F I^ A Y , DBCEMBER t , 1968 Avtooge Doily Net Pram Ron The Weather page raiBTYJ-TWO Ear I h e W eek BaOed Cloudy tonight with chance of iiUmtligHlgr lEwgtting 1|graU> Nevambar 16, 1868 light snow. Lows In the 90s. To­ morrow, cloudy, windy and cold, chance of snow flurries. toghO Him Manchester Square Dance The Perennial Planters The VFW will spansor a sea­ The public Is invited to attend iUmtfhpfitpr lEumtig BpraUi food and steak night tonight a re ce ^ o n marking the formal 15,341 In mid 80s. About Town Caub will sponsor an open dance Carden Chib will have its annual for an area square dance club Chrlstmss party Monday at 8 from r:80 to 10:80 at the post opening of the Manchester Com­ Manchester-— A City of Village Charm munity CoHege Stairwell Art Mandwriter Rod and Gun C9ub members tomorrow at 8 p.m. p.m. at the home o< Mrs. home, 608 E. Center St Mem­ Gallery and the MldYear Stu­ PRICE TEN CENTS wtt hava.a quaitarty meatlnf at Waddell SebooL Bart JohMteoi Herbert Hutfleld, 28 S t ^ e n St bers and guests are invited. VOL. LXXXVni, NO. 58 (FtiURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1968 (Claasified Advorttebig on Pag* il) IConday at S p.m. at the chib- dent Art Exhibit tomght from 8 will be the caller, and Mr. and Co-hostesses sre Mrs. Theodore This will be the last seafood houae, Daley Rd., Coventry. to 10 in the Hartford Rd. build­ HOUSE 8.HALE Chambers snd Mrs. York irfght until after the holidays. Mte. Russell Wbtte wlU cue the ing. Refreshments wRl be serv­ Strangfeld. Members are re­ DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER— 84M123 round. Committees are Mr. and ed. The exhibit will be open bo The IBancheatier Carden Chib Mrs. Bniest Fesola, door duty; minded to make a Christmas Mrs. Harry Mahoney, VFW ^ have a Chriatmaa buffet the pubUc Monday through Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fhlnney, re­ decoration for the gift exchange. Auxiliary Americanism diedr- 11-Telescope Observatory No Room for Quadh r Monday at 6:10 p.m. at the home day from 8 a.m. to 10 pm. freshment chairmen, assisted by On Wednesday, Etee. 4, the group man and patriotic instructor, through Jan. 34. erf i t i i MUUeent Jonea, Tolland yesterday afternoon presented 8YLMAR, OoUf. (A P )— Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Richmond decorated Whiton Memorial Li­ ONE DAY ONLY! Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gal- Rd., Bolton. A propram of brary for the Yuletide season as an American flag to Cadette Chrlrtmea music will be preaent- and Mr. and Mrs. James Stack- The Rev. Earie R. Curfter of llon became the peurente of Seven Procedural Issues it does each December. Clrt Scut Troop 689 at Bolton Stargazer Satellite ed. poie. North Uidbed Methodist Church qusidnipleta Friday. High Sdtb<d. Flag Etiquette wUl conduct a service Sunday at SAT.. DEC. 7th! "It’s a little hard to toko. booklets were distiibuted to 26 8:16 a.m. on radk> station famous -FALCON" Broncl We don’t have room right Boouta. WINF. The i«ogram Is sponsor­ now,’’ said Galllon, 38, a ed by the Msaohesber CounoB of R ocketed into O rbit idieet metal mechanic to ll­ Grace Groiqi of Center Con­ Chundies and the Manchester | DELUXE TAILORED CAPE KBNNEX)6, Fla. (AP) as great a step forward in as­ man. The GolUona who have gregational Church will meet Clergy AMOdatian. tronomy as was the invention of a two bedroom house In the Monday at 6:80 p.m. for a pot- — An astronomlced observatory Resolved by U.S., Hanoi the telescope.’’ Los Angeles suburti, already h a hick and Christmas party. Mem­ nxAsted Into orbit today pack­ have two boys. K The atmosphere, a curtain of DUSE : ’Ihe Guild of Cur Lady <rf St. bers tune reminded to bring a noWNTQWN MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER. Barthoioinew will have a Day ing 11 telescopes Intended to heavy air wMch extends about Mrs. Galllon, 22, and the grab bag gift end canned goods All of RecollecUon Sunday from 8 give maul Ms first clear look at 460 miles above earth, distorts new arrivals—Oiree girls and or a monetary gut for the CbrlM- to 6 p.m. at St. Barthotomeiw’s the stars and tmeover clues to light reaching telescopes on a boy — were reported doing mns famines. Church. The Rev. Philip Hussey, the origin of the universe. earth and absorbs a vast fine.’’ The smallest girt waa No Accord Reached SALE ’The success "will open up a one pound, 14 ounces, and the pastor, wlU speak. ’Ihe service Weather amount of electromagnetic ra­ Girl Scout Troop 1 will have a is open to all wom m of the new surena in a large area of In­ diation that streams from the boy, two pounds, 11 ounces. Christmas Tree sale cnittae prop­ parish. terest In the space sciences—In­ stars and other celeatial bodies. erty on Broad St. next to Alice’s On Shape of Table vestigating the whole imlverse,’’ 0A 02 will concentrate on ob­ All mtdien, starting tom onw, and said Homer B. Newell, associ­ serving ultraviolet light, wMch will be open dally from 10 turn World War I Barracks and PARIS (AP)—U. S. and North Vietnamese negotia­ ate administrator of space sci­ could tell much about the heat bo 10 p.m. Auxiliary have been invited to tors have a g r^ on seven procedural issues for four­ COATS ence p id applications tor the and Intensity of stars and thus Pearl Harbor attend the Joint Installation of Nattonal Aeronautics and Space provide clues to their age. way peace talks, but they can’t agree on who will Weather The Greater Hartford Chapter officers of WllUmanttc Barracks Administration as Orbiting As­ "The theory is to put stars of sit where. of Alpha Omlcron PI sorority and Auxiliary Sunday at 3 p jn . at the w ailmanttc VFW Home. tronomical Observatory 2 cir­ different ages in some order to Recalled in U.S. officials said the seven points agreed on Fri­ will celebrate its nd aanlversa- 7 2 wMi cled earth on Its first orbit. deduce the evolution of the stars day by Cyrus R. Vance, No. 2 man in the U. S. delega­ ry of the sorority’s foundiiig Coats! Mandiester High Sdwol The 4,400-pound q;>acecraft and the universe,’’ said Dr. tion, and his North Vietnamese counterpart, Ha Van with a tea tomorrow aft the home rode atop an Atlas-Centaur James E. Kupperian Jr., GAO Special Rites of Mrs. Roy Foabrink, 88 Fox- Principal A. Raynumd Rogers is hmuiooB UnM» Lau, a re: )booater fiiat drilled It into a project scientist at Goddard. —’fhe first four-way session croft Dr., West Hartford. Guest abbendiiv the conference of. the PROPORTIONED RAINCOAT near-circular orbit ranging fro PEARL HARBOR , Hawaii speaker will be Mrs. Robert D. New Bkigland Association of Col­ The observatory has two ma­ will be restricted to conference 467 to 489 miles high—very close (AP) —America remembered IH A T HAS GVERY1HING MlaoCurdy of Bridgewater, leges and Secondary Schools in jor experiments, a cluster of Ky^ Delegates procedure. to the 480-mlle-hlgh clrciilar Masa, who Is flm vice president Boston today. four telescopes developed by the its fighting men fcllled during —Each group wUl have a WASH AND WEAR path for wditch It was aimed. of the national crganlsaiUon. Smithsonian Astrophyslcal Ob­ the Pearl Harbor attack 27 speaker. Officials plan to activate the —They will meet in the same DACRON« AND COTTON The nominating oomutilttee of servatory, and a group of seven years ago with a special memo­ Leave Saigon spacecraft’s telescopes Wetkies- room previously used for U.S.- Salvation Army fair and hiodt- Center Congregational Church telescopes designed by the Uni­ rial service today at the USB ZEPGL* 1REA1CD day after checking all space­ North Vietnamese talks at the eon will be tomorrow from 10 will meet Monday at 7:80 p.m. versity of Wisconsin. Arizona memorial. craft systenis. Majestic Hotel. TO SHAKE OfF a.m. to 6 p.m. In the Youth In the church office. Dr. George Lundqulst of the Representatives of the Naticm- For Paris The 176-million satellite is the —The allied and Otmmunist Center at the Citadel. Smithsonian Institution said al Conference of State Legisla­ RAIN AND STAINS heavlert and most complex sides each may bring 10-12 per OA02 will attempt to probe the tive Leaders were among those SAIGXIN (AP) —Vice Presi­ . ZlP-m ORLON« ooni9«i« s cie n tific spacecraft ever sons. Navy Ens. Richard L. Trotter, Students on Bus mysteries of quasars, celeatial at services on the gleaming dent Nguyen Gao Ky and a alx- launched by the United States. —Business can be conducted PILE LINING SCO of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow objects emitting such vast white memorial which stradffles man South Vietnamese delega­ Operating above the obscur­ in English, Vietnamese and T. Trobter of 516 Gardner St., Unhurt in Crash •tfSO I amounts of energy in light and the sunken batUeriiip. tion left today for Paris to at­ ing blanket of eaifli’s atmoa- French. recently made Ms first solo radio waves that they can be ob­ Normally the only memorial tend the exparxled peace talks. ASTOUNDING AT ONLY irfiere, the observatory la de­ —Thpe recorders will be ad­ flight after completing a ground A Rocky Hin man, Richard served out to the fringes of the progirams held aboard the *dilte Ky will act as supreme advis­ signed to provide astronomers mitted.
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