‘ ’ 99 ‘ ’ ‘The Unity of Church according to the Word of God’ - A Short Article on the View of the Church in terms of Augustine, Calvin, and the Reformed Tradition - ( ) 381 4 ( , , , ) ‘ ’ ‘ ’ . , . ‘ ’ , . , ‘ ’ . 100 ( 2 ) ‘ ’ 101 The Council of Constantinople in 381, confessed the four nature of . ‘ ’(oneness) the Church, that is, unum sanctum Catholiscam apostoliscam, of which ‘ ’(Corpus Christi) ‘one’ and ‘holy’ are often incompatible with each other in the history of . the Church. In this article I try to find the compatibility of the two ‘ ’(holiness) , fundamental natures of the Church, by considering a few significant . ‘ ’(catholicity) church historical examples of this theme: Augustine’s doctrine of Church in his connection with the Donatist controversy, Calvin’s doctrine of the . ‘ Church, and the Reformed confessions on the doctrine of the Church. ’(apostolicity) Both Augustine and Calvin (and Calvinists) find the key to the harmony , between unity and holiness of the Church in ‘apolicity’ of the Church, . the central significance of the Word of God as the fundamental basis of the Christian church. Reformed tradition endeavours to keep the holiness . as well as the unity of the Church on the common ground of the Church , ‘ ’(oneness) Father Augustine and the Reformed theologian Calvin. Today, in face of ‘ ’(holiness) serious divisions of contemporary Protestant churches, we had better , ( ) make good use of the Reformational wisdom ‘adiaphora’ in order to ( ) . regain the unity and the holiness of the Church. , . : , , , , , , Key words: Augustine, Donatist Controversy, Calvin, doctrine of , . Church, Reformed Theology, Adiaphora , , , ( , , , ) 381 , , : [ ] ‘ (denominations) . , , ’(one, holy, catholic and apostolic) J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds (New York: Longman, 1985), 297-298.
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