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Volume 329, number 1,2, 51-54 FEBS 12858 August 1993 0 1993 Federation of European Ei~h~ical Societies ~145793/93/$6.~

Trehalose-6-phosphate, a new regulator of yeast glycolysis that inhibits hexokinases

Miguel A. Blizquez, Rosario Lagunas, Carlos Gancedo and Juana M. Gancedo

Institute de Investigaciones Biom&dicas de1 CSIC, Madrid, Spain

Received 2 July 1993

Tre~lo~6-phosphate (P) ~mpetitively inhibited the hexokinases from ~~cc~omyee~ cerevisiae. The strongest inhibition was observed upon hexokinase II, with a K, of 40 FM, while in the case of hexoklnase I the K, was 200 NM. Glucokinase was not inhibited by trehalose-6-P up to 5 mM. This inhibition appears to have physiological significance, since the intracellular levels of trehalose-6-P were about 0.2 mM. Hexokinases from other organisms were also inhibited, while glucokinases were unaffected. The hexokinase from the yeast, Yarrowia iipolytica, was particularly sensitive to the inhibition by trehalose-6-P: when assayed with 2 mM an apparent K, of 5 PM was calculated. Two 5. cerevisiae mutants with abnormal levels of trehalose-6-P exhibited defects in metabolism. It is concluded that trehalose-6-P plays an important role in the regulation of the first steps of yeast glycolysis, mainly through the inhibition of hexokinase II.

Trehalose-6-phosphate; Hexokinase; Glycolysis; Yeast

1. PRODUCTION turned out to be allelic [9], and strains bearing them become depleted of ATP upon addition of glucose and Control of the glycolytic flux in Succhurowryces cere- accumulate fructose-l ,6-bisphosphate up to 20 mM visicze has been considered to occur mainly at the level [6,7,10], suggesting that the rate of the first glycolytic of phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase. steps exceeds the capacity of the glycolytic pathway. Phosphofructokinase is regulated through activation by The sequence of the CIFZ [lo] encodes the small fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, phosphate (P) and AMP, subunit of the trehalose-6-P synthase/trehalose-6-P and inhibition by ATP, while pyruvate kinase activity phosphatase complex [ 11,123. A plausible explanation is modulated by its activation by fructose-l,(i-bis- for the growth behaviour and the metabolic defects of phosphate (for a review see [l]). However, since cifl strains could be that either trehalose or trehalose-6- phosphof~~tokinase does not catalyze the first irrevers- P play a role in the regulation of the yeast glycolytic ible step in the utilization of glucose, its regulation is not flux. We show in this article that trehalose-6-P inhibits sufficient to control the rate of glucose utilization, and phospho~lation. The stron~st inhibition is ob- thus some mechanism should exist to regulate the rate served upon hexokinase II, which is the most abundant of glucose transport, phosphorylation, or both. Regula- isoenzyme of hexokinase during growth of S. cerevisiae tion of glucose transport by glucose-6-P was suggested on glucose [13]. by Sols [2], but experimental results obtained using mu- tants affected in phosphoglucose isomerase activity did 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS not support this idea [3,4]. Besides, none of the yeast kinases that phosphorylate glucose are sensitive to glu- 2.1. Yeast strains and growth conditions cose-6-P, in contrast with the mammalian hexokinase The following strains were used: W303-IA, MATa ade2-1 his3-1 I, 15 ura3-I leu2-l trpl-I [14]; WDC3A, MATa ade2-l his3-II,15 ura3-I PI- feu2-1 trpl-i c1fl::HiS3 (constructed for this work); S2072D, h4ATa The need for a regulation of the first steps of yeast arg4 leul trpl rhr4 gal2 [15]; tsl265, MATa arg4 Ieul trpl thr4 gal2 glycolysis is illustrated by the pattern of ambulation trel [16]; CJM 018, MATa Hxlyl hxk2 glkl; CJM 019, MATa hxkl of metabolites in certain yeast mutants upon addition HXK? glkl; CJMl18, MATa hxkl hxk2 GLKI; Yarrowia ~i~olyti~a INAG 35667, MATa 1~~11-23ura3-302 leu2-270; Kluyveromyces factis of glucose [6-81. Yeast strains carrying the mutations Yll40 (NRL) and Zygosaccharomyces bailii. They were grown at fdpl [6] or cifl [7] do not grow on glucose, although the 30°C in 2% peptone, 1% yeast extract and 2% glucose, except WDC- glycolytic are operative. These mutations 3A which was grown with 2% , and ts1265 which was grown at 24°C. Correspondence aaiiress: J.M. Gancedo, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas de1 CSIC, Arturo Duperier 4, E-28029 Madrid, Spain. 2.2. Enzymatic assays and metabolite determination Extracts were obtained by shaking in a vortex 100 mg of cells in 0.5 Dedicated affectionately to the memory of Nice Van Uden who loved ml of ice-cold 20 mM imidazol, pH 7, with 1 g glass beads of 0.5 mm yeasts. diameter, for 4 periods of 1 min, with 1 min intervals in ice after each

~ab~~hed by Elsevier Science ~abl~hers B. F! 51 Volume 329, number 1,2 FEBSLETTERS August 1993 period. The liquid was centrifuged for 10 min at 700 x g and the results obtained: trehalose-6-P inhibited the phospho- supematant was used for assays. Phosphorylating activity on rylation of glucose and fructose by hexokinase II. This glucose or fructose was assayed spectrophotometrically as in [13]. inhibition was competitive with either substrate, and a To measure intracellular glucose, 200 mg of yeast cells (wet weight) were collected by rapid filtration, washed twice with 15 ml ice-cold Ki of 40 ,uM was calculated. The inhibition of hexoki- water, and extracted according to Gamo et al. [17]. Glucose was nase I activity was much weaker than that observed for assayed spectrophotometrically with hexokinase [18]. hexokinase II (Ki of 200 PM). Glucokinase remained Trehalose-6-P was measured in extracts obtained as above, heated unaffected even when assayed at concentrations of tre- at 100°C for 10 min in the presence of 0.1 M NaOH, and neutralized halose-6-P as high as 5 mM. Trehalose itself had no with HCI. The concentration of trehalose-6-P was assessed by the inhibition produced in a partially purified preparation of hexokinase effect, either on the phosphorylation of the or on from Y lipolytica. Trehalose-6-P inhibits this enzyme with an appar- the inhibition produced by trehalose-6-P. The inhibition ent K, of 5 PM when assayed with 2 mM fructose. The enzyme was caused by trehalose-6-phosphate was non- competitive purified free from glucokinase as described by Hirai et al. [19]. A with respect to ATP (data not shown). standard curve with pure trehalose-6-P (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was run in parallel. Trehalose-6-P added to the extracts was recovered with yields superior to 90%, and the reproducibility of the procedure was 3.2. Effect of trehalose-6-P on glucose-phosphorylating good with a coefficient of variation of less than 10%. (A detailed activity from other organisms description of the method will be published elsewhere.) Extracts from different organisms were tested to ex- Dictyostelium discoideum was grown and extracted as in [ZO].Rat amine whether the glucose-phosphorylating activity brain homogenate was obtained as in [21]. was also inhibited by trehalose-6-P. The results are pre- 2.3. Other methods sented in Table I. In all the extracts tested where hexok- Transport was measured at 20°C with uniformly labelled glucose inase was present there was inhibition by trehalose-6-P. as described by Bisson and Fraenkel [22]. In those cases where glucokinase was the predominant Fermentation was measured. in a conventional Warburg respirome- ter at 30°C using 50 mM glucose. or the only phosphorylating activity, like Z hpolytica [19] or D. discoideum [23], the inhibition was weak or absent. Partially purified hexokinase from I: lipolytica 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION free of glucokinase was particularly sensitive to treha- lose-6-P and exhibited an apparent Ki of 5 ,uM when 3.1. Inhibition of glucose-phosphorylating enzymes from assayed with 2 mM fructose. Based on this property it S. cerevisiae by trehalose-6-P was possible to develop a sensitive method of assaying Yeast strains expressing only one of the three en- trehalose-6-P (see section 2). The glucokinase from E zymes able to phosphorylate glucose were used to test lipolytica was not inhibited by trehalose-6-P up to 1 the possible effect of trehalose-6-P. Fig. 1 shows the mM.

Hexokinase II Hexokinase II


1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 v/mMglucose v / mM fructose

600 HexokinaseI


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 500 1000 1.500 2000 2500 3000 v/mMglucose v/mMglucase

Fig. 1. Inhibition of hexokinases and glucokinase from S. cerevisiue by trehalose-6-P. Phosphorylating activities were assayed, as described in section 2, in extracts from strains CJM019, CJM018 or CJMll8 that express only hexokinase II, hexokinase I or glucokinase, respectively. The concentrations of added trehalose-6-P were as follows: o, none; l, 0.1 mM; q, 0.4 mM; w, 1 mM. v is expressed in nmol/min . mg protein.

52 Volume 329, number 1,2 FEBSLETTERS August 1993

3.3. Possible physiological value of the inhibition 2000 r Changes in the activity of an enzyme in response to

a metabolite may have only a curiosity value. An impor- 1600 tant requisite for one effect to be of physiological signif- icance is that the concentration needed to produce it in vitro, is reached in vivo under some physiological cir- cumstances. We have measured the levels of trehalose- 6-P under different metabolic conditions in different yeast strains with the results presented in Table II. In a wild-type strain, the concentration of trehalose-6-P during the exponential phase of growth on glucose is well within the range needed to obtain a significant 0 effect. Under these conditions, hexokinase II, the en- 0 lo 20 30 40 50 60 70 zyme most sensitive to the inhibition, is the most abun- dant hexokinase isoenzyme in the cell [13]. A remarka- t (min) ble result is the finding that although trehalose is accu- Fig. 2. Fermentation of glucose by S. cerevisiae strains S2072D (wild- mulated by yeasts when they enter the stationary phase type) and ts1265 after heat shock. Cultures were grown at 24°C until of growth [24], there was no increase in the concentra- mid-exponential phase. At this moment they were divided into two tion of trehalose-6-P when wild-type cells were har- aliquots: one was heated at 42’C for 1 h, while the other was kept at 24°C. After this time both samples were used to measure glucose vested at this phase of growth (Table II). fermentation as described in section 2. l, S2072D 24’C; o, S2072D The results presented predict that yeast cells affected after heat shock; n, ts1265, 24°C; o, ts1265 after heat shock. in the synthesis or degradation of trehalose-6-P could have an altered glucose metabolism. To test this infer- ence we chose two mutants affected in the metabolism steps. Consistent with this idea is the fact that disrup- of trehalose-6-P: one of them, cifl, lacks one of the tion of the HXK? gene encoding hexokinase II restores subunits of trehalose-6-P synthase [11,12], while the growth on glucose of czfl mutants [25], and that a dom- other one, ts1265, accumulates high levels of trehalose- inant extragenic suppressor of the cifl mutation turned 6-phosphate after heat shock ([16] and Table II). out to have a decreased activity of hexokinase II In the czfl mutant, no trehalose-6-P was detected in (Blazquez, M.A. and Gancedo, C., submitted for publi- cells harvested during either exponential or stationary cation). phase (Table II). This mutant does not grow on glucose With the temperature-sensitive mutant that accumu- and is depleted of ATP, and accumulates phos- lates trehalose-6-P after a heat shock (Table II), we phates when given glucose [7,10]. This behaviour is in found that fermentation of glucose was very weak after accordance with the prediction, and can be explained if 1 h at 42°C while the parental strain fermented at a the absence of trehalose-6-P caused an uncontrolled normal rate after the same treatment (Fig. 2). Cell via- phosphorylation and therefore an imbalance between bility of this mutant after heat shock, measured by flux the energy consuming and energy producing glycolytic cytometry, was about 80%; therefore cellular death can-

Table I Effect of tmhalose-6-P on hexose phosphorylating capacity in extracts from different organisms Table II

Organism 8 Inhibition by 1 mM Internal concentration of trehalose-6-P (mM) in different yeast strains trehalose-6-P during growth and after heat-shock treatment

1 mM glucose 10 mM fructose Strain Phase of growth

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 60 80 Exponential Stationary Heat shock Kluyveromyces Iactis 66 66 Zygosaccharomyces bailii 89 89 W303-1A” 0.18 0.15 0.20 Yarrowia Iipolytica 23” 100 W303-lAb 0.32 0.30 n.d. Rat brain 40 35 WDC3A

“The concentration of glucose used was 0.4 mM. Growth conditions were as described in section 2. The wild-type strain bNo activity was observed with fructose. (W303-1A) was grown on glucose” or galactoseb; WDC-3A (cifl::HZS~) was grown on galactose and ts1265 on glucose. Exponen- Assays were carried out in extracts as described in section 2, with 1 tial cultures were harvested at about 4 mg/ml and stationary phase mM trehalose-6-P and the sugar concentrations indicated. The per- ones at about 25 mg/ml. For heat shock, exponentially growing cells centage of inhibition was calculated by reference to a control without were maintained at 42’C for 1 h. Trehalose-6-P determinations were trehalose-6-P. as described in section 2. nd., not determined.

53 Volume 329, number 1,2 FEBSLETTERS August 1993 not account for the loss of fermentative capacity. In 131Maitra, P.K. (1971) J. Bacterial. 107, 759769. addition, the mutant subjected to heat shock subse- 141Perea, J. and Gancedo, C. (1978) Curr. Microbial. 1, 209-211. quently accumulated up to 50 mM internal glucose, [51Colowick, S.P. (1973) in: The Enzymes, vol. IX (Boyer, P.D. Ed.) pp. l-48, Academic Press, New York. while the concentration in the parental strain remained WI Van de Poll, K.W., Kerkenaar, A. and Schamhart, D.H.J. (1974) lower than 5 mM. These results are consistent with a J. Bacterial. 117, 965-970. strong inhibition of hexokinases by trehalose-6-P in the [71Navon, G., Shulman, R.G., Yamane, T., Eccleshall, T.R., Lam, mutant while transport continues unabated. In fact, K.B., Baronofsky, J.J. and Marmur, J. (1979) Biochemistry 18, transport of glucose after heat shock was similar in the 4487499. 181Alonso, A., Pascual, C., Herrera, L., Gancedo, J.M. and parental strain and the mutant (1 rnmol/g/h measured Gancedo, C. (1984) Eur. J. B&hem. 138, 407411. with 2 mM external glucose, and 6 mmol/g/h measured 191Stucka, R. and Blbquez, M.A. (1993) FEMS Microbial. Lett. with 50 mM). We also checked that in a wild-type strain 107, 251-254. 5 mM externally added trehalose-6-P did not affect the [lOI Gonzalez, M.I., Stucka, R., Blazquez, M.A., Feldmann, H. and Gancedo, C. (1992) Yeast 8, 183-192. rate of transport. [ill Vuorio, O., Londesborough, J. and Kalkkinen, N. (1992) Yeast The results obtained with the two mutants used are 8, S626. consistent with a regulatory role of trehalose-6-P in WI Bell, W., Klaasen, P., Ohnacker, M., Boller, T., Herweijer, M., yeast glycolysis. This compound could play in yeast a Shoppink, P., Van der Zee, P. and Wiemken, A. (1992) Eur. J. role as feed-back inhibitor similar to that played by Biochem. 209, 951-959. P31 Gancedo, J.M., Clifton, D. and Fraenkel, D.G. (1977) J. Biol. glucose-6-P in higher organisms [5]. Although the re- Chem. 252,44433444. sults obtained show the importance of the inhibition of [I41 Thomas, B.J. and Rothstein, R. (1989) Cell 56, 619-630. hexokinases, it remains to be established whether this [I51 Piper, P.W., Bellatin, J.A. and Lockheart, A. (1983) EMBO J. 2, inhibition is sufficient to completely control the early 353-359. U61Piper, P.W. and Lockheart, A. (1988) FEMS Microbial. Lett. 49, steps of yeast glycolysis, or whether additional regula- 245-250. tory mechanisms at the level of transport are necessary. P71 Gamo, F.J., Portillo, F. and Gancedo, C. (1993) FEMS Micro- biol. Lett. 106, 233-238. Acknowledgements: We thank Juan J. Aragon (Faculty of Medicine, WI Bergmeyer, H.U. (1983) in: Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, vol. UAM, Madrid) for critical reading of the manuscript and for provid- 6 (Kunst, A., Draeger, B. andziegenhom, J.) pp. 163-172, Verlag ing D. discoideum and rat brain extracts; P. Piper (University College, Chemie, Weinheim. London, UK), A. Dominguez (Dept. Microbiologia-CSIC, Sala- [I91 Hirai, M., Ohtani, E., Tanaka, A. and Fukui, S. (1977) Biochim. manca, Spain), K.D. Entian (Universitat Frankfurt, Germany), E. Biophys. Acta 480, 357-366. Cerdan (Universidad de La Coruiia, Spain) and C. Leiio (Universi- PO1Aragon, J.J., Sanchez, V. and Boto, L. (1986) Eur. J. Biochem. dade do Minho, Braga, Portugal) for the gift of yeast strains. M.A. 161, 757-761. Blbquez was supported by a Fellowship of the Comtmidad WI Gonzalez-Mateos, F., Gomez, M.E., Garcia-Salguero, L., Autonoma de Madrid. This work has been supported by Grant PB91- Sanchez, V. and Aragbn, J.J. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 7809- 0056 from the Spanish DGICYT. 7817. P21 Bisson, L.F. and Fraenkel, D.G. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80, 173-1734. REFERENCES 1231Baumann, P. (1969) Biochemistry 8, 5011-5015. [1] Gancedo, C. and Serrano, R. (1989) in: The Yeasts, vol. 3 (Rose, 1241Lillie, S.H. and Pringle, J. (1980) J. Bacterial. 143, 13841394. A.H. and Harrison, J.S. Eds.) pp. 205-251, Academic Press, New 1251Hohmann, S., Neves, M.J., de Koning, W., Alijo, R., Ramos, J. York. and Thevelein, J.M. (1993) Cum Genet. 23, 281-289. [2] Sols, A. (1976) in: Reflections in Biochemistry (Kornberg, A. et al. Eds.) pp. 199-206, Pergamon, Oxford.