
-18 Sermon Discussion Questions 1. What thoughts, questions, or feelings do you have after listening to the sermon or reading the passage?

2. In chapters 17-18, the fall of “” is depicted, as well as the ways of the “Prostitute”. These two images, along with and the Dragon are ways of describing forces of evil in the world. Along with the Biblical view of the “flesh” (Gal 5:13), evil is something that we all experience in us and the world around us. Do you think that most New Yorkers believe that evil exists? What are some of the common ways that Non-Christians explain evil? What are some of the common ways that Non-Christians attempt to overcome evil? Do you find any of these explanations or approaches compelling?

3. :4-8 is warning the people to come out of Babylon, which in this case is the ways of the world/Rome that is opposed to the Way of (the Lamb). Read Matthew 7:13 out loud (you can choose one reader). How does the message of Revelation match with what Jesus says in Matthew 7:13?

4. Andy Stanley says that direction – not intention – determines destination in his book The Principle of the Path. Do you find this statement to be true? In what ways can peoples’ intentions be different than their actual direction?

5. Drew mentioned that most of us judge ourselves by our intentions but we judge others based on their behaviors. Do you find this to be true? If yes, why do you think this is the case?

6. Give examples of how direction may not match intentions in the following areas: 1) Money, 2) Relationships, 3) Anything else.

7. What are some areas in your life where your intentions are in the right place but the direction you’re headed in is not.

8. Francis Chan says “Our greatest fear should not be failure but succeeding at things that don’t really matter.” What thoughts, feelings, or questions come to mind for you when you hear this quote?

9. How is the fact that Jesus already walked the Path for us good news for us who believe in Him? What might it look like for Jesus to be “the way, the truth, and the life” in our lives?

10. Break up into groups of 2-3 and pray for one another.