M382D NOTES: DIFFERENTIAL TOPOLOGY ARUN DEBRAY MAY 16, 2016 These notes were taken in UT Austin’s Math 382D (Differential Topology) class in Spring 2016, taught by Lorenzo Sadun. I live-TEXed them using vim, and as such there may be typos; please send questions, comments, complaints, and corrections to
[email protected]. Thanks to Adrian Clough, Parker Hund, Max Reistenberg, and Thérèse Wu for finding and correcting a few mistakes. CONTENTS 1. The Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems: 1/20/162 2. The Contraction Mapping Theorem: 1/22/164 3. Manifolds: 1/25/16 6 4. Abstract Manifolds: 1/27/16 8 5. Examples of Manifolds and Tangent Vectors: 1/29/169 6. Smooth Maps Between Manifolds: 2/1/16 11 7. Immersions and Submersions: 2/3/16 13 8. Transversality: 2/5/16 15 9. Properties Stable Under Homotopy: 2/8/16 17 10. May the Morse Be With You: 2/10/16 19 11. Partitions of Unity and the Whitney Embedding Theorem: 2/12/16 21 12. Manifolds-With-Boundary: 2/15/16 22 13. Retracts and Other Consequences of Boundaries: 2/17/16 24 14. The Thom Transversality Theorem: 2/19/16 26 15. The Normal Bundle and Tubular Neighborhoods: 2/22/16 27 16. The Extension Theorem: 2/24/16 28 17. Intersection Theory: 2/26/16 30 18. The Jordan Curve Theorem and the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem: 2/29/16 32 19. Getting Oriented: 3/2/16 33 20. Orientations on Manifolds: 3/4/16 35 21. Orientations and Preimages: 3/7/16 36 22.