Meeting Ground Rules: Meeting Objectives:

 Start on time, end early  Water Project Status  Participate fully  Listen to understand  Master Plan Follow Up  Honesty required  Be respectful of each other  AIP 40 Schedule Review  Honor diversity of opinions  Air Service Market Study  Use humor Summary  One person speaks at a time  Capital Project Updates

 Identify June Agenda Items

Total Time: 1 hour, 35 Minutes Agenda Items: Time Allotted I. Organizational Matters 5 Min 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the February 20, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes

II. Non-Agenda Public Comments 5 Min

III. Comment from Board Members. 5 Min

IV. Old Business 1. FAA/TSA Issues—Dave Ruppel 5 Min 2. Water project update—Dave Ruppel 5 Min 3. Master Plan Update—Hillary Fletcher 10 Min 4. AIP 40 Schedule Review—Jeremy Lee 20 Min

V. New Business 1. Air Service Market Study Summary—Dave Ruppel 15 Min

VI. Reports from YVAC Committees 1. Community outreach and education: Walter Magill, Bill Hayden and Alden Globe 1 Min 2. Infrastructure and Finance: Doug Monger, Doug Kiesau and Mark Halvorson 1 Min 3. Marketing and Planning: Ray Beck, Janet Fisher/Chris Diamond, and Steve Frasier 1 Min

VII. Manager’s Reports—Provided via email. No verbal presentation will be 5 Min made except to answer questions pertaining to those reports.

1 1. Steamboat Springs Airport—Chris Cole • SBS Capital Project Updates 5 Min 2. Yampa Valley Regional Airport —Dave Ruppel • HDN Capital Project Updates 5 Min

VIII. Set date for next meeting. 1 Min 1. Regular meeting, June 12, 2014—Meeting at Yampa Valley Regional Airport, Hayden, Colorado, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

IX. Discuss preliminary agenda items for the April meeting. 1 Min *Capital project updates. *Master Plan update.

X. Adjourn meeting.

2 April 2014 Volume 2, Issue 2


April 10, 2014

WINTER SEASON 2013/2014 Early spring weather made for great spring skiing and eased the snow removal process over the past month. Overall loads ended down slightly but due to higher ticket costs, Minimum Revenue Guaranty costs should be down this year. Both of the west coast routes, Los angles with an extra day and the Seattle flight performed well and are expected to return next year with more service. The airport functioned well with seasoned staff, excellent facilities, and good equipment. Steamboat boasts nonstop winter service from nine major airports for winter 2013/14, with convenient connections from over 230 airports nationwide and worldwide. Ad- ditionally, YVRA is adding Houston summer service to the schedule four days a week starting in July.


The Master Plan is a 20 year plan to understand the needs of current and fu- ture users of the airport. This is important to ensure that safe and orderly de- velopment occurs in a manner that is reflective of the community’s values and goals. The plan is de- veloped through a pur- poseful, inclusive and

educational process

The Yampa Valley Regional Airport Master Plan is expected to have an on-time arrival! The Facility Requirements and the results of the on-site passenger surveys and stakeholder focus groups were presented to the PAC on March 20th. The Facility Requirements concluded with several improvement recommendations that will be evaluated in the Alternatives Analysis. Some of the key recommendations include relocating FBO/general aviation facilities, expanding the commercial and general aviation aprons, increasing ARFF and SRE storage facilities, and reconfiguring the security checkpoint and circulation areas within the terminal. As alternative scenarios are developed, the preferred alternatives and initial cost estimates will be identified. It is anticipated that these will be presented to the PAC and a public open house workshop in May. Stay on top of Master Plan progress and review the latest updates at http://www.co.routt.co.us/index.aspx?nid=423.

Two more airport tours are scheduled for the spring, which will be on Wednesday, April 16th, and Wednesday, May 14th. The April tour is filling up fast, so book your spot for a tour as soon as possible! More information on the tours is on the website, located here: http://www.co.routt.co.us/index.aspx?nid=425. If you are interested in signing up for a tour, please contact Ann McMenamin at 970-276-5001. Take flight!!

4 Master Plan Process

Master Plan Emphasis Brochures Public Involvement Informational Video/ Meetings & Engagement Gov’t TV Additional Study Components Surveys (Tenants & Us- ers) Geographic Information System (GIS) data Airport Tours (General Public) Geodetic Control Working Papers (PAC) Aerial Photography Open Houses (General Aeronautical Survey Public) Planning for Compliance Stakeholder Meetings (Targeted Audience) Property Map Civic Group Briefings Agreement Inventory Work Sessions & Public Airport Layout Plan Hearing (BOCC) Airport Rules and Regulations Communication & Education Airport Minimum Standards

Airport Website External Influences and Pres- Media Outreach (PSA’s, sures display ads)

Items shown all or partially in green are either in work or completed.

5 Major Airport Projects for 2014

• Water Tank project:

Several members of the project team attended the DOLA Grant hearing last month where Hayden Town Manager David Torgler presented the project. The project was received well by the DOLA Board and we expect to hear from them on the grant this month. Minor details are being finalized on the project plans, IGA, land purchase, and funding but the project is expected to be able to be released for bids shortly after the DOLA Grant is received.


The AIP-40/41 Runway Rehabilitation project is currently in the bidding phase.

On May 26th a pre-bid meeting was held at YVRA. During this meeting 11 construction companies were represented, 4 of which were asphalt paving companies. Bid Addendum #1 was issued on April 2nd including the pre-bid meeting information. Bid Addendum #2 will be issued this week responding to bid questions with clarifications and providing updated federal wage determina- tions. The bid opening is scheduled to occur April 16th at 1pm at YVRA.

The AIP-41 project grant pre-application has been submitted to the FAA and we currently antici- pate having funding and construction contracts in place to start construction in July of 2014. The 2014 project work will include taxiway A1, A2, A6 and A7 Widening, taxiway A5 relocation, apron rehabilitation, site preparations, drainage and earthwork for the VSR construction. The 2015 project work will start with the mid-April runway closure for 60 calendar days and will conclude with the paving of the VSR in July of 2015. • ARFF Vehicle Acquisition

The CDAG 12-HDN-01 ARFF Vehicle Acquisition project is currently in the project closeout phase. The new vehicle was delivered March 25th and Rosenbauer was onsite the first week of April to provide vehicle demonstration and training to the YVRA staff. The Rosebauer Panther 6x6 is a 3000 gallon Class 5 ARFF Vehicle. Some of the key features of this truck include two front mounted turrets, 400 gallons foam concentrate additive system, 500 pound dry chemical agent sys- tem, hand lines either side of the truck, a below truck del- uge, Forward Looking Infra- red (FLIR), remote connection power and air-line charge sys- tem, on board compressor and 8 kW generator, integrated 800 MHZ/ICOM/passenger communication system, and a 1800 gallon per minute pump. Review of final documents is being performed and the closeout of this grant is anticipated in the next few months. 6


Mar-13 Mar-14 CHANGE

ALL AIRCRAFT Up/Down OPERATIONS 1,285 1,246 -39 Operations

AIR CARRIER Up/Down OPERATIONS 571 632 61 Operations

Up/Down CARGO OPERATIONS 125 120 -5 Operations

GENERAL AVIATION Up/Down OPERATIONS* 582 494 -88 Operations

Up/Down MILITARY OPERATIONS 7 0 -7 Operations

PASSENGERS Up/Down from load sheets 43,883 44,173 290 Passengers

Up/Down Landing LANDING WEIGHT FEES $6,667 $13,781 $7,114 Weight Fees

Feb-13 Feb-14 CHANGE

ALL AIRCRAFT Up/Down OPERATIONS 1,167 1,109 -58 Operations

AIR CARRIER Up/Down OPERATIONS 507 542 35 Operations

Up/Down CARGO OPERATIONS 116 120 4 Operations

GENERAL AVIATION Up/Down OPERATIONS* 539 447 -92 Operations

Up/Down MILITARY OPERATIONS 5 0 -5 Operations

PASSENGERS Up/Down from load sheets 41,590 39,648 -1,942 Passengers

Up/Down Landing LANDING WEIGHT FEES $5,004 $12,462 $7,458.43 Weight Fees


8 2013 Was 'A Good Time To Fly' According To Airline Ratings

By Gregory Karp, Chicago Tribune Staff Reporter

The average air traveler might not have felt it, but the quality of U.S. airlines last year improved to the highest level in the 24-year history of a widely reported ratings system.

"All in all, it's a good time to fly," said Dean Headley, one of the authors of the new report re- leased Monday. However, airlines dominant in the Chicago region did not fair well overall. While Chicago-based , the dominant carrier at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, improved on every measure, it still ranked just 12 out of 15 airlines in the annual Air- line Quality Ratings report. The report is a joint project of researchers at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University and Witchita State University.

Ratings are based on four measures critical to consumers — on-time performance, baggage handling, customer complaints and being involuntarily bumped from a flight. Data comes from metrics measured by the U.S. Department of Transportation and is weighted by researchers.

American Airlines, also a big carrier from O'Hare, ranked ninth, while , the largest carrier out of Chicago Midway airport, ranked No. 8 and was the only airline to worsen on all four measures.

The best airlines in America, based on the report, were, in order, Virgin America, JetBlue Air- ways, Hawaiian Airlines, and , the best by far among large airlines. The worst were American Eagle, SkyWest, ExpressJet and United.

United was able to improve its performance on all four criteria but remain low ranked. "It had nowhere to go but up," Headley said. "At least, they went in the right direction. They had to. Their complaint ratio last year was just through the roof...They still have a long ways to go."

United in 2012 combined operations, including computer systems, with . That led to glitches and inefficiencies that caused flight delays and cancellations during the year, especially during the busy summer travel season. It was the most complained-about air- line in America that year.

"United is investing significantly to improve our customers’ experiences and provide employees the tools to deliver great service, with customer satisfaction ratings consistently reflecting that improvement," said United spokesman Rahsaan Johnson.

"While we are pleased to see the latest rankings reflect our progress, we continue to develop new products, services and employee programs to better ensure we are delivering the experience customers expect," he added.

Sometimes travelers' experiences with airline quality doesn't jibe with dispassionate statistics, Headley said. "The numbers can move in the right direction, but perception oftentimes doesn't catch up with that," Headley said. "Let's face it, if your bag gets lost, that sucks."

And the data in the rankings do not account for fliers' distaste for added fees, which consumers sometimes view as "nickel-and-diming" by airlines.

In the past, airline mergers "almost always" mean worse quality for the consumer, at least in the near term -- two to four years after the merger, Headley said.

That probably doesn't bode well for customers for the new , a recent combina- tion of American and US Airways that created the world's largest carrier, Headley said. And it depends on what culture takes root at the new American, which

"US Air has kind of a checkered history," he said. "Their ability to merge has not been stellar." He said he's less worried about Southwest's merger with AirTran. 9 AIRPORT FACTS • On October 9, 2013, YVRA celebrated its 47th year as a commercial service airport.

• In 2007, YVRA became self-sufficient and was able to cover all operating costs through user fees and concession revenue. Since that time, YVRA has operated without any County revenue and in fact pays Routt County for Administrative services provided to the airport

3 Wire Bar and Grill

Hours: 8:00 AM

to 4:00 PM



Dinner: 5:30 PM

to 8:30 PM


David E. Ruppel Airport Manager Yampa Valley Regional Airport 11005 RCR 51A (P.O. Box 1060) Hayden, Colorado 81639 Phone 970-276-5004 Cell 970-846-3626 F ax 970-276-5030 [email protected]

NOTE: All programs, services and activities of Routt County are operated in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a special accommodation as a result of a disability, please call the Commissioners’ Office at (970) 879-0108 to assure that we can meet your needs. Please notify us of your request at least seven business days prior to the scheduled event. Routt County uses the Relay Colorado service. Dial 711 or TDD (970) 870-5444.

Manager Report KSBS Airport


NOTE: All programs, services and activities of Routt County are operated in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a special accommodation as a result of a disability, please call the Commissioners’ Office at (970) 879-0108 to assure that we can meet your needs. Please notify us of your request at least seven business days prior to the scheduled event. Routt County uses the Relay Colorado service. Dial 711 or TDD (970) 870-5444.


The TBM had a bad landing on RWY 32 on 3/14/14 and ended with a prop strike. Airport staff witnessed the event, and upon parking notified the pilot of what happened. Since then the prop has been removed and the aircraft sits on the ramp until it can be partially fixed and ferried to a proper repair facility. No one was injured.


Fuel sales are currently doing great at SBS when compared to 2013. Fuel flowage for Feb and March 2014 totaled 16,308 gallons (12,222 gal. Jet-A & 4,086 gal. Avgas), up 25.4% from the same months last year. See attached to your report the fuel flowage data from the last 5 years for your review.

Local and transient pilots can go to www.airnav.com/fuel/local.html and compare aviation fuel prices within 75 miles of KSBS.

NOTE: All programs, services and activities of Routt County are operated in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a special accommodation as a result of a disability, please call the Commissioners’ Office at (970) 879-0108 to assure that we can meet your needs. Please notify us of your request at least seven business days prior to the scheduled event. Routt County uses the Relay Colorado service. Dial 711 or TDD (970) 870-5444.


Total recorded operations for the month of February and March 2014 were 727. 347 operations were local and 280 were transient.


 Working to develop and adopt some Rules and Regulations as well as Minimum Standards for the airport.  Working with FBO staff to re-categorize staffing titles as well as restructuring the staffing and staffing levels for the airport and the FBO.  Don Heineman is retiring in May and I am looking to have a BBQ the end of the month to recognize and thank him for his service. Details to follow by the end of the month.



 We are currently in the Design phase of this project, and hope to have it out to bid soon with construction beginning this summer.


 ADG is working with the city to finalize plans to go to construction this summer. They will be constructing 5 hangars ranging in sizes from 60’x88’ to 60’x60’. Colorado Group Realty has pre-sold all the hangars.


 Chuck Anderson is still working with the land owner to acquire property, so that construction can begin on the realignment.

NOTE: All programs, services and activities of Routt County are operated in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a special accommodation as a result of a disability, please call the Commissioners’ Office at (970) 879-0108 to assure that we can meet your needs. Please notify us of your request at least seven business days prior to the scheduled event. Routt County uses the Relay Colorado service. Dial 711 or TDD (970) 870-5444.