1 Introduction: Ocean to Ocean 2 a Unique Style of Management 3 Sailings and Services 4 Representatives Abroad 5 Eastward Ho! Th
Notes 1 Introduction: Ocean to Ocean 1. C. A. Middleton Smith, The British in China and Far Eastern Trade (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1919) p. 146. 2 A Unique Style of Management 1. Graham Turner, 'The Ship with Eight Captains', The Observer, 9 June 1968. 2. John Wyles, 'How Student Princes led Ocean away from the Sea', The Financial Times, 9 November 1976. 3. Richard Durning Holt, Speech at Liverpool Town Hall, 14 April 1939; reprinted in Fifty Years: A Commemoration of the Association of Sir Richard D. Holt with the Blue Funnel Line, 1889-J939 (1939). 4. P.J. Waller, Democracy and Sectarianism: A Political and Social History of Liverpool, 1868-1939 (Liverpool University Press, 1981) p.277. 5. Speech by Major Roland Thornton at the Nestorians' Annual Dinner on 29 April 1965. 6. Sir John Nicholson, 'Some Problems and Personalities of A. H., 1930-1960', unpublished manuscript, 1976. 7. Beatrice Webb's Diary. These and subsequent references are from the manu script diaries held in the British Library of Political and Economic Science. 3 Sailings and Services 1. W. s. Lindsay, History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce, IV (London, 1874) p. 436. 2. Captain E. W. C. Beggs, 'Voyage in the 55 Titan'. I am grateful to Mr Julian Holt for drawing my attention to this document and making a copy available tome. 3. A. Jackson and C. E. Wurtzburg, The History of Mansfield and Company, I, 1868-1924 (Singapore, 1952) p. 5. 4 Representatives Abroad 1. Middleton Smith, The British in China, p. 194. 2.
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