Amarnath Yatra A Militarized Pilgrimage Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society, SRINAGAR & EQUATIONS, BANGALORE, MARCH 2017 1 Amarnath Yatra: A Militarized Pilgrimage March 2017 Research and Editing Kartik Murukutla Khurram Parvez Parvez Imroz Swathi Seshadri Illustrations Mir Suhail Design and Layout Smriti Chanchani Printer National Printing Press, Bengaluru Soft copies available online | For print copies contact Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS):
[email protected] | +91-9419013553 (Srinagar, Kashmir) EQUATIONS:
[email protected] | +91-80-23659711 (Bengaluru, Karnataka) This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational, advocacy or not-for profit purpose. We would appreciate letting us know of your intent and acknowledging us as the source. 2 Table of Contents Acknowledgements and Dedication 7 Chapter 1: Beginning of a Journey 9 1.1 Background of the Yatra 9 1.2 About this Report 9 1.3 Experiences of the Team: Defining the Contours of the Study 10 1.4 Structure of the Report 15 Chapter 2: Amarnath Yatra: A History Re-written 17 2.1 History of the Yatra 20 2.2 Institutional Support System 22 2.3 What does the Data say? Some Statistical Interpretations of Number of Yatris who Visited the Cave 24 2.4 Duration of the Yatra 27 Chapter 3: The Yatris 33 3.1 Registration Processes 35 3.2 Who are the Yatris 36 3.3 Health Issues of the Yatris 37 3.4 The Camps 41 3.5 Transportation and Other Infrastructure 41 Chapter 4: State Actors: A Secular Conundrum