2019 Elected Officials Salary Ordinance
TOWN OF MORRISTOWN ORDINANCE O-26-2019 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF MORRISTOWN, IN THE COUNTY OF MORRIS, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, FOR COMPENSATION FOR THE ELECTED MAYOR, TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT IN THE TOWN OF MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY AND AMENDING ALL ORDINANCES CONCERNING SUCH COMPENSATION HERETOFORE ADOPTED BE IT ORDAINED, by the Town Council of the Town of Morristown, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, being the governing body thereof as follows that: (1) The Town of Morristown is organized under the “Mayor-Council Plan” form of government as established under the Optional Municipal Charter Act, i.e., The Faulkner Act, at N.J.S.A. 40:69A-31 et seq., which provides for a separately elected Mayor and Council to serve as the elected officials of the said municipality; and (2) The elected Mayor, Town Council Members and Council President of the Town of Morristown shall be compensated within the salary ranges set forth in this Ordinance and shall perform all duties as are prescribed by law. All salary amounts shall be effective as of January 1, 2019; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the annual salary amount for the Mayor of the Town of Morristown shall be $26,962.00; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the annual salary amount for each Town Council Member shall be $10,017.00; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Council President shall receive an additional $1,000.00 above the annual Town Council Member salary amount; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all provisions of this Ordinance are subject to the available appropriations
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