Adopted by Full Council of Uthukela District Municipality on the 04 October 2011

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Adopted by Full Council of Uthukela District Municipality on the 04 October 2011 I.D.P AADDOOPPTTEEDD 22001122 //22001133 Prepared By : Department Strategic Planning and Economic Development Address : PO Box 116 Ladysmith, 3370 TABLE OF CONTENTS page Acronyms and Abbreviations 1-2 CHAPTER 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. INTRODUCTION 3 1.2. OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED BY THE DISTRICT 4 1.3. SWOT ANALYSIS 5 1.4. PEST ANALYSIS 6 1.5. CHALLENGES FACED BY UTHUKELA DISTRICT 7 1.6. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT 7 1.7. STRATEGIC PARTNESHIPS 8 1.8. UTHUKELA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS 8 1.9. HOW WAS UTHUKELA IDP DEVELOPED? 8 CHAPTER 2: SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 2.1. OVERVIEW 11 2.2. POPULATION 13 2.3. POPULATION BREAKDOWN PER GROUP 14 2.4. AGE AND GENDER 14 2.5. EDUCATION 15 2.5.1. AVERAGE EDUCATION ATTAINMENT 16 2.6. LITERACY LEVELS 16 2.7. MIGRATION 17 2.8. URBANIZATION 18 2.9. HIV AIDS PREVELANCE 19 2.10. ECONOMIC REALITIES 20 2.10.1. OVERVIEW 20 2.10.2. STRUCTURE OF THE DISTRICT ECONOMY 20 2.10.3. SECTOR PERFOMANCE ANALYSIS 21 2.11. SOCIO-ECONOMIC REALITIES 23 2.11.1 HOUSEHOLD SIZE 23 2.11.2 ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME 23 2.11.3. POVERTY 24 2.11.4.LABOUR FORCE 25 25 26 2.12. SPATIAL ANALYSIS 28 2.13. DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES 29 CHAPTER 3: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 3.1. OVERVIEW OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 31 3.2. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS(BIODIVERSITY) 31 3.3. CRITICAL ECOLOGICAL SUPPORT AREAS 33 3.3.1. ECOLOGICAL CORRIDORS 33 3.3.2. RIVER CORRIDORS 35 3.3.3. WETLANDS 36 3.3.4. RIDGELINE CORRIDORS 36 3.4. ENVIRONMENTAL SECTOR PLANS 37 3.4.1. AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 37 3.4.2. INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 37 3.4.3. UTHUKELA BIODIVERSITY PLAN 37 3.4.4. UTHUKELA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 38 3.4.5. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND BYLAWS 38 3.5. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM(GIS) 38 3.6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND ENGAGEMENT ON ENVIRONMENT 39 3.7. ENVIRONMENTAL CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVES 39 3.8. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY 40 3.9. RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE 40 3.10. ALIGNMENT OF IDP AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 41 CHAPTER 4: DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 4.1. INTRODUCTION 43 4.2. MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 44 4.3. PROVINCIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY(PGDS) 45 4.4. SERVICE DELIVERY AGREEMENT:OUTCOME 9 46 4.5. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 47 4.6. PROVINCIAL PRIORITIES 48 4.7. INTEGRATION AND ALIGNMENT 49 4.8. DEVELOPMENT VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT 52 4.8.1. LONG TERM VISION 52 4.8.2. MISSION STATEMENT 52 4.8.3. CORE VALUES 52 4.9. MUNICIPAL TURN AROUND STRATEGY 53 4.10. MUNICIPALTRANSFORMATION&INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 57 4.10.1 HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY 57 4.10.2. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND WORKPLACE SKILLS PLAN 58 4.10.3. EMPLOYMENT EQUITY PLAN 59 4.10.4. ANNUAL REPORT 60 4.10.5. ORGANISATIONAL PERFOMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 60 4.10.6. INTERGOVENMENTAL RELATIONS 60 4.10.7. MEC COMMENTS 61 4.10.8. AUDIT RESPONSE 62 4.10.9. INTER-MUNICIPAL PLANNING 62 4.10.10.ORGANOGRAM 63 4.10.11. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS 69 4.11. GOOD GOVERNANCE,PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND ALIGNMENTS 70 4.11.1 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 71 4.11.2 TRADITIONAL LEADERSHIP 72 4.11.3 PORTFOLIO COMMITTES 72 4.11.4. WARD COMMITTES 72 4.11.5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKERS 73 4.11.6. AUDIT COMMITTEE 73 4.11.7. COMMUNITY BASED PLANNING 73 4.11.8. SPORTS AND YOUTH 74 4.11.9 PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED 74 4.11.10.GENDER ISSUES 75 4.11.11.SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAMMES 75 4.11.12.UTHUKELA DISTRICT AIDS COUNCIL 76 4.11.13.HIV AIDS STRATEGY 76 4.11.14.HIV AIDS STRATEGIC PLAN 77 4.11.15.OPERATION SUKUMA SAKHE PROGRAMME 77 4.11.16.INVOLVEMENT OF UTHUKELA DAC IN OPERATION SUKUMA SAKHE 78 4.11.17.FUTURE PROGRAMME OF UTHUKELA IN SUKUMA SAKHE 79 4.11.18.ALIGNMENT OF UTHUKELA IDP WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES 79 4.11.19.SERVICE PROVIDERS ALIGNMENT 80 4.11.20.CROSS MUNICIPAL BORDER ALIGNMENT 80 4.11.21.SAFETY AND SECURITY 81 4.11.22.DISASTER MANAGEMENT 81 4.11.23.DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 82 4.12. SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRACTUREPLANNING 83 4.12.1.WATER 84 4.12.2.WATER BACKLOG 84 4.12.3.WATER QUALITY 85 4.12.4. BLUE DROP/GREEN DROP STATUS 85 4.12.5. WASTE WATER TREATMENT 85 4.12.6. WATER SERVICES DEVELOPMENT PLAN (WSDP) 86 4.12.7. COMPREHENSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN(CIP) 87 4.12.8. SANITATION 88 4.12.9. FREE BASIC WATER 89 4.12.10.FREE BASIC SANITATION 89 4.12.11.UTHUKELA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY WATER AND SANITATION INDABA 89 4.12.12.WATER AND SANITATION INDABA RESOLUTIONS 90 4.12.13.UTDM BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 93 4.12.14.HOUSING 97 4.12.15.ENERGY/ELECTRICITY 98 4.12.16.FREE BASIC ELECTRICITY 98 4.12.17.REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL 99 4.12.18.INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 100 4.12.19.ROADS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT 102 4.12.20.PUBLIC TRANSPORT PLAN 103 4.12.21.HEALTH FACILITIES 104 4.12.22.EDUCATION FACILITIES 104 4.12.23.EXPANDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME (EPWP) 105 4.13. FINANCIAL VIABILITY AND MANAGEMENT 106 4.13.1.SUPPORT ON LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES 108 4.13.2.CREDIT CONTROL AND DEBT COLLECTION 108 4.13.3. AUDIT COMMITTEE 108 4.13.4. INTERNAL AUDIT 109 4.13.5. BUDGET POLICY 109 4.13.6. INDIGENT POLICY 110 4.13.7. BILLING SYSTEM 110 4.13.8. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT POLICY 110 4.13.9. ASSETS MANAGEMENT 110 4.13.10.FRAUD PREVENTION PLAN 111 4.13.11.RISK MANAGEMENT 111 4.13.12.RISK MANAGEMNET COMMITTE 112 4.13.13.INVESTMENTS POLICY 112 4.13.14.INTEGRATED FINANCIAL SYSTEMS 112 4.13.15.AUDITOR GENERAL OPINION 113 4.13.16.MATTERS TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE MUNICIPALITY 114 4.13.17.REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL 115 4.13.18. AUDIT ACTION PLAN 121 4.14. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 128 4.14.1.BENCHMARKING LED MATURITY IN KZN MUNICIPALITIES 131 4.14.2.LED STRATEGY 132 4.14.3. ALIGNMENT WITH PROVINCIAL AND NATIONAL OBJECTIVES 132 4.14.4. UTHUKELA DISTRICT LED FORUM 133 4.14.5. UTHUKELA DISTRICT CONSUMER FORUM 133 4.14.6. DEVELOPMENT OF SMME’S AND SECOND ECONOMY 134 4.14.7. TOURISM 134 4.14.8. UTHUKELA DISTRICT TOURISM FORUM 134 4.14.9.TOURISM PLAN 135 4.14.10.DGDS AND RESOLUTIONS 135 CHAPTER 5: SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 144 5.1. ALIGNMENT WITH LM’S AND NEIGHBOURING DISTRICTS 145 5.2. ALIGNMENT WITH KEY PROVINCIAL AND NATIONAL POLICIES 145 5.3. ALIGNMENT WITH NSDP 147 5.4. THE NEW GROWTH PATH 148 5.5. PSEDS 150 5.6. PGDS 153 5.7. PROVINCIAL SDF 155 5.8. LAND USE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 164 5.9. LUMS GUIDELINES/FRAMEWORK 165 CHAPTER 6: SECTOR INVOLVEMENT 6.1. OVERVIEW 167 CHAPTER 7 : PROJECTS 7.1. ONE YEAR OPERATIONAL PLAN 178 7.2. MUNICIPAL PROGRAMMES WITHOUT FUNDING 180 CHAPTER 8: MUNICIPAL BUDGET OVERVIEW 8.1. BUDGET 181 8.2. SDBIP 190 CHAPTER 9 : ORGANISATIONALPERFOMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 9.1. LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS 191 9.2. OVERVIEW OF POLICIES GUIDING UTDM PMS 192 9.3. CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING PMS 197 9.4. ALIGNMENT OF IDP,PMS AND SDBIP 198 SECTION 10: ANNEXURES 10.1 LIST OF ANNEXURES 204 Acronyms and Abbreviations ABET Adult Basic Education and Training AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ARV Antiretroviral ASGISA Accelerated Shared Growth Initiatives for South Africa BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment BEE Black Economic Empowerment CBD Central Business District COGTA Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs CIP Comprehensive Infrastructure Plan COP Conference of Parties CPI Consumer Price Index CSP Community Safety Plan DoRA Division of Revenue Act EAP Economically Active Population EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme EMF Environmental Management Framework EMP Environmental Management Plan EXCO Executive Council GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information System GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HR Human Resources IDP Integrated Development Plan ITP Integrated Transport Plan IT Information Technology KPA Key Performance Area KPI key Performance Indicator KZN KwaZulu-Natal LAP Local Area Plan LED Local Economic Development Page | 1 LGSETA Local Government Sector Education Training Authority LGTAS Local Government Turn Around Strategy LUMS Land Use Management System M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDG Millennium Development Goals MTEF Medium-Term and Expenditure Framework MSA Municipal Systems Act MEC Member of Executive Council MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act MPRA Municipal Property Rates Act NSDP National Spatial Development Perspective NDP National Development Plan OPMS Organisational Performance Management System PHC Primary Health Care PMS Performance Management System PPP Public-private partnership PSEDS Provincial Spatial Economic Development Strategy PGDS Provincial Growth and Development Strategy SAPS South African Police Service SONA State of National Address SOPA State of Province Address SCM Supply Chain Management SDBIP Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan SDF Spatial Development Framework SLA Service Level Agreement SMME Small Medium and Micro Enterprise STI Sexually Transmitted Infection TB Tuberculosis TP Town Planning UTDM uThukela District Municipality VIP’s Ventilated improved pit latrines Page | 2 CHAPTER 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. INTRODUCTION The Municipal Systems Act (No.32) of 2000 requires that local government structures prepare Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). The IDPs serve as tools for transforming local governments towards facilitation and management of development within their areas of jurisdiction. The Systems Act identifies the IDP as the vehicle to be used in the achievement of these goals.
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