Ew Hats Pairs Only 366 Pairs to Sell So First Come, First Served

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Ew Hats Pairs Only 366 Pairs to Sell So First Come, First Served NEW BRTTAIN DATT.Y HERALD. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1929. V. ed in a chain from The revelation, resulting from the Believe French Plane jns Saturday or early Sun-Ida- y Russian Fliers Will IW BRITAIN MAY New Kngland to Pennsylvania and killing, of an extensive white slave rather than Monday. beyond. ring operating in Atlantic states Mistaken for Soviets Delay Seattle Trip "Slaves'' Are ExIianncl from Pennsylvania through Massa- Le Bourget, France, Oct. 1 Brockton Student Is Sitka. Alaska, Oct. 1. P The SAVINGS BANK OF NEW BRITAIN BE LINK IN CHAIN Boston, New York, Philadelphia, chusetts brought Thomas Cooke, as- was advanced here today four Russian aviators flying the United States for "Land of the Soviets" Pittsburgh, Easton, Pa., Providence, sistant attorney that Captain Dieudonne Coste and Jailed in Cash Theft monoplane It. I., Scranton, Pa., and Edie, Ta., New Y'ork, from that city yesterday. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct 1 (UP) from Moscow to New Y'ork, remain- offi- his mechanic, Jacques Bellonte, ed in 1862 OF w;ere. important "stations" in the After lengthy conferences with Alonzo M. Sitka today after deciding to Organized WHITESLAVERS New-Yor- flown Johnson, 21, Brockton, railroad" cials he returned to take up the might have, within the lines postpone a scheduled this morn- - "underground by which of the Chinese in Manchuria was to hop "slaves" were between angle. A member of the United army Mass., taken the Indiana ing for Seattle, 700 miles south. They exchanged and huve been mistaken for Russian ' cities, authorities said. States attorney's office in Philadel- state prison today to begin a lu probably will take off for the Wash- - Resources $24,747,800.73 "W to follow him aviators. (Continued From First Fage) "When a girl becomes known to phia was expected year sentence for robbing a cafe- - ton city tomorrow, if weather condi- - here It was tfeared that in such an tions are favorable. the Boston police, tor example, she today. teria cashier of $17(1 last while she went in and told her Evidence Kept Secret event the Frenchmen would have August. They arrived here from is snipped out ot the state, per- Johnson was a student Brown Sunday Deposits made on or before Thursday, mother she Has to the new Malaga of Easton, Pa., held been fired upon and perhaps brought at Seward. going haps to some Pennsylvania city, nnd Harry the last two in- iob in New York. She turned over hero on a statutory charge and al- - down, since their machine was all 'college years and October will draw interest there continues as a 'slave' to the tended returning this fall. 3rd, her entire week's pay, saying she one those ready questioned about the killing, painted red, the color most often ruoui: t i.othinc; ring," of. directing the "I did it on a injunction would not need it since she was said. refused to talk when asked nbout associated with the Soviet military. sudden impulse." Washington, Oct. 1 (UP) A sub from October 1st H investigation The two miss- Johnson said in Koing to get a much bigger salary the slaying of Gertrude Ruby, aviators have been court. explaining committee of Die senate judiciary In "The same is true with the 'ma-- j a at Ta.. in ing more than tun set- 'tile theft. "1 saw the big city. " "taken for ride" Y'ork, hours since the manager committee begun a preliminary in- dams,' he added. "These women The crime has re- - out count Taking- no baggage, she left im- November, 1927. ting Friday morning to reach the money and give it to the vestigation today into the injunction 5 INTEREST BEING PAID who run the disorderly houses also is numbered I mediately with the men. No truce mained unsolved and Vladivostok. i'iberia. A message cashier. Then snatched it from issued by Federal trick go from to city as their ae-- Fred- - that Judge Kirkpa of her lias been found since. city j .anions the 50 murders which they had been sighted yester- their hands." 9. Amal- tivities become known." attor-- September restraining the (crick H. Tarr. United States j day flying eastward over Novo- Jlo was arrested a few hours Workers of Ruse Is Discovered It was stated that Kast Side to lie- - gamated Clothing 7:00 to 8:30 the nev. attributed directly feuds sibirsk, Siberia, toward Irkutsk, gen- after the theft as he to in Open Monday Evenings When did not in New attempted America from organizing she arrive the .of ork. where the dance hall.tween leaders tne wnito stave erally was regarded as garbled and !ea e Town. store the next morning, which wa.s racket fiourjshes, 'was an important traffic. Tuesday, the manager phoned her recruiting center for the girls used Most of the evidence, eo far oh-rb- y home, inquiring as to her where- the ring. It was there that the'taine-- preparatory to federal grand abouts. Ho was told the zone man- slain rteinstein, known as "Sam; jury action has been kept secret by ager had been here and had trans- Harris," operated for the most the United States attorneys' office, part the I Men's and Women's Cotton -- . TO CLEAN OUT ferred her to New York. according to authorities. pending arrests which will clinch fj tf w j Kxplaining that the zone manager 2,000 Girls Involved investigation of the killing and its I Handkerchiefs & T JS Is a more elderly man, whose de- Investigators said that most of white slave ramifications. nvk 4' Men's $1.39 Shirts scription does not tally with the the "slaves" were former wait-- ! man who called on the girl, and that resses or followers of kindred oc- - Center In Philadelphia the. of this zone no 1 The Each manager had cupations where acquaintanceship Philadelphia, Oct. (UP) colored m mm mmtmmmmw amT 93C in New w conducted I White, and colored jurisdiction York, the store ith men was easily formed. They inlnt investigation being Broadcloth manager an in Boston for several days percale suggested investigation. estimated that 2,000 to 2.500 girls here and fine quality. Later that day the mother called were involved in the racket. into the ramification of an alleged jj madras. fet store and slave re- - the told the circum- More arrests were expected by eastern "white ring" may stances of the girl's leaving home, authorities today in connection! suit in some sensational disclosures, fche was informed that there had with the vice inquiry. it was indicated here t,oday. h en no of the traf- - transfer. Following a conference here The directing "genius" A letter addressed to in late; to lie the girl yesterday between Massachusetts, He is believed by investigators No-Prof- t hire of the New York a They hope to solve headquarters New York and Pennsylvania ofii- - ; Philadelphian. tomorrow! Wh Values it las been returned some 50 before their work ! 9 after murders unopened ciais in Rein- -' at connection with the bulking the rounds of every store, in is Day stein murder. completed. Ihe chain in the New York District Attorney; the territory. William J. of Suffolk Elizabeth Martin, The other girl missing since Foley county sweetheart of Harry Malaga, who NO PROFIT TOMORROW! "Wm. Anderson's" 3une. is said to have been accom- jsaid: was with him in Easton "We have tli arrested panied a married woman, who forged last link in was removed secretly to by the chain of circumstantial last week, New Fall 6lto has not been seen or heard from evidence Boston Sunday night, it was reveaieu "Pepperell" What Values! Prints Since. against the Neumans oft (leaders today. Authorities kept her trans- Y'ork In the of the Season. -- ;New and Philadelphia rack- fer secret, fearing she would be Double Blankets Height 36 inches wide. Vast King Disclosed ets). We know they were in Boston made the. victim of vice overlords as we FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY I'.ostcfn, Oct. 1 (UI')-T- wo shots that week, have the number of a reprisal for startling revelations ONLY FOR fired in the of a their automobile which was seen in she and Malaga are said to have TOMORROW Jiaek Bay hotel corridor last the vicinity of (he hotel, and Moe made. 200 early iNenman month have resulted indirectly in has been definitely btenti-- j Malaga is being held at Boston tied as l is Ihe disclosure of an east-wid- e white one of the occupants of Itoom where police are checking up &Iao traffic even to 203 (adjoining Reinstein room at connection with Samuel Reinstein astonishing 63x8(1 size NEW FALL DRESSES hardened investigators. Hotel Huntington)." New York racketeer, who was killed Vice conditions to in Boston a few weeks ago. 25c believed have and plaids. Yd. heen p Police Meanwhile, at Easton. Pa., obliterated in the big clean-u- Closing lu 11 V Oct. 1 Northumberland f &f 1!1C have risen again in a mush- Boston, tP) With Moe throughout county. Nou were closed ami 81-- 99 Time to do Fall room growth that has dotted most man. Pennsylvania gunman, roadhouses being Pequot sheets This store i'ui ao your dressmaking. j have fled, 51' the eastern industrial cities with definitely identilii'd as one of two many proprietors and Tlain and figured handsome designs. cooperat-joinin- g quality value. $0 men w - are redlight districts, authorities here ho occupied a hotel room ad- Federal operatives of In:; with and Boston Each today. that Samuel Iieinstein for Pennsylvania .34 several before lead- - in the Investigation of the unsolved days the alleged police investigation, 'Win.
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