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The Gazette Published Dp HutDoritp

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Senator The Right Honourable J. G. Leslie, His mission bearing date the 19th day of December, Majesty's Vice-Lieutenant for the County of 1944. Antrim, with the approval of His Grace The N. M. CLARKE, Governor of Northern Ireland, has been pleased to Clerk to the Lieutenancy. appoint Major Robert Christopher Alexander, of House, Portglenone, a Deputy Lieu- tenant for the County of Antrim, his Commission MINISTRIES OF NORTHERN IRELAND. bearing date the 19th day of December, 1944. Notice is hereby given that'on the fifteenth day N. M. n^EKKE, of December, 1944, His Grace the Governor in Clerk to the Lieutenancy. Privy Council of Northern Ireland made an Order transferring as from that date the functions of the Senator The Right Honourable J. G. Leslie, His Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Majesty's Vice-Lieutenant for the County of Health and Local Government in relation to Roads, Antrim, with the approval of His Grace The Traffic and Transport to the Ministry of Commerce. Governor of Northern Ireland, 'has been pleased to Copies of the Order made as aforesaid may be appoint Major Anthony O'Brien Traill, O.B.E. obtained from His Majesty's Stationery Office, 80 (Mil.), of Ballylough, , a Deputy Lieu- Chichester Street, Belfast, or through any book- tenant for the County of Antrim, his Commission seller. bearing date the 19th day of December, 1944. N. M. CLARKE, THE COMPANIES ACT (NORTHERN Clerk to the Lieutenancy. IRELAND), 1932. Iv'unv.^ is 'ucVeby**given, pursuant to Section 261 Senator The Right Honourable J. G. Leslie, His (5) of the Companies Act (Northern Ireland), 1932 Majesty's Vice^Lieutenant for the County of (22 and 23 Geo. 5, Gh. 7), that the names of the Antrim, with the approval of His Grace The undermentioned Companies have this day been Governor of Northern Ireland, 'has been pleased to struck off the Register, and such companies are appoint The Right Honourable Randal John hereby dissolved:— Somerled McDonnell, Earl of Antrim, of Weaving Company, Limited. Castle, Co. Antrim, a Deputy Lieutenant for the Belfast Flock Company (1938), Limited. County of Antrim, his Commission Bearing date The Great Northern Motor Works, Limited. the 19th day of December, 1944. Smyth & Co., Belfast, Limited. The Southern Loan Company, Limited. N. M. CLARKE, The Springfield Spinning Co. (Belfast), Limited. Clerk to the Lieutenancy. Thornton, Aston & Co., Limited. Ye Olde Castle Restaurant, Limited. Senator The Right Honourable J. G. Leslie, His W. ABBOTT, Majesty's Vice-Lieutenant for the County of Registrar of Companies Antrim, with the approval of His Grace The for Northern Ireland. Governor of Northern Ireland, -has been pleased to Ministry of Commerce, appoint Major Samuel Gillmor Haughton, of The SO Railway Street, Red Cottage, Cullybackey, Co. Antrim, a Deputy . Lieutenant for the County of Antrim, his Com- 29th December, 1944.