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Npp2013281.Pdf Neuropsychopharmacology (2013) 38, S435–S593 & 2013 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved 0893-133X/13 Poster Session III-Wednesday participants indicated their ongoing experience of the Wednesday, December 11, 2013 intensity of heartbeat and breathing sensations by rotating a dial. Discrimination was measured by a positive dial deflection above baseline during an infusion trial. Accuracy W2. Interoceptive Awareness in Meditators During was measured via maximum cross correlation between each Cardiorespiratory Deviations in Body Arousal subject’s dial ratings and their corresponding heart rate Sahib Khalsa*, David Rudrauf, Richard Davidson, response. After each infusion participants also traced the Daniel Tranel body locations where they had felt heartbeat sensations, on a manikin template. UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Results: Bolus isoproterenol infusions elicited equivalent Behavior, Los Angeles, California increases in heart rate in both groups (Repeated measures ANOVA; F(1, 5) ¼ 50.1, po0.0001). There were no signifi- Background: Attention directed towards internal body cant group (F(1, 28) ¼ 1.27, p ¼ 0.27) or group x dose sensations is commonly practiced in many meditation interactions (F(1, 5) ¼ 0.04, p ¼ 0.998). There were also no traditions, and is a core skill cultivated when learning group differences in adrenergic sensitivity as measured by mindfulness. This practice is commonly proposed to CD25 (dose required to elevate heart rate by 25 beats per increase ‘awareness’ of internal body states, despite a lack minute; t(28) ¼À0.35, p ¼ 0.73). Examination of individual of supporting scientific evidence. In a previous study we dial ratings revealed that both groups correctly detected found that extensive meditation experience was not increases in heartbeat and breathing sensations at increas- associated with differences in the ability to perceive ing doses of isoproterenol compared with saline, with 100% heartbeat sensations at rest, despite the fact that meditators of participants endorsing increased sensations at the highest perceived their performance to be superior than nonmedi- dose (2.0 mcg). There were no significant differences in the tators. Since most individuals are unable to reliably detect proportions of meditators vs nonmeditators detecting their resting heartbeat, it is possible that we failed to assess increased sensations, across all doses (w2, p40.05). At the the intended function. Furthermore, since meditators most highest dose, peak sensation ratings were highly correlated commonly direct attention towards breathing sensations, it with peak heart rate changes in nonmeditators (r ¼ 0.864, is possible cardiac perception is a poor index of the type of p ¼ 0.0001) but not meditators (r ¼ 0.281, p ¼ 0.310). interoception cultivated by meditation practice. In the Examination of accuracy revealed that all participants current study we extended our investigation to assess generated greater maximum cross correlations at increasing awareness of heartbeat and breathing sensations across a doses of isoproterenol (Repeated measures ANOVA; wide range of arousal levels, using bolus isoproterenol F(1, 5) ¼ 39.92, po0.0001). However, there were no sig- infusions. We hypothesized that meditators would display nificant group (F(1, 28) ¼ 0.00, p ¼ 0.99) or group x dose greater interoceptive awareness than nonmeditators. We interactions (F(1, 5) ¼ 2.23, p ¼ 0.06). Overlap maps of predicted this would be indexed by increased discrimina- heartbeat sensation location revealed that nonmeditators tion (ie, detection) of isoproterenol induced body changes perceived heartbeat sensations in the anterior chest, at lower doses of isoproterenol than nonmeditators. We also particularly in the lower left region. Meditators also predicted meditators would be more accurate than non- perceived heartbeat sensations in the chest but with greater meditators at tracking the ongoing experience of inter- variability in body localization, across the midline chest, oceptive sensations at higher doses. neck, abdomen, head, back, arms and legs. Methods: Using a randomized, double-blinded and placebo Conclusions: Contrary to predictions, meditators did not controlled design, we assessed interoceptive awareness in 15 demonstrate increased awareness of heartbeat or breathing meditators and 15 nonmeditators who were individually sensations across a range of levels of arousal. The absence of matched on age-, gender- and body mass index. Recruit- an effect cannot be ascribed to an inability of most subjects ment emphasized Vipassana meditators as this tradition to perceive interoceptive sensations. Furthermore, this strongly emphasizes cultivating attention to internal body finding covers assessment of both heartbeat and respiratory sensations, and specifically teaches that it results in sensations, the latter of which is more commonly the focus increased awareness of the body. Meditators were eligible of attention during meditation. Although predominantly if they reported a daily or near daily meditation practice negative, these findings address significant gaps in our during the previous two years, and if they had also attended knowledge and suggest a revision of some basic assump- one or more weeklong meditation retreats within the tions about the sensory effects of meditation may be previous year. Nonmeditators were eligible if they had warranted. never received formal or self-taught meditation or yoga Keywords: interoception, meditation, interoceptive aware- training. All were screened and excluded for psychiatric, ness, mindfulness, heartbeat, respiration, isoproterenol, neurological, cardiac or respiratory disease. Participants attention, perception. rated the experience of internal body sensations during Disclosures: S. Khalsa, Nothing to Disclose; D. Rudrauf, multiple bolus infusions of isoproterenol (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, Nothing to Disclose; R. Davidson, Nothing to Disclose; D. 1.0 and 2.0 micrograms) and saline. During infusions, Tranel, Nothing to Disclose. ACNP 52nd Annual Conference Abstracts S436 W3. Neural Mechanisms of Extinction Learning for Keywords: addiction, extinction learning, money, reward, Monetary Reward in Health and Cocaine Addiction fMRI. Anna Konova*, Muhammad Parvaz, Nelly Alia-Klein, Disclosures: A. Konova, Nothing to Disclose; M. Parvaz, Rita Goldstein Nothing to Disclose; N. Alia-Klein, Nothing to Disclose; R. Goldstein, Nothing to Disclose. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York Background: Addiction is characterized by continued drug- seeking despite reduced pleasure derived from the drug and W4. Automated Analysis of Disorganized even in the face of catastrophic personal, social, and legal Communication Predicts Transition to Psychosis consequences, suggesting that addicted individuals may Among Clinical High Risk Patients have diminished ability to form and/or maintain new Gillinder Bedi, Facundo Carillo, Guillermo Cecchi, Diego associations for stimuli that previously predicted rewards. Fernandez Slezak, Mariano Sigman, Jordan E DeVylder, Therefore, here we used classical appetitive conditioning to Felix M Muchomba, Cheryl M Corcoran* examine the psychophysiological and neural correlates of Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York extinction learning in healthy individuals and individuals addicted to cocaine. Background: Subthreshold thought disorder has been Methods: 22 individuals with cocaine use disorders (CUD) identified as predictive of psychosis onset among patients and 13 healthy controls completed two days of testing. On at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis (Bearden et al, day 1, subjects learned to associate a cue, the conditioned 2011). Assessment of thought disorder is achieved through stimulus (CS), with monetary reward ($4, CS + ) or no clinical ratings of speech production. Analyzing speech with reward ($0, CSÀ) using partial reinforcement. Extinction automated methods may present a direct, objective measure training was conducted immediately following acquisition to complement existing methods, potentially offering a and involved repeated presentation of the CS without the unique ‘window into the mind’. We evaluated the trajectory paired monetary reward. Retention of extinction learning of disorganized communication leading to psychosis using was assessed a day later (day 2). Skin conductance clinical rating scales in a large cohort of clinical high risk responses (SCR) and functional MRI were acquired (CHR) patients. We also assessed whether a novel, throughout. automated method of speech analysis could differentiate Results: Differential SCR, indexing conditioned response to those who went on to transition to psychosis from those the CS + vs CSÀ, did not differ between the groups or the who did not over a 2.5 year period. learning phases (reward acquisition, day 1 extinction, or Methods: 100 patients at CHR for psychosis were ascer- day 2 extinction; Fo2.34, P40.11). Whole-brain analyses tained and followed quarterly for up to 2.5 years, or until revealed that, across subjects, extinction learning was time of dropout or transition to psychosis. Disorganized associated with a progressive increase in activation of the communication was assessed for predictive value for right inferior frontal gyrus to the CS + vs CSÀ (acquisitio- psychosis both at baseline and as a latent trajectory over noday 1 extinctionoday 2 extinction). In addition, while time. A subcohort of 35 CHR patients
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