Presentation of University

Yixiwangmu International Exchange & Cooperation Department Tibet University Where are We? About

Geography Tibet Autonomous Region shares a 4,000 kilometer boarder with India, Bhutan, Nepal and Myanmar. “the Southwest Gate of ” “Roof of the World” “Third Pole of the Earth.” more than 1.2 million square kilometers, one eighth of China’s territory Natural Resources forest coverage of 14.626 million hectares, China’s richest water resource, 102 minerals being found, solar energy, geothermal energy, wind energy. highland barley, wheat, peas, and rapeseed, Tibetan antelope, wild yak, snow leopard, Tibetan Kiang, Tibetan eared-pheasant. Administrative Districts 5 prefectural-level cities of , Shigatse, Nyingchi, Qamdo, Lhoka, 2 prefectures of Nagqu and Ngari, 74 counties(district and city) Population the lowest density population in China, 40 or more other ethnic groups (40,500) account for 92 percent and Han people (245,200) for 8 percent. Tibet University

History of TU


The Tibet Normal School The Tibet Teacher’s School 1975 Founded as a Tibetan Language 1965 Training Class for Local Cadres The Tibet Normal School in 1975 1951 Tibet University In 1985 Founded as a TibetaTn hLea Tngibueatg Tee Tacrahienri’nsg S Cchlaososl fionr 1L9o6c5al Cadres in 1951 About Tibet University

A comprehensive university of T.A.R Project of Improving Higher Education in Central and Western Region of China About Tibet University

Hebalin Campus Najin Campus The Medical School of Campus The Financial School of Norbulingka Campus Disciplines and Majors 12 schools, 1 center, 2 departments, 52 undergraduate majors, doctoral degrees in 3 first-grade disciplines and 12 second-grade disciplines; 4 professional master degree programs and 8 master degrees in first- grade disciplines, 45 second-grade disciplines; National Key Disciplines

14 provincial-level key disciplines, 3 provincial-level key laboratories, 11 provincial-level key laboratories of higher education, 1 key laboratory of the Ministry of Education, (Yambajan Cosmic Ray Open Laboratory), 1 key laboratory joint-effort by the Chinese Academic Social Science (Nagchu Ecological Environment Comprehensive Observation Research Station) A Galaxy of Prominent Scholars

A faculty of 1,134(878 full time teachers,61 PhD degree holders,528 master’s degree holders;74 professors and 269 associate professors), 4 Yangtze Chair professors, 1 awarder of the NSFC Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, 1 experts for the national Ten Thousand Talents Plan, 5 candidates for the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program, 5 experts enjoying Special Allowance of the State Council or that of the Tibet Autonomous Region Government Talents 人才培养 over 27,000 students on campus( 9,338 full time undergraduate students, 40 doctoral candidates, 670 postgraduate students, and around 17,000 adult students) Academic Research 科研 526 provincial or ministry level projects, 1 funded by the National Program on Key Basic Research Project, 3 funded by a special program for the earlier stages of the “973 program”, 2 funded by the National Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, 3 national Soft Science Research Programs, 1 International Cooperation Project funded by the State Commission of Science Technology, 1 Key Program of the National Science Foundation of China, Mt. Everest Awards for Tibetology studies in China, 5 provincial-level Science and Technology Progress Awards, the research achievement of Invention and Development of , The Menthang School and the Khyentse School of Tibetan Tangka painting) and the skill of manufacturing Tibetan mineral and herbal dyes were listed in the first and third batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage respectively. Academic Research

1 key research institute of humanities and social science of the Ministry of Education, China Tibetology Research Institute of Tibet University and University; 1 Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education, Tibetan Information Technology Research Center; 1 state-level Information and Technology Experimental Demonstration Center for Teaching; National and International Exchange China Agricultural University Southwest Jiaotong University the Central University of Finance South China Normal University International Exchange TU established cooperation with a number of overseas universities including Norway, Japan, the U.S., Italy, Germany, Nepal and so on. Education

more than 600 foreign students from Europe, Asia, America learning in TU, the two-year non-degree education, i.e. the Tibetan language, Tibetan music and Tibetan fine arts for them, quite a few of them have become renowned Tibetologists and linguists, Development Strategy the development of Tibetan Ethnic Culture and Highland Regional Science and Technology, a high-level comprehensive university with its own distinguishing features as well as its high visibility at home and abroad. Welcome to Tibet University