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• P 1 Mian AI" • 4 4 ; e Ad. - al District & Session Judqoi Returnino OffIcer NA-61-CHAKWAL-II, PP-22,CKL-111, PP-23-Ckto4V Website: www.pmln.org.pk 8

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Lo Muslim League


Mr / Ads. Maw. 114 ulican 0.1 cic{ &oar i s a candidate of the Pakistan Muslim League N for

contesting the 2013 General Elections from

Constituency PP- 23 District ChAiewcit

in the Province of 6/

The Symbol of PML N (Tiger) may accordingly be

allotted to him.

U1111111111:1(1 Nawar. SIIII if President Pakistan Muslim League-N

Dated:--- - 4:-t3, 1-013

,i1454,/ 11.11.-N Secretariat, 20-H, Street s 10, F-8/3, , Pakistan • Phone # (51) 2852661, 2852662, Fax # (51) 2852663 Website: www.pmln.org.pk

Mi3I1 Ada rinfiqug :liessign Judge/ e. tut nine C;Jiticer NA-61-C HAKWAL-II, PP-22,CKL-111, PP-23-CK1AV

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f-1 6 (Atdi ioirt< sione/ C HAKWA L

• uhammad Abdul Rafique onal District & Session Judge/ Returnin9 Cfficer NA-61 -CHAKWAL-II, PP-22,CKL-111, PP-23-CKL-IV

rALY°' 2012.:,-)el6P i/-- 0 1 i LofihLE-0,,1. 5-;}...W ei 2 .111 MIN In a.21c 1.icili._11103"1-: 111111111111/ifit,11111111111111tpt ri‘xPal, MEE P .7 4 II • ArestemstrierifilaM PjllIllIllIllIllIllIll 111111111111i1111111111111111.411111III1MNIIIIIII' 11111111/4NOMUSINIIIIMINI • mornmum1111111 unTamed Imiumm sollniumfrimIss Immo

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2012 ,;.-1e• 16P

r„pc-,61 iirsisiore Chi AxL wA ) /ii(e/szci • (1;;-,,,v)

is ~Qi Abdul Rafiqem-,- AddLional D:ctvict it Session Jude' - Returning Officsr NA-61-c HAKWAL-II, •".• PP-22,CK PP-23-CKL4V


Serial.No.. 0.0 DUPLICATE Roll N o 27641 Ely Mnitieritp of tIjt Vurtjab

Matt iculation EXAMINATION SESSION 1 9 1953

i to certify that Idl .4,1110PF Son/ Daughter of Alain Moor („i. the Gout. High School (Regd. No.) xxxx x Matric ulation passed in the Second Division, the EXA MI/VAT/ON of the University of the Punjab held in March, 19 Passed also in one • • • • Additional Subject. Date of Birth 26 t 07 ‘1938 One Thousand Nine Hundred and (Twenty-six July, , thirty...eight)

Senate Hall, : f 1 4,--,,- itit 4 .7 .1977 The Assistant Controller (Conduct),- for Controller of-Examinations, University of the Punjab. *.e.„ ••••■-a - 0/ 00 — \,•:,

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A 11'n Roll No 11109 . Registered No. y .136 T E UNIVERSITY OF THE PANJAB

SESSION 19 gis zs tz catifp,

14uha roma ci 7.hopr

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Jurifie/ 4 A _ FP-23-CKL-IV

.y (11\Aik. Registered No Roll No — (-[ THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PAN JAB

SESSION 19 60.

Zbi5 i5 to Certifp

Mulaa:n 1 Znhoor d. nal

Mnlik Alam Noor • Z)e pee oi Ike aw Cd1e ff e, 44.$ oltai.,d

Toritelor of 74.2Airg;

May, the na04.14talioit heti /9 Lit titi:J Ua;vezn'lv at

Ike ,, Second WIALOU. aal that he wa.s placed ,,

wItti 1'Itnss 4P scria,A eveen4, Olaf/.

. /•." i);;/. ' • . ..`Tezy-t(Arzt,- iefje ///e ilcizedo crZ17/( Yakto 7. 21. 1.1961.

Miai !!!/. P.Aut Rafirue A •" on Juctzei •7 NA-61 t z/ MALIK ZAHOOR ANWAR. ADVOCATE

1. litiniovable Property

•• - Sr. Property Detail Mode of Detail of Acquistion Acquisition i i. Agricultural 2449 Kanals Inherited More than 25 and Kot 178 years Qazi Tehsil Falagang District Chakwal ii. Village House Ancestral More than 25 Address as years. above ill. House No. 293- Plot 600 Sq Plot Govt. 1992 to 1995 1-8/1 Islaambad Yards I louse allohec.• I 0;111 was also covered area Rs. ),00,00/- ol ■ tamed Irmo Approx 8000 cost of It B. Filnance feet construction corporation for Rs. 20,00,000/- construction. Total: 25,00,000/- iv. PakiStan 2 Kanals Purchase Rs. 3 Paid in Technocrats Lac installments. Society Cooperation Housing-canal Garden v. Plot Port Qasim 1000 Sq Yrards Govt Allottee More than 20 House Rs. 4,00,000/- years. • Authority. Approximately. vi. Three Shops. 16-H Rs. 80,000/- Acquisition Model town 16-G each - year 1991-1992 extension N- 15-A Block 2. Moveable Property. i. Vehicle Toyota Prado Purchase Rs. Model 1996 17,09,39/- Purchased in 2011. ii. Vehicle Toyota 2-D Purchase Rs. Model 2004 9,00,000/- Purchased in 2004. iii. Cash and Bank. Rs. 20,00,000/- Past Saving iv. Tractor (FIAT) Rs. 20,0000 Model 1993 CH 8156 640 v. Tractor 480 Rs. 3,40000 ADPBI out (FIAT) standing loan C 14 3 4 0 3 Rs. 14120 as on 11,..1 ) 27-03-13

=c1 Abdul Rafique iona! avlasion Judea! Re tun 0 r!,i1 NA-61-CHAKVALA PP•22,CKL-III. Pi.'-23-CKL4V

C(Le)AS )


No.PAP/Acceps-II/PP-23/ 77 Dated ') March, 2013

Certified that the following salary and allowances were pax: -to 41) d 7ahoo:"Awar, MPA, PP-23 during the financial years. V . . • A. Salary S: Apo,N1'.11r.f.'N 2008;,03 :2003;41. 20:10-'1'1 al 1 Salary Rs. 27,333 132.000 144,000 132,000 144,000 2 Telephonc., Allowance Rs. 13,667 55,000 60,000 55,000 60,000 3 Office Maintepance Allowance Rs. 27,333 110,000 120,000 110,000 120,000 4 Suniptfr-y Allowcnce Rs. 13,667 55,000 60,000 55,000 60,000 5 House Allowance Rs. 27,333 110,000 120,000 110,000 120,000 6 Utility Allowance Rs. 320C 33,000 36,000 33,000 36,000 Sub Total Rs. 117,533 495,030 540,003 495.000 540,000 B. Payments for attending Assembly Sessions/CommIttee W:etings

7 rravelling Rs. 28,433 101,600 132,000 143,400 147,200 3 Conveyance Allowance Rs. 7,200 52,000 77,600 85,200 99,200 9 Daily Allowance Rs. 11,700 84,500 126,100 138,450 161,200 IC Accommodation Allowance Rs. 24,000 175,500 2.19,003 2%2,000 324,000 11 Medical Allowance Rs. 0 0 0 0 (IRAND TOTAL Rs. 138,916 908,600 1,124,700 1,144,050 1,271,600 C. income "Pax Bedu ;ars Rs. 1,331 15,399 9,101 3,400 8,000

I. 7 , t' "2 ( NASIR) Assistant Secretary (A/C-1I)

LAW; T.nel Abdul riafique

1otorr:;r3 Officer NA-d1-chAKWAL41, PP-23•CKL4V

or local body) wbicn vi or Provincial

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n A5dui Rafh Addhicon..: Sez:siian Jude. Otticer NA-51-c;HAMAL-11, PP-23-CKL-IV 7"E1 ::'012 01:01

YOUR LOGO : U 0 ROAD RWP 'Y'01...IP FAX I : cf.1 9270402;

; : I•I i t ..r.; I II.' I I


i',7721d 4 afique e, Session Judae/- 1-teturilmc. iMicer NA-61-cH A KINAL-11, PP-22,C1cL-111, PP-23-CKL-IV Certificate of Collection or Deduction of Tax ( See rule 42 of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 )

Withholding Agent NTN 0786158-3 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Deposit Date : 07-Apr-2011 (PRIVATE) LIMITED Tax Payer's Particulars

NTN : 0831433-7 Tax Payer Status : INDIVIDUAL CNIC I Reglnc. No. : 37405-0353517.9 RTO / LTU : RTO-I LAHORE Namc : LIAQAT ALI KHAN Business Name Tax Payer Address : HOUSE NO.40 STREET NO.20-A ATTA COLONY CHAKLALA-III Tax Payer City :

Payment ParticularS NAM Code 801131 Taxable Amount 560,000 Payment Section : 155 - Payment of rent of Tax Deposited 24,500 immov:adt!propedy Amount In Words : Twenty Four Thousand Five Hundred Rupees And No Paisas Only

• 11 I"! it iii iii 11 III ru CPR: IT-201 0407- 569 2034603/9 t".■ Signature & Stamp of Withholding Agent Document Generation Drte: p 1 01:59 P

c:fro a. !Z-rPr) e:Adau/

Certificate of Collection or Deduction of Tax ( See rule 42 of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 )

Aciont N I N 11/11tiVat 11 1 I 1 ICA1 lutdAS S!'RVICr'S Deposit Date 07-Apr-201 1 (PitIVA L) LIMI I LIJ

Tax Payers Particulars

NTN 0831433.7 Tax Payer Status : INDIVIDUAL CN1C / Ileoloc. No. : 37405-035:1517-0 RIO I LTU : RTO-I LAHORE Name LIAOAT ALI KHAN Eliminer.5 Name Tax Payer Address : HOUSL NO 40 STREET E10,20-A ATTA COLONY CHAKLALA-III Tax Payer City : RAWALP1NOI

Payment Particulars

NAM Code : 001131 Taxable Amount 560,000 Payment Section : 155 - Payment of rent of Tax Deposited 24,500 immovable property Amount In Words : Twenty Four Thousand Five -lundred Rupees And No Paisas Only

1M111111111111111 111 il111 1111 111111 1111 CPN, IT-201 0407. 5 9 20346E13 5 Signature & Stamp of Withholding Agent Document Generation Date: 22-Apr-2011 01:5t) PMA (le

-, Tzr.7.; Abdul Z.assion Judge/

PP-22,CKL-i7I, PP-23..CKL4V 0 Rfl.j-ID Pt:IP 927C407, ‘i'OUP L030 ).1■72.92 F)1)?,

4404. ' 1,1 :1'1'11:f 1. ' 4 1 11 1T-7,11 It) 11 IPA L11: ;1-)1-1_1_:.C,-1 ,‘L

Rfila -.3 4 4Cull Rafique ,,43zion udae/- Return (10 C'eic3r NA-6 .CH A KWAL-11, PP-22,CKL-i∎1, PP-23-CKL4V

...... •'IAN ‘niP "$

I • t tlitill _

LEASE AGREEMENT k-Vxx (AA ) This lease Agreement is made at Islamabad on this day of F-ebruar-y-1-5 2011, between: Mr. Liaqat AliKhan S/0 Malik Noor Khan bearing CNIC 37405-0353517-9 resident of H. No. 40, Street No. 20-A, Chaklala Scheme No-III Rawalpindi Gantt hereinafter referred to as "The Lessor" (which expression shall wherever the context so requires mean and include his heirs,

successorsin-interest and assigns) AND

Manager North "The M/s Educational Services (pvt) Limited, a private limited company Regi01131with its Head Office at 10-11, Industrial Area, Gurumangat Road, Gulberg-III Lahore through its Educators", Mrs. Shahida Mehmood WIO Brig. Retd. Shafqat Mehmood, RIO 234, Street No. 23, F-11/2 Islamabad (hereinafter referred to as "The Lessee") WHEREAS the lessot, who is the authorised owner of H. No. 293, Street No. 100, I-8/4 Islamabad measuring 600 Yards, has agreed to lease the said premises for the purpose of running school/educational office @ RS. 140000/- (One Hundred Forty Thousand) per month

e-hrttary 2011. '21-iz with effeett "ciA - 1., l--- Av--- ■)A, NOW THIS(. /7 EED OF LEASE WITNESSES AS FOLLOWS: tAl.; with effect from 1-591--February • One Hundred Forty Thousand) pec month `" 1 Rs 1400001- c,ok 2011. That the income tax deduction at source under income tax ordinance 200will be made. .i —cdp.rynt 2. the lease period. te. AegSbev advance \ . The rent shall be paid for 04 Months in 3. aid a-i;,ocurily for utility bills, damages etc. 4. The security as one month advance rent be p

That the monthly rent will be increased by 8% after every year. for further period on • rtIno\NA10 6. That the lease shall be for the period of 10 youis conditions as mutually agreed by both parties. of running a such terms , and That the rented premises shall be exclusively used for the purpose 7. school/edut ational office and no other business is permissible.

That the lessee shall not sub-let the premises or a part thereof. 8. 9. The lease' will be terminated mutually with consent of both parties after service of 06 months prime notice by either party lessor/ lessee. In case the lessor / lessee give such a notice during the tenancy of the lease, the lessor / lessee have binding for 06 months prior notice for vacation, in case of any short notice served by the lessor / lessee will be

liable to pay the rent of short notice out of 06 months. FDA will be the responsibility of the lessor failing mated immediately if the lessee is unable to carry on the use 10. Obtaining NOC from neighbors and hoot due to any government regulation (federal which the lease will e running of the school in the province, city of the afbrernen 'bits t i or Provincial o o a

!, 'Nem Rafique 4z:4.J Oass5on Judge/ Rezul CinCCr N I .c MAL- El, PP-22,CKL.:11;; NP-23-CKL-IV st,,,,,,, ..‘'11'--`ti---:;\;: - \,_, -1'(12_ ,... , ..N.:,:>," ' ' ''''-' • • V.4;,,,-:. 6\_,_ - -z,•-t-'-'-',.. pleiiiiF,es will he vacated and the -- teiniination of le;11',0, 11;10 to terrillnL1101 M Ili sot orlessor locality, will bu then f)ound agreement to rotund will total be rent within fifteen days him in advance wet the date et vacation of house. at liberty with consultation of lessor to consuuct, lix (lc( ,t i ii fasten to the premise anyhe stiuctiiiii of the 1esser, temporary wooden partitions, counters ( -0-le ',1.1:111 11. Iand hat allthe fixtures and fittings to facilitate the usu ut the premises as a school according to the requirement of the Lessee, and the Lessee shall on its own uxpiiiii,ii ii,!;toli, the premises te its original condition on the expiry of the Lease without damaging the structure. The Lessee shall be entitled at the time of termination of this Lease to remove and take away any or all such partitions, counters and other fixtures and fittings installed them.Leaving the premises in the same condition structurally as it was at the time of taking ovet. Otherwise lessor have right to do the same at the cost of lessee against by

I rent. 12.security The Lessee shall be responsible for the proper repair and maintenance of the leased premises 'Other than structural damage), normal wear and tear excepted, and the lessee . shall make good any damage to the leased premiSes during the period of lease.

13. That the Lessor shall be responsible for all structural repair to the leased premises that are occasioned by earthquake, civil war, Act of God, or other force majeure. The damage so caused to the structure will immediately be rectified by the Lessor. In case the LeSSOr fails to take steps for the restoration of the building so d'amaged, the Lessee will take upon itself to repair the building so as to make it operational as school in the shortest possible time, and any money spent on repair will be deducted from future rentals, If at the time of the damage to structure, the period of Lease is about to expire the LeSsor Will refund the unexpired amount of the rental to the Lessee.

14. That the Lessee shall pay all utility charges pertaining to the Leased premises for the period of Lease, including conservancy, water, electricity, gas and Telephone bills etc.

15. That the Lessor shall be responsible for paying all due taxes including proPerty tax,,,.- tax, wealth tax, and any additional taxes, whether federal provincial or Municipal', • ■ k currently Levied and I or may be levied after the commencement of the agreement. '' ' L V \'' \ '' (i `'- ' income -V\° '‘-'' "', \ :"-\ -u:) C-c'1‘.Cr-1 ----cs es 'C\-t VLQ IN WITNESS WHEREOF theCC' parties v‘ have set and subscribed their respective hands on the \ \(\i'ci- \( \ ‘2-€-e".- \ L' day and year first herein above written.


1Khart,S1 0,- 11,1 Malik Noor Khan/ Mrs. Shari da ehmood W/O CNIC # 37405-0353517-9 A Brig. Retd. Shafqat Mehmood House No 40, Street No 20 .e..4-) RaWalpindi. Regional Manage Chaklala The Educators CNIC # 54400-0400222-6 /)

.t1 Rafique 2; ese,on Judge/ Roo Oaser NA-61-CH >2, PP-23-CKL41/ •


J.311 )./,1.1 (.7/3 lt 3.'32 7 - A IL-- J.3) rJ




U12/1.AL;(L-i_. Lja!T1,. c__ L1,4 0 r? L.) IL,„((?,.) L.A; ot; `?J ti(2:2 0-A71 L:)6/, ef” ,CL)Y: .14? Lit;


S •,G— LA1 ij.:4 Lis()Z31;>z_ I"; ‘11

21.06.10 1

me responsibility of the lessor Lilting which thi • 41 Atli. ut"t i the lessee is unable to carry on the use of the Addi2lcii47 EozsTion Judgef Oirfic2r NIA-G1 -C HA KWAIL-01, / PP-22,CKL-11:, PP-23-CKL4V _ <1,Ltul3

rr,X • dt-• r

• . . 6vir 0' (5-6 0)t,e)

02;r •—• &"".• 5-/C7 474 % L.->t) C.5 e-D 9)/ d


Rafique na. E'ession Judge/ Row niog Cfro.or ■ NA-61 -CHAKWAL.11, • PP-22,CKL-lit, PP-23-CKIL4V ci •

4 3 J"/2 j (,

■ (5)40Lamlow....


U. I Rafique 21fr:ra:1 bdsU Judge/ Retw-Iiii:g Ulcer N A -6 .} KWAL-11, PP-22.,CK 1_ A. PP-23-CKLAI A_ C ?/V C \A fv■X_ -<3 f \l/lboy A ry, 1 e opment schemes of PP-23 10 2- 0

Name of Scheme Curt (R.- in million)

' Const of remaining work Roads to Changa Lawa 1 1.000 Const. of remaining work of Roads from Mainwali to Dhoke M. Khan Dakhli 2 3.000 3 RDS Dhoke Shair Khan (Dakhli Balwal) UC 1.000 4 RDS Kot Qazi with Dhoke Muhammad Khan UC Kot Qazi 1.000 Const. of causewa. Nalla Rikhi Dhoke Ashral Sadigabad via 5 1.000 6 RDS UC 2.000 7 RDS Jabbi Shah Dilawar 1.000 8 RDS Lawa 1.000. 9 RDS Khurd 0.900 10 RDS Chowkandi 0.500 11 RDS Pira Fathial 0.500 12 Const of Causeway near Dhoke Habib-ur-Rehman UC Laiti 1.300 13 RDS Kot Sprang 0.500 14 Const of B/wall & Gate Gate Piller Graveyard village Dhoular 0.500 15 RDS from Main road to House of Bashir Village Pichnand 1.000 16 Const of Link road Dhoke Misri Khail towards Kot Gullah 1.000 Const of street and drains house of Hurr to House of Abdullah Niazi village 17 Danda Shah bialwal / Const ofJanaz Gah Kot Qazi 0.800 18 Const of causeway Dhair!mond 3.000 19 Const. of Qazi Link Road Kitchian 1.800 Const. of causeway on road from Ban to Dk. Haji M Aslam (Thoa Mehram 20 Khan) 1.200 21 Const of B/wall and Toilet Block GBHSS 1.400 22 Construction of streets acid drains in UC 2.000 23 Construction of streets and drains in Chinji 1.000 24 Estb. Of New Primary School at Mothowala UC Pichnand 2.250 25 Const of road Tamman Mial Link Road Dhoke Hardal tamman 2.500 26 Const of GGPS Banjra UC Pichnand 2.500 27 Const of Padhi Shah Muhammad Wall Kursheed Garh Road 1.000 28 Const of Padhi Khushal Garh UC Kot Gullah 1.000 29 Const of Press Club 1.000 30 Estb. Of New Primary School at Dhoke Phali 2.250 31 Upg. Of GGPS to Elementary Level at Chakwalian 3.500 32 upg. Of GGES Malikwal upto Secondary Level 6.029 33 Upg. Of GES Dhurnal to Secondary Leevl 6.036 34 Upg. Of GGES upto High Level 8.194 35 upg of GGPS to Elementary Level Dhoke Muhammad Khan 3.000 36 Upg. Of GGPS to Elementary Level Chaki Sheikh Jee 3.303 37 Upg. Of GGPS to Elemen ar Level Detita rm a I 3.303 38 Upg. Of GGES to High hool#016.A 4.442 t tpf;. 01 GGPS to LleMentary Level At Ok. Jhakkar 3.000 . 40 Upg. Of GBPS to Elerhentary Level Dhoke Kumhari 2.27,ty 41 upg. Of GGPS to elementary Level Sadiqabad q 3.30y. 42 Upg. Of GGPS to Elernentary Level Markhakhi 2.952 43 upg of GGPS Changa LJC Lawa to Elementary Level 3.500 44 U[g. of GGPS Markhal UC Bhudial to Elementary Level 3.500 45 Upg. Of GBPS Khushal Garh to Elementary Level 3.500 • 46 Upg. Of GGPS Kot Shamas UC Kot Qazi to Elementary Level 3.500 47 Upg. Of GGES to High L.evel Bhagtal UC Bidher 4.500 48 Upgradation of GGES Kot Gullah to Secondary Level UC Kat Gullah 4.500 49 Upg. Of GGES upto High Level Chowkandi UC Pira Fathial 4.500 50 Upg, Of GGHS to Higher Secondary Level 9.000 UK. 01 GGHS lliatla to Higher Secondary Level 9.000 of GLBI15 Pichnand', to Higher Secondary Level 9.000 53 upg. Of GGES to High Level Lawa 4,500 ';/1 Provkion of GLS Dhoke Muhammad Khan 3.707 55 Const of Remaining portion of B/wall of GGES Changa 0.532_ 55 Cont of Remaining portion of B/wall of GGES Kot Shamas 0.774 57 Const of Remaining portion of B/wall of GGES Kot Shamas 0.774 Provision of missing faOilities in 58 GHS Patwali 5.520 59 GPS Khanat 1.845 60 GMMS Dhidhar 2.904 61 GPS Pichnand No. 2 2.009 62 GPS Dhoke Tahli 3.184 63 GBPS Dhoke Gondal 3.268 64 GBPS Karchal 3.262 65 GBPS Dhoke Khana 2.016 66 GBPS Thoa Mehram Khan 2.877 67 GBPS Kharmar 2.493 68 GBPS Dhoke Kassi 3.027 b9 GGPS Dhoke Ban Elahi 0.425 70 GBHS Bhudial 2.898 71 GOES Malikwal 2.762 72 GGES 1.005 73 GPS Dhoke Bhandar 1.136 74 GPS Dodial 2.342 75 GES Dhurnal 0.979 76 GGCMS Laiti 1.022 77 GPS Saghar 1.471 78 GPS Khushab Garh 1.451 79 OOPS Kotera 2.099 80 GGHSJhatia 4.223 31 GHS Dhurnal 5.048 82 GPS Dhoke Muhammad Khan ,f ‘V 2.975 83 GHS Dholar 2.800 84 GPS Lawa West 2.924 d5 GPS Lawa South 86 GGHSS Lawa 6.060 87 GPS Chinji 1.231 88 GGES Pira Fathial 3.487 89 GGHS Multan Khurd 5.401 90 GPS Dhoke Potha 0.924 91 GGPS Dhoke Garr' 0.851 92 GES Khushal Garh 0.802 93 GPS Dhoke Sabal 1.371 94 GHS Pira Fathial 2.222 95 GGES Sukka „. 1.490 96 Primary Scho61Datwal West 2.536 97 GGPS Dhoke Baza 3.943 98 GGHS Danda Shah)3ilawal 2.120 99 GHS Mial 0.869 100 GPS Dhoke Somro Dhurnal 1.131 101 GPS Dhoke Dabar Thoa Mehram Khan 1.490 102 GGHS Misrial 1.314 103 GHS Gudhial 0.938 104 GGES Singwala 0.945 105 GGPS Dhoke All Khail 0.4'11 106 GGHS Dhurnal 0.950 107 GHS Dhulli 1.854 108 GGES Jabbi Shah Dilawar 1.240 109 GGHS Malikwal 1.854 110 GPS Nagri 0.767 111 GHS Chinji 2.032 112 GPS Multan Khurd 1.998 113 GPS Dhoke Jhali 1.682 114 GHS 4.824 115 Upg. Of GBPS Dhoke Hajial to Elementary Level 3.700 116 Upg. Of GGPS Dhoke Itebar to Elementary Level 3.700 117 Upg. Of GGPS dhoke Gattal Dakhli Bhagtal to Elementary Level 3.700 118 Upg. Of GGPS Balwal to Elementary Level 5 .70( 119 upg. Of GOES to High Level Dhoke Nowsheri 7.032 120 Upg. Of GGES to High Level Pira Fathial 6.637 121 Upg. Of GGPS to Elementary Level Jabbi Shah Dilawar 4.331 122 Const. of 02 Class room at GBPS Dhoke Shah Gul Hassan 0.979 123 Const. of two Class Rooms at.GGPS Bidher 1.000 124 Estb. Of New Primary School Tandiwali Ban (Pichnand) 2.421 125 Const of remaining portion of B/wall of GGES Balwal 0.343 126 Const of remaining portion of B/wall of GGES Dk. Gattal 0.319 127 Const of remaining portion of B/wall of GGHSS Thoa Mehram Khan 1.511 128 Reh: of GGPS Noor Jamal Dhurnal 1.768 129 Conversion of GGHS Multan Khurd into Model School 3.750 130 upg. Of GGPS to Elementary Level at Naraghi 4.500 131 Upg. Of GGPS to Eleme y evel Pira Jangla 4.500

Rafique sLion Judas/ :Retiiril;nc; „icor NA -61 -C PP-22,CKL-m, PP-23-CKL4V 32 upg. Of GGHS Dhulli upto Higher Secondary Level 3.0cc r 24ei 133 Upg. Of GBPS to Elementary Level Chaki Sheikh Jee 134 Estb. Of MCH at BHO Kot Qazi 2:400 135 Provision of Missing'' acilities in BHU Kot Gullah 1.631 136 Provision of missing facilities in BHU Kot Qazi 1.171 Const of road from Dhoke Muhammad Khan to Awan Khali Kot Qazi 137 2.700 138 Const of road from Dhoke Haseeb to Ghool Lawa 2.700 :139 Estb. Of Govt Girls Degree College Multan Khurd for women 50.000 140 Upg of BHU Kot Qaziupto RHC Level & Estb. Of BHU Laiti 50.000 141 upg of GPS Balwal upto Elementary Level 4.500 142 Const / repair of streets in village Kot Sarang 7.383 143 Special repair of rued from THAT road to Kot Sarong 3.991 Const of small bridge's / Causeway over existing Nadi Nullah / Water 144 Channels Kot Sarang 6.341 145 Const of Bye Pass at f3ichnand 37./157 146 Const of Bye Pass at Dhurnal 32.435 147 Reh of water supply scheme Tamman 4.824 148 Reh of water supply scheme QadirPur 3.336 149 P/Laying WSS Pipe line Lawa 1.000 150 P/L WS Pipeline Kote (Shumali) 1.800 155 Const of PCC Bye Pass Bhilomar ( Janobi) 1.300 156 WSS Qadirpur 1.175 157 WSS Jhatla 1.625 158 Const of mini stadium at Bhilomar 5-.43'15-6 9 ' ° 159 Const of mini Stadium at Lawa -E34/1J2 160 Const of mini stadiumat Laiti Q. Lg ur 161 Const of Development schemes in UCJhatla and Bhilomar 2.000 162 Const of Development schemes in UC Bidher and Saghar 2.200 163 Const of Development scheme in UC Lawa & Dhurnal 3.400 Const of Development Schemes in UC Multan Khurd , Jabbi Shah Dilawar & 164 Thoa Mehram Khan 4.100 165 Const of Culvert at Dhoke Jhat / Dhoke Chatta UC Kot Gullah 2.500 166 Const of street and drain at Lawa 2.500 Const of streets and drains al Lawa UC Lawa, UC Multan Khurd and 167 Kat Shamas UC Kot Qazi 7200 Cnnsl 01 street% and drains Law,' to Ghool and path ar Cliaki Sheikh lee 1(017', UC 2..W10 1(,') ..1w(;1., and clOiti in UC 131-rucIL11 3.300 Const of streets and drains in UC Saghar Pira Fathial & Thoa Mehram Khan 170 ;.000 con:a 01 and drain irr UI • t Qazi n Khurd Lawa Tamman & 171 Jabbi Shah Dilawar 2.800

Ilafique tteetetnritt1111("/7 " ,41.on Judge/ R61,1, tling

PP-22,CKL-11t, PP-23-CKLAV Const of street and drain at UC Pichnand Bidher Lawa Dhurnal Kot Gullah 3.2C'. 172 173 Const of streets and drains at UC Tamman Kot Qazi 2.700 Const of streets and drain at UC Jabbi Shah Dilawar Pira Fathial & Const of 2.500 174 room & Verandah UC Saghar 175 Estb. Of Govt Girls Degree College Lawa 30.000 176 Estb. Of Govt Girls Degree Colle e Dhurnal 30.000

014' (2)9

Mira rinu;i:7o .J1 floe car NA-61-(*HiAKITIAL-11, Pt4 .21:.CR L-41; PP-23-C1(1:411


•.c ,

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0' ' >

-0 A > A ;Q. ;:wpit.,',■,,1.-, ' > • re", CO r- er-4,=.010-09 Ministry of Interior, N A Os 3t Government of Pakistan • requires and requests in the name of > The President cn Islamic Republic of Pakistan , 0 all those whom it may concern • to allow the bearer > to pass freely without let or hindrance IV 0 and to afford the bearer such assistance CO 0 - and protection as may be necessap, 7:1 IN.) A Os • A Director General Co A Immigration & Passport

Os A A7871434 LA A A A A CI A Q A

6_ -1_0\0 . el/1;j

fcu 01?aeon

f 2'O 2 f. • f • 23-CKL-nt Amv\-12_y '-61.LzsLAK5)

FORM-XX I (See rule 28A)


Member, *National Assembly/Provincial Assembly, Punjab//Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa/Balochistan from constituency No. , /40, , from the seats reserved for women/non-Muslims hereby declare on solemn affirmation that nog, immovable and movable property, including bonds, shares, certificates, securities, insurance policies and jewellery, other than specified herein below, is held by me, my spouse(s) and dependents on the 30th day ofJune, '46 1


Present value Cost of Assets Remarks of Property

1. IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ti4 r P5 1.4"'l Open plots, houses, apartments, Piz commercial buildings, under construc- tion properties, agricultural property, etc.

(a) Held within Palcistan*

(0 (i) (iii)

(b) Held outside Pakistan*

( 0 ,-- 1)_ 0 — ,- 9 P ,v (ii)

2. MOVEABLE ASSETS . .-- (a) Business capital within Pakistan --- P --- .,--- 1 (i) Name of business', (ii) Capital amount. . (b) Business capital outside Pakistan /- /12.---- ,j) n --

(i) Name of business . , (ii) Capital amount j) t, ...- (c) Assets brought or remitted from .._.- D ,f — outside Pakistan*

(i) l3ank dralls/Rcinilliinces (ii) Machinery (iii) Other AV4e...... ",

.Dottils to he tothexetl.

111 rzzi.nr7d Abdul Pafique ,0. c, on kct,.:rohtf: chi Judi.ap - 1 AL-II, PP-23-CKL4V

• 2 (d) Aosel,i_stealcd...._ out_ofriattittances from abroad* Nr""''

(c) tuY.cAnicniN ii,,, (i) Stock and Shares (ii) Debentures / (iii) National Investment (Unit) Trust (iv) ICP Certificates (v) National Savings Schemes

— Defence Savings Certificate — Special Savings Certificate — Regular Income Certificate . (vi) Unsecured loans (vii) Mortgages (viii) Any other I

(0 Hotor_Yeitides **

M. ke Model Reg. No.

(ii) - /&-

(g) Jewellery. etc,

Weight At,./ 5 c. IA Description

(h) Cash and Bank Accounts*

(i) Cash in hand AI''' "4.17'; I it" . (ii) Cash at Bank tih,-...f- 4,2-411;ij'

Account No. Bank & BranCh , d i rr „cid il Ne • C411 i y et),-.t 1 lac, II' w iI C \ ..) Current / 9 • ( i 6, „ „ /. f re 1 C32 . C (11 Deposit ) PIM "."' it. R> 14''MI 44tt 1 5 ; 0 pt6, t. /r" Ai.,,_ Savings — p,.i. "t.;, AY- 4 . . .4 Other Deposits f Ai7e A I''ite4 SrL i.•c :, y44.5. L I 0 1. P7, E- - (i) Furniture. Fittings & articles of :, I4.i1/4 /(.2 (')-A,N(r ) )1 i personal use-

(0 Assets transferred to any person-

(i) Without adequate consideration, or (ii) by revocable transfer . Any other assets (k) A" • Details to be annexed. ** Use extra sheetrs if necessary.

Mian r,a figro AdditIona! Z.'a;-;z5on- Judi

NA,S1-CH A's K.Ct■L-11, PP•22,CKL-III, PP-23-CKL-11/ 3 LIABILITIES

Amount Remarks

(i) Mortgages secured on Property or land

(ii) Unsecured Loans owing

(iii) Bank Overdraft

(iv) Bank Loans

(v) Amounts due under Hire Purchase Agreement

(vi) House Building Loans

(vii) Advances from Provident Funds etc.

(viii) Other debts due*

(ix) Liabilities in the names of minor children (in respect of assets standing in their names)


*Details to be annexed.


1, tlt: ! f HI1 6, ]-"A Lae S/o, do hereby declare solemnly that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above statement of the assets and liabilities of myself, my spouse(s), dependents as on 30th . ).1 ...... is correct and complete and nothing has been concealed therefrom.

g Date Signature of the Member

c7,404.-O 40` PCPP 1-773(08) ECP-15-7 -2008-3000. 11"

bdul Rafique &Seas on Judipti

I -r-L3-CKL4V Annex D__


1 Muslim commercial Bank main market Gulbarg, Lahore A/C No. 2010-3 currant. 2. MCB Danda Shah Bilawal A/C No. 5644-PLS 2h 3. NBP Punjab Prov. Assembly Lahore A/C No. 052549-currant. 4. NBP Pak Sect "D" Block Islamabad A/C No. 024378-currant. 5. NBP Model Town Branch Lahore (Joint Mc) No. 01316128- PLS 6. A/C No. 01684- PLS. 7. Sunari Bank main Branch Shah-rah-e Quaid-e-Azam Lahore (Rs. 1500 Dollar) A/C No. 08410-02-FC Saving 8. —do A/C No. 08410-01 PKR 9. NBP Model Town Branch Lahore joint A/C No. 153 215. PLS i ieZtee444:7

:47,7rInti Abdul Paige, ,z.3 's. on Rus-;;iftf' Ciiicer of -P)-44 K, PP•22,ci":L./!;, pk..23-Ci(L4VVvAL-0, 77) " /- - •

V. 7ALAGANG No. TLG/GC-22/2013/552 Dated: 27.03.2013


Certified that Malik Muhammad Zahoor Anwcr, S/o. Alam Noor, R/o. Kot Qazi, The. Talagang, Distt. Chakwal, availed Agri Loan vide L.C. #. 106492, amounting to Rs. 290000/- from ZTBL Talagang Branch. The loan is being repaid regularly and noting is in default as on 27.03.2013.


( ) Manager ZTBL Talagang Br. CL y 7, 3- t/2

•• Judae;

Technology for Agdculture 7°1


r' jr r ()AAA ep.s. ,‘(44reele' ce6_,-AAL`Yi

an IVe:Firen-h7n1 ddrtionci; Abdul Pafigel Returning Officer NA-61- C Hr; K{,? PP-22,C KL-II;, Vi ; a, Form No. 32-A i"rov,nci Treasury/ Sub Treasury Challan of cash paid into Provincial/ Centru,-,.. National Bank of Pakistan i Challan No. State Bank or Pakistan — _ • I To be tilled itt by Lite To be Aged in by the department Office or the remitters trensury Amount Head of Order of By whom 'Tender Name Si Design. or Full l'srticulars Address of the per. of the remittance Account the Bank On who's behalf and of authority jancy_i=■d_. (if anv


/ 1 . ,. •'‘'.t'. )j (1 (j:-4(1').)/-,'''; '',

e 1 I '.,.-4;.,,../...'.7, ...• ..i,:!•••• l''..;,*: i j, i ‘...----:Se.4 ...„4',,, . nt I• ':4' ,f. ,..., '• .-1..;'•'::;1., • , I 'N ( • ,,,,t„,:,,' 'f.•:.,,,_•., I • , ,, 1 ? f*:;',11,',; 1 miciue i 0 . 7.4. ;•• ] I •,...... --:.(:_ 4: :2, .. :•,•.,.. 4„.:.:,f.. el, .., i Min ■•..::!: .. - -.::..... n .1!:1:111.21 1 1 . AddY2..-Y.-.::1,; 1 ,... . -.7. • I i i; ci•,:,1.(... , • . ...,,) . -„,,i ,., I .. e.' ' i., , . 7'0-2.'2. f . ' 'L. -"' • ',. 1 t _...J...... ____i_ t' • t. TER TElisil; 01.1.11(.E TA LAC—% NG 113.1:1 59(.6590 ),STAT l. 1..t:•-.1( .I.A II 11 (

'Whin WwtEif-L,'' C4117' ,a,s64f[5s6S1:01 n JUdeid Returnitict • , • NA-61 KINAL41, PP-22,CKL-10, PP-?3--CKL4V .