Introduction to Quantum q-Langlands Correspondence Ming Zhang∗ May 16{19, 2017 Abstract Quantum q-Langlands Correspondence was introduced by Aganagic, Frenkel and Okounkov in their recent work [AFO17]. Roughly speaking, it is a correspondence between q-deformed conformal blocks of the quantum affine algebra and the deformed W-algebra. In this mini-course, I will define these objects and discuss some results in quantum K-theory of the Nakajima quiver varieties which is the key ingredient in the proof of the correspondence (in the simply-laced case). It will be helpful to know the basic concepts in the theory of Lie algebras (roots, weights, etc.). Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 The geometric Langlands correspondence.............................2 1.2 A representation-theoretic statement and its generalization in [AFO17].............2 2 Lie algebras 2 2.1 Root systems.............................................3 2.2 The Langlands dual.........................................4 3 Affine Kac{Moody algebras4 3.1 Via generators and relations.....................................5 3.2 Via extensions............................................6 4 Representations of affine Kac{Moody algebras7 4.1 The extended algebra........................................7 4.2 Representations of finite-dimensional Lie algebras.........................8 4.2.1 Weights............................................8 4.2.2 Verma modules........................................8 4.3 Representations of affine Kac{Moody algebras...........................9 4.3.1 The category of representations.............................9 4.3.2 Verma modulesO........................................ 10 4.3.3 The evaluation representation................................ 11 4.3.4 Level.............................................. 11 ∗Notes were taken by Takumi Murayama, who is responsible for any and all errors. Please e-mail
[email protected] with any more corrections. Compiled on May 21, 2017. 1 1 Introduction We will follow Aganagic, Frenkel, and Okounkov's paper [AFO17], which came out in January of this year.