Transition Fayre 2020 Covid Response Liz Stevenson Transition Manager KS2-3
[email protected] Transition Fayre (over 7 days!) Date Secondary schools Host school 6th July Wodensborough, Wood Green, Stuart Bathurst Wodensborough 7th July Phoenix, Q3 Academy Great Barr Q3 Great Barr 8th July George Salter, West Bromwich Collegiate West Bromwich Collegiate 9th July Ormiston Forge, OSCA, St Michaels, Westminster TBC (asap) 10th July BHA, Holly Lodge, Shireland Holly Lodge 13th July Oldbury Academy, Q3 Academy Langley, Perryfields Oldbury Academy 14th July RSA. Q3 Academy Tipton RSA Sandwell Academy will contact primary schools direct to arrange transfer of files. Health & Safety • Each primary school will be allocated a 20 minute slot (to be shared with 2 other schools, meaning there will be 3P and 3S in the room at any given time)– if you arrive early please wait in your vehicle rather than enter early. Please be punctual – late arrival may result in lost slot. • Each school, both P and S will only be allowed 1 member of staff each, this does NOT need to be a Year 6 teacher or even member of the teaching staff! • Your allocated time will involve a ‘visit’ to each of the schools there on that day. • P school will show the files to the S staff, then be asked to place them in a black bag (provided) along with a complement slip, using gloves (provided) and tie the bag. Leaving it in a safe place near to where the S staff are situated. The bags will be opened after 3 days. • Please dispose of gloves prior to leaving the building if a bin is provided.