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I.NSIDE . Woods man gets 1year in horse deaths • Fennell says Ken SImon, assistant • Future teachers In Grosse POinte Waynp County prosecutor in schools Willbe some of the most highly it was a 'terrible . Lharge of the case, wanted trained profeSSionals In the country , Fennell to spend at least 17 Page 10A terrible accident' months out of a possible • The Grosse Pomte Board of BV Brad I.lndberg four years In Jail Education appOinted AI Olver as princl- Staff Writer Susan Shlnk, owner of a [)al of South Hloh School Paot> 11A .f'roO ...... 'h",...... cn n"' .....H'I~ lnnH~nA • Elementary school students across Stephen Richard Fenneil ~-;;';~d'.- Grosse Pomte donated more than was sentenced 'fut'sday to 5,000 books to Scnpps Elementary one year m the Wayne "Sentence Fennell close to School In DetrOit Page 11A Covnty Jall _ Just over 19 the max," she told Fresard . • Demohtlon of the lasf three homes days for each of 19 horses Schulman requested that purchased by Grosse POinte Farms at that dldn't make lt when the Fennell serve only proba- Mack and Morass started early as the Grosse Pomte Hunt Club bon Farms Pubhc Safety Department IS burned to the ground July 8 "Probation would be a slap uSing the bUildings for rapid Interven- "I had no mtentlOn of on the wnst," sald Jacelyn tion tramlng for Its officers Page 14A hurting or lulling any am- Dombrowskl, whose horse, • Federal offiCials have announced mal," Fennell sald at a sen- Chester, dled m the barn. reVIsIons to the 1-68 program for tencmg hearmg before "He has caused harm and, boaters Due to national security con- Wayne County CUCUlt hopefully, shame on lus fam- cerns, all partICipants Willhave to apply Judge Patncla S Fr)lsard.lt tly." for new forms Page 17 A was the first tu;ne he'd spo- Slmon read from Fennell's • University Liggett School athletiC ken publicly ll~ut the fire county psychological profile. director and boys tennis r:oachmg leg- since bemg arreoted a few end Bob Wood IS retiring at the end of Photo by Brad LlIljjIIerg days after the blaze "The psychological report the school year, ending a 52-year asso- indicates what you'd expect Madeleine Bos80nney. 13. cries for the memory of her horse.peot- MItwail a terrible, temble from a person who did what CiatIOn With the school Page 1C ty, killed in the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club barn fire. BOlsonney,eharc:s • Grosse POinte South's Mike lr'ccldent," s81d Fennell, of Mr Step-hen Fennell did m her grief with Jackie Dombrowski, who lost her horse Chester in the Grosse Pomte Woods. "I did- tlus case; Slmon sald "It Hackett fOiled Warren-Malt's strategy July blaze. "Chester was Scotty's best friend." SOlsonney sald. when he hit a grand slam after an inten- n't want any horses to die" says he's lmlllature, egocen- tional pass In the bottom of the seventh Fennell, 24, will serve tric, has chfficulty delaying inning to give the Blue DeVils baseball tlme for Willfully and mah- gratificatlOn, has impulse team an 8-4 ViCtOry Page 3C clOusly causmg the deaths of control problems and is St. Peter of the Apostle the horses All but one of the unhkely to fo!1ow through animals dled locked m theIr wlt\l convincmg resolutions I FltRl1S as fire consumed the of chanl{ed behavior It also j i 0 ~VnVn.L""'~ barn and its contents says what can occur in "'1"I.V ,",.I.VCJ~~ - - I A Wayne County JUry last Fennell's case, as in others Mathieu said that Keller misrepre- • Parents told to find month convlcted Fennell of of his psychological profile Friday, April 19 sented the figures at the meetmg and the crimes He was sent - to have a reckless dLSre- The Grosse POinte Public School other schools, teachers that the pl'lfents were able to talk d!rectly to Jrol for vlOlatmg gard for the safety ofhunself around the proposed Issues, but that System's annual 20-hour telethon, pro- terms of hIS bond The time and othtlri:l." duced by the teleVISion productIOn told to look for new jobs the damage has already been done "The numbers that Father Bob pre- Wlll be credIted to lus sen- The Hunt Club's two- classes at Grosse Pomte North and tence. story. 155-foot-long barn had South high schools. begins at 6 p m By Jason Sweeney sented at that meetmg were marupu- and runs until 2 p m. Saturday, April 20, Staff Writer lated," Matthleu saId "They pamted The JUry also found lum been a fixture m Grosse on Comcast educational access That the doors of St. Peter of the the bleakest picture posslble " mnocent of arson, although Pomte Woods for more than eyewltnesses testtfied he 90 years For at least 20 Channel 20 Apostle Catholic School may close for The school, budgeted on a 217-stu- the last bme when students leave tills dent enrollment this year, has 205 mtentlOnally threw a ht fire- years before that, lt stood as Our Lady Queen of Peace School spnng was a surpnse - then a source students III the classroom work into the barn moments a dairy barn at a nearby Parents and Teachers Together group of anger to many staff member!' and At the meetmgs and m a rebuttal of before flames began 10catlOn, now a subdivislOn Willhold a tin can auctIon from 6 to 10 parents a letter sent to the Archdlocese by Fennell's mtentlOn, Wlt- Dunng sentencmg, own- P m to raise funds for actIVities and The cause of concern centers on long-tlme panshlODec Charles nesses said. was to "scare ers of some of the dead hors- field triPS for students AdmiSSion IS free enrollment and the meetmg held by CUSlT'ano, Keller saic1-that the school the horses," not igrute the es pleaded that their 1088 be and auction tIckets are five for $1 the pastor of the pansh, the Rev would not operate WIth fewer than barn. weighed in jail time Robert Keller For more Information, call (586) 771- 200 enrolled students "You threw a firecracker, Sarah Babcock, who lost Mary Mathieu, mother of a St The reouttal, wmch encompassed 9011. vou threw lt to scare 'em, Tally, srod, "(Fennell) has to Ptlttll'S Montesson student sald, "He three pagtlS uf a four page pl'lTlsh • and you're responSIble for k accountable for hlS fiLS- (Keller) has done a good Job ofscarmg newsletter, debunked all of Tyrone Elementary School Will hold the consequence," Fresard takes, lus actlOns, his via- ItS nmth annual tm can auction a lot of people away" Cusm:mo's claims to the dlOcese and Two months ago, Mathleu and sev- sald. "You need to serve lence and h1s lack of respect There Will be a seniors-only hour also defended the pnest's bme com- bme " for hfe,lus lack of respect for from 4 to 5 pm, which features colfee eral other concerned parents and staff mitment at Selfndge Air National authonty, (and) ms lack of and donuts The auction Willbe open to met WIth Keller to express concerns Guard base as the chaplain. The POSl- The sentence included respect for anyone else the general pubhc at 5 p m With prize about the adnllmstratlOn of the tlOn requlres Keller to be on-base a three years probatlOn, more except for mmself" draWings to begin at 7 p m school consldel able amount of tune every than $1,000 m court-related Only 10 days later, meetmgs were For more mformatlon, call (313) 886- week. costa, and restitution tv k Madeleme Bossonney, 13, held wlth the teachers and the par- 7756 Staff members and teachers at St determmed at a later date brokp down 10 tears descnb- ents, advlsmg them to find new Jobs but whlch could reach $1 25 mg her horse, Scotty Chamber MUSICat the Scarab Club or new schools for thelr children to milhon See ST. PETER, page 3A "He was my best fnend," Will bring the French ensemble the attend Myou need to show this she sald Borsarello String TriO to the Grosse court through a penod of I-'olnte urmarlan Ci lurch at 8 p m I probation that you are head- Fresard told Fennell. "My Tickets are $15 In advance or $18 at ed In a dlfferent directIOn," hope IS that after the sen- the door Fresard sald "I am very con- tence lS served, and after Call (248) 477-1487 for more Infor- cerned about the dangerous- your debt to soclety IS paid, mation ness of your behavlOr" you take a responslble route Fennell's attorney. and lead your hfe m a man- Monday, April 22 Lawrence Schulman, wlll ner to which you and your The Grosse POinte Public Library appeal famlly can be proud" Board Will meet at the Neighborhood Club at 7 pm

The Grosse POinte Park City CounCil •• II ...... " ...... th", Ol"JlorL- ,..,h, h":llll ..,.f 7 f"\ ...... • "," 111""" .....' U'" ~1 ...... " ""'.J ••~ ..... ~ .,... Tuesday, April 23 The Grosse Pomte Shores Parks Ad Home: Grosse POlnte Hoc Committee Will present a proposal Shores for the Shores' parks master alan at the Family: Husband, Grosse POinte War Memonal at 7 p m Wl1liam; two sons. Grant and Garrett Occupation: Faculty member of Wayne State Umverslty's College ot Nurs10g smce 1985, Opinion . ..6A currently conductmg a 10A $1 7 n111lton research Schools project funded by the Obituaries .12A federal government 15A Quote: "I see my role now Autos .. as a mentor I want to Business. .. ..16A Brides for a day make what contnbu- .8B Grosse Pointe News staffers and bridal show models Jennie tlons I can for the next Seniors Miller and Leslie Mannino wore dresses by Alvin's Bridal Salon. gcneratlOn of nursmg " Entertainment. . 9B The 2002 Wedding Show was sponsored by The Connection and the Grosse Pointes News. See story, Page 9A. See story, page 4A Virginia HlU Rice ClaSSified ads.... . 7C Body, mind and spirit. . Together, we can win. Van E\slander Cancer Center www.yanelslandercancercenter.com PIHw NIt our wbslte fOI mfonaatlon and ItIO\II'Cfll~dmg CIRCft Aprrl 18, 2002 2A News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 25 years ago this week 50 years ago this week pool and new pIer have been Mack m Grosse Pomte . • WIth constructIOn of the submItted, but the cost of Woods The men entered the new central hbrary bUIlding, these major Improvements store moments after It made possible through the has prohIbited actIOn opened on Good Friday generosIty ofD M Ferry, Jr, At the least, the pier Will They got away WIth taking place on the corner of be rpbUllt About two-thIrds $123,000 In nngs, bracelets Kercheval and Fisher III of the structure was and watches Grusse POinte Farms, resI- destroyerl m a recent storm One man was found hId dents have been domg what • Extended wmter weath- mg III a local church The they can to put fimshmg er has delayed the program second suspect was ('aught touches on the commumty to fight Dutch elm disease trymg to escape on a bus An milestone . In order to spray trees. estimated 20 pohce officers DonatIOnshave come from temperatures mUbt be at from the Woods, Harper famlhes to buy furniture, least 40 degrees, the wmd Woods, Farms and Grosse from the AmerIcan must be hght and It cannot Pomte Shores helped m the ~~soclatlOn, of .un~verslty berammg mvestlgatlOn and apprehen- ,..vu..cu I,.V uuy UOO.K..b, anu from busmesb to buy eqUIp- 25 years ago this week • The Freedom of ment • The questlOn of estab- Information Act, which • All reSidents of the CIty hshmg a fishmg pIer at became effective yesterday, of Grosse POlnte WIllhave a Lake Front Park has once IS bemg studied by the chance to VOlcetheir opm- agam been discussed by cIty Grosse Pomte and Harper Woodscity councIls IOns on community recre. offiCIals In Grosse Pomte atlOn at a town hall meetmg Woods The Issue came up CIty admllllstrators are thiS month last summer when members developmg gUldehnes DISCUSSIOnWIllmost hke- of the cIty council voted 4-3 regardmg the act's provI- ly focus on the muniCipal not to place the subject on SIons, mcludmg how much park A new bathhouse was thE'November ballot people should be charged to bullt last year The wadmg • Police have arrested recen,e copIes of documents requested under the act. pool has been rebUIlt Plans two men who allegedly for an enclosed sWimming robbed a Jewelry store on Central library room gutted by fire 10 years ago this week Looking at the charred interior of the janitorial office at the central • Grosse Pointe Park WIll branch of the Grosse Pointe Public Library, it's hard to believe things could remain WIth the other have been worse. The fire, which started in an electrical control panel, melt- Pomtes and Harper Woods ed a water pipe and was eventually put out by the resulting stream. Officials m Wayne County's 1st hope to reopen the library by Monday, April 18. (Photo by Tom Greenwood. II Dlstnct under a plan sub- From the April 14, 1977 Grosse Pointe News.) mItted for approval by the MichIganSupreme Court "We'repleased to be back mstituted at Parcels MIddle The number IS expected to roads, such as Mapleton, WIthour fnends," said Park School to handle overcrowd- rise to 822 over the next five Hall Place, Pme Court and a Mayor Palmer Heenan mg. years, well beyond the opti- portIOn of Grosse Pomte Qf~ • Three Grosse Pomte Zero hour WIll schedule mum enrollment of 500 for a Boulevard. Snores reSIdents are among l>ume bLudents to begm middle school • Joan Dmdoffer and Trunk Show 14 other people arrested by classes an hour before the • PermIt parkmg may Joseph Brennan have sub- April 20 U S marshals and the FBI school day would normally become a fixtur2 on MUIr hutted nominatmg petltlOns for allegedly conducting an begm Students subject to Road, a block away from the to run for the Grosse Pomte 2002 Illegal gamblmg operation the staggered schedule wIll HIll commerCial du;ltnct In Board of EducatIon The two Federal authontles tem- be able to leave school an Grosse Pomte Farms. candIdates are nmmng for Representative poranly seized a suspect's hour earher than usual Based on the WIshes of two open seats Mlck Mraunlc Will be home on There are 793 students reSIdents, permIt parkmg availableto assist , • In a strong vote ofconfi- enrolled at Parcels this year. mIght be extended to nearby - Brad Lmdberg you With your made dence, the Grosse Pointe to measure Board of Education has selections voted unanimously to Indoor ice skating continues extend the contract ofsuper- Offering Fine selections Intendent Edward Shme The three-year extensIOn from , and Holland & Sherry through 1997 is m addition in the Woods, thanks to ULS Tues- Fn 9am -600pm sa, 900am-5pm to the two years remainmg Indoor Ice skatmg at reSidents about It " Ice Mon By appointment on hIScontract McCann Ice Arena wIll be McCann Arena IS owned Woods offiCIals agreed to 17834 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe avaIlable agam to Grosse and WIll be mamtamed by rent the nnk for $200 per 5 years ago this week Pomte Woods reSIdents and University LIggett School, hour, for a yearly total of 313.884.0094- 0<""""' ,.. ... ! • 'Zero hour" may be theIr guests. but Woods representatIVes $12,000 There IS no charge Skatmg activIty will wJlI staff the nnk to skaters resume at the Cook Road TheIr Job WIllbe to Among rules skaters Will nnk Sundays from 5 to 7 park passes for admISSIon, have to obey IS that there pm begmrung Sept 8 to make sure participants Will be no physical play, March 30, 2003. under the age of 14 are games of tag or other activI- Enc ~teiner, the Woods accompamed by a parent or ties m which the pace of councJlman who came up responsIble adult, and con- skatmg "IS greater than WIth the skatmg Idea four firm that one adult ISaccom- leIsurely," accordmg to ecco. years ago, saId, pamed by no more than terms endOIsed by offiCials .Partlclpatlon In thIS pro- three children from both institutions gram has grown and grown As m past years, chIldren Also, baby strollers and to about 225 of our resI- under 14 WIllbe reqUIred to hockey stIcks WIll not be dents I've had nothmg but wear a skatmg or hockey allowed on the Ice favorable comments from helmet at all tImes on thE' - Brad Lmdberg

d low cut rs With walkmg oe comforr All Sized for men and

MEET THE ECCO REPRESENTATIVE KEITH McMAHON SATURDAY • APRIL 20 10AM.4 PM SHERMAN'S .. GROSSEro~,POINTE t,/;; ...... V 1.be~ill SeaIood & Chop House Re-energlze 123 Kercheval Avenue Grosse POinte Farms for an uncompr warne llM'1dl 11 AM - 3 PM Monday ttvough Fnday DInner 5 PM - 10 PM Monday through Thursday DInner 5 PM - 11 PM Fnday ard Salu'day MAPLE KERCHEVAL "NCll~ Sunday 4 PM - 9 PM at PIERCE at NOTRE DAME Downtown Birmingham village of Crosse PoInte 313-886-8101 248-646.8431 313.885.9299 Propnelors DIV.d M P.ndy, CCM & Mlch •• 1W Con,..,.,. cwe MICHIGAN'S EXCLUSIVE RECEPTOR DEALER ,I Apnl 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News News 3A !I Bon Secours to expand emergency department By Bonnie Caprara square feet from a two-story could handle tWice the aver- Staff Writer additIOn to be bUilt along age of 6,500 cars that use Conbtructlon IS slated to Maumee The second story that street every day begm ,n August for a 4,000- of the additIOn IS reserved But Mayor Dale Scrace ;,quare-toot addition and a for a future critIcal care umt told hObpita I offiCials at the lle.... canopy at the emer- expansIOn meetmg "With all due gene) department entrance In addition to the two- respect, he's your consul- at Cottage Hospital story expanSIOn, the City of tant, not ours" The additIOn IS part of the Grosse POinte CIty CounCIl While some neighbors hObpltal's expansIOn and gave a conditIOnal SIte plan were against any hObpltal renovatIOn plan of Its emer- approval at Its Monday, expanSIOn plans, geney departmcnt Apnl 15, meetmg for a new CouncIlman Patnck Petz "Our last emergency and higher 12-foot canopy at commended the hospItal III department renovatIOn took the hospital's Cadieux emer- the way they worked With place In the late 1980s, gency department entrance the neIghbors m developmg H h,,..h H..-,(" rl" , -- ~~~'6""U ev W llccommoaate taUer emer- Its plans ::'crace also recom- a<.commodate 25,000 to gency vehIcles, 13 additIon- mended relnstitutlllg a 30,000 patIents a year," said al parkmg spaces m Its neighborhood committee to Bon Secours VIce PreSident emergency department work WIth the hospItal and of Plannmg and Marketml:!' oarklnQ' lot and landscamnQ' the CltV Sandra Baumchen "We're plans ~ • ~ City ~ttorney John FIldew now conSIstently seemg The condItIOnal approval reminded the council and 35,000 to 36,000 patIent,<; a mcludes the councIl's the reSIdents m attendance year request to see speCIfic plans that the hospital was well "Therc's not a problem for a landscape wall along WIthIn the bmlts set by a ---.. WIth the level of care, It'S the CadIeux, hghtmg, as 1971 court order whIch tIme It takes to be seen, the requested by the CIty'S plan- allows thE) hospital to build Computer-enhanced photographs sbow what the planned two-story, 8.000- ISbue of space and privacy nmg consultant Brandon upon 45 percent of what IS square-foot addition onto Bon Secours Hospital will look like 100k1ng from for patients and theIr faffil- Rogers, and a study of the called Parcel A, the land lies We alsel have a parkmg hospital's parking SItuatIOn Maumee. The first floor of the addition Is part of an emergency department upon WhICh the hospital's expansion. The space on the second floor is reserved for a future critical care Issue We have people drop- and IImltmg ambulance bUIldmg encompasses The unit expansion. pmg off their loved ones at nOIse, concerns expressed by expanSIOn WIll bnng the BelowIs a computer-generated view from near the comer of Notre Dame sbow- the curb then cIrclmg many of the neighbors who hospital's bUIlding footpnnt Ing how the existing Maumee setback will be maintained. around for a parkmg space." attended the city counCIl on Parcel A up to 42 percent Bon SeCOl1fS Will expand meetIng ~We're hopmg thIS expan- Its emergency department NeIghbors also expressed SIOn Will last us a very long from 7,000 sqare feet now to concerns about traffic m the time," saId Bon Secours 16,000 square feet and will area, whIch the councIl said CEO RIchard Van LIth "We mcrease Its bed space from It would ask the public safe- wIll contmue to work With 24 to 32 beds The expan- ty dppartment to look Into the neIghbors throughout SIOn ca:l ultimately accom- Bon Secours' traffic con- constructIon and In terms of .. moclatp III' to 42,000 su]t'mt, Wtlham Stlmp"on, parlung nnd traffic, we are patIents a year. SaId on an average day 46 more than wIlhng to work The expanSIOn encom- vehldes enter and eXit the With the CIty We're hopeful passes reconfiguratIon of Cadieux emergency depart- to come back m the fall With internal spat.;e plus 4,000 ment lot and that CadIeux a plan." Allard crackdown to keep up to speed in C.P. Woods A police crackdown on route for vehIcle!> traveling rowed from Harper Woods Allard IS dnvmg speeders off between Harper Road and 1- The traIler IS eqUIpped With the road 94 and Mack," MakowskI radar to measure the velOCI- Stepped-up enforcement SaId "EXIts from 1-94 are ty of approachmg traffic on the Grosse Pomte Woods only one reason why many 'Speeds are recorded and reSIdential street has cut vehicles use Allard The flashed on a large screen as speedmg for the thIrd Allard bndge over 1-94 pro- a warnmg for dnvers to obey straight month. Overall VIdes an easy route for reSI- the speed hmlt frOm January to March, offi- dents and VISItors to travel "The department has Park takes over prosecuting cer" have recorded a 34 per- between Harper Woods and placed a request for ItS own Icent drop m lead-foot dn- Grosse Pomte Woods " speed traIler In the next vers In January, officers count- budget year," Makowski tobacco violations by minors "The department feels the ed 334 dnvers speedIng 31 saId contmued use of marked to 35 mph. In February, 'Ib discourage dnvers from By Brad Lindberg the ordmance parallels state The ordInance contaIns a and unmarked traffic umts speeders dropped 16 percent eXitIng 1-94 and cuttIng Staff Writer law prohIbItmg the sale of finanCIal component. and decoy cars will keep the to 274 Last month, the traf- down Allard to Mack, police As of Apnl ie, mmors tobacco to mmors "Fmes recoverpd for local speed ofvelucles reduced on fic dIVISIOn reported only years ago erected a SIgn for- caught buymg tobacco prod- "We had no local ordi- ordmance VIOlatIOns wIll Allard," saId MIke 219 speeding cars, a 14 per- biddIng fight turns from ucts m Grosse Pointe Park nance that corresponded to remain WIth the city," SaId Makowski, Woods director of cent drop over February and Harper to Allard between 3 Will be prosecuted III mumc- state law," HIller saId Herold Deason, Park CIty publIc safety a 34 percent reductIOn from and 6 p m The restnctlOn Ipal court rather than the "VIOlators, therefore, had to attorney "WIthout an ordi. Enforcement will contmue January has been expanded to 7 to 9 Wayne County Juverule be sent downtown" nance covenng the subject, to focus on Allard between The results came despite a a m and 3 to 7 P m Court "I lIke thiS ordmance for a VIOlatIons could only be Mack and the I-94 express- shght overall Increase m "The new expanded hours The dlstmctlOn gIVes local couple of reasons," saId Carl charged under the state law, way traffic volume for February have helped reduce the vol- control over local offenders Jarboe, Park mUniCIpal and fines recovered would "We're not giVIng up on and March ume of traffic dunng peak The reVIsed ordmance judge "FIrst, under the Inure to government entItIes trllS," :.,alu. we r"fdkuw::,.tu '~If MakowskI <1Isagreea WIth travel times," MakowskI brought Park laws In line state statute, smokmg by other than the (Park) " contmue With our efforts, we Loumams' suggestIOn to saId "The department feels WIth the MIchIgan Youth mmors was a cnmmal mis- A mmor who uses tobacco can keep that street safe." make Allard one-way east- the current Sign IS adequate Tobacco Act. The act applies demeanor Under the local IS guIlty of a Ill18demeanor Manlyn Loumams, a reSI- bound from the expressway and WIll contInue With to cigarettes, cIgars, chew- ordmance, It will be a civil punishable by a fine not to dent of Allard who intro- to Mack enforcement efforts at thiS Ing tobacco, tobacco snuff or mfractIOn Therefore, some- exceed $50 duced the Issue to CIty offi- "We can't close It off or locatIon" tobacco m any other form one conVIcted of smokmg Fmes InCreaSe to $500 or CIals m January, said more make It one-way," he SaId He added that recent used by mmors m pubhc won't have a cnminal 90 days In JaIl for people enforcement needs to be "That would disrupt traffic studIes showed traffic eXIt- The law does not apply to record who sell tobacco to a person done patterns m the entIre neIgh- ing the freeway to east- mInors usmg tobacco m pn- "Second, often cases that under 18 years old "\Ve'l t.. gt:=ttJng constant borhood" hound Allard (lIdn t pose a vate reSidences, accordIng to go to Juvemle court get "The nroblem I" nponle traffic," she SaId "We don't In additIOn to stakmg out problem DaVId Hiller, Park director mIxed m WIth more senous who s;ll (tobacc~)' to see a whole lot of dIfference" the street, police set up an of public safety cases and are not addressed mlllors," saId CounCIlman "Allard IS a major traffic electromc speed traIler bor- - Brad Lmdberg Herold Deason, Park CIty ThIS WIll allow the court to Vernon Ausherman attorney, said, "The ordI- address the conduct, but not Local enforcement WIll be nance makes tobacco use by put a cnmmal convictIon on paId through state grants persons under 18 a CivIl a kId's record" Fundmg reqUIres pohce to mfractlOn" "The VIOlatIon IS the same canvass the community for In addItIOn to outlawmg as getting a stop Sign Clta- bUSInesses selhng tobacco to the use of tobacco by mmors, tIon," Hiller saId mInors St. Peter ------From page IA are deVISIng a plan for the there," Marshall saId, comlllg school year though he saId he dIdn't Peter's were reluctant to ''The most Important fac- believe the numbers were make a statement, feehng It tor at thIS pomt would be to represented faIrly The num- would JeopardIze both their Increase the enrollment of bers had never been pOSitIOns for the rest of the the school, which currently revealed In past years, and year and the well bemg of stands at less than 100 for Marshall saId many parents programs still scheduled for the next year would walt untIl the last thE' students before classes "If the enrollment does mmute to regIster let out not Increase, a determma- "Did he scare people off by RIchard Lasko!>, a jJuulic tlOn WIll be made wlthm the t.ellJng people to lock for ~Beltway Boy' to speak relatIOns aSSOCIate for the next month as to the future other schools?" Marshall Looking forward to the 16th annual Mayors' Prayer Breakfast on Thurs- ArchdIOcese of DetrOIt con- of the school" saId, "I thmk that's just firmed claIms that only day, May 2, are, from left, Mayors Robert E. Novitke, Grone Pointe Woods; what happened" Palmer T. Heenan. Grosse Pointe Park; Dale N. Scrace, City of Grosse Pointe; Cardinal Adam Maida has While a dual enrollment City councilwoman and Kenneth A. Poynter, Harper Woods; and Edward Gaffney, Grosse Pointe the authonty to close the prOf'p"" hil" hppn put m mother of a St Peter's stu- Farms. (Mayor John Huetteman Grosse Pointe Shores. is not pictured.) school. but that the concern m, place, allowlllg parents to dent, VIVian SaWickI, said Fred Barnes. ez:ecutive f'dltor of The Weekly Standard and host of "Tbe of enrollment IS a senous enroll a child both at St she was shocked by the Beltway Boys" on the Fox News Channel, is the guest speaker. Tbe program one Peters and at an alternatIve news the school mIght close takes place at 7:30 a.m. In the Main Ballroom of the Grosse Pointe Yacht "There are dISCUSSIOns school, many feel that It wIll and had always been Club. now under way bet ....een and not he enough extremely happy WIth the The Mayors' Prayer Breakfast celebrates the National Day of Prayer as pro- among the archdlOce~e: CIty councllman Hugh educatIOn her children had Laskos saId III a prepared claimed by tbe president of the United States. Mayor Scrace and tbe City of Marshall IS one parent who receIved there Grosse Pointe ar~ hosts for this year'. breakfast. .,tatement has enrolled hIS child both Tickets for the breakfast are $15 and are available at any of the Grone ~The SERF (8t ClaIr at St Peter's and another Keller declIned to speak PoInte or Harper Wood- municipal officn. For more Information, contact Shorp". F,a"tpOlnte school WIth the Grosse Pomte Mary Turner at (313) 640-2540, Rosevdle and Fra~er) "Accordlllg to hIm (Keller) News about the posslblp clo- Vlcanatc and ~chool offiCIals the numbers Just aren't sure of the school -'

April 18, 2002 IA News Grosse Pointe News l ,Shores nurse devotes life to health care and research 'y Jennia Miller retanal work and nursmg," dents workUlg taft Wroter Rice saId A" one of 2 7 mIlhon regis- toward their mas- "I always Joke that I took ter's degrees m 'red nurses m the Umted all three, because With nurs- tates, Grosse Pomte nursmg and 150 10 mg, you can do a httle bit of the doctoral pro- horeb rCbldent Vlrglma all of the above" gram Ic.e doel>not have any trou- She earned her bachelor's The college 1(' st" ..dlng out In what IS degree m nurs10g from recently I.ltroduced lC largebt health care pro- Boston Umverslty, her mas- a program called bblOnIn the country ter's degree m nursmg from Second Career, A member of Wayne State Wayne State Umverslty and Second ChOIce, I1lVerblt)'s College of her doctorate III SOCIalpsy- whICh IS specifical- ,urslng blnCe 1985, Rice cholosJ from the UJllverblty ly geared to stu- IbO teaches at the of Michigan dents who are ,armanOb Cancer Instltute , In addition to Wayne seekmg a degree In Ilrects a research project State and the Karmanos a dlbclphne dlffer- hat received a $1 7 mllhon ('An"" .. Tn<:htnto, l?,,,,. 1",,, " ...... l., \..,..., ...... ~ .. '" "" ... .I.~ .. 1. '" v ... deral grant, volunteers at taught nursmg In Boston they ImtIally nl' Crossroads Cnsls and at U-M received enter and 1Ovolves herself She has practiced nursing It IS a 15-month, tl the Grosse Pomte commu- and prOVidedhealth care In Rice is pictured with her husband of 40 years, accelerated learn. Rice is a professor at Wayne lty Boston, Cahforma and William, her two sons, Grant and Garrett and her mgprogram Havmg "cen flursmg as a DetrOIt-area hospitals future daughter-In-law, Sara Quay. The Rices have State University's College of Nurs- "\Vereceive more ing and at the Karmanos Cancer llhng at a young age, Rice "I'm a mIgratory bIrd One lived in Grosse Pointe Shores for over 30 years. applIcants for thiS Institute. JaS bpent her hfe earnmg of the glfts of nursing ISthat Always on the Job, Rice much as I have done It program at Wayne volunteer couilselor and legrees 10 nursmg, provld- you can carry your profes. uses her tntVel and educa- opened a lot of doors for me," than for any other," Rice offers referrals to health ng health care, teachmg swn with you and practlce 10 tional expenences to expand Rice said s31d care systems m the area. nd mentonng future nurs- any sett10g With people her research efforts "I see my role now as a Olle of the aspects R,('" ::lhe also partiCipates 10 sand conductmg research around the world and across She IS constantly mentor I want to make appreCIates most about ,roJects your hfe span,~ Rice saId respa..chmg health care and what contnbutlOns I can for Wayne State ISIts dIversIty the .....mter c10thmg dnve at "In the age that I was Rice has traveled through- seekmg to Improve lIfestyles the next generatIOn of nurs- "Wayne State IS an urban the center -:rowmg up, women had out all seven continents and and behaVIOrs Ing~ umverslty and many people Her famIly is very Impor. hree chOIces.Teachmg sec- {'cross the 50 states Whlle studymg at U.M, Her contnbutlOns at feel at home here," Rice said tant to her as well Rice wrote a book called the Wayne State have added to "I thmk one of the special Her love of travel comes In Handbook on Stress, Copmg the nursmg program's sta- gifts that DetrOit has whIch handy when spendmg time DON'T PAINT YOUR and Health, which IS1Otend- tus as one of the top ten per- IS not really promoted very with her sons, Grant and Garrptt, who hve In RADIATORS ed to aid graduate-level cent In the nation as ranked much IS Its cultural dlversl- Paint drasllcally Iec:lUceS the effiCiency of steam & nursing students by US News and World ty~ Massachusetts and ~ot water rad atars and wood enclosures are poor Cahforma, respectIVely. hb1t conductors She IS currently 1JJ the Report When she's not teachIng third year of a five-year The school has 300 stu. or researching, Rice Rpends Both of her sons graduat- Afford",ble Ace Radiator Enclosures ed from Grosse Pointe North • Offer de 'blll'y 01 stell Wltl1 bakec:l enamel 'tnlsh In research project that IS dents 10 the undergraduate time With the Crossroads decoralOf Cr...')rs funded through the NatIOnal nursing program, 150 stu- Cnsls Center, where she ISa HIgh School • Keeps drapes "ails & ceilings dea" Grant IS now the director • Project heal out In , the room Institutes of Health Rice's research committee of foundatIOn and corpo"ate FREE Proo.Jct Brochure relatIOns at the Harvard arsc• a FR!E On Me Est;rnates at Wayne State received a Manufacturmg Co , l'lc. Wn10 Of PhOilO TOI~lr .. federal grant of $1 7 mllhon Umversity Law School and 3564 Blue Rock Road Cmcrn"ati OhiO 45247 1-800-543.7040 for the proJect, which stud- Garrett ISa marketmg man- Ies the tobacco use of adoles- ager at Apple Computer Inc cents 1JJ Arab-American and a filmmaker. communities WIlham, Rice's husband of "We're lookmg to make a 40 years, IS an ear, nose and dlffprence for teens every' throat surgeon and co- where," Rice bald founder and vice preSident RIce IS thankf..11 for the of the Holley Ear InstItute IM!~~~~~Consu~opportumtIes that the nurs- at the St John Hospital and ~ Support-InstallatIOns 'Co ? mg profeSSIOnhas proVIded Medical Center ~ FOt the home her At home in Grosse Pointe, ! (313);640-0113 She sees becoming a nurse Rice and her husband spend Rice has been a member of Wayne State's faculty theIr tIme boatmg on Lake ~ www MacKethanConsullmg com as her greatest accomplIsh- in St ClaIr, Jogglng along ~ Phllip@MacKethanConsultmg com ment • since 1985. The unlverllty's nursing program is , "Without that, I would not the top ten percent in the nation, as ranked by U.S, Lakeshore and playmg ten- '- have been able to do as Newsand WorldReport. nis

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VENDANCE 1.5 LTR ~=~:.v .. Merlot $649 'GMi:iW:J9d;~*1" 99 Chardonnay $599 SEAFOOD KABOBS ...$7 I,D. Zinfandel, say. Blanc, $499 En Sem.Chardonnay& • ~ ~~y 69 WhIBteZ&lnf:eIFRENCH v • -l!)-' RUBY RED TROUT $4 1,B. ~ '" WINES ~:.... 2. • ORIGINAL $}49 All .., A... ., A-.t.. 1l1li~ ~ ~:.u~:~rs BeauJolais $69• ALL BAKED COODS : :~;~~A !S.8 oz. ~ ~ r-' ,.y-:-; ,. v-a' _ t St. Leuls Chardonnay 750ML. ~ __ .... TURNINO LEAF California C'H-OOul'CREil'• ~~ : ~~~:~::g~~iNAi. cit~~~ varletals PKG CA /.L~ ~~~:~rr~~:::-:,::.$679Plnot Crlglo, Shlraz. . DELICATESSEN Sauvlgnon Blanc, @say ~ ~ Zinfandel & Riesling 750 ML $5.2 MIXED $119 "LOWEST PRICES IN TOWNI" CHOCOLATE' ~ 80APS HEAD ... S~69 • eftVUftB... cantarnll1I - - J. TABLEWATER BARS YOUR CHOltE TURKEY PASTRAMI ~ . I,lL .-__....-ft.. varletals CarrS ChardonnaY'S499 CRACKERS FRITO LAY'S BOARS HEAD • S~69 :e~~~et& 1.5 LT s:.ve $ I 29 POTATO CHIPS HONEY MAPLE HAM '. ~ • LB. YOURCHOlal ~ ..$ ~ ...... C3llfO I ' ~I 79 BOARS HEAD ~ ~289 I *1 ••u.~~smok.lng\' LOOn varletrlnalas BOARS HEAD CD ":::;;;iiii , ~ LIVERWURST ;., • I.B. ~~:~~~~ay@$749NATURAL ~299 ~~ "':'.:;;...~_O_K_E_D _ :'Y-:'::-& .8~8UY" 7..... CAS~~:OF p.~~:a.~~ ~ CHEESE BEAULIEU VINYARDS InTheDa~ case ~~$199 0 8999 Chardonnay ''ROrr18r COnACE BAG 60% WHEEL BRIE...... F.U'H & Cabernet r SPARKLINC @ FRIES HALLOUMI CHEESE $829 ~ $ 1499 1.5a~T MINERAL WATER HANDMADE FROM GOAT& SHf:&P MILK..... I,H • .. "GREATWINEVAL~ 99~~~~~.CHOICESEAFOOD $ 3 ~ :::~~:~D::~~~~~~.~~~...$5~,~. SPRING WHITE SALE fI MAXWELL TREATS 3 9 (- eLOS DU BOIS $849 ~ HOUSE. DEVILED CRAB YOUR 40 Chardonnay 7SO M~ RECULAR * ·FRIED CLAM CHOICE ESTANCIA $799 ~ ~~:~EEED I~!.7~~@U~ ~ BAKERY Chardonnay 7SO ML. ~ • ~~::~:~B~ ~':::R FRESH BAKED MINI PIES !:::V~:~~AN $1299 ~ CHARM IN. SOFTSCRUBCLEANSER APPLE, BLUEBERRY. *) d8 Chardonnay 7SO M~ 6 ROLL ·SOFTSCRUBWIBLEACH CHERRY & PEACH ..•....•••..•• PK( •• 2 $299 MARKHAN $899 ~~ ~c:.~:~~ATH *249 C':o~:E STORE MADE $~ 19 Sauylgnon Blanc 750 ~ TISSUE 26.52oz. ANCEL FOOD CAKE ••••••••••••••• .., • .-:\ell These are patients' spaces, not doc- ":;;\1' \' (~..~:i'?')~~1 II Bon Secours tors' parking. ,.., "~ L/ Bon Secours' planned two-story • >...r~b4 additIOn along Maurnetl will be cun- * "-+\ ..~ tained by the two existing wings on expansion ,<~ each end of the campus and will not encroach on the street setback. well planned Further, landscaping will be much enhanced The overall VIew of the hos. ver the years we have seen pltal should be more aesthetic - that many hospItal expansions. IS, If It IS notIced at all .. That's how O Most of them have been nec- are trymg to meet the needs of the gency VISitS per year. inconspicuous the project IS. essary commumtles they serve. After the expanSIOn, Bon Secours Early plans called for a curb cut on The latest necessary growth IS It has been two decades since the says It could accommodate up to Notre Dame and doctors' parkmg planned at Bon Secours HospItal, now Bon Secours emergency departruent 42,000 emergency department along Maumee. But those plans were bemg run locally as part of the Eon was last updated. Much has changed patients a year dropped. Under the adopted plan, Secours Cottage Health System, smce then, both in technology and m With an agmg baby boomer popula- entrance, egress l4ld traffic patterns though the hospItal is st111owned by patients' expectatIOns tIOn, health care semces will be used for the hospItal Will remain the same the SIsters of Bon Secours As Sandra Baumchen, VP of plan. to the max, we beheve, and this as they have been. WhIle the CIty of Grosse Pomte mng and marketmg at Bon Secours mcludes emergency care. Clearly, the What finally developed IS a plan council gave the expansIOn of the hos- says, It'S not a matter of the quality of upgrade of the Bon Secours emer- that we thmk IS a good compromise pItal's emergency department the memcal treatment that is dnvmg Bon gency department IS needed between proVIding up-to-date emer- green hght Monday mght, many resI- Secours' emergency department Also a crUCial need IS a hIgher gency care and bemg mindful of the dents were on hand to alr theIr con- upgrades Rather It IS the time It canopy at the Cameux end of the hos- neighbors' concerns. Further, the plan t3.k2S ...... 1 -1' _ \.. 1 ~ ~ ,..,.('l ,.. .., fo~ p~t!cnts to be see:;. ~nd the ,t"."" -IoU4- """ IJ""' .;;t - b J [~ii:; wt!il Wttluu gWJ.d!Ut:b btH Luuh ThIs IS not unusual nor unexpected amount of pnvacy for patients in workers to be sheltered from the ele- by the Wayne County Circuit Court in There seems to be a perceptIOn of emergency ments. WIth emergency ngs getting 1971. what we would call "mstltutlOnal Under Bon Secours' plans, the bigger and taller, some can no longer While some issues remain to be hegemony" that occurs around all emergency department floor space get under the exis~ing canopy. In fact, worked out, such as landscaping and hospItals We've seen it at Cottage WIll be more than doubled to a total of on a recent visit to the hospital, we traffic, we think the plan as approved HospItal and we've witnessed it at St. 16,000 square feet and the number of witnessed an ambulance that had to by the city council is a win-win for the John HospItaL Neighbors of these emergency beds Will mcrease from 24 off-load a patIent Without overhead city, its residents, Bon Secours highly respected mstItutIons are nev- now to a total of 32. shelter because It was too tall to get Hospital and our emergency care ertheless suspicious of any growth or In the 1980s when the Bon Secours under the canopy. needs - both now and into the possible encroachment into theIr emergency department was last Parkmg m Grosse Pointe is always future. neighborhoods. redone, the hospital was antIclpatmg a shortage, and that is the case at Bon And as Bon Secours Cottage CEO Sometimes these fears are well- up to 30,000 patIents a year. Secours. Under the expansion p!a.'1, RIchard Va.'1Lith says, "We're hoping founded, but not very often. Most of Currently, the faCIlity at Jefferson there w111be 13 more parking spaces this expansion will last us a very long the time, the health-care proVIders and Cameux sees about 36,000 emer- for emergency patients and VIsitors. tIme." •

EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED. (3131882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 1313) 882-ll29f Barbara Yubeck Vetmcke. (3131 882.3500 lohnMinnis Ma,&,e Relnl Smlth, M.!nager Pet.r J B"kn.~ Advertlsmg Manage' Editor and General .\ssJstant &htor/Feature EdIlO' Fran Velardo, K,m M Mackey, Asststanl to the Ke-n 4i;tohn~ Adverb5111gManager Robert B. Edgar Manager Chuck Klonke, Sports Editor AsslStant Marulge, Kathleen M Slevenson, Productton Manager Founder and PublISher (313) 343.5590 Bonnie Copra .. , Staff Writer IcIaBauer Advemsmg Represenlabve (1940'1979) Brad l,ndbeIg. Staff Wnte, Melan.e M.1 honey Mal)' Ellen VanO ... en, jason SWri!'ney, :;WI nUlI:l Leihe ~1a nnmo /'.d\ ~rt.s..."'g Pep"'C"'-..~:Ubye Cieg B.nUlilewlCZ Jenme MJlIe~ Staff Writer Julie R. Sullon, Publahsentahve • "

'~'Grosse Pointe News " April 18, 2002, Page 7A TheOp-Ed Page.

by Ben Burns

1. Heche. whose autoblOl!I'a- with no windows or screens phy IS titled, "Call -Me As best Canrie Buhl can GrazY,M may hdVto been on remember It, she got bItten the rebound from her signif- Top honors by the theater bug when she icant relationship with the played an angel in the COffilCEllen DeGeneres. Two Grosse Pointers were Christmas play at the Coley 18the son of former among SIX faculty members Grosse Pointe Academy She Grosse Pointe Parker Polk at Wayne State who were went on to South and then Laffoon, one.tlme edItor of honored by PreSIdent Irvin Purdue, which while not the DetrOit Free Press ReId WIth Awards for 8'02 noted for Its drama school, Magazine, who went on to a Excellence in Teaching has a small, but excellent Kni~ht-Ru.hl~r corpo! att: Wpnnesday Dr. .&..!!h':>kP. program Sarnaik, professor of pedl- ~~ ISfItJ£ f'r&> uJe:t:: ~ fU2-105#f1L. liKe !tJ ~PAy ~ A WEe¥-!' vice president post out west From there For $3 50 Coley can be seen atncs, of the Woods, has currently posing with hIS been with WSU since 1973 Visit the Grosse Polnte Dogs website: http://gpdogs.keenspace.com she gamed expenence m then pregnant Wife, Anne, and has taught generatIons various for the pages of Vogue of phYSIcians "Always have aspects of Magazine's "The Shape compassion and dedication, theater, such Issue" and treat our patIents as If they were our own cluldren," as directing a' On page 287, Coley IS his QI1r1 I"-aClhncr " Sarnaik tells students. Streetwi~e shuwn lying on a'-I Ui"1il1iid~ ;;;lli R~b~rtL.- bed at the Heller House in Dr. IJilana Progovac of DeNrro's com- Ben Burns Los Angeles next to an the City has been at Wayne Question of the Week: pany and angelic, blonde and very State since 1991 and spe- April 22.29 is National Unplug the TV With the "Good Mormng pregnant Anne, posed m a cializes in teachmg theoretI- Amenca" teleVISionprogram callinguistics. Her students Week. What changes do you think you caftan ill deshabille That IS before setthng III ChIcago sllld she goes the extra nule would see in your neighborhood-if every- fancy French talk for having By Suzy Bushback With one of the largest cast- your clothes m disorder and for them m her classroom by one turned off their TV for the week? mg compames m the bemg darn near naked prOViding weekly study Midwest O'Connor guides on complex material. Castmg Accordmg to the gossip She has also been successful mags, the baby - Homer in placing a number of her She specialized m work- Heche Laffoon - was born "I thInk people watch too much TV and If they mg WIth children and cast students m prestIgious March 3 and weighed ill at 7 Ph D programs. watched less, obesity would be less of a problem I It's a them for commercIals from pounds. There's been no good ideal" McDonald's to Sears to Nike. report on how grandfather Ben Burns of the City of - DaVid Kraft, Grosse Pomte Park So when she returned to the Polk or grandmother Pinky Grosse Pomte lS director of romtes to be near ner mom are domg rhe JournailSm program at and Dad, Robert and Jane Wayne State Umverslty. He Buhl, of the Park, and to Coley has traveled a long can be reached at work on a master's m educa- way from the shores of Lake [email protected] or by "I know my house would tion at Wayne State, It was St. Clair and Torch Lake phone at (3!3) 882-2810. be calmer I We're domg that' natural for her to get and those rustic "Y" cabms The boob-tube IS gone, mvolved WIth theater in the Hugh!" schools. She was assIgned to - Rick Whitney, City of do her pre-student teachIng Letters Grnsc:p Pmllte WIth Hugh internship at PIerce. From page SA and Elise the Plonst, Speedi Phuwt And that resulted 1Il her Cavanaugh's Office castmg and duectmg an and the bmes to catch your Supphes, Ramy Day Art "Afternoon of the Elves," favonte. Supply, Belle 1\re, Java which the Pierce middle- Items are still commg in "I thInk I would see more House, John & Russ Barber schoolers WIllput on Fnday, of my neIghbors and fnends so we don't have everyone Shoppe, Telly's, Llmousme Saturday and Sunday She outside and domg outside 118ted Here are a few of the Express, Krispy Kreme activIties " used all her profeSSIOnal compames that have our Donuts, Chester Boot Shop, skIlls workmg With set grateful thank you: Robert - Kate Swensan, 13 Legends Cafe, Conmes deSIgner Dan Vickery to do and Sommer at Leon Grosse Pomte Farms ChIldrens shop, Rudy's Back a theater-m-the-round type Hairdressers Inc, ArtVan Door H8lT Stylmg, Corky's production about a story Furniture Co, Edmund T. Snowboard, Jack's With a moral - "gomg "I thmk there would be Ahee Jewelers, Great Frame Waterfront Restaurant, beyond what IS III your own more commumcatlOn Up, Mahbu Gallery, Garwood's Bayview Lodge, Kate SwenBan backyard and learmng to Advanced AquatIcs Dlvmg between family members The Bayview Barge, accept people who are not School, George Kouelter and and everyone domg more Antomos, Molly Maids, hke you" Sons Jewelers, Josef's thmgs as a family" Stnng Beads, Sweets by Ms. French Pastry Shop, - Chnstme Mueller, TIckets are $5 and may be JOl, Earnngs by Marguente, Mongohan Gnlle, Roma Grosse Pomte Park at a premIUm smce there ,., to .... , ...... _ Grosse Pomte Flonst. are 600 students at the \AUto, !UIAto uuuy 01 Lne Harbor Lanes/Channel "I thmk we would read school on Kercheval and the DetrOIt Free Press, the Insh Marker, and many more more and have more com- audltonum only seats 100 Coffee Grill, Marge's Bar compames and people to and Gnll, Shores Madnd, mumcatlOn Now, If It was Call (313) 823-5695 or (313) thank - contnbutlOJUI WIll Christine Mueller Grosse Pomte North fUI a year, T thmk we would 432-5753 If you want to see be taken nght up to the tIme AthletIC Booster Club, see the mtelligence level go middle school actors at theIr of the teleVIsed telethon up and people would be hest Edwm Paul Spa, Strands, A 8mcere apology to any- more optimIstic" Pat Scott Jewelers, Mr C's one who has contnbuted, Deli, ChIcken ~hack, - George Farrell, St but has not been hsted ClaIr Shores Chaundy's, Uncle Harry's Please watch and bid, and Mrs. Laffoon Deh, Curves, Fraser Optical, help support these great George Farrell Altlma HaIr Salon, DetrOIt "I am sure we would see There was a penod when young men and women who more people outsIde m their yard or garden, mteractmg Grosse Pomte teenager Custom Frammg, Great have worked so hard to more WIth each other There are a mllhon thmgs to do Coley Laffoon dreamed of Lakes MarketPlace, DetrOIt make thiS event happen Opera House, Grosse Pointe As a child, we had a year Without TV and we learned to runnmg a boys' camp much agam t~.~ year read a lot more' It's a great time to use your ImagIna- Itke the YMCA's Camp Dance Center, SIerra Last.mmute contnbutIons StatIOn, Jumps, Mr C's Car tIOn " Hayo-went-ha on Torch can be made by calhng Wash, Crowthers Carpet & - Sandy Novacek, DetrOIt Sandy Novacek Lake where he was a coun- Barbara Drader at (313) selor Rugs, Two SISters Gourmet, 886-6874, or Lynn Kurtz at Suzy Ber~chback l~ 11 freelance photographer In Grosse POinte Farm9 and co author Moehrmg Woods Flowers, (313) 343-0772 of "Gro~~e Pomte 1880 1930 She welcomes suggestions for questwns to her e.mall But those were the days Glazey Days, Ellen Bowen, addre"ls at Ber"lchback@aol com bef0fe hI' marTled movIe Grosse POInte Norsemoms, star Anne Heche last Sept Barbara Drader Valente Jewelers, Charvat GroSH Pointe Wood. April 18, 2002 8A News Grosse Poi nte News

------== ~PET POINTER Crime stats down in Harper Woods By Jason Sweeney He SaId those who would Staff Writer thInk about commlttmg a OF INTEREST'- Reactwn to changIng cnme In the city should HW Incident Reports cnme patterns and strict under~tand they will not (Excluding Eastland Mall) Vincent's Miss Lassie II enforcement have been cIted receive a slap on the Wrist I 1999 2000 2001 Age: About 7 as the reasons behInd the "We"re gOing to prosecute I downward trend In CrIme In you serIously," he saId Larceny 591 555 476 Home town: Grosse Harper Woods The numbers hsted In the Property Damage 310 349 247 Pomte Farms "We're continually .,hlft- chart, accordIng to 109 our attentIOn" saId Skotarczyk, are the raw Auto Theft 194 223 212 Breed: Sheltle Lwutenant Randolph Incldput reporb That Assault 291 250 302 Skotarczyk of the Harper 'mean" every tmw a (all was Burglary' 138 202 125 Family: Loved by the Woods PolIce Department, logged at the police btatlOn It Robbery 34 58 48 Vincents, George and Inga "trackIng patterns and fig- went Into the records UrIng out how to best u~e lounded and unlounded DU:I~let y 1111,.. uuC'", ltv wo;"o:. 1:LIa1a'::lQ;;II ..:loIIU~,.)o ... ~... larceny <59l0to 476), ~rop;~~ "Drug offenses Includes possession transport sale of drugs and vacatIOns WIth Aunt calb, completed CrImes and ty damage (310 to 247) and Jaclue when parents are attempts " burglary (138 to 125) has bad, the mcrease m calls IS crIme here IS on the nse," travehng to far-away He also explaIned that the been a result of that man- actually helpIng to serve Skotarczyk saId "And that places With strange sound- number for bmglary agement of manpower reSIdents batter IS not the case at all Crime mgnames mcludes unlawful entry of The use of stIng opera- "The publIc's perceptIOn of IS on the declIne .. Vincent's Miss Lassie not only houses but garages, tions, selective patrolling Hobbies: Greetmg her II sheds and other out-bUIld- and other tactIcs have also adonng fans, grandchIldren and VISitOrs Dancmg hap- Ings helped to keep the numbers Detroit lawmaker raps pIly when they arnve and roundmg them up hke sheep RIses In the category of of auto theft and robbery In n assault, Skotarczyk saId, when they get ready to leave "Answermg the tele- "check have been largely due to phone, watchmg bIrds and rabbIts In the yard and tak- ChIef Lawrence Semple boom boxes, car stereos ing long walks changes In the law and not a said that the dechne IS also By Brad Lindberg D-Detroit, a candIdate for change In the number of due III part to strIct applica- Staff Writer the second Senate distnct, Favorite words: "Go bye-bye car-car." offenses The law now tIon of pumshment The man who wants to which mcludes the Grosse makes It easIer for reSIdents Pomtes and Harper Woods, "The philosophy of thiS to call pohce In domestIc become Grosbe Pomte's state If you would l£ke to subm£t your "Pet Pomter of senator IS trymg to ensure has Introduced a bill to stIfle a department IS always to arguments and famIly con- Interest, ~del£veror mall typed outlme and pholOgraph the sweet sound of crulsmg obnOXIously loud car stereos 96 prosecute to tne full extent frontatlOns to the Grosse Pomte News, Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Motown doesn't break any Lemmons called the effort 48236, or e of the law," he said, "In order Farms, MI mall to postmaster@grosse- eardrums "boom box nlJlse abatement" pomtenews com (photos must be h£gh resolutIOn) to discourage cnmInals from Skotarczyk said that coming to Harper Woods .. while the numbers ma) look Lamar Lemmons III, HIS legJslation would make It a misdemeanor to dnve a motor vehIcle whIle playing music louder than 90 decibels The bIll has bipartISan support from 56 cosponsulo. "People are tired of these I boommg sounds," Lemmons Who has the Best sald. Alex Drader, 17, of Grosse Pomte Woods, disliked the Wireless Network? bill. "1 don't think how loud a radio is affects other dn- You make the call. vers,' he saId. "If they take away loud music, they should take away other things" such as ta1kJ.ng on cellular phones, eatmg and With America's Choice, all dnnkmg wlule drivmg. your plan minutes are national Drader wondered if the minutes. So you can call from bill would abndge the FIrst anywhere on the America's Amendment. O1olce network to anywhere ~~QIIs._ who serv~_on coast to coast With no roaming the'CollstltutlOnal LaW 'JiId Etlucs commIttee, saId hIs • or long distance charges. legislatwn won't vwlate thf'

The Amenca 5 CIoce ne!WOll< covers over 248milton peop!6l11 tlle US Na-Ic nol aYaIIable In all areas freedom of expresslon "We're not telling people what to hsten to - whtch, when you hear the lyrics of some of the songs they play IS somethtng to take up at Monthly another tIme," Lemmons access S8.ld. "We're dealing WIth the volume of musIc." • < Monthly t Jt:!.l:Y SUJ""iullg, ai~o of airtime minutes 300 550 - 9IJIr Grosse Pomte Woods and Calls plaClld OlJISl~erale alea S 65/mln owner of Jerry's Club Party I Store In the F'arms, sald, "I Gr~dt Offer! find the sound level annoy- Nokia 3285 phone and GO PACK mg, but I belIeve everybody Signup with one of these greatplansandget has the nght to do what they feel" • Jabraear boom headset • Car lighter adapter He called the measure "another gover.nrnent regu- . Belt clip latIon" The bill grew from $7999 Nokla328S &GO PAO< Lemmons meetmg WIth resI- dents -$I:n ~ ...14 _A_L. _ -.IV '."U-tll"~"1I:" "One of the concerns from bedroom commumtIes on the eal1t SIde wa.<; the inces- sant boom box nOIse from FOR liFE radws blastIng so loudly I'honesana Pllce Valy br location Wilt, 2 yeill >e.'1Ce agJeem01' on they were shaking wmdows On IIlc Ame"ta s CIiooce network E""', moo" as Iph.d :l'3"9~ ft.."",'1 II:d c,... .. ,o~ 1<..0l'T'4 offord & L ..,ld1o " ,.." s.o~, pl'cnol " ..... 11 . out theIr parents' permls- f"- .. Oolu *"'~.Or l~cJ~I ... /olIli~ll'.dl "" o,from~nd/llo\(l111 3mc,.0t'd'~"fcn.1 7347" 1n2 Ca~Cor"..,,1 1I06:917JJ Not1+I ofS40,,, 248 lSS ~'OO 734 2r.:7 111'0 51' 5.6561' '" SIP1l,. he said 13' e... 00181 :lICe JOS /ioeOO CkoM .,. ,..11 ...... 1IHl lInSeof',w""-Mo'...... Oi 'CI 7!!1 W F (II<, M..~ td T,., ,U75 ~.ItI..... c__ -. n2~5ooc; ... oi7Of'SI Sou. "'I!' ~:110 1.1'\1 _\ M 10 ,~ I:II .. !:...... !:J A p~re'1t In hIS jL.j,trlc~ jlU .,~" dll:1 !I OJ J!!~ l31 ...... """rO"~ """" e"'l;lfll' TO'!'~...,Cf"';.1 o...,'Wu'olT'~,»"f 8 0 606 1700 Wo"t", .....- l"jf, ~ ~~e. :2(!~ ~l6 co iC was upset to learn hIS 12- '159ChofI, SU... C J 3 J18 .... 9 IIoflfla\"Wcmol'h.rd ..n.v"'on~ 8~ J5 01H 1011""""'_ t41ftN~P'orir: ''5~ T. ~ op" td 'II Dc," Shoo,," year-old son had bought an ,,"~oITot""1 FOI';""". Moll WN1. Lok. .. '16~rd J..<; ou ~""" S...... P'oQOft Mol ~ NIr.,. ....~ .... ~.f :248 !lSl OSSO -1M 509..I ...... n U'hce "or1c ~DIOI & I' MIl. lell IAI! Jill ~800 "Cell phones are often I'rlllluc:b Pr1c:1ng """ Wcny f_ SSe ~9" -650tl a.-..- /Ny ...., .. 2 •• S]8 9'ilOO ot.",cM """"" used by drug dealers," _ A_ocl_1o< 1.~C ph~o.nl Lemmons- SaId "Drug dpal- {n \ RadioShack. ~ ...... ~_. For Business Sales, (aI11-888-525-9464 ers often use small children, who'ie deals can't be traced Subject to service Al/I'.. ment' Calling Plan Act,valPonlea $30 $35 on 1 vurS4JrYlca agreamenl $175 Earlylerm,natoon loe Ralluore. credlt approval Cennot be comb,,,.,d wrth other olla .. Usagt' by plck-up-and-go phones I rounded to next lull minute Unu.ed allowances lost SubJectto la ... & olher charges Saacalhng plan Wrth3000 mInute promohon monlhly allowance monute. may appiv '0 peak aIrtIme only N,ght ~ want to restrIct and reduce ,weekend rate perIOdSvary by ma'ket Geograph,c and olher re.lncl,ons apply Nol avaIlable ,nall ma,kets Nelwork claim IS based on Industry reports 01 carne' operated covered populatKln NokIa ii drug dealers' commUnIca- is a reglst.rad Iredemark 01 NokIa Corporeloon FInland NokIa reserve. lha right 10 make changes 10 products or speclflcallOns WIthout proor noloce c Verozon Wlraless 2002 ~ tIOn abllitv" April 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News News 9A G.P. News-Connection bridal show brimmed with ideas By Ann L. Fouty by The ConnectIOn and the tabons They found two ven- News Editor attentIOn at the annual or In the bnde's home one When the nng 18 gIvl'n Grosse POinte News and dors who offered that ser- event It's an image that is pre- it Will be a surpnse, Quinn The 2002 Weddmg Show held at Blossom Heath Inn Vice, Prmt Xpress and overflowed with Idea;, for Many vendors received sented on the bride's specIal said Nicole LavIs, who will wed Affordable InVitatiOns bookmgs that mght, said bndes and grooms to make day, she sald, and it should Ahee gav~ away a gold Joseph Sipsock on Aug 16 In A photographer was what Barbara Yazbeck Vethacke, their weddmgs not only be one that matches the and sJlver bracelet dUflng St Paul's Cathohc Church, Warren bnde Susan Dulecki the papers' classified adver- woman the show Jenmfer Gutwal of wonderful, but memorable, and her mother stopped to was loolung for to captl,lre as well bsmg and events manager A diamond must also Harper Woodswas the recip- look (and sample) chocolates her July 18 weddmg, which "We're ready for next year" match the woman, said Ient by Athena's Sweet Shoppe Will mchide 22 10 the bndal Bndes would be ready for September bride Mary Ahson Qumn of Ahee With a June bndal shower party theIr big day WIth the help of Mfer of St Clair Shores was Jewelry A platmum nng The grand prize of a hon- fast approaching, the two "It's a Fnday even 109 Angela Jiams, a Mary Kay In lookmg for everythmg She With a diamond an emer- eymoon tnp was won by were loolung for somethmg weddmg and I'm loolung for beauty consultant She stopped at the florists' ald or pnnces" cut (most Sar~1. Grunow of the City of special to add to the tea- ideas I'm loolung for a pho- offered enhancmg beauty popular today) IS selected booths and talked With the Grosse Pomte and her fiance style shower A tiered plate tographer and a DJ (disc Ideas for anyone m the With care by the groom-to. tuxedo rental people, hmou- Chfls Gdhagen Followmg of chocolates might Just be Jockey)," she sald bndal party be their July 2003 wedding, the sme drivers and pastry thE' ltE'm that could make Vendors such as Jason the chefs For the bnde, makeup The men come 10 to leacl1 couple 1"111 fly to Jamaica for thiS an outstandmg event DJ and DIS Photographers, could riUlge from the natur- about the diamond and a week The pnze was She wa<; al<;o 100kmp' fm' 'P.1"'1rln +"" h..... 'Q"' ...:I ...... T'\ C'l,," 1 , "",.... honeymoon Ideas from~the ~- ~...... " \,,01...... """"'-' .L uA -.)",u.u..1V cU1U "'''J.U W, bluu..I.u.u:J !U~ !uok lin Lht; liiJuU~ lililf of Llll~lU UlOObe oflereC1 by :::.even :::'eas MartmcIc and her fiance Photographers were able to way to dramabc and Jiams the nng themselves Others travel agents represented at Travel, Northwest AJrlmes Brian Mulhgan, were seek- give bndes, their mothers could do the hair, makeup come in With therr fiance the weddmg show sponsored World VacatIOns and 109 elegant, but Simple mVi- and attendants personahzed and nails either m the salon and she chooses more than Couples RP<;orh Eastside Republican Club to hold annual dinner April 25 Rusty Engler's chief lieutenants Repubhcans Hllis also CBS and NBC affIhates Hills IS a member of the Club Forum IS held on the Hills, chair- smce Engler recaptured the served as treasurer of Followmg hIS work in news St Thomas AqUInas trurd Tuesday of each month man of the governor~ office for Ronald Reagan's Mlcrugan and broadcastmg, Hills Cathohc Parish m East from September to June at Michigan Republicans m a tnumph presldentJ.,al campaign 10 earned a master's degree In Lansmg He IS a founder RepublJcan over a two-term entrenched 1976 government and 1Oterna- the Grosse Pomte War and a member of the board Memonal State mcumbent November 1990 Upon graduatmg from tlOnal studies from the of directors for the Michigan The dean of the commum- Michigan State Umversity, Umversity of Notre Dame The annual dmner IS a Committee, Chapter of the Cathohc fundralSer for local candi- Will be the catiOns corps m Mlcmgan, Hllls was a reporter and Hills IS mamed to Carla Campalgn for Amenca And anchorman for several HIlls, and they have three dates and reservations are featured Hills ongInally served as the he ISalso a proud member of reqUired. For more mforma- governor's director of com- Michigan teleVISion sta- chIldren Mary Beth, the Mayo Smith Society speaker at tIons, Includmg the LanSing Michael and Kabe Rose. tion, call Thm McCleary at Hills the EastSide mumcations from 1991 - The Eastside Repubhcan (313) 882-2709 Republican 1995 From 1995, and until Club's annual dmner on he was elected Michigan Woods park snack shack back on track -.- -. -- -, -"""''''"' ,,- '0;: • Thursday, Apnl 25, at 6 p m Republican Party , lit' .I/ake 'I' JriufI ' l t"" . at the Grosse Pomte Hunt Chairman, Hills served as Patrons of the snack Its reSidents," srod Mehssa closed earher than sched- shack at Lake Frnnt P

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CAVTIVE ~ FCR "n-E \NEB< q:: AI=lRL 22 • AR=IL 2B National Blue Ribbon School of ExceUence 8:30 AM THES.O.c. SHOW alive proces. of an SptnlS nght m our backyard Repeated 4 AM. 5.30 PM Host Fran Schonenberg and her guests d scuss IOP1C~ pM CONVERSATIONS WITH a'1d events of panlcu]ar mterest to semor el11zens 1:30 Repeated 11 30PM COLLECfCRS Guest, Bob McCree. 9:00 AM VITALITY PLUS Host Susan Hartz focuses on local mteresnng collec. A half-hour aerobiCS exercIse class Repealed lIOns Repeated 4 30 AM (8 30 PM. The • T Sat) MlClmght 2:00 PM THE LEGAL INSIDER 9:30 AM POSITIVELY POSITIVE Guest. Stuart E Schafer. Pracllcal Insurance GueslS. Dr Jantz & Lori Dolman HoslS local attorneys DaVId Draper and Douglas Hosts Jeanie McNeil and LIZ AIken - an uphftmg half- Dempsey tal "r IW \llUUIIU $129 ed Guests AI role Barbershop Cabaret Rober! TQ}lor and MISS Paula the Merry MUSIC Malcer offer a MINEOLAS ... TURKEy______lS ~~~srrui:Juice...... $3~~.l Dlnamlc DIVIneSelf half-hour of stones and musIc for children Deli Bunny Brook~ hosts an InfOrmallve look al what s Repeated 6 30 AM happening al the War Memonal Repealed 2 AM 8 ~..eM VITALITY PLUS Head Boneless STROH'S $ 99 P'vI Bead. $399 A half-hour of body tOning and ~lepIk1ckbo~lng even Gold 89 SIRLOINSTEAK...__ L8 Ice Cream...... 2/,GAl TURKEY______$5 LS u,aa 11 :30 AM OUT OF THE ORDINARY ... exercise class MIWIFISun C;tepll<,ckboxmg INTO THE FXTRAORDINARY Repeated 7 AM (9 PM M W F & Sun ). Natural Casing ,...... $2 WHOLE " I.""LB Gllel/ G"thel Rlflh Brown SpmtlUll Counselor Tone Repeated (9 PM Tue T & Sat) 99 Host Robert Taylo' presenl\ an e~lIaordlnary half hour FRANKFURTERS_~ LB. 1------AVALON PM YOUNG VIEW POINTES of people places and Ideas Repeated 2 30 AM (9 30 4:30 99 PM Tue T C;at) Upbeat youth show fc.atunng studenl~ reportmg on a JUGSSQSAUCE __ $16~~ SEASCALLOPS S5 LS IntematooalBreads $1 lanety of educational tOpiC, Repeated 7 lOAM (810 99 12:00 PM THE ECONOMIC CLUB OF PM M W F &Sun) 29 BAGUETTES______EA DETROIT $3 $429 I ~LJCEOSWlSS_ LB. LB BARRY'S BAKERY Guest HII f.~crl/encv Johan~es Rail Presldefll WHITEASH______5:00 PM POINTF~<; OF HORTICULnJRE I Pudding fedeml Repubilc ojGennan\ f:! $179 Featurcs nationally knoy,n gueSI speakers d,scu"mg Guert Ron C.lsmrk,. DfChub RICE or TAPIOCA. - LS P&D Cooked $ 49 Handmade. Vanous FIaVOr5$2 HQ<;I hor.lcultuml Jim Farquhar ~hares tiPS glves 49 lUrrcnt toprcI In Ihe tlUsmess comrnunlt~ Repeated 1 TWIsted Slster AM 1010 PM • advice and mtervlews local authonlles on gardening $199 SHRIMP ~.!£~_C::L 15 FRENCH TWIST -- -- ~~. Repealed 8 A'vi SPAGHETTI SALAD - LS $1 Extra Virgin 1:00 PM liII'HDE ART 99 CIIClt rame & lef fL~k Fresh ,. _ "85 ZOE OLIVE OIL $129~ , MOZZARELLA EGGS _ In"de An on W\ffV ~ an e~ploratlOn 1010 the ere • SChedule Subject 10 cnange Wlihoul nQllCe For lunt'er ~~'11 ~AL.MUNI\Atsu ------fA. --- - - ~i Informallon call 313 8817511 April 18, 2002 GroBBe Pointe News Schools 11A School board appoints South principal By Jennie Miller two high schools m Macomb DIver IS the Sixth pnncI- opportumty, ~ Lobert SBld. Staff Writer County He has been at pal at South since Artis' "I have been a reSIdent of After years of searchmg South since the fall of 2001 departure the commumty for 15 years for an mdlVldual to head "I am really looking for- "We've been loolung for a and an admlUlstrator for Grosse POInte South High ward to more years hke this pnnclpal at South for a long about the same The oppor- School, the Board of one has been - It has been a time,. saId Board Secretary tumty to work In my chosen EducatlOn named current really good year," DIver .,ald Linda Farmer ~I trunk It IS profeSSIOn III tIllS great com- Intenm Pnnclpal AI DIver The last prmclpal at positive for the district that mumty IS truly a wonderful as prmclpal on Monday, South was Ben Walker, who we can attract people of thmg" Apnl15 left In 2001 after serving one [Diver's] cahOOr" Lobert IS currently the "He brmgs experience, year as interim prmclDal The board also aPPOinted personnel director m accountablhty, expertise and and one year as pnnclpal Larry Lobert to JOin the Farmmgton and has previ- a wonderful sense of humor Art Miller preceded admInIstratIOn as dIrector of ously worked m Southlake. He has won the hearts of Walker, servmg for two human resources. "He bnngs accountablhty many people here at Sou.h," years The current director, m hiS profeSSIOnal assocIa- said Superintendent The last person to hold the Eugene Washchuck, Will tlons," Klem saId "He has Suzanne Klem post at South for more than rebre after elght vear'l In grf'flt fflf'lhty WIth tp,.hp"lo- 1nlS Will be Olver's fourth two years was John Arbs, Grosse Pomte and 35 years gy that he Will be able to pnnclpalshlP He IS a former who was WIth the school m admmlstratlOn apply to hiS work In person- Musical pays tribute to pnnClyal In Blissfield and at from 1989 to 1993 "1 am eXCIted about thIS nel" New York City Grosse Pointe South's all-school musical, MOn Students donate books to Detroit school the Town," i. a tribute to New York City. The By Jennie Miller Scnpps prmclpal Russell choir recently returned from the city where Staff Wnter Covington tbey performed as the host choir for the 2002 WIth help from the Grosse The Rotary supphed boxes SboWitoppers International Show Choir Compe- Pomte Rotary, students In to be statIOned in five tition. five elementary schools Grosse Pomte elementary The play 1. a comedy and dance show about donated over :5,000 books to schools dunng February and the lives of three sanon and is set 1.c the late Scnpps Eleme'1tary 8chool March where students could 1940's and early 1950's. The lead roles are in DetrOIt donate books played by Sean Wagner, Adam Steiner and Dave uWe all know the lmpor- The schools Included Dennison (pIctured, from left). tance of reading and we MalTe, RIchard, Kerby, Performances are on Tbursday, April 25 at hope your students do too,~ Ferry and Trombly 7:30 p.m., FrIday, April 26 at 8 p,m., Saturday, saId KIlleen Lang as several "On behalf of Scnpps April 27 at 8 p.m, and Sunday, April 28 at 3 p.m, students presented a sample Elementary, thank you. I'm at the Gro8llePointe Perfol'Dllni Arts Center in assortment of the books to so happy that you chose our the Woods. s c h 0 0 1 , " Tickets are available at Posterity: A Ga1leryin ';:,~ * • '>\'~ ~ Covin~n said the Village and also at the door. Prices are $12 .. Scnpps was for adults and $10 for students and semors. " chosen by mem- For more Information, call (313) 432-3638. bers of the \ Rotary because of the fact that it IS lacking a Art show at Bishop Gallagher hbrary, accord- Chlldren of Grosse Pointe Rotary Club members mg to member pose in front of Scripps Elementary after droppm, Jalon Sweene)' Ameriran flag, a ;lroJect Kim off e t...,:cklcad of boob that they donated to the Staff Wnter done sr.ortly after the 9/11 Youngblood school. The stlll-hfe 'frUIts of attacks. The InitIal labor," along with many Another wall holds a goal of ~he pr

Foundation for Exceptional Camp Algonquin I Children The FoundatIOn for Established 1975 Exceptional Chlldren has been offenng a summer Accelerated Learning Program & Camp Fun program for IndlVlduals n_ 0_,.....1 _ .. _ WIth speCIal needs smce DUY~ a.. ulClS / -1 / 1957 The program offers 7SYears Anchored in Faith therapy, entertamment, WEtLL GIVE YOU THE CHANCE TO DISCOVER AND arts and crafts and spe- AMAZE YOURSELF WITH WHAT YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH! cial activIties such as PRESCHOOL PROGRAM 8wlmmmg, barbequlng, *OUTDOOR RECREATION boa~ tnpa and horseback thru Grade 8 ndmg *INDMDUAL LEARNING I'1dlVlduals WIth both phySIcal and mental *SPECIAL EVENTS ''more than just a good education" needs are welcomed to jam the program that *WATER SPORTS runs from June 17 to July NOW ENROLLING 19 * ART PROGRAM The foundation IS locat- ed wlthm the Grosse 140 ACRES IN WISCONSIN'S NORTHWOODS 170 Grosse Pointe Boulevard Pomte Memonal Church on Lakeshore In the 3000 FEET OF PRIVATEWATERFRONT Grosse Pointe Farms Farms For more mforma- tlOn, call DebbiE' Moffat at 1-800-521-2074 Michigan 48236 (313) 885-8660 wwwocampalgonquin.com (313) 885-3430 April 18, 2002 12A Obituaries Grotise Poi nte News

WIth any who cared to par- In middle school students mumty as well as the Mr Champme also served m take of them, George attended hiS courtroom on DetrOIt CounCil of the U S Army Bdbhara also was a man of "Drug Day," to observe the Christians and Jews He He began hiS career as a faith, patience, humor and terrible tragedies of nar- was also a 33rd degree gardener and groundskeep- warmth HIs ability to brmg cohcs mvolvement The Mason and past preSident of er With the Joy Estate m order out of chaos was youngsters also VISited the Lochmoor Club Grosse Pomte Farms and accomplished With grace Wayne County Jail He then Those wIshmg to pay theIr later worked for Booth and WIt traveled to schools With respects may do so on CommumcatIOns From his father, an recovenng abusers to meet Thursday, April 18, from 2 to Followmg hiS retirement, •.""t.~l: ..'1/f accomplished attorney and With students who had 8 p m and Friday, April 19, Mr Champme enjoyed gar- bpeaker, Judge Bashara attended a Drug Day pro, from 9 30 to 10 30 am, at A denmg, fishmg, woodwork- " ..:>/f learned the art of rhetOriC gram and conduLt a diSCUS H Pdcrb FUllcnil Hunle, mg and dock malung In the --~---i- As a teenager, he accompa- slOnon what had transpired 20705 Mack Ave m Grosse wmter months, he reSIded at med hiS neighbor, the late After leavlfig the bench Pomte Woods A funeral Will hiS home m Tampa, Fla, dISC Jockey and ralOnteur and bpendmg several years be held on Friday, AplIl 19, whpre he was surrounded by Toby DaVid, to work on as vice preSIdent, becretary at 11 am, at St Mlchael's family and friends many summer mornmgb It and general counbel for Eptscopal Church, 20475 "He was a most speCial Federal Mogul Corp, he Sunnmgdale Park Dr, m fnend, big brother and 1': was there that he began to accumulate the leXicon of returned to private practIce, Grosse POInte Woods Judge uncle," saId his nephew Raymond J FraZier of btorle~, accentb and Jokes for first With Dykema, Gossett Bashara's ashes Will be Charles A. Gibson Judge George N. Bashara which he was noted Always and then With Clark Hill entombed m the columban- Sterhng Heights "He was In npmflnn fl" f\ mll"tpr of .Tudl!P Ba"hara is urn of the church loved by so many fnends Gpnpral Dvnamics who juJ.~~ G~uc~~ N. ceremomes, he as eabily mourned by hts Wife A George Bashara and neIghbors He WIll be became an inspirational Bashara could have become an enter- Suzanne, hiS son Robert MemOrial Fund has been sadly missed." church leader durmg his 14- A descendant of Grosse Peacemaker - this one tamer as a lawyer, but for (Jane) Bashara, hiS daugh. established at St Michael's year battle agamst a tenm- hiS deSire to walk In the ter Laura (Kent) Maurer, EpIsl'opal Church, 20475 Pomte's ongInal French set- nal Illness, dIed Friday, word, more than any other, tlers, Mr ChampIne was describes Judge George Impressive footsteps of hiS hIS stepson Scott Simon, hiS Sunnmgdale Park Dr, Apnl 12, 2002, at BI-County father stepdaughter Merlbeth Grosse Pomte Woods, MI Widely known and respected Hospital In Warren from Nayf Bashara, who died at as a gIfted conversatlOnahst the age of 67 m his Grosse After graduatmg from the (Bob) Meyers, hiS grandclul- 48236 The fanllly requests complicatIOns following Ulllverslty of Mlclugan m dren Robert Jr, JeSSica, donatIOns m heu of flo\'>ers and an expert on the history bram surgery Pomte Shoreb home on and development of the Monday, Apnl 8, 2002 1956 With an A B. he went Andy, Cody and VIOlet and A reSident of Warren, Mr. on to the DetrOIt College of Ius SISters Gwenn Samuel, Grosse Pomte regIon Gibson was born m Peona, Noted throughout the Mr Champme was a hfe- btate and the country as a Law, recelvmg hiS LL D m Judith (Steve) Pleva and III In 1927 He was a gradu- 1960 After several years In Carol (Tobias) George He long member of St Paul ate of Grosse Pomte South superb mediator and arbi- Cathohc Parish and also trator, Judge Bashara spent legal partnership wIth hiS was predeceased by lus SIS- High School and earned a belonged to the AiUt!Iil-l:dl Ius entire life bnngmg peo- father, he became a member ter Barbara (Manfred) bachelor ot sCIencedegree in and then chair of the Elfers LegIon mechamcal engIneering ple together, as well as help- He is survived by his mg them to brlllg out the Appeals Board of the Equally Important was his from Lawrence Institute of Michigan Employment relatIOnshIp With hiS brothers Len Champme of Technology m 1952. best In themselves St Clair Shores and Norm He refused to suffer quar- Secunty CommissIOn He church. He had been semor Mr. Gibson began his Champme of Detroit, lus SIS- rels and unreasoned dis- was appOInted to Probate warden and, for many years career with the Chrysler agreement, Illstead usmg all Court by then-Governor up until hiS death, was ters Dorothy Berry of St Mtsslle DIVISionIn 11*53,as of Ius skills to concentrate Wilham MillIken, later wm- chancellor of St Michael's Clau Shores and Manon one of the early "Redstone (.ombatants on compromise mng electIOn and promotIOn EpIscopal Church m Grosse Van Acker of Port Charlotte, Rats," workmg with Fla and generatIOns of lov- and Win-Will situatIOns In to presldmg Judge In 1972 Pomte Woods It was there Wernher van Braun on the every l1reaof his hfe and his he became, at 38, the that he could be found mg meces and nephews He development of the work, h~ extended a youngest ludge to Sit on the asslstlnl! with communion V-J3S predeceased by rJs par- Redstone Missile System. supreme effort to heal, to bench ofthe Michigan Court on most-Sundays ents and hiS brothers Ed He became an operations make thlllgs work and to of Appeals Judge Bashara served hIs Champme and Ray control officer during the make thm!!s better When he sat on the pro- commumty well His rea- Champme, development of America's ~A.....~:l.~ger!!en~ U1'2!"ehan- A gentle- man who bnared bate bench, JUdge Basnara soned vOice comribu~t!u W uust ICnry1 ...11 1957, anrl WaD James J. Champine his strength and convlctlOl1~ ongmated a program where- the ongInal board of New dled by the Verheyden heavily lfivolved With DetrOIt, Inc , and he was a Funeral Home In Grosse Projects Mercury and past-president of the boards POInte Park A funeral Mass Gemim m the 1960s of trustees of both Wayne James J. Champine was celebrated on Saturday, He joined General State Umverslty and James J "Jim" Champme, April 13, at St. Paul Clly or&iros5£lIointe 'ark, Michigan DynamiCS in 1971 and rose MIchigan State 69, died on Monday, April 8, Catholic Church In Grosse to the posItion of manager of Pointe Farms Interment IS PUBLIC NOTICE UmversltylDetroit College 2002, at hiS Grosse Pomte defense proJects. He over- of Law He was a member of Farms home. at St. Paul Catholic Parish saw the development of such The Cm of Grm~e POinte Park IS ~ecklng bid, on property and the board of trustees of St Mr Champme was born in Cemetery m Grosse Pointe well-lmown defense projects lIablhl} Insuran(.e for the upcomIng vear beginnIng Augusl 1, John Hospital and MedIcal Grosse POInte Farms to Farms. as the M1A2 Abrams tank, 2002 Intere~tcd partle~ mu~t ~ubmll bud, no later than May I, Center and of the Grosse Barney Champme and Mary the improved TOW anti- 2002 Please notIfy the Cay Clerk, offiLe for bid packages at Pomte Shores Planmng BIelski Champine, on Feb Charles A. Gibson tank missIle and the CommissIOn. He was the 28, 1933, A graduate of St. \511 ~ E JefTer<;on Gru~se POinte Park MI 48nO Charles Alfred Gibson, 74, HMMWV (Humvee) trans- reCipIent of numerous Paul Cathohc High School, a retired executlve of port vehicle, pnor to his awards from the Arab Lum- retirement m 1992, Jane M. Blahut, Dunng the Vietnam War, G P N 041J 8/2002 Cny Clerk Mr Gibson volunteered for hazardous duty during all experimental high explOluve ordmance loading and test- Obituary Guidelines mg of combined effects The deadline for submittmg obituaries Is 3 p.m. on the mumtIOns "It was excitmg," Monday prior to the Thursday publication. he recalled "In those days I An obituary, unlike a eulogy, Js a brief, factual, biographical considered myself mvulner- account of an individual's life and Includes memo- able" riallinterment information. The Grosse Pointe News and The Care Enough to Commit! In 1988, Mr. Gibson began Connection prOVIde a form for obituary Information and all living with a life-threaten- prewntten submissions will be edited for content and news- Volunteer for the 7th Annual Ing Illness caused by an paper style preferences. Shoreline & Underwater Clean-up of Lake St. Clair embolism blocking blood cir- Please limit wntten obltuanes to 300 words. culahon to bis liver. The fees are $100 for placement in the Grosse Pointe News Sunday, May 19, 2002 Recalhng the massive hem- or S50 for placement In The Connection. Only funeral homes Presented By: ADVANCED AQUATICS DIVING orrhage he suffered in 1996, will be billed. Family or Individual submissions must be paid CLEAN WATER ACTION AND CLEAN WATER FUND he said, "They gave me two pnor to publication. lney can De pala Dy cneck, Master Card, NAUTICAL MILE ASSOC.IATlON days to hve. After three days I went out in a wheelch8J.I' It VIsa or cash RAC'p'pl" lirA IIvllllable upon request. r.~'!'a! P.~~f "'J!!a!!.~~.!)lVE !NTO EARTH D~r Color or black and white, 35 mm or high-resolution digital PADis Project A..W.A.R.E.foundation was my own resurrection." (.JPG format) photographs may be submitted for publication. Sponsored By: 'V.Fe tt.n !'~ rz..c:= That experience led him ___ • Doa.ate r- a...tICu CS86)71"lIU For additional Information, call (313) 343-5597. to rethmk. the rest ofbis life. HONORARY CHAIRMAN Scbedule: He became active in his pansh, St. Michael's Chuck Galdlca 7:00 - 8:30 Cbl C1IIb sick or those who had just 2JO TONS of !rUb from the I.ke $USTOIlM WILL POSTPOl'E EYVn). • Bus lrInSpOrtall.n IS proVIded to clean-up " R""Ilt1I.~ J,fTcnon YIonaJ mailmg oftlC~ wine Safe Sub,cnpllon ROles S37 pet' ye~' vIa 12 bottles or more mix or match mad In tile ""'etro area S6S out of M~ro area POSTMASTER s.,nd ~ddr",s ch~nges to GfOsse Pomle News 96 Kerchev~1 Grosse POinte F~rm, MI PRE-REGlSTRAUONEORM ~823b DETACH AND MAIL TO- Acmmced Aqaabcs DiVlng, 25020 Jefferson, St. Clair Shora, MI. 48080 The deadline lor new<; copv IS Monday More Info Phone (586) 779-8m or Send Form By Fax (586) 779-0549 300 P m to Insure msenlon Advenl\ln~ copy r", Seellon, -6' aM @ regisler online www.Muticalcoastc!eanup.com '< muSl he In the advertiSlDg dep¥1 STOREWIDE WINE SALE men! by 10 10 'm on Monday The Name _ ~ deadline fOt ~dvert"lDg copy (0' Starts Thursday, April '8, 2002 SPc,,"n A " , 00 p m Monday o DlVERoC." 1•• r1_c .... A-.... Addreu _ A~~~ IIItoww;td..,.....,...... -Q (ORRE( TIONS AND ADIUSTMENTS through Sunday, April 28, 2002 ...., Qoo« __ ,...., "' ...... , .. tMdI.rvc '" 1 La o BOATERlPwq"ulmak') _ CIty, ZIp _ Respoo"bol,ly lor display ~ndc1"'StfiEd advrrt,\,ng E'fT()" 1<; limited 1oetther can- Va, 1..-,11'- M/t,NOA.roay rvc.l'1lIn*)'..., 1'.',- PbooelDtoy _ -1....,...IMlI be ~ ~ • ....".., .... cel,."oo 01 ,he cha~ io< or a ere= 'lee6sonallecturer m account- On one of a tno of occa- 12-yearS-Old, she found mg at Georgetown sions when Mr GIbson was great JOY m plaYlllg bndge Umverslty from 1946 to mVlted to offer a sermon at Mrs Jantz IS survIved by 1966 He was awarded the lus church about hiS !lfe- her sons Richard F Jantz, Techmcal Medal for al~nng expenences he said, Wilham A Jantz and Excellence 10 teachmg by "I'm not afraId to die I force Thomas R Jantz, her Georgetown UOIvcrslty myself to get out of bed and daughters Mary Lou Jantz In additIOn, Mr Yates was try every day I want to be and Dorothy J Faust, seven the past presldt'nt of the an example of hope for oth- grandchildren, three great- KlwaOls Club of Bethebda ers." grandchildren and her sister where he was an active Mr Gibson continued to Dorothy J Karrer She was member for over 20 years be active over the last SIX predeceased by her hu!>band He I'. ab a pabt treaburer and years despite mounting Richard G Jantz and her board member of the physical challenges son John C Jantz Cecil R. Yates Oratono Society of Hp i~ RUrvlvPrl hv h,~ ""f" & ""''''T'I ,...... ~ n~"''''' .., _,., 1-. .,. -~."--"'.O"""''''.'''''''''''~ ... \\\.a.':';UUbl,.UU dUU lLLyu\",UL-l) PatricIa, lus sons .Scott and died by the A H Peters Cecil R. Yates performed at the Kennedy Craig, lus daughters 'Tracy, Funeral Home m Grosse Cecil Rhodes Yates, 85, Center He was also a board Kerry and Shawn and four POinte Woods A funeral dIed on Wednesday, March member and a past treasur- grandcluldren He was pre- Mass was celebrated on 27, 2002, at the St John er of the Dlbtnct of deceased by hiS parents Apnl 1, at Our Lady Star of SenIOr Commumty Center ColumbHI Chapter of the Florence and Faunte the Sea Cathohc Church m m DetrOIt, where he reSided Arnencan Institute of Gibson Grosse Pomte Woods followmg a stroke suffered Certified Pubhc Arrangements are being John W. Weller Interment IS at Mount Burt T. Weyhlng, Jr. In June 2001 He had moved Accountants handled by the Verheyden Ohvet Cemetery m DetrOit to Grosse Pomte Farms to He was a conservative Funeral Home 10 Grosse Memonal gIfts can be Burt T. Weyhing, Jr. John W. Weller hve WIth hiS son and daugh- Repubhcan and engaged III Pomte Park. A memonal made to HospIces of Henry Burt T Weyhmg, Jr, 91, ter-m-law DaVId and Elame hvely polItical diSCUSSIOns servIce will be held on John Warren Weller, 87, Ford-Bon Secours-Cottage of Grosse POinte, died o~ Yates In February 2001 With hiS family and fuends. Saturday, Apnl 20, at 11 died on Tuesoay, April 9, Team, Office of Raturrllw Annl n 2002 In Mr Yates was born m He was also a hfetIme mem- 2002, at hll:l hume In St am, at bt Michael's PhIlanthropy, One Ford Grosse Pomte Washmgton, D C and ber of the Capital Hill Club Episcopal Church, 20475 ClaIr Shores Place, Swte 5A, DetrOIt, MI Mr Weyhmg was born In reSided III Bethesda, Md. m Washmgton, D C Mr Weller was born m Sunnmgdale Park Dr In 48202 or the Capuchm Soup DetrOIt, Just blocks from before moving to Oxford, Mr Yates Wah a devoted Toledo, OhIO, and graduated Grosse Pomte Woods. KItchen, 1820 Mount Elhott Belle Isle As a chlld, the Md m 1978 With hiS Wife member, faithful supporter from Hillsdale College He Memonal gifts may be Ave., DetrOit, MI 48207- ISland park became hls play- Helen Resser Yates and past treasurer of the spent most of hIS life in made to the St Michael's ::l49fl Mr Yates graduated from Bethesda Methodist Church !Jfound It wa!>dunng VISIts Macomb County Episcopal Church CapItal to Belle Isle's Anna Scnpps Georgetown Umverslty With for over 25 yearb He was a WIdely known, Fund, 20475 Sunningdale Audrey A. Loman Wlutcomb Conservatory, a bachelor of bClence degree A slgmficant part of hiS Park Dr, Grosse POinte well-regarded leader m CIVIC Grosse Pointe Woods resI- and campmg trips to the 10 busmess admInIstratIOn spare tIme was devoted to and profeSSIOnal affairs. Woods, MI 48236 WIlds of Northern MichIgan m 1943 He was an admmls- musIc and singmg One of dent Audrey A Loman, 83, Dunng hiS career WIth the dIed on Fnday, Apnl 5, 2002, that he acqmred a hfelong tratlve assistant for the IuS llleceb, Jean Yates, Austm Company, a world- Thomas A. Hensler m her home devotIOn to nature, Includ- Navy Department from 1936 recently commented to hIm, Wide deslgn-nnd-bulld firm, Thomas A Hensler, 68, of Mrs Loman was born on mg bird watchlng, fishmg to 1942 In 1942, he was ~I WIll always have the JOy of he became vIce preSident, Southwood 10 Surfside Jan 12, 1919, m Buffalo, and boating In 1925, the commIssIoned as a heu- the musIc you brought to my dlstnct manager and a Beach, S. C, died on NY She was mamed to the Weyhlng faIDIly moved to .-...... l...... __ r ...._ _.4- .I. 1 tenant 10 the TJmted States lIfe" Saturday, Apnl 13, 2002, at late Robert C Loman Grosse Pomte Park where U''''oIUU''''J- U.. ''''' u...... ICJ.uavlUJlQ& Navy and served fOur years He sang as a tenor and board as well as preSIdent of Grand Strand RegIonal She IS survIved by her theIr home on Grand MaraIS as a supply officer at the solOist 10 the church chOIr ItS affihate, Austm Medical Center 10 Myrtle was the first on the block Naval Observatory After moving to the Eastern sons, Jack E. Loman of Engineers, Inc Beach, SC. Madison, WIS, Gary A. Mr Weyhmg was a gradu- In 1952, he founded the Shore of Maryland, he was a Mr Weller was the oldest Mr. Hensler was born on Loman of St Clair Shores, ate of Kenyon College m certified pubhc accountmg vlOhmst With the Salisbury livmg past-commodore of April 18, 19'33, m Detroli: her daughter Cathy J WIse Gambler, OhIO and earned a firm of Shumaker and Yates S)mphony Orchestra for 13 The Old Club, havmg served and lived 111 the City of of Grosse POinte Farms, her master's degree at Babson and, subsequently, a succes- as such dunng Its centenm- Grosse POinte for many grandcluldren, HeidI WIse, College m Boston, Mass sor firm of Yates and Ross, See OBITUARIES, page al year of 1972 He belonged years before relocating to Eml1y Loman, Mehssa WISe, He retired m 1980 from where he practiced until his 14A to the Lochmoor Club for the Grand Strand. KImberly Loman, Robert Weyhmg Brothers Mfg. nearly 50 years and also He served m the U S Loman, Alex Holmes and Jewelers, a company estab- enjoyed membershIps m the Army durmg the Korean her brother Reginald hshed by hIS father m 1896 CltV orQ?)rosse'oinie Jark, "'flchl~ .. n DetrOl' Athletic Club and War and attended Wayne Venneman of Buffalo, N. Y In 1918, Weyhmg Brothers the Ocean Reef Club 10 Key State Umverslty, where he A pnvate memonal ser- gave commemorative nngs The Clly Clerk ot Ihe Clly of Gr(1',~e POinte P,uk \\ ill ,Kcept Largo, Fla was a member of the Theta to each returnmg veteran of hld~ from Qualified Contractor' until 1000 am Fnu.l\ Apnl vice w111be held for the fam- He IS survived by hiS Wife Clu FraternIty. 10 World War I Later, the com- 26 2002 at 1511 'i E ;effer~on Ave for thc I urn1~hlng 01 ,111 l1y Hammondsport, N. Y Shirley A Weller, hiS son Mr. Hensler was a very pany was certified to prOVIde eqUlpmenl and matcrlal for deUJratl\C hanging light pole In heu of flowers, dona- John (MeredIth) Weller; hIS involved member of The tions may be sent to St John police badges for DetrOit and planter brackeh I 16' pOllcd plants In hanging ha,;"'. '" daughters Rosemary EpIscopal Church of the HospIce the State of MIchigan. ~peLllicallon~ .Ire a\aI1ahJc from 'he Offi ..e of Puhh .. Scn KC (Donald) Van Hoek, Carol Resurrection He also Mr Weyhmg was a mem- (Sanford) Klem and LlOda "qI.\loyed gardemng Marguerite A. ber of the DetrOit Boat Club (James) Jalkms, hIS step- Anv que~tlol1~ LontolLl n 11)~22 4281 He IS sUIVlved by his WIfe from the hme he rowed for sons Thomas (Mary) Horner, Chris Reimel, of 43 years, Nancy J Palmer the club m an eIght-oar Dr Gerald (Kathy) Horner, G P N 0411 8/2002 Dm~Lt')f 01 PuhhL '>cr\lLC Hensler of SurfSIde Beach, Former Grosse Pomte shell In the early 1930s, he James (Cornne) Horner, S C., lus sons John W Farms reSIdent Marguerite served on the committee of stepdaughter Deborah (Bob) Hensler of Ro)'eU Oak and A ~Peggyn Palmer, 68, dlPd the DetrOit River power boat Horner, 12 grandchl1dren Scott A. (Heather) Hensler on Tuesday, April 16, 2002, racmg event when Kay Don and 13 great-grandchlldren of Grosse Pomte, a brother, in Boyne CIty and Gar Wood were compet- Arrangements were han- Paul W. Hensler of Playa Born In Detroit, Mrs Ing Weyhlng Brothers pro- dled by the A H Peters Del Rey, CalIf and a SISter Palmer was a graduate of VIded a memorial trophy for Funpral Home 10 Grosse Mary Lou Leshe of Pawleys DomlOlcan High School She the race event Pomte Woods. Father Paul Island, S. C. earned a bachelor of arts He IS survIved by hIS Wife Balben preSided at a funeral Arrangements were han- from Marygrove College and of 63 years, Wmmfred Mass on Apnl 13 at St Paul dled by the Goldfinch a master of arts degree from Weyr..mg, h~s sor..s Dr Burt Cathobc Church III Grosse Funeral Home, Beach the Umverslty of DetrOIt T. (Andrea) Wejhmg III, Mercv "0 ..,. I'D \ 'l:1T ...... 'l.." ...... Pomte Farms He was Chapel, in Murre!!s Inlet, S _ uJu. I..I , u , ""')J-U.u. o mterred at Pine Lake C A memonal service was 11:r5 Palmer was w1dely and James (Nancy) Cemetery 10 West held on April 16, at The recogmzed for her work as a Weyhmg, hIS daughters Bioomfield Episcopal Church of the profeSSIOnal mamage and MarJone (Michael) Reynolds Memonal contnbutlOns Resurrection m SurfSIde family therapIst and Barbara (TIm) may be made to the Beach Interment IS at the She IS survIved by her Ettawageshlk, 16 grandchl1 UnIversIty of Michigan church columbanum. husband Thomas G Palmer, dren and three great-grand- Medical Center, the In lIeu of flowers, memon- her sons DaVId (Kns) chddren MIChlgan Heart ASSOCIatIOn al contnbutlOll:S may be Palmer, Robert Palmer and A. memonal service was or the chanty of your chOIce made to The Episcopal James (Demse) Palmer, her held at the Verheyden Church of the Resurrection, daughters DIane (Karl) Rmg P. 0 Box 14548, SurfSide and Kathleen (Ed) Hell, Beach, S C 29587 or the eIght grandchIldren, her Amencan Cancer SocIety, brother John Slevm and her 950 48th Ave North, Myrtle sister Kathleen Faller Beach, S C 29577 VISitatIOn WIll held on Thursday, Apnl18, from 5 to ..££;1:0 8 pm, at Verheyden Building Co. Funeral Home, 16300 Mack s.nu 1911 In Grosse POinte Park The ; .- family w111receIVe relatives and frIends at St Clare Montefalco Church, 1401 WhIttier m Grosse Pomte Park, on Fnday, Apnl 19, at 10 a m until the funeral Mass at 1030 am Interment Will be a ResurrectIOn Cemetery m

Clinton Township lUfCuard T Kevin Stentz .. ,...GIR & Ilr~ , Former Grosse P(Jlnte Lifetime ..~., .... Farms reSIdent KeVin NoClog ~ _ Stentz died on Wednesday, Guarantee r------, Apnl JO, In Columbus, OhIO, after a long Illness You'll Love I 15% OFF I Ruth M. Jantz He IS survived by hiS par- ADDITIONS the Way,.6_ WITH THIS AD • CALL TODAV ents, KClth (Joyce) Stentz of it Looks! - ". ~~ ENDS SOONI , Grosse POInte and Margo • Family Rooms Ruth M. Jantz (Charles) KIndred of • Bedrooms • Dormers ., • 't- e~~!.dA Grosse Pomte Farms resI- Delaware, OhIO, and hiS These,evolutIOnary replocement one poace seamless dent Ruth M Jantz, 90, died brothers Shawn (Sue) of aluminum clog free guttenng systemscatch and (oute wate, on Thursday, March 28, LoUISVille. Ky, Matthew of but divert leaves Ofld pine needles to the g 'Ound !/'Not on add-on cover screen ~ep.oce VOlJl year (nistJ qooranfee 2002, at Bon Secours San Diego, Cahf and "'20 "AH AlumInu'n wm r nJSf , 9""~flQ QUff9f .. No ,uocon'roc''''' InstoiHKJ Hospital m Gro!>se POinte Wilham A Mass of '"-' We-trme no clOg ()uoranr"9 ,., b, l""f~, orC19mployees~ Mrs Jantz was born on Remembrance wllI be held ~tJUot ~~ &'oinIe ~ Cfj~ fNGIERT MIDWEST at St Paul Cathohc Church, GU rJ; Dee 28, 1911, In DetrOIt [ l~'~ ur~11 rd 1.800.LEAFGUARD She was a charter mpm- 157 Lakeshore Dr, 10 eall a"" (800 532-3482) ber of Our Lady Star of the Grosse Pomte Farms, at 10 882-3222 29230 Lyon Oaks' Wixom. MI48393 1.248-437.3700 NOWI Visit our webSite at www.le uard com April 18, 2002 14A News Grosse Pointe News

cobc pills Accident Pomte Woods debplte havmg loaded With more than The driver, a 17-year-old A 57-year-old City of PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS a blood alcohol content of 16 $1,200 worth of audIO Grosse Pomte VVoods male, percent eqUlppment was stolen from Grosse POInte man who ran admitted the pills were lus lus truck past a stop Sign at A cigarette wasn't the only smokIng manJuana was A officer stopped the man the dnveway of a home m and s81d he planned to sell on westbound Verlller near the 18700 block of the corner of VVashlngton thmg the attorney may have seen lfi the car by Farms the pllls to classmates at a the Harper Woods city hmlt VVashtenaw the mght of and Waterloo was struck by locallugh school been smokmg that mght detectives a 50-year-old Grosse POInte Upon searchmg hIm, officers A look mSlde the car turned Saturday, Apnl 13 The dnver of the Sunfire The City man, who was Park man who had the up a plabtic cup contammg Although It was locked, was charged With poSSesJ>IOn found rolhng papers and a arrested for bemg m posses- nght-of-way travehng east- leafy substance that tested Scotch and water on the fear the velucle With Its stereo, of a controlled substance SIOn of a controlled sub- bound In his car on Waterloo posItive for marijuana passenger floorboard speakers, amphfier and With mtent to dehver stance, receIved some burns on Wednesday, Apnl 10, at The attorney was sched- on hiS right hand, but radar detector were all gone 744am uled for a VVednesday, Apnl refused treatment when Its owner returned m The 2002 truck dnven by Couldn't find 17, MUnICipal Court prehm- - Bonnie Gaprara Breakin effort? the mornmg the City man rolled over and mary exam on charges of A reSident of the 19800 struck a tree after gettmg his way home drunken dnvmg, refusmg a block of Edshlre Lane m Quik ..stop hit The 2000 car dnven by Alcohol may have been Driver sets PBT and beIng of pOSbeSSlOn Grosse POInte Woods dlscov- Even a short stop for a the park man lut a stop SIgn the reason why a 31-year- of a controlled substance ered three pry marks on two-hter bottle of cola can post old Harper VVoods man himself up rear wmdows of hlb home prove costly at a party store Neither the driver nor the couldn't find hiS way home A man sWllhng beer whIle He madE the discovery on m the 19500 block of Kelly twu passengers m the car in the early morrung hours Woman burned dnvmg m Grosse Pomte the morlllnti of Sunday, A woman parked her 1994 reqUIred medical attentIon, of VVednesday, Apnl 10 VVoods saw a patrolman during nitrous April 7 He reported no Spmt behmd the store at but both velucles sustamed The man was stopped at travelIng alongSide entry, nothmg taken or fur- 8 40 P m Saturday, Apnl 13, ? qf> n m f".. ~..q",,],nme He also cjl"ndt:f tpr with. Judge Roger Later at 5'25 pm. that the gas from n.lurgc arrest for the 42-year-old ial1ed most of the field sobn- With ht'r 23-year-old City of Officers made the stop on LaRose, a woman returned day at the same store, reSIdent of Grosse POInte ety tests given to lum and Grosse Pomte boyfnend and northbound Mack near to her vehicle to find ou another City woman mscov- Park Hampton reglstered a blood alcohol his Sister, a 27-year-old City poured over the convertible ered her wallet mlssmg The officer searched the level of 0.11 percent on a reSident, when the gas Pohce s81d the man had a top of her 2000 Chrysler when she went to pay for hEr man's black, 1987 Pontiac blood alcohol level of 17 per- PBT. caused a fire around 11 p m Sebnng on Thursday, Apnl items Flreblrd They found ah cent Officers found a bag of The man was scheduled The brother and sister 11 open 12-pack of beer, illclud- for a prehmmary exam in took the Park woman to a suspected marijuana III lus Pohce and the woman sus- mg two empty cans and a' Putting brakes the Farms MUnlclpal Court local emergency room The car They also found three pect the vandahsm may tlurd can half empty on VVednesday, Apnl 17 Park woman was later packs of one-gram Sized have somethmg to do with on the gas transferred to DetrOit bags m hiS left boot. the reason for her trip to A 49-year-old DetrOit man Receivmg Hospital dunng Scotch & water An officer said the small court, wluch dealt With the Taking the 5th bags were "the type used for who attempted to pull lus the early mornmg hours. eviction of tenants from an A 53-year-old Grosse sellmg" marijuana blue 1987 Dodge lOto a dri- .Pomt~ Farms attorney It is not known what puts driver on apartment bUlldmg veway off the 17100 block of caused the firp wh'rh A1"o ...... ,...... _1,._ - Brad Lindberg pulled over en Susplc:cr.. of uu: J.U'-A" Kerchevallut a gas meter of drunken dnvmg may have caused extensive burn dam- Cigarette sting an adJacent building causing age to the passenger side On Sunday, Apnl 14, at invoked hiS Fifth Three businesses on a leak and then lut a gray seat and dashboard of the 9 55 pm, a 43-year-old man Amendment rights a little Harper the barbs of a 2001 Chevrolet parked m City man's vehicle A pipe from Harrison Township Sounds stolen too late when he was pulled sting operation designed to the street as he backed away suspected to be used for was found dnvmg m Grosse A 1995 Dodge Spmt, over by Farms pubhc safety catch those selling tllhArco from the meter on Saturday, officers. Apn113, at 1:30 p.m to underage persons on Apnl The attorney was stopped 13. The gas company respond- at Chalfonte and Kerby G.P. Farms public safety uses ed promptly to the scene and Orgamzed by Harper after an officer witnessed Woods pohce, an underage there was mmimal damage his 1998 silver Pontiac to the velucles mvolved. male went into several bUSI- Firebird swervmg across the MacklMoross homes for training nesses to buy cigarettes. He road and makmg a left turn was successful mSlde the Bonnie Caprara • Traffic stop on a red lIght on Friday, By ga~ statIOn m the 19200 Apnl 12, at 1 33 am Staff Writer block, a party store m the nets drug arrest The attorney SaId he had Demolition of the last 20800 block and a bar m the A traffic stop on Mack by a "had a few" at the bar three homes purchased by 20900 block of Harper Grosse Pomte Farms at Grosse Pomte Farms pubhc between 10 and 10:30 p.m The employees at each of safety officer resulted m the and could feel a "slight Mack and Moross started the estahhshments cl81med recovery of illiCit prescnp- buzz," but didn't feel intoXI- early, but for a good reason. the youth looked O'ler 18 All tIon drugs on Monday, Apnl cated However, after per- three face fines Rnti restnc- 8 forming poorly on a senes of The Farms public safety tions and wIlf be under con- Officers pulled over a field sobnety tests, he department is usmg the tmued survellIance 1988 black Pontiac Sunfire refused to take a PBT, say- homes the city purchased at near Moran after it had ing he wanted to mvoke his 443, 445 and 447 Moross for Traffu: safety officer Ralph crossed the center lme sev,' Fifth Amendment nghts rapid InterventIOn trammg Selvaggl welcom€S all que- eral times around 10 p.m. The attorney also for Its pubhc safety officers ttons about law enforcem€nt The trammg sessIOns pro- The officers conducted a attempted to hght a ciga- In Harper Woods. Send m€S- search of the three occu- rette against two requests VIde a rare opportUnIty for sages, along With a pref{ered pants, who were rustling by the officers before the one the officers to practice method of reply to sel- nervoursly about at the time of the officers knocked a tlungs such as knockmg out vagglrfiPharperwoodspollce.o of the stop and found sever- match out of his hand before floors, walls and celhngs rg and rescue techrnques that al small plastiC baggles con- handcuffing and arresting - Jason Sweeney tammg 75 prescnpbon nar- mm. would be used m firefightmg Situations. VVorking m full gear, the Photos by Bonme Capraro officers Simulated SituatIOns Lt, Richard Rosati breaks open part of a wall to Obituaries m wmch they may have to e.idt ii i"u';;;w in a simuiated uli.llhovcr where doors and From page lSA City of~rOSSe Joiute Jark, Michigan windows would be blocked by fire. knock out and crawl through years In addition, he was an walls In the event that con- active member and past The City Clerk of the City of Grosse POinte Park will accept are good," said Lt Jack mcludmg one sessIOn 'of ventIOnal exits are blocked treasurer of the Tidewater bids from Qualified Contractors until 1000 a m Friday, April Patterson, who orgamzed by fire poke holes In a floor rapid mterventlOn trammg, Performmg Arts Society 26. 2002 at 15115 E Jefferson Ave for Sewer hne to put out a basement fire the trammg S':SSIOn "You each year Upon relocatmg to Grosse vldeolnglJettlng and replacement ot damaged catch baslOs All usmg a lugh-powered cellar practice so It becomes sec- Pomte, Mr Yates became contractors must comply with DaVISBacon Au and Affinnatlve nozzle and chmbmg on lad- ond nature The object IS to "It's very good practice," active at Chnst Church ders and through wmdows. do It as qUickly alld as sdfe- said pubhc safety officer Actlon Bid speclficatlOn~ are available froTOthe Office of Grosse Pointe and began Smoke and fire were not Iy as you can" Holly Kuzmamch "You Public Service singmg for the DeHaven used as part of the exercises Farms pubhc safety offi- don't do thiS every day You cers are reqUIred to go Chorale Any questions contact (313 )822-4281 "Even though you can't may not have to do any of see anythmg m a fire, dnlls through at least 10 Out of 12 thiS m your career, but It Mr Yates IS remembered Chris Reimel, four-hour trammg seSSIOns, pays to stay sharp " as a lovmg family man With G P N 04/1 812002 Director of Publtc ServIce an excellent work etluc lUs mtegnty and warm person- ahty were known and appre- Ciated by all HIS sons, DaVid and Peter, felt hiS lov- CHANGING .JOBS? mg care, concern and mvolvement throughout lus RETIRING? ROLL YOUR hfe 40 ..K OVER INTO AN IRA. He IS survived by hIs sons DaVid Charles Yates of Gros~e POInte Farms and Peter Michael Yates of VVheaton, Md, and hiS grandchildren, Cameron Ehzabeth Yates of San Whether you're moving companies or retiring, FranCISCO, CalIf, DaVid C we'll help you do a 401(k) roll over that's Yates, Jr, of Aspen, Colo, Sam Yate" of Wmter Park smart and fast. Call now to find out more. Colo , Enka Yates or Cherryfield, Mame and Penn Yates of Cherryfield, Mame and two great-grand~ children He was prede- ceased by hIS lovmg Wife and the mother of hiS chl1- dren, Helen Rebser Yates ~ and by IllS second Wife Mark C. Brooks, JD Melba Mackay , Allstate. The Rev DaVid Greer w111 586.777.8686 FINANCIAL offiCiate at t1 Illemonai ser- vice on F'nday, Apnl 26, at 4 pm, at Chnst Church Grosse Pomte, 61 Grosse Pomtp Roulevard m Grosse POinte Farms , '-.

April 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 15A Toyota's 2003 Matrix indescribably like a Corolla wagon The highly hyped 2003 m a slowly c10smg door system differs from the all- mg and valve lift, this Toyota Matnx IS hke a One that pmched It rather wheel-dnve systemb on engme puts out 180 hp It r ~~tfi\~, 100 APPRO'" Corolla with a funny-look than abruptly dwppmg It Toyota" RAV4 and tomes with mther an exclu- ~~~ mg body off lhghlander Instead of hav- sive six-speed manual This IS not damnmg by Neverthelebs, this new 109 a center differential transml"blon or a four famt pr,:lIse «LIke a affordable five-door vehicle that con~tantly applies a bpeed automatic Fuel ewn- Corolla IS automotive fro'll Toyota turns heads 50/50 "plit of p(m er to the OIJ1~ to! the xR::3 I" 22 front and rear wheel", the clt)/29 highway With the Matnx has a VlhCOUSlOU- manual dnd 21 lIt)/27 IlIgh piing at the tall end of the wa~ for the automatic dnve"haft The Matrlx'b hatchback To Improve fuel economy liHgate openb upward and dunng normal dnvlOg con- the rl:dr glasb can be dltlOnb, the Matnx applleb popped open lOdependently power to the front wheels The rear cargo area Cdn only Tn thn nvpn+ nf ...11.:-' hnl'" '2' Q I'nh,," -f fit r'lf (,,")"'g''' Autos •• page at one of the front In~tead of carpeting, the '-, I wheels, the Vl"COU"coupling cargo area IS finl"hed With By Richard Wright 10 the rear differential hard pla"hc so hauling wet qUickly reapportIOns lip to or dirty load" h OK New Yorktraffic is no problem for the 2003 Toyota 50 percent of the engine's The cargo floor hab two Matrix. It holds its own very nicely in that major praise of a high order wherever It goes We found torque to the rear wheels parallel track" for league of urban driving. Here it is plU"kedoutside Toyota's hype m TV spots Its looks Intngumg and Its All of thiS happenb auto- adjustable he down hooks Planet Automall in Long Island City, an old industri- have claimed the car IS so overall utilIty ImpreSSive mahcally and reqUIres no and underneath the floor IS al area of Queens just across the East River from new and different that It's First dnvmg ImpreSSIOn? actIOn by the dnver In fact, a small storage com part- midtown Manhattan. mdescnbable It is as up-to- Wow! Such a neat mstru- It IS virtually Imperceptible ment The 60/40-splIt rear date as any car 10 ItS pnce ment panel and great front to the dnver seat can be folded flat In XR and XRS and optIOnal moon roof and two different range -- probably any pnce seats m thiS new vehIcle The MatriX IS the result one motIOn to expand cargo on ba"e models It accepts premIUm sound systems range - but It 18 descnb- The silveli metal tnm IS of careful study of what room to 53 2 cubiC feet The houbehold-style plugs, ABS IS standard on XRS able It IS like a Corolla sta- really plastic, but who Amencans want m a vehl- front pa""enger beat can allowmg pluggmg 10 of lap- and 4WD vehicles and tIOn wagon. cares? It looks hke stamless cle It has the cachet of a al"o he folded nearly flat tops, "lIdverl>, celi phones optIOnal on remammg front- Much of Its hardware or Olckel SUV and the odd stylmg Now thlb little car can carry and small air compressors drive cars comes f;:vw the new 2003 Thre~ tnm level. stan- (Its rooflme remmds me of a lot for use or recharglOg. The Toyota Matnx seems Corolla. This is also true for dard, XR and XRS Wlthm Cltroens of 25 years ago) of VISibility IS blgOlficantly Air condltlOnmg With a like another winner m the Matnx's sister car, the these, a vanety of drive- an unusual model, but It IS Impaired by rear seat head- pollen filter IS standard, as Toyota's btnng of tnumphs Pontiac Vibe The Matnx trams are available a very light-duty SUV rebts and B- and C-pillars are a CD player and cargo We drove an XR to New and the Vlbe are bullt slde- Standard and XR tnm cars D0!:.'t pbr: vii. dVl1Ig any BacklOg up can be scary A nets The XR and XRS come York City and back and It by-side at the NUMMI Jomt come With the same 1 8- senous off-road 109 m It look over the shoulder With l>tandard power locks, performed admirably both GM-Toyota plant 10 hter four-cylmder engme • Most Amencan SUV owners before changlOg lanes can wllldoWb and murors, key- on the Interstates and 10 Fremont, Cahf found in the Corolla don't be confuslOg was that less entry, IOtermlttent Manhattan traffic Both are designated 2003 EqUipped With Toyota's The 4WD comes With a another vehicle or a head- Wipers, a rear Wiper, a Particularly ImpreSSive was models butlare aval1able VVT-i vanable valve timmg four-speed automatic trans- rest? sport steenng wheel, and a the way It got us from mid- now, haVing Joined a com- system, this refined engme miSSIOn only, and, due to The Matnx has a mod- seat-height adJubter town Manhattan across the pet~tlvcsport .,vagon seg- IS rated at 130 horsepuwer dlff\j( \jut \jXhdU~LlUullllg, ern-jooklOg IOSIrumeOt Trlborougn Bndge IOto an ment that IS growmg qUick- The engine dnves the power drops to 123 hp Add panel much different than Rear beat comfort IS old mdubtnal sectIOn of ly Thyota deSigned the com- front wheels through either 187 pounds of additIOnal the Corolla's Circles and excellent There's good hip Long Island City In Queens pact Matrix to have the a five-speed manual or a curb weight (compared to a metalllc-lookmg highlIghts room, leg room and foot- Very responsive and very style and performance of a four-speed automatic trans- front-dnve XR automatic), are the themes here The and-ankle room Nice Wide preCI~e sports car and the functIOn- miSSion Fuel economy IS and the car's reality may be gauge cluster ConSistS of doors offer easy entry for PnclOg IS very competi- alIty of a sport-utility vehi- rated at 30 clty/35 hIghway too far removed from Its four mdlvldual chrome- people, packages or pups tive for the value you get In cle for the manual transmis- Image, causlOg cogOltive rlOged pods, With red lIlu- ThiS IS a huge difference the Matnx Stickers on the There were cntlcs m the sion and 28 clty/33 highway dissonance mmatlOn Similar to that 10 between the Matnx and 2003 Toyota Matnx start at dlbtant past who suggested for the automahc This To aVOIdthiS, you'll want Lexus vehicles To the nght several SUVs we have dn- $15,155 for a base manual that the American Motors engine IS also clean enough the Matnx XRS ThiS, too, are the audIO and clImate ven The latter tend to have model and go to $19,815 for Gremlm of the early '70s that the car earns ultra-low comes With a 1 8-IIter four- controls Below them IS the narrow becond seat doorb an XRS automatic Our test looked lIke a car that got emiSSions vehicle (ULEV) cylmder englOe, but It IS the transmiSSIOn bhlfter, With the B-pillar obstruct- vch:cle was an XR 4WD caught by a SWiftly closmg status. Yamaha-bUIlt "2ZZ~ engine mounted "rally-style~ on the mg egress With Side air bags ($250), garage door One could sug- What gives thIs compact from the Cellca GT-S dash OptIOns lOclude 16- or 17- cruise control ($250) and gest that the Matrix, With wagon the "functionality of EqUipped With the more A very neat and unubual mch alummum alloy wheels premIUm m-dash CD j.Jld..)'t::l Its upturned or squeezed an SUV" IS an optional four- advanced VVTL-I system feature IS a 115-volt, lOOW

'.. ~~ April 18, 2002 16A Grosse Pointe News Business 5 ,.. Another rainy we.ek;when will the sun shine again? How long wIll the mon- (With restrIcted productIOn) At NBD, LTS was mVlted mto the deal, a real soon last? The NASDAQ m favor of mcreased exports assIgned as the "numbeI- coup for Nome' ComposIte has been (pnnclpally to the Umted Lei's lalk...STOCKS cruncher" of the traffic and Now It can be told The 4 drenched for 25 tradlOg States) , , ,I, revenue projections of the percent first-hen bonds were days, datmg back five weeks But last Sunday, AprIl 14, ~ I :. • t, ,: I I -. I _ , proposed brIdge eaSIly sold, due to the from last Fnday the populIsts rIoted and For months, Wall Street IOcreased debt servIce cover- Thank remstalled Chevez as theIr the new stock was back the DetrOIt Street RaIlway, a mumclpal bond dealers, age, thanks to the second- goodness president down to $1-$2 agam (The mckel for the fare and a headed by Blyth & Co, hen bonds bemg subordI- there were SlOce LTS' press deadlIne hIgher quotatIOn, In the penny for the transfer attempted to "float" the nate to the first bome "up" preceded Mondays openIng newspapers, drew a wave of In 1934, Nome returned $100 mIlliOn bond under- The 5-V4 percent second- day s market, LTS can only report selling at the "higher" pnce ) to DetrOIt WIth hIS MBA wntmg WIthout success lIen bonds (which today between the that pre-opemng sentIment from Harvard Busmess The "book" of lllterested would be called "Junk"

"downs" seemed to favor hIgher T. Norris Hitchman, School, eager to succeed In 0 buyers hovered between $70, bonds) were oversold after After the pnces for crude and a R.I.P. the mvestment busmess 'million and $80 lIulllOn, not Fhnt's semor Citizen, C S c " v _ ~ ~ ~1' ,,,,1->hl,, f'rllrJ" m'lr\(-pt for ,",II" "Nt r'lrppr WAq w,th "...n,,~l- tn.1n tho .1"...1 W" .."" Mort nlArpn 'In nrnpr for upward thIS week 1 Norns "Norne" Kales Kramer Investment -c~~culatlng' $10 mlhIOn in bonds for hIS HItchman, 93, dIed AprIl 7, ;~t,7~k~;b~g~~ burst of By Joseph Co After WWII, Norne around Wall Street about tpersonal account! 2002, havmg served as the about 200 Mengden AT&T in reverse JOlOedGrosse Pomters Jack i"thls brIdge to nowhere" or: The bond closmg was pomts end- eldest member of the X- Kenower and Reg "how much tolls WIll these Nome's finest day Next AT&T stockholders, not DIVIdend Luncheon Club of mg on March 11, the NAS- happy campers, have MacArthur as a partner in deer hunters pay to get theIr' tirne you drive over the "BIg DAQ COMposIte headed Southeastern Michigan for theIr new firm, Renower buck?" ,Mac," say a lIttle prayer for watched the market value of only 25 days back south over the past five MacArthur & Co I.f Just before the bond l~Nome, who helped make it theIr shares declIne 36 4 But NorrIe served the weeks, glvmg back that 200 percent durmg the past 12 A reSIdent of the CIty of authonzatlOn was to expIre, ,posSIble pOints, closmg Fnday at Investment commumty for Grosse POInte, Nome's last Allen & Co m New York LTS feels very pnvIleged months, adjusted for the over 67 years 1,756 spmoff ofAT!' Wireless pOSItIOn,before retmng last CIty dreamed up a new two- to have known and worked The chart of the DJI IS HIS speCIalty OrIgInally year, was WIth The Oruo Co, tier bond proposal: $800111- WIth Nome for over half a Assumlllg the sale of Its was mumclpal bonds, more simIlar to that of NASDAQ cable busmess to Comcast is on the "Hl1l"in the Farms hon first-hen bonds due m century God bless! Over the past five weeks, commonly known as "tax- When LTS arnved in 40 years, which wE'fesemor, successful, AT&T stockhold- free" bonds, because the the Dow sank 400 pomts, DetrOIt m 1949 startmg credltwlse, to $19 a million Joseph Mengden Is a resl- ers could be loolong at their mterest mcome thereon IS back to where It was the end stock tradlllg around $4 per WIth NBD, NorTle was second-hen bonds also due dent of the City of Grosse of February It closed last exempt from federal Income already a 15-year veteran in m 40 years . Pointe and former chair. share taxes and, for MIchIgan Fndayat 10,190 Last week, AT&T manage- the mvestment busmess' Allen & Co. approached man of First of Michigan. bonds, from all MIchIgan DUrIng the early 1950s, Eastman Dlllon Union "Let's Talk Stocks" is ment floated the Idea of a 1- lOcome and mtanglbles Oil change? for-5 reverse splIt, the NBD's then-president, Secuntles to be Joint semor sponsored by the following taxes Charles T FIsher Jr, was manager, WIth book pnVl- Grosse Pointe investment- What pnce dId you pay for largest ever m terms of Nome graduated from the gasollOe last week? LTS shares lllvolved appomted treasurer of the leges, and they put together related "rms: John M. College of the CIty of Mackmac Bridge Authonty, •an underwntmg group to ~Rickel, CPA, RC.; Ricke' & paId $1 47 9/10 for premIUm So If you presently own DetrOIt, the precursor of In SagInaw last Thursday 100 shares, under the pro- created to finance a bridge lbI4 for the bond Issue. -.8aunDebt drowns Park's Wayne State University, in connectmg the Upper and 'Kenower MacArthur was Idea for water plantBy Brad That was before the posal If enacted, you WIll 1929 He got to school via Venezuelans ousted theIr thereafter own 20 shares (of Lower pemnsulas •the only MIchigan firm ~llndberg presIdent, Hugo Chavez, a rugher pnced stock, you from the PresIdentIal Palace hope) Rllnk~ last Thursday mght Reverse sphts are usually ,.., -_ ...._-, InUSiC; ast~onOInY a41dOpie Crude 011 tanked Fnday done m distress SItuatIons . . on the !'~CnYork ~1t.rcantl1e LTS remembers the local It s tIme for more Internet until I came across the "How Exchange (~'YME), 1,1Qsmg company, Sanders Candy, wehsltes I found whIle look- ,\ Works" webSIte the May 2002 contract at reverse spht m the 1970s ing for somethmg else, .F. (www.howstuffworks.com). $23471barrel, off $274 for Sanders was almost an over- startmg WIth books. Pointers dn If you are cunous, or Just the week, or 10 5 percent the-counter "penny stock," No, It'S not books you can • plam ignorant hke me, you FrIday's crude market mactIvely quoted at about read onlIne It's those good, can find all the answers assumed that the $1 bId, $2 offered old-fashIOned, prmted-on- TeChnOlogy here Browse the categories, mIhtarylbusmess takeover After a 1-for-5 reverse paper ones that some folks or search by keyword, to government would revoke splIt, It was quoted $8 bid, thInk Will become obsolete 1 find pIam-EnglIsh explana- Chevez's OPEC membershIp $10 offered SIXweeks later, as computers become more "'t1ons for all those thmgs popular They won't I can't • that take up bram space for Imaglne cozyIng up to a Browser's revlt,Wpages ..trus trung for folk music !;:,.Ilbsolutelyno purpose computer 10 front of the fire- There also are reading' However, it's the one type r No, I'm not gomg to give Serving Investors place WIth a cup of tea, cof- hsts for locatlllg senes and of musIc my kids will not let."you the answers, but trunk Since 1887 - fee or hot chocolate sequels by genre (Wowl I • me play In the car ~ how popular you WIll be at Book Browser (www.book- Just used genrr tWIcem one They wIll let me hsten to the next party when you Stocks' Bonds. Mutual Funds' CDs browser com) offers book paragraph r must be hter- clasSICrock, even bIg band, share thIS mfonnatlOn With IRAs .Opllons JunkIes a hst of soon-to be- ate ) They also have a sec- but no folk mUSIC others (Maybe not.) Insurance' Annullles • FinanCJal Planmng released book titles by tIon called "Place and Time" In my never-endmg So you finally went out genre It's orgamzed by for findmg books by geo- search for good, modern and bought a computer? Crarg Kohler. DaVld Henze - Phillip Brancato - George Nlhem. Theo Morson month of publIcatIOn In grapmcallocatlOn or rustorI- folk, I came across a website Hey, you are only 10 years additIOn to the publIcatIOn cal era. with tradItIOnal folk mUSIC,behJnd the learmng curve 21043 MaclNEYS AT LAW Call to receive 1he next 3 Issues of our montnly mL1SICto turture everyone In Win tell yuu dB duuut tLt:: 63 KERCHEVAL Sum: 1 UO the car. birth and growth of the newsletter - wItf\ ot!' compliments GROSSE PoiNTE FARMS MIOiIGAH 48236-3627 TELEPHONE 313/886-0000 Want your kids to WIshll"Internet It includes tOpICS 19511 Mack A\cnue FACSIMILE. 3131886.0405 ~upon a star" Start with the~~such as the World WIde Gros~e Pomte. MIchigan 48236 (313) 886-0450 website called SEDS, Web, e-mail, newsgroups, Students for the mailing lists, Internet Relay , ExploratIOn and .'Chat (lRC) and more . Development of Space'" I dId he, though: It won't 5 Days Only •April 18-22 (wwwseds org) There are, tell you our secret hand- • multIple lInks for research-" shake Whenever we meet mg planets, constellations ",on the street, gIve me five and deep sky objects ~:bucks and I'll show It to you The Nmc Planets tour of lU'lt as soon as I make onp . our solar system outlmes. up I do not recommend the rustory of each planet, readmg the next paragraph, •WIth addItIonal hnks to glos- "'since It may cause perm a- sary pages Ilnd addItIOnal nent bram damage It's planetary objects No, scary Captam KIrk IS not Includ- DId you know there IS a 1ed (That's a "Star Trek" e.!webslte dedIcated to "The r~ference Have your Iuds .Andy Griffith Show"? It's explaIn It ) .. called The Andy Gnffith What does WD-40 mean? ••Show Renm Watchels Club ~Just about everyone has C!(www mayberry com) used the lubncant at one You can find cast bIOS, We MakeDecoratmg Easy IntrodUCing1 000 newSherwin-Williamscolorsand the exclUSive tIme or another, but what downloadable sound clIps new MarthaStewartSlgnatureTT.lColorPalette Stop Intodayforour new brochures does the name mean? and lInks to other onlme and decoralinglools and take advantage of the savingsat the ColorSpectacularSale What are Jake Breaks? I "Andy Gnffith" websltes must admit I dIdn't know You can take qUIzzes to see ---STOREWIDE SAVINGS------how much you know about Prin t Xpress the serIes You can buy T- . ShIrts, calendars and other honored memorabIha (maybe an "I . f'lovl' Ople" shIrt PrInt Xpress has l'ecelVedI. ThIS begs the questIOn, .the 2001 Carlson Craft how m&ny of you can stIll

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r April 18,2002 Grosse Pointe News News 17A Debt drowns Park's idea for it's own water plant

By Brad Lindberg increasing costs from our the while, and forever after, Staff Wnter current prOVIder," he said operatmg expenses would Off the Grosse Pomte The Park buys dnnkmg likely nse shorelme, there's water, water from the Detroit "It was a mce study, but It water everywhere, but It Water and Sewerage appears the most effiCient costs a lot to dnnk Department way of prOViding water to With prices from the DetrOIt offiCIals, facmg our reSidents IS m the man- DetrOlt water department expensIve Improvements to ner we've done m the past," reachmg the flood stage and an agmg mfrastructure KraJmak said forecasts of hIgher rates to servmg 126 commumtles come, one of the eastsIde throughout l,Oll-square Keeping the status quo suburbs has consIdered mIles of southeast MIchIgan, KraJmak said the Park bypa!>smg the problem by have forecast years of 15 has never suffered a service tapping mto Lake St Clair percent rate hikes to bnng mterruptlon from DetrOit, But the dream has been Its bystem up to date although pressure spikes hung out to dry Debt from If Park offiCials were to are a major cause of the sub- hlldl'l'"1fT" lt~ ""'~'C1n ,..,,,,tnyo f';' ., ...... ?-",,.., ...... , ~...... "1 ., ,..,.,...... --- I:) '-...... ,...,.. -. ,.. " .. i,U u'~Lu.t~t Y!j.Jil-O tratlOn plant would mun- treatment faCility, taxpayers "They have a state-of-the- PI It l~ by Ur Ld 1 IHlht q., date the suburb for at least a would face nearly $19 mil- art system," KrciJmak saId Danel Schuurman, superintendent of the Grosse Pointe Farms water depart- generatIOn lion for plant and equIp- "Our concern is escalatmg ment, monitors the filtration plant's pump room, above. At left, he checks the "The equatIOn doesn't ment, plus at least $2 2 mil- rnce" flow of water through an ultraviolet light purification unit. work," sald Dale KraJmak, lion m annual operatmg DetrOIt prOVIdes dnnkmg dlscardmg a 19-page engl- costs, accordmg to the water to more than one mIl- Grosse POInte Ing water ubmg ultravIOlet becausp of different ppak neerlng study onto hiS $2,000 study by the Ann lion people through a 3,800- "Our plant wouldn't be light u!>age and bpnnkhng load" " large enough,~ saId Darrel "We went out on the edge already paper-strewn desk Arbor englneenng firm of mile network of pIpeS The Historic building The revelatIOn dlsappomted Ayres, LeWIS, NorriS and department's five filtratIOn Schuurman, supermtendent to m.lke that deublOn," KraJ mak , cIty manager of May plants can produce up to 675 of the Farms water depart- Schuurman Sdld "It's the BUilt 10 1930 for $275,000, Grosse Pomte Park It would take 30 years to million gallons of water per ment "We'd have to make treatment techmque of the the Farm,; "tately, neo "We're concerned about payoff the initial debt All day (mgd) some changes" future" Georgian filtratIOn plant The system IS bemg JOIning the Farms would The hghtb - two are has been dp'llgnated a Improved to serve the reglon cost the Park an estimated needed to c1edn the water of Michigan hlstonc landmark through 2050 $11 1 mllhon for equipment harmful bdctena, but the Dunng the populatIOn At the heart of the effort, and pipes, plus a recurrmg Farms Installed SIXas a dou- boom follOWing World War the filtratIOn plant at $] 7 mJllIon per year In ble backup - are set wlthm II, the burgeon 109 communi Waterworks Park IS belnjr mamtenance a gleammg, slx-foot-long, ty nearly bwamped the f.Illl- expanded "The mtes the Farms bteel plpt- 24 Inches rn dIam- Ity The $275 mIllion project IS chargeb the CIty for water eter In the 1950b, when the bemg funded by water rates are comparable to what we UltravIOlet punficatJOn IS Farms sold water to GrObbe that are the fourth lowest of pay DetrOIt," KraJmak said the final step before drink- POinte Shores before the all major American CIties, "Without a slgmficant Ing water flOWb to every Shores outgrew the system according to DetrOIt depart- amount of federal subsldleb, home, bUSiness, ..chool, and SIgned WIth DetrOIt, ment figures. It would be difficult to build dnnkmg fountain and fire Farms officJals IOstalled two our own system or expand hydrant In the Farms and extra filters, both rated at Joining the Fanns the Farms'" CIty 1 5 millIOn gallons per day 1'T'll-_ n....._l .. ' ...... ~ ..... ll'Oo....l.l'Oo.J _ .... The Farms water plant at Once filtered and bathed Even Independent-mmded .L jU;:: ... cu-n.., ",,,,uUJ .Ivvn..""u "'''' Morass and Lakeshore can WIth UV hght thp Fllrm,,' Fill In" offiCIals have malO hooking !nto the Grosse filter more than 12 mgd The dnnkmg water IS sent to tamed frebhwater tie,; to POinte Farms water system, figure dwarfs the faclhty's customer .. through a combi- DetrOIt • wluch also serves the City of average daily demand of 3 1 nation of five pumps In an emergency, the bub- mllhon gallons The largest pump, wmch Jrb could open connectlOnb "It's mce to be mdepen- Schuurman called "our big at two locatIOns under Mack Big Tree Hunt tops G.P. Park's dent of DetrOIt, although our boy," IS rated at 8 5 mgd Aven'le plants have the same baSIC The smallebt handleb a daily "Pnor to that," technology," Schuurman output of 1 5 JInlhon gallons Schuurman said, "our balk- Arbor Week happenings saId "We start WIth the "The v would never all be up system conSIsted of fire same water as DetrOIt and on at' once," Schuurman hObes that connected to five By Brad Lindberg a histoncal or pop culture theIr work cut out for them put out the same product " Said "We use different com- fire hydrants on CadieUX III Staff Wnter connection WIth events and "Birches aren't common m bmahons of pumps to match the City cf Grobse POInte The latest round of arbo- people m Amencan hIStory the Park," SBJd Colter, who Carbon filters and demand on the system That would have gIVen us real hIde-and-seek WIll Examples mclude tulip has compiled an Inventory of UV purification We're bWltchmg pumps all minimum water, but It '" as all street trees In the cIty the tune dunng the summer better than nothing at all . resume next week when the poplars from George The Farmb plant contains "There are only 12 birches BIg Tree Hunt kicks off m Washmgton's Mount Vernon eIght filters at the bottom of In the Park near streets and Grosse Pomte Park. estate tanks that hold more than "ThIS year, we're looking Cottonwoods are aVailable roads," Colter saId. "It's not 26,000 gallons of water a popular street tree It's not In a senes What for the biggest wlute birch," from the area of Montana Each filter can proce'lS 1 ') #9 makes a ColliSion saJd Bnan Colter, Park city where explorers LeWIS and hardy." mgd shop good? Although birch trees don't forester and member of the Clark camped m 1806 A The filters are made of Wyatt Earp black walnut IS grow well near streets, Keep Michigan Beautiful layers of rocks and pebbles board of dIrectors from the western lawman's where pollutIOn and road topped by three feet, or more AUTOMETRIC salt make survIval difficult, "Like New" For the past SIXyears, the bIrthplace In Ilhnols than 18,000 pounds, of actI- COLLISION, INC. the specunens are popular annual hunt has lughhghted Colter awards a different vated carbon In 1991, car- A word we hear from In back yards. the city's Arbor Week obser- memOrial ttee each year bon, whIch not only filters DomestIc end fore,gn "We have a bunch of them our customers. vance, April 22-26 The rele- based on who WinS the Tree ImpuntJes but absorbs odor, coll'Slon eKperts SpeCialist In our parks, too," Colter Our reputation bratlOn culmInates on Hunt. replaced sand In BMW Mercedes "One year a GIrl Scout said Audl VW Honda and NatIOnal Arbor Day, Fnday, "WIth the advent of zebra speaks for Itself. Apnl26 troop found the bIggest tree, The Tree Hunt is one of a mussels In the late 1980s,~ Porsc he repairs so I planted a southern mag- handful of Arbor Week All school-age reSIdents Schuurman saId, "we had "Customer SatisfactIOn" nolia descended from a mag- events In the Park are ehgJble to take part III taste and odor problems" 24465 Gratiol Ave, EastpoInte noha on the property of A poster contest IS open to What we are known for- the hunt. Entry forms and Two years ago, the Farms 5 Blocks South 0110 MIle Juliette Gordon Low," Colter every fourth-grade student for over 25 years. detaIled InstructIOns are filtratIOn plant was the first 586.774-3455 aVailable at the Park mumc- said In 1915. Low founded m the Park. Posters must 7'00 am 10 6 l10Dm iU the nation to punt) dnnk- ipal offices Contestants the GIrl GUIdes, which have a tree-related theme should submIt the forms at developed Into the GIrl Wmners receIve a U S cIty hall by Wednesday, Scouts SavIngs Bond and a certlfi. Apnl24 Other Tree Hunt memon- cate from the Park cIty The wmner, whether an als at Patterson Include a councIl. indiVIdual or group - such Moon sycamore, grown from Also this year, the Park as a scout troop or SClence seeds astronaut Stuart and members of the cIty club - WIll be honored WIth Roosa took to the moon In beautification commiSSIOn a famous and histonc tree 1971 aboard Apollo 14, and a w111team up to glve school- planted m theIr name at Walden Woods red maple children free seedhngs Patterson Park. from the area that spawned "Every fourth-grader wJll Histonc trees grow from Henry DaVId Thoreau's wnt- receIve a whIte pine. seeas aescenaea alrectly mgs on conservatIOn MichIgan's state tree," from our natIOn's "oldest liv- Contestants looking for Colter said mg cItizens" - trees haVing bIrches thIS year Will have Feds hand down new boating regs By Brad Lindberg "Everyone must reapply" ports of entry, whIch are Staff Wnter Applicants age 13 and "any land border crossing This time It'S not scuttle- under are to be listed on mto the US," Lundenburg butt Umted State pleasure theIr parents' or guardIan's saId Local entry POints boaters thIS season WIll be form mclude the DetrOlt-Wmdsor 2002 Seville SLS Includes pr~mlum 2002 Deville allowed to cross the border Applicants age 14 and Tunnel, Ambassador Bndge, Includes luxury pdl,...f'"a!::1t" prt:T u"11 package comfort! mto CanadIan waters, but above must have thelt own Port Huron, Sault Ste package chron"e w'1ee 5 convenIence p~Ckage -, Sik '2-539 they'll need a revamped fed- 1-68 form, interview and Mane, and ferry crossmgs m chrome wt"!ee~s ~ eral permIt to return legally background check They Manne CIty and Algonac -- J/II1II \ Why the change? must also prOVide three, 1-68 apphcatlOns cost $16 "NatIOnal secunty,~ saId one-by-one-mch •color pho- per person or a $32 maxI- Jay Lundenburg, a speCIal tographs Fmgerpnnts WIll mum per household The operatIOns mspector WIth be taken forms can be obtained at the Immigration and Background checks can ports of entry or on the N aturahzatwn ~prvlrp 10 tilkp up to 1.') mmutes InternE't DetrOIt "We're gOing to "I'm not at liberty to They must be submItted l.8ose Specials Lease SpeCIal, I tighten the border" divulge what we're check- In person _ 11900 0 T'" 1 1 1 'l " T l' 1 .,.... $ 1 _ ,..u~ ~97*'_- -""'1"':» , •• 0. ~Ul00 rI 03 ... "' •• .II .LH...lluc:au.IU15 -oalU J. Jlt: ""'1"':» _ '" 'flU. "..".$3 B'*m ... ~U" .. U& ..,.., ... "' ...... u,,",'-" 50, AJulLlunal rules pronJDlt Doooom tal.' Down ioXft down thIS month mean Idea IS to deterrnlne If a per- boaters from bnngmg for- "'. ~c:.,nWl ".Ilc8f1W ~"~""'Clf\d Non _ood boaters who VISIt Canadian son IS legally admISSible to Clgn merchandIse Into the 0QlJ I... 1'TrO $443* GM ."", ~~ $443imo. ....~ rlJO


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t Sectioll. B I:LHSSIFIED ••••••• _...._ ...... ,... s CIlIa..- .. n - eatures A" AMIe ,. '~"~ y . Apr,1 18,2002 - Pointers and Shorians relay to embrace life By Jennie Miller for LIfe IS the most successful At sunset, those mvolved research programs and ser- awarded the Nobel Pnze Staff Wnter not-for-profit event m the wIll pay tnbute to the mdlvld- Vlces m Southeastern A parkmg shuttle wIll be Grosse Pomters and St Umted States uals who have lost theIr hves MIchIgan runnmg from the St Clair Clair Shonans are commg Last year, the Relay for LIfe to cancer The Lummarla Smce 1947, the A..mencdn Shores CIVICArena throughout together to celebrate hfe, at Blossom Heath raIsed over Ceremony wlll be held m mem- Cancer Society has provIded the day on Fnday, begmnmg gneve for loss and rally to $107,000 and mvolved over ory of those who are gone and over $2 bJlhon toward cancer at 10 a m and endIng at 11 fight cancer. 1,200 reSIdents Overall, some In celebratIOn of the 89 mll- research, $56 mllhon of whIch pm 30,000 metro DetrOlters hon cancer SUrvlVOIs today In 18 currently at work In helped to raise over $1 3 mll- the Umted States alone. MIchIgan research faclhtJes For more mformatlOn, con- l- .l-.l 1 ~ r"l uun dt IdSL yedl l:>~V~UL::' CUllLnUULWUl:> mdu~ UU!1ug TiuHV-LWU I"'''''''dH"lH~1'" ruw.!- l""....'" '"'u\" .c .uJ.u ...... 1 .. ",uu...... ~.u. ....C.L "The commumty of St ClaIr the Relay for LIfe WIll go ed by the socIety have been SocIety at (586) 263-8000 Shores and Grosse Pomte dIrectly toward often refers to Relay for LIfe as a 'mIracle m progress' because of the power thIS event has on so many of us," saId Amy Motyka, commumty development dIrector of the American Cancer SocIety "Teams of famlhes, fnends, co-workers, CIV1Cgroups, reh- glOus orgamzatlOns and schools are Just a few of the community teams that are particlpatlllg m this event Relay for LIfe IS truly about a communlty comIng tcge-ther Individuals from the area to work mIracles," she saId will gather at Blossom Heath Dunng the 24-hour event, Park 10 St. ClaIr Shores from team members Wlll take turns noon on Fnday, May 31 unt11 walk10g around the track noon on Saturday, June 1. whl1e others are free to social- They Wlll be domg as others Ize, play games, dance or par- tICIpate III other actIVIties from across Southeastern Photos courtesy of Kevin Mlulkowsk.t Mlchlgan will be domg At 7 p m on Fnday, the Partlclpatmg m Relay for LIfe, event w111welcome cancer sur- an event that has raIsed over VIvors to partIcipate m the half a bllhon dollars SInce ItS Vlctory Lap. inception seven years ago "It IS 10spmng to truly see Grosse POInte and St. ClaIr how many cancer SUfV1vors Shores are two of 3,000 other there are here III our commu- communitIes across the coun- nity," Motyka saId "By walk- try and III seven foreIgn coun- mg 10 the VIctOry Lap, these tnes partIclpatmg III the survivors become livmg event remlllders to the community of As a functIOn of the the recent mlracles made in Cancer survivors participate in the the fight agamst cancer and Victory Lap at last year's event at Blos- Amencan Cancer SocIety, som Heatb Park. whICh has been m operatIOn provIde hope for those who for more than 80 years, Relay may be dIagnosed WIth the dIsease III the future."


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II HICKEY FREEMAN edmund t.AHEE jewelers 20119 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pomte Wood", MY 48236 (313) 882-8970 17140 KERCHEVAL • GROSSE POINTE • IN THE VILLAGE flOO-987-AHEE • 311-88h-4600 • Mx311-886-2120 HOURS: MON. THRU FRI. 10.6, THURS, TIU 8, SAT. 10.5:30, SUNOAY12.4

.)0" 28 Communi Historical Society seeks donations of antiques, treasures for Upscale Sale Clean out your closets and pm, Fnday, May 3, from empty your attic, then use Society programs, mcludmg 8 30 a m to 11am, and !>cholarshlps, educatIOnal ) our unwanted treasure;, to SaturUdy, MdY 4, from !J ..,upport the Gros;,e Pomte lectures and tours, archIVes ,} OJ to noon and preservatIOns effort!> I-h..,toncal Society;, Up..,cale NO CLOTHING, COM 5,IIe For additIOnal lfiforma- PUTERS OR BOOKS WILL lIOn, call (313) 884-7010 A fJl e, lC\\ party for early- BE ACCEPTED ReceIpt;, bJld buyer.., '" ill be held on The purpo;,e of the Grosse \\ III be plOVldl::d upon Pomtt> HI;,toncal SOCiety IS Fllda), ;,\Iay 17, from 6 30 to rl::que",t to preserve and promote the 8 30 pm, at the hl;,tonc ProLeeu;, from the sdle Provencal-Weir Hou;,e, 376 history of the Gro!>se Pomte \\ III be u;,ed to ;,upp.:>rt community Kercheval 111 Gro;,;,e Pomte Gro,",se POlfite Hlstoncal Farm;, l1ckets to the pre vle\\ ,II e $20 The UpScale Sale wllI be Make a Difference Day open on Satul day, May 18, 110m b dm to 1. pm Admls;,lOn I'" free is Oct. 26 in the Woods Don3t~(}n Gf anLyuc-" Loi- Saturday, Oct 26, '" III be ledlbles, china, glab!>\\ are, natIOn's largest day of com- celebrated dS Make a Flower Sale .~\ Je\\ elry, pIctures, toy", fine mUnity servIce DIfference Day III Gro!>se In deslgnatlllg the speCIal Imen<; and furmture can be Pomte Woods G,.... Pointe North High "bool'. Po", ... ' C1~.I" •••• Ge",. day, Woods Mayor Robert nlum and Flower Sale aD Friday and Saturday, ,14 and 11, in the dropped off at the The event IS Illtended to Provencal- WeIr House on Novltke sIgned a proclama- school's gymnasium. Proceeds from the sale are ~olanhlps and encourage volunteerlsm on tion readmg, "The Amencan student projects. . Thurbday, May 2, from 6 to 8 what orgamzers said IS the people have a tradItIon of The sale will be from noon to 6 p.m. Friday; 9 a_1 .,.m. Saturday. philanthropy and volun- This year's selections will include five cnlors of g at $18 a flat; teensm, and volunteer ser- seven colors of Impatiens at $12 a flat: pachyeandt. a flat: hanging vIce IS an lllvestment m the baskets; petunias; and herbs. ~ WOLVFRlfNF future we all must share" The Flower Sale committee is shown, from left: loman, Chris Hull, Called a "natlOnal day of Sharon Case, Barbara Drader, Beth Perry, Barbara I Mary Weathers ~~FURCO:~- domg good," Make a and Corine DeWitt. " . DIfference Day IS supported Orders placed before Saturday, May 4, include To order, call by major servIce organiza- rr"t"".e. ."""' e Furrier J'ou Can Trust Barbara Bolton at (313) 886-7245. the Finest Furs from Around me World tIons such as the POlllts of t ~U. , Ie-Sheared Furs and Combinations L:b"ht Fct.ndr:4t.aujj, rrctUtLdL for Humamty InternatlOnal, y ItAway until December 2002 and entertainers such as to you, the hIghest quality fur services Paul Newman and KermIt Engagemen rs and department slores for generatIons the Frog "1 urge my fellow cItIzens - D STORAGE $23.00 to observe tlus day by jom------fiil,ersity of Cahforma at mg WIth frIends, fellow Creed- Stihta Barbara and a mas- - No Matter Where Purchased employees and relatives, egree III busllless kk UpAnd Delivery AvailAble WIth rehglOus, school and . InistratlOn from the ~ t;~ Jr CIVIC groups to engage m Nicholson 'ty of Tennessee ~ projects benefitmg theIr Kenneth and Jane Creed .ERT FUR CLEANING $42.00 • ~ IS studymg at the i commuruty," Novltke SaId of KnOXVIlle, Tenn, have ~oago Institute of DeSIgn .~ ,Repairs - Restyling To learn more about Make announced the engagement "* ,;iUsShear Your Mink! a Difference Day, see the of their daughter, Knstlll ~~~0180n earned a bache- s Added or Removed web sIte www makeadiffer- Creed, to DaVid Nicholson, 10IWt arts degree III econom- encedaycom son of JIm and Ann ranee Appraisals tram the UniversIty of NIcholson of Grosse Pomte Farms sin and a master's In business admllllS- AOWItIISWa A May weddmg • from the Umverslty WCRJt.SI planned lea&«> . t ,r ~ CALL 313-882-3500 Creed earned a baehe,lor Kristin Creed and ~ vice preSIdent To reserve D/.sploy AdvertiSing of arts degree from the P at space by 2 p m Friday David Nicholson S ChemIcals

hf::~.. ~. eO' -rE~I , REJUVENATE

RELAY'" Join the American Cancer society Relay For life! Yoor AmerIcan Cancer SOCIety IS rall}1ng St Clair Shores, Grosse Pomte ·"y I0 and the surroundlllgcommumnes to partliEe In the foorthannual ~ Relay For LIfe, the SocJety's Signature evt!!!( e Amencan Cancer SocIety ReJa} For Lfe. a 24-hour team-bll, . .lI1g event, IS a ...... uruque. ernpowenng and fun way to make ~ffi!ten<:e In the fight ... aglUnst ca neer Put together a learn of Yotll'OwIt. Walk In the Cancer SurvIVor s Victory Lap Purchase a Junun In hOMr of alOl'tuI ...... AM _VWNT '1'0III FIGHT CANCER one. Help sponser these excllrnglfVdnts ,e-maIl ...... • ...u~ amymotyka@cancer,ocgorVlsltwwwca to sign up!

Save IS% Storewide,'" 10% on Furniture. Blos:iom Heath Park, v St. Clair Shores fA Friday, April 19- Tuesday, April 23 Noon, Friday, May 31 - Noon, Saturday, June 1t4. . ~. , ThOlb1nd~ 01 IlCIme hhrl<...' ;m,~ trllm I,) malch A myriad of custom furniture 51'1Ie; Umlted parking is avaUable at Blossom Heath Park. f~ ~ A parking shuttle Wlil be runrllng from 1000 a m 11 00 P rn:~ And codlc"" 'I' re>m,h.,our home unlquclv \(1ur, on Fflday from St Clarr Shores CIVICArena on Stephens Rd to In ,Ill I"..IC ?[ e,l,lo l "mer, An,l all on Gille tor a limited lime a~~" .... ~." , Call 586.263.8000, e-mail amy.motykaocancer\O!tt cH' visit www.canc~r.org to learn more. _... . CORNERS"- Grosse Pointe News I'll\l\11 O[r I I' ',,"' I ,T C! ,\,q ~J!l1Rb ,>, ,\1\)- I T...(l! f h ,< ..... ( It\ ( ..('1 f("r rll~" 2(240 \~ld:A.Y'C' lA'l ,,,I P,,,- PI.,. (North ,! '1 IrC I... kc R'J \ 1,.))/.., '- \1 &CoSjECbdN Rd ", ,.h, / r-.. nr \1<1,\ )100 \hrsh RJ N r w s ,. • ,. r I .. \24'1332 °163 "4'134741''1 \ ~'

VIm our "'ohm. al ""''' callCOlomcIs-com 1.800.ACS.2345 I www.cancer.org I Ho ross.Answers.

I April 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 38

Photo by Suzy Berschback Tribute Kerby Karnival committee Tbe theme for this year's Kerby Karnivalls "There's No Place Like Kerby." Tbe event will be held from An evening of music and tnoutes to the late 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at tbe school, 285 Kerby in Grosse Pointe Farms. Eugene C. Strobel, Ph.D., Harper Woods educa- Members of the committee, standing, from Jeft, are: Lisa Kelch, Ann Marie Aliotta, Debbie Caputo, tor, was held April 6. The event was sponsored by Ann Kay, Margo Henel. Kelly Machesky, Andrea SulUvan, PoUy Tech, Martha Mothersbead, Patti Bick- the Germa!!. American Heritage Foundation erstaff, Kevin Reitzloff and Mary Anne Burke. International (CrAHFI).The sixth annual dinner and cabaret was dedicated to Strobel, its founder Seated, from left, are: Alison ColosI, Patty Moran, Hala BesJDBr,Co-chairmen Deann Newman and and president, who died last November. The Kathy Marowske, and Susan Bamford. GAHFI presented a postbumous award, Not shown are Cheryl Reitzloff, Debra Jakub, Eddie Geba. Scott Lattimore, Anne Jones. Marty Vorhees "Treuester Freund." and Peggy Fitzgerald. Accepting tbe award were members of Stro- bel's Family, from left, children Karla Strobel, Eugene Strobel Jr. and LAm!!McDonald and Mrs. Germaine Strobel. Representatives from the Precht=: :::iOdo;w- ment, DalmierChrysler Corp. and Wayne State University announc~d they would institute ~ugene C. Strobel Memorial Scbolarships through WSU'sJunior Year in Munich program. Meetings Federated East Area Garden Clubs Questers DIstrIct 1 of The The East Area Questers Federated Garden Clubs of WIll present Its annual lun- !I~hchlgan WIll hold Its annu- cheon at noon Wednesday, al spnng meetmg on May 1, at the Grosse POInte Tuesday, AprIl 30, at the Hunt Club The speaker wdl Grosse Pointe War be Dr Denms Zembala, Memonal, 32 Lakeshore dIrector of the Detroit DIstnct 1 IS a member of Hlstoncal Museums HIS the NatIOnal Garden Clubs tOPICWIn be "The HIStOry of Inc Hosts for the event are DetrOit and the DecoratIve the Garden Club of Arts Museum Expa~slOn for MIchIgan and the Jumor a New MIllenmum Th •• d'n.. d League Gardeners Eleanor C cos. I" .p~" dJl reser- Mecke IS the registrar vatlOns may be made by mailmg a check payable to A bnef busmess meetmg Cathy Hams, chaIrman of Will be followed by an auc- the East Area Questers, to Italian Heritage Society tIon of garden art deSIgned 410 Belanger, GrOSEe Pomte by Dlstnct 1 club members Farms, 48236, by A tribute and fareweD to Dr. Gianluca Alberini, consul general of Italy. will begin at 6 p.m. Friday, and featured m a flower Wednesday, Apnl 24 April 26. The Italian Heritage Society of Wayne State University will sponsor the evening whicb also show "You Gatta Have Art " Questers IS an interna- includes a special screening of the Italian film "Pane r> T11l1p!!!!!." directed by Silvio Soldlrii. The event Proceeds from the auctIOn tIOnal organ~zatlOn that will bl'lheld in the ltallan Heritage Room Tbeater in the General Lectures Building at WSU.A reception WIll benefit HabItat for stresses restoratIOn and foUows. Humamty preservatIOn of histone places, history and the study Seated, from left, are Elena Alberini, wife of the consul general, and Marianne Endicott. Standing. rhe afternoon program of antIques The East Area from left, are Marta DeCarolis, Patricia CardeUlo, chairman Marian Impastato. Giulia Cervone and Ann Will feature Denms Harnett. Not shown are Marlene Baker and Marla DeLuca. BannIng, floral de1>lgner mcludes the followmg chap- ters. Fox Creek, Grand MaraIS, Grosse POinte, Pear Tree, PettIpomte and Women's WmdmIll POinte. For mfor- matIon about membership, Connection call Cathy Hams at (313) The Women's ConnectIon 885-1051 of Grosse Pomte WIll meet on Thur"day, Apr!l 25, for Camera Club dmner and a meetmg at a The Grosse Pomte pnvate local club Camera Club wlll meet from 7 to 9 p m Tuesday, Apnl 23, Mlldred Anthony wlll dlS- m Room C-ll of Brownell CUSh "How Does your MIddle School, 260 Garden Grow" For mforma- Chalfonte m Grosse POlnte tlOn or reservations, call Farms VISItors are wel- Nancy Neat at (313) 882- come. For more mformatIon, 1855 or Mama PIkwlek at call (313) 822-7080 or (586) (313) 884-4201 774-9471

Depression: Treat It. Defeat It. DEAD BATTERIES CAN'T SAVE LIVES Change the batteries in your smoke detector at least once a year.

Unrted Stotes FJ18AdmllllSfranon Fedefal Emergency Monogemenr Agency http://www.rsfa.fema.gov• 4B April 18,2002 Communit Grosse Pointe NaWi Get in shape, with help from local hospital It':. not too early to start of cardlO equIpment. Semor strength and condltlonmg of thInking about getting in FItness I (more mtense Senior Vigor A hIgh-energy program, breathmg and mmdful 1>hapefor :.ummer's outdoor large muscle groupS USlnl!' semor level) mduues slIght- Th",a ~t.lCUt;.Ul Ul:Unlng thIS class offers a challeng- movements Come and learn actIvItIes SIgn up today for Cybex machmes and hand- ly faster mUSIC,a longer aer- held weIghts Flexlbilltyand class uses. Nautilus mg workout that combmes proper techmques to one of many fitness classes obIc segment and slIghtly machmes to help mcrease current kIck boxmg tech- strengthen and tone the offered by Bon Secours range-of-motlon exercIses more mtense strength tram- also are mcluded to help bone denSIty The program IS mques WIthtradItIOnal aero- entIre body Core condItion- Cottage Health ServIces Ing than Semor FItness II geared to the Semor partICI- bIC moves The class IS mg IS offered from 6.30 to NatlOnall) certIfied, expen- partICIpants Increase moblll- Both classes take place ty and keep everyday actIvI- pant who wants to mamtam offered from 7 to 8 p m 7 15 P m Thesdays and enled fitness Instructors Mondays, Wednesdays and an mdependent hfestyle by Mondays and Wednesdays Thursdays for $56 teach all classes tIes pam-free The class IS Fndays SemorFltness I IS offered from 7 45 to 9 p m Improvmg overall strength The cost IS$49 Yoga Fitness Workout PreregIstratIOn and pay. offered from 9 15 to 10 15 and flexlblhty The class IS ment are requIred Mondays and Wednesdays CardioMix EnJOy a complete body am, SemorFltness II IS at Bon Secours Cottage offered from 12 15 to 1 15 workout that mvolves All fitne:.s and condltlOn- from 10 35 to 11 35 a m The P m Mondays, Wednesdays ThiS hIgh-energy class strengthenmg, tomng and IIlg program:. take place at cost IS$45 RehabJlltatlOn SerVIces, 23715 LIttle Mack, St Clair and Fridays for $74 and guarantees to keep you chal- stretchmg all major muscle the Bon Brae Center, 22300 Better Bones from 12 15 to 1 15 P m lenged and motIvated The Bon Brae In St Clair Shores Shores The cost IS$60 groups through Isolated Research suggests that Thesdays and Thursdays for program Includes hIgh- and movements and poses (unless otherwIse notpd I "NeH;rht trHH'Ilng ('Qn help Senior Strength ann $49 lOW-ImpactaerobICS.fleXIbIl- ;;'Yflpnpnrp fTlln(l AnN bsody SplIllg ..::uu..::nealth and ht- reduce the nsk of osteoporo- Conditioning Program Ity, balance and strength awareness, mcreased fleXI- ness programs are offered FLEXFIT trammg It ISoffered from 6 from Monday, April 29 SIS and Improve muscle ThIS program mcludes bIlIty and relaxation tech- strength and bone denSIty. exercIses to Improve and ThIS class IS offered as a to 7 am, 4 45 to 5 45 p.m or mques ThIs program IS rec- through Saturday, June 15 great addItIOn to cardlO fit- 6 to 7 p m Mondays, (no classes May 27) For a Jom us for a safe and effec- develop upper and lower ommended for begmner and tive workout on state-of-the ness program BasICstretch- Wednesdays and Fridays for schedule of summer health body strength Stretch mtermedlate levels and -art Nautllus equipment es and fleXlblhty exercISes $58 and fitness programs, call , hand-held weIghts offered from 9 to 9 50 a m The program is offered from and chaIr exercIses are help promote maxImum Saturdays for $26 Commumty llealth range of motion m everyday Step and Sculpt PromotIOn after Mav 1 445 to 5'45 pm, 5.45 to incorporated mto a program 6.45 p.m , 7 to 8 P m. or 7'45 movements FLEXFIT IS ThIS ultImate workout Triple CardioChallenge Senior Fitness I and II that can benefit all levels of uses the Reebok StepTMto to 8.45 p.m. Mondays and fitness The program IS offered from 8 15 to 9 a m Lookmg for something chf- ThIS program welcomes Wednesdays and from 6.30 Mondays, Wednesdays and enhance cardIOvascular ferent? ThIS class offers a anyone over age 60 at any offered from 1 30 to 2'30 endurance Weights, tubmg to 7.30 pm Thesdays and pm Mondays, Wednesdays Fndays for $48 ($26 IfregJs- hIgh-energy workout by fitness level It offers a Thursdays tered m another fitness and body balls also are used combmmg cardlO condltlOn- warm-up, very low Impact and Fndays for $63 It also class). to strengthen and tone all Better Bones is offered from 1'30 to 2 30 mg, mcludmg step, kick box- aerobICs, walkmg, strength Tai Chi major muscle groups. The mg and mtenslty dnlls, WIth and floor exercIses and use PLUS Flexibility P m Thesdays and program is offered from 7 30 ThIS class IS for anyone strength work uSing tubmg This new class focuses on Thursdays for $42 to 8.30 p.m Tuesdays and between the ages of 18 and and weIghts The program IS Thursdays for $42 108 It teaches an ancIent offered from 8 to 8:50 a m Family Chmese martial art form Body Sculpting Saturdays for $26. From page 12B that blends slow movements Adventure and Super enduring contnbutlOns to ThIs class mcludes bone Your Place In Time 20th Speedway Dally screemngs mto a standing medItation strengthenmg and muscle Christian Century America Patrons the world of art, through It ISoffered from 7 to 8 am. wlll be offered, on a rotating Sunday, Oct 13 Take m shaping with the use of hght may also tour the museum's Wednesdays (beginners) and Science lecture basIS, beginnmg at 9 am, the exhIbIt The Polish weights, hody balls and Commum catIOns, LIghting, on the hour m the mornmg FrIdays (begmners and resistance work. Flexibllity Earhne Shoemake will TransportatIOn and Presence m DetrOIt, through mtermedlate) The cost IS and on the half-hour In the Sunday, June 9 Relive the trammg IS mcludE'd The present a free talk on DomestIc Arts exhIbItIons afternoon and evemng. $53 for two days, $30 for one program ISoffered from 5 30 t:hnstlan SCIence at 3 p m. The Museum and VIllage history of DetrOIt's onglnal day Tickets are $10 for adults or settlers through the exhlbl' to 6 15 P m Tuesdays and Sunday, Apnl 21, at the are open ~T1QnJay through $8 for semors and clu1dren Yoga Thursdays fur $45 and trom SIxth Church of ChrIst, Saturday, from 9 a m to 5 tlon, Land, Lives and ages 12 and under Call Legends Native Amencans 10 to 11 a m Saturdays for Scientist, 14710 Kercheval pm, and Sunday, from noon Learn suppleness and sta- (313) 982-6001. in DetrOIt. DetrOIt's 300th bIlIty from a certIfied yoga $26 m DetrOIt Churl care W'lllbe to 5 p m AdmIssion to the Detroit's past' Core Conditioning provlded Museum ranges from $7.50 Birthday IS the inspiration mstructor Work WIth an for ~he specIal exhIbItion 30 (Pilates) to $1250 AdmIssIOn to the Stroll the Streets of Old energetic spme sensItizer for VIllage ranges from $8.50 to DetrOIt, trace more than 100 Who Dared The Museum IS proper ahgnment of the Core conditlonmg IS a fit- LTA presents $14 Cluldren under the age years of automotive hIstory open Thesday through spme Improve your mental ness regimen that combmes and travel from FrontIers to Fnday, from 9.30 a m to 5 of 5 and members are admIt- and phySIcal abilities Each stretching and strengthen- conversation ted free Showing in the Factories through the per- p m and Saturday and class ends with a "flowmg" mg routmes deSIgned to manent exhibitions of the Sunday, from 10 a m to 5 senes and full body !'elax- The Lay Theological Museum's $15 milhon lMAX work .he entIre body effi- Academy WIll present an Theatre are Beauty and the DetrOIt Historical Museum, p m The suggested admIS- atlOn The program is ciently. SImilar to Pllates, 5401 Woodward in Detroit. sIOn is $4 50 for adults or offered from 730 to 8'45 evemng of coffee and conver- Beast, Mystenes of Egypt, 3- core conditioning is a pro- satIOn, "Grounds for God. D Manial-Encounter in the The new exhIbit, Pewahic $2.25 for semors and chIl- a.m. Thesdays and gressIve senes of exercises Pottery. The Legacy of Mary dren, ages 12 to 18 Chlldren On Easter and Pentecost,. ThIrd DImenSIOn, Thursdays. The cost IS $62 that accommodates all levels Chase Perry Stratton, under the age of 12 enter for two days, $35 for one day. from 7 30 to 8 45 P m Shackleton's Antarctic of fitness. It mcreases core Sunday, Apnl 21, at Borders salutes one of DetrOIt's most free Call (313) 833-1805 strength, flexlblbty and Cardio Kick Boxing 10 the Village, 17141 body balance by focusmg on Kercheval IP Grosse Pomte Umtansn S E'l{VI'C E S Church "The Wisdom of the Sabbath" E.change Preacber m GRACE UNITED First English Ev.lutheran Church St. James Rev Norman Naylor I W CHURCH OF CHRIST Vernier Rd at Wedgewood Dr Lutheran Church 10 30 a.m Worship S8Mce Grosse Pomte Woods 17150 MAUMEE ; arf' chopp~d So, .\ h) ~u\o.h dU l,..d..lj' leave your family askmg stIckIng to theIr guns start to the blockbuster 5 to 7 large fresh gar- for seconds Well to be more precIse lic cloves, minced sea~on? "Men In Black Pasta E FaglOh Will theIr guns, explOSIOns, Jason Sweeney 1 cup (packed) heat Add the omon, cook II," "The Matnx taste even betwr the next swords, fight scenes and mg at the box office, but Rebooted," Star Wars chopped fresh Italian and stir for about 10 min- day ThIs recipe makes a big budgets parsley utes Add the garhc and fell short of some of the "Episode II Attack of the lot of soup - enough to The summer block- more ambitIous expecta- Clones," and an ongOIng 8 I-lb. cans northern parsley and cook for share WIth your neighbors buster season usually white beans with liquid another 5 to 10 mmutes, tIons hst of films already have or to stowaway In the begms after Memonal Next m hHe ISthe much the sunny days of June, (Kroger brand) until the onions are very freezer for a future meal Day and spnng is usually 1 large (28 oz.) can soft and translucent Add awaIted and talked about July and August staked Or, you could cut the reserved for comedIes, "Spider Man" Put on the out as their territory diced tomatoes with the beans, tomatoes and recIpe m half artistic films and the first liquid the chicken broth to the back burner after the So, fans of the big pIC- few contenders for next attacks on Amenca, the 2 14.5-oz. cans low pot. Increase the heat, stir Carol has been a fnend year's Oscars, ndIng on ture, revel In the boom, sodium chicken broth well and bnng to a bol!. of mine for several years. film WIllhIt theaters on clang and smash For the troIs of the current May 3 1 1/2 cups small dry Stir m the pasta and cook She has often gIven me year's hoopla those of you lookIng for pasta temfic food tips and somethmg With more plot over a medlUm-to-low boll The big budget shoot- Trallers show an almost 1 cup grated fresh for 20 minutes or so. Stir recipes that are her fami- surreal-lookmg Petel and less flYInglead . ly's favontes Thanks, em-up has been pushed Fall Isn't that far away, Romano cheese in the Romano cheese, forward thIS year WIth the Parker SWIngIngfrom (imported) taste and season With salt Carol, for a really great buildmg to buildmg amid really recipe. release of several would- be smashes m hopes that the bombs of the Goblin, a It WillgIve the somewhat recumng vllIron from the traIling box office returns comic book Pride of the Pointes a shot in the arm. Hollywood InSIders have What Are Leadmg the way m the saId that If "SpIder Man" John Trupiano, son of Elizabeth Slone, daugh- parade of sound-and-fury doesn't clear $70 mllhon You Cahill, Michael , Its opemng weekend It John and Kathy Trupiano of ter of Charles and Linda Charles Dabrowski, Erin films this spring IS"Blade WIllbe conSidered less the City of Grosse Pointe, IS Slone of the CIty of Grosse Rentenbach, Lindsey II" Rendering currently sppnding the than a hit Pomte, was named to the White, Lis.. Brown A vIsuallv overdnvpn TT_ .. ~ ,.,~~') spring 2002 semester study- \.J .ultU Demson Umverslty dean's Jennifer Mansfield, sequel to the surpnse lut Roundmg out the early uvu .. Ing in Ireland as a part of list for the fall 2001 semes- Kathryn Miller and of two years ago, thIS film releases for the summer IS AlbIOn College's off-campus ter. Christine Broderick. tnes to step up the pace "The ScorpIOnKmg " In Matthew 22 21 we are programs even further by makmg directed to "Render • • vampires the untrusted therefore unto Caesar the Katherine A. Abel • Grosse Pointers allies and creating an thmgs whIch are Grosse Pomter Teresa pledged the Plu chapter of Katherine Myers and even more dangerous Caesar's, and unto God Gage was named to the Alpha Xl Delta at Albion enemy. Stephanie Roehl were the thIngs that are God's" Western Michigan named to the Syracuse College dunng the 2001 While there IS more to Is txclfed 10 0llI'l0IInCI University dean's list for the Umverslty College of Arts spring semester. Abel is a the plot of the second fall 2001 semester and Sciences dean's list fer first-year student and is installment and It ISfan- Jult Tedesco Last week the annual the fall 2001 semester majoring In physical educa- tastically fun to watch the IttYIng all Y'OII naB care needs. deadlIne for rendenng unto Uncle Sam occLlrred. • tIOn/SPOrts sCIence. She is special effects, somethIng I "Ce !arae Mtdw ... , COME BAIN OR SHINE First Church of Christ, MIY Isl DgcIIlIt rOt 11Idlliopa! dean gp 'Rl!!1!1 (()/jLY THUNDtllSTDRM WILL POSTPONE EVDIT). • Bus !nIISpOrlalIOII IS proVIded to cleaD-up lites aDd Trull BIIh ~lebral1Dbl (10 .. fro", JYe) Scientist (the Cltristian CONTRIBUTORS' I'LATlNUM 52000+ Bro.. e SlOO+ Science Church) 282 Home DepocITeam Depot "2707 Ahlmedu Video OnhM A.mencan Speedy Pnnllne SCS Altona Chalfonte Avenue, Oro .... POLDteNews a: The Connccbon LamwIIORJ. Beact! GnU, al. BoYJ Restauranl 9 &. }effcnoa Bon Grosse Pointe Farms, NIDO Silva.... Fnlll'" VolttAbl. Marte' Sccours. COII&.. Hal'h Sy" .... , ea.tslde B,gol FanlJly Unlimited OJ. to GoIcI '1000 + DlnY

Weekly Church Schedule

Sunday Service 10-.30AM Sunday School 10-.30AM

Wednesday Evening PBE-REGISTBAnONFORM Testimony Meeting DETACH AND MAIL TO: Adnnad Aquatics Diving, 2S020 JdFenon, St. Cla.orShores, MI. 48080 8:00 PM. Mo~ Info Phone (586) 779-8m or Send Form By Fu (S86) 779-0S49 rrgUtet' onhne @ ,","".Ml'tlcalco:lJtcl""nllp C

~ttC'n~:hnb th~s SC~lnD.r fuT f:r ",.u,..t ...u c "".l C::~ ~u.L.llJU which w111be moderated by For more mformahon or Bon Secours Cottage to regISter, call (586) 779- mtermst Dr Peter 7900.


."he regular ell)' Cooncll ~lLng was called to ordt:"f by Mayor Kenneth A Poynter ar: 1 'Opm 1 ./ ROLL CAI I All CoollC,l person' were pmcnt Derby Day party MOTIONS PASSt:D I fo recel\.e approve and file the: nunulcs of lhe Regular tll) Council meeunB. held on The Assistance League of Bon Secours Bospltal March 18 2002 the L,brary Board Mee"ng held on March' I 2002 and ,he Boan! will hold Its annual Derby Day Party from 4 to 7 ofTrustees Employee. R"""mm, S)stem M"'''ng held on Mar

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national volunteer week "For the COSt,we couldn't belIeve the coverage could be thIS good," ~•• - ~ APRIL 21-27,2002 saId Juan Haygood, owner of Pete's True Value Hardware "BLItIt's rrue Hea!rhCho,cc ISeverything It says It IS, and more." national healthcare volunteer day lndudmg coverage fot doctor's VlSIts, emergcnaes, hospllaLzanoo, even APRIL 22, 2002 ptesenptlOO bendi~ ~m ~ :::!:o:a: vf iU a<.C~CIlr ptDVIder netWorks. For you, the WaY!'- County bUSiness Bon Secoure Cottage Health Services salutes our ownef, that means attraetlng better employees and retaIning your more than 1,300 volunteers and aUXIliary members best workers For your employees and their fanuhes, It's pc;Icc-of- who give generously of themselves to prOVidemore mind, seCUtlty, not haVIng to worry about being able to afford health care when needed than 100.000 hours annually of enthUSiastiC, And If your bUSinessISn't In Wayne County maybe It should be dedicated service to the patients, famJlIe5,vIsItors and communIty we serve,

YBON SECOURS COTTAGE HEALTH SERVICES II health ...... To learn more about voluntee"lnq call Bon Secour!'> Hasp tal (313) 343 1795 tlmmDtlll Cottage Hasp tal (313) 64024:'5 Healthcare Coverage that's Good for Busmess. Nur!'>lng Care Center (586) 779 7011 VOLUNTEERI Call 1-800-WELL-NO~' • Single empiO)... P'Y' $43lmo and employer P'Y' $43lmo (",uly coveragecos" more "II I 800-WELL NOW for mor< ,"(orm,aon April 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Health 7B A bump on the head could be a concussion Free foot checks are available By Dr. Nabll Rlzk for people with diabetes Special Writer known as second-Impact syndrome and It occurs when a person returns to a contact sport or suffers another People With dIabetes can Bon Secours Cottage Health You're playmg a game of volleyball wIth fnends when head trauma whIle stIll recovenng from a concussIOn develop many different foot ServIces A Bon Secours two of you dIve for the ball at the same tIme Your heads Even a mmor bump can lead to swelhng of the braIn, problems Even ordmary Cottage podlatnst conducts agamst one another, and for a few seconds you problems can qUickly get the foot exams and offers lose conSCIOusness which may prove fatal . To prevent second-Impact syndrome, take It easy after WOCb~and lead to senous adVice on how to reduce the When your head stIll aches and you begIn feehng nau- a concussIOn Rest ISthe best recovery technIque It IS complIcatIOns Foot prob- pam and suffermg whIch seous an hour later, a VISItto the doctor seems hke a crucial to get your phYSICIan'sapproval before returmng lems occur most often when can result from poor dIabetIc good idea there ISnerve damage 10 the foot care The dIagnOSISconcussIOn to a sport and not to return too soon All neurologIcal symptoms must have compl~tely J':'oneaway feet or when blood flow IS The screemngs Will take poor place from noon to 3 p m What is a concussion? Prevention Accordmg to the Amencan Thursday, April 25, at Diabetes AsSOCIatIOn,about Blossom Heath Inn, 24800 A conCUSSlOnISactually a mJld traumatIc braIn IllJury It Isn't always pOSSibleto prevent a conCUSSIOn,but that results from a sudden blow to the head Athletes oue m five people WIth dIa- Jefferson (south of 10 MJle some steps can be taken to mlnllnJze nsk Always wear betes enters the hospital for Road) m St ClaIr Shores Involved In contact sports such as hockey, football, soc- a seat belt m a car and mvest In a hlgh-quahty, multi- cer and bo:Xlne- tin" rlT h,~hp ...M~v.: fur ~~r:.:~ss~o« tha.u foot problems To "l'hp,hl1p f1n "lpp"'nt- Ul1l'l1"~ tu,iwt:~ W wt:ar when ollung, roueroJaumg, If you have dIabetes, con- ment, call (586) 779-7900 their non-athletIc counterparts However, car aCCIdents, skateboardIng and playmg contact sports If you play blcychng mIshaps and even everyday mIssteps and falls Sider regIstenng for a free between 9 a m and 4 p m sports, be sure all your protectIve gear fits properly and foot screenmg offered by weekdays can result m a forceful enough blow to the head to lead protects you to a concussIOn. If you rut your head and suspect a concussion, see The brain ISsurrounded by cerebrospInal flUId,whJch your doctor If the mJury occurs when your phYSICIan's cushIOns It from the force of everyday movement. But It office ISclosed, go to a hospItal emergency department may not be enough to absorb the Impact of a sudden or urgent care center The Cottage Hospital Emergency blow or qUick stop, whIch can propel the bram mto the Center ISopen 24 hours a day, seven days a week and Friday at 3 p.m. is the deadline mner wall of the skull A bruISe can result and lead to speciahzes m treatmg mmor emergencIes hke suspected bleedIng In or around the brain and the teanng of nerve concussion for all information intended Symptoms Dr. RlZk lS a famlly practltloner at the Bon Secours Cottage Famlly PractlCeCenter m St. Clalr Shores. For for the Features section. While conCUSSIOnsare usually not hfe-threatemng, an appomtment, call Bon Secours Cottage PhyslClan there IS no such thing Referral at (800) 303-7315 as a minor conCUSSIOn A temporary loss of brain function occurs Personal expenences WIth concussIOnvary consIderably, depending on wruch part of the bram was affected WhIle some people lose consCIOusness,others AT CarTAGE do not. AddItIOnal HOSPITAL symptoms include' Confusion AmneSIa Headache RIngIng In the ears EMERGENCY CENTER (tmmtls) Drowsmess Nausea VomIting Unequal pupil size ConvulsIOns Unusual eye move- roents Slurred speech

Symptoms which may appear several hours or days after the inJury occurs Include: Imtablhty Headaches DepreSSIon Sleep dISturbances Fatigue PersonalIty changes Poor concentratIOn Memory problems Gettmg lost or becommg easIly con- fused Increased senSItIVIty to sounds, hghts and dIStractIons Loss of sense of taste or smell DIfficulty WIth grot or coordmatmg use of hmbs Treahnent If you expenence a conCUSSIon,treat It OUR PATIENTS DON'T LOSE WIth plenty of rest It WIlltake tIme for the bram to heal. Hearlache pam can be soothed With Tylenol or other over-the-counter pam THEIR PATIENCE WAITING relievers Before takmg any medIcatIOn, check WIth your doctor AVOid asplnn, which may con- OUf prompt medical attention to minor emergencies - usually in an hour or less - means there's no need to pack tnbute to bleedmg your , tackle War and Peace or struggle over a crossword puzzle. That's because, at Cottage Hospital, minor Complete recovery emergencies gf't major attention - without the "hurry up and wait." And that translates into satisfied patients. may take a few days, weeks or months We pride ourselves in delivering prompt treatment of. Dunng thiS tIme, get plenty of sleep, and • Cuts requiring stitches • Body aches rest frequently dunng the day Return to nor- • Breaks and sprains • Abdominal pain mal actiVItIes gradually • Severe cold or flu symptoms • Sudden illness and aVOIdthose that are rough or strenuous Our team of Bon Secours Cottage board-certified physicians and emergency room nurses are available around Don't dnnk alcohohc the clock to handle your urgent minor emergency right on the spot. In comfortable surroundings, staffed by caring beverages Your memo- ry may be ImpaIred for professionals, close to where you live or work. a whtle, so try not to become frustrated If you're forgetful or easI- Cottage Hospital Emergency Center. Where minor emergencies get major attention. ly confused Make hsts and wnte notes to yourself and consult With family or rehable fnends before makmg any Important deCI- -+-BON SECOURSCOTTAGE sions Second-impact HEALTH SERVICES ~~~ syndrome SometImes, the most senous damage to the 159 Kercheval, Gro'i'ie Pointe Farms bram happens not dur- mg thE'Initial concus-

SIOn,but when another C' 2000 Bon Sffour< ( o"a~~ H~"'lh ~fVIC~' head IDJUryoccurs shortly after ThIs IS

... April 18, 2002 88 Seniors Grosse Pointe News Let there be Light SOC Op~t_io_n_s .... A fl'w columns ago I $50 a day, or $150 for the talked about the Detroit three days Call the DIO In1'>tltute of Senior SCene at (313) 824-4710, or e Ophthalmology (DIm and mall Caregiving, care receiving It<-.founder and preSident, ckezlanan@mycompact co Dr PhIlip Hessburg The m or chck on the DIO's each has its challenges m'itltute abblbb and edu- \Vebslte, wwweyeson org By Diane Bezy home from the hospital you factor m Illness, the cate;, the vI;,ually to regIstl'r and to get more and was recuperatmg hurt IS compounded unp.lIred and helps pre- informatIOn SpeCial Writer The hfe of the careg1Ver from surgery, the "ancer So, what do we do? All ,en e \ 1',lOn through edu- Research on the bIOIlIC By can be filled With chal- progressed to a pomt we can do IS try to nse latWI1 eye IS not Just proml!>mg above We speak kmdly In thiS column I'd like lenges and difficulties, where chemotherapy Ruth Most SCientISts beheve a when we feel like scream- to tell \ ou about the exclt- sometimes on a dally became necessary Even bIOIlICeye Will be m gener- mg (or maybe we Just stay mg and umque thIrd ele- Cain baSIS though It was a fnghten- al use after some weighty qUiet), we try to smIle ment of DIO's mlS;,lOn But what about the per- mg prospect, I felt at que!>tlOns on the different peace The best way for when Wl' feel lIke crYing, that bupports research on untIl papers have been son bemg cared for? element;, of these me to descnbe thiS feeling we're thoughtful when we the e)e Thf:' DIO IS a non- prmted The culloqulUm In 1982, I was III my Implants have been would be as If God were want to be selfish profit 501 (c)(3J cOI-pora- prOVides sClCntlsts With last year of college at an!>wered But It IS certam holdmg my hand It takes conscIous lIOn that accepts no concentrated knowledge of Michigan State that thiS miracle IS not Umverslty I was begIn- You can't get more etfGrt, but With God's money from the govern- the state of the research gOIng to happen m the ning the fall term and peaceful than that help, we can do all that IS ment Its fund;, tor pro- and the opportumtv to ask npxt fpw VP'lr~ 'I.' 1 , t1 L C' 1 1 (' 1 1 ... lif~1 ~lIliL VIII.)' VII" nJ.~.1J.uut:>u "'.1.1"'" .H...iLU.u. J. LY, U-H ,-,U Vl u.o- u.HU UU .u. b>T<1m;,and rl'"earch come questIOns directly of the r ll & F.....lem Suburbs sInce 1980 L'".l. _ _... .. tramIng ThiS IS why the tIal should be suffiCient at the /UfU::>;' UI UUHU''f5 C/Uf1::'UUH, (810) 777.5300 term "use It or lose It" For lIlstance, If you work begmnmg Once you have e-maIL Kelly at achieved your goal, you can letters kfwS@hearstsc com or malntam It by cuttmg back Wrlte her m care of KIng to tWIce a week Features Weekly SerVIce, it's only natural to want to retain Your weight-training regI- PO Box 536475, Orlando, as much independence as possible in men should mclude every FL 32853-6475 life. But there comes a time when No. 2151 AARP will meet some of us need a little assistance. Chapter No 21510fAARP Bon Secours Cottage That's when Bon Secours Placeat Will meet at 1 p m Monday, Health Services will offer Apnl 22, at Grosse POlllte blood pressure screenmg S1.Clair Shores is the ideal option. Memonal Church, 16 before the meetmg Lakeshore III Grosse Pomte Refreshml'nts WIll be Farms served Guests are welcome Adele Heubner will talk For more mformatlOn, call about Grosse Pomte's hiSto- Howard Wmter at(::u3) 881- ry from 1650 to 1900 7209 Foundation presents speaker Susan Titus, eXl'cutlve attend director of the MIchIgan Parkmson's dIsease ,I-- Parkmson FoundatIOn, WIll affects about 2 percent ofthe BON SECOURS PLACE AT ST CLAIR SHOR[S speak at the Eastside populatIOn over the age of Alloo s.c.u.._ ...... -.- Parkmson's Support Group 50 meetmg at 1 30 p m 26101 Jefferson Avenue For more mformatlOn Thursday, Apnl 25 The sup- about the EastSide St Clair Shores, MIchIgan 48081 port group mf'ets monthly at ParkInson's Support Group, (586) 498-4500 St Michael's Church, 20475 call (313) 884-5778 or (313) Sunnmgdale m Grosse 884-9781 For more about POInte Woods Sponsored by the SIsle rs 01 Bon Seco

Wasserstein's Sisters Rosenweig Who's Up for a cozy little murder?

delight Hilberry audience By Helen Gregory son to you, HermIOne Eat seemed to fit the beneh I SpeCial Writer By I:\"ad Lindberg about her pllliandenng ex- self That's why sloppily and someone had read Spnng In Michigan Staff Wnter hw,band, who IS on his fifth Wasserstem's play IS more might stab you With the Beaton may have felt .neans a lot of ramy Toward the end of a sea- wife Sara wah number two than a shallow spot of feml- seafood fork) that ""ay, too She pub- mghts, pOSSible thunder- son filled with femmme The analytical Ice queen mst Junk The victim!> tend to be lished 'Dl'ath uf d storms What better time theme stage craft, the begms to melt, however, Pfem's romantic dreams boors of one hart or anoth. SCrIptwrIter In 19!:J8- for a cup of tea With a lit. HJlberry Theatre has pro- under the unlfi\lted are a double-edged sword, as er gObSlph, bullwb, black- nut the btrongest Mdcbeth tie light-hearted blood let. duced a talky play that pro- advances of Mervyn Kant IS the femlfilst movement mailers and pompous my"tery, but a sC<1thmg tmg on the hide? vokes dlscusslOn Mervyu IS a determmed but Pfem's longmgs prOVide both tWits If the victim IS attack on the teleVlblO11 Is "The Sisters unobnoxlOus faux fur sales- hope and bitterness hateful enough, almost Industry Rosenswelg~ a comedy or a man portrayed with a warm Likewise, the femmlst dnve anyone tn the book can be Around that bme, drama with self-effacing tmge of Jimmy Stewart by for equahty IS often tem- the killer Hence, cozies Beaton mUbt have been average 10 to 14 qUirky heromes? Matt Sawyer oered bv thf' unkmd rPfl),. tmng of Macbeth She ~uop\..-""t...t) "eellleu to lJe redCl1Iug, ties of job perf 01 mance and Are the mam characters, Sara's Sister, Gorgeous, The puzzle hab to be even inattentive She accountablhty Belfig a real meamng the three mlddle- goes by the stage name Dr challenging, not convolut- seems to have gotten a femlmst takes more than aged Rosensweig sIsters, Gorgeous as host of a radio ed, so the suspects need to second Wind lately bemg female battling stOlcally to over. talk show m Wlsconsm be dlstmct and memo- The faIlure of Pfem's Meanwhile she devel- come an f'motlOnal empti- To thf' dehght of the rable, but not always oped two other mystery blindly optimistic tryst ness wrought by the conceIt- Hllberry audience, actor three-dimensIOnal, as long senes reflects those of her sisters ed shortcommgs of men who Christi MarsICo convmcfls as the plot moves Her Agatha Ralsm and other characters m the falled the sisters' trust? Or the audience that talking Cozies are short On play senes, begun In 1992, may will the women fess up to COmes easy to Gorgeou~, average, they run from be someone's favonte but I A person's unhappmess their own bad Judgment? who, with a proud shake of about 150 to 250 pages read them only when often stems from Cozy readers hke to keep waltmg for Beaton to havmg made clues and characters m wnte something ebe unfruitful chOlces mmd and fim<;h :'It "fle Sit- The problem 13 Agatha, However, for all Some people work puz- tmg If pOSSible the annoymg ex PR agent thmr faults and for- zles to relax These read- Agatha Chnstle once For those of you who mer Ideahsm, the ers often choose mysteries ruled thiS form POirot watch teleVISIOn, remem- women of "Slsters~ - not to be lnghtened or and Miss Marple were ber FraZier"; shark of an learn there's time grossed out, but to solve archetypes up there With agent? That Ib Agatha a left for promise them Murder give:; the Sherlock Holmes great secondary character Although the 2 puzzle urgency The current queen of but too over-the-top and 1/2.hour play IS set Thmkmg about mjus- the cozies IS M C Beaton too negative to be the pro- exclusively m tlce, Inhumamty or even Her unhkely heroes and tagomst Maybe she'd Sara's London flat, Irony can be weanng So heromes mclude a lald- make a good vIctim She the mam charac- readmg a particularly pes- back Highlander consta- cheats compulSively out of ters are Amencan, Simistic nOir or a truly ble, an abraSive ex-ad envy except for Geoffrey fnghtemng thnller won't agent and, m a new Some fla\\ s just aren't The actors don't always offer escape senes, a pair of loners endeanng have to wrangle Cozy mystenes offer the brought together by accI- Beaton's latest senes wIth foreign comforts of fantasy in the dent For character devel- has potential "Skeleton m accents, which m gUise ofreahty Justice opment, Beaton's myster- the Closet" mtroduces a past HJlberry pro- Will be served, possibly Ies are best read m order pair of ugly duckling Ion. ductIOns has been With a recipe for cookles Her strongest character ers who find each other surprlsmgly diffi- on the Side IS the constable, Hamish and solve a mystery cult for some mem- But cozy or not, a mys- Macbeth. descnbed by hiS Fell\\orth (he hates that bers of the compa- tery should offer a r:hance fellow Villagers as a lazy, name) Dodd, a 37-year-old ny Likewise, for the reader to match moochmg womamzer He vlrgm who hved With hiS "The Slsters Rosensweig." a play by Wendy Wl!.sserstein Eikenberry, as Wits With the sleuth The poaches salmon and pmes mother until she died, running through May 9 at the HUberry Theatre on the cam- Geoffrey, is cast author ludes clues In plam for Pnscilla, the daughter takes a lot of shapmg up, pus of Wayne State Unlverslty, brings together three slsters perfectly as a Sight to produce an unpre- of the lord of the manor but after he IS shot and for a birthday celebration in London. The slsters dlscovel Lon don e r dictable but absolutely But he's of good heart and tossed m the nver, he the meanings of truth, love and the importance of family. Eikenberry IS from lOgical endmg (good jug- solves crime bnlliantly begins to shme, as does The play features. from left, Jennifer Tuttle as prenl, Trisha Great Bntam ghng, that) Beaton Introduced the hiS able aSSistant, a Miller as sara. and Christi Marslco as Gorgeous. "Mervyn, the The characters need to modest Macbeth m 1985 dowdy waitress WIth sur- world leader m syn- be mterestmg but the With "Death of a GOSSip" pnslng charm and capa- thetIc ammal pro- Is the play's author, her hiPS, adds It'S "ObVlOUS~ readers need In some way and never looked back bilIty tective covenng, and Sara, Wendy Wasserstein, how she got her name. to IdentifY With them To Her current, "Death of a You'll find the mystenes the mternatlOnal banker, Pulitzer Pnze caliber? If so, Shr- hab as much sense as accomphsh tlus the author Celebrity" is the 17th m hidden In the back room are not romantic fantaslCs,~ nliIlle three Puhtzer Pnze- It takes to be a radIO psy- must make the hero or the series and still gettmg of Central Library along Wasserstem wrote m her wmmng playwnghts, or cholOgist She's more behev- herome flawed but some- starred reviews essay "They are grown-ups the wall outSide of fictIOn, poet laureates for that mat- able glgghng, "You've heard howappealmg SIX teleVISIOn shows whom we don't get to see arranged by authors' last ter, whose work shmes of Dr Pepper? I'm Dr Justice must be served based on the senes onstage often enough ~ names beyond the narrow SOCial Gorgeous," than assertmg, In an unfair world, a appeared on the BBC With Gorgeous says almost Who IS your favonte trends wlthm which they "ThiS IS the '90s, Sara The s~ll bit of Justice IS com- Robert Carlyle of "The everythmg IS "funzy" sleuth? You can reach me landed endorsement decade of the bimbo is over" fortmg Full Monty~ as Macbeth onhne at The questIOns don't veIl MarSICO gives a dehghtful "Life is senous busmess," The VictIm IS usually I saw a bit, but the recep- hgregor;@gp hb ml us or negative cntlclsm The performance, somethmg of a says Sara "It's not funzy" the rudest person m the tion was bad, and except find me at Grosse Pomte Hl1berry cast does a fine job watered down, Midwestern "Who knows?" says book (Let that be a les- for Carlyle nothmg Central Library WIth a good play about real- female Falstaff full of hfe Mervyn, eyemg Sara lSt:C characters havlIlg and boastmg a sweet over- "Tomght could be funzy" enough faults to go around confidence Later, a Jaded Sara "I don't tlunk a play IS Gorgeous has four chIl- admIts, "There are posslblh- really playmg If the author Artists sought for 18th annual Detroit festival dren and a daffy husband bes In hfe" has to explam It," who qUIt hiS legal practice to The 16th annual DetrOit Wayne State Umverslty and calhng the Festival office at Wasserst~m wrote m her . wnte detectIve novels In the "The Sisters Rosensweig" Festival of the Arts, sched- m DetrOIt's Cultural Center, (313l 577-5088 or by ~wn- essay, "Playwnght's style of Raymond Chandler runs through May 9 at the uled for Fnday-Sunday, the DetrOIt Festival of the loadmg one from the ConfessIOn" The thud Sister, Pfem, Hilberry Theatre, the gradu- Sept 13-15, m DetrOIt's Arts also features mterna- Festival's webSite at The Rosensweig SIsters played by Jenmfer Tuttle, IS ate repertory tbeater of the Umverslty Cultural Center, tlonal and local stage enter- www detrOltfestlval com are comphcated, contradIC- a travel wnter Of all the Wayne State UnwersLty IS seeking artists for Its tamment, street performers tory, often pedantic, refresh- men she's had the chance to Department of Theatre juned Artists' Market. from around the world, a The DetrOIt Festival of the mgly funny, sometImes meet on assignments ChJldren's Fair, food, fun The deadhne for entnes IS Arts lb. presented by brave and sometlllles cow- throughout the world, Prem The Hllberry IS located at Apnl26 and much, much more, free Marshall FJeld's Project ardly ieiL m love WIth Geoffrey, a the corner of Cass a'l.d tathe pubhc The ArtiSts' Market show- Imagme and produced by Sara Rosensweig IS a bISexual theatncal director Hancock on the WSU cam- cases 125 tuned artists from the Umverslty Cultural bankml!' PYPPlJtlue m in Louuun PIem hopes for a pus m Detma Artists' Market appl.ca- throughoti't North Amenca Center A,,"ULJdLlUll anJ London- played With appro- future With Geoffrey, who TIcket przces range from tlOns can be obtamed by Ongmal art for show and Wayne State Umverslty priate ngIdlty by Tnsha says to no surpnse that he $12 to $20, wLih perfor- sale ranges from hand- Miller The action of the play loves Pfem but "misses mances Thursday, Friday involves her sisters vlsltmg men" and Saturday evenings at 8 blown glass to sculpture to her to celebrate her birth- pm, wah matInees at 2 p m Vibrant watercolor palntmgs day "That's all nght, Geoffrey on selected dates For More and extraordmary Jewelry A smgle mother bnngmg I, do too," she Sighs, puttmg mformatlOn, call the box Located on the campus of up a rebelhous teenage down both Geoffrey and her- office at (313) 577-2972 daughter, Sara IS bitter VILLA COURTYARD TENT SALE R.E-S-T-A-U-R-A-N-T OPEN TO THE PUBLIC CASUAL ITALIAN DINING • NO Famous Chef Architectural Field Tile • Tile Overuns • Borders • Embossed Tile NO Lake Front View Homeowners can buy their tile for do-it yourself projects NO Gimmicks • fireplaces, backsplashes, countertops, floors, etc.•. dUST GREAT H~~(y,.l~ FRIDA 17 SATURDA Y SUNDAY (!~/£:'1''$' tb 4D APRIL 26 • APRIL 27tb, 10 a.m .• 6 p.m.

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L06JSTER DINNERS ~ - INCLUDE 11/2 POUND FRESH MAINE LOBSTER, HERES TOSSED RED 6KtN POTATOES" CORN ON THE COB r AND SLAW. ALLFOR .17.$" 1FM"-g~",,e'4 ~Mt..~~""e'4 'Il '1M .,.... ')0.J".J.~ ~ 01'_ 'R"{JIvy ... .,..-0. I.. " ('.01'. cg:-}..4/...g~"" e'4, 'It y#. y....~ -.J.,/...... <'_j_ ~J;- .u:t .... ,",li.C~ ~ pt $10 off off $5 $5 off Dinner:- Lunch Monday ...... Tltundov Mondey lhf"u fridov - ~ •• St.Ctolr~ Lunch - Flsh~'. St Oatr Shor .. Monday thru Fridav Rshbone"sSt. 001,. ~

\ \ " • April 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe NeW5 Metro calendar 11 B

Thu ... y, Borsarello Strmg TrlO to by Madeleine Socia await you at the annual PaInters of The American Grosse POinte UnItarIan of St ClaIr Shore!> and oper- April t8 AuctIOn benefiting Our Lady West senes Will Introduce brated m the exhlblilon Church, l"nday, April 19, at ated by the St Clalf Shores War & religion Star of the Sea Catholic you to the art of Charles Dance of the Forest Spmt.b 8 p m Tickets are $15 In lbstoncal CommiSSIOn The A Set of Native American Rabbi Sherwm Wme wIll School, Saturday, Apnl 20, Ru!>sell, Wednesday, May 1, advance or $18 at the door hom,e I" Op2n for tours Masks, through May 2002 focus on Thrkey Seculansts at 6 pm, at the A&umptlOn from 7 to 8 30 P m The fee IS (248) 477-1487 Wednc!>day and Saturday, Museum hours are agaInst FundamentalIsts, Cultural Center, 21800 $18 Explore the from 1 to 4 pm Call (586) Wednebday and Thur!>day, durIng the final program In Powerful pipes Marter In St Clair Shores IdentIficatIOn of True 771-9020 from 11 a m to 4 pm, h.!> War and RehglOn senes, Hear a tno of DetrOit's Tickets are $100 AntIques and ReproductIOns FrIday, from 10 a m to 9 Thursday, Apnl 18, at 730 finest organIsts, Includmg ReservatIOns are requested dunng an Antique Assumption offerings A full bthedule of t1asses p m and Saturday and pm, In Grosse POInte Edward Makl-Schramm, (313) 884-1070 Furmture Class, Thur"day, and event" av. alt ) ou at Thc Sunday, from 11 a m to fi UOItanan Church, 17150 Timothy Huth and Jeremy New understanding May 2, from 7 to 9 p m The As"umptlOn Cultural p m Recommended admIS- Maumee In Grosse POInte DaVId Tarrant, dunng an Gain a new understand- fee IS $18 MUSICCritic John Center, 21800 Marter on the sIOn I!>$4 for adults and $1 AdmiSSIOn IS $10 (313) 881- OrganISts Along Woodward 109 of the meamng uf work Gumn wJ1l look Into Lakme St Clair ShorcblGro!>se for children and studer.ts 0420 concert Fnday, Apnl 19, at In our lIves dunng a free dunng hiS Michigan Opera POInte Wood!> border Reach (313) 833-7963 730 pm, at MetropolItan Multi-media Discourse on Theatre PrevIew Lecture, Friday, April 1. a new !>tate of well.beIng Umted Methodist Church, the Ideas of the Monday, May 6, from 7 to G,P.Art Center views and cardIOvascular fitness Food & fellowship 8000 Woodward m DetrOit GurdueffJOusoeo'ikv FOl1rth 815 pm The fee l~ hare good tood and fel- Tl(.Ketl>lor adults are $10 m Way School, Saturday, Apnl Practice some romantIc l"j' "JgullIg UjJ tor the neo-pop style pamtmgs KalosomatIc6 exercise pro. low!>hlp during a Men's advance or $15 at the door, 20, at 2 pm, at Grosse relaxatIOn With Ma:,sage for of award-wmmng artists grams, which tombIne aero- FrIday Ecuml"Plcal for college students $8 In Pomte Umtartan Church Couples, Monday, May 6, Mary Ewald of Grosse biCS With walking, runmng, Breakfast, Fnday, Apnl 19, advance or $10 at the door, (734) 697-2477 from 7 to 9 30 pm The fee IS Pomte Park and Kevm at 7 30 am, at Grosse for youth, $5 In advance or stretching, clements of yoga Martm of Eastpomte, Slinclaw. April 21 $40 Refresh body and SpIrIt and klckboXIng The Spring Pomte Memonal Church, 16 $7 at the door (313) 875- I With LearnIng to Meditate, through Thursday, May 2, Lakeshore m Grosse POinte 7407, ext 301 Pasta party Mondays, May 6 and 13, SessIOn will run through at the new Grosse POInte Art Farms The Honorable Sacred sounds Dig Into a great dInner from 7 to 9 30 P m The fee IS Frtday, May 17 Fees are $52 Center, 1005 Maryland In for two-day seSSIOns, $74 for WillIam GlOvan of the 3rd The Madonna Umverslty when Boy Scout Troop 1407 $30 All aboard for a Day Grosse Pomte Park The three-day sessIOns and $94 Circuit Court, will be the Chorale Will offer a Spnng and the Men's Club of 8t TriP to the Holland ThlIp Center, which IS owned and for four-day sessIOns There featured speaker The fee IS Concert of sacred mUSIC, Margaret's of Scotland, Festival, 'IUesday, May 7, operated by the Grosse IS a 25'1r discount for $5 (313) 882-5330 FrIday, AprIl 19, at 7 30 21201 13 Mile In St Clair from 7 30 a m to 11 pm Pomte Artists AssoclatlOn, IS semors Parents who sign up Open house pm. at Grosse POinte Shores, host a benefit Pasta The fee IS $88 PreregIster open Wednesday, through for a Kalo class can take Umted Methodist Church, Dinner, Sunday, AprIl 21, USing your Master Card or Saturday, from 1 to 5 p m Greet old fnends Rnd advantage of free Kiddie 211 Moross In Grosse POInte from 1 to 6 pm Tickets are Visa, via fax at (313) 884- Call (313) 821-1848 make new ones dunng the KalolBaby SItting, Monday Farms FreewIll offerings $6 for adults and $4 for chIl- 6638, e-Mad Neighborhood Open House through Thursday, from 9 30 Stage It Screen Will be accepted to benefit dren and bemors The event www warmemortal org, or Luncheon hosted by Grosse to 10 a m Non-regIstered OSO notes Madonna Umverslty musIc Will also Include a raffie call (313) 881-7511 POInte Woods Presbytenan parents pay $1 for KIddie The teen mUSICians of the scholarshIps and programs (586) 285-1410 Attention seniors Church, 19950 Mack In DetrOIt Symphony (734) 432-5708 Kalo The 17-statIOn Gro"se Pomte Woods, Curtain Up Plan great getaways With Nautilus weight training Orchestra's CIVIC Smfoma IFnday, Apnl 19, at 12.30 a.turclay, Revel In sentiment, nos- Day TriPS leaVing from the room IS open Monday Will feature Mars and p m The fee IS $7 talg1a and laughter when Services For Older CItizens through Thursday, from 8 to Jupiter from Gustav Holst's April 20 the Grosse POinte Theatre at the Nelghborho'ld Club ReservatIOns are required 10 30 a m and 6 to 8 30 p m The Planets durmg their (313) 881-8186 presents Nell SImon's heart- offices, 17150 Waterloo In Blooming auction and Friday, from 8 to 1030 free concert, Sunday, Apnl warming comedy Bnghton Grosse POinte Participate Show House preview The DetrOIt Waldorf a m The fee IS $50 for two 21, at 730 pm, at DetrOIt Beach MemOIrs, Sunday, In the InternatIOnal Make your reservatlOn by School and the Indian days per week, $70 for three Symphony Orchestra Hall, Apnl 21 through Saturday, Women's Show at the Novi Fnday, Apnl 19, to attend Village Women's Garden days pC! week or $4 tor 3711 Woodward m DetrOit the Premiere Gala and Club will team to host theIr May 4, m the Fnes Expo Center, Thursday, May drop-in users. Kala MakIng her DSO debut Audltoflum of the Grosse 2, from 1030 a m to 3 pm Silent AuctlOn for the Jumor 15th annual AuctIOn, ExerclselNautIlus combo under the directIOn of her POinte War Memonal, 32 The fee IS $15 EnJOy a League of DetrOlt's Saturday, Apnl 20, at'6 pm, weekly workouts are $78 for father Neeme JarvI, flutist Lakeshore m Grosse POinte BehInd the Scenes Look at DeSigners' Show House at the DetrOIt Yacht Club, 1 two 6esslOns, $106 for three Maanka Jarvi wIll perform Farms Performances will be Outdoor World m Great 2002, Saturday, Apnl 27, Riverbank Rd on Belle Isle sessions or $124 for four ses- Chant of the Celestial Lake offered Wednesday through Lakes Crossing Mall, from 5 to 9 pm, at 41 In Detroit Tickets are $30 sIOns Free Blood Pressure by Estoman composer Saturday, at 8 p m and Thursday, May 9, from 10 30 Provencal In Grosse POInte ReservatlOns are required Screenings wlll be offered Peeter Vahi dUrIng DSO Tickets are $60 (313) 881- (313) 822-0300 Sunday, at 2 p.m. Tickets a m to 3'45 pm The fee IS Thursday, AprIl 25 and ClaSSical Senes concerts, 7626 For the birds are $14 Call (313) 881-4004 $9. All aboard for a tflP to Fnday, April 26, from 9 to Thursday, Apnl 25 through Can dol Rosann KovalCik of WJ1d Evemng shows wdl be pre- the LIOnel Tram VISItor 10 30 a m FabhlOn yuur own Saturday, Apnl 27 The cur- ceded by a Theatre Buffet, Center followed by lunch at Take your chances on 3. Birds Unlimited will lead a Beaded Bags and Necklaces, tam Will nse on Thursday at Bird Walk through the his- at 6 30 pm, m the War BaYVIew Gar Wood's Lodge, Thursdays, Apnl 18 and 8 p.m , Fnday at 1.30 and 8 great selectlOn ofpnzes dur- Memorial's Crystal Thursday, May 30, from 9 I Ing the Ninth Annual Tin tonc grounds of the Edsel & Apnl 25, from 6 30 to 830 p m and Saturday, at 8 30 Ballroom The fee IS $16 and a m to 1 50 p m The fee IS Can AuctIon at Tyrone Eleanor Ford House, 1100 P m The fee IS $25 Find out pm Tickets rang;) from $16 reservatIOns must be made $8 Indulge your mInd and Elementary School, 19525 Lakeshore In Grosse Pointe why Smart Women FinIsh to $75 Students and semors Shores, Saturday, Apnl 20, two days pnor to the penor- palate With SOC Luncheon RiCh, Thesday, Aprtl 23, over the age of 60 can pur- Tyrone in Harper Woods, mance Call (313) 881-7511 Lectures at 11 15 am, at Fnday, Apnl 19 Semors at 8 a.m. AdmISSIon IS $6 from 6 to 8 p m The fee IS chase 50 percent off RUSH Will be admitted at 4 p.m (313) 884.4222 Tu_day, the SOC offices Real Estate $6 Spice up your menu With tickets at the box office one and the general publIc can Pick a pet wlll be the tOPiC of the the Herb Society of hour pnor to clasSical con- April 23 Wednesday, May 1 program Join ill the fun. at 5 •.p.m. Amenca's Growmg Herbs certs, based on avaIlability Fmd a new furry fuend Snor~~-"- ...... ClU~.and F1F8t-..AJti WIll be Purchase tickets for 25 cents when the Grosse POinte Class, Thursday: April 25, (~13) 576-1HOO. Dr. Robert Fishman, oto- the focus on Monday, May 6 and place them m the can In Ammal Adoption Society from 7 to 9 p m The fee is Drama x 2 IaryngologIst, wIll Jom Dr Shirley Dudley of the front of the pnze dIsplay brings a selectlOn of poten- $15 Macomb County Tymon Totte, D D.S , m pre- DetrOit Area Agency on See Wendy Wasserstem's that you want to Win. Grand tial pets to the ChJ1dren's Commumty College offers a sentIng a free Aging WIll diSCUSSMedICare ode to truth,love and famIly, pnze tickets are $1 Prize Home of DetrOIt, 900 Cook Wide varIety of ways to Apnea/SnorIng Therapy & You, Wednesday, May 15 The SIsters Rosensweig, draWings begm at 7 p m m Grosse Pomte Woods, expand your hortzons at Lecture, Tuesday, Apnl 23, MelInda Bobco of AllIance through Thursday, May 9, at Refreshments wIll be served Saturday, Apnl 20, from their As'iumptlOn Cultural at 7 pm, In the audltonum Home Care will answer the Wayne State UnIversity's throughout the evemng noon to 3 p.m. (313) 884- Center campus To register Hilberry Theatre, 4743 Cass (313) 886.7756 1551 of 8t John Hospital and questIOn Do Doctors StIll for MCC programs, call Medical Center, 22101 Make House Calls?, m DetrOit Applaud MJ1mall Spring strings On the block (586) 498-4000 Bulgakov's dramatic tale of Moross in Detroit. Wednesday, May 22 PreregistratIOn IS reqUIred Chamber MUSIC at the A tnp to St. Maarten, a ReservatlOns are reqUIred ReservatIOns are reqUired passIOn and betrayal, Scarab Club WIll bnng the two-year lease on a Mercury for mo"t AssumptIOn cours- MolIere, through Saturday, (888) 757.5463 for tnps and lectures (313) es Call (586) 779-6111 French ensemble, the Mountameer and more May 18 Performances wl1l Slindaw April 28 882-96?0 be offered m rotatmg reper- , " Feel fit Exhibitions ClaSSical concert SenIors are inVIted to tory, Thursday through a Show. Saturday, at 8 p m Tickets Greg Staples, vlOhn bUIld fitness and flexlblhty At the OIA range from $15 to $20, With solOIst With the DetrOit by partlclpatmg In an ongo- Symphony Orchestra, wIll mg Chair ExerCise Class From the old masters to a $2 dIscount for students Last week;s the finest In modern art, diS- lend hiS talents to a Grosse Mondays and Wednesdays' and semors for Thursday cover the gallene!> and exhi- POInte Symphony Orchestra from 11 15 a m to noon at and Fnday performances (313) 577-2972 Concert, Sunday, Apnl 28, at Grosse POinte Unl'ted bItIons of the DetrOIt puzzle InstItute of Arts, 5200 3 pm, In the Audltonum of MethodIst Church, 211 Fowl comedy Woodward In DetrOIt The Parcells MIddle School, Morass m GnJ"6e Pomte A diSIllUSIOned woman flow oi artIstic Ideas from solved 20600 Mack In Grosse Farms The fee IS $5 per les- finds her love and lIvelIhood POInte Woods Tickets for son (313) 886-9024 India, China, Korea and at an Anzona dmer In the the concert are $15 for . • Japan ,s illu!>trated through warm comIc play Fast acfults, $12 for semors or POinte s past BuddhIst sculpture m the 1 Surrounded Ducks, on stage at the free for Grosse POinte area Clean Out )ulJl clo:>etl>, Asian Gallcnes 10 the new by DetroIt R"'verwry Theatre, stnng students and their attic, basement and garage exhibItIOn Art In Focus 5 BOVInebeast l2 13103 Woodrow WIlson In Buddhist GallerIes, 8Arpsstyle parents Students should and donate all of your DetrOIt, through Sunday, Wednesday, Aprtl 24 12 Actress phone-In their orders unwanted treasures, WIth May 19 Performances Will through Sunday, July 14 Kudrow between 9 a m and 9 pm to the exceptIOn of clothing, be offered Thursdays and Take In the 65th annual 13 Exploll request free tickets Le~ve books and compute. s, to the Fndays, at 8 30 pm, 14 Hollywood your name address and the Grosse Pomte Hlstoncal DetrOit Pub1Jc Schools Saturdays, at 3 and 8 30 clashers number of tickets you would Society for Its Upscale Sale Student Exhibition, through pm and Sundays at 2 and 15 BaSIC (Abbr } lIke to have mailed to you benefit, Saturday, May 18, Saturday, May 18 Explore 730 pm Tickets are $15 16 Meadow (313) 882-0077 at the hlstonc Provencal- the Curator's ChOice A (313) 868.1347 songbird I.- • L Welr House, 376 Kercheval Personal Look at Prmts, L m Grossc POinte Farms Musical melodrama 18 Au1honzes ..... _rn through The!>day, Apnl 30 War Memorial Update While shopping. expenence More than 160 works chron- The Sphere that was 20 Bea stly types Chopin, a mUSical melodra- 21 Orders to a Enhance your mInd body Grosse POll1te's past wlth a Iclmg the struggles and ma about the famed French guard dog and spmt by partak;ng In free tour of the Society's c asplratlOns of Afrtcan. composer and hiS CIrcle of 23 Author the courses and adventures 1823 Provencal- Welr Amencans can be expert- fnends, Will be featured on LeShan offered at the Grosse Pomte House Guests can learn enced through the new exhi- Sunday, Apnl 21, at 7 pm, 24 Bonanzas War Memonal Perfect your about 19th Century lIfe In bItIOn Over the Lme The 28 Lat picture taking techmques Grosse Pomte, vIew an Art and Life of Jacob dunng Chamber MUSIC at ~st~nder With How To Photograph exhIbIt of hlstonc pho- Lawrence, through Sunday, the Scarab Club, 217 31 Past Children, Tuesdays, Apnl 30 tographs and Vlblt the newly May 19 Amenca's oldest Farnsworth Tickets are $15 32 EmanatJons Did: Tracy through May 14, from 7 to renovated Log Cabm, c cultural tradItIOns are cele- In advance, $18 at the door 9 Rabb~rouser 36 D C airpOrt (248) 477-1487 34 Harem room 56 Ranng to go 10 FInished 38 'The Two lO p m The fee IS $50 Bnng 1840, on the property In 35 Flex 57 Freeway 11 Requests SISters' out the artIst m yOU WIth addition, they can purchase 37 Annie's song? egress 17 Raw rode palllter Workmg from the FIgure Videos featurmg Gros~c 39 Seek restrt[/- 19 Philbin s co- 40 Subordinate drawmg, Wednesdays, May POInte hl;'tory and related bon DOWN host Claus 1 through June 5, from 1 to publIcations and product.~ 41 Maralhon 1 A Baldwin 22 Sen 42 Touch DO YOU 4 pm The fee IS $68 Allow (313) 884-7010 fraction ••• brother Thurmond 43 Jalopy cullnaryl pastry arts expert Farmhouse museum want to be in the metro calendar? 42 Moon-Iandmg 2 Pepper 24 Poke 44 'How dumsy Then fill out thiSform send II to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte program Michelle Bommanto to spice Step back mto the dmh gnnder 25 Prepare wine of me" up your menus WIth a van- Ilfe of a mId-19th century Farms. 48236, Of fax to (313} 882-1585. by 3 P m FrIday 45 Hrgh POint 3 'Gotcl1a' 26 Says 'There 46 Bygone ety of courses Cookie farm famIly hVlng m Enn Event 49 wallet 4 Pattemed Ihere' PenMan Decoratmg WIll be offered Township, now 8t ClaIr 51 D,aftable weave 27 Underground 47 Abound Date Saturday, Apnl 27, from 10 Shore'i With a tour of the 52 Fonda role 5 Uniformed publltallon <48 tieaventy a m to noon The fee IS $40 Sellnsky Green Farmhou'ic Time 53 Shell game yOlJOgster 29 Commollon Instrument need 6 Bear In 30 McBeal s 50 Appomattox On Thesday, Apnl 30, cook MU'i('um, located directly Place 54 Champagne Barcelona rTlIheu VIP Heart Smart dIshes from 1 behInd the 8t ClaIr Shore ... Cost buc,l(et 7 'Dragnet" slar 33 Seafood to 3 P m or Just Say Cheesel Public LIbrary LI'itrd In the 55 Mrs 8 Fool selecllOll from 6 tQ 8 pm The [pe for Michigan State Rl'gli"tC'r of Questions? Call each class l'i $45 Michael Hlstonc SiteI', thiS farm Con tact Person Farrell's Pamtmg and house I!>owned by the Clt)

I Family features by Madeleine Socia Apnl18,2002 12B Grosse Pointe News [)

War Memorial for kids 432-3800 nave fun for a good cause at 2 p m View Sprmg Skies, from lOa m to 4 P m Zoo Nautical history The Grosse POinte War Party time With Bowhng for SpeCial With weekend screemngs at admiSSIOn IS $8 for adults, Expenence the new exhI- Memonal, 32 Lakeshore 10 The Family Center inVites Needs Children and Their 1 and 3 pm, alternating $6 for semors and cluldren, bitIOn Workln!{ the Inland Grosbe Pomte Farms, offers you to Jom In A CelebratIOn Falmhes, Tuesdays, through With the VIrtual reality Jour- ages 2 to 12 ParkIng IS $4 Seas Stones of Afncan a full schedule of educatIOn- for the Month of the Young May 21, from 430 to 6 pm, ney Views of the UOlverse, for cars and vans. (248) 398- Amencans on the Great • al and social adventures for ChJ!d, Sunday, Apnl 21, at Lakeshore Lanes, 31025 shown at 11 am, noon, 2, 4 0903 Lakes, through Apnl 2003, chJ!dren Boys, ages 9 to 12, from 2 to 5 pm" at the Jefferson In St Clair and 5 p m Hands-on labo- Cool cars at Belle Isle's Dossln Great J" can polish their manners Barnes Early ChIldhood Shores The tee, which ratory exhibits locus on View a collectIon repre- Lakes Museum, accessIble 1 With A Little Grace and Center The Merry MUSIC mcludes shoes, IS $40 per motIOn, life SCiences, matter sentmg three decades of via the MacArthur Bndge at Charm classes, Tuebdays, Maker Will appear at 2 pm, person (313) 884-6361 and energy, waves and automotive deSign, Includ- E Jefferson and E Grand AprJl 25 through May 9, vlbrdtJons Now showmg In followed by the SCIence Ahve Just for kids mg a 1904 Runabout, a Boulevard In Detroit 1 " from 4 to 5 30 pm The fee IS Ammal Show at 3 p m The ChJldren'!> Museum of the Center's IMAX Dome 1933 Stutz Monte Carlo and Prepare for the summer $70 Youngbters, ages 6 and Clowns, face pamtIng, finger the DetrOit Public Schools, Theatre ISThe Human Body, a 1949 BUick Roadmaster salling season by attendmg up, can dance around the pamtmg, RobbIe the Robot 6134 Second III Detroit, pre- a fanta!>tJc voyage through RIVIera, at the Automotive the Great Lakes Maritime Maypole dUring a splendid and more also add to the sents lots of free opportum- pregnancy, at noon, 2 and 4 Hall of Fame, 21400 Institute's free Flttmg Out p m on weekends and noon May Day Tea, Wednesday, free afternoon of famIly fun tIes to expand your child's Oakwood III Dearborn View Party, Saturday, AprJ! 27, May 1, from 4 to 5 30 pm (313) 432-3800 mmd and ImagInatIOn Jom and 2 p m on weekdays The Dodge Brothers Motor from 11 a m to 4 pm Author The fee IS $25 tor one parent m the fun of the The LiOn Dolphms WIll be shown at 1 Car ExhIbit, featunng Barry Gough Will offer a free CHADD workshop and 3 p m on weekends and and one child and $10 for Discover PO~ItJve KIng Circle ot LIfe Grand archival matenals from lecture on the naval battles " 1 p m on weekdays Journey each additional chJld BehaVIOr Supports for par- Open Hoube Gala, Saturday, Meadow Brook Hall, that took place on Lake \.. "'~.".."'v ...... lh...~'U.6.... '"''-',,",-Il''-'':' ,",uu Ul", Ree:!~~eJ WUI1,Y IV! .Ill:: ents and profeSSIOnals duro April ,W, Irom l~.:IV W ,j dV through bunday, July !:I The tiuron dunng the War ot " seen at 10 and 11 a m on School's Out Dance, Fnday, mg a workshop, Saturday, P 1'1 Get mto the groove Hall of Fame IS open dally, 1812 He will also Sign his weekdays and 11 a m and 5 May 17, from 730 to 10 '30 AprJ! 20, from 9 a m to 3 With a PresentIng HIp Hop from 10 a m to 5 pm The new book, Flghtl:Ig Sailors p m on weekends The pm TIckets are $10 and pm, m the MichIgan Room Popl Workshop, Saturday, fee IS $6 for adults, $5 50 for on Lake Huron Guests can Museum IS open Monday students must have a War of the MISD BUlldmg, 44001 April 27, at 1230 pm The semors ages 62 and up and also mspect the Sea Scout Memonal IdentificatIOn through Friday, from 9 30 Garfield 10 Chnton fee IS $3 Take m the speCIal $3 for children ages 5 to 12 boat Gray Fox, a sea cadet a m to 3 pm., Saturday and Card PreregIstratIOn IS Township The workshop exhibitIOn Young VISIOns (313) 240-4000 trammg vessel whIch WIll be reqUIred for most programs WIll be sponsored by City ReflectIOns by Detroit Sunday, from 11 a m to 5 docked at the museum from , ActiVIties can be charged to pm AdmISSIon IS $7 for Strings attached Children and Adults With Students, through Saturday, Adults and children alike 2 to 4 p m ChIldren can your Master Card or VIsa, adult,'l, $6 for SPl1lors and $5 AttentIOn DefiCit Disorder of May 25 RegIstratIOn IS can applaud th~ a man- explore permanent exhlbl- " vIa fax at (313) 884-6638 or for children IMAX Theatre Eastern Wayne and reqUIred for all programs onette ballet versIon of twns featunng the doomed 'I phone at (313) 881-7511 tIckets lire an additIOnal $2 Macomb Counties, Tncia The Museum IS open Cmderella, Saturdays, at 2 shIp Edmund Fitzgerald and ) (313) 577-8400 Off to Oz Luker of CAUSE and the Monday through Saturday, pm, April 6 through Apnl a freIghter pIlothouse The Follow the yellow bnck MacomblSt Clair Chapter of from 9 a m to 4 p m Call ZOO news 27, at the Detroit Puppet museum IS oppn Wf'dnf'sday road to find games and good ASA (586) 447-2845 (313) 873-8100. Expenence the anImals Theatre, 25 E Grand RIver through Sunday, from 10 tImes at the Wizard of Oz Celebrate reading Indoor playtime and more at the DetrOIt Zoo, in DetrOIt TIckets are $7 for a m to 5 p m AdmIssiOn IS themed Kerby Karmval Celebrate the gIft of read. The FamIly Center mVltes at Ten Mile and Woodward adults and $5 for cluldren $2 for adult~ dIH.l$1 for chil- 2002, Saturday, AprIl 27, 10 Royal Oak Look at the dren, ages 12 to 18 (313) mg WIth free NatIOnal area preschoolers and theIr ReservatIOns are requested from 10 a.m to 4 pm, at 852-4051 LIbrary Week programs at parents to come out of the amazmg anatomical adapta- (313) 961-7777 Kerby Elemer.tary Scho()l, the St Clair Shores Public cold and enpy Play Central, tIOns of anteaters vIa the History alive 285 Kerby in Grosse Pointe African-American Llbrary, 22500 Eleven Mile an mdoor playtime program, SIngle kIosk mteractIve The Henry Ford Museum Farms TIckets are five for experience in St ClaIr Shores On Tuesdays and Thursdays, exlublt Anteaters Fast Food and Greenfield Village, $1 m advance from the Speclahsts, through Sunday, Explore the wonders of Thursday, April 18, at 3 30 from 1 to 3 pm., through 20900 Oakwood m Kerby School office or 4 for Sept 8, In the WIldlIfe the Charles H Wnght p.m, youngsters In grades Tuesday, April 23, at Beacon Dearborn, wJ!1 open Its new $1 on thf' day of the Museum of African four through eight can revel Elementary School, 19475 Interpretive Gallery Chill season with a VISIt from tele- Karnival (313) 432-3200 out With the polar bears, Amencan HIstory, 315 E 10 Mystenes Abound @ Your Beaconsfield m Harper VISiOn's Thomas the Tank Warren 10 DetrOIt. See In Kindergarten preview Library Children can Wooos, or Wednesdays, from arctIc foxes, seals and snowy Engme, Thursday, April 18 Fmd out how to start 9 to 11 am, at the Barnes owls at the Zoo's new 4.2 the Spint of Martin, a through Sunday, AprJ! 24 Unleash the Power of Your SmIthsonian ExhIbitIOn of Gettmg Ready for ImagInation @ Your Library Early Chlldhouu Ct!uLer, acre Arctlc Ring of LIfe dud Sunday, AprIl 29 Visual Arts celebratmg the Kmdergarten, academIcally, on Saturday, April 20, at 1 20090 Mornmgslde 10 exhibIt ViSItOrs can catch Palette internatIOnal Ford life and times of Dr. Martin emotIOnally and SOCIally, pm. (586) 771-9020 Grosse Pomte Woods The the underwater actIOn WIth DesIgn Art Show eXhibit, .." a trip through the Polar Luther Kmg Jr 10 120 dUring a Family Center pro- 50ecial needs soccer free sessions WIll run featunng the work of Ford gram, Tu.e"JnlSG, a~ 7 tnrough 1'\pni 2002 (313) Pas.:tag6, a Lu.i14ut:: 70-ft lout:; .....-arks iJf art toY pIVll.1lJHm~ RegIster today for Top designers and sculptors cre- p m Educators Deb Kraft 343-6711 clear tunnel, to catch all the and emergIng artists, Soccer for Speclal Needs ated after hours, runs and Dorothy HeltJan will Super science excltmg underwater actIOn. through Sunday, July 28 through Monday, May 17 Children, a program that Take a nde on the Wild SIde The Museum's core exhIbit, lecture at the Barnes Early Tour the new, Improved Fabulous In the FlflIes. The runs Saturday, April 27 and get an anImal's eye-vIew Of the People, celebrates Chlldhood Center, 20090 DetrOIt SCience Center, 5020 FashIOns of Elizabeth Parke through Saturday, June 8 ofhfe on the WIld Adventure Detroit's place m African Mormngslde 10 Grosse John R m DetrOIt. Take a Firestone WIll be on display The fee, payable to the Simulator. TIckets are $4 American heritage and cul- Pomte Woods Educators triP through the solar sys- at the new Benson Ford Grosse Pomte Soccer Along WIth VISIts to the ture The Museum.is open Sandy Wassmer and Jan tem With the amazmg new Research Center, a $17 mll- ASSOCIatIon, IS $15 The other great anImals, guests VVednesday through Gottsleben WIll speak at 'lhow Hllhhle Images of the hon faCIlity housmg the ~prlng unIform is $25 or $15 can see the spectacular $6 Saturday, from 9 30 a.m. to Beacon Elementary School, Infimte, opening Saturday, museum's reading room, ref- for those who need to million NatIOnal AmphIbIan 5 pm, and Sunday, from 1 19475 Beaconsfield m Apnl 20 In the Center's erence resources and staff replace the top only. (313) ConservatIOn Center dedI- to 5 p m AdmiSSion IS $5 for Harper Woods Chlldcare for DIgItal Dome Planetarium and changmg gallery space, 886-3445 cated to the conservatIon, adults and $3 for chddren children age!> 2 and up WIll The show WIll be offered through Sunday, July 14 _ Bowling for kids preservation, exhIbitIon and over the age of five (313) be prOVIded A donation of weekends, at 11 a m., noon, Travel through the past 100 ; The whole family can 494-5800 $10 Will be accepted (313) 2, 4 and 5 p m or weekdays mterpretatlO~of amphIbIan ."~ y~ vIa the special exhibit : hfe The Zoo'1.8 'Open dal.ly 1 See FAMILY, page 4B ) ~ " I' ~ - . ( • I . I 1 Ol flff\count::ern i01111:8 l)u < I '.,~"" -;< .,;,;...... ,;." ...;,.'-" . , . I .j\L ~ -, -.-'- ~ ~~ • I I -. ?"'" kathleen stevenson • I : I • I • I . I 'PtJUete&~ . , I Embroidery and screen printzng BOft-LOOT SUSHI MASSAGE THERAPY ,I 313-642-1190 In addition to our awesome stir , ,FInal ~a..:kdowI?- In BYE-~Y~ I fry and salad bars, MONGOLIAN Martha O'Neal, NCTMB, has a \', nel,.V area cod€.' 58e~872..6445. Day ClearanCe! tltore ClOSIng Apnl '1.'/. I GRILLE is now serving fresh, " " , Additional 10% off sale pnces. Our Spa on. the-Hill, Pierson " made to order Sushi Monday " Rochester Store remams open, or ProfesslOnul Buildtng, 131 " through Wednesday nights. Start " Kercheval Ave, Suite 50, Grosse " find us on-line at www.bonloot.com " off your Mongolian stir fry with a " ...Grosse Pointe store is at 17114 Poznte Fatms. 11 years expenence' " I Kercheval in-the-Village. 313-886- California Roll as an appetizer or ,I 8386 make a whole dinner out of , SushI. However you .want to do it, , I', Ann you will not find a higher quality Arbor Sushi this side of .T::m:ml Antiques Mongolian Grill 18480 Mack Market Avenue (313)884-3686. , ANTIQUE LOVERS POINTE , Jom us at the famous ANN ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKET. ':, " The happening is Saturday & ... I, CENTEII I Sunday, April 20 & 21st. One of . POInte Fitness & Training has With warmer and drier weather , the nations largest and longest opened another facIlity! We are arriving u's time to roke extra care of ,• running regularly scheduled , located off the serVIce drive your skzn. The NOTRE DAME , antiques shows with over 300 bet\ een Morass and Allard (. PHARMACY has a new VLta Bath , dealers all under cover. Dealers StIll on Mack, (313)885-3600 Spa line of body ods, lotwns, soaps ':, in quality antiques and select col- I plus we catry a complete hne of VIta , lectibles, WIthevery Item guaran- .~) , AM Food' CtdUII. SlIICt IH' Bath products. Plus, Caswell - Massey teed as represented. HIghly diver- " , FREE SHU7TLE TO THE "JOE" and Taylor of umdon fine llne of :: sified show with emphasis on fur- soaps, lotions, bath gels and sachets. , niture, accessones and most spe- EVERY HOME RED WING GAME . Jom us every Sunday for our Stop by and we'll be happy to assist , cialties. This IS Ann Arbor , SUNDAY BRUNCH, 11 a.m.- 2:30 I you .. at 16926 Kercheval zn-the. , AntIques Market 34th season. On pm Plus, we have wznter eventng I Vdlage. (313)885-2154. *; SIte delivery service, several , dznner speclals. Monday & • I snack bars WIth custom made Tuesday - Cntlfled Angus Roast .., Ed Maliszewski :' fouds. Locator servIce for findmg Carpeting Pnme Rlb. Wednesday - Fresh • I special Items and dealers. Lake Superwr Whlte Flsh ..:' Admission $5 00 per person. The Thursday - Certlfled Angus Short ., Save $15 00 a square yard on ", time is 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.... at Rlb~ uf Bee{ BOOK SINDBAlYS ""I, Karastan Woven Wool products "I., 5055 Ann Arbor - Sahne Road "SOHAR" ROOM TODAY! Perfect for ., now Only at MalIszewskI your prwate partles and speclal (Exit #175 off 1-94, then south 3 To adv.rtl •• .1 Carpetmg! 21435 Greater Mack, occa...~/,()nsCall (313)822-7817 for more Inthll column .' miles), Washtenaw Farm CouncIl St ClaIr Shores, (586)776-5510 mformatwn at 100 St Clmr on-the- " Grounds. FREE parkmg. call (313) 882.3500 :: Rwer. bV 2:00 p,m. Frtdaya ... , .. Wood's retirelllent will tnark the end of an era at ULS

By Chuck Klonke wanted 10 terms of pay was team for 13 seasons In the week commitment, they're title ms players more than Ju"t Sports Editor the TIght to play golf, they last 36 years. the Kmghts wllhng to do It, too And the) "It's lIke a Ripley's Beheve how to wm Before each sea- An era will end this sprmg hired me on the spot," Wood boys teams have won 26 feel a respon".blhty to the It or Not," Wood said "on, he holds a 10-mInute VI hen Umver"lty Liggett l>ald With a smIle "I'm gomg state champlOllshlps and players who have come Wood has taken hiS boys sessIOn on how to shake School closes Its doors on the to get to know my neighbors, have been state runners-up before them to keep the tra- tenml> team on a spnng tnp hands 2001 2002 school year whose homes are on a lake eight tImes He also won 12 dition gOing" each vear since 1967, and "Shakmg hands IS so That's when Bob Wood's Maybe they'll let me fish state titles as the girls Wood has coached second- year after year the Kmghts Important for Job mten'lews ~2-year aSSociatIOn with the from their back yards coach, 10cludmg 1990 when generatwll tenms players at play one of the toughest and other facets of hfe," he ~chool Will be over "And I'm gomg to be the ULS became the first high Wood, who has been on ULS on .both the boys and se-hedules 10 the state said No 1 fan of boys and glrls school 10 Michigan to Jump girls teams ihl' UI.c:; f~H'l1ltv~m"" 1QI3S • , 1(> ,...,1 ,.... "We call our schedule the In 1968 Wood and Art :p~:t.::; ~t t~.l"'" "[;U.H '-'j.Olt) l,.",U ""''''alSO part at that AP (advanced placement) of May, who was then the ath- and has been - Its athletic School of Jackson" A) and wm a state champi- tradition that has passed on high school tenms," he saId letiC director at Hamtramck,


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Lease Loyalty -$29.91** $291.02** April 18,2002 2C Grosse Pointe News Bishop Gallagher's offense hits overdrive in baseball victory By Bob St. John opener agamst Royal Oak CoD East DIVISIOn Staff wnter Shnne were poetpoJ1ed doe Next for the Lancers 18 a Head coach Tom Ochab to poor field conditions home game on Fnday, ApI'll knew his Bishop Gallagher The Bishop Gallagher IS, agamst Hamtramck St baseball squad was much baseball team improves to 1- Flonan, (ollowed by an away Improved from a year ago 2 overall doubleheader on Monday, It took the Lancers a few Coming up for the Lancers April 22,. , against weeks to earn wm No 1, but arp home doubleheaders on Dommlcan this season It took until Saturday, AprIl 20, and game three to get It as they 'IUesday, Apnl 23, against Track crunched Warren Center Lme St Clement and Immaculate Conception 12- DetrOIt Benedlctme, fol- Bishop Gallagher's 4 last week lowed by a smgle gamp at Jeamae Lawton began her "It feels good to get the home on Wednesday, Apnl final track season m style first Win under our belt 24, against Immaculate last week, wlnrnng the shot ~, ....h n"'l .. l".\ +\-,,,," ., 'vo.., .... f""ln ...... __...... J ...... t""'v .. tJUL. clUJ .1,,,cu,, iu LhlJ ago," Ochab saId "Everyone Lancers' quad mept at contnbuted and our younger Softball Lutheran East players had to st.Pp It up "She dId a nlce Job for smce Bnan (Seery) mIssed The BIshop Gallagher throwing early In the season The St. Clare Montefalco sixth-grade boys basketball team won the Detroit the game with an eye softball team played one when It was cold and a little Catholic Youth Organization Northeast Division championship with a 10-0 mJury~ game last week, beatmg wmdy," assistant coach Ron record. In front, from left, are zaJr. Chopp, Andrew Buchholtz, Matt Moore, Jay Semor Chns Economeas Detroit Dorrunican 12-1 Batten said Williams, Nathan Stanley, Tyler ConllUl, Christian Ratliff and Terry Miller. In was the wmning pitcher, Senior Bndget Carpenter Lawton threw the shot back, from left, are Tom Carlon, Michael Herzog, Mark Riashi, Chris Alexander, glVlng up three lilts and pitched a two-hitter and had put 37 feet, 8 inches, and the a~sistant coach Vern Moore, Chris Robinson, Ben Muer, Tom VanderSchaaf and stnklng out SIX He also had a hIt In the league V1Ctory d18CUS128 feet, 9 1/2 mches, Nick Elsey. Not pictured is coach Bob Conway. two hIts to help hiS own Semor Katresha Lee which placed first 10 each cause paced tl>e offensIVe attack event by more than 10 and C... 1"'....,.. '" The Lancers' games With two hIts, while senior 50 feet, respectlueh' r'-.l.Q.l. C u.... a perfect '10' in CYO agamst Detroit St Martin Milko White, semor Jessie As a team, the Lancers' dePo'rres and their league Smith, senior Helen guls squad earned 54 Pettway and sophomore points Southfield Christian basketball league games StephanIe Sosa had smgles was first WIth 102 112, while Wood- "It was a good way to start host Lutheran East had 63 The St Clare de Demons t\vice and sCul~d ~ ~eam Da~" thp haij as \"ell as From page Ie the season," head coach 1/2 Plymouth ChnstIan Montefalco Sixth-grade boy:J season-hIgh 52 pomts 10 a these- guys do," Conway Dennis Q()re s81d. "BrIdget was fourth With three bask::::tbaH tCdlU le\,entiy Win at Dearborn DIVine saId varsity and jumor varsity pitched a strong game and pomts completed an outstanding Child JOlnmg Muer, Herzog, basketball, JV football - the offensive gave her plenty Bishop Gallagher also season that Included a 10-0 In that game, Ben Muer Alexander, Robinson and and hockey of support ~ took first In the SOO-meter record m the tough led the way for St Clare Rlashi as outstanding "I mIght be the only unde- The Lancers also played relay and the 300-meter low Northeast DIVISion of the with 18 POints and MIchael passers were Jay WillIams, feated hockey coach in the Bloomfield Hills Sacred hurdles, plus second in the DetrOIt Cathohc Youth Herzog scored 13 ChriS Nate Stanley, Tyler Conlan state," Wood said "We had a Heart and were tied 3-3 long Jump, shot put, discus, c::'IT'I,.I ...... ' ...... -...... 1.. ..1.~1_...J .Aft..pr nin,p lnn1'l''\hcJ 'h,..,r ....._ ...... \..-. OrgamzatlOn Alexander llclclpcl 10 nnmtq ~nn Androu, B-..:~!",.,.J..:..:-:t:. - _ _-'" 0...... u 3,2CO-wctci leld)' HUU The Falcons posted an and ChrIS Robinso; had NIck Else), Zak Chopp, agamst Country Day and I rains came ~~rh"'al;d~ th~ 1,600-meter relay overall record of 16-2 mne Mark Rlashi played Matt Moore, Tom Vander was planmng to attend the game. The boys, behind the agalOst a very competitive hIs usual fine floor game Schaaf and C J. Fisher were game as a spectator to sup- "BrIdget was gamIng efforts of semors David schedule League vlctones Coach Bob Conway smd among the reboundmg lead- port the team momentum with each Jones, Damlen Brown and came agamst area squads that the Falcons showed ers. Chnstlan Rathff, Tom "When I got there, I got a mning and We had seven MIlton Johnson, placed first St Paul, Star of the Sea and steady improvement Canon and Terry Miller call from Graham Cragg, hits off their ace," Q()re said. in the long Jump, discus, St Margaret throughout the season were also key offenSIve con- who was the coach He said "We had our chances to beat 3,200-meter relay, 400- In addition to its eyO "In 25 years of watchIng trIbutors that hIs Wife had gone into them, but now we have to meter relay, 400.meter dash, • competItlOn, the Falcons CYO basketball I have never labor and asked me if I wait and finish the game the 300-meter low hurdles and beat the Grosse Pomte Blue witnessed a SIxth grade would coach the team He next time we play." 1,600-meter relay North blanks wrote out the lineup, I went Carpenter had 14 stnke- behmd the bench and we outs and gave up three hIts, In the team standings, non-league foe won 5-4 Kevm Bolton whIle Pettway's two-run Southfield ChrIstian won . scored three goals for us and homer in the fifth inning with 95 points, followed by In soccer the Craggs named their son was the Lancers' biggest hit Bishop Gallagher with 79, SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES Kevm" of the game. Lutheran East with 6S and Jumor Katie Masserang, plymouth ChnstIan WIth APRIL 8, 2002 Grosse Pomte North's Wood's Impact on hIgh girls soccer team remained school sports has extended Wlute, Carpenter, Lee, Sosa eight. unbeaten last week WIth a 3- far beyond the ULS campus, and Pettway had the other Uprommg for the B18hop The Meellng \I a, ('dlled Loorder al 7 10 pm begInmng wnh hits through the first rune Gallagher track team IS a the Pledgc of Alleglante o non-league victory over mcludmg an appearance on Bloomfield HIlls Andover ESPN's Scholastic Sports ilmings. home meet on Monday, AprIl The BIshop Gallagher Pre,ent on Roll Call Mayor Gaffney, Mayor Pro-Tern Knelser, Leah Cherf scored two Amencashow 22, against Riverview Council members Therese Jo~eph. Charle~ S "Terry" Dav!> III, goals and Cailln Campbell He founded the MIchigan softball team is 1-0 overall Gabnel Richard (at ! OUI I Them\ Jamc, C Farquhar and Frances L Schonerberg notched one for the HIgh School Tenms Coaches and in the Catholic League Lutheran East). Norsemen, who are 2-0-0 AssociatIOn and has been on Tho,e ah,ent ....erc Nonc Kelly J apowlcz collected the MIchIgan HIgh School three asSISts Athletic As<;oclatlOn tennis Local rowers make Aho PrC\enl Me"r, Wilham T Burges" City Allorney Coach ChIp Stencel s81d seeding committee since it R"hdrd G SolaJ.,.City Managcr. Shanc L Reeslde. Cny Clcrk. that semor defenders Jlllcph T Leondrd Dlfeltor ot Publil SerVile, Rohert K was organIzed m 1967. hrher, Dlrel!Of of Publ'l Safely Caltlm Herman and Lauren ULS has hosted several Safran had outstandlOg MHSAA tournaments, a strong showing 1\11.1) OfGallney pre'>ldcdat Ihe Mcellng games for North as they mcluding SIX during last Grosse Pointe rowers from DiBattista, MInney, Renema helped goalIe Mem Fanner year's spnng season Detroit ROWIng won five and Sheppard South's team The MInute' of the Regular Meeting held Mar(.h II, 2002.....ere record her first shutout of "That's something we events at the recent of coX&wain Walsh, Joh....lson, ,lppro\ cd .I, \uhmllLed the season couldn't do WIthout the help Michigan High Furest, Hackett and of a lot of people. " Wood said. SchoollJunior Rowing VanderHeide was fourth TI kf~. _r l..,...,., .J,.. _11''L. I ...... "''''' .. I I' .... UllIU~""',,) 1.11 UH ... '--IU~CU ""~:'li'JUIl liCIU n'hlH..1l I J I ~'LN.L.. ",ere He IS a past president of ,lpprO\cd .1\ ,ubmilled Regatta at Stony Creek South's team of Walsh Local players the National HIgh School Metropark. (cox), Heide, Carrier, The Counlll appro\ed thc Facade Sne Plan ,ubmJlted by help win hoops AthletIc Coaches Association The Detroit RoWIng team Hackett and Lambers was I d\\drd Ru\\ell, III 120/110 Ken..hc\al subject to approvdl of and currept)y IS a board cons18ts mainly of rowers runner-up In the men's hIgh 'JrI,IneC h) the Zoning Board of Appeal.. member of the N ahonal from Grosse Pomte North school hghtwelght fours tournament High School Sports and Grosse Pomte South In plus The Coun,1I altlng .I, a Zomng Board of Appeal~ granted the Institute the high school events, they In men's doubles, South's \ ,1fIdnle reque'L ot [dward Ru~sell Ill, 1201130 Kercheval Several Grosse Pomters Smce 1977, he has been represent their school but In team of DeRoo and NIck '\\enuc the appeal 01 Karla Schcrer, 190 Ridge was denied and were on the Ea&tslde co-dIrector of tenms coaches' the other events, the crews Sperlmg fimshed third. Ihen ,,,,hdra',n h) the appcllant. the appeal of Mr & Mrs Basketball seventh grade workshops m ChIcago and are combmed. In women's lightweight DI~on of 115 Moran Road wa~ granted, the appeal of Richard travel team that won the 13- DetrOIt &. Jennifer Perry of 22 Newberry wa, granted adJournmcnt to and-under diviSIOn at the North's team of coxswmn fours plus, South's team of Mond,l) May 6, 2002 at 7 30 p m "I've tned to get mvolved Brandon DePetro, JIm coxswmn Heldt Bush Katie recent Just Play Ball tour- in the high school athletic nament In Lansmg Bresco]], Andy DeWitt, John Moran, MIchele D~nsky, The <;lt~Plan Rc\ Ie....\1odlfilallon for Wendy\ at 18800 MalJ.,. arena and that mvolvement Local players on the Kennedy, Dav~ Kovacek, Ana DeRoo and Abigail \\," .lul"urned to Monda), Md) 6, 2002 at 7 10 pm .II the has helped me do my job Paul DIBattIsta, Dan Shah was second ,lppcll,lnl , rcque,t squad are Parcells Middle here," Wood saId. Sheppard, Aric Mmney and Although none of the row- School students Sean "Fortunately, the school has Chn,s Renema won the ers are semors, South's team fhe ('"unctl ,lrrfll\ed Altern.He A tor the repl.lccment of Bourke, Mike Dallaire and been very supportive of that l1uorldet.lnJ.,..It watcr treatmcnt plant Matt Koppmger and Danny mvolvement " ~en s hIgh school seOl?r of .::oxswam EmIly PittS, eIght plus eoxswam In Molly Getz, Rachel Gruner, Walsh, who attends Another aspect of Wood's !he ( lJUn~II 'cheduled J Puhilc Heanng for Monda) May 20 Brownell MIddle School tenure at ULS has been the 5 09 63 Moran, Dunsky, J\J1a DeRoo • 2002 It 7 10 r In to ~on\lder the lonnal adopllon 01 the The team IS coached by Ed A combined team from Sharon Gruner, Ehzabeth' propo,cd General Fund Budget for MSlal Year 2002-2001 worklOg relationship Bourke of Gros'>e Pomte between hiS school and North and South, conslstmg West and Shah took second WOO(h, Grosse Pomte North and of coxswain Ryan Walsh, place In the women's semor fhe Counld ,Ipproved the follo....rng re~ldenl<;a~ member, of Kennedy, Matt Johnson, eights plus thL (Jm"e POlntc Farm, BeautIfication Commission Edward Grosse Pomte South HdUg Margo Henel, Manke Jane....ay and Susan O'Rour~e "I'm proud of our relatIOn- DIBattista, MIke Salo, In men's semor fours plus ship WIth the long-time ath- Mmney, Sheppard, Jim the North team of DePetro I hc ("dilL II drrro\ed lhl loll. hid of Paul Kerh) ("lnlr.Il!lng- letic directors at those Hackett and ~ark Camer (cox), Kennedy, DeWItt, lor the dl molllion of 441 44~ and 447 Monl" Road schools - Ed Wernet, Chuck won the men s hghtwelght Brescoll and Kovacek was eIght plus coxswain 10 second, whIle South's team I Hollosey, Tom Gauerke and I he (, UIlU IrprOl cd thc lov. rlld "I \,ph.tlt Contro I 45770 , of Walsh (cox), Sperhng, ( orp,'r.lIIOIllor thl Plcr ParJ.,.parkIng lot a,phall repair, lrom Jo Lake - and that cantm- II~htlll!!pro]CCt ues today WIth TIm South s P1e~ D~Roo took Pier DeRoo, Salo and (Bearden at South) and first In men I Singles 10 Carner was fourth fhc ( ountll rcccl\cd the Duhhe Safetv Departmcnt Report lor ChrIS (Clark at North),~ 6 i2 40 In women's Juruor eIghts r c'hrU,If\2002 and ordcred II plaled on rrJc Wood saId In women's doubles, plus, South's team of PItts "We've shared faCIlitIeS Emily Tancer and KatIe (cox), Getz, Rachel Gruner, l rOil rropcr motion m'lde ,uprortcd and e, 90 coxswain MIke Konkel, team for the first time the III RIO NO \f) Tiff. II1EETIN(,S A.Rt OPtN There's somethmg else Brescoll, DeWItt, Robert combmed women's n~vlce 1\ TI NI W/,D I'NOPI:RTY OWNtRS AND RESIDENT<; that makes Wood a ranty HeIde, Stephen Fu"est, eIghts plus crew of Ann- 01 Till (In IRf ISHTED TO A 1TEND among anyone 10 the work- Renema, Ben Vanderheide,. Mane Vaughn (cox), AleXIS place He's never miSsed a DePetro and Steve Lambers RadulOVIch, Chnshne Edward J, Gaffney Shane L. Reeside day of school because of Ill- had a WInnIng tIme of Bourgeous Bush Buclen ness 1\11\01 (II) Cler~ 52743 In men's high school Lauren MIller,' Tancer: That alone should qualify JUnior fours plu8, North was Emily SchleIcher and Dayna him for a long and enJoyablE' second WIth the team of Hohlfe!dt fimshed second (I 1''' () II 1\/211112 retirement coxswaIn Konkel, I April18,2002 r' . Grosse Pointe News Sports 3C Blue Devils' Hackett slallls Warren-Mott's strategy By Chuck Klonke the bases Hackett then hIt by Haclas Sports Editor the first pitch over the cen- South made It 5-0 m the Warren-Mott learned the ter field fence to give the fourth on Butler's three-run hdrd way that It might not Blue DeVils the Win homer which followed a dou- bt a wise deCISIOn to walk It was a seesaw battle ble by Danforth and Keogh's ,omeone mtentlOnally to throughout the game South smgle The Blue Devils bnng Grosse Pomte South's picked up a run In the first scored their final run In the \llke Hackett to the plate when Dan Keogh smgled Sixth when GeordIe Hackett, who drove In the and f'ventually scored on MackenZie had a bunt Single \\ lllmng run With a SUICide Brendan Butler's saCrIfice and carne around to score on ",queeze In the Blue DeVils' fly Mott took a 3-1 lead m Hackett's smgle ",tate champIOnship baseball the top of the trurd but the Keogh had three hits for ~~ HY"~ !~st :'P~":"b' ~vuL.;;,.....~d B}u .....~ ...._.aL:;.::~r,-h.. bu .....~ tv t.at Svu.th, wlul~ Butlet tiuJ J to be tough In the clutch as the game In their half of the Getz collected two apiece he hIt the first pItch after innIng Bob Danforth aad Getz also had three steals the walk In the seventh Getz smgled and both bwred In a non-league game mnlng for a grand slam on Haclas'double Monday agamst Redford Hackett's homer gave South South took a 4-3 lead m Cathohc Central, the an 8-4 victory over the the bottom of the Sixth Once Shamrocks pushed across Marauders In the Macomb agam Keogh started the an unearned run In the fifth Photo by Ro,h SLiI.... Area Conference crossover Inmng WIth a smgle Chns to beat South 1-0 Grosse Polnte South's Geordie Mackenzie gets back to first ahead of the pick- game Casazza ran for rum, moved Smgles by Butler, Hackett off attempt In last week's 6-3 vlctory over Chlppewa Valley. Mott tled the game In the up on a passed ball and a and Getz were the only hits top of the seventh on a two- groundout and scored on by the Blue DeVils out homer by Scott Schlaff Butler's groundout "It wasn't that we dIdn't 12 • '''' 1... 'r'_lA' off Blue DeVils closer Chns CharlIe Mar-kInnon hit the ban '¥e only h~d ...... eglna s ..raCK Learn '-3UJ.uen Getz pItched the first SIX innIngs three strIkeouts but It •Chns struck out the first and allowed four ruts and seemed hke we always rut r two batters and he was hlt- one earned run He struck the ball at somebody," in season-opening relay meet tmg 92 to 94 (mph) With hIs out four and walked one Gnesbaum said fastball," saId coach Dan Earlier, South beat By Bob St. John Yfalklng ~ye ln se\'en Soccer Gnesbaum "After gettmg Chippewa Valley 6-3 in South's best scorIng Staff writer Inrungs those stnkeouts on fastballs, another MAC crossover threat was In the Sixth when Reglna's track and field Schlaaf was slttmg on a Matt Middleton pitched the Blue DevIls left the OffenSively, semor Amlee Ken Perlin made hIS team placed fourth out of 10 fastball and he made good the first SIX mnings and bases loaded Konal had a tnple, double Reglna head coaching debut squads m last weekend's contact With It " yielded SIX hits and one and walked, plus had a dou- last week, guIding the Troy Relays Getz, who received credit earned run to pIck up the Middleton pItched SIX ble In her only at-bat m the Saddlehtes to a Win and a for the WIn, shook off the VICtory He struck out seven "We had a good day," head second game loss Innmgs and allowed four coach Gregg Golden said home run and fanned the and walked two Keogh ruts Keogh pItched a hitless Jumor Shenna Malson "It was mce to get on the . "Most of our gIrls had a per- next batter pitched a scoreless seventh seventh f- had a double and walked In field and play some soccer," sonal best, wluch was great Getz started South's sev- The Blue Devtls went South plays m the the opener to help the Perlin saId "Our first game thiS early m the season" Saddlehtes WIn enth-Inmng rally With a ahead to stay With a pair of Farmmgton tournament on was played III homble con- Some of the top teams m walk Kyle Haclas smgled mns m the first mmng Getz Saturday, then hosts Warren The Regina softball team dItIons, but our second game the field were Blrmmgham and Taylor MorawskI was bmgled, Morawski walked De La Salle on Tuesday, IS 1-0 overall and In the was under great condItIons" Groves, Troy, Troy Athens, walked IntentIOnally to load and both scored on a double Apnl23 J Catholic League Central The Saddlehtes opened Ferndale, Utica Ford, DIVISion .l the season With a 3-0 loss to Birmmgham Manan and Next for the Saddlehtes IS host Cruppewa Valley. Sterling Heights. an away doubleheader on The field was covered WIth South's offense starts strong The Saddlehtes' shuttle t Tuesday, April 23, agaInst mud as the game was played relay squad of Jackie By Chuck Klonke l'retty Important posItlons," improve steadl1y throughout FarmIngton Hills Mercy In a downpour Babich, Anna Tzoykowskl, Sports Editor saHl Blue DeVIls coach thE' season (ranked No 1 In the state by "It wasn't very good play- Ashley Couture and Lla Anyone who followed Peggy Van Eckoute after her "We've been hlttmg the The DetrOit News) mg conditIons," PerlIn s81d Grillo earned a gold medal, Grosse Pomte South's soft- team won two of Its first ball well so far," Van 11 "I was happy to get the game while the rugh Jump relay ball team to the "tate quar- three games. Eckoute said "We could be I Golf out of the way and head terfinals last season wlll see "Katie Carett!, who played 3-0 but we made some men- team of Gnllo, Rachel COrtIS horne" .' and Tzoykowski earned a a lot of famIhar faces left field last year, has ta! mistakes In the second b The Reglna golfteam IS off The Saddlehtes' game sliver medal Nme players return from moved m to pItch and Libby game agaInst (RIvervIew) (1 to a sohd start, beatmg Ann With Grosse Pomte South The 1,600-meter relay last year's team, mcludmg Kl"m, who was our backup Gabnel RIchard Arbor Gabnel Richard 204- was canceled due to poor team of Babich, Couture, seven starters, but two of catcher a year ago, IS the "We haven't made many 335 and Dearborn DIVIne field condItIOns, but they Gnllo and Rosma Jenkms the changes involve the bat- starter" mistakes defenSively - only Cruld 202-223 last week were back on the field on brought home a bronze tery Carettl did some pltcrung one or two errors a game" Head coach Bob Apnl 11, beatmg Allen Park medal and the Saddlehtes' Artyrnovich said he IS lean- "We lost our pitcher and last year and was unbeaten Cabnm 3-0 In their league JUnior varsity 1,600-meter Ing on veterans ROSie our catcher, which are two Van Eckoute expects her to opener See SOUTH, page 5C relay squad of Alan Hoey, Artymovlch, Amy Osterman, Sarah Popp, Karon Walter Jenmfer Weldback, Rose "The gIrls played very ~======:;'I well, controllIng the play for .1 f and Xiomara Okonkwo Pochmara and Sara al U about 90 percent of the The Grosse Pointe Hockey AssociatIon s utes the 0 owing recipIents placed fourth NaplewockI to lead the way The dIscus relay tno of So far hIS veterans are hv- game," Perhn said "Thc = Ii of the GPHA Jack McSorely Scholarship as outstanJing high.school AleXIS Terry, Cortls and score could have been 7-0 or = h h JIu h h I hi Jh I J t mg up to hiS bllhng as ~I 8-0 If we fimshed some of ...... 4j seniors w 0 ave eame '..5 sc 0 astic ac .evement an ave p aye a Amanda Terry placed Artymovlch had a 44 agamst our plays n least 5 yrs. in the GPHA: fourth, and the long Jump Gabnel Richard. relay team of Gma The Saddlehtes' other Candace Shue, Lauren 2001-02 Season' 1999-00 Season 1996-97 Sea.on. I, Shermatero, Andrea scorers were WeIdbeck With Maloney-EgnatlOs and Alex Field. Mel;than Rob.on Jack Ryan Claire Lee scored goals. Ryan Haa. Paradise and Couture took a 53, N aplewocki With a 53 RJ Wolney home a fifth-place medal whIle Ashley Miller, Amy Andrew Scavone and Osterman With a 54 Krol and Enn Dopp record- 1998-99 Season' The shot put relay team of (Namu Un«vall.hie} In the DlVlne Chtld ed 8b::.ISts 1995-96 Sea.on' AleAJ5 Tell)', CUJ Lib auu /000_01 5.-"-0" n I~ 1 IUd-Lt.Il, AI ty lHuV 1....11 ~hut d "It's mce to get a wm," "",)'4" ..,uu.on Teryn LeVoy was sIXth, as Robcrt RItter 1997-98 Sca.on 41, followed by Pochmara Perhn saId "WInning bUilds was the 3,200-meter relay and N aplewockI With a 53 Evan Thoma. KCYln F.. her 1994-95 Seuon confidence n squad of Sara DeMars, Nad,an Weatherup (N.me. Unavall ...I:.Ie-) and Weldbeck WIth a 55 The RegIna soccer team IS Katle Monahan, Cathenne The Reglna golf team IS 2- 1-0 In the CatholIc T..eague Vaughn and Laun Elsen °overall and m the Cathohr Double-A DIVISIOn and 1-1 Commg up for the Regma The GPHA Recognizes the following Jack McSorley Award winners as League. overall track team IS the Chelsea g-. UpcomIng for the Up next for the ~ = scholar-athletes (3.2 GPA or higher) for th~2001-02 Season. Relays on Saturday, Apnl SaddJehtes IS a horne match Saddlehtes IS an away game SQI [lIT IJIVrSION 20, and an away meet on on Monday, Apnl 22, agamst 60 AJ..m WiC'fI'l..n: (St. .. of lhe 5-1 54 EI. Thom .... (:St.ar oE ll.e Se.a} on Saturday, Apnl 20, I 'hch ..C') n.~h" (Brllhe s....} h \ lh.,l I o..J (I'!.S) spelled doom and gloom for 9 PetuCro~c-rnr ...mTll 6 BretltBn-n ['.ort11) I() \n.dyi.. ...n''I'C". W"l"CC'll.) 10 Ch",topl\ft CllIltl"n. tp"N"'Clla) 7 c....,. Brown nC (-"1 <-l.a.",.l ,., the Reglna softball team 17 )oIme. Gr .....~ ('fc.rTTYl \1 "-l1('I.C. Hr,mN1 .....norT1} l' R~a.".,=.,(St L1.~1 "We need the ram, but It l~ J I'''" Cmbh.tl (M"IT'C') '2.Aln 0...,., II L-.., 9 T,lar eL..1' ",hi L l') 1-..01."" 11..,1.. 0 O"'l!1T,d I~ l...Yn.m."~>fGr A..-.,l 10 fk.dCcnuUQI (l' ..rpeI'WooJ. M.:-l seems as If It rams every day '0 ~r ..n H...nncn, (lklCT' 14.'~ [~Lrn1lon lLl""j 11 W;lh .•",Con ... y~CP Ac:.dC'mY) we are scheduled to play," ., h.urtlfollc:"rb.el. rrmmlJ,) 15 Boo. Du .... h. (ll""""di) 12 )ohnU.,. W.-JI.) '1 l mm .. 1f.,ll (t LS) 16 BN.n HC',",on W.nt't'UiI) head coach Diane Laffey 13 lNnl. O...."I"Q (N...... h' n..mor) 11 lrlf...., lIuli (f"".,,-...ll 17J..... " G.o. III'_«1 14 iIG ..... H •• t(P~II.) said 2~ 'l .. lIunl ('1ontl:'llh) 11:\Sl,.nnon H\ I~ Hld.-l H "(PI.,,,.) J Last weekend, the 25 r ...an Inter fM..lne) I') N1...bol .... nllllh.tw.y (V.~) 11>(~Klu..(1~,Wnnd.'15) 1f1 ""'It JollT\lon (t..,.rry 1 20 'Mll'J,.~' HM"l'U'I "'tC''' (Rrmrtleln Saddlehtes were scheduled 17 AI. LaTnof (Si To.an of An.) 27 l>ou.: Inhn.lon (I ~ 21 M.lt!-. HolI...l..,h (1'_1 18 '1,'- Ln.rmorC" (Soul h) to compete m the 28 JoM:hu.Jehn.wn (Ru.hud): 22. R~ .... lI"1I (l An.. e.-H.S.I 19 PctCT lor rSt.-r of tlu: Se.a) 29 '1Ich.el K...... b ((,,'iPA('...J..,t Chesterfield Tournament, .23 Ala Hunll~ u~UII 20 Mld.uI 1.0""'- (An,w" ,I Ii iO Wllf ...m Krll.,. (Tom'hl,.l 24 Ch.,IJ.e Jobnlton W• ..c.Ia.. 21 [Y"..-..oMan'aa(Soulh) but poor field conditions 31 Patncl. 'Kt'nntd, {GP Ac ..demy) 25 'l'~)lun....." '1C'))on ..11 (.~...rh)) n Lur;: " .. ~llI(,"l.or tP~) 29 1t-I.r.,. .. lI' II.1 ~9 Prl1~'" ""Mlltlt'.1 IL.LS} doubleheader at Kyte 3.l.11...... ~1.Jj..,"'.h, (cs-...w. MSj lO J~tJ..u PltfoC (f lllt '>ctro,1 U5~ 40 I.. n ().hol'Tl (T ,nmoM,., 14 I.h" '1.<'.".. m.f..l 31 \lVJI dS .... hl l' Monroe r...... 41 \I~ r,~..(Rodw.dl ~r; '~H"hNI '1 ( ...., (I L':::l '\1 r~ P~illd.tp ..... \ Of course, ram halted the 42 I',.d R.m,lJ.tlMo,", 30. t.luiooopJ- JooW.IdIo. 11'...-01 3l I)J~Ira..l second game \U!th the 4. ~ rl"l;''''OT 5...urlmc-ln IM"I",} 37 Anlbon, '1U("(U" a.. (r'C'r«'1 34 Cr ll'_fN ...... l Saddle!ltes ahead 2-0 In the 4.4 1 nc 5-ln I'KC'Th) ~ 't.1re No ..... L Wl ...... ~..,.l ,\" I)..,...,.Sm,lh f8Tmwnor1l1 41l) '"n,e 5~C'p..ard {1 LSl J9 j,.,.h" N(lW'lc~ (5, l1,ll'C"l..1 36 RrC'tt Tnrc'l"r (flrnwncllJ. .u, I So",", (Sot (1..!l"'C"1 fourth Innmg r.nl.r 40 A"d~ O,~rn lP'f'T(:',,1 ~7 ' ..,on VC'rllcal (l An,r (roruM 'LS I "It na~ JllCi: to playa 47 "1n'"\t4"'t1lt'Tr';;tu lil.hr~) "I l....n..l~lIn R.. mlw.'torr 1St r.ull ~ lnhn V ...... r rR..-n n ...fh 4~ '1.l..enlnC' ~f'I'T (R,ch,,",h 42 'Tl,om .. Rem.llel (P,en. ..l game even though rain dId 3.9Tim Wa(nn(l f () If,th) 4q An~I"l;'..,.~udnCY(()III~) ,,~ Jl....fw.rt R.d.rl W..~Il.l 40 Rokrt (),co!' (P'''T''I,,-cl postpone the second half of 50 "'"..n 5ull.u" rPu~ ll,) ... Sl~VIt" ~urbl ...r II LSI ...) Ja, J.. ('I.~n (Soulhf our second game," Laffey Sl '~lIItl T..OmtorT ("1..1 1 4111) Jllhn 11.... (Brownelll ;2 '1,1...~1 ro:mrn •• 1n fRKh...... !l ~ <. kl"l 'mm ....n. (~ r.ul) MIll


There's still a long way to qUicklYenough to be a POSI- Kmg, who led the Kmghts "Before the game the out- Crobkey had perfect days at LeWIS and Sylvester com- go in the hIgh school softball tive factor?" Schmidt asked With 35 runs last be&oon fielders were adVIsed that the plate bmed to score seven of the season, but UniversIty "Each has a no-hitter Katie Andrecovich and they needed to come up big ULS began Metro KnIghts' 10 runs LIggett School coach Jim already thIS season Borushko both played on the on an oddly-sloped field that Conference play With a paIr Andrecovlch, makmg her Schmidt has to feel good "All SIgnS look good for varsIty last year as fresh- very much favored the hIt- of no-hitters m a 10-0 and first start at first base, about a couple of preseason another wmmng season but men and Laura Ralbtrom IS ters," SchmIdt Said "Led by 15-0 sweep of a doublehead- recorded five putouts questIOn marks he had games are played on the gettmg her first varsity senIOrs Kan Stahl, Mana er WIth Hamtramck Morgan pitched her first about hiS team field, not on paper Each day expenence LeWIS and Chnstma B()rushko fllnnE"a fouT 10 carppr no-hlttpr m the bec- One was whether the ISa new adventure" ULS was bolstered by the Sylvester, they did just pltchmg her second straIght ond game and helped herself Kmghts' offensive produc- ULS fimshed thIrd In the addition of sophomore sec- that" no-hItter She also pitched a With three fine defenSIve tIOn could continue at last Metro Conference last sea- ond baseman Carly Croskey, LeWIS made a finp run- no-hItter agamst Sterling plays One of the two run- year's clip when they scored son With a 15-9 record and a transfer student from mng catch m left field and Heights Bethesda Cnflstlan ners to reach base on walks a school-record 256 runs the Kmghtsjust mIssed end- Chicago Just missed makmg a spec- m her final start of the 2001 was cut down by Kmg on a ULS had an amazing on- mg Lutheran North's four- "Did I wm the softball lot- tacular dlvmg grab when beason steal attempt base percentage of 563 R VPAr lp'''Tl1P w,nf\H1P" c:lrPRk tprv?" RchmHlt !laId "She'" thf' hllll onnm'o ]()Oqf'whf'n RophomoreR Kmg And Dmltr\1k milOI' qpVPT1 of year ago ~lth a 6:"5last-mm;g defeat battmg 875 WIth a 900 on- she hIt .. the ground Croskey were the defenSive the 12 putouts at first base "Can they keep It up thIS on a disputed call base percentage and has 12 Sylvester also made two nice standouts for ULS KlOg ULS scored four runs m season?" SchmIdt wondered Returning semors Include putouts With no errors thIS catches m center field threw out a Cosmos runner the first mnmg and added "They have scored 51 runs all league sclcctlons ~,1aggJe season" Morgan p~cked l,,4pher sec- attt:fuptl1ll;; tu i:lkai i:l~cond five apiece m the second and (m three games) so far this DIllon, wh011 play third The Kmghts opened the ond VictOry of the season. and Croskey made seven thIrd frames year" hage, short.st.llp RII71lnne road season With a 14-2 non- She allowed four hits and no putouts at second base The second mlllng was Another question mvolved McGoey and l~ft fielder league VictOry over earned runs hIghlighted by consecutIve the pItching It's In the Mana LeWIS Clintondale Stahl fiOished With four Once agam, Stahl igmted RBI doubles by Kmg and hands of JUnlor Lavon Other senIOr st:J.rters are ULS jumped on the RBIs and McGoey and the offense With a two-run McGoey and a two-run sm- Morgan and sophomore Kan Stahl, Chnstma Dragons early when Stahl Dillon each drove m three Single m a seven-run second gle by Andrecovlch. Juhe Borushko, both of Sylvester, Jessica Spnet and hit a three-run double m the runs LeWIShad a paIr of mmng that also featured a TrIples by McGoey and whom saw limited actIOn a Isabel Dmltruk top of the first mmng Stahl RBIs and Sylveste'r and three-run double by Dillon DIllon were the key hits m year ago behmd Courtney Morgan is the team's only also made a contnbutlOn Andrecovlch drove m a run and an RBI smgle by LeWIS the third mnmg and WudcoskI, who graduated Jumor, but there 18 a solid defenSIVelyWith a couple of apiece Dillon also had an RBI Borushko had an RBI single. Can the relatively mex- group of sophomores, mclud- outstandmg catches m right McGoey !>coredfour tHnes smgle m the thud Semors Croskey and Spnet also had penenced pitchers mature Ing startmg catcher Kelly field and Dillon, Syh ester and D1l10n, McGoey, Stahl, key hIts for the Kmghts. Sprow pleased with Eagles Knights take first track team in season opener in own tournament All the hard work and four-run fourth mnmg By Bob St. John petitors were freshmen Plymouth ChnstIan With effort that It took to make Laura Ralstrom started Staff writer Qumlsha Goss, Jessica eIght the Umverslty Liggett the outburst WIth a walk. Lutheran East's boys and Hanyok, Kyera Jones and The Eagles took the top School's softball field Isabel Dmltruk smgled and girls track and field teams spot in several events as Shana Pritchett, sopho- playable after an all-mght Ralstrom scored on a sacn- Matt Machemer won the had some solld results m mores Camelle Bourner and ram last Fnday was worth fice by Jessica Spnet last week's season-opemng Abby Flemmmg, juniors hIgh jump, Adam Crawford It Singles by King, McGoey home meet. Shane I Bryant, Caitlin won the pole vault and Joe After eIght hours of pump- and Maggie DJilon produced "I was happy with our per- Gel ds and Sharenna Solomon won the shot put mg water and rehablhtatmg the final three runs of the formances even though it Waltun, and senior Chns Jurczak, Dexter the field, the Kmghts hosted mnmg. was a cold, windy day," head Shorter, Robert Carlisle and Shoshauna Flowers their first ULS InVItatIOnal Dillon had a two-run sm- coach Keith Sprow sllld Southfield ChnstIan also Ene Cowan won the 400- Softball Tournament and gle In the Sixth, followmg a Southfield Chnstian won won the boys meet WIth 95 meter relay and Shorter won ULS kept the first-place tro- single by Kmg and a double the girls meet WIth 102 1/2 pomts, followed by Bishop the 400-meter run. phy, beatmg Harper Woods by McGoey pomts, followed by Lutheran Suzanne McGoey Gallagher WIth 79, 20-2 m the champIOnshIp Morgan fimshed WIth a East With 63 1/2, Bishop Lutheran East WIth 68 and See EAGLES, page 6C game after defeatmg Royal three-hItter She struck out Gallagher WIth 54 and Oak Shnne 8-1 In the semI- five and dIdn't allow a walk Plymouth Christian with finals Morgan also made two fine three Notre Dame loses twice to Rice Coach Jim Schmidt said defensive plays on sharply- Sophomore Ashley Schult that his Knights "came out hIt grounders. won the pole vault WIth a By Bob St. John was the better team." "We have progressed filce- ready to play some senous Harper Woods beat mark of6 feet, 6 mches, plus Staff writer Andy Diehl and Enc ly from the same POlOtlast softball, despIte the patches DetrOIt Country Day 13-8 ill jUfilor Kelll Zoellner won the Head coach Angelo Gust Pascany scored the F1ghtlO' year," head coach Stan of water that remamed." the other semIfinal, but the mile with a time of 6'03 knew playmg well in the Insh's two goals Wejrzynowlcz said ULS scored tWice m the PIOneers had their bats Junior Anjanl Mahablf upcoming games would be "We have a ton of games Last week the squad com- cntIcal for hiS Notre Dame dunng the next few weeks peted m a scnmmage meet top of the first mmng st.lenced by Borushko, who also won the 400-meter dash agamst Shnne Kelly Kmg pItched a one-hitter. WIth a time of 1 12 and East baseball team's chances at so our guys have to get some at Blrmmgham Brother took SIXsecond-place fimsh- making the Cathohc League confidence back," HolIfield RIce. and Suzanne McGoey start- The sophomore pitcher set es to help earn most of theIr playoffs sald "I was pleased m general ed the rally WIth smgles the tone for the game when pomts The Fightm' Insh got the The Notre Dame lacrosse WIth our kIds," Kmg scored on Katie she struck out the first three The Eagles' other top com- four games off to a rocky team fell to 0-2 overall Wejrzynowicz said. "We Andrecovlch's sacnfice and batters she faced start, losmg 12-3 and 3-2 to have some good athletes the other run came In on a ULS fared much better in Blrmmgham Brother Rice, Track who should do well " tnple by Julie Borushko. its half of the first as It sent ranked as one of the top The Flghtm' Insh's top Knights pitcher Lavon 17 batters to the plate With South teams In the state according The Notre Dame track competitors are WIlham Morgan gave up her first the first 12 sconng. The to The DetrOIt News and and field team IS roundIng Chandler, Chns Jones, Dan run of the season m the Kmghts had seven hIts and From page 3C Free Press lOto shape as It prepares for Marchese, Joshua Threm third mmng on Angela seven walks in the opemng One of South's bIggest Gust's squad also dropped the upcoming league sched- and Alex Dudley Stahl's RBI smgle but ULS mnmg problems so far has been a doubleheader to host ule broke the game open WIth a ULS added eIght more playmg the l:l'ames on the Redford Catholic Central, runs m the second inning of schedule lOSIng7-0 and 14-0 the game that was called by The Notre Dame baseball HW soccer blanks Gallagher a marcy rule m the third "We've had five rainouts," .. £,_11 L_ 'I: ~ _ .LL._ Van Eckoute said "1 was ""caUl U::::U "'U ,L"'&J JU LoUt;:: By Bob 5t, .John first-ever goal) also scored them and shnuld have won mnmg really dIsappointed that our Catholic League Central Staff writer It was 5-0 at the half. the game," Naldow said Every player m the LJLS tournament got ramed out DIVIsionand 2-6 overall Last season Harper "The field was m pretty The host PIoneers led 2-0, lineup scored at least one last Saturday because we Commg up for the Flghtm' Woods and Bishop good shape and our players but trailed midway through run, whlle Kmg, McGoey were scheduled to face some Irish is a home doublehead- Gallagher played two score- didn't seem to have any the second half 4-3 and Dillon each scored three pretty good teams and some er on Saturday, Apnl 20, less ties problems WIththeir footmg," "It was mce to come away times. good pitching" agamst U-D Jesuit, and an Last week, the host Naidow saId "It was mce to WIth at least a he," Naldow The VictOry gave the Careth had an outstand- away doubleheader on PIOneers made no mIstake beat Gallagher after playmg saId IUllghts a Y-0 record ing performance In Wednesday, Apnl 24, who the wmner would be, those scoreless ties WIth .Kahra Fox scored two In the consolation game, Monday's 10-3 Win over agamst Warren De La Salle crushIng the Lancers 8-0 m them last year" goals Shugart and Knstlan Shnne beat Country Day 11- Warren-Matt m a Macomb their most lopsided wm In In other actIon last week, Fox (her first-ever varsity 3. Area Conference crossover Lacrosse their decade-long soccer hiS- Harper Woods hed goal) also talhed ULS players named to the game tory Riverview 4-4 and BIshop "We have more offenSive all-tournament team were She scattered four hIts to Notre Dame's first game "Our speed was really a Gallagher lost 7-0 to league power than m years past," Borushko, Kmg, McGoey pIck up the VIctOry and back after the break turned factor," Harper WoOdShead foe Royal Oak Shnne Naldow saId. "Our oppo- and Morgan The squad also helped herself WIth a 4-for-5 mto an 11-2 defeat to host coach Matt Naldow said "Riverview had a big nents have to make defen- mcluded Jenny Hill, Mana day at the plate that mclud- Ann Arbor Pioneer "The girls passed the ball squad, but our girls were sive adjustments to our Mahon and Sarah Mazzone I'd a tnple and three RBIs "We practiced for the well, settmg up some great able to play well agamst style" of Harper Woods She also stole two bases game all week, but executed sconng opportumtIes " South opened the season poorly," head coach Don Jumor KnstIan Fox and With a spht of the non- Hohfield saId. "The field sophomore Kahra Fox each league doubleheader With was muddy and wet, but tallied a hat tnck, whIle RIchard both teams had to play on semors Amanda Shugart Emlly Garlough, who the same field and PIoneer and Michelle Manzella (her HURRVlII GMAC LellSe Pull replaced Caretti m left field, led the way In the 6-5 first- Allelltl prDgrllm S"tl5 April SOtll game VIctOryGarlough went 3-for-3 WIth two-run SIngles City <>r<1f}rnsseJninte Jark, Michigan 58 Months @ m the second and thud .20~2 SILHOUTTEGLS mnmgs to help the Blue NOTICE OF ADOPTION AND SUMMARY OF S"89*ToeaIDue DeVilsbUild a 5-2 lead ORDINANCE NO. 182 ...... ~89 She then hIt a tnple m the bottom of the SIxth and On April 18. 2002 the Cily CounCIl of thc Cily of Gro~~e scored the WInning run on POinte Park (the Cily Council ') enacted Ordmancc No 182 MSRP Lauren Sullivan's fielder's (the Ordlnancc') to becomc effccll\c on Apnl 19 2002 ....hlch -5",850 chOIce Ordlnan<.c proVides for thc prOhibition of thc ~ale and pos~e~ Careth, Judy Turnbull ~Ion of lohac,o product, to and by pcr,on' undcr Ihe age of 18 and Katherme Ball each years the prohlblllOn of the sale 01 a clgarettc ,eparately from SALE went 2-for-3 for South tt~ package signage at places where tohacco produ<.t<; arc ,old Caretti was the wmmng and matter, In conneCllon wlth the pro-ecullon of \ 101allon~ of $22,2&5 pitcher <;uch ordinance and pcnaltle, applicahle thereto South dropped the second game 8-5 despite an offen- SIve attack that IOcluded Thl' ,ummary 0 f the Ordinance I" publi ,hed pl'r"uanl 10 two smgles and a tnple by MIChigan CompIled Law~ Secllon 117 ,(k, True (.Qple~ of the Stephame Shepard and full te ~t of the Ordinance and any law regulation code or three smgles from Turnbull other material adopted hy refcrence In ~uch Ordinance arc Carettl hIt a double and availahle for In"pccllon or photocopying al thc OffICe of the tnple and Amy ReId con- CIIY Clerk (I!y of (;ro~~(' Pomte Park I ~ II 'i f-a~t Jeffer,on tflbuted a paIr of smgles Avenue Grn~~c POinte Park Mrchlgan 482,0 Km;ta WlCrda suffered Jane M. Blahut, the loss m her varsity pltch- G P N 04/181200:; City Clerk 109debut Apnl 18,2002 6C Grosse Pointe News South booters post their second shutout victory Gro"se POlUte South's mll1utes as Harkll1s kept hiS After that early goal, gIrls soccer team suffered a players fresh by usmg hIS Martmez and her defense couple of close defeats entire bench kept Hentage off the Score- around a 3-0 victory over Mandl Marsh opened the board untIl the Hawks' cr01>stown rIval Umverslty sconng for South on a one- Dana Voorhees bcored her Liggett School 111 the Blue touch volley luck that was becond goal of the game on a DeVils first w('ek of actIOn set up by her Sister, JesSIl.a penalty kick In the second But on Monday, there was Grand Blanc tied the half nothlllg close aoout the first game shortly before half. South played mu~h better of South's two Macomb Area time on a qUick tIp-lI1 of a 111 the second half and "pent Conference crossover games, loose baJJ 111 the box A lIttle mObt of the half on the as the Blue DeVils rolled more than 10 mmutes lI1to attack, although the BIue past Anchor J:lay ,.u the second. haU, tne tlOOl.dLl:l1)CVlJb Wt..-ll. u.lldult.: L,U UCdt Twelve mmutes mto the took the lead, agall1 on a the HerItage goalkeeper on match, StephanIe Kostluk tap-lI1 shot any of thell ~IX .,hots bcored on a 20-fou~er- the MduuI Mdnlt tied the first of her three goals game at 2-2 about 5 112min- The senior members or Grosse Pointe South's girls track team hope to com- Mandl Marsh and LIZ utes later after malung a plete four perfect dual meet seasons. Ridgway also scored first. fine run to flag down half goals to glve South a 3. Ridgway's long kick o advantage at the mtermlS- But less than three mm. South track girls seeking 1>lOnRIdgway al1>u~l.OiedHi ute" lat"r, Grand Blanc's the second half PaIge Goldman scored her Durmg the second half, second goal of the match to another perfect dual season coach Gene Harluns expen- gIve the Bobcats the vIctory mented With different WIll- Althou~h It was dlsao- lrrosse Pomte South's dash at the Macomb County Several freshmen could bInatlons Semor Meggie pOll1tmgto open WIth a loss, girls track team has a tall mdoor champIOnships to cap also make contrIbutIOns thIs Schmidt, a defender South benefitted from the order Just to match the per- a successful Indoor season season throughout her l.areer, challenge of facing a fast, formance of last year's team She Will anchor the spnnt MaggIe Collison has been moved up to forward and phYSical team It also but coach Steve Zaranek IS relays very strong 111 the dIstance scored her first varsIty goal showed the young team, lUnfident that It can be Gerow and Carroll wIll events, which mcluded first. South filllshed WIth 32 which has only four semors, donp "nn npnth "nn t"l ..nt tn th .. nl"rp fin,,,h.,,, In thp 1 600 "hnt" nn "olll Goalkeeper the Importance of condltlon- "Our strongest asset ISour 111 hurdle~ and middle-distance ~nd 3,200 South's season- Samantha v Martlllez made mg when playmg agamst team depth," he SaId "That races, whIle Meza wJ1l use openIng VIctory agamst five saves m recordmg the the top teams ill the state depth, combmed with very her cross country experience Reglna shutout Five South players made btrong semor leadershIp, 10 the distance events Kristen MOllCIwas first 111 WIth Its first scheduled theu varsIty debuts, Includ- :,hould lead us to a very suc- Zaranek, who qualIfied for the long Jump and she and match agaInst Regina post- 109 KostlUk, a freshman Lessful season last year's state meet In Dana Henze ran on the WIn- poned because of water on who started at forward Also "Our team's attItude and three events, WIll speCialIze mng 400 relay team the field, South opened the playmg their first varsity work ethiC have been out- In the 400 dash and the Steve Zaranek expects season at Grand Blanc, a games Were Susan .,tandmg so far We are real- sprmt and 3,200 relays South's primary competItIOn first-time opponent for the BrandeIS, KatIe ly lookmg forward to the Sophomore Megan m the MAC Rl"d to ('orne BlLae Dt:v.db, dud dropped a LewdlldowbkI, Kerry l.hallenges ot tills new sea- Zaranek bnngs her track from Stevenson and Port 3-2 declbIOnto the Bobcats. O'Loughhn and Molly :,on The gIrls are eager and and cross country dIstance Huron South's first home Grand Blanc's phySIcal Burns optImistIc and are workmg talent to the 1,600 and 3,200 league meet Will be on play was reminiscent of The foIlowmg day, the to be great teammates to runs and Will be an Impor. Tuesday, Apnl 23 agamst South's regIonal champI- Blue DevIls opened their one another" tant member of the 3,200 Port Huron Northern The onship game against Troy home season WIth a 3-0 VIC- Last year, South was relay Sophomore Kelly Blue Devils Willhost Grosse last spnng tory over ULS undefeated 111 duel meets Connor IS expected to lead Pomte North on Thursday, The Blue Devtls held theIr The Knights, playmg their while wmnmg the Macomb off the spnnt relays Apnl 25 at 6 p m own through the first 18 first game of the season, Area Conference Red turned in a solId effort but DIVISIOn title The Blue MartInez made some excel- Devtls also won their state Pioneers get 10 hits in victory lem I:iliVtll:l a.nd had 1>Ollle leglOnal and fimshed thIrd frrendly crossbars behInd III the state team finals her. Mandl Marsh South's gIrls haven't lost a By Bob St. John PIOneers IS a home double- distance, stnkmg out three South was also bolstered dual meet SInce 1997 and Staff wnter header on Saturday, Apnl and conectmg three hIts and by the return of veteran this year's semors are hop- Harper Woods' baseball 20, agamst Manne CIty three RBIs at the plate sweeper Heather Doughty. Ing to becume the second team won Its season opener Card mal Mooney, followed "Mana settled down after Stacey Peppler opened the Eagles- group of semors to have four last week, crushmg host by away gameb on 'fuesday, a shaky start," Arthmlre scorlllg, asSIsted by From page 5C :,tralght seasons Without a New Haven 20-2 m five April 22, and Thursday, said "She pitched well III Rldgv,ray,and picked up an The Eagles' other top com- defeat. mnmgs. Apnl 24, agamst Bloomfield her high school debut." assist on Mandl Marsh's petItors were Paul Tosch, The Blue DevIls gIrls "They had a pretty good Hills Cranbrook Kmgswood Semor Sarah Mazzone third goal In two games Cornehus Bellamy, Steve team has won eIght straIght pitcher who had us off-bal- and Llvoma ClarencevIlle had three smgles and a dou- The Barnes field's heavy Vaught, Tom KapInskl and Iegional tItles and has ance early m the game," ble, whIle semors Katie turf slowed the teams, wlule Matt McCuen placed In the top six In each head coach Mike Rowll1skl Softball Rhoades and Kristin Vespa the water at the northeast of the four years of the state SaId "The guys remamed chIpped m With two hits UpcomIng for the corner flag was dubbed Lutheran East track team Ib team champlOnslups patient and they really got The Harper Woods soft- apiece "Ppooler Pool" after Stacev South's gIrls have handled the bats gomg 10 the final ball team albo started Its Jumor Jenny Hill also had a home meet on Tuesday, lost her footmg on a corne;' Apnl 23, agamst Bloomfield their success WIth class, four mmngs" season last week, splIttmg a couple of hIts and drove In luck wmnmg the MAC sports- Sophomore Frank two games III the Umverslty three runs Hills Cranbrook Kmgswood The hard-worklllg and Harper Woods manship banner 10 each of Pietrangelo (1-0) pitched the Liggett School 'Iburnament In the second game, the Q'Loughlin notched the final the last four seasons first four mnmgs, g1umg up "It was mce to finally get PIoneers lost 20-2 to ULS as guol dunng a bcramble In Semors Mary Gibson, two hIts and walkmg one, out and play a real game, Jumor Jenny DeSantIs (0-1) front of the net Baseball Lauren Fennga, Maureen whlle freshman James Slago but the field condItIOns was the losmg pitcher. The Blue DevIls returned Hoehn and HpAthpr Ditched the final mmnes weren't the hp..,t" hpad "WI"hIt thp tar 011t of thl" _ ....~h ,f"...... 'k _ 4::_ .....1 -...... 1: UV.,l. \;..lJ,. .1v.a. 1,..1 1.1.. ,U.U.o..a .l.,U.a.L""',U V.l The Luther9.TI E~gt b::lSC Wllltelev Will lead the way stnkmg out each of the coach Carol Arthmlre said ball agamst Country Day, the week agamst perenmal hall tpam lost 6-5 to Warren tor the Blue DevIls Gibson three hItters he faced "Liggett did a mce Job of get- but came back WIth a lack- state power SagInaw Woods-Tower last week heads a strong distance "It was a nIce opener for t'ng the field as playable as luster effort against Hentage and absorbed a 2-D all of our players, espeCially It was the second straight group, which mcludes It could be and we had a mce Liggett," Arthmlre said setback one. run loss for the Eagles Hoehn, and Will anchor one our underclassmen," day to play ball " "We WIll work on some The Hawks took advan- and head coach Nick Rowmslu said "We made of the best 3,200-meter relay The PIOneers opened the thIngb before we get back to tage of the wmd and a slQw Capofen thIs season teams m the state two errors and both of those tournament With a 14-8 WlI1 actIOn agamst our league start by South to take a 1-0 Fennga, a two-tIme state were committed by semors " over Blrmll1gham DetrOit opponents " The Eagles drop to 0-2 lead only three mmutes mw overall and next on the finalIst 10 the pole vault, The PIOneers banged out Country Day as freshman The Harper Woods soft. the game Will try to Improve on her 10 hits and five went for Marla Mahon (1-0) went the ball team is 1-1 overall schedule are home games on '>choolrecord of 9-feet-6 and extra bases, mcludmg semor Fnday, Apnl 19, and has a goal of cleanng 10-0 Ryan Nanmm's grand slam Monday, Apnl 22, agamst Whiteley Will lead a and ~ophomore Je"u" Lllthpr"n West!Brod Brod .,trong hurdles group and Melendez's three-run homer Marme City Cardmal ,Idds her versatile talents to Pietrangelo helped hiS Mooney, followed by an the long Jump and spnnt own cause, gomg 3-for-5 away game on Wednesday, 1 ('Iajs With three RBIs Apnl 24, agamst JUIllors Meghan "We had some nerves and Hamtramck DeSantis, Jenny Gerow, It showed With a shaky first :',.Iolly Carroll, EmIly Meza mmng, but the guys settled Softball 'Illd Hilary Zaranek proVIde down and played V\< ell ," depth m several areas ROWlllSklsaid WIll Lutheran East's soft- DeSantIs, who IS one of The Harper Woods babe ball team ever playa game? the top bpnnters 10 the area, ball team IS 1-0 o"erall So far It ha" been SIXup r l cently won the 55-meter Coming up for the and SIX down m the post- poned category, whIch Included last week's contebts CITY OF HARPER WOODS agamst Plymouth Agape HARPER WOODS, MICHIGAN 48225 ChrIstian, Plymouth Chnstlan and Warren NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Macomb ChristIan ON THE ADOPTION OF A BROWNFIELD PLAN FOR THE CITY OF HARPER WOODS "The ram I" startmg to PURSUANT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT 381 turn mto a problem because OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN OF It has causf'd so many can- 1996, AS AMENDED cellatIOns for us," head coach Pat Sadler ";ll(! "Thf' girls III \\t I\~I ,\OJ''} TH"T P,hl H~jl'"ln doH I .....h lil .. l are anxlOu" to play a real 1111( f\ I H .rrtr", ))(h r Ihl lo,.h Jl ....\ 1\.1..1' 'l(XP 11 7 ~'f' II tl ( \ ( Jll

(I I hi. " r HlpcrAH"rlUl HIfT"f '" 'xl~ \11 r lln ill I HI \\.111 ~l game m'ltead of practlcmg Illnr h (l\ fHll1l'rV-- ...... h ...... ,hml,l,n hll.r \ulh nl.. ,1 II -. I r \.\. ~I all of the tIme" r If\) nr nl n lord n l \\.lhlht rT)\I~1 n~.1 'hl ~r \o\.plltlt1 k; 1 pml IH) n In~" hl.lnl A,,-' "I\(j llhe P,hll A (\ llh~ \ltll I r-.f h~ll 1 ~n, I Whenever the Eagles get IOxnlkd nk\k",-rprl)n\llrJ1(rr)~I~.tN ....ntltldl<; to playa game, JUnIor Sarah Sensational Sehung WIll be on the I iT I\ttllul nlh<'(I\ fl~lrpt.r'" ...1 ( Irr)(1~1\n' "I.tfe- 1\1. ~I .. ~n k ho.1

jl; Inll. v. (rh of Harpn 'r\ood\. The Grosse Pointe Woods Our Lady Star of the Sea eighth grade boys bas- mound ketball team qualified for the CYOchampionship playoffs for the third year Next for the Lutheran f1 k rp' r flhcrrptrl,aln~\o\.lhamtlldr-'InJld(,"llrl n I he Br,'Io'rlll I in a row. The Sailors won five games in the CYO.along with sLxout of eight PI n HI l\ III ltJi<' t Ir ptlhh\. In p<" tt n II ( II~ Hall 14f,I H Irr<'r \\('" Hllf"': r ".'Ill( Edbt softball team ISa home \11 in nonleague competition. The squad also won the Guardian Angels hoUday ~ame on Fnday, Apnl 19, tournament held at Bishop Foley. The team members were Freddy Andary, aga1l1"t Luthfran We~tland, I'rt 1\, n I!C 'h I !II j"fll"dl,.

he Illle Will Ahee, Robert Hathaway. Patrick Leaman, Chris McAlpine. Mark Reno, followed hy away games on Andy Paglia, Matt Lombardi. Paul McAlpine, Ben CzerniawsJti and Jamie Wednesday. April 24, and ( , H 1If"'; 'V. ~'11 Sheppard. Steve Hammel was the coach and Jeff Bolton was the manager, IO\Jj j) "rrd l~ 11~1" MIckey D Todd, Thursday, AprIl 25, agaInst (, r~ 1~lIl(/l()I_j tw: 0.10"1 ]()()1 ( II) (krl. Hamtramck and Harper Woods Thursday, April 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection Classified. (313)882.6900 ext. 3 orts s . Regina's track team 'Golden' in season-opening relay meet By Bob St. John Paradise and Couture took Of courbe, ram halted the N aplewockJ to lead the way home" score could have been 7-0 wred go d "We had a good day," head squad of Sara DeMars, postpone the second half of scorers were Weldbeck With Apnl 11, beatmg Allen Park while Ashley Mlllcr, J\III\ coach Gregg Golden said Katie Monahan, Cathenne our second game," Laffey a 53, NaplewockJ With a 53 Cabnm 3-0 111 their league Krol and Enn DUJlp IeLUId "Mm,t of our gIrls hdd a per- Vaughn and Laun Elsen said "Our girls played pret- and Osterman With a 54 opener ed as!>l!>ts sonal best, which wa!> gI eat Commg up for the Regina ty well m our opener n In the DIVIne Child "The girl!> played very The Regma succer te,1I11I this early m the season n track team IS the Chel!>ea Jumor Amy Whaley (1-0) matLh, Artymovlch shot a well, controlhng the play for 1-0 111 the CathulJL Le.tgu Some of the top team!> In Relays on ,saturday, April earned the Win, g1Vmg up 41, followed by Pocbmara about 90 percent of the Double-A DIVI!>101l[Ind 1 I the field were Birmingham 20, and an away meet on five hits, stnkJ'1g out 11 and and Napwwockl With a 53 game,. Perhn said "The overall Groves, Troy, Troy Athens, Wednesday, Apnl 24, walkmg five 111 seven and Weld beck With a 55 Ferndale, Utica Ford, agamst LIVOnia Ladywood Innmgs The Regina golf team IS 2- R1rmln~h~m M"ll'"""l" ::!~d uQ~.r .:;"'}:.(:d ...!....6'-'~ pT""tt,)' C.IT.....u.>.a _ '-'~Jt ~(:~.Io.vr ...'\mlCC C u ... ~"lI ....nJ ~rlHI.. Cuthvl,,, Pioneers pound Sterlmg Heights tough, but the competition Konal had a tnple, double League The Saddlehtes' !>huttle wIll help our girls Improve,. and walked, plus had a dou- relay squad of Jackie Golden said ble m her only at-bat m the out 10 hits in win Babich, Anna TzoykowskJ, second game Soccer By Bob St. John three hitter,> he faced Ashley Couture and Lla Softball Jumor Shenna Malson Staff writer "It wab a mce opener f' Gnllo earned a gold medal, had a double and walked In Ken Perlm made hiS Harper Woods' boys base- all of our players, e1>pcLl.JJh while the high Jump relay Ram and more rain has the opener to help the Regina head coaching debut ball team won Its season our underclassmclI, team of Gnllo, Rachel CortIs spelled doom and gloom for Saddlehtes Win last week, guiding the opener last week, crushing Rowmskl said and Tzoykowskl earned a the Regina softball team The Regina softball team Saddlehtes to a wm and a host New Haven 20-2 m five The PIOneers bdnged out Silver medal "We need the ram, but lt IS 1.0 overall and m the loss mnings 10 hits and five went tOI The 1,600-meter relay seems as If It rams every day Cathohc League Central "It was mce to get on the "They had a pretty good extra bases, mcludmg 1>enwr team of Babich, Couture, we are scheduled to play,. DIVISion field and play some soccer," pitcher who had us off-bal- Ryan Nanmm's grand .,11111 GnIlo and Rosma Jenkms head coach Diane Laffey Perlin said "Our first !rame l ~ .&.1.. __ ... -. ... _ Jot dUc....~ ~d! Jy HI !,;ue t:)t1JlJt~, and ~u1JIJUJuul ~ J c.,u brought home a bronze sald GOlt was played m homble- con- head coach Mike ROWinskI Melendez's three-run hOIll( J medal and the Saddlehtes' Last weekend, the ditions, but our second game said "The guys remamed Pietrangelo helped III JUnior varsity l,BOO.meter Saddlehtes were scheduled The Regina golf team lS off was under great condltions " patient and they really got own cause, gomg 3-for -, relay squad of Alan Hoey, to compete 111 the to a sohd start, beatmg Ann The Saddlehtes opened the bats gomg in the final WIth three RBIs Sarah Popp, Karon Walter Chesterfield Tournament, Arbor Gabnel Richard 204- the season With a 3-0 los!:!to four mmngs " "We had some nerves dill! and XlOmara Okonkwo but poor field conditIOns 335 and Dearborn Dlvme host Chippewa Valley Sophomore Frank It showed WIth a shaky iii t placed fourth Wiped that out Chlld 202-223 last week The field was covered With Pietrangelo (I-OJ pltched the mnmg, but the guy~ ~cttI( II The dIscus relay tno of Laffey's squad dId get one Head coach Bob mud as the game was played first four mmngs, giVing up down and played wcll, AleXIS Terry, Cortls and game 111, which was a 4-2 Artymovlch sald he lS lean- In a downpour two hits and walkmg one, Rowmskl said Amanda Terry placed wm over Birmingham mg on veterans ROSie "It wasn't very good play- while freshman James Slago The Harper Woods bd'>L fourth, and the long Jump Manan m the first game of a Artymovlch, Amy Osterman, mg condItIOns," Perhn sald. pitched the final innmgs, ball team IS 1-0 overall .lnel relay team of Gma doubleheader at Kyte Jenmfer Weld back, Rose "I was h&ppy to get the game strlkmg out each of the start league play soon Shermatero, Andrea Monroe. Pochmara and Sara out of the wa and head ~]jlr-6~OOext 3" [L HSSIFIE hi"En T151N G/ F~~~lt~~t~.~~9 REAl ESTATEFOR SAlE .,. ------0 fa 904 A>pIIahiQvlng Repa" 954 Pamhng/deder 600 Cora 906 Ardlltedliral Service 957 P1umblifl!&lnolallohon 969 Sw,mm,n PaalServlce 980 Wmdows ICoIl""loId",.dooodalo.l 099 B"",essOppoOrtohon/TrQ'iel 409 GorosIeIYard/Ba.ern.nISc*. 654 6001Sioroge/ Dodung 933 Excovcmng Z1P _ or credll approvol 120 TUlorl"ll Edueohan A10 Household Sales 655 Campers 934 Fences ADDRESS CITY Call forrote. or for more I 21 Drape"es 411 Jewelry 656 Molcrb, kes 935 F,replaces ,nfarmollon Phone ~... con 122 Dre.. maklng/ Allerahon. 412 Mlscellaneau. Mel., 657 Molorcycles 936 FIcxion "Y0UtH0me" 945 Ho-.l.--n R L'I Iv fa I hod Dental/Med'col ~IImo,...... ,..,.,. - .~I'''~ ospor1"'" I" r c aSSI 204 Hel Wonted Dome.hc 5<12 Ho..... For Sal. lor all Ck""hod IleoI E,"'" 946 Hou 'ng. adver""ng .rror " I,m,ted 10 205 HelP Wonlold L al 503 Household Pets For Sole ado Bo~...., Oppor>.on<.... 947 Heahng ArId Cooling elmer 0 cancellohon af the 206 Hell' Wonted P':1!,Tllne 504 Humane Soc,el,es and e-ry lots 11)948 Hom. Maintenance chorge or 0 re run 01the 207 Hell' Wonted Sole. 505 Losl And found 949 Jonlla"al Services 12 SIllS partlan m error Noh~canon 208 HeI1: Wanted Nur.... 506 Pet Breedm9 GUIDE TO SERVICES 950 Lawn Mo-/ ,ven musl be 9 In hme far A,d •• / Convalescent 5<17 Pet Equlpmenl 900 A" Cond,honm9 Snow Illower Repair 13 tl4.OO14 11US 15 S1UI 16 Il~95 correc~on In the fallow.ng 209 Help Wonled 50S PetGroormng 90\ A10rm In.taIlOhan/Repa" 951 lllloleum I.. ue W. anum. no Management 509 Pel Board,"g7S,tter 902 Aluminum Siding 952 locksmith re'P.OO"b,l,ty me same after 510 Animal Serv,ce, 903 A-I Repair, 9~3 Mu"c In.trumenl Repa" 17 11Uil 18 117.2519 11790 20 m.ss ",,~l ...... _to...... lor '""'M'" ,ance 7

101 PUYERS 112 HEALTH I. NUTRITION 123 DECORATING SERVICE 200 HElP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENEUL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENEIll~ 1Ei. . j PRAYER to the Holy o LOSE those unwanled WALLPAPERING b~ A NANNY EXECUTIVE director to HOME BUSiness Oppor- GARDENERS. Expel Spmt pounds wllh Turbotnm Joan 15 years expen- manage Student Men. tunity- Improve your enced Good po.ly NNOUNCEMENTS Holy SPirit, you who Plus and Bodytnm ence (313)331.3512 NETWORK tor Partners, Local famllys finanCIal fll- work and altllud, make me see every' Discount pncesl 313. non-profit organiza- ture Part tlme- Full (586}420-8770 124 SLIPCOVERS Looking for quality 0991U51NE55 thing and who shows 617-7525 child care givers tion Educational pro- time Free information JOURNEYMAN plum!.Hr me the way to reach Top salary, benefihl gram working With Fulltraining ~ 114 MUSI( EDU(ATWN SIMPLY Slip Covers & and plumbers helpe<0 GROWING Grosse my Ideal You who hIgh school students, dream com (888)685- gIVes me the diVine Accessones Custom wanted ReSident" I POinte cleaning com- GUITAR Instructor, Slip covers made to (586)739-2100 volunteer mentors. 8041 l remodehng work Colli <;ppk~ gift to forgive and for- and ec"'cc ~taff, a~. Oilnv bUSiness Sear (313)881-1890 ::'1"i.1(1:', 10'11" ------INCRiCASe: your In- gel me wrong Inat IS C;:"Gci tabt~ SIStS disadvantaged Marty (313J66G 2521 partner Great oppor- lows etc Call Krysta ATTENTIONlWork from comel Control your done to me and you DetrOityouth WithtUi- tunity, please call (313)885-1829 home, $500- $1500 hoursl Home- based LANDSCAPER! law I who are In all Instan- tion and supportive 313-530-2457 part time. $2,000- I:'uslnessl Full training care, full lime Stdrl ces of my life Withme 125 & sales tate. 2- 3 days week 191ill Mack Avenue a~ MO~ ment speCIalists All POinte !'Id/a DelrOit Ml48236 >- occasions (313)884- samples 1-888.764- background helpful Know1edge of annu. !i?.irenuof deliCIOUS~andwJ( 111 ~ managerl supervl. dens Part time, own Gr~ lbmtiZ NiZWS hot soups to~~ed-too{)rder~alad~ fre,,1i bdk( d sor Excellent pay transportalton, non- bread~ and pa~trles and !!ounnpt colle{" ~)?w;poN plan Karen 313-886- smoker. dependable are served In a relaXin,!setllllg Equal Opportunity Fmployer (313)882-6900 ext. 3 1763. (313)881.3934 -

Thursday, April 18, 2002 Cla881fieds Grosse 'Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3 401 APPLIANCES 303 SITUATIONS WANTED 306 SITUATIONS WANHO 400 ANTlOU ES/COLLI (TIlLE S 2il2 HElP WANTED CLERICAL HOUSf SITTING ANTIOUES/ServICes.We BuyEstates' InsulanceAppraisals OFFICER 'ExclUSive Success (248)967-9334 ':\[01'1II9,)"b • • 'Systems Training DO you need a personal "ll'prm-:>:>66 Tues- I _.~ 7, ~ • .". .. H"m" 'I.;ji,a~ d~:'i"":"'g pc,.~cn M l'Iuvmo SiUL day.' Saturday be-\ n"IIl/l-w.. c,..,'1...... With 8 years expen- wanted Vintage Clothes And AccessorIes SA1\IROAY Ol'lLY APRIL 20m. 2002 tween 9 30am and lIulo1in1Pd 1""' .. ~~"'C"',Dt.....,,'k"'.~4 I~n*.~~ .. ence and excellent PayIng Top Dollar For The Following: 10:ooA.I'I.- 4:001',1'1. 10 30am f

408 FURNITURF 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 413 MUSI(Al 601 AUTOMOTIVE 60 S AUTOMOTIVE 611 AUTOMOTIVE 408 fURNITURE 417100lS . iASEMENT SALE INSTRUMENTS , CHRYSlER fOREIGN TRUCKS 40X 40 formal gold leaf NEW entertainment can- MULTI family. 465- 464 ABBEY PIANO CO. CRAFTSMAN tablesaw 2000 Intrepid. black, sun 1999 BMW M3 coupe, 1985 Toyota PICkup- en- glass top coffee table. ter, Hooker dark cher. Rivard. Saturday. 9. ROYALOAK 248.54t.6116 With stand Used one 'oof, 25.000 miles 21 000 miles. loaded gine runs greats. very $350 54" matching ry, 62X 46. front doors 3 Children's clothes. We Buy' Sell day $150 (586)771- Great condilion $29.995 (313)886. rusty, needs wor!<. glass top sofa table. SWing open $825 furniture. toys USED PIANOS 2396 10am- 2pm $12.500, (586)779- 5719 $500 firm {313}886- $350 1 year old Can (313)642-1474 0062 5328 be sold as a sel. SEMI. annual clearance Consoles-Spinets ~ 1998 CIVIC FX coupe, $650 2 solas, Iv" .. v.o g~,!,!O' ~?" g!;::;:; top corner special $1 bag Grands-Uprights 1987 Lebaron. 130,000 44K, 5 speed. well GMC, 1999 Sierra, 8' tone. cream & taupe. wrought Iron table, 4 day salel April 24. PIANOS WANTED miles, runs okay Ask- eqUipped. $9.600 box automatiC, V-8, skirted. formal & tradl- chairs Gilder Chaise 10am- 3pm Apnl 25. TOP CASH PAID or- • ANIMALS Ing $800 (586}443- (313)882-4180 air. 78,000 miles tlonal, like new, $700 lounge Best ofjdr, 7. 9pm Unitarian 4874 $9995 (313)884'0071 1993 Honda CIVICCX, 2 each (313)882'6255 cash (313)884.3596 Church Annex. 17150 HAMMOND Spinet 1990 Plymouth Acclaim 612 AUTOMOTIVE Maumee gan. hke new $350 500 ANIMAL door, 5 speed, hatch- New tires. runs 9reat VANS 9 piece traditional dining THIS End Up furniture Call (313)886-7633 ADOPT A PH back Nev. clutch, room set. $2,000 5 Dining room table. so- ST. Clair ShQres. Ard------Transportation spe- brakes. exhaust. Iires. 1997 Chevy Venture LS piece Spanish bed. fa table corner table, more Park annual RENT a plano, $25 00 ADOPT a retired racing Cial, $1,500 (586)260- battery, tie rods Runs extended 5 door, 7 room set $2,000 end table (586}776- block sale An awe- month ThiS weeks greyhound Make a 1542 excellent 95K passenger. many op- l (313)824.3830 5699 some spring eventl special free dehveryl fast fnend 1-800.398- 602 AUTOMOTIVE $3180 586-783.3947 lions. clean low Call for details Mlchl- 4d M h G April 26th- 28th 9am og IC Igan rey. fORO miles $10.000 1991 Honda Accord. 4 A brand new pillow top Jefferson south of 11 ga n Plano.(248)548- __h_o_u_nd_C_o_nn_e_c_ho_n__ (586)777-8570 mattress set, Queen 2 2 OO 1988 Cougar LS- V6. door, 140K miles. air, 1586\294-8640 after 6 sz: $~~~ ~:':~.:iu':;;': lLJ4J ~erKSnlre, urosse -i:,-T.-\.,-'I-d-Ir-;:,-n-o-re-s---t:.-n:-t,j-"WUf\Mmlnl~n" .....()m cnOSSE rV'-':Q A'-lltlci: "uu: 1i"'IJC.::~,cd, t.o.', $2.7:.ivl """t 01i"1 (586)463-9017 POinte Park Apnl 19th Rosedale (8 1/2, east SCHAFER 7 Grand Pla- Adoption Soclety- pet tires, loaded $1,875 (313)886-1388 1994 Chevy Mark III BEAUTIFUL bedroom and 20th. 10am- 4pm or Harper] April 19m no 8eaulllul aeep rea adopt. on Saturday, {~36}S22~293S S..,uri Veil I, t..lt:'dll vtth ... 1998 Lexus ES300. set by Stanley Queen Furniture and house- and 20th, 9am. 4pm mah09any In like new 12. 3pm Chlldren's cle. newer service 1995 Ford Escort LX 4 mint. 63K. loaded. size mattress! box hold lIems condition Nice touch, Home of DetrOit. 900 door, red. automalic. brakes, exhaust, tim- ST. Joseph Falrl and sound $13.000 Cook. Grosse POlnle new tires $183001 Ing belt 65.000 mllas spring Good COndl- -2-1-I-d-l--F-h~-'-& 4800 Cadieux new $6.600 Jerry Woods (313)884- cold air. like new. negoliable (248)528- tlon (313)303.1431 san ane. IS er $6.200 (586)558- Jefferson Quality kids bet Mack & Warren (586)792.3063 1551 75K, $3.600 2015, (248)765-9155 (586}773-6375 9826 BED, a cherry sleigh. clothes. toys, books Friday, saturday USED PIANO 1999 Mercedes Benz 1988 Ford Tempo Auto- 1997 Grand Voyager stili boxed, never Everything mcludlng 10am- 4pm CL.EARANCE GROSSE POinte Animal C230 Kompressor used. $249 (586)463- the bathroom Sink Jewelry, clothing bake III Chnlc has male gray matiC, excellent trans. V6 4 door, child Loaded. under wa~ 9017 Saturday 9- 5 sale, treasures. Imen, Baby Grands. Spinets, cat orange cat, male portalion. $400 seats, loaded Excel- ranty $20.500 lentl $5,900 (313)350- boutique Cast Iron Consoles. & Uprights cocker, Yorkle mix. (810)533-4665 BEDROOM set. King, 430 Rivard, Saturday. wash tUb. smalilronites, $695 and up Shepherd mix. female (586)725-2574 3147. (313)885-4840 1995 Mercury Sable GS solid maple Tnple Sunday, 10- 4 Mov- ceramic kiln, greenware, SCratch & Dents terner mix. Beagle. 1985.5 Porsche 944 5 1996 Grand Caravan dresser Wit. large mlr. Ing sale Clothes, mlxmg tub, 9ft stainless Rent Returns, Overstock and Shepherd mix sedan Loaded, all op- tions, cold air, like speed. 114.000, red, SE. very clean. ror, chest, mghtstand lawn tractor, exercise Sinks With counters WE NEED ROOM (313)822-5707 many new parts. 68,000 miles Oar!< Perfect cOndllion equipment. furniture. Sat, lOa-5p Sun. 1-5p new, 66K. $3,500 $6,000 (313)520- green! tan $6.295/ $1.000. (313)886- other Items. WOODS, 1792 Hunting- Michigan Plano TEDDY Bear for adop- (586)344-8896 7136 best oHer Must sell 6975 ton, Thursday. Friday. Woodward S. of 9 lion Large black 2000 Mustang Convertl' (313)884-4283 please 1996 Saab 900S- leath- BROYHILL- bedroom BASEMENT sale- Saturday. 9am-3pm. (248)548-2200 mixed breed With very b,sharp, under war. leave message set. king headboard. household Items. ap- InSide onlyl Left over www,mIDjano.com lovmg big heart needs r Serious replies er seats New moon- 1 1997 Mercury Villager 2 night stands, ar- pllances, clothing, __e_s_ta_te_sa_le_pl_u_s_m_o_re_WANTED- GUitars, Ban. home I ve had bad on $15,0001 nego- roof great condition black steel bed LS- excellent COndl- . 9 drawer dress- WOODS 19836 Ida )05. Mandolins and luck. I've had mange tiable (313)640-0835 $8,600 (313)885- (313)461-5844 or' Ukes Local collector d I 6044 lIOn, 64,000 miles, er. mirror $795 1m- (313)642-0362 Lane East. Saturday. as a puppy an am 1>03 AUTOMOTIVE maculate! (313)884- 8am. 3pm. Ailttle bit of paym~ top cashl 313- scarred My tall $7,600.. (313)882- GENERAl MOTORS 1999 Saab. 5 speed. 1618 2174 GROSSE POinte City. everythlngl 886-4 22 doesn't look too hot midnight blue. leather. ether as the end got 1991 BUick Roadmaster CHERRY dmmg set stili 553 RIva.rd Fnay.d YAMAHA electrOniC pla- I , sun roof, low mileage, 1988 Plymouth Voyag. 1\1 boxed. never used Saturday, 9- 4 Ga. no, model #ypp-50 chopped off. but I'm Station wagon, fully $16,500 (313)881- er- 4 cylinder, fuel In. $550 (586)463 9017 rage sale including Great condition $400 gorgeous InSide My eqUipped, excellent 4188 jected, 90k on engine. ______.___ furniture 8' pool table l' slate. (313)822-7603 name IS Paddmgton condillon, 1 owner. Runs great $1.7501 DINING room set- 6 leather pockets. New. Call Pele at Animal $4,850 (313}882- 1997 Volkswagen Jella best offer (586}822- chairs, lighted chma GROSSE POinte never used Cost Welfare, 248-548- 4434 Fun car' 5ospeed. air' 2985 cabill et. buffet Woods' 559 Cook $4,200 sell $1.850 1150 P S They say 1987 Cadillac- Flonda bags, sunroof, CD 1995 Wlndstar LX, all $1.5001 best Hunt Club area 9am- Can deliver, set up 195Os- '60s dolls (espe- you can t buy love, but changer. power locks, Call Barb e) So ght car. excellent COndl- power. fUlly loaded, (313)884-0551 lpm. Saturday. Apnl (586)465-6492 I Y I U you can air. cruise Makes -----___ 20th Large and small by collector who pays tlon. 91,000 miles dual air. very clean, great graduation glftl DINING room table. like Items FAUX fireplace With cash (313}886-4392 $4,300, (586)443- 116.000 miles. Must Kristin (248)980-5777 new, rod Iron With hearth. $300 ------4874 see. $4,9001 best glass top and 6 HARPER Woods. (313)884-37"3 ALWAYS bUying fme 1997 Cavalier. Flonda 1995 Volkswagen Pas. (313)884-4230. chalfs. DeSigner 20205 Washtenaw. v chma, old glass, old BLACK! white. Lab, (313}709-2272 fl I de tt Sh h d F d car, 19,000 miles, sat White. heated piece $600 (586)663- tools. toys. mlsc lNDo-BIDJAR OnentaJ ora sign po ery ep er mix oun leather, CD, sunroof, 4424 Th sd F d S t rug Wool 9 x 12 vases & bowls. $10- In Grosse POinte very clean. no dents, 613 AUTOMOTIVE ______ur ay. nay. a. very good' condillon' $100 each paid Call (313)884-1551 $6,000 (313)886- every option 77.000 WANTED TO IUY DREXEL china cablnet- urda)" 8. 4 Mehssa. (586)790- 0262 Milas $8,200 ALL Junk cars wanted. h ood Ih d ------Appraised by Hagopl- 3616 ------(58 )774-0545 c erry w wI IS- HARPER Woods. 20890 an carpets at $4.000 ------GROSSE POinte Animal 1996 Chevrolet Cava- .. Serving Grosse play lights. $1.700 Anita Fnday 19th. Sale Price, $3.0001 Buymg Chnlc has male gray lIer- loaded 63.000 POinte. Harper Drexel cherry wood .saturday 20th 9am. best (313)343.0394 DIAMONDS cat. male Yorkle miX, miles Below book at Woods, 5t Clair server; $600 Kara- 5pm Babyl children's! Estate. Antique Jewelry male Shepherd miX, C:;3.900firm (586)774- Shores & DetroIt's stan onental wool rug. household Items JIM Clary pnnt. "The Re- & COinS female Pit mix 6413 eastSide 586-779- 9x 11. $800 2 Ethan glna" #150/1000 PongraczJewelers (313)822-5707 1552 Allen fireSide chairs. HARPER Woods. 20925 Framed by Clary With & POinte Gemological 1996 Chevrolet Corsica $150 each Ait In ex. Liltlestone. Saturday Spoon recovered from Laboratory LOST white Spaniel sedan Slack. auto- r cellent condition and Sunday; 9am. wrech $1.750 91 Kercheval mix 35 pounds Re- matlc. air, V-6. clean, (313)881-9342 5pm Furniture, men's (810)335-4371.e. on The HIli ward (313)526-6716 like new, 99K, $2,900 e GREEN couch Excel. clothing like new, lots stemme\[email protected] com Grosse POinte Farms (586)344-8896 lent condition 102" of miscellaneous I -K-O-H-L-E-R---d-oc-ks-Id-e (313)881-6400 1989 Corvette convertl- JtECREATIONAb long 313-378-2099 (313)884-8032 ble Black auto 90K acrylIC bath White. BUYfNG old furniture, ' , 606 AUTOMOTIVE 65 I BOATS AND MOTORS_ LIFT chair, medium HUGE neighborhood stili In box 55 gallon glassware. china. and A Georgia peach SPORT UTILITY blue. hke new. stili un- sale Antiques Include $300 (586)771-2396. other Interesting Happy Campers $9,4001firm (313)418- 1993 Boston Whaler. der warranty. $300 love seat, bed, ViOlin•• lOam. 2pm ~~iJohn, 313-882- M Pi,et Gr'Oi0rr;ing 9462 19:~en E:or~ ;r;:; 17ft Montauk, 100hp (313)882-5661 trunk, pictures. dress. 0 en> ceJ0r!'~, 1991 Cutlass Supreme. EVlnrude Pnstlnel ers, dishes. tms. elc LAWN mower. gas CASH dog. & cat.. ~<; white, 95K. all power looking, 72K miles With trailer $12,500 MAHOGANY Also. chlldrens edger, room air COnOl' PAID (f Great student car $8,4001 best offer 313-885-2097 INTERIORS clothes, loys. stroller, tloner (313)885-7437 For newer or used (5B6)552-181 $18501 best Must (313)884-3651 (Fine Furniture car seat, SWing, baSSI' LENOX china "Rhor. paperback books In sell (313)350-0600 1999 Ford Explorer 1957 Chns Craft Capn & Antique Shop) net & much more doraN (586}463.4322 good condition Sport. red. 2 door 19' Barrelbark Good 506 S. Washington Saturday 9- 4. Sunday NEW HORIZONS 1999 Pontiac Bonneville shape, runs great, SE 4 d 43000 51.000 miles. many Royal Oak, MilO- 4 Don't miss thiS NORDIC Track Gold ex- BOOK SHOP DOGGIE waste ''=1fI0V- 1- oor, , extras. $10.750 ria..... trailer $16.500 Bedroom. hVlng room & onel Absolutely no erclse machine, $500 (586)296-1560 al Wee"ly servlC'e ml es, auto. air. power oeoost@aol,com Starting $10 Call seat Excellent condl- (313)886-2293 (313)881-8346 dInmg room IIVlng room presa Ies 23243 S RId Ing Iawn mower FINE china dinnerware, $ fumlture (KlllmQer. Bak- Rosedale Ct (comer With mulcher. clipping •• O....M .I"M "~,,..~.. Doggie SCoops, lion 11,5001 best 2001 Jeep Cherokee -...-I\I\I\--"'-_-_-'-.-r-_-_-_-"-.,, er, Drexel, more) Wide R'ver Rd, St Clair collector & snow ~;;d"''''a;i;q~e;'~''C;.Jj (313}882-0212 \5B6J26il-uJ~b Limited 4wd. black •• vv:'st~_v'1'0 'h;;:;;;....; assortment of 011pamt. Shores. near LJggett blade. $750 Trampo- Jan! Herb (586)731 - 1995 Pontiac Grand Am. leather. Immaculate. tended warranty. must • Ings (some anlique Oils) Middle SChool) line. $125 (313}885- 8139 D~ 83,000 miles, 4 door. 20K $17.900 sell $40,0001 make King & queen size 4 7356 good condl1JOn (248)681-7109 offer (248)528-3282 poster beds Some MOVING sale I 18923 PAYING cash for used $3,800 (313)417. ------French pieces of Washtenaw. Harper OLD red leather sofa pianos Prompt. pro- UTOMOTIV 9939 1995 Toyoto Four Run- 1991 Regal 233xt. cabm fumlture Woods Many good- $2501 best Large fesslonal pick. up ner umrted. all op- cruiser Well mam. TOO MUCH TO LISTI Les, everything must charcoal gnll $50 Call now. (586)997- 1993 Ponliac Bonne- tlons. excellent COndl' talned Great Cendl- VISA-Me-AMEX gol Fnday. Saturday (313)882-7901 0032 Ville, good condition. 4 tlon. must sell I tlon $15,000 Call lOam 4pm ------door $2,0001 negotla. $11.800 Days, 586- (313)885-6044 248-545-4110 -. STORE eqUipment. All NG PAYI CASHl 1994 Cadillac STS- bre (313)"882-7801 531-8636 Evenings. NATURAL maple shak- MOVING sale. Grosse stamless steal Freez. Forantlques,coins, 60.000 miles while dl- 1991 Pontiac Bonne- 313-886-0604 1995 Sea Ray 220 Bow- er style dll"lng set With POinte Farms, 352 er. double door. Work- diamonds, jewelry, amond, sunroof, heat- Ville, loaded looks nder Excellent COndl' 6 Silver chairS, china Mernweather Satur- statIOn, With dell com- watches, gold, Silver, tlon, length 22'. beam cabinet. buffet $1900 day, Sa- 12n Every- partments Bagel paper money; ed seats, loaded, ex- good. runs good, 8',. 0 liter V8, 150 (313)885.4641 thing goes I toasters Worktables (586)n4-D966 tra sharp $12.000 $2,300 (313)350. 1992 Dodge Dakota h teall while. Call (586)412-4979 (810}602-9940 3147, (313)885-8300 plckup- lmer. V6, fuel $ I best. after 6pm RECUMBENT style ex------1997 Saturn SL 1 60K, Injected New tires. (3 82-8451 erclse bike Good DONATE your boatl good shape Askmg exhaust $2.350 Cell S WANTED- Motorcycles. condition Jed, clean Lake St Clalrl $4,500 (586)415-6590 (586)822.2985 1989 eaRay Sundanc- dead or alive Got an (313)882'3770 We are here founda. er TWin 454 Mercruts- old motorcycle In your tlOn (586)778.2143, 1992 Saturn SL1 4 1986 Dodge pick up V- er GPS, air. heat Ra. garage or shed? Tum SHOTGUNS, niles, old 100% tax deductlblel door, 5 speed, rella. 8 air, 65K. runs great, dlo. full 800 It Into cash' Not a handguns, Parker, non-profit ble, looks. runs great. $1.100 (810)533. hours Excellent con- dealer. a hobbyist Brownmg, Wlnches- $2 0001 best 4665 dltlon (586)776-9085 ter. Colt, Luger. oth. (313)882-5757 (313)884-1935 ers Collector 2000 Ford F150 7700 WHEELCHAIR- Inva- (248)478-3437 senes TOWing pack- CATALINA 22. care. electnc, good 1998 Breeze, 4 door, age Tool box bed Iin. SWirg keel. With 4 cOndllion, With charg- VINTAG£ Star Wars sharp, excellent con- 1975 Mercedes diesel, er ladder' rack er. 4 salls, ar Roho cushion toys wanted Collector dillOn, loaded $4,900 restored Flonda col- chrome step bars' complete galloy, $2,5001 best Will pay cash (313)885-4840, lectlble $42001 offer 25000 miles Ions, new 8 GET MOVING (586)775-6852 (810)295-0979 (313)350-3147 AMF Moped for resto- $22000/ best power Mercury rallon $7500 (313)506-4035 ~t~f823-5529 $4, (313)885 3878 WITH THE 2000 Ford Ranger MERCURY Force- 5 'OS AUTOMOTIVE • fOREIGN ,Flareslde 4x2. air. horse power. hke new. "edhner tanneau cov- $500 (586}443-4874 CLASSIFIEDS 1987 240 DL Vol"o- 5 er, CD, 35 000 miles speed looks and runs $13,500 (313)88t- NEW Inflatable 3 man great Sacnflce $999 7722 dmghy (Brig) With 9 9 (810}523-3355 horsepower Johnson 1993 Ford Fl50 XLT (810)523-3356 outboard 2001 Used Super Cab two- tone 3 hours $2,5001 offer 1991 Black Honda Ac- red! gray New Iiresl \31 ~)884-6449 cord EX- 207.000 brakes Loaded miles fully loaded 100 000 miles BOSTON Whaler Clas. sun-roof $2.700, $5,300 (313)884- SIC 1970. 17' Nauset, Grosse Point~ News (313)885-8505 4974 mahogany con~e and seats, 85 horse- 600 AUTOMOTIVE .00 AUTOMOTIVE power Johnson, 4 &<:~ CUS (US horsepower Merc. Loran depth & fish finder, VHF radio. To place your ad call: AMIFM stereo cas- sette. blmml sWIm ladder. rod holders. 313-882-6900 stored Indoors. $5,9001 best offer. (3 t 3)223-3624 ~-, Thursday, April 18, 2002 Classified. Tnu Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Gro' IIS3 10ATS I'UTS AND IIS3 tOATS PUTS AND bS I BOATS AND MOTORS 'S4 tOAT _ IIS1 MOTOR(YCtES bbO TRAIllI:3 MAINTINANCE MAINTENANCE IIS1 MOTORCYClES IIS1 MOTORCYClES DONATE your boaV TURNER'S Cuslom MARINE WOODWORK 1986 1200cc Honda As- 2002 Harley 96' Cus- HONDA 1983 Ascot TRAILER, 8'X 4', Ideal BOATWELLS slartlng at clean Lake St Clalrl Canvas Boat covers, Custom designed & bUilt pencade- 7 500 miles tom Soft Tall Never VT500 27,000 miles for lawn equipment We Are HE're Founda- lops, upholstery New Cabinetry Repairs, dry- $14 951 up Water, Like new condition used Worth $24,000 $995 (313)884.0071 $4001 best offer tW, tion (586)778-2t43 electncrty, clubhouse $5,500 (313)343- Sell $21,750 ------ami rE-palrs (58R)293- rot 23 Years E"p"n (313)882-3085 \586}'165-6448 HO~mA CBR500 F3 (H 100% tax deductlblel 6465 ence Have Portfolio & mucn more u151 Dr non-profit (586}791-1441 1995 Low miles Must & References 2000 Yamaha Razz Mo- CIassdIeds 313-a82-6900x 3 sell, must see I (3 (248)435-6048 ped. 450 miles $750 (313)882-8786 "",,:,%;;.';;'" (313)506-4035

L ge


hou •••••••••••••••••••• 7••••• n.:iJdlfMlr&~l:tJ_.:;.~._ ,t,'h~~5iil1mii:)l!I=•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 907 IASEMENT 936 fLOOR SANDING/ w 902 ALUMINUM SIDING 911 tRICK/tlOCK WORK 9\2 tUILDING/IUMODHlNG 913 CEMENT WORK 923 CONSTRUCTION REPAIR 930 ELECTRICALSERVICES WATERPROOfiNG R£ C=, R4 Insulated sldlnq, gut- CHAS F JEFFREV SEAVER'S Home Main- OMS Home Imorave- BIANCHINI CONST CEYCO Construction- FIRST 'Innovative Hardwood' ters V>lnaows, aecKs, tenance Bnck reo fc Basement ment resldenlial and Licensed I Insured Custom addition kitch- ELECTRICAL Hardwood Floors.19851 bnck patios, all Insur- pairs porches chim- enl baths Great pri- sl Waterproofing commerCial construc- STUCCO; John, Master Electrical Sandlng-Reflnlshlng- ance repairs' J Will .40 Yrs Expenence neys, steps M0rtar tlOn Additions dorm- Extenorl Concrete ces on cabinetry Repairs-New installation 111 Contracting (586)776-1007 e -Outside .Inslde Melhod color matched Insur- ers, basemenV kitch- CONCRETE Shower pan repairs Licensed & Insured (313)460.8221 ed (3131882-0000 Commerclal/Resldentlal (! .Walls Straightened en/ t.athroom remod- Stamped color concrete Reflhng available Tim Tarpey 904 ASPHALT PAVING Grosse POinte refer- Code Violations, & Braced A NAME els, counter tops, door and footings (586)772-6489 SAI REPAIR 'Foundatlons and Window replace- MASONRY ences licen sed, In- Sf'rv!ce Upgrade Ie Underpinned YOU KNOWI ment Vinyl Siding, all Brick! block sured (313}640-8191 Discounts, WOOD floor sanding. c e&fl~.1ll1e. 'Llcensed 8. Insured JAMES KLEINER finish work Licensed, cultured stone 8. stone Renovations refinishing Michigan s Insured Relerences, (586)726-4966 DEBLAERE H & R Electnc Licensed Floor Services, 25214 • ResurfaceDnveways 313-882-1800 Basement waler- ro proofing, masonry, excellent results ------CONSTRUCTION 8. Insured No Job too Gratiot Call 1.800- • SealCoat & Crack Filler ST, concrete 25 years (586)405-8121 ~ Plastenng drywall, small Senior dls- 606.1515 MIKE GElSEJl ' tl Insurp-d In the POlntes. painting cOllnts (313)657- C'OI'€lJlUCllON Licensed HARDWOOD FLOORS [ atO.71rS.80B7 313-885.2097 0262 t ~ FORESIGHT V & J Construction Spe- (313)499-0011 Free CoosuJtation •\ RE1YOVAn~ clalizmg In cement- _ \ WAT£RPROOFING CUSTOM MASONRY 'Installatlon'Repalr 'Kltchens.Bathroom driveways, base. REMODELING and new S & J ELECTRIC < 10 Yr. au- REPAIR • Sanding .Polishlng 'Flnlshed Basemen ments, Sidewalks, ga- construction Onque Resrdenti81 ANAME Dig no- M«fJod SPECIALIST I -Staining •Flnlshlng Wall SIraightenI 'Drywall Fmlshlng rages, patios Free Construction bUilds CommerCial YOU KNOW! Porches. chimney 81 -Qulck.Dry 24 hours SU IJnK:ing I -Vinyl Tile estimates (734)528- decks, garages, addl- No Job Too Small Tllckpomtmg, etc. Senior Discount 20% I JAMES KLEINER Wall RepIocernent .Ceramlc Tile 4558 liOns, kitchens and 313.885-2930 \\, ("Rf»360-30€ ! /) Call Stanley Basement water- f'loDamIJ9'l' To 'Wlndows'SldIng VALEN-T-E---N-o-It-on-S-r-Ic-kbaths (great prices on ------f' proofmg, masonry, Lawn OrSluvbbery 'Rough &: Finish & block repair Tuck cabinetry) Installation TOMA 313-655-3124 T concrete 25 years ~ae-v" Ca-pentry pOlnllng, concrete LI' of cedar shake (dorm- ELECTRIC lJomsed' .2342334 93& IUANIlUAI ~ m the Pomtes. l..-d .Free Estimates MICIUGAN fREEES1JIIA'ffS censed Insured 313- ers, gables) Roo! and 313-885-2097 Brick Pavers 1.ICE'l'iI'D8I11'S.RtD 881-3459 flashing repairs LI- BOB TOMA WINISHIHG/UPHOlSlIAIHG 7 2 censed, Insured Licensed Master ANTIQUE workshop- 313-881-6000 •Patios ZITO'S General Con- (313}506.4035 Electrical Contractor. EVERYDAY •Walkways expert repairs! refin- slructlon Stamped 313-885-9595 BASEMENT •Driveways Ishing All caning, free M:W DESlG/IIS INC. concrete Insured! li- 925 DECK5/PATIOS WATERPROOFING -Pool Decks KitcJIeu & eo- censed Free esti- estimates We're the J .Free Inspections 911 tRICK/ILOCK WORK BIJIM,__ ~ Sen>keoHOfftI! Reasonable Rates w mates Call f586)243. DECK season IS here bestl (313)881-9339 .Free estimates Free Estrmates A-1 bnck repair LI- 9676 (586)294.2968 Reasonable pnces 'Llcensed-Bonded Free Estlmates , l.JCE\lSED &< IIllSUIED Commercial FURNITURE refinished, censed 40 years ex- 19755 lia ..tUlood " References, reliable Resldentlal .Insured-Flnanclng 10.327-6987 l Ha'PerWoo"," repaired, stripped, any penence Chimneys, 919 CHIMNEY CLEANING Licensed and Insured '70,000 satisfied (3J3}884-9J!J2 New, Rep8rrs, type of caning Free tuck pOinting broken (586)776-9398 customers Renovations, estlmales 313-345- steps, porch repair 'Llfetlme transferable 914 CARPENTRY Code Violations 6258, 248-661-5520 (586)294.4216 929 DRYWALl/PLASTERING warranty BRICI DOCTOR SAFE FLUE Service Upgrade "Groere POinte'. 943 lANDSCAPERS/ 313-527-9090 AFFORDABLE light ma- CARPENTRY. Porches, CH IMNEY SERVICE AFFORDABLE plaster- lUBtoNU.on Spec.al .. t." GARDENERS sonry, save on tuck. doors, decks, base- • Chimney Cleaxnng Ing 25 years experi- CUSWORTH pOinting brick re The Art or MakIng ments Repairs, small • laps and 21 ST Century Lawn R.L. ~creens ence, guaranteed ELECTRIC placement Strong ref. Rep_1ItWark Di ... ppear Jobs Free estimates work, free estimates, Care Affordable qual- Inslalled FAST SERVICE Ity lawn care profes. STREMERSCH erences Free esti- Specializing In' 28 year!> expenence • Morlar and Lou Blackwell 586- • Jomt Restoration 313.116-4448 slonals Resldenliall BASEMENT mates Mike (313)885-4609 D1mpcr 776-8687 SINCE 1965 (313)884-0985 • Chimneys. Porches Repair commerCial Senior WATERPROOFING • Lime Stone CARPENTRY. Rough • Animal R£mo\al ANDY Squires Plaster- discounts Free esti' WALLS REPAIRED ALL masonry work. (restoration' repairs) and finish addlltons, CertlflE'd Masler Sweep mates licensed, In- Ing & Drywall Stucco I tJl'IlVERSAL STRAIGHTENED Tuckpolnt, chimney, • Water Sand Brullng remodeling kitchens, sured (586)463-8313 TOM TREFZER repair Spray textured ELECTRIC REPLACED bricks, block stones u~enled bathrooms, decks, ceilings (586)755- owrnHOME lay patio slate Ce- doors Licensed and (313)882-5169 I AFFORDABLE lawn ALLWORK Wor~,Fro,:-r,~~ 2054 Sf'EClAU5r.) ment step!> Reinforce Detailed Written Insured (313)410- service PrOViding GUARANTEED CirCUlI breaker boxes housE' foundations Estimate 8119 outdoor plugs recessed Grosse POlntes With LICENSED References 586-779. 313-882.3804 COACHLIGHT lights ad(hllons quality service for 15 313-884-7139 7619 "RIchard L PrIce B.D. EXPERIENCED carpen- CHIMNEY SWEEP CO All twes of eJectrj('.a1 WOrk. years Call MVS Lawn ')1 I.IsencedI Insured ter since '67 Altera- Slate Licensed for estimate, SERVING COMMUNITY 32 YEARS BELGIAN blocks and Owner opeIaled tions Windows, 5154 (586)776.7351 reclaimed street 9121Il1!DING/REMODELING ARE you looking at (586)415-0153 Some Classifications doors, decks, porch- bricks Large quantity CIwmeys damaged plaster ev- ALLEMON'S Gardening are required by law to AFFORDABLE- Bath, eS,garage straighten. eryday? Call The Wall available, Installed or ~ & Landscaping. Lawn be licensed. kitchen basements lng, seamless gutters, Doctor now I Expert , 934 FENCES direct sale (586)749- /nstalIed care (small mowers Check With proper Small or Big Jobs, reo Vinyl Siding Referen- plaster repair and cus- 6980 Anrna/1l«novaI only), spring clean- State Agency pairs or Anytillngl ces (586)779-7619 tom painting since Griffin Fence Company ups & f10werbed to verify license. BRICK repairs, porches, CetIifi«I & 1977 Call (313)821- Mike (313)438-6132 HAINES Carpentry Fin- 'All Types Of FenCing maintenance Tree & steps, tuckpolntlng, Licensed ItlSlnd WALL .Sales Ish, rough carpentry, shrub tnmrT1lng Top- THOMAS KLEINER glass block code reo .Installatlon, RepairS AVAILABLE Immediate- remodeling, decks SOil & mulch Installa- pairs KeVin, PLASTER & drywall re- BASEMENT Iy Licensed and In- drywall, tile, drop ceil- 'Senior Discount tion Quality services WATERPROOFING (586)779-6226 pair and painting 313-822.3000 sured bUilder Grosse l'1gS, bathrooms, 30 years expenence 920 CHIMNEY REPAIR Grosse POinte refer- 800.305-9859 -Digging Method GREAT Lakes Masonry POinte reSident, excel- kitchens, all carpentry Jim Allemon, ences Call Charles bnck restoration spe- lent references Free needs Free estl- MODERN FENCE (586)775.2525 -All New Drain Tile "Chip' Gibson Cialists Porches estimates Custom mates (586)405-2146 J&J White Cedar Specialists -Light Welghl 10Aslag chimneys, tuckpolnt- reSidential and com- ~ _ CHIMNEY 313-884-5764 ANGEL'S LAWN Serving the Grosse ~E~TILIZI"!G 1119 slone msurea merclal (313)824- ~ SYSTEMS, INC. t-'omtes since 1955 -Spotless Cleanup (313)417-1942 PLASTER repairs, Free esllma1es 4663 ~ MICH. Lie. # 71-05125 painting Cheapl No Automatic Gate Opener -Walls Straightened & Chimneys repaired, 29180 Gratiot, RoseVille SMALL repairs Tuck- DECKS, additions kltch. CAR PEN I R Y Job too small! Call Toll Free rebUilt, re-Ilned (586)n6-5456 Braced or Replaced pclntmg, porches, ens, and all of your ...... __ --- ... anytime Insured (888}-ANGEL-40 Gas flues re-Iined -Foundallons chimney repairs J W finished carpentry speC/a/wOi] Ir (586)774-2827 Cleaning Glass Block MODERIIIART ARBORIST trimmers Underpinned Kleiner Sr (313l882- needs 35 years expe- KITCHENS' BATHS 0717,586-778-1372 Certified, Insured SEAVER'S Home Main' METAL FAR, INC Five Season Tree -Bnck & Concrete Work nence Licensed, In' fiNISHED BASEMENTS (586)795-1711 tenance Plaster, dry. Wrought Ira ... S'3rvlce Tree preser- VITO. cement work, sured (586)776-9398 FINISHED CARPENTRY Hand ralb.jeru:es. -20 Years Experience wall, 1extures paint- vation, SlOrm work driveways, garage gales, au nlngs.. MIDWEST Jeff CapiZZI JEM "'IASONRV Ing 24 years- Grosse Joists {;, more. (586)778-4331 -10 Year Transferable floors, brick! block CONSTRUCTION 586677 0377 .chlmne) Rer.tIr &. Re,lomuon POinte 313.882.0000 .£]48)5H 5100 Guarar'1tee -Bm).. & Block .Tuck Pmnlll'\£; DERK Brown Lawn work Insured! bond- CONSULTANTS Ix 586 6770094

943 UNDSCAPUS/ '43 LANDSCAPERS/ 'S7 PlUMllNG .. GARDENERS 94S HANDYMAN 946 HAULING .. MOVING 954 PAINTING/DECOUTING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 960 ROOFING SERVICE GARDEItERS I INSTALLATION AA.1 Ron's Tree Serv- PROFESSIONAL AFFORDABLE- Electri- LOCAL moves and de- BRENTWOOD Palntlng- STEVE'S Painting Inten- DRAIN.AWAY Sewer CUSTOM Ice, Grosse POinte monthly maintenance, cal, carpentry, plumb- livery Appliances re- Intenor, extenor, wall- orl elo.tenor Speclallz- and drain servlcel ROOFING, INC. 313-506-9312 Imme- landscape deSign, Ing, painting, remodel- moval FleXible hours papering 35 years Ing In plastenng and Sewers and drainS CommerCial, Industnal diate service construction, plant- Ing, baths, kitchens, Free boxes Call any- quailly service Free drywall repairs, cleaned $69 and up & ReSidential Flat l Roof Experts FRANKLIN IMPERIAL Ings (313)886-9481 basements ceramic time, (313)881-5622 estlmates Bill, 586- cracks, peeling paint 586-566-6788 trle, marble or Any- 776-6311, 586-771- WindOW g'aZing, -24 Hour Emergency SERVICES MOVING.HAULING WOODLAND Hills 8014 10% off With adl caulking Also paint EMIL THE • Restoration Weekly Lawn Service thing Big or Small spring clean ups Appliance removal, Ga- old aluminum Siding PLUMBER .Replacement Landscaping Mike, (313)438-6132 Lawn cutting, garden- rage, yard basement, FIREFIGHTERSI paint- (586)469-4565 Father & Sons Free Estimates Brick Pavers Licensed Ing shrub trrmmlng cleanouts Construction ers Interror, extenor, SlIIee \ 9~9 (586)254.0952 (313)839-6839 debriS Free estimates Tom, (586)774 2818 DEPENDABLE handy. reSidential, commer- F======~ HilL ](J'Y GARDEN services, retir- man cerdmlC tile, MR B S 313-882-3096 clal Power washing, DINO'S PAINTING MA~nIlPI UMIl~Il" YOUR Enchanted Gar. wall washing ~rl~ndlyprofessional DAVID EDWARD ee will spring clean tubs and Windows 586.759-0457 313-882-0029 den, landscape and (810)381-3105 pager 5~~~~~~,[,~~t\Oar,e~T~S weed, plant mulch & caulked gutters ROOHNG garden des gn P J '54 rAIHTING/D(COUTlNG t t I L S Walker Compa'1y IlE'iIDF"l11AL prune A tew openings Baker (248)545-8588 cleaned, bnck repair, (810)406 1732 \\lng~~~::'~I~t~a'~¥klng Plumbing repairs & SPEOAUST tuck pOinting and left Reasonable 2 Girls and a Palnl FIREMEN painting & palnl i'~~~~lnle:~sfacllon drains Reasonable' (313)886-8058 more Mike 586-415- Brushl Quality work I powerwashlng Inten- Best referen~~5u Insured (586)786 5642 GARDENER, Spnng MEIRY Grosse POinte refer- orl extenor Insured l~b~i~~bi858 3900 (313)705-7568 ~R.~lS clean- ups Complete IANDSC\PING HANDYMAN available ences (586)943-7517 Reliability & Integnty ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;fL pager bed work Trimming nights and weeKends you can count on l1J!!!!!!!!!!~:::!!!::::!!!:!!!!!!~ A+ Painting Intenor, ex- (586)405-72'>6 11' do pruning, planting Call Mark (313)822- flF.PKIllE!!!!!!!~~P~'Jl~"""""""~~DISCOUN,. terror Plaster & dry------IUIU...... :l' PL:iMU:XG .:l' , 2.S Y~,Exp. , fJdllllll'\:l dilU WlrlUOWS ,j,jtll wall repair Window \.>.H.I. t'alnllng- Inte11011 Located In ~LM.lU "'" U..--...... fREE ESI1MA TIS (586)420-8770 glazing, power wash- exlerror Expenenced Grosse Polrlte Park .For aU Your HONEST and dependa. CaIJ (586).77S04434 Ing & painting Aluml- ProfeSSional Insured 7 years PlumbinJt Nceds GRIFFIN'S Landscap ble Carpentry, palnl- fur qxnpmth'e I'rloe5 d F 1 Free eslimates Refer. Full service WHY rAYMORE!! Ing Limited openings Ing plumbing, and num Sling ree es I- Sewcrs & Drains mates Insured Call ences Greg Irltenoll E,,;lenor Reasonablc Rates available for weekly electrrcal If you have lawn service Garden! 313-885-3410 a problem, need reo Ryan Painting (586)777-2177 Refer~~I~~Prlyour 7 DJ\YS 24HOURS flower maintenance pairs, or any Inslaliing (586)775-3068 INTERIORS area Fully Insured 586/412-5500 Shrub removal & ~~~~~~~~ Call Ron (586)573- A Z Pit I BY OON & LYNN All calls rewrned lit more Mike (810)364- 6204 -exten~~n'~r~at r~~I~: -Husband-Wile Team appolntmcn15 kept. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii~~~ 6835 Grosse POinte resl- W I (586~17'()546 WOItI; 960 ROOFING SERVICE "MIKE the gofer"- Trees dent (313)882.3286 - a Ipaperrng (313)331.7870 IIame GROUNDS clean up- and shrubs trimmed -Palnllng ADVANCED Mamte- lawn dethatch, aera. or removed, pressure 1iI0WMAN Pamllng In. lenorl exterior Resl- 586-776-0695 ~~~~~~~~ nance Inc Roof leak COMPLETE tlon, weeding, plant- washing, yard work, specialists Tear offs, ROOFING Ing, tnmmlng garden Windows and gutters- dentlal 26 years ex- J.L. PAINTING WALLPAPER re-roofs, shingles, SERVICE design JCJ Enterpns- estate maintenance penence Call Gary INTERIORIEXTERIOR REMOVAL wood shakes, flat RESIDENTIAL es (313)550.0230 CommerclaV reslden- 810-326-1598 Plaster repair BY .... M roofs, copper bays, COMMERCIAL lial Mike, (313)815. BRIAN'S PAINTING Drywall craCKs! JASON Pallas Land- LANDSCAPE peehng palnl Expedenced quality decks, slate and tile scaping Serving the 1514 work dependable, TEAR.OFF ProfeSSionalpainting, Window putty/caulKing lowest price repair Fully licensed POlntes 20+ years RESHINGLE INSTALLATION PAINTING, plumbing, Interrorl extenor Power washing) and Insured Early bird specials 586'771-4007 electrical repairs Speclahzlng all types repamtmg (313)884-9512 CERTIFIED Weekly lawn service OIlOUNbS code Violations, insur- of painting, caulking, Alummum Siding 957 PLUMIING .. ALL PRO ROOFING APPLICATIONSOF (313)885.0715 ,(J~pa;& 't ance claims LJcensel Window glazing, Grosse POinte INSTALLATION .Professlonal roofs, MODIFIEDSINGLE plaster repair References K & K LAWN & SHRUB Insured (586)498- CLEANAWAY. high wa- .Gullers .Sldlng, PLY C"RDEI'IS All work guaranteed Fully Insured FLATROOFING SERVICES, INC. 3393, (810)334.7288 ter bills, running 101' .New .Repalred Fully Insuredl Free Estlmales SYSTEMS Complete Landscape 315/885-8600 lets, dnpplng faucets, Reasonablel Rehable WHITE Glove Mamte. Free Estimates and 313-885-0146 VENTS Services shower and tub clog- 27 years In bUSiness nance- remodeling, Reasonable Rates, call GUTIERS Sod Installallon, Pavers ged drainS, more Se- L1CENSED/INSURED LANDSUPE roofmg, plumbing, 586-n8-2749 JOHN'S PAINTING REPAIRS Walls, Shrub & Tree nior discount John Williams el~etTical bath, paint- or 586-822.2078 Intenor- Exterior Spe- Tnmmmgl Removal, MAINTEN -\NCE (586)776-0252 586.776.5167 LICENSED- INSURED Clean- Ups, Fertllizalion Ing, etc Bill (586)778- CEYCO Palntlng- Exten- clahzlng In repairing Gutter Cleaning, Pond & 4024 orl Intenor palnllng, damaged plaster, dry- --C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-- FLAT roof speCialist 30 years expenence 886.0520 Garden Malnlenance Thr•• C'. repairs Grosse POinte wall & cracks, peelmg YOUR handyman Minor PLUMBING Work guaranteed VI- TOPSOil,Mulch & Stone L~ndscapinl. Inc, repairs landscaping, references (313)640- paint, Window puttying 8191 and caulking, wallpaper- SERVICE sa! Mastercard ac- 973 TJlE WORK Installed & Delivered rotollll1ng, painting ViSa! MCI Discover Ing Also, paint old alu- MARTIN VERTREGT cepted 313-372.7784 Forestry Division Very reasonable, reli- E.M.S. PAINTING mlnum sldmg All work AFFORDABLE. Old FREE ESTIMATES able Call (586)771- Licensed Masler SEAVER'S HOMe Main. World Tile New ce- LIcensed & Insured Interlor.Exterior and matenal guaran- Plumber tenance Rocf repairs, -Trl!l! Tril1lmin, 7422 Plasler & Drywall Re- teed Reasonable ramiC, marble, Small (313)417-0797 Grosse POinteWoods Ice shields, gutler, -Trl!l! i Sturn, pairs Power Wash- Grosse Pomle referen- or Big Repairs or IIl!movai 313-886-2521 chimney malnte- l KEN'S ProfeSSional Ing Pamt Peeling ces Fully Insured Anythlng Mike, .Storm Damage PAT THE COPHER New work repairs, nance Insured Lawn Care Weekly Window Glazing Free estimates (313)4386132 LI- 'Cabling HOME MAJNTENANCE SERVICE renovations, waler (313)882-0000 censed lawn maintenance, • S mall Home R 8j)llIrs Caulking Palnl 313-882.5038 & heaters sewer cleaning, Some Classifications spnng clean- ups • Guner Clelllllng RepaJrs Aluminum Siding OZZIES Palnllng Inten- Free estlmales CALL: • S mall Roof Repalls code Violations are requIred by law to Licensed and Insured I All work & matenals top orl extenor Patrhlng bUIlder Grosse Pl"ltntp Nelghborl Semor d,s- (511)757-$330 : ~~~~n~~~¥al quality Guaranteed A:l wO~r\ guaionteed be licensed. Check • SldlIlg & Oed< InSI81181100 counl Llsencedl In- & Insured plastenng repair with proper State reSident, excellent ref. I Insure' erences Granite, sured (586)775-0645 944 GUTTERS lor more Free Estimates Caulking, power DAN AOEMER Agency mformarlG,' washing al'.mlnum to verify license. Marble Pewab,c Ce- LAWN services and (888874-1844) Siding repainting All PLUMBING FAMOUS Malntena'1ce ~ ; 774-0781 ramic Free estimates l landscaping Call by Call Anytime painting & staining All Repairs remodeling, Window & guller (313)824-466~ • May 1st for free esll- code work fixtures cleaning Licensed, ERIC'S PAINTING worK & matenals guar- GENTILE mate (586)291-0493 946 HAULING .. MOVING Water heaters Installed SAN Marino Tile & Mar- bonded, Insured since Interrorl Extenor anteed Insured Call ROOFING SpeCialiZing In repairing anyllme (800)620- Sewers & Drains ble Trained In Italy MAC'S TReE AND 1943 313-884-4300 licensed and msured Since 1940 damaged plaster & 9696, (313)365-0967 .Tea~ offs 35 years expenence SHRUB TRIMMING (586)772.2614 COMPLETE WORK SEAMLESS gutters In- drywall, cracks, peehng .Expert Repairs (586)725-4094 ( stalled and guller re- palnl, caulking, Window PAINTING. formerly Nu Reasonable Rates .Gutters glazing, power wash Velw 20 years expen. DAVE'S TILE, complete new Quality Service pair Siding, custom .Snow & 'ce repalnl aluminum Siding ence Low prices Call baths, kitchens & tile , Call Tom aluminum trrm Win. Sewer Cleaning Relllolla' Insured Guaranteed Bob (810)523-3355 deSign 18 years ex- (586)776-4429 dows, doors, roofing, & carpentry Certlflod Local & References POLLY'S Painting- 25 Plumbing Repair UCENSED perience Licensed MICHAEL'S Lawn Serv- master craftsman (313)884.9443 years experience In &'NSVRED Insured Joe Sewers & Drains Ice Lawns cut & Martin Conslruction Long Distance Free Estlmales Grosse POinte area (313)884-1602 (313)881.1085 edged from $13 Cleaned (586)749- 7397, Free estimates (586)779-4798 Other Agent for Hot Water Heaters Dip - 977 WAll WASHING (586)749-7331 GI bal . (586)774-0428 services available .0 Tubes SEAVER'S Home Maln- o Van Lmes ~ I.' QUALITY Painting, Faucets TOilets HAND wall washing In- MIKE'S EVERGREEN tenance- Gullers re- \. • plaster repairs 24 Replpes Violations R.R. CODDENS _ terror painting Some LANDSCAPING paired, replaced, • : ' years Insured Neat Licensed ._. Insured major clean- ups Ref- Excellence UI Roofing Full maintenance cleaned Rooling 24 Gr~ Pomt~ N~ws Seaver's Home Main' (313)526-7100 erences Myrna, 586. Fannly smce 1924 landscaping & deSign, years Insured (\ (ONNEcn°N tenance (313)882- 291-7317 bnck pavers (313)882-0000 1I~~.44ftft ,.,•.,\l)n'; "nnn:. ... ., 0000 DIRECT Spnng clean ups ___ ------\" 1 "JUUCo.UOJIIII ~AI. " PLUMBING •R.. Jungie • Tcar-o/f MADAR Maintenance Lawn cutllng 945 HANDYMAN • large and Smoll Jobs Hand wall washing 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTlNG/DE(Q~ATlNG & 'Fl., Roor-New/Rep." (313)822-5010 • P,Onos(our spe.:lahy) Windows tool Free ALL of your home 1m. DRAIN MORROW'S Home • Appliances estimates & referen provement needs I 313-886-5565 Maintenance Profes- • Saturday, Sunday 886-8557 ces 313-821 2984 SpeCialiZing In exten- Sional landscaping at Service licensed Ins"red orl Interror painting *Free Estimates pnces to please I • SemorDiscounts D. BROWN 911 WINDOW WASHING Powerwashtng Deck (313)333-HOME PAINTING & REMODELING ~Full Product Warranty ,. InstallatIon & refinish- Owned & Operated AAA Window Washing -Senior D,scounl MYER'S Malnlenance. Ing Kitchen, bath, By john Steininger INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPES LOOK Expenenced, reason. complete lawn care, basement remodeling 11850 E.Jefferson Spongmg, Ragging, Spackle Dragging. Carpentl\ -References ClaSSified AdvertiSing able, satlsfacllon Drywall Plaster Repair Kltcnens Baths Basemen! spnng clean-up, gar- Full customer service MPSC.L 19675 -All Work Guaranteed 313-882-6900 ext 3 guaranteed Call Rob dening, planting flow- Family owned & oper- Remodeling. I\'ew Windoll J.l!'APERINO 'DRY\\'>J.l ev.sT"ER REPAIR I: ':;UlN NG • CAUlK~~ DEaL DIRECTLY WITH THE.JI..Wl![8 f t cutting clean ups 'Wo...l W~INO ,ACCOUSTICA, ~PRAVltKi .Utensed 1)0 Insured "ARNI$HING • BRuS>'ING RQL & sPAAVPA NTING tree, shrub trimming .Commerull 1)0 Resldenllal • T'E~R ~(, • W()(jJ Al:C:MSH ~G and removal sodding " ) .RII Work Warranteed grading s~dlng gar t • \'IE WORK AROUND YOUR HOURS. .Referentes In your are denlng, deSign bnck If" ; pavers concrete FREE.ESTIMATES landscape renova- 313-884-576 tions ReSidential ; t; (313) 881.3970 commercial 16837 HARPER' DETROIT' FAX 3!3 681 395' , April 18,2002 :. '12C Grosse Pointe News

N THE R AD" WE'RE Yes, SINGER is alive and well, XQ!JR LOCAI~ and coming to your area. HUMETOW To celebrate it's 150th Birthday STORE SINGER has authorized a select number of dealers to sell SINGER sewing machines away from their stores, but still maintain the Singer 25 year nationwide guarantee! SCHOOL MODEL • SEW & SEWING MACHINES . . THEY MUST BE SOLD! . ~. .

I I All Machines offered are the most modern machines in the SINGER line. I All machines are new in factory serviced sealed cartons. WHAT IS A SEW & SERGE SEWING MACHINE? I I I FIRST IT IS A SOPHISTICATED SEWING MACHINE that does buttonholes (any size), Stretch Stitching, Invisible Blind Hems, Monograms, Ribbing, Double Seams, Zippers, Sews on Buttons, I Hems, Darning, ZigZag, Basting, Quilting and much more. JUST TURN THE DIAL TO SEW MAGIC! \ I SECOND. IT HAS A SERGING STITCH. This allows you to sew the seam and over edge the \,1 material in one operation. THIRD. THEY ARE DESIGNED TO SEW ALL FABRICS without adjustment, such as Levi's, Canvas, Upholstery, , Stretch Materials, Silk, Percale, , AND ...

Other Models Available At Similar Savings! SUPER SPECIAL Computerized Machine Reg. $1599 NOW ONLY $599 PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED (313) 382-8761 ONE DAY ONLY! Saturday, April 20th from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at JO ANN Fabrics in Grosse Pointe Farms

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