev. Thomas Barry analysU don’t dispute the doc­ Two Stence Stations 9:15 a.m., "The Agora” , Roh- 836 Main St. AT ALL HOURS Bev. Vhioent J. Flynn trine itself and its import, b^ NORTHAMPTON, M as a Over 80 Years’ Experience bins R oom . Rev. Winiam A. Taylor, Pastor Coin Headquarters It is dUHcuU to save mtmey Another good buy for the Starters, Generators, 6:80 pjn., YouQi Fellowship, they give it a iww, subtler—and _ «ju]to Nixon is coming WATKINS- motorists — buy Texaco oil by Masses at 6, 7, 9, 10:15 what they term deeper—4n- ^ »djool. So whatT” said CoH 649-5807 toese days but one sure-fire way Carlmretora: Federation Room. 9:30 a.m., Churtdi School. Connecticiit Valley Coin Co. is year as»d can also prove a prof­ to save real money la to do the case and you will get It at Domestic - Foreign Cars SEE US FOBl and 11:30 a.m. teipretation. one Smith College student. "She FUNERAL \ a Aluminum Boll Up Classes for all age groups. A. AIMEtm, Prop. itable investment. Few hoobles business at either ot R alph wholesale prices. More and 643-1008 It doesn’t necessarily mean a before and It wasn’t a beadquartera for the wmWs A w nlnga First Chmch of Christ, 10:45 a.m., Worship Service. SERVICE Harrison St., Manchester oldest hobby of coin ooHeoting. can make such claims plus of­ Btence’s two Texaco Stations. more motorists have found out Calvary Cfanroh Btrlctiy btoloKloal view ^ big tW i«, and I don’t tMnk It’U • Door Canoplea 6 p.m., Toul^ AduM, Teen and fer a future growth potential. The Manchester Texaco Station that K pays to do business at Scientist (AaaembHea of God) gtaAty, rttoy matotato, 'but was ^ different when riis re- The coin gIm^ a t 97 C enter St. Junior meetings. ORMAND J. WEST Ed Kow, a perfect example, is located at Broad St. iuid W. Turnolke Texaco for they have • Storm Doors 447 N. M ain S t 547 E . M iddle Tpke. intended to convey a more pro- ^s the prertdent’e daugb- Is owned and operated by Bldwin MANCHESTER o Combination Windows 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. D irector Blow, asslstod by Ws wife, started coin collecting 15 years Middle TTike., and was opened found out that they Bev. Kenneth Lb Onrtatoon, found truth—toat Jesus’ advent Manohostor Awning 11 a.m., Sunday dmreh serv­ Manoliester And Betmont Charlotte, located next to the ago as a hobby whirti he turned M arch 1, 1964 and th e m anager enjoy real savings, no gimmicks, P astor Into a full-time business six no stamps, just the finest serv­ 196 WEST CENTER ST. ice, Sunday School and nursery. Ohordi of Christ was **• Similar aentlmertts were ex- 148 B. CENTER ST. Central Firehouse, across from is Michael Steuka, well known hlsto^ ^ o n d ordinary human ^ glrto at the ex- itUG CLEANING ice, and toe savings are passed Telephone 049-9091 Lydall and Vernon Sts. Manchester's Oldest the park, there is always on­ years ago. to Manchester residents. The SsafooiL »:*> Sunday School. Bi- capabiUtieB. «/ elusive atrls ooUe8;e after JuUe Coixiectlcut Valley Gobi Oo. oi—'<» to you, the motorist, in BstsbUshed 1049 Engene Brewer, Minister With Finest Faculties \ C O M P A N Y street or ample parking cloee East Hartford Texaco is located ble classes for all ages. tlM i s ^ ia Nixon, 20, the daughter rt Preol- has one of the lorgert coin In­ good, hard cartv Creator.” The Golden Tort Is Worship Service. 16 HAifNAW AY ST. at Main and High Sts., near the qu^outog Select’ RldnrdSTNixon an- by. ventories ki New England CHOICE VARIETY from Isaiah, 66: 16. Regular hours of bustoeas Aircraft, and was taken over by If your cor has not been check­ 7:30 p.m., Gospel service. 9 a.m., Bible clasnes. Phon^\643-0012 to serve all crtlectora; ad- ^ 1 Upholsterjr The Christian Science Reading 10 a.m.. Worship. Sermon; are: Tueeday through Satur­ M r. Stenqe June 1, 1967 and the ed for winter driving, have it •vanced, Intermediate or begin­ manager Is Richard Wsmmell. Qualify and IVl Shop Room at 749 Main St. welcomes “The Lord Is My EHiepherd.” Christmas Is Just a Hard Blow to Him day, 9 ajn. to 6 p.m. Thuraday done now at Turnpike Texaco. Trinity Covenant Cbnroh "T J le ^ has a right to here yon get low pricea ners. tocluded are early type Mr. Stence is a member rt toe RE-UPHOLSIERINO the pifbUc Monday through Sat­ 6 p.m., Worship. Sermon; 3-DAY 9 a.m. to 9 pjn., clooed Mon­ While you are there have the Hackmatack St near street comer Santa finds Chicago’s blustery weather gives his costume whis­ lead a normal student m ^^eald coin s in aU condiUona through IGO, and tols means that your shocks checked, for worn shocks Seafood urday, excepting holidayo, from "Thy Last Works Are More S lid a 1 9 % Bonne Card day, but special hol'iday hours * Modarn FarnitniG K eeney kers something to cope with. From top left to b^tom right, he finds SERVICE uncirculated and proof, proof work is guaranteed and you are are really dangerous to drive 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Than The First.” tt^loepel acoounte be anrther etudent, "and I think ...To Save With! now In effect are 9 a.m. to 9 43 O A K STREET Rev. Norman E. Swensen. and mint sets, uncirculated and assured rt toe finest workman­ with, especially in winter weath­ and Anriquos well until, feeling a slight tug. there he is, unalble to sto. Finely, he gets the t a ^ flat.^^l»tlc recito- p.m., Saturday 9 to 6, clooed on TEL. 640-9937 Paator — A lso — circulated sets of coins, rolls, ship and reasonable prices. er. Turnpike Texaco Stations o store Stools snd Booths Eton E v a n g d ica l DnHieian Second Oongregatioaal Church idea o f holding flying whiskers with his hand. (AP Photofax) _ tlons of facts? Or are ibey to r®«P^ ^ FURNITURE CLEANING Mondays. Special appointments s Custom Furniture circulated and uncirculated sin­ Both the Texaco Statlopp have feature Ortumbus shock absorb­ Ctanreh 9:80 ajn., Sunday Sdiool with 385 N ..M a in S t couched in inspired portry to One “ can be arranged for other SUpooven and Drapoctos gle colhs, common date singles a general repairers’ Ucense and ers, the shocks that are guaran­ (Mlssnuri Synod) classes for aU ages, three Rev. Felix M. Davis, convey truths toat can’t be re- orm l^ rt books said .W e ^ Made to Order hours. and most key dates. What they there is a trained mechanic on teed in writing for you. Cooper and High Sto. through adult. * SOnister duceTto Utend date? ^ ^ This Is Manchester’s only coin don’t have, they have mailed Reuben Plen’s Complete Seleotton of Differences over such polnte bery here. Very Ultle dtotin c^ duty at both stations day and M aterials Bev. Charles W. Kohl, Pastor 10:46 a.m., Mbmlng Worship, Bev. Ernest 8. Harris, Area Churches >p, also toe only one in sur- In from another dealer some- To save the under part of your Unitarian Meeting House were involved tolo week to a is nwde among students or STEVENSONT night, and If you use your oar FREE ESTIMATES The Rev. >&. Swensen preach­ Associate Minister Vernon United Methodist St Francis of AseisI Ui* areas, specializing '.■mei'c- 1'- .•> • I - "■i-en- ps car from harmful rust, have It SO Bloomfield Ave., Hartford Vatlcan commission’s demand uity memtoere about anything, every day, leave It €it eltoer Texaco Sfafion Lower Level of thr. Psrkade 9 a.m.. Divine Worship. Nurs­ ing "Bom Among Cities. ’ Nurs­ Church 673 E llington B d ., EJd Blow Is a member of a mim- protected with an undercoatlng for dianges in a new adidt so » o m the students’ « In the sale of ookrs, paper station and toe work will be 649-6324 ery in Parish House. ery. 10 a.m.. Morning Worriilp. R t 89 South Windsor Rev. Natbanlel D. Laoriat ESSO ,>T ’■ ■':» organiza­ by Texaco that is pliable and 381 Main SfrMt teaching guide drawn up in the view, JiAie Nixon A ^ d be jurt money and ertn supplies to done at night. 10:16 a.m., Sunday School and Nursery through Church School Bev. Ohorleo Becher Bev. Gordon R. Wadhams, 405 MAIN ST. tions. A few are the Professlon- ■will not crack or break. Salt on 10:30 a.m., Worah^ Service, Netherlands, so as to make it like any other student. serveotoe area’s coin collectors Because both Texaco Stations Bible claas. Grade 8. Sermon by the Rev. Paator —-.*.'-1: CuMJ Am eri­ the roads Is a great enemy of Phon# 643-9149 S t M ary’ s LDpisct^wl C hurdi TEL. 649-5533 and inv^tors. Connecticut Val­ are open 4 hours a day, many Mr. Davis, "A New Song.” 9:30 a.m., Worridp Service Rev. John E. BikteraUls, Nursery and Worship Church uphold a speclflclaUy physical Many of the more then 2,400 can Numismatic Association: and metals, and In very short order Church and Park Sta. ley Coin Co- of toe Aircraft workers drop Hydramatic Traasmlsalon Lanamiel LoHseran Ctnirdi and chUd care. Sermon by the Assistant Pastor School view of Jtery’s vliglnlty. gfrls, however, admitted toat NEI-' J.) 8 a service offered toq. under part at your car can GLASS Bev. George F. Nostnnd, * TuiM-Ups and appraib^ coins Mnd codn their cars off when they go to R epa irin g Cfaawdi and Chestnnt Sta. pastor. Church School, Nursery _____ — ------Some of tbe guide’s authors, they look forward to excitement for the convenience rt toe shop’s become damaged. This under- o For Auto Windshields R ector Community Bl^ltiBt Church estates, including coins and pa­ work and pick them up aftero Bev. C. Henry Anderjon, and Kindergaiten. Masses at 5. 6 :46. 7:46. 9. Vernon Assembly o t God Church including toe Rev. Edward SeW- that ^ con» ^ having to • EngiiM CteaninQ customers. A complete l*n' of coating lasts and will give ab­ All Work Goarantoed s For Store Fronts and Bev. Jameo W. Bottoms American Baptist CSmrch HMUBE per money of the United States, all sizes ot windows B ev . E rie J. O othberg, 10:30 a.m.. Church Sdioot aU io;15 and 11:30 a.m. NorUieast School llebeeck, take a different ap- prestdeift’s daughter present coin supplies is also carried. working hours, all ready to go. solute protection and the cost Is Texaco lAibrioailon Service Rev. Stephen M. Price 685 E ast Center St. • Minor Ropairs Canada and foreign countries This is a mort convenient ar­ e For Table Tops other classes. Intersectloa of Rto. 80 and 81 proach, maintaining that a nar- "After all,” one freshman said, OLEANERS Now toat winter is almost a moderate one. We Give itrlT Green Stampa Bev. Bonold E. Haldeman Rev. Walter H. Loomis, and all materiaile considered to rangem ent. 9 and 10:45 a.m., Divine Wor­ 7 pjn.. Junior Methodtat Sacred Heart Church Vernon rawly physical view does not re- "with toe Secret Service and ev- Next Tb Liggett Drag * Stmnps here and the holidays upon us, Wrecker service is offered by OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 PJM. M inister be in toe numismatic field. An excellent way to save ship and Church Sdiool. Nurs­ Youth FeUowship. Bev. MlcheUno Btcci flect toe significance rt toe gos- eryone else euound campus, you why not start a young ter or both Texaco Stations, and if you 7:80 ajn.. Holy Communion. R t 30, Vernon With the Introduction of clad, money is to purchase one Fire­ SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON ery Claso for three-year dds. prt accounts. can’t expect thtogs to be com- yoursell in toe fascinating hob- ever do need thU service, call 9 a.m.. Morning Prayer. Ser­ 9 a.m.. Church School for all Bev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor sUverless dimes and quarters stone tire from Stance’s Texaco Nursery for infants. Sermon by The guide, issued in this coun- pietely normal.” h” c ' CO* I col'^ct'rg'' You can them. The Manchester Texaco mon by the Rev. Mr. Bottoms. ages, the expended sesaicn for First Coogregaitoiud Ohnrch Bev. Patrick Sullivan, 9:45 a.m., Sunday SchooL and the clad halves (with great- Stations and get the second tire TOURAINE LAROCHELLE and Pastor Gottaherg, "Those were try as "The New Oateefaism,” Many students said they ox- put as much or as little money Station at 643-2176 o r the E ast Ctauidi Srtiooi, (Drib CbisB and Nursery tormigh Grade 4 con- United Church of Christ Assistant Pastor 11 a.m., Worship Service. ly r^uced silver content) in at haH-price. However, If you WHITE GLASS CO. tbe Days.. we Thought Would sidesteps toe quertioo of Mary’s p«ct that Julie’s marriage to VmtedRtrit’CJUls. ■'.'j.o the hobby as you can a f­ H artford T ex a co Station at 668- Nursery care. Adult confirms- tlnulng during toe woidilp aerv- A ndover 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. ;( i i ) T ' should need four tires, purchase biciogtoal virginity, saying Je- t>ovU Eineatiower, a ntudent at ■> '1. . 1965, sUver co in s have been d is­ ford, and coins make a wonder­ 9610 and you will have a prompt PAINTS INC. never End." tion clasB. toe. “This Is Your Church” Rev. Bayntond H. Bradley Jr., Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 and ■-'br : three tires and you wUl get the sus’ birth waa “the gift of God nearby Amherst College, on appearing from clrcultition. ful gift. Stop In and tirik with response. SI Blssell S t—TeL 649-1329 7 pjn.. The film, “The Ant- 11 a.m. Morning Prayer. Ser- group for new member end P astor 11:46 a.m . A v ery S t 888 BURNSIDE AVE. fourth one absolutely free! to mankind.” and adding: Dec. 22 will mean ttttt she wlU Have you seen many sliver the Blows; both wUl be happy You wiU find the finest In me­ FOR BEST RESULTS keeper," wiH be shown In Luth­ mon by the Rev. Mr. Bottoms. proapecUve members wlU meet Christian Reformed Church EAST HABTFOBD How about snow tires? "This the evangelists Mat- be on campus for only brief per- A Sorvico coins in your change lately? to advise and serve you. chanical service a* either of the er HaU for the congregation. 7 p.m. Evenk* prayer. ‘n toe Sanctuary balcony. 9:45 a.m., Churrti School. St. Bernard’s Church •81 A v ery St. Stence’s Texaco Stations feature toew cmd Luke express when tods to attend otesoes and make O f Since June 24 of this year, sil­ Texaco Stations, you will enjoy Dally 7 p.m.. Evening prayer I® a.m.. Worship Hour. *roplc: 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. St Bernard’s Ter., Rockville Soufli Windsor 289-6333 Firestone Town and Country they proclaim that Jesus’ birth an occasional trip to toe library, ver coins in clrculatlonr have al­ the courteous service and Gie The Preobyterian Churdi Treasures For a New Age.” Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brad- Bev. George F. X. Reilly, Rev. James A. Bonnema, .. SlMGrity Power and HanS Tools enow tires. PAUL'S TURNPIKE 48 Sprnoe St waa not due to' tbe will rt a .During ber'rtadloe at SmM Painting and Decorating most become an oddity and soon Pravda Charges fair prices charged. Night or E P astor E Church of Jesus Chriot of A nursery is provided .in the ley, "Saved.” M lnloter man. They proclaim toat this before her father’s nomlnatfcn, ■will be a rarity. On June 24, Another real saving at PAINT SUPPLY Where Personal T orts day, toese stations are there to Bev. Oeoige W. Smith CMldren’s BuUdlng. Rev. James H. Bo}rie Stence's Texaco Stations Is In TEXACO Latter-day Saints (Mormon) birth does not depend on what juiie Nixon developed her own Consideration Garden and Land Toolo 1968, the governm ent rem oved tMed’ Air Watch serve you and there Is always 645 MAIN STREET HUlBtown B d . and W oodslde 8 t 7 p.m.'^ Junior High FeHow- gecond Coogregattounl Church Rev. WilUam F. Schneider 9:46 a.m., Sunday School for the purchase of gasoline. You men can do themselves.” circle rt friends and was not Is A Tradition Baby, Household, Party tbe sUver backing from paper a trained mechanic on duty at Pani E. Nottall, Btohop rtiip will meet at the parson­ Urtted Church of Christ all ages. and Banquet Supplies save one cent per gallon on Tel. 649-0300 Open 24 Hours A Day 9:16 a.m., Simday School Surveys have indicated toot reoognkeed on campus, money, silver certificates, and Is Provocation both stations 24 hours a day. age, 80 Ferguson Rd., for a sup­ B t 44A, Coventry H aases at 7, 8. 9:16, 10:30, 11 a.m.. Worship Service. most Protestants and OatooHcs "ghe was in one rt my class- Invalid Needs every gallon of gas you buy, Firestone Tires Classes for all ages. discontinued redemption of sil­ MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Enjoy the finest In service and 9 a.m., Prtoethood. per meeting. Parents should Bev. Robert Beclitaid, 11:46 a.m . N ursery. adhere to the traditional under- i never knew her and I and this really adds up over a 10:30 a.m., WorrtUp Service. ver cerUfleates, for silver. newspaper Pravda charged to­ save money. Quality Line Products 10:30 aJn., Sunday S rtn ol. pick up liielr rtUldrcn at 8:16 M inister 7 p.m.. Evening Service. standing rt Mary’s biological never had any desire to become period of time. Rev. Mr. Smith preaching. Matthew's Church Gresham’s money law, which day that a new aHled air watch eSaaoes for aH ages. p.m . St virginity. etequainted,” cne student said. Tool Equipment Gen. Repairers License 7 p.m.. Evening service. Study Tolland dates back to the 18to century, on Soviet ships In the Mediterra­ 6 pjn.. Sacrament Service, The Senior High Youth Fel­ 9 a.m.. Church SdiooL First Evangelical Lutheran B’atoer Baum, In a column in «gbe was Jiwt another student COINS states "toe tendency of Inferior Comer Broad and of the Hrty Spirit. 11 a.m., Seiwlce of Worship, Bev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor nean ia a "typical provocalUon, lowship will meet at the Church. Church of Rockville the St Louis Review, an arch- happened to have a proml- e From OBO of Iho Urgorf coin money (clad coins) to cause toe Rental Middle Tpke. W est North United Blelliodist Ctairch Sermon; "Some Seek foe Bub­ Meeting Sundays in New Church frau°-ht with danger.” In East Harlem Boycott C C Rev. Richard E. Bertram, dioceaan paper, writes: “Many nent Republican for a father,” invonlorlot in Now EnqUnd disappearance of su perior Jehovah’s Witoeoses St John’s Polish Nattonal Valdllmlr Yermakov, writing “We Rent Moat Everything” Phone 643-2176 800 Parker St b les.’ ' P a stor MbUcai schrtars thtok that the ______e Supplloi 6 Aeeouorioi money (silver coins) because of Ktn^doai Bev. Earle B. Caster, Paotor Catholic Church 6 p.m. Brass Choir. Masses at 7 :30, 8:30, and 10:30 openteg (toapters rt Matthew e eivo a Sift iKot Grow* In the Communist party paper 788 N. Main St a.m . Osfrinsky ’hoarding of the superior said the a ir ■watch waa a "v io la ­ Part BoMnoon, Rev. Walter A. Byszko, 7 pjn. Junior and Senior Pil­ 9 a.m., Sunday Sebort. and Luke ore composed in a lit­ Plainfield Girl AP Pastor-in-Training P astor grim FeBowsiilp. erary form, common in Jewish tONNECTICDT VIUEI m oney.” tion of the 'norms of Internation­ 7 Disputed Teachers 10:30 a.m.. The Service. Killed in Cra^ DEALER IN WASTE Canada has eMmlnated silver al law which provides for free­ 9:80 ajn.. Public BiUe dio- Our Savior Lutheran Church literature, called midratti. EQUIPMENT coinne ’’Mkaners That Are Mo­ from its cb:m this year w'th dom of navigation In open seas DON W ILLIS 9 and 10:80 a.m.. Worship Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Wapping Community Omrch 239 Graham B oad, W apping "Midrash is a story composed KILLINGLY, Conm (AP) — MATERIALS coni C». TS' 036 CENTER STREET tivated by Christian Love.” Trinity Evangelical Lulfaenui 01 Center St. Manchester the same results, the disap­ In p ea cetim e.” Service. Sermoct: “ New Church Oongregattouol Bev. Ronald A. Erbe, Pastor from reminiscences of toe Old A one-car craeii on Routs 12 Await Pupils in Vain MANCHESTER 10:80 a.m ., Grotq> diacuasion CUnrch 643-6205 pearance of silver coins trom He charged that the Naples- for New World.” Bev. Harold W. LUchaidoon, Testament to announce and early today took toe Ufe of a GARAGE rt the Watefatower magazine ar- (Missouri Synod) IRON liRO 4d. N asser. Main and Hillside Ave., Vernon HIS and HBl .080 thru .600 in Steps of .001 cation of the gulf between the • Expert Watch Repairing •11 a^m., Worship Service. Nur­ Academy Junior High hobby. Semi-scarce coins of to­ Sea lor a five-day cruise begin­ expressed Irrltaitlon over Nis- Paator Scranton, President-elect Rev. Sherrill B. Smith, mer was given to the worid." GIPIS Meyer Steel Plug Gages N'egro community and the e Fine Selection ot Gifts sery. Main St., Glastonbury PONTIAC, INC. InUA Steps OAOpW otWA .001sWA day will be— the rarity •- «f of the J ’ i,fu ning today. . low’s refusal to open the school SPEAKS Bev. Gary 8. Oornell Richard M. Nixon’s special en­ Priest-In-Charge He says the imderstandlng holdo AU Famous Braiiai teachers' union and 'the Board For All Occasions DuPONTS 8 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. Carr Lane Jig and Fixture Parts ture and today’s common dates A spokesman of the U.S. Navy during the strike ■and, while ex­ Asoociato Pastor voy, met with newsmen shortly "powerful meaning.” 818 Main Sto—Tel. 649-2881 of Education in the city’s contin­ e Longlne, Bulova, i 6:30 p.m.. Past and Prayer. 10:30 a.m.. Service, N ursery There c€in be no doubt, he Ball Lock Pins may be even rarer. European - headquarters said, pressing regret over toe 'tiirealt, Bev. Carl W. Sartiders before leaving by plane for Sau­ 8 a.m.. Holy CJommunlon. Afm nm im ue uing cris is o v e r schplc: "Receiving toe had been barred by demonstra­ “but alter that, let them (fed­ HAMBURGERSv__- ___ - far Power to Become.” Hie Rev. HALL FOR RENT t b a n d i o k o n i b o n tors d^Ep'te School Supt. Ber­ ^/IJohnson PAI NT CQ » M ‘*OonM ld'S a. eral agencle.i) go away." Mr. Reed preaching. joins the sales otaif at Uap- nard Donovan’s order that they TalcottvUle Congregattonol FOR ANY OCCASION ^teafe Cltiii Another speaker was Woody Church 4:80 to 7:80 p.m., Christmas ttol Motors. Fran has over 728 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER— PHONE 649.4501 be admitted. i - rt.5-uaNi FAIRWAX Klein, former newsraperman . I . MW**angi 20 yews of automotive oalea The nine were suspended be­ " f i r s t . (United Church of Christ) tamlty workshop. b u y THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK 860 MAIN ST.—OPP. CONNECTICUT BLVD. •Kporlence. Ho Invttsa hlo cause they inSi.ited on holding and aide to Mayor John Lind­ Bev. Truman O. Ireland, many friends and cuotomMs EAST HARTFORD—TEL. 289-4869 135 ELDRIDGE ST. Your Independent strike makeup classes on Frl- say of New York City. Paator St. George’s Episcopal Omroh to coll or see him end oNers Klein told the editors the jour­ look for till foldN ardns... McDiMiri Bt. 44 A, Brtton MANCHESTER a complete new ’09 Chevro­

PAG E EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 Sports Viewing Stocks OH SlighAy forW eeh gATUBDkT Baseball’s Next Czar News for Senior Citirons Ut45 ( 8) NCAA FootbeU: Syraooae va. Penn By WALLY FORTIN But Bullish Sentiment Holds State D m ix m m NEW YORK (AiP) — The that tha last 10 to 15 points be­ 1*66 ($6) SoDer Derby To Come from Ranks fore such a milsttone ora often 1:46 ( i) MFl.t Belttmora w«a folks, It’s fiBMl nL)Bb« list Then those who are In the stock market ttila week sMad off vs. Green Bay SAN FRANCISCO (AP) was made abundanUy dear Fri­ sional footboU has been steadfly the hardest. on the rise. time IMK St the Setior CHtiens hospital or reaHy qtdto sick, from making a record or of at­ day. Kenneth Word of Hayden 8i66 (16) Bowling — ^About all th a t is known Playera and ownera seem Oeoter. The drive Is vtm official­ their names win appear In this taining the Wall Street miUen- t!$6 (86) API. mgUlglits about •ttie man who will re­ Second, he would have to column with all of ua wlriilng Stone said, "One should remem­ operate for an unspecified more anxious to nrike their ly on for aB you OoM Oard hold- lum of “Dow 1,000" but a fair ber that a rather formidable 4:86 (86) AFL: Butfolo vs. place William D. Eckert as them well and to hurry back. Hooeton amount of time arhile an outride pension fund dispute a Mttar barrier of technical qnd psydio- era to pkch ta and help to imtoe We hope that many of you wlM degree of optimism remained Baseball Commissioner is research group made a riudy test o f 'Wills than to iMttle It. logtoai resistance looms just 6rti ( 8) WMe World of enougti money to buy our own find time to send them a card. that these IMngs coidd be at­ Sporta that he will be a man from that could lead to vast changes Friday, tor Instance, the own- ahead around 1,000 in the Dow era wav^ the red flag in front bw. TMi boa Is totended bo|)r There is nothing like receiving tained after the market conaoU- •tag ( •) This Week In AFL inside the game. in the organisation ot the gome, datea. Jones Industrlai average." possibly eliminating the cxnn- of the angry buU by adopting a vMe a way for more of our cards when you are not feeling 8:66 ( 8) Tnle va. Holy The owners are not about too well. This week we have the Analysts pointed out that the Of 1,719 Issuea ’ traded this Croa# to 'repeat their “unknown mlsslonerriUp. new category for pteyerF ma­ peofde^ eapeclaHy Ihoee with a ters called the temporary inac­ following: names to report. Mae Dow Jones Industrial average week on the New York Stock frit ( 8) Notre Dame va. soldier’” adventure. AU that is certain ie that rlg^t transportation problem, to vlsiit had clim bed 86.67 points in the Exchange, 866 declined and 746 tive list. Robinson, Walter Rlngroae, Bill COLA But the quertlon is, which now the game seems to be in tor the center more often, to partici­ four weeks prior to the one just advanced. New highs for the This allows a diib to take an Anderaon and Fred LeidhoMer. SUNDAY member of boaeball’s Inner cir­ a winter as turbulent and pate in the programs, and acti­ ended. Therefore, U came as no year totaled 826 and new lows contentious as any pennant race IH or non-baoeball tatjured play* We ceitalidy hope to have them 11:86 ( 8) Notre Dame Foot- cle would want the Job, which Is vities plamed espedally for you. great surprise to many that the M* off its active roster tor a miii- all well for Christmas. 18. , ben HtgUlghts growing more difficulty by the it has ever known. The drive consistB of selling average this week declined 6.64 For the record, Eckert re- Imum o f 21 d a y *'a n d MimiMid By the way, speaking of The Associated Preu average Irtt ( $) NFL: St. Louis moment. scented Brandy OlaaB Candles, to 976.24. o f 80 stocks this week fe ll 1.8 to va. Giants atgned, saying that “a baseball his salary. Christmas, I 'received a letter Among those mentioned to re­ Only two playera may be so and believe me I’m sure you will This was a moderate correc­ 387.0—Its first T^re^kly dsoUne in 1:86 (86) AFL: Boston va. man can more effectively do the have no proUem in selling them. from Santa, and he tells me he place Eckert, who was dls- Usted at once, but a playMf may tion of a huge advance and fits five weeks. ^ Miami Job,’ 'but it was dear that he You will sea them to your own is going to visit our Fun Day misaed Friday in a shower of had been asked to ejuit by own­ be returned to the llri at any on Wednesday, Dec. 18. So you into the pattern of market be­ Vtdume tor the touiMlay trad­ 8rt6 ( 8) CoUege FootbaH families, and in turn their neigh- '6 8 publie good will after a special ers who could no longer hide tim e. had better plw cm being with havior, purely on a technical ba­ ing week was 66JS84,W0 kharea bare will get M o the buying act. 8:86 ( 8) NFL: CMoago vs. owners’ meeting, are Mhhael from themselves the fact that Questioned about the rule. Na­ us. More about this day next sis, they said. oonrpared with 61,804,873 the Burke, the dynamic bees of the tional League attorney Bowie I have here at the Center The decline, however, was Loa AngMes he was not what the game iteed- week. previous week- New York Yankees; Joe CroMiv Kuhn said, "I’d be flabbMgast- about 60 cases left out of the triggered by surprise news of 4rt6 (86) AFL: Kanans City ed. The five moat active issues the portly president ot the ed if there were any abuee of 78 I ordered. There are 12 We are stiU getting a good higher interest rates. The stock va. San Diego Shy, adf-effacing, almoet this week on the American American League and Robert this thing. You look at the Wato- candles to a case, and you are '^®™AJt for our Monday Kitchen market always dislikes dearer palnfuHy Inartlcsilate, the 69- Oa»v>n, iww a judge and for­ ry of it and you see that nuorily asked to sell only one case. Be­ Social, end I ’d Uke to ihaikc money. The major oonunerclal Stock Exchange were: yeor-oM tormer Air Force gen­ merly attorney for the players. guys have Just gone out end lieve me, if I could get 200 Mary ThraU for ptoch-httUng banks boosted their "prime" T.8.T. Industrie#, up % at 8% eral seldom took a strong ptto- done something stupid.” people out of the poseible 1,136 for Martha Mansfield (Ms past rate—the rate they charge their on 686,000 shares; Common- Three M ore But consider the problems lic stand on the problems that SneH, right, during practice session at Shea Stadi­ The rule appeal’s to have be«» members to sell one kit, we Monday, oertaiidy appreciated biggest and best customers—to wealth United, off % at 22%; NEW KIND OF FACE MASK-«udden cold spdl that wtU haunt the next man, orc»e during his tenure Plough ling-Temco-Vought wairanta, um. Bill Mathis and Emerson Boozer look on. the result of Boeton pltober Jink would be in clover in no time. her help. 6H per cent Iram 6% per cent. produced this face mask on Jet fullback Matt Minor Deals who may not be chosen tor sev­ he was proud of the part he took TWa project will only lest until up 8% at 41; Great American eral months. in expansion of the majors and Lonborg'8 off-season riding ac- Peter VendriUo has become a Wien the nows came on Mon­ Industries, up % at 7% ; and As­ oldent last year when the Red the 20th o f Decem ber, really Just fixture at our Monday attemocn day, the stock market was ad­ FV>r openers, he faces the raising television revenues. sociated OU fc Gas, up % at 8. And the game’s attendance Sox only paid their star pitch­ a short time, end yet we can pinochle tournament, and be to vancing vigorously. Even as the In Baseball moBPt serious threat of players’ The five most active stocka has declined by nearly 2% mllHn er’s full salary after arguing the easily reach our $1,600 goal by doing a super Job running it fo^ news cam e emd was digested, strike In the game’s history. this week on the New York admlsslcxis in the three years he point. Lonborg didn’t return to that time, if a few of you f 2% at exciting than the eight that help, and it sure has been giv­ 38% on 1,781,100 shores; Ben- After all, k is for a worthy ing me a UtUe breather. Work­ responded Immediately by tak­ preceded them—were made at cause, to actually benefit your­ ing a steep dive. Only later In guet, up 8% at 17%; LlonM, up Colts-Packers Tangle Today ing two differeik jobs tan’t the 1% at 18; Occidental Petroleum, rvw 4«_...... the final day of the winter baze- selves In the process. I even the day did the stock market Ohio State tried and falMd, .. . easiest thing, but wkh this type off % at 48%; and 'Tranattron, And Opens With Win “ ^ suggest that two of you take of help tt to all worth k. We had pare away Its gains and settle now Notre Damge gets tta meetlnga Friday, up 1% at 16%. one kit, aixl believe me you will fourteen tables playing and the down to a sUgbt loss. Another chance to upeet the nafghty The Chicago White Sox weire Bears Nursing Hopes be bock for the second. So wionera were: Craoe Baker, moderate decline came on Tues­ A s Johnny Goodrow Balanced sccritig told the boltom (41> UCLA Bruins in CcMege basket- involved In two of the trades, come one, come all, here to the 698; Adelaide P icket, 666; day. This was In advance of the etory as Ooach Mike Landd- f f baH tonight. sending pitcher Jack Fisher to Center any day, and pick up • goes, so goes Cheney Tech. _ _ ^ Esther Anderson, 661; Ida Di­ Wednesday closing hi order to : T 1. • 1- 4. I.V. 1 scored be- " ; ••"•••••••« » your U t If you can’t sell a com­ L k l h t m — * J lA S t n ig ilt tn e cla m p s tvveen seven and 17 polnte 'wUh Muro ...... 6 8 IS T ^ ^ n s, the co ti^ e onclnnatl for catcher Don Pav- ana, 660, 2Senna "L u ck y" Das- catch up with paperworlt. A atlf- 1- (xdtegiate teem, demtdiahed the ... plete kit then at least you tried, B o x C H r o n 7 Buckeyes St^TS at Columbus, l®tlch and pitcher Don Secrist For Spot in Playoffs xoaiera, 641; Robina CaircU, fer setback came on Thursday ■ were put on the high-scor- Honeon setting the pace with a and that is all we can ask of and on big volume, exceeding 19 637; Cussie Sanford, 634; Mary ffpOT — Humtdon _ (Udo, Friday night with tower- while selling outfielder Leon NEW YORK (AP)—The Chicago Bears’ attack has you. So the drive is on and the million shares—but this was the I ing ace andrr. the , reeult each dropped in 18, G ary ^ Moiv ...... --^ Hope, 628; Ann HtrfCmsn, 627; Iff 61 Ing Lew Alcindor getting 19 Wagner outrlg^it to the Reds, results are entirely iq> to usual thing after a midweek Affnnm drub had nine and Don Roeer Vti) points and dominating the hack The New York Yankees then *=*®*^^ been blunted by injuries, but still they are aiming at you. EUzabetfa Jesanis, 627; L udlie closing when institutional inves­ a 61-40 triumph at the Tech among the ataxteirB. b r Taie^IH t^ariie the National Fooftall League Crawford, 627; Peter F « y , 626; F Pta. board with 21 rebounds. gent Fm already thinking of mder- tors pile up orders white the With Goodrow checked, Dan Tomko ...... r...... a 0 4 -nie agUe 7-foot-2 Alcindor and smith to the San Francisco Ol inK 130-126—368, Vera Hooker lo s Angeles Rams, a club that dehghta in Thomas Grout, 621; and Har­ 128. ing another batch so instead of markets are dosed. ^ It was the opener for Bolton gcavetta led the Cheney potnt- 4 li his teaniimates move Into South gnts for Infielder Nate Oliver. ___L. shooting apart opposing offenses.______earning $400 with what we have, riet Keeney, 6U. The market week ended with fWhlie Cheney’s recotd is now g«ttera with 12. Dave Heritage Larrlmore’ ...... 0 0 0 BenA Ind., tonight to help the That brought to 26 the number Despite the fact that they we can double it. We otarted our Christmas dec- When you tttok of GARDEN GROVE —Jeanne a minor advance on Friday, J add«d nine more. oSka '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 a Irish dedicate a new 12,006-seat ^ players traded at the week- have had injurlea to tour quar­ in reaching qtiarterbacks, 48 Just think, k rained so hard crationa this past 'Ihuraday, end helped to some extent by news typcwihters ' Goodrow, who conned 81 BoMon lad et all the periods, Herit(m ...... 4 1 9 athletic center on the Notre gesslona. Nourie 129, CHga Oolla 126 — times. Roman Gabriel again wUl 362, Jean Hampton 129, Dot terbacks and are without star Weifeieoday that our attendaitce had 20 pereons on band. A l«« of rising steel prices which gave 4 points agatiwt Baet Granby, was 18-10, 29-28 and 60-27. But four ...... _ direct the Rains’ offense. Think of T A t l Whltconkb 132, Dolores Smith runner Gale Sayers for the rest dipped, but even so, 25 people with making leige ctdorful the steel stocks a modest lift. * held to two field goala. He add- points in the third 'canto helped xwaki ...... i* ------8 40"^olStTSellghtedacapaci- season eidilblUon game between of the season, the Bears riUl are A CBeveland victory o r a St. took a kit home with them. Oh wreaths, we had Mrs. Ann John­ WMle some analysts had TYFEWBITEB s s b v i o b 182-130 —360, Ariyne Noske 126. • ed three foul tries. seal Cheney’B doom. Score ai hai/, Bolton. h.lf’SI members of Eastern and West- tied with Minnesota for first Louis loss will give Clevelalid yes, we will have a nice prise son, one of our talented mem­ cheerfully predicted that the 20-10 leau, out ttiG BruiiiB soon . . lofo I^ace In the CJeirtral Division the Oentuiy Division champion­ Dow Industrials would reach 142 So. Adams St., MannbiMer tiedLieu tt IL at tH. 7-27 I-AI and CUM IMUeUpuUed away ttWttV 5™^ __ ., ^_ . . _T-m oniA ------PARKADE------— ------DUSTY —Oraw- for the person who sells the bers, on bend to assist the with a 6-6 record. ship, and the Browns figure to most. We are counting on you, group in making some Persian 1,000 tWs week, others cautioned fo r their 18th straight, two for jlu A n Allen 213, Ken Thomas 216 have an easier time against Middletown Stops Rockville; fasrra ♦Kiss ravav* MU4. gfame WlU bC play«d Ul U >8 AP- LAVaO 202 —668. HCTb But they’ll need more than----- 'III In­ oT’ f «flll ao how about it? Nuff aaid. Fruit A-La Christmas style, and (wo this season, and teelr 66lh gelen March 29 with the pro- J^ aw k cenUve against the Rams, who Washington than St U iuls wlU Ride ’ im Cowboy f triumph in 66 games. gelee I thougtat that now we bad all enjoyed the mcralng. are engaged tn a dogfight of have against New Yorit. Notre Dome, fifth-ranked to ™ 207, Joe Oolilngwood 217 —691, our New York trip all squared Scfaedide fo r the emnlng week t Woodstock Downs Coventry their own. After last week’s aevelond has won sev6 n away, wtalcfa by the way will Gov. George M. Romney of Michigan lets out a yell ing the Republican Governors Association meeting UCLA’s No. 1 in The Associated CS'^stl®" Leadership Oonfer- Ed KOdes 200-222 —663, Walt win Include a reminder that Fri­ games the Rams had a 10-1-1 straight this season and Iwlds be on Friday, Jan. 10, we would and starts off on a trail ride into the moun't^ns took the trail ride on horses while their wives rode Piess poU, Is reported to have «nc*- Surowlec 691, Roland Smith 566. mark and were one-half game nine consecutive victories over day eveniiig we wUl be back to Form held up last night in WOODSTOCK — One of the one of tts best teams In years, The leagues also turned down get a little breather, but no our setback tournament, and so near Palm Springs. Most of the governors attend­ to the outing on buckboard. (AP Photofax) "PIZZA RAY’S" behind flrat-piace Baltimore In the Redskins, who will be siree, we have another deal In Rockville as Middlettnm High’s but it remains to be seen ^eth- proposals to decrease the player m e r c h a n t s —Walt Arcand for a change of pace how about high-powered Tlgei^ defmi^ Jeff er the Irish can defeat the limit from 26 to 23 and to In- 140-141 —884, Reggie Tomlinson the Coastal Division. faced with the problems of stop- the making already. joining us. were called out but there were championB, opened their Central for the home five. He nit lo BalUmore, 11-1, met Green ping BUI Nelsen’s passing aixl crease the waiver price from —366, BIU Riley 371, Rich- j , k i* i u -.u .,,...... nina. Each year ai this time, Chan­ no Incidenta BEST GRINDERS Valley— Conference^ V._f_ __ slate _ withixa. a- times from 6 the$.^ Flywvw floor and fwirta twice Onlinfl. Monday, 10 ajn. to noon, Troops Fire Ousted Priest’s Supporters t The Cincinnati Bearcats and $20,000 to $26,000. They ap- ard Mazur 138 -364, John Rlvia ^ y j^elSSJ^^dellned by nel SO invites Senior dtizeas kitchen social, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Nearly all educational institu- kqhrided 86-60 decision over from the 16-foot line. throughout the state to a party ttons in Pakistan Have been the ViUanova WU«k^. ranked prclved a contribution of $276,000 356, John Naretto seil. Tcmy^Sal- Injury in a lea. to Dallas on pinochle tournament. 643-0031 Rockville IKgh. Tom Chappell paced Coventry ninth and 10th In the AP poU, to amateur basebaU organlaa- vatore 376, A1 Heim 374, Russ coosWIng of a movie end the On Rioters dosed indefinitely since the See Battle of Rich-Poor Green Bay, Wls. Thanksgiving Day, will riart at ’Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 4:80 p.m., Coventry High’s debut on the with 16 tallies, had little trouble scoring home tions. Tomlinson 362. awarding of prizes at the Strand open card playing, reading, TV demonstrators be^ui. hardwood was marred when In other NFL action Sunday, quarterback for Washington. Theatre in Hartford. TUa year FLORENCE. Italy (AP) — sued a decree TYiday oalHng for C«v«ntTy (66) court victories. The Bearcats Fisher, 29, appeared In 86 and pool, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., bowl­ BEST PIZZAS Woodstock Academy posted a b F Ft. B P PI, Cleveland, 9-3, wlU be at Wash- New York is out of the playoff ia the same, and we have been In Pakistan Supporters of on ousted Floren­ Italian workers to dramatize the bowled over North Dakota State games for the White Sox in 1968, ing at the Parkade Lanea issue by demonstrating at the 78-69 triumph. « g « Pemachio 1 5 7 Ington, 4-8; Mlimesota at San picture, Dallas atiready hawing allotted 135 ticketa at 76 cents tine priest say their battle to 130 SPRUCE STREET Fapems 8 0 6 *®"®4 and the WUdcaits thumped p^gtlng an 8-18 record with a Placed on Waivers Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., *Santa’s D ead,’ have him reinstated is a conf­ steel furnaces in Taranto in Hiadky 2 1 5 PhUadelphta Textile 94-74. No. 8 j.gg earned run average. Pavle- Francisco, 8-6-1; St. Louis, 7-^1 cUnched the Capitol DlvtsTon. E each which includes the bus KARACHI, Pakistani (AP) — ROCKVILLE — '^ed Hath- oa a ^ ^ e r but a victory would give the card playing, pool, TV and read­ rontation between rich and poor Southern Italy where Pope Paul Orentt 5 213 N®'*’ M exico stopped Hawaii 77- 286 In 46 games BOSTON (AP) — The Boston at New York,: Pittsburgh, fare, a ticket to the show as Police and troops opened fire on away (20) and Willie Pope (17) 16 a m 2-9-1, at Dallas, 10-2; New Or- Giants the first bettor-tiian-.600 E Patriots 'Thursday placed offen­ well as a chance to win some ing. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.. Fun Day, Says Mothers’ in the Roman OathoUc Church. VI la to say midnight Mass on Btosett 4613 62. __ _ .»r with the Reds. Secrist was 11-2 alldas on Scotland will be the rioting mobs in Dacca, capital To them, their pastor, Don Christmas. set the scoring pace tor Middle- ^ q a MoGrath 8 4 16 Oregon State, Baylor and Ne leaiu, 3-8-1, at Philadelphia, 1- season since 1963, St. Louis of the prizes. town which should rank as one H 0 0 Norman 5 0 10 'jregvn Indianapolis. sive tackle Karl Singer and full­ entertainment. of East Pakistan, kUling at. least Welfare Group Enzo Mazzl, and EhraenegUdo 4 1 9 KamueUe 11, and Detroit, 8-7-2, at Atlanta, must wln,but if Cleveland does, ’lUa riiow will be held on Fri­ They also called for an inter­ of the state’s claasiest Class B Wagner, an 11-year veteran, back Preston Jehneon on walv- too, the CardlnalB are out of the Thursday, 10 a.m. to noon, one person, the Associated Cardinal F l^t, archbirtxip of national debate on the cate­ 2- 10. day monkng, Dec. 18, and there­ squads again this season. 82 14 13 Totals 28 1.7 68 S State dllrJ^Nebraska’ 79-67 hit .261 with the W hlte^x and ere and activated rookie offeir- The Bears will stairt quarter­ playoffs. Jim Hart and Charley arts and (urafts, consisting of HARTTURD, Comt. (AP)-A Florence, are concrete exam- fore reservattons will be on a Press of Pakistan reported to­ chism urging priests and Chris­ Hie visitors led early and behind 28 points by 7-foot Vlc Cleveland lest year. Smith, 81 tackle Paul FeltHrausen tor back Jack Ooncannon, who re­ Jt fer who is visiting Mrs. Swan­ Khan, who is visiting Dacca, poor. Set Off After DecUion open from 9 a.m. to noon, and 1 son, and our good friend Frank ly before i p.m. They talked told a rally "Any attempt to San D l ^ alrogulairs again. Kicker Jim history to gain 1,000 yards, p.m. to 4:80 p.m. Monday Terhune were responsible for the with Keith Sdionrock, an aide Since Ms first day as pastor of through Friday, or until we have change the fundamentals of the to Gov. Jdm Dempsey. Schon- Mary of the Graces church, Don have a big say m awiai g Jjg seeking to add to Boston, which broke a flve- wtxiderful job. present system wiU speU disas­ General Manager Batting 1.000 | Sports Slate Rose Retains Ring Title, the 185 persons registered. Just a reminder that I’m rock told them their complalnte Mazzi refused to accept any the winner of the Western scoring lead. game losing streak last week, Another announcement Is for ter for the country." money for marriages, baptisms ANNOUNCING Division of the American CSncbmatl has its last riiance win have to stop Miami quarter- counttng on you to come in and would be iKLSsed on to the gov­ a show at the local State Thea­ get a case of the candles. It will Other 'protest rallies were ernor. and funerals. SATURDAY, DEO. 7 Football League, knowing to break the record for season back-Bob Grlese and get anoth- Mexican Foe Disappointed tre. They wIB pr esent a movie held in a dozen West Pakistan be your way of saying you have A spokesman for the group, His work among the poor Auerbach T akes Helm MOC at Mattatuck OC that it won’t be them if vtctorlea by a first-year expan- er good game from rookie quar- entitled “A Jouraey to Jerusa­ a share in this place. See you cities Friday, continuing the Mrs. Lillian Godlock, said went without praise or blame by they lose to Kansas City alon club with four and Paul terback Tom Sherman. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Aus- fought to get to the dreaaing wave of antlgovemment demon­ TUESDAY, DEC. 10 lem" on Wednesday, and Thurs­ soon? "every year we are faced with Clardinal Florit until Don Mazzi LE:MON and LHV East at Waterbury Wllby, El­ 'tralla’s is still the room. day, Dec. 11 end 12. There are strations touched off with the IE Sunday. ------ST’ w e e k e n d the same problem of being un- and his coUeagfues pubUahed a lington at South Windsor, Rham The Chargere, 9-3', with their COMBAT VETERAN world champion Expensive cars In the paridng Nov. 13 arrest of ex-Forelgn And Directs Triumph mattneea as well as


BU6GS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB Butliwss SorvicM THERE ’JUGRTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN nad WHIPPLE H*tp W o n fd Mato 36 H«lp W em fd Mdl> 36 O f f M o d 1 3 ^ A « r WEEK, WHEN KI?UBHER WON THF B u t THIS WEEK. WHEN HB BO/V\0ED OUT... MALE Productlan Workera C3REETINGS, VER NOTHIN' BUT IF THAT MEANS HOWEVER,! WILL ACCEPT I WHAT WILL THAT ilT'5 H6K VOUR APOLOGY IN THE FORM OAME .glNCLE-HANPEP..,.______— ------Openings on all three shifts. PARTVTIMB, 98.60 per hour, GUV'NOR I HOW A AAOOCHIN' WHAT I THINK IT MAN DO NEXT ?( OWN FAULT Afliwtr lo frsvisui Fuisl# TREES cut and removed, land four eveiti^ per week and D O € .S ,Y f S / OP A HOT PUPPY WITH CLASSIFIED HOW ABOUT THAT E iQKTY- UH ... 6AY, yyHY_DONTCHAjQUr^_ Rates: $2.66 per hour and up, IS AW CREOrr’ WKLL.HOOPLE.TALW^yC KNEW POOR MARTHA cleared, reasonable. Free esti­ Saturday. Four full-tim e opest- A R E yO L J ^ e v e r y t h in g : VARO RUN • OlO I AAAKE THE KRUSHER.. NOTh Tn G ^ ^ / ' G ^ ^ N ApP>'c»Wons accepted dally. YOU WERE A FATHEAD BUT I HOOPLE -»*-1 Vegetables mate, insured, 389-8720. OTHER TE aaA LOOK s i c k .' ABOUT THAT^ INSINUATING I FIND VOUR BEAT IT ^ CAN'T A ©UV Call Mrs. Marffa Hampeon, 64S- Inge avallaUe. Call 389-7466, 4 NEVER REALIZED THAT TOO ' DON'T KNOW how; C'MON IN THE LOCKER ROOM f u m b l e .. to 8 p.m. THAT 1 AM A ALLEGATIONS T R E E E X P E R T — Trees eut, ANO I'LL GIVE VOU I HAVE SOME PRIVACY? 6168. Apply to Rogers Oorp., HAD VOUR HATS CUSTOM SHE STANDS 3 Challenge PENNILESS y ffo s r ACROSS ADVERTISING tniilding lots dearad, trees tap­ Mill and Oakland St., Man^es- hy rai t IT/ MASONS — Apply on Job ready MENDICANT? INSULTING. MADE./W DON’T'ibu N 1 Salad 4 Oahu, for ^ ter, Coral. An equal opportunity IT BLACK AND HIRE OUT AS A instance CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ped. Got a tree prohlemT WeU to work, see superintendent at ingredient worth phone call, 742-8282. ^ employer. BOWLING BALL ? 7 Stalky 5 Cauls 8 AJM. to 4:30 PJS. trailer on Brooklyn Street, vegetable 6 Sea eagle Rockville, Conn. 7 TV network SNOW PLOWINO —save your JANITORS — Part-time eve­ 13 One who (ah.) COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. health and your pocket book, nings. Call 643-4468, 8-6 p.m. PART-TIME three evehlngs and rents only. 14 Indian males 8 Muse of 4i88 P.M . D A T BEFORE PUBLIOATION residential and commercial. Saturday, $60. per week. CaD poetry 15 Oceanic IHIAINIPI Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:M p.in. Friday. Call 649-8119. 508-3314. game fish 9 Tags 10 Wicked 24 Arabian gulf 44 Angry R E PA IR S — L awntnowers, 16 Texas river 45 Highlander PART-TIME 11 California 26 Increase snow blowers and garden trae- 17 Pilfer in sire 40 ingredient PLEASE READ YOUR AD it-T rockfisli tors. F ree pick up and delivery a s s i s t a n t 18 O f a tissue 28 Maize ' ofp oi OlM llled or <*Want Ada” are taken over the phone aa a (var.) in Manchester and South Wind­ Retired men, mornings, BY V. T. HAMLIN (anat.) 29 Operatic, 47 Silkworm convenience. The advertlaer should read h li ad the FIR ST ALLEY OOP 19 New South Belgian hours flexible. m a n a g e r s river solo 49 Mix sor area. Call 644HM31. Wales (ab.) DAY IT APPEARS hnd REPORT ERRORS in time for Uhe Apply in person. I'M CKILY SMITH 30 Sloping way 50 Father (Fr.) No experience neoeewy. so THIS PUBtlSHING \ anP THEY WANT, 21 Diminutive 20 Minklike next iniertlon. The Herald la reaponsible for only ONE bioor- SHARPENINa Service — tows, OUTFIT IS LAUNCHING ) VOU TO DO ^ SOMETHING OF EPOCH carnivore 38 Frolics 31 Winter root or om itt^ iniertion lor any advertisement and then only Liberal fringe beneflU end p u b l is h in g .' of Roland vehicle V A NEW MAGAZINE,EM?y A PICTURE I LIKE THAT, 21 Ilccnycd 40 City in to tM extent of a “make good” Insertion. Erfors which do knives, acea, ahears, skates.r high etarting ealary. Mlnt- SPREAD WITH A V ^ I .... ^ 22 Conduct, ,53 Rights (ab.) MCDONALD’S DRIVE IN 22 Bumpkin ■ Wisconsin not lessen the value of the ^vertisement will not be oorroted rotary blades. Quick serviee. nmm Wgh school graduate HISTORICAL TWIST? 2S Freudian 42 Concerning 54----- peas Capitol Equipment Co., 88 term 23 Otherwise by “ make good” Insertion. 46 W. Center St., Manchester or equivalent [ i m m ^ T - - — 27 Cicatrix (Rockville. Ton Free) Main St., Manchester. Hours Metre quickly Into nmnage- 31 Aged 1 r " S" r ~ r r ~ 0 T” r ~ 5” t r TT IT dally 7:804i, Thursday, 7:80-9, ment In this fai* gpowing Satimlay 7:60-4. 046-7908. chain of top quattty res- 32 Craft U 33 Mouths n 643-2711 MECHANICS tBuranto. K lftK T H A f f t . 875-3136 tlC H T trucking, odd Jobs, also 34 Employ IS II Apply in peiwon to itoro 33 Drunkard moving large appliances. Burn­ SHEET METAL, 36 Edge 17 II ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- MACHINE ASSEMBLERS 37 Number (pi.) 1776 or 289-8834. Jack (Coleman OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS 39 Female sheep III a r ii Must be able to read blue­ 40 ------beans Trouble Roaehing Our Advertiser? BONANZA STEAK B a r a " 90^ SNOW PLOWINa, lotT .drive­ prints. First class exper­ DO ME A FAMDR AND STAY WHVi'lOULIWAPPRE- dOONiSUE- 41 Chum ^ 1 ways, apartment^ stores, etc. ienced men only for qual­ HOUSE OLITSIDE w hile SHE’S IN CIATIVE CLOP--1 LEAVE/WE'LL 43 Clamp EL 32 99 also sidewalks. Reasonable ity shop. 307 W. noddle Tpka, , THERE WITH ME.'ONE \MOMAN WOULDN'T BE SEEM MEET you 45 Exacting ■ ■ 24-Hour Answering Serviee Roofing and Music at— Drama He 30 Holp Wantod— : C IMt H MIA. I«. TAA lU,. UA K 0« | IS BAD—I MEAN, ENOOOH, IN THERE WITH VOU HERE 48 Grates M X rates. Call 648-4686. Chimnoys 16-A 35 Maacheater, Conn. I PICK OLTP MY SOX,TICS, ON A BET.'AS FAR AS l [ LATER/ 52 Lifework H PRESSURE 5LAST MFC. An equal opportunity employer CARPENTER — experienced, INTERESTED in playing the SHIRTS, AN’A SUIT.'SHE’S I'M CONCERNED 54 Letter of 97 31 Free to Heraid Readers INC. f BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS vouRE a l r e a d y ROOFING — Specializing re­ G IR L Friday wanted. Must be DAVY JONES______GOT PLENTYOFSLIS- defiance W all types of work. Reasonable. piano? Morning leasons for SORRY-I CAN'T GESTIONS WITHOUT BEVOND HELP.' 49 Want Information on one of our claaatlled advertleementaT pairing roots of all kinds, new experienced In secretarial and 41 CHAPEL STREET THANK HEAVEN 1 FELT LIKE A BUT YOU MADE PLEASE... 55 The East Call anytime, 646-1787. mothers, afternoons or eve­ PART-TIME weekends. Experi­ E X P L A IN WHV.. VOU CHIMIN’ IN/ No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the roofs, gutter work, chimneys bookkeeping work. Must be MANCHESTER. CONN. YOU'RE BACK PRO USING THE A NERVOUS DON'T DO 56 Dress 48 (8 a a. so nings for children. Will itravel ence not neceesary, transporto;- BUT T KNOW I' $1 TREE removal-Trlmmlng. Rea­ cleaned and repaired. 80 yeau's’ able to take shorthand, type ARE YOU ALL RIGHT, SCUBA GEAR... WRECK O U T A N YTH IN G 57 Browns to your home. Experienced Phone Mrs. BrunetU, 643-2487. Uon a muat Hours: FMday bread by heat ■* sonable rates. Covered for experience. Free estimates. competently, keep a full set of WOODY, DEAR ? I HAD NO LIKE TH A T ET ST S4 EDWARDS teacher. Call collect anytime, Midnight — 6 a.m., Saturdays AGAIN/ 58 Approached property damage. Got a tree Call Howley 848-5861. 644- books. P refer construction firm PROBLEMS.' 1-623-5496. 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., 4 p.m. - U U problem? Cedi Dana’s Tree 8388. experience. Call 643-9508, 7-0 DOWN ANSWERING SERVICE 13:80 a.m.. M id n ig h t s a-nt, 1 Shade trees 5 T u Service, 622-8429. evenings. 7 A LL SHIFTS Sunday 7 a.m.-4 p.m. OaB 2 Tidy 649-0500 875-2519 COMMERCIAL snow plowing, Millinary, Privata Instnictiam 32 849-5334, between 5-6. (Ntwspoper Inttrprht Asm.) guaranteed speedy service. and leave your message. Yon'U bear from onr advertiser In Drossmoking 19 I TEACH sewing, dress making 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MACHINISTS — A ir around Job Pg tim e without spending all evening at the tole|dione. Call 648-6811. DRESSM AKING and altera- and alterations. For further In­ CLERK-TYPIST dtop ability. Apply Gunveij MulU Circuits—A rapidly tiona, zippers replaced etc. formation call 643-0679. Mfg., 234 Hartford Rd. SNOW PLOWING — 24 hour We have an exceUent oppor­ growing firm in the dec- AutomobilM For Sola 4 Call 649-4811. tunity for a qualified typist service. 742-7646. tronlcs field extends an in­ in our Advertising Dept. I960 GTO, original owner, high DRESSMAKING and altera­ vitation to visit our plant ELEX7TRICAL work —Imperial Help W antoi^ AU-TOMOBILE CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER HERALD performance, excellent condi­ tions, evening wear, suits to discuss trainee oppor­ Electric, Inc. Residential, tion. CaU 643-7858. made to order, 16 years experi­ Famala 35 tunities in the following MECHANIC commercial, industrial, 24 ence. Call 843-7043. areas: BY KEN MUSE BDX LETTERS 1981 FORD 2-door hardtop, new hours day service. Free esti­ COUNTER G IRL, fuU-tlme. KEYPUNCH WAYOUT Satisfied with you present tires, winterized. Good second mates, 648-1112, 849-2579. 649- Must be fast and dependable, SILK SCREENING Job? W e have im mediate ” For Your car. $250. 649-2262 after 5. 7125. for luncheonette. Call 649-3444. TlilOAY WE HAVE AS WHO WROTE THE NEW BOOK, TELL US HOW YOU Maying— T rucking— OPERATOR opening for capable man 11-7 Informatioii “HOW TO WRITE BOOK TITLES' PICKED THE NAME irmawMiAiM. QUALITY carpentry, all interior Storaga 20 LADIES — Service neighbors Should have one to two DRILLING who wants to get ahead. OUR GUEST, A WHY MOTHERS GET «3RAY Yii l»t W1 M 0* FOR YOUR NEW BOOK? THE HERALD will not remodeling and exterior work in your area for Fuller Brush years keypunch experience, Want to be surprised? Stop MISTER CXDVEF2T.' 1969 CHEVROLBTT convertible. MAN ctEe STTOR DeUvery-Ught disclose the identity of done reasonably. Specialty, Company. Work from home by pleasant working conditions, FABRICATING In now—see for yourself why Best offer. OaU 843-8848. trucking and package delivery. any advertiser using box caUneta, finishing basements, telephone and appointment. exceUent fringe benefits. we "havq a better idea.” Refrigerators, washers and PLATING letters. Readers answer­ garages, porches, dormers. CaU 247-1946. All appUcatlons will be held SHORT RIBS BY FRANK 07IEAL stove moving, specialty. Fold­ ing blind box ads who 1962 VOLKSW AGEN sedan, F ree estimates. 742-9442. In confidence. Apply in per­ d^re to protect their ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. SECRETARY -FuU-tlme posi­ Apply Apply between 9 a.m. and 6 \ good condition. 646-4072. son. See Mr. T ^ P erry or WATCH T H IS Identity can follow this tion, 8-4:30 Monday through p.m., Ask for Mr. George Smith. procedure: PERSONNEL DEPT. Mike Hardel. ACCELERATION. MERCURY Comet, 1966, spot­ Hausahold Sarvicos Painting— Papering 21 Friday. ’Typing and shorthand Enclose your reply to the less. 33,000 miles. 286 V-8, auto­ Offarod 13-A required/ good salary, exc^lent fringe benefits. Apply Gerber FITZGERALD box in an envelope — matic transmission, black. L. P E L L E T IE R — PataiUng— PRATT & WHITNEY ‘ MULTI-CIRCUITS address to the Classl- UConn student bought for FURNITURE refinlshed. In­ interior and exterior, papering Products Co., 45 Connecticut MACHINE 'TOOL FORD SALES (eld Manager, Manchester $1,500, Capitol Motors, WUU- surance estimates made. Man­ and paper removal, fuUy in­ Blvd., East Hartford. Conn. Rt. 83, Windsor Ave Evening Hertdd, together 50 HARRISON STREET mantic, in September. Must chester Reflnlshing 0>., 49 Win­ sured. 643-9043, and 649-6326. 545 New Park Ave., RockviUe, Conn. with a memo listing the HAIRDRESSER and manager sell, $1,300 or $700 plus good ter Street, 646-6046. MANCHESTER companies 3/ou do NOT JOSEPH p] LEWS, custom wanted for small shop. CaU West Hartford, Conn. Only 20 minutes from Hartford want to see your, letter. tent trailer. Call 1-429-9786. BY ROY CRANE R E W E AV IN G of bums, moth- painting and paperhanging. In­ 249-0217 after five, anytime BUZZ SAWYER Your letter will be de­ PLYMOUTH Roadrunner 1968, holes, zippers repaired. Win­ Saturday or Sunday. stroyed if the advertiser terior and exterior. Dry waU An equal opportunity employer. BRUK5 9POS. dow shades made to measure, BRIDGEPORT operator. Only PLUMBERS and plumbers’ f LETSGOGET^HEYWMTA iNNUTE' is one you’ve mentioned. automatic, vinyl upholstery, work. FuUy insured. Free esti­ WANTED reliable woman, age AaORDINS TD OUR AERIAL all size Venetian bUnds. Keys experienced need apply at E. helpers wanted, top wages and A PRINK, KNUCKS.)...WHATS K1CK1M6 \ in If not it will be handled light group, excellent condltlrai. mates. 646-6668. In np answer 60 or over, as permanent baby­ SURVEY, SAWYER, THIS DRY made whUe you wait. Tape re­ A S. Gage Oo. MltcheU Dr. overtime, CaU after 8, 646-4528. UPTHAVaoUDOF in the usual manner. 649-8863. 643-6362. sitter in my home. Four days BOOKKEEPER, Manchester of­ CREEK BED BRINGS US corders for rent. Marlow’s 887 POST IN THE PRY a week. Own transportation. fice, S7V4 hour week, fringe WITHIN TWO MILES OF CREEK BED? Main St. 649-6221. EDWARD R. PRICE—Painting, ELROYS POPPY F1EU75. Please call after 6 :80 p.m., 649- benefits. Salary commensurate 1962 T-BIRD convertible. $850. exterior and interior. Paper­ with abUity. 649-5361, Mr. Call owner, 643-9866. LIGHT TRUCKING, bulk deliv­ 7026. Lost and Found 1 hanging. CeUings, etc. Insured, KelUen. ery, yards, attics, cellars clean­ 649-1003. EXPEIRIENOED TELEPHONE 1984 OLDSMOBILB 68, 2-door ed and removed. Also odd Jobs, saleslady, downtown Manpches- TYPIST tor temporery part- Experienced... LOST. — Brown-Dachshund, coupe. A ll power, very clean. NAME YOUR own price. Paint­ 644-8962. ter, morning or evening hours tim e work of about 20 hours male, vicinity Bamsbee Rd. Two enow tires. $960. Owner, ing, paperhanging, paper re­ per week. CaU 649-2206. and Rt. 44 A, Coventry, Conn. 649-5687. TWO HANDYMEN want a va­ moval. Free estimates and dec­ available, $2. per hour salary. E CaU 648-0726 for appointment. Retward. 742-6806. riety at jobs by the hour or orating service. Quality work­ G E N E R A L office work, muat be IV? 1961 MBrrROPOLITAN, 2 new day. Reasonable rates. Call for manship, neat, competmt serv­ b a b y s i t t e r wanted, second able to type. Steady position. LINOTYPE LOST — Paosbook No. 102860 tires, new brakes, over 32 miles information, 643-5806, 648-8292. e IMI br NCA. Im. TJA l6f. U1 M. ON. ice. CaU 647-9664. shift, my home. Will provide CaU Chorches Motors, 648-2791. Savings Bank of Manchester. per gaUon. CaU 646-8923. transportation. CaU 643-8116 be­ “ But Dad, Jimmy's failures only prove he does have Application made for payment. VENETIAN blinds — repaired, P A IN T IN G — interior and ex­ ACCOUNTS payable oliork, high 1969 FORD, 4-door, new brakes retaped and recorded. 646-0273, fore 8 p.m. SOM E good qualities . . . for instance, consistency!’’ terior, very reasonable, free school graduate, good with OPERATOR<. LOST — Paashook No. 66080 and shocks, no rust, very good 649-2971. estimates. Call Richard rT.tr.RK.'TYPIST — Educational figures, 37% hours, fringe bene­ Savings Bank of Manchester. condition, $200. 742-9706. Martin, 649-9285, 649-4411. BY LANK LEONARD office, opportunity to meet peo­ fits. Mr. Keitlen, 849-5861. MICKEY FINN Application made for payment. 1962 COMET, needs work, body Building— ple, varied work, 36 hour week. Immediate Opening TH A T IS PAINTING, workmanship PAYROLL, — East Hartford WE SHOULD ALL BE LOST — Savings Passbook No. good condition, $75. CaU after CaU 649-2841. IN THAT KIND OF M A gVEUO U Sl BY MILTON CANIPF Cantrocting 14 guaranteed. Interior and ex­ concern — Looking for an ex­ C APPLY IN PERSON AT THE STEVE CANYON 038-0-00032-3 Hartford National 4 p.m., 649-4053. EDMOND DREW ISN'T IN TRO UBU,M R . RUBIN/ I'LL TELL ’ terior. Also papering. Fully in­ WOMAN wanted to clean house perienced person tor our pay r __ __ m u m BEE HB Bank and Trust Co., Manches­ NEWTON H. SMITH & SON— ANY KIND OF TROUBLE, HIS GRAMISON FOUND IF THEY ARE IN TROUBLE f MEANWHILE sured. CaU Ken Ouellette, 643- one day a week. Transporta- roll department, preferably SOME OLD STOCK OF IS EIGHT n o w ! WE PROPPED A RADIO jg 1963 BDTURA Convertible, ra­ RemodeUng, repairing, addi­ IS HE, SHERIFF? HOMINO DEVICE NEAR WE'LU BE LED TO THEM ^ ter Green oNice. Application 9043 or 649-6826. with a ctHistructlon back­ HIS IN THE A TTIC — dio, heater, automatic, new tions, rec rooms, garages, tinn provided if necessary. 643- THE SNOWMOBILE TEAM BY THE AUTOMATIC BEACON made for payment. ground. Elquat opportunity em ­ tires including snow. Real porches and roofing. No job INSIDE—outside painting. Si>e- 8598. WHICH WAS PL0WIN6 INTO WE DROPPED... ployer. For appointment call It BISSBLL STREET—BIANCHEST^ CX>NN. LOST — Savings Passbook No. cream puff. CaU 644-0903. too smaU. CaU 649-8144. cdal rates for people over 65. WOM/VN wanted for general Mr. Denyer' a t 289-8493. 18945 Hartford National Bank Call m y competitors, then caU 1986 CHEVROLEir Impala, 4- work in kitchen, days, five to and Trust Oo., First Man- WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ me. Estimates glvent 649>7863, door wagon, excellent con­ six hours. Apply Cavey’s Res­ ; Chester office. Application modeling specialist. Additions, 875-8401. dition, low mileage, V-8, power- taurant, 46 E. Center Street. Help Wanfed— Male 36 made for payment. rec rooms, dormers, porches, glide, power steering, one own­ cabinets, formica, built - Ins, WANTElb lor a new operation ADMINISTRA’nVE — We are er, $1,550. 1-228-3646 Columbia. bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446. Floor Finishing 24 hostess, luU-time. Apply at desirous of employing a per­ 1964 THUNDERBIRD Landau, Mister Steak Restaurant. 244 son experienced in ell phases Are You An ' Automabilos For Sale 4 C A R P E N T R Y — concrete stepe, FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh­ white vinyl top, red body, air- floors, hatchways, remodeling, ing (speclaUzlng in older Center St., between 2-6 p.m., of accounting. Degrees not re­ NEED CAR? Credit very bad? conditioning, bucket seats, con­ porches, garages, closets, ceU- floors). Inside painting. Paper­ Friday • Tuesday. quired. This ixMition provides Bankrupt, repoesesslon? Hon- sole, snow tires. In excellent Ings, attics finished, rec cm excellent opportunity for BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY hanging. No job too small. N IG H T cook, luU-tlme, chance Early Riser ? MR. ABERNATHY 1 eat Douglas accepts lowest condition. Owner in service. rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ advancement. Elqual opportun­ John VerfaUle, 649-6760. tor advancement for right per­ ' down, smallest payments, any- Call 649-0400 or 649-7887. er related work. No Job too ity employer. For appointment son. Apply In person only. MAYBE i 'l l HA'VE TD r' where. Not small loan finance small. Dan Moran, Builder. oaU Mr. Denyer a t 289-6493. Howard Johnson Restaurant, 9ENO HER BACK FOP • comp«my plan. Douglas Mo­ Evenings 646-8880. Bonds— Stocks— Immediate Opening For A REFRESHER COURSE tors, 845 Main. 394 Tolland Tpke., Manchester, WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI Trucks— ^Tractors 5 Mortgages 27 ■ 1968 CHEVROLET Impala, 4- 1965 FORD dump truck, model FAST SERVICE — Room addi­ SECOND MORTGAGE — Un­ ’ FOREMAN r door hardtop, V-8, power PA R T-TIM E cook, call 649-4619. CtJNrsaJ WANT TO r ALREADY. MV FATHER (DWNS F600, two speed rear end, eight tions, dormers, garages, kitch­ lim ited funds avEdlable for sec­ steering, very clean, $775. Call with experience and back­ H A V E HUNDREDS a ens, rec rooms, houses, siding, HAVE AN ICECREAMenORE. foot Myers plow. Very low ond mortgages, ‘ payments to ground on tufted carpet op­ Custodian 649-8486. roofing. Seven year financing r»O F FPlIEN^u^jr HUNDC2E05 mUeage. Would consider selling suit your budget. Expedient eration. ExceUent salary O f= avaUable. Add-A-Level Dormer, (Jomptometer Operator The job is very diversified and mterestinsr. Many 1964 FORD'Fatrlane, 2-door se­ plow separate. 643-8939. service. J. D. Realty, 648-6129. and fringe benefits. 1 1 p.m. FRIENDS... dan, standard transmission, 289-0449. fringre benefits. You will find your associates most NEED MONEY? Accepting Openings for experienced - 7 a.m. shift. Contact Per­ good tires. Call 643-1826. comptometer operators to congrenial. Trailers— mortgages on real estate. CaU sonnel Office. New London work 8:30 through 4:30, five Mills, Inc., Morse St., Nor­ 1984 GTO. Also 1964 Falriane HOMES, OARAGES, porches, for confidential home Inrter- Mabila Homes 6-A days a week. Must be wood, Mass. 1-617-668-6000. sports hardtop. Both in rec rooms, room additions, vlew, days or evenings. Fast APPLY IN PERSON AT ’THE 600 skilled in all phases of good shape. CaU 646-1189 after W ANTED — A 4 by 6 enclosed kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ service, telephone Mr. Hall, comptometer work. Excel­ utlUty trailer. Would sdso con­ eral repair work. Financing 249-3468. EXPANDED Corporation has 7...... ” lent benefits, free parking, sider an open utIUty trailer. available. No down payment. openings for cabinet makers or PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL viBRMEER subsidized cafeteria, con­ jHanrl)r0lrr lEurning 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, white, re­ CaU after 4 p.m., 649-7963. Economy Builders, Inc., 648- architectural woodworkers. An genial co-workers and ex­ HAVE i d built engine, good running con- 6159. apprentice program is also V d a j y Business Opportunity 28 ceUent working conditions. Y O U T R IE D HI dlUon. CaU 649-3264 after 5. available. Union shop with year 13 BISSELL STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. A F T E R DAY, ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ IT N I B B L E 'S S E T T IN X S Garage— Servics LUNCHEONETTE, fuUy equip­ Applj ’round work. Equal opportunity M O U S E ^ t a .SSL, lX-7 rage, rec rooms, bathrooms A T O U R ped, $4,000 and rent $100 a employer. Allied Building Sys­ TRAPS Storage 10 tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ FIRST NA'nO NAL S A V INCSS/ 1964 month or lease $225 per month. tems, 200 Tolland ’Tpke., Man­ ment worl^ cellar floors, pa­ COMMERCIAL space available. Corner of Route 31 knd Daley STORES, Inc. CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE ’TURNER CADILLAC tios, roofing. CaU Leon Cies- chester, 646-0124. Central. Two areas, 1,000 Rd., busy Intersection by Cov­ MAN WANTED to process cus­ IT’^ 1 ^, UNCLE ASHLey; synskl, Builder. 640-4291. PARK & OAKLAND AVES. A M C NEWS ITEM TONIGHT REPORTED TWO ' A CABLE FROM BASY< T PRAT ITl I CONVER'nBLE square feet each. One with entry Lake. Call 742-6169 and tomer orders in automotive BASy aOTMB BACK UNREC06- MBNiiNKEP WITH THE ASSASSIN WERE. ■ MR.McKEE. HE'LL SB IM ) WANTED HIM 10x10 overhead door. CaU 643- UIZEPl HE'LL STAY TILL I'VB OARAOBJ^S, breezeways and after 8 p.m. 742-8434. EAS'T HARTFORD, CONN. warehouse, exceUent benefits. McDo n a ld s no w CAUSHT TRYING TO BLOW UP A WELSH ENSLANP ANOTHER WEEKUTO INVE4TI6ATE 8758. TESTIFIED AND AM SAFE COTTAGE NEAR FAWPPWV: A MATTER (MWl F ive new tires, red body, game rooms, remodeling, all 289-7006. ROCKVILLE, restaurant, center WBLtilTSlIp black top and interior, all types of carpentry work. No GENERAL office work, interest­ of town, fully equipped, doing PART-TIME truck driver morn­ 70 WASH! Cadillac power, features, job too small. R & R Bros., ing position with diversified Metoreyelas good volume. ExceUent for hus­ ings only. Apply at E & S Gage nolt a soraitch, $1,795. Call 648-0288. duties for rapidly expanding HIRING FOR VERNON owner, 648-0012. Bicycles 11 band and wife team. Reason­ Oo. MltcheU Drive. New England d is trib u to r.______( ' ? ^ y - J REC ROOMS a specialty, pan­ able rent. $7,900. Cantor BICYCLE SALE now going on, eling, kitchens cmd all interior &- Goldfarb Realtors, 643-8442, Salary depending on expert- MAN for vrork in local dairy O IHI H MIA. I«. December 3rd through Decem­ ence. Fringe benefits and free store, 3 evenings phis some TM I.. U> CM. 7 remodeling. Free estimates. 876-6244. Part-Time ber 7th, New and used bikes. VOLKSWAGEN I960 Karman Financing arranged. CaU parking, in South End of Hart- Sunday work. For information ' Christmas layaway. Manchea- SM ALL complete machine shop, ford. Call Mrs. Sheldon, 627- caU 649-8017, after 6 call 643- BY BOB LUBBERS Ghla, $228. CaU 649-8116. Ralph Starkweather, 648-0346. HOUSEWIVES— Momings, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p-vn, ROBIN MALONE . ter Cycle Shop, 182 West Mid­ new equipment, wired, reEidy 1877. 9707. t h e sru p eN T d £ e > e u a , AND W THE eELGAVIAN CAPlTO... R6LEASE US INSTAHTLy- dle Tpke., 849-2098. Open 9 to 9. to go. For further details call 643-9883. RETIRED MEN— Mornfaigs 11:00 AJM. to 2:00 •News OF THE MAY FINALLY CONVINCE' OR 'VtJU'LL 0E IN FOR TROOSIS 1966 OLDSMOBILE, best offer, Special Services 15 FOavi PRfihlGRTUTI r te L O M lA N run THAT DEALING WITH US 648-2991. Business Services FOR SALE — AppUance repair pjn. or 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 pjn. WILL UPlNG HIM NOIHWS AAMCO Transmissions of Man­ 1952 M ERCURY in exceUent chester, nationwide, guaran­ shop established 26 years. Own­ KesisrANce a jT rpcDPLe... which OH? LADY TALKS OfFered 13 J ANITORS— Hours Flexible. VERY IMPORTANT f MAX running condltton, automatic, teed service. Budget terms. er wishes to retire. Cali 649- Experienced Polishers T

h - ,‘ i


4 1 Apertm ents-—Fkifs—- linliMSS LoeotleM Apcutiwnfi Plnft Out of Towu Homos For Solo 71 For Solo 72 H e For Solo 72 Homos F o r S d o 7 2 Out of Town W ontod— R od Etfwtn 77 TwfMliMnn 63 TMMnwnts 63 For Rmit 64 HappeningB > RED DOBERMAN Pinscher fe­ F o r t M t U D R IV E b y the 2-fem lly e t 48------7 5 SELUNO YOUR HOMBT For male puppy, four months old, CLASSIFIED BERRrS WORLD DELUXE two bedroom apart­ FIVE ROOM duplex, no chil­ SMAfj. STORE near 100 per COIDNIAL, eight rooms, large BIX ROOM Cape, gYMXl house In 60 WadOYrorth SL, 0»en call the e LLINOTON — VA no monev P*«™P* courteous service that F o r TeeiiJB ; AKC rostered. Oood with chil­ M-aoi ____ ^ V ----- .ex .. ^ —1$ T’\i mm o kIs dren, no pets, elderly couple cent Main Street location. Ap­ •• A N D O V E R . — I Country apart- Utchen with built-in range, good location. Aaktng $19,900. B elflore A gen cy, 047-1418. dren. $100. 64«-24g9. ment in new buUding on Center dowa FHA minimum down. Street, Manchester. Completely p referred , g arage, $106. m onth­ ply Kariow’s, 867 Main Streat. mecA, 4 rooms, on Rt. e ‘^•bwaaher, dtopoaal, etc. lazge Oamar says he Yvon’t refuse FOREST HILLS 8 bed room R ancheo, 4-bedroom 049-9828. Saturday, Dec. 7 equipped kitchen. Loads of liv- ly. Inquire 62 School S t, 12-8 private homa setfiog. $88. paneled family room irith fire- any rasaonaUe offer. Wolver- MOC, Harttord Rd. C A rn fm FOR RENT or sale-481 Main Lots For Sdo 73 Oolonlato, m bath% treed lota, zt j. CASH for your property ADVERTISING Liv* Stock 42 - Ing space. Security deposit and p.m . , manUdy. Rafarenoea. GUI 742- formal dlzilnf room, tour ton Agency, Realtors, 0492818. Drive up Vetnon St., take beeutiflil area. Pricea start at Streat BuUdliic and lot naxt within Thoilra' Av?ld*^red lease required. For Information 8267 a lta r 0. bedroom a, 2% b a fiu , one o ff your aeoond toft part Ly- WE HAVE obotoe Che acre $22,460. Cantor A Goldfarb CLASSIFIBD ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS BOARDING — one or two ponies MANCHESTER —Large five to Post Office Excellent loca­ tape. Inatant aervice. Hayes Pr***»^ ^ ^ call Jarvis Realty Co., Real- master bedroom. 2-oar garage. TWO-FAMILY, conveniently lo- dall St. on Richmond Drive, wooded lota near Bolton Cen­ Realtors, 0484442, 8784244. danta—free—open to ihe pUbUe. or small horses. Ehccellent care. room flat, first floor, two bed­ tion for any use. 64B*94M from A gency, 646-0181. 8 AJML to 4:S0 PJH !• APARtMENT tor auMet, flouth PhUbrick Agency Realtora, o ^ te i close to riwpplng, trana- and you are In the "Charm” ter azid other locations. For Smiday, Deo. 8 CaU 843-8861. rooms, convenient tpcation. 9 to 6 p.m. fltreet in RockviUe, 4H room MT-0M7. portation, ate., third apart- COVENTRY line, ideal family MANCHESTER — 3H rooms, eeotion of the City of Village further InfOrmetlon, call R.F. WMton Library AudUoatum, Adults. Available now. 872-0602. diqpiex, unfundelieil Heat, hot ------— ------laeWt poMlbiliUes. PhUbriok honM, specious Colonial, fire­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. air-conditioned, waU to wall Charm. Go to the end of D Im ock C o., 040-6248. Logoi NotkM 7:80 p.m., Cbiemot Sunday carpeting, patio, first floor, res- ( vratar, atovia, refrigerator, dta- PRIVACY — parklike 280 x 286 Agency Realtora, 0494847. Richmond Drive, take your place, 2 baths, 2-car garage, Night, "Band of Outatdeea." Ad- 4:M P.M. DAT BEFORE PimUOATION Artklos For Solo 45 Identifd section. CaU 277-8881 FIVE ROOM apartment avail­ Houim For R o o f 6 5 posol, storage. Near sdwol apotlese six room Randi lU acres. Louis DImock Real­ right on Kennedy Rd. and VERNON —Manriieater line. AT a * o o t o t *^o f**'m w ) b a t e . mlsrion by membership or by rvadllne for Saturday and Monday to 4:M p.ni. Friday. days, 649-4660 evenings. able, heat, hot water included, .' and aiiopplng area. Available Plastered vralto, aundeok, ga- *J^*«*®® liwnaculate six room ty , 649-9828. TREAT RUGS right. they’U be, $160. p er m onth. M iddle a g e BOl/rON-Vemon Une, four rooin follow the Yrindlng street to Beautiful high scenic wooded held St Mzneheeter. within and for individual admission avaUaUe D ecem ber 16, 1968. $166 p er ***«- Don’ t m las I t o o t r ^ e n t the loveliert vrooded lota in the Dletrlct of Mancheeter, on the ___ . a delight if cleaned with Blue WE HAVE customers waiUng couple preferred, no children. Ranoh, treed lot 4uid lake ^P, **>„**” COVENTRY — 4H room Ranch, 3rd day of December. 1968. at the door. TOUR COOPERATION W U , Lustre. Rent electric diam- privUegea. One ohUd aooaptsd. month. Two chUdren accepted. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, ****”**?*?” riding, w ^ to tow n ! C all now . Hayea A gen cy, 640- !a S " for the rental of your apart­ Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, large Utoben, dining area, Preaent, Hon. John J. Wallett. Tfieeday, Dec. 9 BE APPRECIATED pooer $1. Olcott Variety Store. cut 8724807 attar 4. 6404824. v.!?***”*’ 0181. DIALM3-2711 ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ 640-6847. $160 m onthly, 742-6786. ______------full basement, detached ga- dverriaed garage, wooded lot, ^uLte of Ellen A. Kroll. Isle of •Beat Side Rec, 74 pjn., MMicheeter. In sold Dlelrict. de youth Co-cd Swltn (10-17); 8-9 ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used tate Assoclaites, Ino., 648-6129. MANCHESTTER — 6 room : r CCKVUXE — 8 Regan 8t. SOUTH Main Street, corner of aneloaed porch. Don’t Pick one of our custom COVENTRY — ten acres irood- $11,900. CJiar-Bon A gen cy, 648- as printing plates, .009 thick, executive type Ranch, fire­ Now 4-room, Medroom, aeoond Letris. . .real neat old er m Mixed OoUCto. 28x86”, 26 cents each or 6 for FumUhod place, 2-car garage, large floor apartment, total riectrlc, home with Mven room% (8 oom be R ealtora, 644-1280. BOLTON LAIM, bargam year *Uh^«W «ta-t. to thi. Court for P' room ’Townhouse. AppUancee buUMn oton and range, refrig- bedroonw) 1% baths, vivnaiiiwt plaiM for buUdbv—either $1. C all 648-2711. wooded lot. Immediate oc- SPLIT LEVEL, modern Utah­ and utmties, parking, patio 6 3 - A anator, dtopoaal, ceramic bath condition throughout. Has an way you’ll be in Manches­ SOUTH Windsor — Business end close out at $7,900. 8 o r d e r e d ; That the 17th day of MOT Haitftwd Fd CamDUrt Holp W ontod— M olo 36 Hoip W ontod Mulo 36 eu’pancy. 1-878-8681, evenings. an, dlring room, living rb o m room Ranch summer home December, 1968, at eleven o'clock ^ DARK rich stone free loam; and private ce lla r. $180. CaU Yrith shower, bosenMnt laundry arteolan well. Senrtbly priced ter’s newest and nicest aotied, (fine tour corner I009 , - ™ forenoon zt the Probate Office In Stairwell Gallery, MCfUay J.D. Real Efitate Associates TWO-ROOM fumlahed apart­ haa Cathedral ceiling, 8 gener- LATHE, turret lathe, Bridgeport washed sand; stone, fill, MANCHESTER — S-bedroom and atorage area. Convenient et only $21,600. T.J. Crodeett, area. tton, ten m inutes to H artford ), neeif w ater. H ayee A gen cy 646- me M un ici^ Buiidina in said Man- F rid a v a a r o .-lO v j u ., MUVERS — Saleman—married In c., 643-6129, 648-8779. ment. Private bathroom, stove, oiw aized bedrooma, large pan­ near tfazM o o t m Crtv water OIM. cheater, be and the same U as- ™ operators, general shop help. gravel, manure and sand for Cape Cod, breesewmy and gar­ to everything. One ch ild per^ R ea ltor, 048-1677. n ea r uirae aezro. ««y waier wzm.. iizned for a hearinx on the allow- art exhibit by MCC Art, Shi- man for retail milk delivery. refrigerator, heat, hot water. eled family room, garage, $27,- efvl sevrer. Ideal for stnall ------. . . — ------Apply to Rolo Machine Co, 66 ice . CaU 643-9604. MANCHESTER —’Two or three age, exceUent location. F^r in­ m U ted, n o pete. $180 p er moritb. Remember, city water and 6« AUO«U tVA ovaooui Dj-yi JUJ-UU Kaellt mtl once of Mid administration a.-- South Windsor, Enfield area. A pply M arlow ’s, 867 M ain 000. PhUbrick Agency Realtors, ahopping center aDartmento. BOt/PON — Ooetum built 6)4 count with said estate, ascertain- __ _ . . ^ E lm St. 647-1481. formation caU Mitten Realty ” OaU Jomea J. Geaeay, 876-0184. CZDfiE to the Parkade. . .6H city sewer in a lovely coun­ room Ranch, 4 bedrooms, walk- ment of heirs and order of diatribu- Bennet Junior High, contort to Five day work week. No Sun­ FREE — New wheels with snow bedroom apartment, $186. Ten­ Street. 049-5847. C o., 648-6980. ------room Ranch with full base- try atmosphere. Buy a dif­ e tc. M ust be sold to settle •1®*'. and thla Court dIrecta that thIa week for the beat days. Union shop. Penston and fires. Discount price on studs. ant must furnish utUltlea. Call VERNON M ourt Vernon estate. $82,000.------OaU------Suaaiine out basement, out building. On- me Ume and place aa- “ J.D. Real Estate Anmoiatee THREE ROOM apartment, ference in the way you Uve! ly $30,600. Hayes Agency, 646- alroed for aald hearing be given Christmas - decorated Imma hecdth benefits. Apply Lincoln Holp W ontod— Order your winter tires now. Apaitznanta. Now avrilable Spltt Shorts, 640-8288. E xclu siv e, J. In o., 643-5129, 643-8779. furnished, private bath and en­ Come out Sunday afternoon. -d .« V -O to all persona known to be intei^ rtonr D airy Com pany, 1030 New Cole’s Discount Station, tele­ new 8% room, at $146. and but S L S Wataon Beach A Co., Realtora. eMed therein to appear and be 3 7 trance, utUltles, no pets. 226 ga ra g e, covered patio, 6$$ p er Buy or browse, you will be heard thereon by publuhing a copy BOHS, toy drive tMS Britain Avenue. West Hartford. phone 648-6332. Out of Town , $160. 4H roonu at $188 azid convenient to riwpplng, eta. MANCHESTER — Park Chest­ C harter Oak Street, 648-8868. cent mortgage, ckwe to every­ meet welcome! SOUTH WINDSOR — 6)4 room of this order & aomc n e w ip ^ r Kv the soDbomcre FRIENDLY ICE Cream Shop * $170. Available Jan. Irt, studio ckwd value at $18,000. Don’t having a circulation In aald, DUi- aponoorea oy nut GazUen Apartments, im­ F o r R o n t 66 thing, Hutchtos Agency, Real­ Ranch, -3 bedrooms, living SJ{"'zt iSiS .even ‘ da“ “beK^ edaro. has fuU-time and part-time eve­ SPECIAL apartment at $180. Heat, hot wait. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, mediate occupancy, 4H rooms tora, 649-6824. BELFIORE AGENCY Land For Ront 73-A «HS. aass spirit WCrif, ning and afternoon work avail- CHRISTMAS OFFER at $160. Heat, hot waten oven ROCKVILLE —4 rooms, $80. Yvator, refrig era tor, oven- 648-1677. BAKERY MECHANIC Businoss Locations WILUNOTON — 90 acres land, area, tiled bath, wall to wall December 5. 1968. a copy of Classes or '69, 70, 71 to oome aide. Looking for ambitious range, refrigerator, parking montMy and 8 rooms, $70. range, dtopoaal, dtoliwartier. COLONIAL —central entrazice, K ealtors j’ carpeting, unique paneledled rec thUtiua order,to order to zii.ieEl.le ti.H._ Kroll._ arou. »16 A»r«r««nw on iiistamnil d) INI to NEA, Ik . 647-1418 men and women to enjoy FYee coUege dictionary with end storage. No pete. CaU 627- For Ront 64 monthly. Frechette Realty, 647- ' wall to waU carpeting, air-con- IklANCHESTER -4 room ex- modem kitchen, dkiizig room, 10 acres open fields, 10 wood- .SL „ ^ west St.. Msneherter, Conn.; Kcr- “ * oococaong on purchase of am Olivetti Un­ 9998. land. Small brook. A good solid , , J;eP“rate ... J bar area, ’ mit ktoi Kroll,Il 80 Cooper hill.Hill si 81.. ._ m Man- m - wall in the cafeteria. Large local concern has steady, secure, year ’round em- "Maybe they ought to start with the second quarter^so 9238 betw een 9-6 p.m . a fter 6 dlttantog, swlmining pool end ecuUve type Razidi, fireplace, large Uving room, mud room. also paneled study, one car at- Chester, O t ^ ; lUIdred K. Smith, derwood portable typewrit- opening for a man exper­ idojrment with opportunity to they wouldn't run out of, broadcast time again!" p .m ., 647-1871. 474 M AIN ST. o ffic e fo r rant. „ tonnto courts, parking and 2 baths, 2-car garage, walk-out 4 bednwms, central airtcondl- ______investment property, % m ile to tached garage, convenient loc- 7? dge St,. Manchester. Conn.: Tneetoy, 10 ienced in machine repairs COLCHESTER —4H room parkw ay. Tom M inor B roker, 1- .. ^ IlaMl K. Brownell, 84 Bumbrook Bennet Junior High, ASGem* assume responsibility, 82. per Center of town, lUenty of park­ rtonge aU kwluded. No pets, basement, nearly acre wood- tlonlng, garage. PWlbrlck MANCHESTER -Eight room Uon, good condition, $22,500. U Road. East Hartford. Oonn. and ^ rkimnn to h o a r ICHB and maintenance in its bak­ hour guarantee, imlforms pro­ 8H ROOMS, $128, free healt, hot downstairs apartment in two- 876-6042. ing, 646-2426. »i6. family, flreiUace, large yard. 827-9288, 8764721. «d lot Immediate occupancy. Agency Realtors, 6494347. Colonial wMh 4 bedzo^ first A w R ea ltv Oo Ine 642.2fl02 return make to thia Court. ^ ery department. Permanent vided suxl generous food al­ YALE TYPEWRITER wafer and parking. Manches------Smell down. Owner 1-878-8681 ______. . “ " JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Round Table Slngeta. Available immediately. 1-878- floor family room. 2)4 baths, portion. ExceUent wages lowances. No experience neces­ SERVICE fer Garden Aportmento, 16 For­ STORE o r o ffice s fo r rent 460 evenii«s. MANCHESTER Murdock. Realtor, ------ORDERo r d e r o OF f n NOTICE o t ic e ------Wedneeday, Dec. 11 Fuol and Food 49-A Room s W ithout Board 59 8681, evenings. 2-car garage, automatic kiteb- M»^72. .UHS Pool, Family Swim and employe benefits. Send sa ry. A pply in person 1166 T®AL —2-famUy, 6- coel CaU 649-6806. wtQi natural woodtvork, btreh VERNON - 8)4 room Ranch. th“ lzit"iT12dSe^Sr MHS. outside of cafetoriR ’round employment. CaH Mr. stme fixtures. Discount for CaU 1-4294618. ROOM to rent for gentleman, LAUREL Place — 6 rooms, im­ furnished, exceUent location, extremely low heating bill. Steak Restaurant, 244 Center ntohed apartment. Immediate ifaiwe acres of land in Mane- 5 with 2-car garage azid 6 Utahen cabinets, buUt-iiw. 2- carport, half acre lot, full base- ment of said deceased te spitted during lunch hour. Donut Sola Beloourt, Connecticut Bank and chU», churches or organiza­ private hom e. 119 C ooper HIU mediate occuptuicy, adult fam­ available Immedlaitely. Ask Wishing well and tori shed, St., between 2-5 p .m ., Friday- occu p an cy. $120. p er month. field. Immediate occupancy, 1- room single. Selling aa a pack­ car garage, .2)4 baths. Bel- ment, buiU-lns, near school, ni, ** application on by (jje Sponlah Club. Trust, '893 M ain Street, Man­ tions. Gremmo Sc Sons Sales, Street, oaU 6494696. ily . CaU 648-9881. fo r M r. F rech ette, 647-9998. l aluminum storms, screens, 'Tuesday. Security deposit and refezenoes age, C and A zone, centraUy B (S W fio re Agetxcy, 647-1418. Priced to seU, $30,900. Hayea ORDERED; That the forezolnz MOC, Christmas DInnar- chester, 244-4698. ^ 819 E . M iddle Tpke. 649-9963. HousohoM G oods 51 084-4881. d oors. B elflore A gency, 647- MANCHESTER —Three new required. Call 648-9678. located. Wolverton Agency, BARROWS azid WALLACE Oo. Agency, 6464181. 5JSSl!d“ {n the* ^tate “office Si O en ce at Ftezw’s at 6 p.m., WELL FURNISHED sleeping PRESTIGE h'oreat hillis locutio.i 1413. MOVERS, helpers and packers, CZ^EAN, USED refrigerators, 8^ ROOMS, with heat, range stores for lease. 800x100 square R ealtors, 649-2818.______Manchester Pazkade — - ■ ------—------Mancheater In said DUtrict, on MOC Students and guesta only. PORTABLE stereo. Voice of room on bus line. Parking. 272 for only $83,600! Seven room experienced preferred. Austin ranges, automatic washers and refrig era tor, 649-8641. feet. Busy location. ReasonatUe. NEED OFFICE space and or TOLLAND — Young 7 room the_ 17th d^ of Decemtwr, A.^ "The Depot” coffeehouse. Music brand, one year old, ex- M ain St. Bm Ih o u Proporty TWO-FAMILY, 64, 2 yean rid. ______Manchester______649-5306 __ Raised Razich with 2-car gar- ItouiiNG — Beauutul _ 'imoOed lot 1*«8. o'^ock In Uie fore- ^ ^ A. Cham bers C o.. Brtton, 643- crilent condition, $76. Ideal gift witb guarantees. See them at Hayes Agency, 6464181. abundant inside and outside Ranch on 67 Laura Dr. In Lon- cape.^^^wooaea lot, notice be riven to Chiuch and Locurt Sta., (pack- 5187. B .D . P e a rl’a AppUancee, 649 COMPLETELY fumizlied light 8H ROOMS, heated duidex rtorage apace? Suitable for ve­ For Sola 70 modetn Utahen, large rooms, g a r r ISON Colonial in one of ***• baths. Automatic don Park. Brand new’araU to «»>- ri> „l!'nd!SSr’of‘"«u?‘iDn®iu ^ Church lot) 8 for ooUege student. Call coUect good nelghboriiood. By appoint- Mazicbester’s most desirable Wtriien, natural woodwcric. __ „ _____ a.______iflhed recreatlOR room, forma] |»neclal. Brick 4-bedroom rider «repw:e,flrepIaceTuiree mree large bed- BEAUTIFUL DARTMOUTH low 20’s. BelfloreBelfioro Agency. Aaenev. 647 647- ***** * Gridfarb Realtora, 648- appear If they see cause at '• soldam tnar.mg. AdmissionAonussson chazved.cnazgeo. Ebctra Money ahampooer $1. Paul’s Paint A holes, aewe on buttons, em­ gentleman. AU conveniences completely renovated^ near bus • tor, 648-1677. time and place and be heard rela- *W «st Side R ec, 7-9:80 p.m ., n ear bus line. 649-6914. Une azid stores. CaU 649-1287 Oricnlat with 4 car garage. Heights. Magesttc 7-room Ori- . live thereto, and by maum.malllna on or • _ • fO R E U A N WaUpaper Supply. broiders, Monograms, etc. Central location, $28,900 Wy- Agency, Realtors, 649- „j deUgbtfiiUy wooded lot. ELEVEN wooded acres ro BOLTON — 6)4 room Raised beforo Docs'mbor S. 19M, by cent- Junior High Teen Dance. For Chrisimas OriginaUy over $800., now only between 2 euid 6 p.zn. or after EAST HARTTOllD — Man- BROWSE around for Christ­ $56. or $10. monthly. City Sew­ 9. large Volkswagen deal- cheater Une, room in private IntoMtiHowt Proporty Enjoy the excitement and ac­ mas gifts. Open every after­ ing Center, 622-0476. NOW RENTING HANCHIOTER-Ctotol to.. MAKHESTia. -Ham-, tor- •" <> M, SS SS S5 enhlp offers excrileat cp- TWO BEI«OOM duplex, heat tivity of the CHRISTMAS noon Sunday through Friday, home wtth bath, garage. Ref­ For Solo 70-A tion 6-room Oaz>e with shed OaU today. Six zoom Cape 2-car garage. Circa 1966, cwi- B e y e e A gency. Beacon, dan Antonio. Texaa 78212: portiufity for a master me­ eren ces. 668-6688 a fte r 6. and appUanees Included. $166 chanic fiiUy qualified in oU SHOPPING ATMOSPHERE, also Thursday evening. Laurel BRAND NEW automatic zig­ per month. CaU Paul W. MANCHESTER — Rooming dormer, one room firiShed off In^toaWe neighbortio^ Im- j,y Aiwtiri^l^lltora ^------Saturday, D ec. 14 phasee of cpiaUty VoDcs- woridng in a variety c i in ter­ AntiqiKS, 284 C enter Street. zag sewing machines, un­ LADIES only-oompietely fur- house, good location between up, large one-car garage. This esting departnaeote. No experi- D ougan, R ea ltor, 649-4886. H!***®** . __ A gen cy, 647-1418. emgen service ai^ repair. claimed lay-awaya. Reduced to ntobed rooms, private bedroom Sunruf, SadoJul redevelopment and proposed is a custmn buUt home. Only W ym an A L ord 646-8738. R ea l solid C ape that needa pizxz, Hsrti Oonn., and return Underprivileged Children to be The right individual wiU enoe neoeemiy. TTBIPtHlART ARTIFICIAL christznas tree, $44.80. Easy terms. Dealer 247- with oommwiity Mtcben and shopping oentor. Ample park- $21,600. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, D R IV E b y 4 D eepw ood D r. then « y . 647-1413. som e redoing, 'niree laige make’ to^^ Judze. “eld in the morning, ^lonsored train end supervise ebop OR PERMANENT poettions $10. Big Bash snare dnun set, 1066. bathe. AU uUUtles included. STUDIO apartment for gentle­ !} ing, reflnlahed inside and 6 4 3 -ie n . caU the Belflore Agency on this Tv^T.T.ANr> _ vn..«r a iwvm zooms down (wRh fireplace cc: otirieVN.’ cJ5Skm.“ At^r by the freshmen and sophomore perecnnel to operate at top available. $10. Zenith color TV, Westing- iml>nvr.too<,ito»to m aculate rv>totoC ape. ai>r.isis647-1418. ivtULianiz young o room producttvtty. house electric dryer. CaU 668- SEWING MACHINES — singer W alking distance to bus Une man, 14H Hackmatack St. * out. Excellent Investment pro{>- r R anch, assum able FH A, $180.68 and bath) and tYWo large b ed ------5 5 d e b 08^ n o t ic e ~ ctasses. erty. OaU The R.F. Dimook »^C ra»IE R — Vacart 4219. ozid stores. Please caU aftM: 6 REDWOOD FARMS p er m onth. Only $18,900. H.M. zoom s and la v up. B asem ent a__ t —a c------o u r t o - f p r o b a t AAM, e , EX3H8, Auditorium , C hristm as TVip P ay automatic zig-zag, exceUent 6H ROOMS, east of Main St., room home, large treed lot. DRIVE by the now drasticaUy COME IN p .m „ 644-0888. (/ilia q sL Oo. 6494246. F rech ette R ealtors, 647-9993. garage. Real big lot. AsMzig held at MmcheMer Concert, 8 p.m. Open to «he condition. Makes buttonholes, reduced O rionlal a t 109 ExceUent Benefits TRAIN set, engine, 7 cars, 24 bert kztown reridential aeotlan, Ovmer, 649-7296. ONLY POUR LEFT! $18,900. T.J. Crockett, Realtor 1^' d iy of November, A.D., public. hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ FURNISHFX) room with private heat, hot water, garage. Coll {CHOICE locationa. Drive by Henry St., thei» the Bel- n o r t h COVENTRY — Brew- Clean Wortdzig Conditicns piece tracks, exceUent condl- MANCHESTER—New six room 19M. T w *Teen C enter—7 :80-ia p .m . Discuss one of the f<^w- inaUy over $800., 6 znonthly famUy, few steps from Poet of­ betw een 2 4 p .m ., 648-7567. the large corner at East Cen­ fio re A gen cy, 647-1418. ______Present. Hon, John J. Wallett _ . .. ,, thm, mounted on plywood. Ask­ payments of M-60 each or pay- By naym ofid F. & Loiris C . D om olo Raised Ranch, three bedrooms, Yes, we have only four ster Street, off 44-A. Cute 6)4 ViTRNnTj If you are looking for a insr schedules: fice , board opttim al, 648-6746. ter and GoodYrin or look over room Ranch. Paneled Uving Tranafer makra ------ing $38. CaU 9494732 a fter 4. $51 cash. 622-0981 dea ler. ONE BEDROOM Garden type D duee Apartments from 1145 per moBtk 1)4 baths, fireplace, tonnal din­ homes left In the present DRIVE by this nicely located thito totototoito tototo, A 1 ^ 1 , Esther ,RfZers a-k-a Memibershlp card holdera only, responsible poatticn. setMl at the property at the corner room and kitriten with work uus iMarly new 4 bearooin On* Esther M. Rofers, late of Man* ^ your reauzne to ROOM in private home, kitch­ apartment. Heat azid ap- ing zoom , alum inum siding, 2- section of Redwood Farms! Cape on 158 Edgerton St., then lonlal avadlalble. AU the work =he.»‘«f. arid district, _ deceased. REDUCING equipment — vibra­ z of Center and GriaYrold St T.J. area, oak floors, 2)4 acres with HOUSEWIVES 9-2 en privUeges, lady only. Near pUancee included. $188 month­ oor garage, and more. Low We’ve, had a fantastic two ca ll the B elflore A gency, 647- tors, action cycles and speed k C rockett R ea ltors, 648-1677. brook BLACK wood parlor stove, $28. Vernon Circle. CaU 6490400 or ly. CaU Paul W. Dougan Real­ 80’s. CaU Paul W. Dougan, years’ sales in less than 1418. BOX “ N” STUDENTS »-6 bikes. Sale or rent by the tras CaU 6494782 after 4. 649-7867. tor, 649-4686. P A U L w; DOUGAN. Rooltor ReaHoi‘,,.6f9-ff>86. one! And no wonder, for month. Keep sUm and trim. A- where else in town can you DRIVE by this newly Urted 600. Manchester Herald or FULL-TIME Cape at 24 Hertland St, then E Z Rental Center, 11 ToUazid ZENITH 10” trievtoian, Mock LARGE furnished room with LOOKINO for anything In zeal 6 4 9 - 4 5 3 5 Land For Sola 71 $14,600, 2-hedroom Ranch, poaxh get a fine new home In the 429-1028. exed be granted on arid eatate, memherahip cards available at E S. Hohenthal R ea ltor, 646-1166. Tpke., 643-4611, 872-4242. and white, twin speakers. Ex- private bath. Central location. NOTPOIIT with wrought iron railing, full coU .the Belflore Agency. 847- Your Reply Lb eotate rentals — apartments, twenties? Drop over Sunday "ofil!iES^D^*TnSat'” the'*’fore^ the Recreation Department, 9-B, 5 Days ceUent condition. $75. Call 648- m s -s b m ceUar, garage, 100x200 lot, 1418. VERNON — New 7 room Cape. homes, multiple dwelUngs, no (BOLTON —^28 acres of beauti- and let Rich Merritt show FuU shed dormer, 1)4 baths, application be heard and detei^ School St. Confidential 2041. ______;______fees. CUl J. D. Real Estate trees. HutaUns Agency Real­ you these quriity built VERNON mmed at the Probate Office In Man- ______DUO-THROW snowblower, $50. J fill high wooded rolling land CENTRALLY located 3 bed­ firep la ce, la rg e lot. Only $24,- Chester In said District, on the 2Sth . . . . , Generous Etaoploye Discounts Aaeociatea, Inc., 6484129. Conwr of Now Stoto Road jk HflBonl Stioot tora, 649-6824. homes on beautifully wood­ day of December, A.D., 1968, at A ny town organization, school CaU 6494782 after 4. near new highway, long road room Orionlal. New paint out­ 700. H.M. Frechette Realtors, Bam WMle in Training ApOftlWOlltA rioH ed lota! 8-ROOM RANCH CHERRY drop leaf table, seats FGUR ROOM ^artment, sec­ frontage. Priced to seU. CaU VERNON —Custom buUt Oolo- side, nloely decorated inside. 647-9903. {St“n5t‘{S?h?ri«n»]:er.rs “r ^ COMPUTER operalm ’ fo r 1440. COMPLETE SET World Books 18, 8 rop e leg s. CaU 648-8128. 6 3 M odob Opon from 2:00 p.m . HB fM ( early. H ayes A gency, 646-0131. nlal Ranch, i»4me area, quaU­ F a m ily p riced at on ly $19,200. mvMftiifiite____• RHoir nswl intereited In said estate of the activities otf Interest to Teens ond flo o r, n o fu rn ace. $86. sixecuuv^azw. b m pendency of said application and mav contact Pran Oon- 860 on order. MaU resum e to $40. D eluxe edition. C all 649- Norman S. Hblietvthal Realtor, EAST HARTFORD —Spilt Lev- NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ Adults, n o pets. CaU 648-4761. ty construction, 8 laige bed­ Also, you may wish to pick frame exterior. 2 full baths, {he time and place of hearing P.O. B ox 1082, H utfO sd. C b n n .' 9606. WESTTNGHOUSE refrigerator, SOUTHERN Vermont Acreage. 646-1166. el family room, three b e d- built-in kUtchen, wall to thereon, by publuhlnir a copy w way (Mrs. Brank J.), 2ST Itock- luxe garden type apartments rooms, double garage, born. out a treed lot to have your 06101. Replies held in con­ CALDOR, INC 12 yean old, good ruzming con- One acre oamprtta, $1,600. Five Only $M,900 H ayes A gen cy, 646- home ready for spring de­ roome, garage, good sized lot. wuU carpeting, flreplooed matack St., 649-6080 anytime; or avallaUe now. CaU Paul a cres Yritfa broric, $8,000. Twen- $16,600 —6)4 room hom e, down­ fa m llv ceU- uig a uircuiauuii .1 saiu uisu-ici. __K athl Knanro. ajn_a-rza648-8749 qafter it fidence. TWO pain ladies’ white figure diUon, $20. 646-8446. 0181. livery. Do come out and Handy location. $23,900. F or fam U y room , cath edral ceU- at least seven days before the day Kathl Knapp, 643-6748 a a C C W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4685. 1145 ’ToUezMl ’Turnpike skates, size 11 and 9, like new, f/ ty-six ac(«s wkfa 1,000 ft. rood town location, aluminum sid­ Ing, 2-«ar gaiage. High of said hearing, to appear If they school hours. have first choice in our new appointment call Phllbrick see cause at said time and place ______frontage, $6,000. Fifty acres m ANCIHESTER — Neat 6-room ing, recent furnace, aluminum 80s. Please oaU 649-6306. SHEET METAL $5. pair. Old fartiloned wal­ FOUR ROOMS on first floor, 80 section. Redwood Farms, A gency R ealtors. 649-6347. and bo heard relative thereto, and , . z i - m ____ Man chester M oehlnory and Tools 52 woodlai^ ^ th view, $10,000. cape. convenient, west storms and screens, Immediate by mrilinz on or before December LOaOl NOflCaS WORKERS nut, large, dining room table, Loctut St., heat, hot water, no OPEN HOUSE combining city convenience $5. 649-9606. occupancy. Wolverttm Agency, EAST HARTFORD —Immacu- "D W / 3, 1968, by certified mail, a copy of Experienced toy-oik, bench men 6 4 9 -2 8 7 6 LINCOLN welders, fuU line apfriiozices, adults. $186. CaU '' Green Mountain in Hideaways, located near new Rt. 6. Fast ^th a Deaoeful rural at- thla order to William Clifford, R.F.D. LIMITATION ORDER to Box ww---flaisalai 187, nrfi Springfield, ntfl XfM.asw*^iwaA Vermont, gale a . Imminent___ a___ A _zat *«»$18,600. STAA Utoto..Hur- Realtors, 54^2818. *'^**^> flAvian* •1-' W and erectors. Benefits including from handym an, sp ecia l 225 646-2426, between 9-6. SUNDAYS — 2:30 9 M . TO 5HW P.M. mosphere, la on HUlstown la te fou r room R anch. 80x160* ^ i. Box 6C, ]^lion, ^nn.: ’ Ernest j^r^ COURT OP p r o b a t e . IDEAL Christmas gifts. Fifty 06166. ry. CaU Paul W. Dougan, Real- lot. Taxes $200 yearly. Excel- BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Effort W West tenter St Mm- held r i Mm^^^ aa? for insurance, vacation, paid holi­ amp. priced at $M. Also heavy Rd. in Manchester. Chester, Oonn.; Wesley Clifford, {‘hi” nii,ril?r‘'of Manchester, on the used student desks, good con­ NEW LISTINO — Large 6 lent reUrement-rtarter home. days azid pension. CaU Mr. industrial AC-DC welders. CaU NEW —THREE room apart­ ...... tor, 640-4686. Manchester Parkade 247 Weet Center St. Manchester. K f S S of I^cemter" 19^^ dition, wood with v^^metal room Ranch plus large recrea­ Reduced to $16,600 for imme­ Cpirij. Rotert Clifford, M Center p,Sent, Hon? John J. Wallett. Deitch at Fafarloo Sheet Metal WANTED — A man or woman 649-8407. ment, aU electric beat, deluxe BIRCH MOUNTAIN Manchester 649-6300 St., Manchester, Conn.; John Stui^ Ju^ e frame, lift-top, riialr and^lesk, construction, large iralk-ln tion room, 2-car garage, large diate sale. Bel Air Real Estate, Dlvtoion, 2894481. who needs to earn $746 per BELFIORE AGENCY ir.on « Lake Bt., Manchester. of victor J. Fltzgerrid. $5. Tw enty-five student w ood closets, exceptionaUy large liv­ BOLTON/. MANCHGSTER LINE lot, flieplace, 1)4 baths, 2-zone 648-0382. . Robert Sturgeon, o-o Esther_____ lat* of Manchester. In said Dla- month. For confidential inter­ hot water oil heat. ExceUent Knorr, 52 Churchlli Road. Wethers- S ' , taUet arm chairs, $4 each. M w icol Instrnmonts 53 ing room. Appliaztcea and beat New custom quaUty buUt 8-4 bedroom Colonials, Banrhca A The Debonair n.M norm ■ ir.thto- Vnn— M ?®®.???®ri JOURNEYMAN electrieUn and view write Box “TT,” Man­ Realtors 647-1413 condition throughout. Has to be TOLLAND — Near Parkway, W fin t w r i B a n I E z lo t t a 7 7 fiBi4> Conn.; Esther Knorr, 52 motTim''o'f Donald B. FUagar- Grem m o Sc Sons, 819 Best Mid­ furnished. Cmvenlent location ono-ocra wooded lota. DeolraMe new area, low are. ’ w anroo— KOai BSraiV / / a,urcwil Road. Wethersfleld. dmn.; im Blssell SU M i^ helper, paid vacation and bene­ chester Herald. dle Tpke., 649-9968. HAYNES JAZZ King H am- seen to be appreciated. Oharies Large 3-bedroom Ranch, 1964. _ . ------Ann Knotr, 107 Const. Avenue, New- oenn. edmlnWtrator. and parking. Available Decem­ RANCH — four or five room s Ington, Conn.; Eva Anderson, M o r d e r e d * That three mentha fits. WUsoa E le ctrica l C o., 649- {difier, tYvo 12” speakers, 110 Leaperance, 649-7620. Almost acre lot, storms, im' Wuitei' RFr> M tokV. to to t to.. Fttto.to.to. to totozto-8 - **St. ■ to to vz____ « — MANAGEIR — Unusually attrac­ b e r 1st. CaU 849’9388. Neat Outlook ikewr^ urgently needed In Manchester. i z“^u?e®*coov°b"v ’ *' 4817. MOVIE camera, 8 mm. DeJur ’watts peak power. $100, firm. maculate, $18s900. Meyer » t py mailing a. luce copy by Mgw- be and the same are limited_ and tive opportunity superviaiiig zoom lens, buUt-ln filter, carry­ 6494106. lA lX U R T 4^i room duplex. MANCHESTER — Five room TWO famUy duplex, five Agg„cy, Realtors,TYezlt/vni 648-0609.048-0600. ^al* Psul J. Corrcntl Agency, tered air mail^ to_ Oertrude------= ------Haw- zllowedrilowed for the creditors wwithin our 4 month sninial operation 643-6363. thome, 7 Sloan Avenue, Lurgan. ^nich to bring In their ------ing case aixi handle. Also De­ Pztvato eiitranoea, IH baths, Cape, 2 car garage. Immtuni- rooms each side. Separate i''«tend, and return against said estate, and arid ad- commencing January 2. Part Jur p r e ^ t o r , 500 w atts, auto­ refrigerator, range, hood, diz- late throughout. $21,900. ChU furnaces, quiet location, Uve ANDOVER, 6 room year 'round -j------" ^ ® ‘ r n is ? . Ti-nvto T to mlnlstralor Is directed to give pute or fuU-ttme. No sales or invest­ LAWRENCE F. FIANCi Developer J.D. Real Estate Associates economlcaUy, cal! now. Wol- home, 3 bedrooms, screened ) y JOHN J. WALliETT, Judge, uo notice to the creditors to b r iu matic threadbig, zoom lense, CONN B Flat clarinet with case. poeal, Venetian blinds, ocupeit- In their claims within said time ment required. Compensation rtop and reverse, Hke new. G ood COIxUtion, $76. 648-8608. ed stBlrcese, heat, hot waiter, t i c ., 648-6129. verton A gen cy, R ea ltors, 649- p o r d i overlooking l ^ e , j ^ e SELLING YOUR HOME? allowed by publishing a copy of thla GAS STATION flexible. Could iztclude stock op­ Bargain. CaU 6494780. parking and storage, bus Une. 649-83n 2818. paneled rooms, $16,000. nui- order In some newspaper having a RANCH — Seven rooms, tw o brlek A gency, R eritore 640-6847. P lea se oaU ou r kicBl represen- circulation in said probate district tions. P . O. B ox 1683, H artford, R en t $160. N o pets. 649-4842, — ' ifztoto A4 toZtoZ totototo Cf 1 • 1 «ZVto.—. CfWtozWsA.^ within ten days from the date ol UPRIGHT PIANO in good con­ full baths, formal dining room, ROCKLEDGE area —^New o n ------itative, Mrs. Suzanne Shorts, NOTICE Connecticut. 027 TRAINS-duaJ trazisform er, 872-6869. this order ssid returnI make to this dition. CoU 647-9644. / r r \ modern kitchen with aU buUt- **** market. Large five room VERNON — 10 per certt down, 646-3283. TOWN OF COVENTRY Court of the notice given. ATTENDANT action oars and accessories, JOHN J. WALLE7TT, Judge- ins, family room with fireplace, Ranch with 1)4 baths, buUt- new deluxe 4 becktxMn Colon- mounted track and switches, TEN PIECE drum set, blue ZONING BOARD $50. C hild's roll top desk $20 three bedrooms, 2-oar garage. Ins in kltriien, flitirtied base- lal, 1)4 baths, paneled den J. WATSON BEACH & CO, LIMITATION OBDEB 5ltiiatioiis W ontod sparkle. Would make nice ^ v T U V , „ OF APPEALS AT A CXIURT OF FROBA'nB, Part - time eveniziga. Good CaU 643-2041. PhUbrick Agency Realtors, 649- ment, plus garage, tYvo fire- wltti fireplace, formlal dining R______ealtors T here wlU be a P ublic Hetu*- held at Manchester, within and tor Christmas present. Best offer. room, attached 2-car garage, pay and benefits. Write Box F o m d o 3 8 6847. places, many extras. Nice lot. 21 Central Row, Hartford ing Tliursday, December 12th at ijj? £,*5* o?^rtecember**^S' **” **** 649-9444 anytim e. convenieint loca tion . $29,100. M, Maixdiester E v en in g k / T .J . C rockett R ea ltor, 648-1677. 40 Years of Experience 7:00 P.M. In 'Hie Town Building Pi^nt, Hon. John J. Wallett. $20,900 attractive 6)4 room C bntor Goldfarb Realtors, Herald. 7 S c to hear the following appeal. Judge. WILL BABYSIT for one pre­ Boots and Accossorios 46 Ranch, 1)4 baths, wall to wall MANCHESTER A ttractive 643-8442, 875-6244. _ Estate of Frances L. Lincoln, lata sch ool child. OaU 643-9236. W ooring Appcwol cariiets. Acre lot, wooded. Raiioh, formal dining room, Thomas DeCandla, 4 Juniper of Manchester. In said District, de- ORADY WHITE Bahama flying F u r s 5 7 Hutchins Agency Realtors, 649- large kitchen, 2-car garage, $20,900 -1\ acres. Old Colon- Md*7fflcte!!t » ®®On®^motlon of Helen C. Mttchril. LIGHT housework wanted for bridge cru iser, 26 foot, soUd lal, completely modernized, aoto^ t ^ r i e o u s ^ a eiiicioni variance o f 6 feet in order to 87 Middle Turnpike Bast. ------walk-out basement, beautiful service. Your satisfaction is our MEN wanted to work in lum­ one lady only. Would consider bulkhead, sleeps 4, large gal­ MEN — Surprise your mate with bright and clean, three ga­ an addition to hla present • * o 'iiD S !^ ’mt™thl^’e months wooded lot, immediate occu­ concern. CaU us now. Morrison beryard and mlU. D avis fk other, live-in. Temporary baby­ ley, encloeed head, 196 h.p. a genuine m ink ca p e. C ost $326, IMMEDIATE occupancy, seven pancy, low down payment. rages, nice view, trees, subur­ dw elling, sin ce the front set from the 4th d ^ of D e c^ a b ^ U g A gency, 648-1016, 648-0644. Bradford Lumber Co., 200 Tol­ sitting, transportation necessa­ G ray, 1966. Just reduced to $6,- n ever w orn, on ly $116. Call 648- room R aleed R anch, on ly tw o C h ar-i^ n A gency, 648*0688, 649- ban. Hutchins Agency, Real­ back is now 50 feet, and he only ^®,o5^ X X * 5SlltSJ‘’^tw S land St., East Hartford. ry. Write Box “RR,” Man­ 095. At Bayreuther, Nianttc 1- 0189. years rid. Fireplace, 1)4 bathe, 2426. tors, 649JiS24. ONE FELLOW we know is gen­ has 44 feet at present. which to bring in their claims chester Herald. 7394264. 3-oor garage. Acre treed lot. All WtoiTwattori nAfznna In ogalnst srid estate, znd said ad- DEPENDABLJl man tor clean­ erous he gets his wife every* All interested persons are in- mlnlstratrix la directed to give pub- Only $28,900. Pasek Realtors, MANCHESTER — Seven years ELLINGTON thing credit can buy! If you vited‘ -*’ to attend. — ■■ 11c notice to the creditors to brtaig ing, 16 hours per week. Hours In their claims within arid tiras 289-7476, 742-6921. young, three bedroom Ranch, want to be generous, let us arranged to meet your ------_ _ _ _ _ rec room, two deUghtful baths, SUPERB PANORAMA • allowed by publishing a copy ot help find a house your family Grant E. Toothaker Sr., this order In some newspaper ha*v- •cbedule. $ t p e r bour, no ex­ WANTED — Antique furniture, SEVEN ACRES, )4 mUe ^ m garage, on enclosed rear patio. l a r g e selection of native Picturesque in every sea­ wUl appreciate. Keith Real Ohalrman ‘5*. ? - »aW . Probate perience necessary. Contact 3 9 g la ss, peYvter, o il paiiglngs or 1-84, 6)4 room Ranch. Fire-BMre- Located in Forest HUls area, diatrict within ten days from Xmas trees. Wholesale, retail. other antique Rems. Any quan­ r son. Garrison Criorial, 3 E state, 649-1922, 648-4126. date of this order and return Ray Morttt for interview. place, 20 x 80 maaonary out- CaU J. D. Real Estate Assn. to thla court of the notice given. SCAN F rid a y —O ne m an o ffic e Cut to order. R. RodelU, Cedar tity. 648-8709, 166 Oakland Bt. ■ ------bedrooms, 1st floor faimly Friendly Ice Cream, Burnside buUding, double carport. In o. 6488120, and 649-1688. room, multi baths, wall to ______JOHN J. WALLETT, Judga. background, typing, part-time, Swam p R d., C oventry, 742-8181. KNIT Avenue, East Hartford, 628- WANTED — Restaurant equip­ I ...... Hutchins A gency, R ealtors, wall carpet, fireplace, etc., 7 o r 6-12. 649-9166. 640*8824. 8BIVEN ROOM older home, tx- etc. No other can compare.. NOTICE NOTICE 6780. CHRISTMAS Trees —Tag now! ment, store, tavern and bank­ Sizes 36-50 Qit later! Bring family to oeUent condition, on bus Une. $28,800. Mr. Lewis, 040- TOWN OP BOLTON, In accordance with the re- l e x ; a l ruptcy equipment. Call Fon­ ASSUMABLE 6)4 FHA on this f u l l -t i m e work, over 18 Stanley T ree F arm , Long HUl Property includes 3 extra buUd­ 5806. OONNECTICUT qutrements of the Zoning Regu­ 4 1 taine Restaurant Equipment, 6-rpom Ranrii, wall to wall, yean of age, driver’s Uoanse, Rd. off Rt. 6 at Andover in Glostonburff ing lots, Marion E. Robertson, BOARD FOR ADMISSION lations of the Town of Manches­ NOTICE 478 Windsor Street, Corner New stove, refrigerator, dryer, dis­ dependable. Apply in person, Rsaltar, 6488968. LOOKINa for good homes, one Church. Open Yveekends, other­ Canton Street, Hartford, 627- 2618 OF BLECIOR8 ter, Oonnecticut, the Zoning The PtannIiig en d see Russ OoUins, Manchester posal, fireplace and garage B & W black and tshite kitten and 2 wise by appointment. White 8771. Charm and elegance abound in thia new raiaed ranch built with WEAR THIS dellghtiul car-coat sweater A Belmont Rug Cleaning Co., tiger cats. CaU 6494480. after Spruce, Scotch Pkie, conez, impeccable taste by Stone & Goldberg. Both the home and its with a debonair-air! You'll find it quick 16 Hoiwiaway fit, Manchester. 6:60 anytime woakends. WANTED TO BUY — antlquM, houghs, firep la ce w ood. 742- setting are complete and finished in every detail. The surrounding and easy to knit In a simple pattern rage, excellent condition. Cen­ 6488. steins, furniture, peYVter, lea d ­ stitch from soft|knltting worsted. t«. K«U»r., C«. MIHBO. Sz. liST- ZU PART-TIME help, male, no ex­ GROOM INO oU breeds. Har­ homes in this beautiful suburban setting include some of the finest 8 3 4 ^ tral location. Gerard Agency, ed lamps, art glass, primitives . Pattern No. ^ 1 8 has knit directions MANCHESTER — Immaculate VERNON—New 4 bedroom Ori- in the Oommuniity HaU In said nlclpal Building on the follow- on the appUcation of JoisMa > perience needed. Openings on mony HUl. H.C. Chase, Hebron HOME GROWN Christmas any quantity. Furniture re­ 643-0368, 649-0688. residences east o f the river. Nearby are the Nelpalc Tennis Club lor sizes 38 through 50 Inclusive. S -18 Cajie, ktbeben buUt-lns, en­ on!al, 1)4 baths, fireidaoe, iioYvn on Monday, Dsoember 16, Rig aiqdlcation: STATE HEAR- ChBdress.for appaxivaA of «s two shifts, 8 a.m. — 12 and Rd., Bottota 6484427. Trees, spruce, fir and scotch paired. 644-8962. Minnechaug Golf Club and Manchester Country Club. Truly a Mch'iiturn* a HOST unrYatlle ensemble is a sheath breezeway, fainUy DARTMOUTH Heights - BuUt aluminum siding, large lot, on- iggg, to examine quailfkiatione i n g ALSO, vriopment plan for i* 2 midnight — 4 a.m., steady pine, $84. Tag now, cut later. work, good pay. CsU 649-6884. DACHSHUND — AKC puppies choice location, yet only 5 minutes from Manchester Center. man .pd tp.ei.i tandimg ta Mch ppunj, » .MpST,yersalilejii« Oonvimlent lo- by Ansaldi. New 7-room Raised ly $28,909. H. M. Frechette, of appUcants and to admit to the Manchester______Tranamiselon family zone situated < Goose Lane, Coventry, 742-6141, HOUSEHOLD lota — Antiques, skirt with an red s, black s and riM icolate. $60 bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, Offered now at $39,600, with the very beat financing available. short or tunic length. caltlon, aU city utiliitiies. Bel Air Ranches, _ 2 flreplot^, * 1« <1 Realtors, 647-9006. elects’ oath, fhose found quoU- o>mpany, 161 Weat Middle eostetly side of Conn. STENOGRAPHER YMUited to r baths, buUt-lns, plastered walls, up. Also Pekingese and Wei- CHRISTMAS 'TREES, Come to glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ No 8348 with PHOTO-GUIDE is In R «al Eatate, 643-9883. COVENTRY __2-fomlIv 6)4 and ®®^* Turnpike, Business Zone* II. “ Re-~ 196, aiqiroxkmataly nuuiufacturlng office. Knoarl- Cfiitral air eonditlaning la Inoludad if you buy baforo Daeambar 31, iggg. city uUlttlee, 2-oar garages. m aranen, 1-628-6678. Hickory Ridge Tree Farm for la ge P eddler, A uctioneer, 420 Print Nami, Aderiii with ZIP COOf and sizes 8 lo 18, bust 31V4 to 40. Size M toM nw ayniiR -a rnnm noi;;^ 3 rooms, brand new liaUndc this seosicn will be held be- quest Special Exception for mfte nocttierly of dhe edge of shorthand and typlitg MANCHBBTBR—8 axx>m Oolon- Near Rtahard Martin School, your freriiiy cut or dDg tree. •Lake St., Btriton, 649-8247. Styli Numbir. 10 3 2 )4 bust, 2 )4 yards of 45*inch. one tODB them all for *ween the hours of 6:00 p.m. General Repairer’s Uoense and Coventry town IkM. •asentlal. Good woridng oondl- HANDSOME pure bred German 6pen this weekend from 1 to 5 p.m. From Manchester Center siND so) In Mini Diui ISO for tirihciMi fal central loca tion , firep la ce, rooreatlonal area. Charles Les- Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, Doug­ Send 50C today for the new '68 Fall and 1^ plus an income. New and 8:00 p.m.. Briton, Conmeett- Oertifleate of Approval for A iions and msziy faenefUs. Write Shepherd piqipies from large, take South Main Street to Glastonbury Town Line, turn right onto ( winter ALBUM I Free directions for mall and inaciii handiini tor w h g arage. Owner tran sferred, im* peran ce, 649-7620. good tempered parents. Both las FTr, W hite and N orway knitted stole, knitted vest In sizes 36* Bus *fSS****SS£ m ediate o c c u p a n c y .C___ all_____ now. heating eystom, waU to waU aame. at above k>ca^. Box R, Manchester Hsnld. Room s W ithout Board 59 Indian Hill Trail, and look for ua at the first house on the right. carpeUiw fireplace In o n e I>oc«m*)er 6, 1988 All persons interested may at- ki cn ftte in tlM oQBqo. pazetits ours, $86. Ellington, Spruce. South River Rd„ Cov­ 48, and crocheted Pompon hail ‘S!M3liaoAB‘*‘& lf^ O W k" L ow 20’ s. Hayes Agency. 848- MANCHESTER “ Beau^ . _ _ Olltve H. Toomey, tend this hearliig. ToUand Town CtartL *c FUEL OIL drivers, expertanoed. 876-9016. entry, 742-8864. ROOM for rent, gentleman on­ STAR QUILTS. Twelve Interesting de* QWl* rambling Razich. Formal din- apartment, some rooms pan- Local delivcrias, good equip­ ly, central location, free park­ STONE & GOLDBERG Builders of Excellence sIgns-Star Flower, a charming appllquai winl Nimt, Addriii with ZIP CODI, itiis------room. Well equipped Mtoh- eied. Thdw Is a real opportixi- Town (3«rk Zoning Board of Appeals Doted at ToBtaSdl, GERMCAN Shepherd pupplee, Rtahotd IBoiTa, Chaztes G. Fdarta, out, this Mh day cf ment, wrages and benoOts, tor ing. R eferen ces required. 643- Exclusive Agents: LC . Qreenough Company 647«9921 and Variable Sfir-three different ways "“turNiw * Winter '68 issue of —Very attractive three on. Lovely fireplace in Uving Uy to combine a home and a winter or year 'round worit- s e w n w eek s, A K C registered. 2693 a fter 6 and 649-8160 b e­ to make a quilt but still use same BaI!!:^A^™ON'islrot^hm®anrbright Cellar. 160’ zcom. Large wooded >«‘-lof. nice income. $21,600. Cantor S c M W ia ri P ea ce, Chatrm an » 1988. Kasden Fuel Co., 3694M1. $60. C all 828-8628. Read Herald Ads fore 6. unitsi Pattern pieces, directions! QUO warLfaTweal'senTsO^^^ ^ Hutch- $80,900. Wyman S c Lord 848- ctoldfarb Realtor*, 848-8442, Joaeph 8. LWtea. John A. OagioneMo. WMt( -o n ly 80$ 1 copy. ins Agency, Realtora. 8498824. 8788. 876-8244. Board ot Setaolmsn Secretary J - \ ■-I

SATURDAY, DECEMBER , ^ PAGE FOUBTEEN 7 19 UtanrljfBtw EwfttUig l|fraU» ■ f Ci

y«u « 4wiof« movinK to Florida nine yeat« ago. She was em- Retired Missionary Speaks Obituary p t o y d tor IS y m n u a niiraea aide In the pediatric unit of At Center Church Tomorrow ___ _ ■■ ICandieator Memorial Hospital MU** s. Baiton before ahe rstlied in 188#. She The Rev. Winfield Q. Swart, He was educated at Unkm Ool- Xtoa. EStan Ihvtea Johnson wan « m em ber o f the Oentor Wo- a retired mUsionary, wltl ^nd Union Theological Bmton, n . of «7 Oamhridse St, men's aub of Kenneth City, preach at all three servlcet at o«n»lnarv. During bis under- wife of MSton 8. Button Sr., Fla. Center Congregational Church graduate yaara he worked for died this mocntaK at Manchester Survivors, beaidea her hus- tomorrow. Hla serm on will be Memoclal Hospital. band, tndude a daughter, Mrs. "The Winds of Change." 16 months with an electrical Siie was bom in Cromwell on Jessie TRMt of Stanabury; a The Rev. Mr. Swart will also company, going to India aa an J«dy 7, 1S97. She Uved in Man- brother, Oeorge Smith in Scot- tell a children’s story entitled aasoclate mlasionary to the Mhr- chaal«r for the past IS years land; and four grandehtidren. "The Story of Mickey Hulbe." athl Mlaalon in 1910 and aarv- and waa a m em ber o f South F^InerBl aervioes were held to- About 20 years ago, Mr. and ing until 1922 when he', returned TMted Methodist Church. «*^y >" St. Petentourg. ACTS. Swart became Uie church’s to the United States for theolog- Survivors bealdeo her hue- Friends may call at the mlssionaries to the rural people leal training, band Include 2 sona, MUton 8. Do®"* Beale and Amee Funeral of India. His ministry was large- In 1926 he became a career Button Jr. of Bast Hartford and Home, 88B0 N. 49th St, ly locomotive and the children missionary and he spent 17 John W. Button o f Waynesboro, 8*- *" <*a*lge of Center Church contributed years In the schot^ In India Va.; a da««hter, Mrs. Emmett arrangementa. toward the purchase of a Jeep untU 1M3. FV>r the past 16 yean E. Hayee of Manchester; a for hla convenience as well as In Vadala, he worked In a par- brother, Carl A. Johnson of Buf­ Mrs, Virginia Greene for camping equipment In re- ish of some 6,000 OhriMoas *ost- falo, N. T .; 3 ststers, Mrs. Mrs. V irginia B. Qreene, 80, turn, he sent news letters to the tered over an area b< sppvoK- Anna Hennessey and Mrs. o f VTndBor, form erly o f Man- chlldren entitled "Journeys of Imately 800 square mUM. Thelma Rooalund tiotfa of Crom­ diester, died yesterday ut her the Jeep.” He recenUy retired He will be the weekend guest home. well, and Mrs. Helge Brahm of after 44 yeare as a missionary, of the Rev. and Mm . OUtford O, MM. Oreetie was bom in Mat- Rlvereide. R. I.; 12 grandchH- .,, 7^ 71. . ■ , Mrs. Swart died on Dec. 14, 1067 Simpson pf Center Congrsga- at Vadala, India, Uonal Church. ^ ter for a number of yeare be- Fhn^servlcm^U b e T W WbatooTttirae ^y at 2 pm. a t^ ^ mi ago. She was a member Pwieral Home, iseo Elm S t, ^4 the Ptoet Church o f C hrist Columbia RoolQr Hm. The Rev. Dr. J. Scientist In Manchester. Facufty and students view some of the works on Manley Shaw, pastor, of South Survivors include a daughter, Midyear Art Shoiv Opens display at the opening: laat nigfht of the Mdyear Methodist Chur^, will officiate. MM. lO iglnia WMtdilU o f Wind­ Student Art Exhibit in Manchester Community Col- Site on Rt. 66 Weighed Burial will be in Rose m i Me­ sor; 2 siatera, Mrs. EXSith L. legpe’s Stairwell Gallepr. The exhibits are an as­ morial Park Rocky HU. Petties and MM. Velma B. Per­ At MCC Stairwell Gallery semblage, a pen and ink, a charcoal, all by Cathy There are no calling bouts. For Town Office Building sons, both of Poughkeepsie. The opening of the Midyear Marmorstein and directed by M elvin; a transfer print by Tom Stevenson; a plas­ N.T.; 4 gntntkhUdren, and 10 Vincent Paul Lamo, are: Bill ter mold by Peter Bwker; a plaster cast by Charles George Peters, selectman, gant In Grade 6 and Mrs. Joen Kenneth A. Lamoareanx great-grandchildren. Student Art Exhibit in the new­ ly lighted Stairwell Gallery of Stoelzner, Dave FauHmer, Bob Griffin; an assemblage by David Faulkner; and a told the Board of Selectmen’s Baldwin .Grade 6. WAPPING—Kenneth A. Lam- The funeral and burial will be meeting this week that he has Mrs. Noreen Steele was graiA- oureaux, S3, of Winsted, broth­ 'n Eart Park, N.Y. The F.W. Manchester Community Col­ Dio, Dan Seals, Rick Young, transfer rubbing by Norman Pinette. (Herald Photo Roxanne Spafford, Edward Ver- asked Uie Robinson family tor ed a leave of ahoense bom the er of Mrs. Robert Rosati of Carmon Fhneral Home, e Po- lege’s Hartford Rd. building by Buceivlcius). was well attended last night. lander and Pam Doir. first refusal cn property they kindergarten beginning March 3. Waj^iing, died accMentaUy of quonock Ave., Windsor, ta In own on Rt. 66 (near Smith’s There Is a replacement tor her carbon monoxide poisotU^ diarge of arrengemente. The exhibit will be open to the The other plays, both by Ter- public Monday through Friday ranee McNally, are "Botticelli’’ A r iffc llt I'ftW T l ka^’’ S ^aS: early yesterday morning vmen It was brought out that the Jacob Kahan from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. until and “Next.” Appearing In "Bot- A. w v ag ter Beriet tonight at 8 In Bailey ter a town office building. be left the motor of a dixnp school haa 24 youngatera in tqia- truck running in a closed ga­ VERNON —Jacob Kahan, 84, Jan. 24. ticelH’’ are Bill Stelzner, Rick Ruth and Gerry, folk singers Auditorium at Maiudiester Hgh Peters said he Intends to dls- School. The event is sponsored cuss the prooooal with the bulld- cial/education rinaaes and there rage ill Oxford. of Weurren Ave r-inm. Three 1-act plays were pre- Young and Michael Regan. It. is from Farmhigton, will perform ing at a Manchester convales­ sented by the college drama so- directed by Evelyn Miller, as mlnstrela at the Manchester by toe Lutz Junior Museum and Ing committee, and then call tor is now a clinical paycholagist Survivors also include his par- working on some caaes. eats, a brother, and another sis­ cent home. ciety. They will be given again In the two-character “Next' Garden Club buffet Monday at the Manchester Jaycees. Tickets a special town meeting so Mr. Kahan was born In Lat- tonight at 8:30. In the cast of arc Robert Amodlo and Sandra e:30 p.m. at the home of Miss may be purchased at the door, townspeople may vote on the Superintendertt Myron Oottette ter...... — _ . . — ...... Millicent Jones Tolland —Rd., ----- question. He addedpooen thatmar theme ask-asK- said a regional center krvolvtog The funeral wW be held Mon­ via and had Uved in the Vernon ‘WIU ttie Real Jesus Christ Wagner. It Is directed by Rich- area since 1916. He was a retired Bolton The folk singers have Members of the Polish Amerl- Ing price is »40,000 which does the four towns will be act up day at 8:30 axn. from the Ma­ Please Stand Up,” by Malcolm ard Eller. tobacco and poultry farmer. performed throughout the Unit- can CTub, 106 Clinton St., will not Include the Robinson home for the field of spedel eduoattOn loney Funeral Service, 66 Wal­ Survivora indude a son, Atty. S States and Europe. meet at the clubhouse tomorrow on the corner. He asked tor first for 4 ^ mentaUy retarded. He nut St., Winsted, with a Mass of Robert F. Kahat» of Vernon; ___ at 1 p.m. to elect new offloers. refusal on thp.t property also. ^aid there wotdd be bettor coi»- rsqtoem at St. Joseph’s Church, three daughters, Mrs. PaiSlne Nixon May m . ----- Peters noted that he has acted trol In tWa field If there were a Winsted, at 9. Burial wSl be in Police Log Grossman of F’orest Hills, N.Y., Greyer Harttord will have Its The Marter’s aub of Friend- bv himself in the conviction that regkxml center. the New St Joseph’s Cemetery, and Mrs. Shirley Meyerson and Name Cabinet «tep Lodge of have thh, is th« best p o^ b l^ . According to Principal Osorge Winsted. Mrs. Beatrice Roeen, both of ARRESTS ty------tomorrowfrom 2 fromto 8 p2 mto 8 ^ p.m. *te at annual meeting Monday at The selectmen. In anjwer to Patios (here are no focBIttes or Friends may can at the fu­ Brooklyn, N.Y.; eight grandchil­ Tthree youths were found last Anne r ^ o ^ Elei^^ertarv «:«> P "»- ®t WUlle’s Steak nuestiona rPlaed by Charles personnel to deal eCtectlvaly neral borne tomonow from 7 to dren, and a gr^-grandsmi. On Television night with a packet of what E. Norris Elementary offlcere will be Ballev Jr. of Hunt Rd., concern- wMfa the problem. Some young­ 9 p.m. Flmeral services will be held School, Remington Rd., East Innr ateenteelsm on town boards, Manchester police believe to be Hartford. Members are asked to eloote®. sters are handled under the :!ll tomorrow, at a time to be an­ (Continned from Page One) said there is no law In effect be- marijuana, on HiUstown Rd. bring a gift for each child in home-bound Inslruotion pro­ Sylvestor L. Jadunore nounced, in the chapel of Wein­ Arrested and diarged with cause there Is no charier. gram, and he added a special stein Mortuary, 640 Fhrmington opportunity for all people. their family. Sylvester L. JackmMe, 66, of possession of narcotic drugs was Bailey said he felt tMa was meeting will be catted elwrily 173 Spruce St., husband of Mrs. Ave., Hartford. Burial wlH be Nixon, flying back to New unfair as "the electorate of the Robert James Gallo, 16, of East The North Urdited Meithodlst U.S. Charges to diacuae the problem. KalheTyn Hayea Jackmore, died In Ellington Jewish Cemetery. York today, was not expected to town is at the merev of anyone Hartford. The two other persona Cadre will meet Monday at 8:30 Mra. Suzanne Drake, raened- early fids merning at Hartford ’Ihere will be no calling hours reveal his cabinet picks until who can abronrate his responsi­ with (3allo were minors. p.m. at the church. lal reading teacher, has 46 atu- HohiMbI. prior to the service. Tuesday, at the eariiest. Foe in DM Z bility by not fulfilling his func­ Memorial Week will be ob- However, LX. Gov. Robert Police say they observed the denta in claaeea which meet tion In o ffice ." twice a week. There are 17 to r; 6,'^ ^ to'oaB toh toy*^ servrf at the home c< hia *iu^- Finch of California made no ae- Callo oar p^k^ with The Salvation Army Men’s ’The selectmen will studv the Uved in Manchester tor seven ter, Mrs. Paul Grossman, 69-60 cret of the fact that__ his_ ItMigUme on"" near 462 HiUstown Rd. last a___ u b wlU _ have______a business meet- 4 6 1 T im e s ine Beicctmu.. chades 1 , 2 end 8; 16 to Oradee friend had offered him a cabinet night at about ;30. When the travel film Monday at 4 and 6. and 18 to Oradee 6. 7 years. He was a SO-year Navy 108th St., Ftoreet HlBs, N.Y, 8 tCoiitlniied from Pagf One) the matter with the town coun veteran, and for a number of The family suggests that tiioee He did not pinpoint the job. car was checked, a yeUow paper 7.45 pm. in the junior chapel and 8. been Wiled and 498 wounded In seL School Mean yean biul been employed at the wishing to do so make meorlal Finch said Thursday that Nix- packet containing an amount of of the citadel Iv "ground, greenish-brown mate­ will be served after the meet­ the attacks. Oiarles Sanbron and Porter School menu: Monday, Haittord aub. contributions to either the Oon- on was considering a major Most of the population centers FDrryan met with tlte board ^ Survtvon, besides Ms wife, gregaUon B’nai Israel ot Rock- rial that had a slight ameU to ing. overhaul of cabinet depart­ reported shelled also are mill- along with Herbert Tue^y vegnteMe Include a daughter, MIbb Pa- 'ville or the Congregation Khes- ments sometime after taking it” was found. A stripped ciga­ trida Ann Jackmore of Man- seth Mrael c t EUington. office Jan. 20. Finch suggested rette waa also found In (he car. ’The Newcomers a u b of the cheater; and two ststen, Mn. that the Departments of Health, Police sent the packet and its Manchester 'YWCA will have Its May Smith of Manchester and Education and Welfare. Housing contents to the state laboratory chUdren’s Christmas party to- rfft^DAE t^ fief ^wi^es ot «l®y. chrtv car^ sUcIbi, green beane, pud- Funeral services wlU be held A T TranBporTransportation might be amal- was released in the custody of the J- ^ a' martdre-gST^- -lire dock to que^tlcn was sup- d ta ^ T h ^ y , roato turkey. hla father and is stdieduled to Tuesday at a time to be an­ gamated Into a department ot ? to placement and pounded two posed to have ohortened from 69 m atoed p o t a t o ^ r a n b e r ^ AffrCC Upon appear In court Dec. 23. nounced. O A human ilesources. He said the North Vietnamese troop posl- 27 feet. ‘ ...... FMends may call at the John and cookies will be served. Par­ cUd-Une deportments ot agricul­ Uons to the zone. Sanborn and Forryan said the cream, and Friday, tuna nooiUs F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 Seven Points ture and Interior might be com­ ACXTDENT8 ents are reminded to bring a selectmen could decide on the casserole, carrot tticks ttswed W. Center St., tomorrow and bined In a new department of A four-car, rear-end accident small wrapped gift la'beled with proper length of docks on the tomatoes, coke. (t fraen Page Oae) Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 natural resources. brought one arrest and minor their chUd’s names. lake and they would be wJlfcig ------p.m. law tool__ ot „ Hanoi. ___ WintOT M. Bloont, 46-year-old injuries yesterday aftemoon on ----- Ky^ Delegates to conform. When the selectmen Manefasster Evening Honld One posotoUlty tor a compro- Montgomery, Ala., bustoessman g. center St., near Cobum Rd. St. Bridgri R o ra ^ ^ e ^ wiu reach an agreement aH the men CoInmUa oorreapcndMit Vlr- Amos C. BrowneO be a round table, al- and prerident of the national first car had stopped to have a poUuck Monday at ^ wlll be informed of the dectslon. glnla Csrioon teL 238-9224. Amos C. BrowneU, 66, o f 84 though some diplomats said this Chamber of Commerce, was re- avoid hitting a dog which had p.m. at the school ew ere^ Leave Saigon School Board Rule ------Bundtrook Rd., East Hartford, . , ,revent delegations ported to be to line tor the Job of wt by another veto- Memters are ■’'^'"teded to ^ ^ The Board of Education has ^ j -m r ■ ■ ST The second car pulled to gift for patients at Norwich For Paris come up with a new rule regard- V O W the right at an angle around the State Hospital, and cookies tor tog behavior on school buses. first car and stopped. The third shut-ins and convalescent (Oontiniied from Page One) “ letter containing the car stopped a djort distance ^ gent Is expected to arrive here MCC Students homes. the delegation, aides, secreta- name of the student, period of To Enlist Aid away from the first two. it r . Brownell was bom Sepfe “ « « 8un«tey. “ >0 ries end several newsmen. tlme he is to stay off the bus The fourth oar didn’t rtop and 6, IMS to Bolton, son of the late P>«nnod a gala ai^ rt raUy te Receive Grants The Manchester Newcomer’s The party Is due to Paris Sun­ and the reason why will be fill­ hit the third; the third hit the O f Faculty Rer. Edgar and Ellen Oark outdo the reception accorded aub will have its annual chil­ day. ed out to the school office ujion Brownell, and had Uved In the the NLF grotq> five weeks ago. A^ Its last meeting the board second, and the second hit tiie dren's Christmas party tomor- a complaint from the driver. The official government news (Continned From Page One) Manchester-RockvlHe area for Chief UA. negotiator W. Aver- of directors of the Manchester first car. row from 1 :30 to 3 p.m. at the agency today quoted Thleu as Parents wlH have to sign the Scholarship Foundation approv- mony yosra before moving to eU Harrlman is due back to Arrested and charged with tol Community Y on N. Main St. gaying negotiations cannot bring form and the school will de- beginning Monday. East Harttord IS years ago. Be- night from a short Watiitogton ed seven scholarships to Man- too cloeely was Ronald gj^j,ta aaus a'nd hla elves will about -peace "if we do not -win clde, according to the type of fore be n tira d nine yeora ago, 'risU. Chester Commimlty rv>iie»-eCollege stu- _ ------„o r .. oon w..o» ...... — .. The students were suspended F. Bosrfe, 28, of Rt. 320, West cigtribute gifts to the children. batileflelds, if we do not complaint, how long the pupil after a demonstration to the he had been employed as super­ ------dents. Willington. Court date la set for afterndon, clowns will liberate more hamlets from will be kept off the bus. ■ Oshkosh adininlatratlOT butidhw intendent of sslee and training Correcting Correction Five awards of $80 each were Dec. 80. entertain and pimch and cookies Communist terrorism.’’ At present, the student is drlv- erupted into a wild melee with for the Texaco 0>. Mr. and Mra. Delbert Rey- presented by the MOC advisory ------will be served. Parenta are re- Vietnam_____ Press said the presi- en home on the day of the of- thousands of doHars worth of ot- Surviviocs , beridBS b is wtfe. In­ nolds of 260 Autumn St. have board to Mary Ann Bogll, Lyn- A minor accident occurred to blinded to bring small, wrapped dent made that statement Bri- fense and the bus conftracter no- fice property damaged. The clude two sons, Msrvto C. been married for 38 years and wood Dr.; Dennis Madigan, 31 the Parkade lot yesterday at labeled with their chll- day on a tour of the Mekong tlfies the parent of the situation, demonstration was In siqppport of Brownen of Homswood, BL, and and Mrs. Alme Latulippe Oak St.; and Bruce Little, 111 ___11:86 a.m. Cynthia Donaldson, dren’s name. For further infor- Infor- riieltalielta to inopect the progress of Student Teaidiers student demands for a separate Richard A. BrcMmell at Wor- jgQ ye^non St. have been wed Bryan Dr., all ot Manchester. 100 Briarwood Lane, East Hart- nation contact Mrs. J.C. Moore the special pacification offen- Two new student tesu^hers are block student union and m ore ceriST, M o m .; a brother, FiOgar ^ years. Their anniversary Also, Robert Ziff, West Hart­ ford, and Raymond Sharpies. 80 428 W. Middle Tpke. slve. working with Mrs. Dorothy Tag- courses on Negro history. C, BrowneUofBocaRatOttjJ^.; photos ta Monday’s issue of The ford, and John Sullivan Green­ Cummings St.. East Hartford two staters, M n. Laura 8*166* Herald were reversed, and the wich. were the two drivers involved. of Mancheiter and Ito . H«sry corj-eetton to last night’s Herald Two scholarships of $100 each Welch o f Ugbtbouse Point, Fla., incorrect when It listed the were given by the Harttord The parking lot of the Scarlet and six grandchildren. Reynolds as being married tor Electric Light Co. to Dolores Dragon on Toltond Tpke. waa TOWN OF MANCHeSTGR DEPARTMGNT OF PUBUC WORKS The Holmes Flmeral Home 40 years and the Latulippes tor Holmes, Wllllmantic, and John the scene of an apparent hit and 400 Main 8t„ is in riwige of 36. Pacheco, East Hartford. run accident last night. A car arrangemeats, wWeb ora in­ driven by Dohald L. Smith, 16, complete. of 23 Kerry St., sustained damage to Its rear trunk Ud. Mra. Lm j . B icker NOTICE OF OSFA to Outline Plans Police suspects that a large COVENTRY — Mrs. Alice vehicle caused the damage. Rlcber, 89, o f Hyaintds, Maes., form erly o t Ooveutry, dted yes­ For Summer Homestays COMPLAINTS terday at Obd Hoepital, A heavy iron bench was dis­ LEAF PICKUP Moss, after a brief Hlnees. She The foUmving streets are scfaednled tor leaf ooUeetton on the below listed dsysi bi the event of rain on any sdwdnled The Organization for Study In the guest of M. Legendre, the covered missing from the home was the widow ot Leo J. Rldier. and America will hold official guardian ot the hlstori- collection day pickup on remaining routes Will be postponed one working day. Home owners, on the belw listed streets of Mrs. Frank Manner, 674 She moved to Hyaistis about a meeting open to the public cal monuments In the Depart­ who wMi to have yard leaves oollected ore reqiiested to rake leaves Into the gutter so m to form a windrow tito length Wetherell St. yesterday morn­ of the property and confining the leaves In the gutter as much as possible. Tills should be done the tey prior to s d ^ - 20 years a ^ after Mvtog fai Oov- at East Catholic High School ment of the Oise. entiy for’ mony years. ^ OSFA members will discuss ing. Mrs. Mhnner said the uled leaf ooUectlon. Property owners ore requested to mok^ certain that no foreign objects such os stones, branches, tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 4. bt'ioch, valued at $28, was too cans or any other material OTHER T1(1AN LEAVES OR GRASS are placed la the pQes. Additional scheduled route# will Survivors include a son, Nor- the homestays for next sum­ OSFA la a private, non-profit, heavy for OTe person to remove. be advertised next week. mand L. Rldier of 181 HoWster educational corporation whose mer. Word has been r-!celved from France that the Organlza- DtcMifMr 11 to understand- DttCMnbor 9 Dseembur 12 J. Braun of East Horitoed; ___ tlon Scholaire Franco-Britannl- Archery equipment valued at Dectmib«r 10 tog and friendship between the 3280 was removed from a car Rleting m a­ Packard S t Butler Rd. Thayer Rd. Horace S t necticut towns were also mem­ stay with the fam ilies, the stu­ jor appointments to the govern- Hotfnwi Rd. Dartmouth Rd. . Pertonal Notices dents will tour northern France. Tuck Rd. Oholmeea St. bers of the group. ni4ht. , Duval S t Overhuid S t At tomorrow’s meeting, Wll- Members or others unable to The governors also basked to Ooatle Rd. M t Nebo FMoe Chufc S t South Main S t In Memoriam Usm Mulkeen o t St. Thomas attend the meeting and inter­ Ni)con’s declaration at their for­ Fredherick Rd. (Haclanatadc to ested to participating In either Horton Rd. Wyneding HUI Rd. In lovtns mamory ot Rsymond Seminary, Bloom field, wdll pre- mal state dinner Friday night Shollowbrook Rd. Hartford Rd.) H. BHv«n, «4k> psased sway De- - ’ — Turnbull Rd. Keeney St. caenber 7, llfB. nt a talk with slides on ’T>es of the bomestay programs may that Novemt>er results which Monuments Exceptional dans contact Prof. Ja^pes R. Brown* pushed Uie number of OOP OarrroU RdL (Hoofcmatatdc to •very ymr, my heart des Provinces de France du 19 Cumberland Rd., or Mrs. state executives to a high mark WettaeraOBb) Ae tlme'ooes oa I inlw yvu tnorc. Nord." He spent hie summer Harold Weldon, Penn Dr., both of 31 "was the truly great vlcto- BMwea S t Biiveo homeotay to France to 1967 as West HarUord. ry of the laurt election."

I- t % w Ool- [Ical ider- for rical I an Mki> lorv* med 9lor> mattrl^rBtpr reer DEC. 7 thru DEC. 13 t 17 €t>tttitt9 I f t r a ld ftfrttittg Iffra^ ndla TV Shows • a n par- •oaf- irox- If Only He Had Screamed lUMt d O . A a WaaUngtMi Foot Oavatt paused, grinned and He worked In summer stock In England where Uttle amusing ■aga- ■*n>a Dick Cavett ghow,” added: "Of course, betora I want ing — apparently — happened, which arrived laat March aa to Tala I was all vhaipie.” Somedays, he sits around to him. He got a big role at tbe the tpeaheat, taigbteat and moat Stratford, Ooim., Sbaioeqieare otvWaad daytfana program ki swapping storiaa about the theater wkb playwrighUeacber Festival, working in a produc­ the acbedtde, probaUy won’t be Marc Oonnelly. During the oon- tion of ‘Ihe (Merchant of around bt (ha new y«ar. 'Ihe varsatlon, Oavatt wilt recall hla Venice,’’ whidi starred Kath­ contract for the Oavatt Aow days as an actor, Ha wmked In arine Hepburn. inina out hi Deoember, and k TV idramatfc programs and, ha Dick had one line and he still haa only two chanoea—alkn and recalls it: "Oentlemen, my nona—of tiaing raneiwed. master Antonio Is at his house g ABOTV, to Me credit, waa and desires to apeak vriUi you Jocui trying to change mcmhig boOi.” viewing habits when it atoited Under Oavstfs gentie guid­ ra n t- the Oavett allow. Daytime, aa ance, some guests talk freely. 1 th» aqy maaocfatot knows, la fUed Actress Blaine Strltcb chattered vh 8. wUh re-nma of ntgbttlma about the Incompetence of in­ r lt«r com edy program s, wMh gaanda dividuals in tiiow buslneas, pass­ Oiled adth aoraamhig diahimera ed out her views on sex and t ttM of dOHars and wKh grim, tear- listed the reasons that she dis- hd daytime dramatic aeiiala. Ukes being interviewed. (bcre All are noisy, the remit of Ihe Oavatt openkig mono­ logtot someone’s research which hell' logues, which he vrrites himself, oatoa that hoiiaewtvaa are too are futt of those strottous puns U ette busy to look but do enjoy Hs> that every person who loves the Ivlng tienk«. ‘Iha programa «re ihahi- Bn^lah language can groan and ly radio MHWS. ’Tbs video ele- treasure. V/hen the msrriaga of * up wUon ment cf tdevMon is incidental. Mrs. John F. Kennedy a^ Aristotle OnaasU w » flBing 1. He CJavott doesn't scream, band out money or suffer unbearable new^Mpers, he deliverad a pun ’ con- that woidd &ave caused pain • re a patob He betaavaa Hkk the widl- eduoatad young man that be is. even to Beimet Cerf. Cavott not­ ed tbat tile new Mrs. Onaaste •orge Oueats are treated as guetoa, beltar Mdijsctad only oocaaianel- is taHer than her huaband that Iw o r ■ly to OanwttVi alm o^ apologetic some reporters claim he com- tlv aiioas. r the “AH cf which provap,” smiled cause a 6C5-TV w as k»)dng to r Dick Oavett pao- someone like Johnny Oanon. As Ohvatt, “you ttiould beware cf iwclal Oavett recshs: "Tihey wanted declares, rose to baooma one of Oreaks wearing lilts.’’ iMrtijr •omecne who waa from the mid­ the Induistty's "most prominent Too bad "The Dksk Oavett west and who had pfcksd up ex tra s." aurw" is dying. H DWflt ever Mned- come eastern cidture. You know, Be appeared In the very l«k gats another aiiot at Ihe daytime I atu- someone who Is half rustic and "Playho^ 90” but Is reason­ audienea, he’ll know exacts nueet half sharpie. ably certain tbat the fine drama what to do: Scream, had out 17 k t “I qualified. After aH, I grew aeries had been canceHed even money, weep on cue — Just Mke rad e a up in Nebraska 'and I want to before Ms r^ppearance as an aH auoceaatid daytime TV per­ • e, 7 sdiool at Tale;” extra. form ers. n d ay , stable Aims itlcka, »diiaa- By lAWRENCE lAUBBNT program is tbs moat dooHa, qiHetly Into tbe stwHo. They're larlch, Ihe Waahliigten Foot moat obUgli«, mo^ patient rewarded with tbe sight of two group in the United States. It boom microphones and four col­ , pud- BIHIBANK. Oallf. — Tha or cameras. By 6:86, ail tiie Diana Ross, singing witti her groapi the Supremes, ■rkey. is a herd, deeperately eager to paopla began ipMherkig in the please. seats are flHed. Announcer in their show, ‘TXJB,” Mtmday from 8 to 9 on NBC. e r r y hot BurbMdc sun as early as 4 Frank Barton does the wann- "TOB” means “taking care of business.” a, ice pjn. ‘Biey vrattsd aa much aa Why do they come? The most up, announcing that the tiiow nooiUe 27 months -to gat ticketa lor a common aupwei is an OBthushis being taped wlH be tolecaM taw ed video tape raoonHiig seatton of tic, "Wa Jtnt wanted to see how Thanksgiving Day. "So we roUed like thunder, begtoning' and so la asnumd cf a aafe ta- "The Dean Martin flhow.” tt’s done.” Several coigiles hope,” he smiled, “that after with throaty chuckles and dy­ tum . standing In line were from Iowa. -1 ' I joined them and found tbat you have your turkey, you’U ing wRh high pttched giggles. WMta inereaataig psoduotlnn lerald the studio audlenoa for s TV One couple was from Nebraska watch our show and won’t think 'A t 7:«, Martin walked In. He coato-half hour tisowa now coat V lr- and an elderly woman had come that It’s a turkey.” wore a tuxedo, a ddit with a be tween $75,000 a n d |M ,000 p a r from as Far Bast as Mksaa- L • j , I expected to hear a mastive, button down collar and dark program, and hour abowa twice ■ n cfausetts. Moat of.them had vislt- thlat-4t ia imoeaaBry for the aVd od Dimeylanit but iho firee ad- painful groan. But not from a studio audience. The laughter ended coming easy to spot programs weekly in tenns of authencoo n the ist Bintrance." This group to aucy poor health that they ter wckhiota jik llM knows someone in the corpora­ tion or, batter stlU, has personal probaMy wlU not aurvlve. Death to the spttngtime usual­ a w ith ly comes to those series which I of o<- with one of the Peer health to tetovlaion imperious young NBC pages. te rm s is a a y network xnegram come in third in their time per­ The iods to the three-network battle lo rt of that iQUtlDdiy fatia to attract at West Coast pages are qutte least cnotitird of the ’TV audi­ for audlenoe attentfon. Some­ ELECTRONICS p arate different from the ones In New times, however, a ttiow that m ore ence. Tm Spoon Rosturont York. The Basterners are am­ A scanning cf the Nleto'vi rat­ whs weak one aeaaon manages LABORATORIES bitious fOT executive positions. to get stronger If movsd to a dV- Fidl-Tlme OoU Frofesaianal ing >q;Mits indtoatea tbat it wlH In the West, they’ire potential a miracle cure to boost ferent time. ’This season, for in- on Premises at An Times. star performers and each has 277 BROAD A1 Oayaon, Fro. auch sbowB as "The Ouw of stao ee, “KBgh C h a p arral" ap- already acquired tbe haughty Will Sonaett," “The New Adven­ pecmi to be doing nicely In an veneer that stardom may, some tures of Huek FtaW’ and "The early Friday right pcsiUan Golf 0 Tron day, demand. Avengers.” ,. .while last'season it was dying in STEREO At 6:34 pm . on this Saturday, Other programs that are act a late Sunday cgwt. KXIT M from I-M the pages bestowed the honor of In good eltape now Include "The "The Good Guys," the new TAPES Bts. 88 * 89, Taloottvma permitting the, cklsens to tile Outcatta." "The Jerry Lowte Bri> 'Denver sHuatton comedy, S how ,” "Star TTek," started out dismally bri: now "N.T.PJ>." and "The Big Val­ nAtfifirm to have pirieed steam. FOR ley.” "Hawaii FlveO,” "Blon- In the last Nleisen, it climbed din,” "Judd for die Defense,” irio diet top ddrd. "The Doris ■Atlantic Fuel Oil "That’s Life" and "The Jona­ D ay Show ," ■which bobbed CARS than Whitera Show" and "Holly­ aiouiid alanniDgly early to tba aeaaon, now seems to have ■es- lied Phone 643-1129 wood Palace" also look fiiall. L T. WOOD CO. “ ^ WMle NBC and CBS see-saw ta b llttisd d s nkJhei g5Ut to a Mat TV-: wto o n to B ts a e n gth T M Haat traai Blata St. a$ Mata l batik and forth weekly In top­ of 86 shows In die last report— ed- Ma, wUl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 PAGE THREE ^ PAGE TWO MANCHBSTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEE, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 MONDAY JO PROGRAM Educational TUESDAY JO PROGRAM SATURDAY JO PROGRAM HighMghte (5*45-84) J e n y Lawta Shaw li4 4 (») O M TaBt (O) 1:69 O ) OM M k (O) flb8ffti Mid FM5IV88 Gueota are Dicone Warwick Mindanao” George Hahaiia, TODAY: "Escape to Mln- 7:14 (K«444) 1 DreoB sf Jeonde TV (54) FUm ■■■ . and The Osmond Bros. U:M (SMM) BM buui (C> WUII Doopman, Nehemlah <8) Th4 A v u g a ia (O) (IS) At Hone* wMh BMW <0 ) U :W (S) JwuT QsMt (C) dinao," a "World Premiere” IS) M*Wosas wUh ■ (O) (54) Divorm Curt Vlylac niharm aa (C) liver de<»der to their own fore’ (C) will be joined on "TCB” (Tak- <■) I lu r e L«my (M) Baber Derbjr (C) SUNDAY: "Face the NaUon,” (8) I Leve Leer 4:44 F reu h Chef _ <4S) Funy Yon Shsold A * (444) OaMe far SwMflu es. (C) (44) Feaar Tea BbeaM Ask tng Osre of Buslnen) by their Buheler 1:M (1) Year Ceaunaaltir (0) 8:88 (4d) Hsilywssd Palace with Tom Hayden, a founder of tWow Motown rerdlng Boche dSNoal ^ R 1:55 (44) GhSdrea’a Doctor (XI) New Adreatarea a( Baek liOl (44) Cia6r4B’4 ^ lateraeMual MagasiBe B 5:44 (5) Lev* Is a Many SpleadarM Satirical study of aingie male, F l u (C) 18:88 (8) Hellyweod Palace (Jolaed a o s , noon to U:30 pjn. on 2:44 (I) L4ve U a Maag ipleait re^l srtista, the flve-man Temi>t»- how he ll'ree, thlnlu and avoids In Progress) tkna. Bridge with J e u C u B Thing ^ - ring Dean Jones. Shelley Ber­ Baltimore ts. Green Bajr Shew (C> . Sports 2:84 (I) QsUHu Ugkl Theatre for Now" R (C) Elarl Johnaon gome acalnat Joe 18:45 (48) Science FleUsa Theatre on NBC. . ."A ' Charlie Brown (544844) A a Daetan "Kid Galahad" ISlTia Prealev, (l*-St-a4) noDoetois (C) measure there wul be 13 de­ Joseph and Tim Rarahan "Secret of Dr. Mabuse” Christmas,” a robroodcaat, 7:80- ifevtos (C> views In Chicago, 8 p.m. on an honest young priseflghter 7:M Folk Ooltar (14-X544) Y u D u t < C ) (M) Champlaaaklp BowUas "The Horse Soldiers" '58 Unloa (544444) Tea DsaH 8ar (C) 7:54 Facee af Bulaesa — USA (C) "The Bound of Anger" Burl whose career becomes businese <0 ) (XI) Wla wHh the Stare TC) OivaliY officer drives his men Channel 24. . .“ The Sm others (5) Mr. O saber (0) DavM Rockefeller (5) Mr. Goober Ives, Jamea Farentlno, Guy (M) Amerimt 44) News (0) girts wealthy father. Wortd S:Si (S) George of the Jangle "The Girl In the Kremlin" '67 Idd brother aliont his under­ 14:14 O piain Wulriagtaa (H) Aa SchoeU Match WHa 4:14 (1) H u d <0 ) 4:14 (8) Haul _ _ (C) premiere. (C) Lex Baxter, Esa Zaa Gabor, MONDAY: "TCB,” with (8) Marv OrlflM 6b iw (C) world boaa. Showdown flnda Taeaday, Deeember 14 (5) Merv OrUtIn Shew (0 ) 8:*4 (5) Darla Day Show (C) JoNry Stone. (54) Basgb Bideis _ brother ogabut brother. (C) (M) A n Selhem (8-48) N.TJ5.D. (C) (M) Wla with the Sters 44 Mtaete. ny Carson R (C) 8-9 p.m. on NBC. . ."The Road (14) Batanu (C) "Gettvaburg"ttvsmin (84) B a tm u (C) Joey Rishop with Play­ (844) That’s Life Wayne Maunder and China '47: PHot, escaping from (54) -Weather 7:54EDIst Nariu ‘Xxuide to the Swinge­ Wella 0>IL, Aurora, New York "Kid Galahad,” Elvis Presley (54) Muulara burg,” dramatization 11:44 (14 55 44 44) Newi —S 8:44 Bridge with J e u C u (54) Mmstei* Chinese warlord, disguises ______ Ire finds more then he bargain­ TUESDAY; "A Guide to the ceaaful robberv. crook fears (44) Trath or CuMrqaeaees ed for. (44) Trslb • Survival In the Sea (84) Sulal Seenrita tai A etlu Jurgens. Marla Schell. ay Carsm _ (C) "Kiss. Kiss, KID, KOI" Tony Bishop, Dean Jones and Playboy Carlo. Dan Dniyea. (22) BIghItathts (C) pert 5:M (I) Brad Davla Shew (C> 8:dd (ShXUd) Get Steart (0> Kendall and Baitara Harris. (14) Msvar HaHamu Mss atls (8-48) Joey Bishop Shew After D tuer MaTle_ (0) FM (44 )News tort u d GaldepoM* 4:M (t News with Boger Hadd Host HuiUi Hefner. Guests In­ ABC ... “«0 BOmites,” a study "Boy on a Dolphin" '67. A ^ (4-44) Jeey BleiMp Show (C> 4:46 (44) Csmbst . ^ "G reece" _ (dd) _Newtywed O an e clude cartoonist Shel Silver- (44) News 4:44 The Werld We Live In (C) (88) Haatiey - Brlakley ^ (88) New* sad SIga OH 4:M (It) WMdeital Werld af Aegean Sas. Sophia Loren. (54) News aad Mga Off 7:44 Moaagemml by Objectlv u 8:8# (•' New. with Walter Crpn- 1:84 (8) New* u d Weather — * • - 7:W (S) Here’s Lacy (C> Bellgloss n m aad Sign Off tions 1968^ J a ck B enny,” the Alan Ladd aitusi Webb. (44' New* BeaMbMs — USAF kUe (C) (2448-t8) Nows — Weather — (4d> law teaee Walk Shew 1:18 (8) News — Momsal of Com­ kUe (C) pert (C) 7:54 Spertsm ullke Driving nold. tul T:M (SI Jaehie Glee,— Show (0) on Channel 24. (t) Hews wHh Freak Mav- (4) Troth ar Cusegaeaea. (C) meat af M editatiu aad SIga 8:44 News tai Ferepeetlve (C) (8»(n-8d) Satarday Night ^ fort aad Osideassts Off (Sd-tAM) Adam-U (C) Movies 8:18 (8) Moment of MedHaUea aad THURSDAY: “Lisa” (1982), ■abb (O) (S44M4) New. — Weather — 4:44 N.E.T. FeeUval (C) (4d) DnHag Game World Premiere of "Escape to Sign Off Eroica girl becomes an International fu­ 14:44 Th e Ware e l the B o m . gitive. with Dolores Hart and The Inheritance Stephen Boyd, 9-11 p.m . on CBS. Tharaday, December 15 FRIDAY: “ Devi," a film (>n a PM WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM 4:44 Lag af Apalle 7 man’s religicus fantasies by the ma and historic story of man 4:14 TTbat’e-^w B 1:84 (8) Girl Talk (G) (88) MeHole’s Navy master Indian filmmaker Saty­ 7:44 Bffloleat Beading (48) News on deep waters. Proipvun In­ SUNDAY JO PROGRAM (58) Film cludes scenes of aliips round­ Paragranh Reading Skllla R (48) Gembat _ a jit R ay, 9 p.m . on CSiaimel 24. (XI) At Heme with Kitty (0) 8:86 ing Oofie Horn, crossing North 7:M (M> AEiicaltmrc Parade 7:54 Folk Oaltar R (If) Divorce Coert (C) 5:25 (8) W uderfal World of pects of the holiday season. (Ray Is Interviewed (d 7:30 on 8:44 Feorth Briale Surtii AUantic in l4Df«ot rowboat, 7:M (4t) Sermaaette (M) Dream Heosa sinking of Flying Entcrprloe 7:S# (M) TUa U the life (28) Wonderfnl WswM el Color same channel.) 8:54 C u eert Fraaeal. 1:84 (8) A . the World Tara* (C) 8:88 (t) New. with Waller Grea- (3iansona d’Amour klto (C) and tacosure - booting boom. 7:6t <$) Sica aa aad Prayer (244*48) Let’* Make 4£^Deal Burgess Meredith norrates. 8:M (S) The Ckriatephera '5:M (S) Ed Sunivu Sbmr (C) 4:44 CriUqae ' (C) (C) , (8) News with F r u k Ray- (8) Davey * Gellath (S-44) The FBI (C) 14:44 New. la Ferepeetlve B (8) I Love Lacy acMs (G) 11:88 (>4-5*4448) News — W utker Adveataree el Oamhy (C) f i r s t LADY INTERVIEW Friday. Deeemlier 15 1:56 (48) CkOdrea’s Doctor (2240) HuUey - Brinkley Be- (58) MeKmver u d Ike Golonel (»45) Smidog Nlgkt Mevie special on Dec. 27, not long be­ What’a New B (C) "The House on 82nd Street seta out to disorganise Napo­ 8:48 <4«) Dawa i U ^ "Ride Beyond Vengeance" ’86 Faces ef Baalaee.—USA (C) (84*) Newlywed Game (C) Drama-documentary atmut leon's plans and army. Tony f:M (S) Mariae Bey <0> Westeiyi with (^uch Connors, fore moving day. She will talk David Rockefeller R 5:88 (8) OaldlBg Ltaht (U) FBI's attempts to crack an Chirtis, Colleen Miller, Gene <8) Diecevery Mtctukel Rennie. with Howard K Smith about life 7:14 Tin Creative Penoa eaplonue ring. Lloyd Noolan, Bairy. Dan O'Heriihy. (C) Satyajit Ray (24X5-88) ■rkeDeeter* (O) Uacle WaMe (C> With Plielpa and Rollln aa t Wauugtm: Week In Review (28) Hnntley - Brinkley Be- I Book Beat 5:8* (8) ^ r e t Storm (C) (G) 8:18 (48) Sacred HeaH leading men. the Force stages duriiv the peat five years- (242*48) A uther World (C) port ’ (C) (8-48) Joey Bishop Show (G) 8:88 (S> Frem Cellege Campas an anti-American play which Anton Myrer (8-48) O u eral Hospital (C) (8) Trath or G eu eqn u cee (G) The program, “The View I N.E.T. PlayhoBse (2*4448) Now* -Weather — 1:88 (8) News —Moments of Com­ St. Joseph College could prove to be strong pro­ 8:54 (5) The Daklettor TOunr (C) fort u d Onldenosta <8) A e Chrtetephers (O) paganda device for the enemy. from the White House with Mrs. Devi (54X5-58) Yoa Don’t Soy (C) Sports u d Featnres (G) I N.E.T. Festival (C) (8) News nad W uther — Mo­ Eteraal light <0> (!*«•> Besntifal PhyBIs Dtller Lyndon B. Johnson" was taped (8) Mr. G u ber (C) 7:58 (24X544) The Y lrglnlu (C) ment of Medltntlu u d Sign (5*) News u d Sign Off 18:88 (3) Lamp Hate My Feet Brown and Shari Lewis. Uy’s Uving quarters. 4:88 (24X548) Match Game (C) 8:88 (3) The Goad Ooy* Merv Griffia’s Sidewalks (48) Dark Shadows (8-48) Peyton FUee (G) Religions Film u d Sign OH (28) Chalice of Salvatlea of New Eurlaad (C) 4:25 (242*44) News (C 8:88 (8) Beverly Hillbillies (G) Arthur Treacher. Aretlia (88) Lei tis Celebrate SANG IN BAND 4:88 (8) Basel (U) (2*4*48) b a f t M u le HaB (G) (48) Faith fer Today Franklin, Paul Revere atid The Mornine (8) Merv Grlftla Show (C) "And All That Brass" Concert 18:88 (8) Sarvival (C) Raiders, Jimmy Helms with Ed Piatt, who plays the chief (2*) Asa Sothem by Herb Alpert and the Tiju­ UNKLETI'EH 8BOW (8) Leoh Up aad liv e Mort Lindsey and the orches­ (22) Mike D ooglu Show (C) ana B rau. Guests are Louia (38) Sacrifice of the Mass tra. I-' on NBC’s "Get Smart,” sang for (88) B atm u (C) Armstrong, Robin Wilson and NEW YORK (AP) — Alter (48) Christophers 11:44 (S-g-tt-S4-44) New, — Weather TV two years with Paul WWlteman's (4*> Fllatotones Jackie Vernon. ' on Uiese yearn, CSS’ "Houoe- 18:48 (8) light T & e aad Sport, (C> 5:80 (8) Ferry M aua (8-44) Wednesday Night at Mo­ 11:88 (8) Camera Three (C) 11:15 (44) Movie ef the Week Band. (Monday — Friday) (28) Discovering America vies (C) party” has changed its name (8) Optatoaated Maa (O "Crime of Passion" (88) Maastors "Crack In the Worid" '66 officially to "Hie Llnklettor (22) Chjunploaship Bowllag (48) OUUgu’B Island Science Fiction with Dana An­ Jim Certain and Jim Mack va Burl Ives in NBC II :M (1) Movie MsslerplecM "Hiss Sadie Thompeon" '54 6:85 (5) Momenta of Comtorta sad 5:25 (40) W utker drews, Janette Scott. Show" — stardom too Jong Don Johnson and Wayne Zahn. movie, “The Sound of New. 5:80 (It) Ladles Day • :S8 (5) O re u Acres (G) (48) Insight Preacher tries to convert sha­ s Has The Largest denied Qie popular daytime (diow dy lady but It doesn't quite 6:18 (8) Infinite H erliua (88) F Troop 18:88 (S> Jonathu Winters Show 11:18 (88) Sacred Heart Program Anger,” Tuesday 9-11 Selection of 6 :2# (5) lUga On u d Prayer (40) Tmth or Conseqnonce. host. tl:S8 22) Notre Dame Football 6:86 (1) Saariu SemeUsr (C) New* (C) Ships (G) Highlights of SeiUoa (C) Aldo Ray. (C> Figurinee (8) Pat Boose Show (C) (14) C a u . Classreem (24) Marriage la Today’s So­ Project 20 special telling dra- (88) lodastry on Parade (C) In the U .S.A. (8) Meralag B e fle cn u . (C) ciety (48) Conversations with . . . (48) Charlie Chan In HonohUa (XI) Peter Gaaa GARNER'S F eaturing (1) News u d Weather (G) (22) Highlights (C) U:45 (88) JewUh life (C) 5:88 (8) Sandayinday MovieM Speetacnlar "Voodoo” (M) Sanday Night Tonight Early American (24-25-84) Today Show (C) 12:88 (8) We Believe ••The______Fightingng Seabees" John (8) Frleadi of Mr. Oeeber (C) (28) Christophers Wayneyme and Susan Hayward %nw (C) ReproducOniis I! TYPEWRITERS ! 12:45 (44) News 7:8# (8) Year Commanlty (C) (88) Bing Aroand the World "'ormingm l of the tough Seabees (5) C ^ t. K u garoo (C> (48) College Football *88 endnd ththeu* - operation m the Pact 1:44 (8) News — Moments of Com­ 6:## \ RUG & c a r p e t \ fort and Oaldepests WILTON’S (4*) Oeerge of the J u g le Our SPEEDY Specialty I GUARANTEED 12:16 <2#> Living Word fie, close to Japanese lines. (8) Thenurblrd. (C) 12:25 (3#) Foevt (O (48) Alfred Hitchcock (54) Newt — sin Off TRULY DELiaOUS (44) News Headlines — USAF G IFT SHOP Make a Difference Where "You Save! (tS) J u k L aL un e Shew 12:3# (3#) Etenial Llicht ••Pinocchlo'^ Musical version W. Goebel, West Germany (M) Leave It to Beaver The world’s "flneat eatln’ completely equipped service (8) Conn. M.D. of 19th Century classic chil­ (8) Hncklelnrry Hound Show (48) Discovery '88 dren's story about Utile pup­ EARNINGS 9:15 chicken” with Inoomparable dept. pet wh6 ventured into world SAVINGS 9:3# (5) Make Room for Daddy 82 CALL 649-1752 1:88 (28-22-38) Vagabond (C) SOAP O PERA (24) Film taste. Tears of Servloe ••Aiixona’s Historic Black and learned wisdom of being (50) PaB.word (C) Country” Tread floors of honeri with himself and oth­ t i n ( / I v O A N ' «V|% DlvUeod paid (44) Dmmle and Lu.le CALL IN ORDER Krnnk Kiiidlii', I’rop. Yuma's old prison which most ers. Peter Noone, leader of NEW YORK (AP) — NBC. t . AGNEW & CQ. A S S O « I A I” I U N 1#:#0 (5) Lacy Show (C) Pick Up 10 Minute* Latex famous nnm en of old West Herman's Hermits rock 'n' roll which will lose Ms long running from day of deposit. (20-22-54) Snap Judgement (C) Business BfacUnes (Mice trod and visit quaint Con­ group, as Pinocchto, Burl Ives 11 HiKh St. (Rear) ception Mission, scene of bru­ as Gepetto. Anita Gillette as day-time game show, "Let’s (44) Bewitched t Siqqrile* 4 times yearly. 19:86 (24-2244) New. (C) tal Indian Massacre of 1871. the Blue Fairy, Charlotte Rae Make a Deal’’ to ABC at the DECI’S DRIVE-IN 188 W. Middle Tpke. .Miinclu’sli-r, Conii. aa Rosa Whale. Mort Marshall 1#:8# (5) Donald O’Connor Show (8) Way Oat (C) end of the year, will replace It (24-22-54) Concentration (C) BIaiiolM8tei'--MS-Ull (28-22-38) AFL Football (C) aa the Cat. Jack Fletcher as 462 CENTER ST.—64S-2S60 the Fox and Ned Wertlmer as with a swlti^ on the old soap 1007 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER • ROUTE 81. COVENTRY (8-44) Dick Cnvett Show (C) (48) PIrtnre for Sanday After- (24-25-54) Poreonnllta (C) Farmer Whale. opera formula, a serial called 11:## Double feature: “The Tou^est (8-48) Land of the Giants (C) u e n u e CO. 11:8# (24-22-54) Hollywood Square. Gun in Tombstone" and ^‘The (28) Adventores of Hack Finn "Hidden Paces." The emphasis U :00 (5) Love of Life (C) Iron ^eriff (C) will be leas on misery, tUvorce (24-22-84) Jeopnr^ (C) 2:88 (8) College Football '88 (C) 7:88 (8) A Charlie Brown Christ­ (8) Steve Allen Show (C) TURNPIKE mas B (C) and surgical operations and Com plete (44) New. 8:88 (8) Conn. Assembly Report (44) Bo»o the Clown 8:88 (8) NFL (C> Story tells of (^arlle Brown's more on mystery and adventure. Line o f: MANCHESTER 12:06 Chicago V0. Los Angeles search for real meaning of the BEST 12:25 (S)>Newi

BP PAG B POUR MANCHKrnER BVSNINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 ..(AP) «p M « ‘ itsao) T H U R S D A Y JO P R O G R A M moot] jntan- be loaer and youag Arm y Oorp. epact IK (I) Olri Talk ■ of mnntar. CM) Film la aOeoaad „ -— H v (tt> At Hama w itt U tty IHvarea Caort (0> SiN ( t S ) B ew S ek ^ jW -ilke < (M ) Praam Hanaa IraaeUe,___ ^ (W *>rs 1:N (I) Aa tba WarM Tans <0> Raymo^ Burr. IratiMe b (taasat) Lat’a Ilaka a Paal aided In Ms InveaUsStlon of tsw-s (8) I Lara Iney _ Inster's murder to p q ^ dog to ttk ( « ) Paaar Taa SkanU Aak SKt Is apparently the only liH (M> OkUbea’a Pactar wltneaaW lu lO B H W to I thepUO w crirae.4 ssaaw e valop t;te Lara la a naar Uslmdarai I l l * 'twlstl TUaa « n ' "jsyrsacto Paya a( Oar Unw (round of poabwar sMropa and Th« (S4S) HewlywaA Oaau (0>_ Jilddle Bast thb i e je c t (I) OaUbm UgU (0> of lore and___ intrigue OatTnePaetaia Ose Ufe to U r« miule against (eDow oOlcer. ( I ) Bm s m StoUM (0) (John McCtook) -mink (laasto) Mstah OasM (C> (S) PertrmH sf n Star — An- .^VeMc (M) Park Bkadam theay Oahu „ ^ (SaiaaS) Hews <01 (44> JMiaey to the Oakaewa ^'an (1) RaMi <0) U i $ » (Sa«M4) - — - the h (S> Marr Orlffla Sknr <0) Ctooixa Buma, FhO Harria, Ito (N ) Tamkataae TenNary sap m urett and B aitw ra Hall- to w MUw PMttaa Skew TMi b Ika Ufe 11:44 (»-*l-S-KtPM)______Haws — Wssiksr gram (41) Omna’ ebbaS NBC’s "The Dean M ar­ was t <4t> WeiAar l i t (M) VS Nary Tim tin Show” Thnreday "Beaslde Swingers" 'M Hw teat I (»«) T Traop steal oomedy about life among fo r ai <4S) TrsHi ai 19-11 p.m. Britbh toenagars at aeasWIo Site (I4> Weaiker — lyarb resort JohnLeytoo. Mike A lt (O) Santo. Lb Traser, Ron M oo^ board MSmib’B ~Ba*y (M> Baatley - Briakby Qsry Merrin. short] (44) Haws (O) >11:84 (Sb4»44) Tmlgkt »s w wHh NBC njusical, "Pinocchio,” Sunday 7 to 8:80 p.m. (44) OMikal (8) Truth e( Oeaeeaae (O) Jehaay Oarsm (O) repor (I) Wmdsital Weild at Spsris ------Hews — We (844) Jsay Bbbap Shew tlnoe. (»> Maws wHk WaMsr C w Ib i i l i aa (O) 1:44 (8) Bewe — HaeM et e l Osm- U le (O) Vila rtoaajg) (O) (8) Hi (848) vidbal OM la Tswu (0) (88) Hawe d Sbn Oft .J:St (8) BswaH S1ys4>___ (0 ) (48) Hews ■iibsf —m ar Jonathan Winters: (88) Oaaadlan Ttarel TBm n Mid Sign Oa (88-88) RaaSey . Briakby Be- d a l » m (8) Hews Wtatbsr — Me- parl (0 ) called to rieut a( 1 His Wild, w ad World 8:48 (88) I

NKW YORK (NBA) — H m to aay that,*' the catatonic said, aerloQS-(ac«d man atqiped into nte man across the alale did M t pursue the conversation. F R ID A Y JU P R O G R A M a crowded elevator In a Han* hattan hotel, turned to Us Hie dashing man in the RAF Ida (8) OM Tab (G) 8:88 < n TMday HIgM Merb uniform, with the trim mus­ (88) TBm “ Adranoe to ths Bear” '88 equally sertous-faced companion (88) A I Msasa wMh BlMr (G) Company of mbltts in Union and said, “ Dr. HartweU, we tache on Us upper Up, sat in (St) P b a im GauH (G) army b mlatakenly aant west an exclusive Loo Angeles dining (48) Prssm Bsass to guard large sMpmwtt of should never have operated in 1;S (I) As tbs WssH Thras (G) gate Olenn Pord, StoUa the room.” room and qwke to a tourist who (1888-88) Let's Make a P eal Bterana, Mahryn Donglaa. (G) (■4t)Pm Bldiiss Shaw <0> A catatonic gentieman got was asking questions. (I) I Lera Laey (84S) Onae af W B SeaasM (C> abpard an airplane bound from “ No, dear," he said, ‘ T m not (4S) T k ia g T m SheeH Aih (MS) JeSd far lha Pafeam ld B ( 44) GhSdfm’e Poctor Judd uses belief and atfaets New York to Los Angelos. He Britiah. Pm Australian and my l:8S (8) Lsre b a Maay f ' of wttcheraft to defend dbnt had a sign hanging around his great grandfather and father (C> charged with assuH wttlt Head- 8) Daye af Urm to weapon. Quest stan afa neck with his name on i t A were both murderers. It's fas­ B tU y T iM . Linden (biles, man sicross the aisle asked if cinating though, Uiey weren't (G) others. (8) OaMtag L M (G) (188888) Star Trah (G) he was all right sent to Australia as prisoners. (*a.*888' AiePeeters (88-888848) Haws —Wmfhar r-. I ‘ T m on my way to the funny Hiey became murderers alter (848) PaUag Oams aad Spsito (0) « . It (C) (88) ----- farm in California; I was told they got there. AetuaUy, they (188888) Aasfhsr WerM (C) (8) 1 __ , ^ ____ cut the tails o ff kangaroos and \ '.jeae..^ ««esplsal (G) "The Last Hurrah” 'H. Oolor- » ) Ths Lbhbttsr Shew (C) ful Hew Itogiand p«n«toto» ge- let them harden in the aun. (888888) Tm Pee’* Say (G> ddea (o make oos more try Hien they painted them sAite (8) Mr. Osabar (G) (or office In styto of what's TOOL and (48) Oae Life to tire now caned “TIm old poMlos." and sold them as Ivory tusks. IM (8) Baager Slallm (G) Spencer Tracy, Jdlrm Runt- They got asray with It tor years, (888888) Matah Game (G) —PUiuu -Poatar, w. Pr, at O’M n L EQUIPMENT (48) Park Bkeiiwr "Pott Stoister" 'H BzpkakiM until someone caught on and (888888) Hrnra (C) unearth d a a t man eattng they became the first to be tried (8) Basal _ (G) oubs. Jamas Warren, Paul RENTALS (8) M arr O ritfb Shew (G) (branaugh, Lyme RAerts. in what is now known aa a kan­ (SI) Temkitear Tarrbery ) (888888) leatohl Shew Jeto- garoo oourt" (88) MSto P aiw ba Shaw (G) mw Caram (0 ) Sanding Msehlniis (88) Balmaa (C) (848) ie a y BlebsT Shaw (G) The service man, %lth the nl- (48) Ttbblian BurgCM Meredith nar­ (8) Hews —Memenb ef Power Tools § t t $ (8) Term Maem (•H aad Oallepisb Plumber's Ihols trafemintne lisp, went to his (88) Tkla b r Ts4ay rates “Down to the (88) Hawe_ aad Id SNb OlOff major and eiqilataied bow he ad­ (M ) Maastota _(48) „ Hewe jtislb ii —USAF Painter's Equipment (48) OSIbaa'B bbad Sea in Ships” Wednes­ MM gte Vito aad W lga O ff mired him and wanted to be (48) WeaBer C em ent T ooI b day 19-11 p-m. on (TBS. 8:88 (8) Haws and Waatoar — JSa> Just like him. "But, sir,'' he (84) Tbesire 84 t a f MadMaOm aad tfim Bfovlng Equipment (84) r Trssp Off said, ‘ T v e been reading books (44) Trath er Caasegaaec Maintenanee Equipment about all the great leaders of 8:88 (8 8 ) Wasiher — Sperto Wallpapering : men, and Uiere was aometlilng WAU. TO WAIX CAKnil- •4 9 -M S 2 they an had in common. Wash­ s >*# Hary INO FOB EVEBY BOOM Dr ington, C^aeaar, Napoleon, aU of THE HOUSE DTOLUDINO A-P EQUIPMENT them rode a white borae. Sir, Studio flinek lb k it o h b n a n d h a t h , if you rode a white horse, I 'endarlal WasU RENTAL (OowtlBued from Page Ona) a b b is t b o n o u n o l b c m Just know an the guys would ddS « ) Hi FfWMMA OOUNTEB TO M follow you anywhere." U3S Center 8 t gray suede shoes. The audience (8) He k e n t h j ; PB O D uon The major exploded, “You applauded. Dean looked sur­ OBBAMK} THM blankety-blank, don’t you know prised and pleased; “ Well, (8 8) w e're mechanised?*’ Hey! How the hell are you?” 8:48 (88) Laeal Hawe Free EeHmatwe The Uap persisted, “Then, 7:88 d ) Ossth TaOsy Dam (G) he shouted. Story of Vfrgliila (5ltya tamed sir have you ever considered a More laughter. Dean drawled: "Tiger LQ" who proved die JOHN'S white tank?” oouid live In anonymity- “ TMa la not T h e Andy WMtomn (M) Raalby - Briddiy Be- FLOOR COVERINO The medical man, the cata­ Show* with the mifle and the part (G) EM BBOAD 8T. SU-Sfl* : Po tonic, the Aussie and the lisp­ cooUns. W» T h e Dean ICarUn (8) Trath ar Csaaaaaaaeat (C) (188844) Hawe Waathai ing soldier were all Jonathan Shoar' with the boose and the Sberto aad TOalaras (C) ” Ke Winters, a man who can't resist broads.’ ’ Aitother caiawnadw of 7:84 (i> Hrsd W M West (G) ELECTRONICS (8888W) High Chaparral 2 tre a chance to be someone else. ktughiier. (844) Opersam Matertolae SHOP m RUntera is the kind who, when Dean starts up the ataira and (C) am r fre LABORATORIES 8:84 (8) Oamsr T y b — USMC (C) he achieved his lifelong ambi­ doen a sudden twirl. “ I ifalnk <14-tt48) Hama at the Oama SAVE tion to own a trench coat, went I've fo* my aborto on back­ "Tba BUck Answer" Hoping W H E M 277 BROAD ward.’ ’ to prevent Imnifaient raohu into a bank and atood under the disturbances, Jsft PUlon tries Y O U SEE dock, which he compared to He*# pleased with dm audience to prove the buKXMnee of flam- :: E and rewards them again: ‘ T v e ixtyant black mlUlant (Ivan Ms watch wMIe looking around Duon) who Is noouaed of mui^ TH IS F e M e M I D U I . furtively. had audlencen rotting in the daring leadlrarnK>derateHev<-o SION alalea before — but two at a newMNMr editor. ((h i s He's a man who studies (848) TWaay SgasA (C) ttab ?” "Tbs Hostage" CAR pie constandy (“I have „ DO' days when I go to imiaeums or PLBN’S TEXACO Japtu markets” ) and who has an U 1 MAIN 8T. WoMf) STEREO opinion on everything, includ- i ^ flower children.' Don WILUS Goragn 2y OOBMAN BBOa. ■Md., < “ Under many o< those’ beau­ BFBCiAUITS nr 170 M AIN 8T. RADIOS tiful little bouquets of flower,” WHEEL AUONMHNT AND Ahertf bbAMwi b e bvb d b he says, srlth a glint in his eye, Z . o < n ^ OENEBAL AUTO BBPAHI WYMAN o n . OO-r Hi 'Menu T V -l “ are hand grtnades wMh the 'hM-4sn—IS MAIN ar., m a n c pins out.’ ’ A T THB OBEHN Ih oloi Whood ■comic ;j)ert J :bls ei [. An bchad ; Poll T>t Ba 4lt tlK In g a lice. Abe rtot I aiid d