Vol. "X. NOVEMBER, 1909. No. 33.




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The large installation of Type-setting Machinery is specially advantageous for the production of';l'eriodicals., Ilioks. Pamphlets, ('atalogues, I'rice I.ists, &c. The O.P. Co. have the Latest. L.argest and Beat Machinery for Lithographic, Letterpress (Lino. and Monotype), and Colotype Printing Bookbinding 'Paper Huiling, Patent Folding Boxes. &c., &c., and are constantly adlding to the I'lan:. CARRY THE LARGIIST lSTOCKOF CUITOM, SKIPPING ad COMMERCIAL FORKS.

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Jmporters of Sooks and Stationery,

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\V. F. & Co. Ltd. stock all I ducational \\'irks us-d in Prival. State and Grammar Schools and als, all books us.ed connection with the Sydney University Exanminations a ; supply them at special prices to pupils. Brisbane Grammar School Magasmet 5

BRISBN e ranmmar hcbol fIaga3ine.

Index to No. 33, Vol. X. I 'age. Schiool Institutions...... 6 iEditorial ...... -- 7 I'niversity Inteligence ...... FIootl)all Notes ...... Cricket Notes ...... II

Criticisms on the Team ... *.. 14 Grammar School Sports ...... 17 Ir'sentation of Hospital Sports Shield...... 18 Ttntiis Notes ...... 21 ('adet Notes...... 22 lioxing Notes ...... 23 I(owing ...... 2'3 (iymnastics ...... 2 School House Notes ...... 2 P'ast Grammar Football Clulb ...... **... 2'7 lion. J. T. Bell, M L. \...... -.. . 3' Ilon. J. (G. Appel, M.L.A...... 33

Mr. l)onald (iunn, M.L.A...... * * . .. . 33 ()ld Boys' IRe-union ...... -.. . 34 i .G S. ()ld Boys' .\ssociation ...... •. ... 37 \larriages ...... 3" .Ittin gs ...... 3'. Brisbane Grammar School Magazine.

Seool Instiutions.

SchoIl Comnmitter'. ON. 'T'K.ASIrK ...... NIM. T. K. JON .S CICK I.: CAPTAIN ...... J. \\'L1..cocKs OOTHAI.I. C.APTAIN...... N. A. Li.o COMMITTI I N. (;. C |'1<,, (s. S. \\ ' .SON., (" C. CAI'M ..I. ) I.(.. ( )..L.T ..\...... M . . . T'i/in

( )l/, " ( 'n . 25 D Cr(' k . C('APrTAIN ...... \. I).I(), 3iri> C HICKI CAPTAl...... I'.\\. I . 1v H)ii. : r Cr(ICK.r ( 'A TAIN ...... I'. 1\1 \ i i.), 5TH ('IrKi . ('A TA N ...... A. SHI:., 6Til CrI .T .('A|TAI ...... I .j . 1\A

).G.S. .1/< .... Ilo *r MAa...... M r..\k. I. MANN I' S ...... A . 11i i' \it ( "adt ( ,o ,. ()I1-.1..k Co l lANDI ,, ... .. M 1Jo ( . ( K(>SS, \.1)

1,11.1 T .1\AN1 S ...... M K. K. 1\'(HI k ISON, N. . SlTTON. \'. I >IAMO)

CO .,l'k-Si l , l...... 1k . o|.:.:S\\or I11 S s...... i'..M ur~ii v, A. !I.Jo().' . I. \\. ( ,a.AMh S, .\. . 1 :.(.,S:, K . I:. hl 'K.,

C OK ,orA\ ...... i1. |AI Si .NI), . ' )i ll.\, i, ... loO . C. I1. SccI : LAIa c .((', O A lS ...... |. N,i 1MENS.N. K. l I ON

SI.k . l .l If I.. k ...... K. H . ^MI I II

/ G(,S.)l..:.: llon. S .c.. A. . III 1 . 23 A\llert Slce.t. Ii.isl.ane I'.d.F.C. • l n. Se( .. .\l<1 (m,,la

1",, .\ N ( \'l MIl I'It. i,) .. .\', . ,>.

Subscriptions, s1. fl per annum, or IS. (. posteI l. are payalile to tle ulltsitn ss IManager,\ . J.IMASON I, \'ys'(;ranulnar School The Iditor will \\elcome contributions or corresponlence fromlr sentll or past memlers of the School. Sublscrilrs are relueste I to inform the Husiness .Manager of ann change of Adilress.


The (jquarte'r V\as bIegun with tihe usual adldress and words of advice by the Headmaster, and work was begun again without much delay. Since our last issue we have had our Michaelmas holidays, and their advent witnessed the close of the football season, and consequently, the I'eginning of the cricket season. ()ur first footbl)all team had a \ver successful career, and ultimately succeeded in winning the premiership after several hard foughlt matches. The other teams while maintaining their i)sition were not so successful as to win the premiership in their grade. Large numbers of boys are taking up cricket this year, and the formation of six teams shows the enthusiasm for the game. The matches between thlie School, Mlaryborough and Ipswich arere always looked forward to with interest. Our Annual Athletic Snixrts were held on 17th Septemlr, at the \oolloongabba Sports (round, and ipassed off very successfully., tine weather prevailing. A detailed list of the prize winners alpx'ars in this issue, also a photograph of the successful athletes. The two tennis teams in B. and ('. grade respectively have finished their matches. and although our first team has not had a too successful season, the second team has managed to secure the Ixsition of runners-up in their grade. The present issue contains a photgraph of this team. On 27th September there was a trial race held between two school crews to decide who was to represent the School Four in coming competitions. The race was won by Lloyd's crew by 8 irisbane (Gramma, School Magazine

two lengths, the other crew, Wilson's crew, being unfortunate in sustaining a slight damage to their boat in the course of the race, which stomewhat handicapped them. The winning crew, I.loyd, ()rd, I)iamond, Scott and C(ameron (cox), were presented with medals by Mr. Bousfield. The School Four, Lloyd, Wilson, ('ampbell and Baynes are rowing well, and we have great expectation in the coming races. Tile Boxing season has closed, and Mr. ()wen's lessons were received with enthusiasm by tile boys. An article showing tile progress made this season among tile l)\'s appears in this issue. 'We have seven candidates this year for tilhe Sydney Senior Examination to be held shortly, and we wish them all " good luck " in the Exam.

Universiy I/ntelligene.

UNIVERSITY ()OF l)INBl'R(,H. (. A. ('. l)oIr;l.s. Successfully completed second 'car medicine at lEdinburgh. )During second year won lmedal for practical anatomy, and medal for ztoology. Solicitors' Preliminary Exam.: R. Shirley. A. E. I)tan

footbll olts.

Thile Firsts, after a long and hard season, have followed their predecessors of three ytars ago, and have again leen successful in carrying off the coveted premiership. Thle team have kept together well during tlhe season, rarely having off days, and on some occasions have played really Ibrilliant football. They have only once experienced defeat, and that was in the early part of the season, at tilte hanllds of the 'Western Suburbs. ()ut of the three matches we played against this team we succeeded in beating them only once, and that was in the final, the other match against them was a draw, tlhe score being 8 all. The captain wishes to thank the team for their untiring spirit and hearty resixmse to his call throughout tile whole season. The whole team feel deeply grateful to iMr. and Mrs. Bousfield for the kindly interest they have shown, and for tleir attendance at their matches, and they thank all their sul)porters whol turned up in good numbers at the important games. Mrs. Boustield has been exceedingly kind t, tie firsts this year, and to celebrate their winning the premiership slhe invited them all to afternoon tea at Eschenhagen's one afternoon after school. Needless to say, tile firsts enjoyed themselves very much indeed, and thoroughly alppreciated such a warm sup5)orter. Br'ibane G(,a'r:;u;r .Schllol .1agazinc 9

The visit of tlhe Armidale boys with their h(onour caps put the idea of having honour caps into the heads of tlhe memn!ers of the school committee, andnd after due consideration they decided to give three caps each year one for the best forward, one for the best hack, and the third for the next best player. Again Mrs. Bousfield made a generous otfer , f two extra caps because of tlte unusually good team this year. The caps were to )beawarded on tlie vote of the team, and as a result of tlhe voting J. PI. Miller received tlhe cap for the best forward, R. . W\illcocks the cap for the best back, and N. A. Lloyd the one for the next best player the two extra caps were voted to E. IP. Holmes and ('. ('. ('amplell. The caps which are of dark blue satin with broad silver braid trimming, were afterwards presented in thle hall, and each of the recipients was heartily applauded. The detailed account of tilhe matches played since last issue is as follows :- SCHOOL. V. SOI'TH BRISBANE. - -Pla\ed at \West End, and proved a rather exciting game ; the score at half-time being three all, Kent kicking a penalty goal. In the second half we opened the game up, an(d Waraker scored twice with two splendid fast runs round the wing. \Willcocks also scored and converted one try : this made the final scores, 14 --(i. SCHOO)(I. v. ('HRISTIAN BROTHERS. ---Tie score at half-time was tli ee all, but in tlihe second half we improved and tinall\y won by 13--3. Willcocks, Camplbell and Cooper obtained tries, and Willcocks converted two. SCHo.L V. VALLEY. Played ()n the Turf after heavy rain. which left water lying on the ground, and made it very dirty and slippery As usual we did not play up to form in the first half, and the score was --3 against us. But in tle second half we brightened up, and scored rather frequently ; it was rather amusing to see a player dive over the line into a sheet of water, and get up wet and muddy, but smiling. Tries were s(ored by Lloyd (2). Scott, Sutton, Newell, ('ampbell and Willcocks, and Willcocks being in great form c\onverted two tries and Ikicked a penalty goal making the scores 2$ 13. About tive minutes before full time Sutton was unfortunate enough to hurt his ankle, which prevented him f.om playing the next match. S(HOol. . uI'I);EE. Played on 11lie 1nin (;round ani resulte I in a win for us I\ 20 0. Wilh)cks (2), Newell and W. B. Wilso n obltained tries; Kent and ',Villcocks each converted one and tlhe latter droPlped a field go il. SC'HOOI .. SOUTH BRISBANE.- This match was p)layedt at the Inion (;round, and proved to Ie about tlte roughest game of tilhe season. Souths started oil at a great pace, but did not keep it up long, and we led at half-time 1\ 10 3. In the second(l half thit game became rather heated, and was not a very good texlosition of foothall, b)ut in spite of this we doubled our score. and won by 11iiuI i

J1.11 OIIAI I"4 i~ur ll.me~~p ' I .-. I ,.l.l t s.I ).\ i ,w <.\ ' ..( ,Inl"t N ; R .,;r -. ."I.k ,lv: ,, .I t, ,,+~ . \.I .jr , -

. ,',i , + , +,x . + I . l', k , - , . I I , * , .l . , l.,.. ' l . , ~ i- , , . I % , i ln ' . I J . , k , +

•~~~~i.lt+lFl- "1|q"I., * -+ ' |,, - F-L tlsbt' (;ramma" Sch/,,l Mlaga;zne. I1

21 --i. irils \we're' scored \byW\'illccks (2'), Newell. Sutton alid l.loyd \\'ilcccks cone\'rlted one, and kicked a field goal. Shool. V. \'ESTERN SUt'IRIs. The preiniship natlch. ])lyed ill theilt ''sence of a large llnumberlllll 1 our sll"ulllrters at the U'nion (;Grouind. As has usually beet thlie case withi tihe F irsts this year our oppllen)ts \\tere the first to scorel. A t\ Ib\ Sutton, ihowever. equalisel maittters, an( at half-time thle scltore remain'lllilled tlhree all. In the stcold ihalf ourl forwards \Worked hard, and sent tllhw hall out to thl' I:acks \who made goodl use of it. The Suburbs set.ntd to go to pieces. Willcocks was in his finest form, and scored thlre brilliant tries, and converted oti. Scott also scored a goo(ld tr\'; ani Net\wll one\'vrted mnIe.

Crieket les.

B.G.S. \'. I.(.S. -]la\e'd at Bnrisbane on 3rtd April, 190)9. i.(;.S.- First Innings. II.t;.>.- -I.irst Intning.. Mellor. run ,ut ...... \\Wilicks, . S. I rat ci. Ib. Wvmei. . II iale,. b. \ r. kt'r di Melhl~r .. . . . 41 Al . . .nI . I hirlY U.. Miller. ,u,,I ed. b. Melhor .. 20 T. IFrac is , I,. . hirIea .. .. 4 Ih.arriLkill . Mellr .. .. Ii S. F ranc Ic.I arriskll .. ; . ct. I.nrd. I. .elhor .. - Mcyer. ,. Varak'r, b. Itarri- Ke,,. I. Iur, h ...... skill ...... e. T..rker, ci. I. I.orI 8 Iord. b. \\'ilicock . .. .. 1 urllbutt. . . llr .. .. : M.vllister. ,. IPo ,.. b. W ill. I.itlie. run out ...... , k ...... "2 Shirle . nht (ut .. .. . 7 I.vyons, . .. .. :ilck Newell, I.b.w.. b. M elo .. 0 'urdon,. not out...... 7 Iihone,. si.. b. ellhr . . 7 \\ tkint-. ,'. I' e. b. Iitth. .. Sunl ri . .. .. utldrie, ...... 7 -- - 12:1 101 Sedtol Iniin~. . Il wlug . 'r 1ribine: L.ittle. I Melior, '. Miller. b. \\ilh,,'ka S - wi for,ket 10 run,; W\ilhe, ks. 5 ftr Adams, . nittle. b. shirh. '21 a : I arri.kill. :' h4r 25; Mhi h*. :1 iLyons, not out .. . '21 I,,r 19: Nar:ikes. 1 fr 4. I'urtion. c. :vn, !,. V;Ih.,,,k. .. '2 'arkin,. ,. It kill;rri .. .

' F:AS() L(-1911(. The First stal'ted tis seaso, \\with foul nIIt\ iaH'Yers, aLnd have got on very well c nsid, ring, ti' loss of RIinhold, i.ittle' and Snit h. The team is juist Ibeg'inning to get usetd to the turf \\wicket in the G;ardens. The teams' Iatting is \ery\ fair thlis \ear we havt per!suaded Mr. ('owan to play again, and lie startel splel:didlv. scoring I J 12 Brisbane Grammar School Magaosnw.

South Brisbane I. The bowling is rather weak ; this is against the perhaps due to the Seconds not taking enough interest in bowling. I.G.S. v. TOOIMB'L.--Played at Queen's Park 9th and 16th of October. Toombul, 136 and 39. B.G.S., 133 (Kent 47, Barriskill 28, W'araker 16, Powe 10) ; and I for 44 (Kent 31 not out, W'illcocks 9 not out.) Bowling for B.G(.S., iacintosh, 8 for 51 ; Willcocks, 6 for 44 ; Barriskill, 4 for 28. B.G.S. v. SOITH BRISBANE I.--B. (. S., 286 (Mr. Cowan 110, Kent 78, Barriskill 19). Mr Cowan and Kent both batted splendidly, and added 120 for the second wicket. South Brisbane, 313. B.G.S. Second Innings, . for 87 (Kent not out 37, W\illcocks 22, Newell 13 not out.) Bowling for B.G.S., 6 for 92, Willcocks, 2 for 93; D)avey, 1 for 39.

B.G.S. v. I.P.S.-Played at Ipswich, I-S 11 09. l.(;.S.-irst Innings. B.(..S.--irst Inning. .. .. 26 J. Aldams. b. Wilicocks .. 0 \ilhcnk'. run out S. Francis, c. Barriskill, b. Kent, c. Watkins, b. Meyer .. 36 Willcocks .. . .. '1 t' . c. I.oggon. b. Mellor .. 9 B. Mellor, st. Kent. b. Macin- Waraker. I.1.w.. b. lellor .. 21 tosh ...... 4 larrskill, b. Mellor .. .. 0 11. Watkins, c. Waraker. b. Newell. I. Meyer .. .. 0 I)nvev . .. .. 19 ID)avev. '. Mlellor. b. liever .. 7 T. Francis, c. "Barriskill. b. Shirlkv. t. Foggon, b. Mellor 16 Shirley .. . 16 ('.iiii ell. h. Mellor .. .. 14 A. lDuncan . I'owe, b. IPavevy Dale, not "ut .. .. 0 1b. J. Mlever. thrown out . .. 1 lacintolih. c. A. Francis. A. Lord. b. Shirley .. .. 2 Mellor ...... 0 A. Francis, b. Dav" .. .. 2 Suinries .. .. 14 E. Francis, not out .. . : C. Foggon, b. Davey .. 1 14' Sundries .. .. 11 64 Bowling analysis: J. Meyer. 3 for 43 runs; I. Mellor, 6 for 56 runs; Howling ;inalvsis: R. Wilccks, S. Fran:ci. 0 tor 11 runs; A. Lord, 2 for 13 runs; i1. Macintosh. 1 for 0 tor 10 runs; T. Francis. 0 for 5 23 runs; R. Shirlev. 2 for 11 runs: runs. A. D)avey. 4 for 7 runs. I.(;'.S.--Seconil Innings. A. Francis. c. and b. Shirley . 0) S. l'rancis. b. W'illcocks .. 0 " I'~ iigan,b. tcintosh .. i SVatkins.atkins. c. DaveDarer. b. Macin-.. E. Francis.h st. .. Kent. b. ..Macin- .. 7 h ...... Sundries .. 13 T. Firancis. c.I'Pwe, h. Mlacin- tosh ...... 11 'utal 74 Aflains. b. Macintosh .. .. 6 IMellor. ,. Macintosh. b. Shir- lev ...... 28 Bowling analysis: Macintosh. 7 Mlrver, b. Macintosh .. .. 0 w\ickets for 2) runs; R. Willcocks, Duncan. c. Newell, b. Macin- 1 tor 15; R. Shirle, 2 for 15. tosh ...... 4 Result.-B.G.S. won by an inn- .Lorl. not out ...... 0 ings and 5 runs. C'

FIST CRICET TRAM. BAIk RoKw-Mr. J. Cowan. Mr. F. H. Stentana, E. ID. Dovie. A. lave.. Smetono Row-J. R. BarriskID, N. WVaraker, R. J. Wilicocks Wart ). II. I.. Kent, J. NewelL FwoxT Row - A. B rowe, S. W. Lee EScurer', H. Macint'sts. -9

14 Brisbane Grammar . ihoo!.a,z lane Critieisms on the Team. H, LKENT . has developed into a sound bat, his strokes all around the wicket are good, though he is inclined to play the ball back to the howler. Has kept wickets fairly well this season. J. BARRISKILL. is a fast scoring batsman, and hias a very attractive style, he has greatly improved his defence since last season : should Ibe more careful with leg glides. His oft drives are very' hard and crisp. In the field lie is excellent, and is a fine catch in anii lx>sition. He b\owls medium pace and keeps a good length. H. H. MIACINTOSH is our left hand howler:1li'e has an easy action, and the left handers' natural break from the k'g. He keeps a much better length this season. As a batsman he should try and get rid of flourishing. His ground fitlding is nei't and clean. N. V'ARAKEK is splendid on the leg ; he off drives well also, but should keep his bat lower and straight wlt n playing back. \\htn hitting he should keep his bat straight. He fields splendidly and returns the ball well. Is a fair change howler. B. PCWE has a good defence, but plays back too much on turf wickets, lie should play forward more. He has not done as well as we all expected on the turf. In the field he shlould move after the ball more briskly, and also put his hands down straight away as soon as the ball is hit in his direction instead of making a dart at it when it is almost on top of him J. NEWEI.I. is a very safe field, lihe throws well, and his catching is splendid. His batting is rapidly improving on turf. His strokes behind the wicktt are uppish ; he should take more care with hi' leg strokes. He both off and leg drives very well. Bowls a fair length. A. D)AVEY fourishes his bat too much, and in this way misses a lot of balls. He should not try to score off every ball. He oflf drives very well. He bowls an ofl break at medium pace. and keeps a good length. His fielding is improving rapidly. E. 1). I)cI.E moves away to play a hall on his legs instead of trying to glide it. His fielding is rather slow, but lie saves a lot of runs at long stop. He howls a fast ball and gets in a dangerous leg break at medium pace but is easily discouraged. R. SHIRI.EY howls a veryl big leg break, but does not get too goo(d a pitch. He is inclined to play across when batting; would do better if lie attended practice more regularly. BODDIN(;TON is inclined to step hack from his wicket to halls pitched on his legs. He cuts well. Is a fair field. R. J. WILLCOCKS (By a member of the team).-- )ur popular ('aptain. As a bowler he is fast, and has a dangerous change of pace, he also swings away a good deal at times. He is a good bat, with a variety of strokes, but is rather inclined to pick Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. .'

the wrong ball to lift. He is very enthusiastic, and is to be complimented on the way in which he carries out his duties as Captain. He is a reliable held in any position.

SE('(COND)S' CRIKET NOTES. As in the case last year we have again formed a team to play Second (Grade Junior. So far we have played three matches, of which we won one, lost one, and forfeited one. The tirst match September 2.' th and O()ctober 2nd, was lplayced at Paddington against the \\aratah ('.C. We had to forfeit the second day on account of the First XV's playing for the Premiership. Scores :--i;rammarr . aratahta. "9. Grammar. second innings, i for 6fi (I)ean. 23 and 21 not out ; Harriskill, 13.) Howling, Macintosh, 7 for 3'. The second Match (October 9th and 16th) we lost to ('hermside by an innings and 20 runs. It was a long drive ,out in the 'bus. On account of the Fifth ;rade Final we could only, get seven men, as some of our boys were playing football. Scores :--Chermside. 127. (;rammar, ',6 and 40 (Campbell. R., 14 : Molesworth. 12 not out.) W\e met Zillmere in our third match on the turf (Octob.r 23rd and 30th), and won by an innings and I 1 runs. Our opponents turned upon the second day with only four men. \\'e provided them with substitutes. Scores :-Zillmere, lo- (J. Henders, 18 : K. McKay, 26 ; Carr, 15), and 36. (;rammar. 12 (Hoddington 43 not out Burtenshaw. 3, ; Bridgman, 18 ; Jones and Ord, 13.) Bowling for School :--Ord, 6t for 31 ; Hoddington, 2 for 18 : Hurrell, 2 for 16. For Zillmere :--H. Carr, 4 for 13.

THE THIRD)S. So far we have not had a ver successful season. (Out of three matches played we have not won any. but stand a very good chance of winning the match at ,present in progress. The results of the matches played are as follows:- B.(.S. v. FERNBERG.-Played on the Turf. \\'on by Fernberg by 7 wickets. B.G.S., Ist innings, 62 (Holland, 23 not out ; Murphy, 12.) Fernberg, First Innings, 81. HB.(.S., Second Innings, 85 (Jack, T., 31 not out; Holland. 20 ; Hockings, 18.) Fernberg. Second Innings, 3 for 71. Howling for B.G(.S.: Hockings, fi for 41. For Fernberg: Barnes,. 5 for 10. B.G.S. v. EMERALD.-Play'ed at Hawthorne. \'on by Emerald ,\y 8 wickets. B.G.S., First Innings, 25,. Emerald, 57. H.S., Second Innings, 38. Emerald, 2 for 9. Howling for B.G.S.: Fraser, 9 for 25 ; Hockings, 3 for 2.'. For Emerald: Stonier, 6; for 9. B.(.S. v. ALBION BAPTIST -Played at Albion Flat, and won by Albion Baptist by : runs. B.G.S.. First Innings, 39 (E. Kennedy 16 Brisbane Grammar School Magouzne.

15.) Albion Baptist, .5 (Crawford, 16.) B.G.S., Second Innings, 91 (T. Jack, 36; Moore, 20.) Albion Baptist, 80 (Garvie, 23.) B.G.S. v. STANLEY.-Still in progress. Present scores:- B.G.S., 86 (Dean, 24), and 88 (Holland, 13; Graham, 12, Carvosso, 12.) Stanley, 43 (Finlay, 15), and 1 for 15.

SCHOOL HOUSE TEAM. This season we have again formed a House Team, as it was decided that it would be more satisfactory than last years' arrange- ment, under which we had no team. W'e are playing in Fourth Grade, a grade lower than the old School House Team used to play in. This move has so far been entirely successful, for we have won every match we have been able to play. The following are the details of the matches :-- First Match v. Kenellen. Played at New Farm. Owing to the holidays we forfeited. First Innings, .6 (Lang, 19 not out; Kennedy, 18.) Second Match v. Milton; played on the Turf; won by 49 runs (Fortescue 28; \Vhitaker, 12.) Third Match v. Stanlevs; played at ast Brisbane; won by 6 wickets and 3 runs (Row, 18; Whitaker, 17.) Our last match is not vet finished. Smith E. H. is still batting, his score being 23 not out, and the score 6 for .37.

THE FIFTHS. This team has been fairly successful so far, having won four 7matches out of five. The following matches have been played :- v. W'est End.-Won by an innings and 4 runs. (Cunningham secured the hat trick.) v. Newmarket.-Won by an innings and 49 runs. (Hoge, 27 not out. Watson 7 wickets for 1 run.) v. Junction Park.-Won by an innings and 18 runs. (Cunning- ham, 42 not out.) v. \'oolloongabba.-W'on by an innings and 79 runs. (Cunningham, 23; Shield, 19; Hoge, 22.) v. Nudgee I.-Lost by 71 runs. (Cunningham, 21; Jones. E. H., 13 not out; Young, 13.)

THE SIXTHS. We have, since the beginning of the present cricket season played 3 matches, of which we have won one. October 9th v. Junction Park.-Lost by 7 wickets and 11 runs (Macarthur (., 7 wickets for 17.) October 16th \.NudPee II.-Lost by an innings and 81 run. (Hansen 1I1and 17 not c:'" October 23rd v. West End.-Lost byh 1 run (Harrison batted well.) Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. 17

October 30th v. Ithaca Creek.-Won by 16 runs (Radcliffe bowled well getting 11 for 26.) November 6th v. East Brisbane.-Lost b' 53 runs (Radcliffe, 18.)

Grammar Sohool Sports.

In ideal weather the annual athletic sports of the Brisbane (Grammar School w,-re held on the Brisbane Cricket Ground on September 17th, under the patronage and in the presence of the Lieutenant-Governor (Sir Arthur Morgan.) The function was successful in every sense of the term. The attendance was large, numbering about 1,0(K) persons, the majority of whom were students of the boys' and girls' schools. The events were well contested, and the management reflected the greatest credit on the officials. The timetable was strictly adhered to, with the result that the last race was disposed of at the scheduled time. A feature of the athletic events was the number of close finishes, and the splendid high jumping of Doyle, who won both jumping competitions. The championships were won by Barriskill (100 yards), Willcocks (440 yards), and Cooper (880 yards). The officials were: Referee, Mr. F. S. N. Bousfield; judges, Messrs. I. A. I)akin, A. J. Mason, B. Porter, R. Robertson, R. W. l)owling, F. H. Stegmann, and C. W. Costin (O.B.A.) ; starter, Mr. T. E. Jones; check starter, Mr. J. Cowan; timekeepers, Messrs. J. (. Cribb and C. A. Flint; committee, N. A. Lloyd (football captain), R. J. Willcocks (cricket captain), C. C. Campbell, N. G. Sutton and G. S. Wilson. 100 Yards ILandicap. under 14.-First heat: ('ullen. 7 vards. 1; S. Harris, 7 varrds. 2: Swnain, scratch, 8. Second heat: (;ibnev. 7 vanrd, 1; IHarri.sn, 5 vards. 2 ; Mansell. 8 yards. 3. Final: Harrison. 1: ('ullen. 2; (;ibine. 3. 100 \'irds Scratch Race, under 16.-Flirst heat: Ba;rnes 1; Bridilman, 2; I.ane, 3. Second heat: W. Fraser. 1: Barnes. 2; J. Kennedy.3. Final: l.irne-. 1; \V. Fraser. 2; iridgnan. 3. 130 Yardls HIlndicap. under 15.---irst heat : N. S. Robertson. scratch. 1; I ngli. 8 v.irds. 2: .Mahonv, 7 vards. 3. Second heat: Bridgman, 2 yards, 1; Rigbv. 7 vards. 2; Hart. 9 vards. 3. Third heat: Watson. 10 yards. 1; II. I'erkins, « vardls. 2; T. Jick. 8 vards. 3. Fourth heat : aconald, 5 vards. 1: Sbhielil. 9 vards. 2; C. Nomilen.cn. 10 ya rds. :. Final: Bridgiian, i; .Macdlonald, 2; Rigby. 3. 100 Yardls ('hampionshipl.-Barr.skill. 1; Willcocks. 2; Molesworth, 3. A splenlii finish. Barriskill winning by les thin ai varlI. Time. 10 4/5 sc s. Iligh Jump. under 16.-Dovle. 4 feet !11 inches. 1; Boase. 2. 440 ';ards ('lhainpinlshipl.---Willcocks.. 1; .Mle.swocrth, 2; Cm,plell, 3. Molesworth inile the pace. but Willcocks caiught him 30 yards from homne, Ind eventually won by about half-a-dtoren yards. Tume. .8 3/.) secs. School ilandicap. 130 vards.-First hlieat : ('. F. Scott. 8 yards, 1; A. 'Parkinso,n. 12 yards. 2. Second heat: ( . S. Wilson, 10 yarIs, 1: J. 1.. Briggs. 14 v.rds. 2 Third heat: F. M. Brown. 11 yards. 1; Marsland. 9 v~;rls. 2. Fourth heat: F. Parkinson. 12 vards, I : Dvev, 10 yards. 2. Filth heat: Dovle. 10 yards. 1; Newell. 8 vardis. 2. Sixtih heat : Molesworth, 2 var;ls. 1; Moore. 12 vards. 2. First semi-fin.;il: I)av\r . 1: Newell, 2 18 Brisbane Grammar School Magazine.

Second -emi-final : )ovle. 1; A. Parkinson. 2. Final: Newell. ; Davey. 2; A. i'arkinsona. 3. Won by 3 yards. Open High Jump.-Doyle. 3 feet 1 inchli. 1; Willcocks, 2; (Oral, 3. 220 Yards Hanlicap.-i'irst heat : Molesworth. 3 v.ards. 1 ; '. [raser, 15 yrds, 2; (Cooper. 9 yards. 3. Second heat: Willcack . 7 vards, 1; S. Perkins, 11 yards. 2; 1). Wilson. 15 varls. 3. Third heat: (leeve. 16 vard, I ; ('. C. (Campbell. 8 yardl. 2; Lane. 12 vardls. 3. Fourth heat : liarne, 15 yardls, 1; ('. IK. Scott, 8 vards. 2; K. -I. lBrown. 18 vardls. 3. Fiinal : (leeve, 1; Iarnes. 2; Plerkin.. 3. \\iWon v lihalf ;i vard. Flag Race. )20 vardn.-Llovl. C(napbiell, Wilsoin. ,ind Willhk., 10 vardls, 1; (Cleeve. Lane. .liriies. aiinl R. (Cainpi ll. 24 var.ls, 2; O)ral. M les- worth, S. I'erkins, a;inl I aIvrlc. cratalhi. 3. Hllural Race. 130 .ird, .-- Cooper, 6 aralds. 1; Nfvell. 6 vard.. 2: I). Wilson, 8 vanr.. 3. 440 Yarnls l;anliapl.-First heat: Sialnmald. 56 anlrs. 1: R. ('aillell, 50 yards, 2; K. .1. Brvlon. 55 ar ls. 3. Seconl hleat : Noble. 61 yarls, 1; A. (. 'Fox.80 yarals. 2: D)ave'. 36 airds, 3. Thlrd heat : L.ane. 38 vart s, 1; Thmlisoin, 46 vards . 2: T. Jack. 60 var ls. 3. Final: Simanimnt. I ; Brvydon, 2; Noble. 3 Obstacle Race-Firsi heati: Kirklandl, *or.itch. I; i"wieN. 5 vards. 2. Second heat : Watsoni. 10 vards, 1 : Jackson. 10 varlds. 2. Third leat : I.. S. Wilson, 10 vards. 1; Row. 10 \iards. 2. I2.lurtlh hlalt : J. A. llrown. 10 y;ardl. I; Cooper, scratch. 2. Flitlh hlieat: E. WV. Kennedl. scrlich. 1; ('ullniiighlaiii. 26 vards, 2. Sixtlh lieat: J. Kennedy. scrach. 1: iurrell. 10 vardN.s. 2. Final: Wilson, 1; Jacksion. 2: E. \\. Kennedy. 3. Old Boys' Hanliiap. 13u vards.-First heat : ('. Holilswarli. 12 vards, 1; Mactaggart, 2; W. .I. Snellitig. 7 varls. 3. Secondl heat : WV. B. Wilson. 9 yards. 1; N. Woodlihine. 9 yards. 2; ( . II. Blanchiardl, 8 varis. 3. l"'nal : Woodbine. 1; llohl.iswortli. 2; Wilson. 3. A good race. Wo'aolline winilhg by ia yard. 880 \'arns alllnlicilap.-Murlaphy. 110 \ards. 1; H. ('lainpbell, 88 vards, 2; Simmnonals. 98 vardls. . Won by a dohen vards. In thi.s race ti\e runniers .starled off scratich for the 880 yards championlship. The placing.s were:- C(ooper. 1; Ori. 2: ('. ('aaipbell. 3. Time. 21ins. 31 15 ses. Siamese Race. 70 arlls hanaliclap.-L; rst heat : ('aCooper anI C(7. Cainimpll, scratch, 1; Ingli. andl S. K. ord. 7 vardls. 2; Abell anl Atkinson. 8 ard s. 3 Second heali: lurtenshaw anId Hetherin ton. 6 vardIs, 1; .Mao lie and Trout. 10 v.arlds. 2. linal: Cooper and ('amiibell, 1; Inlis and -oal. 2; Abell and Atkinson. 3. Consol.ation Rae. 220 v.ar. .- Maltsworih. 1; 1]. M. Brown. 2.

Presenation of ospifal Sports SAied

On 30th August two members of the Hospital Sports Committee -Mr. ('arter and Maior Harris-came up to the School to present us with the Hospital Shield, and also the successful athletes with their medals. MR. CARTER congratulated the School on behalf of the Hospital Sports Committee on the excellent sho ing of its members in the Hospital Sports. The Grammar School, he said, had been handicapped under the original conditions of competition for the shield, and it had thus remained in the hands of one school (Nudgee

______j !I~ Pl;


PRIZE VFInWERS AT THE ANNUAL ATHLTIC SPORTS. 20 Brisbane Grammar School Magazine

for many years. But now the conditions had been made mucli fairer for everyone, and gave chances for all round contests. He congratulated N. E. Waraker on his fine )performance, and hloped he would one day figure among (ueensland's, if not Australia's foremost athletes. The school, too, he said, ought to be proud in having such an excellent sports-master in Mr. Jones, who was untiring in his efforts in respect to the school games, and it would give him great pleasure to be able to present the sclhool with the shield on some future occasion.


MAJoR HAKRRIS said that being an o0ld boy of tile sclhool lie coild not naturally help being pro)ud of its achievements in the different spheres. The record put up at the Hospital Sports, he said, was very creditable indeed, and while congratulating the schlool heartily on its success, lie hoped that he might again witness the presentation of the shield to us at s(ome future date.

MR. IoUSFIEi.D then thanked Mr. ('arter and Major Harris for coming and presenting us with the shield, and also for their kind remarks. A vote of thanks was then moved, and cairied unanimously by\ tlie boys. Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. 21 Tennis ito/es. (By A.J.E.)

Since tilhe season has come to an end Tennis Iias Ibeen rtlther slack at the School. Most of the players either wish to play cricket or to have a little spell before they began to practise again for next season. Yet \\e \\.re enabled to put in good teams in tlhe two inter-schlool matches that \\e played lately, \'ii., against

*SECOND TENNIS TEAM. "Runners-up" for Premiership in C grade. F. H Hurtenl aw, \\'. Ciuinii hliiim. (;. Hiurlbuit..\. Hi. I'"wr i'aptaini Ipswich and the Theological College of Nundah. ()n l~,,tl occasions we were successful. Playing against Ipswich the team was Shirley- Edmiston, Radcliffe-Harriskill, and we defeated them by 18 games to 19. Against Nundali Mr. Jones and Briggs took the p)lace of Stanley and Barriskill. The Nundah men were not up to their usual form, IS Brisbane Grammar School Magane.

and we defeated them by 72 games to 16. At present we are hold- ing what Iromises to Ie' a very successful tournament. The entries, altough not exceptionally large, are still very good, and we hope to hawv' it all completed by thle end of this month. ---- *-- ~- Cshf Rofs. Thle cadets have teen quietly continuing their weekly drills, and tle only parade whlch we have attended was on N ovember lt h. ti. King's hirthday, when there was a general parade of military (lfrces. We fell in at sc~hol after 4 o'cohck, and marched down to the Adelaide Street drill-shed to lead the battalion of Senior Cadets to tiN Dohmai. There we took up our allotted Ixmition, and after the royal saiute and a teu-de-joit had teen tired we marched paIt. This movement was very well carritd ,out by all tlhe forces and til (Commandant afterwards complimented the Senior Cadets on t)hir attendance and efliciency. \'We marclwed Iack through town, aml were' dismissed there at alwnt t..4l. The hand did us goad Snrvice playing both going Ito and coming from tlw Domain. TI.w exam. for non-coms, has tween held. and several candidates ltid very creditably. The four best. Jones, (Chamlnrs. Hour ne and Hoamw have taken commandll of sections alnd have received 'emplrary apmpointments till the end of the year. These appoint- zmnt will i e conirnmed for tlmose bloys who stop on next year. In tlw. cadet rife nmatches at tl.e I:noeggera ange., two of our cadet. were succe'ssful in winninK prixes, (chandler at 24

elf,,l .mil tuk, tie ' pfl;s'.ntatites

c'. E. \ .,,fll II. I'.Iln, .\. II.Joi, I 10K)7 lt.in II. K. li,.,in \v. .1.Sin lling Io.(;. Brown. ( . 1. Lill i1. J. Arm strn Mr. Houstield thanked Colonel ('hauv-,*l Ior his kind remarks about Majpor (;ross, and also for making the preselntation Three heartv cheers were tlien given for tilie ( ',olonel Iby tlie o)\'s. _---- - « * ------hzx/q ltets. !ByJ.R.H.)

l.ast quartlr Mr. \\cens ftrnwd a Ixing class at scli,'l. It was large and successful. m ost of t lie boyIs succ.eeding in In-comling fairly\ proficient in the " no4l e art." Many l,'vs. as soon as tlihe lessns iha\e cllme toR an el., let tllcir zeal for Il, xing relax. The" .hould not do this. but practise as much as x issille. so that they mav iperfect tine dillerent Iblo\ws and counters whlich tlhey were tau~giht. B,,xing i a Very uttsiIl acituirnint, landlevery IN\ shouhld have somte k,,«,ledge o. it, as it will olten I',of ser .'ice in Iroteting ,'nes %,.I1, 1,rotliers \iwho nee1d asistanil'e. - * ------Reialf.

T1'ie Inlllllot' (Ir' l4 I '1o l ro'\e'4 lit;I1'I1 II ic reasli(ltd'4 sil(ice lldwillnter Ib ,,t1 In\\ Ile'liters, \iz , )o\l,. ran. Hetherington *iii Jacksnel Thtin-l«ing- ou total upI'o nineteen'. So tlx sciMl

()n I, , la\ al1'tin1.1n .~tth Sejittiml x i. tlhie 'h lI Tiial 1:lurs \a. toW ed o\ r a4tl ;,-t1ttI t mihtl 1 ,1e.lli I e I th Vill, Ret.olh I i.e Veadi.lahil I ti, I\l< ( -I..d n\l- evowdeil with interested 'jlptatot, (tI%mt lu' -,|iol The tolIn.,ii. we , thl' crew, \,, I 2 \ \ I 1h. .Il IT * \\ l .| I 4 |i (4 l1. *I < 4 11.1 Im.4 4 i1 t g , I l* II ,.I , 1 :'

1) « . , .. ,.. I II 0 I ,I l.. ... , . , i,., ." i .. " ( UI U(IIIq, I AI.F.

...... ,i, , 1 .P . .... t ' . - _ ...... r- a.I Brisbanc Grammar School Magazine. 25

The two crews got away well together, and for the tirst quarter of a mile were on even terms When half a mile had been covered, \Wilson's crew had a slight lead. At this point, however. " )ow " in No. (2) crew came of his slide, and in attempting to rectify matters broke the catch. Consequently, his crew were out of the race, Lloyd's crew winning b\ three lengths. Medals were presented to the members of the winning crew by our Head Master. A day or two after this race, the crew to represent the Schio,

N. A. Lloy I (l. i;.Ii.. JA . yh). IrP, . S. W ilon istrok ).. M r. I . I1 .,f I,. < ( . ( 1111 11 1 1. ( . olpkl-l X' . ill tlie inter-scil' il i(ticel lile Ma'0v hil'rr i1n )tc''lili lwtas ,elected. T'le seating is as foll' s st. bI.. i.. s I110.0,111 i r. .. 11 '2 ( . ( i ,,|la.ll :, . 1I1 1 V \ .t 1.1 I*2) .. .. 11 4 I, I |t l n - ,,h, . 1"l I I1) II. I,. IIll kiis (cox) Thins crtW l egdti tii.tning ;IIllu t iInt'(il.ittel,\. .ttii .it« IKliI ' ch< < hv Ir. H A H

, - T lh - .

c r

.Ilr. alnI Nirs. Hoii.tiehd and oth,-r iimeliwrs ,f th,. rcho] Iluse. -8 Brisbane Grammar School Magazine.

On Saturday evening, November 6th, Mr. Norton, M.L.C., kindly invited us to the School of Arts to see his Magic Lantern slides. Owing, however, to an unfortunate accident to the lantern, the evening was, as Mr. Norton said, " a wild goose chase." Mr. Norton, who regretted the incident as much as any of us, kindly promised to show us the pictures when tile machine was repaired. Mrs. Bousfield kindly gave 2 additional honour caps to the First Fifteen. The Boarders who won caps were R. \Willcocks and E. Holmes, who has now left. A Boarders' Cricket Team has again been formed, and playing in Fourth Grade Junior. F. H. Bridgman was elected Captain, but owing to the fact that he was required for the Second XI, a new election took place, and J. P. Kennedy was chosen. S. H. Jones has passed the Civil Service Examination. E. P. Holmes has been distinguishing himself in N. Queensland. He has represented Cairns at football. He is now surveying near Bowen. Molesworth is a candidate for Sydney Senior, and we wish him success. We are looking forward to seeing his name at the top of the list of passes in the house.

Past Grwamar fooftah C/wi.

The football season for 1909 is now over, and it is to iw regretted that the progrosti( ation in the last notes did not turn out quite as expected, and that the Pasts cannot record winning tile Premiershiip for 1909. Since the match against the Brothers on the 17th Jul last. when we were beaten by a drop goal, 4 to nil, the team did not play together again for four weeks, the Saturdays intervening Wing taken up with a trial match in preparation for the visit of N.S.. Then the two games against N.S.W., and the Saturday after w\ had a forfeit from Toowong, who had disbanded. After this long and unfortunate spell the team met South Brisbane, and were Inaten 1 11 to nil. The game was of a \elr strenuous nature, and as most of tlihe team will admit tilhe most vigorous, one we have played in this season, and all of us nursed.cl " a little something " to rememlntr it by. The following Thursday the Metropolitan team were sent t' Rockhampton and Mount Morgan and (;. Page, M. V. Parke', A. (;. ('orrie, F. ( leeve. I). (;unin, and K. (,. Sctt secured places ii the htam. and w rthily upheld tllit rep. of tlie IFasts. We won in the frmr lplace by II to , but lost to MNion Morgan by to 3:and "22to 3:on Wtdnsday and Saturday followii respct ively. Thie Saturday following (,ri return from the N orth tlhe Past playtd against Erotlh rs in tlh, S mi-tinal, but l>,t to them by 19 t 1~ II


A r t, •~. L

aes j 49

PAST GRAMMAR IOOTAILL CLUB. 80 Brisbane Grammar School Aagazine.

6, though there was not tile difference between tile teams as the scores might indicate. This meant that we were " down and out " for the season. Our B. Senior Team had tile worst of luck in their semi-final match. They were leading In\ ; points to 3 right up till within a few minutes of time, when the W\aratahs-against whom they were playing-scored a very lucky try right between the posts, and kicked a goal so win iing the match )by to (, right on the call of time, for the whistle blew immediately after the goal had been kicked. The season this year was a particularly long one, and the Premiership being played off between Valley and Brothers, and won by the former as late as the 9th of October. On W\ednesday the 3rd of November at ('afe Eschenhagen. the club held their Annual Smoke and presentation of trophies, and everyone spent a very pleasant evening. Mr. F. S. N. Boustield occupied the chair, and there were also present Messrs. J. J. Walslh. T. E. Jones. F. P. Fewings. F. ('. Lea. and about 40 memlbers, and also several members ,of the First School Team. The following is a list of thlios who received trolphies :-- Collins Memorial Medal. for the best all-round player, was won by (;. Page. Murray Bros. Medal, for the most serviceable man to his side, was most deservedly won ib) our hard working forward and Secretary, M. V. Parker. The Howcher Medal, for tlhe best back, was won by our plucky ' little" rush stopping half. 1). (;unn. Mr. P. P. O('Shea Trophy. for best forward, was won by F. Timbury. r Mr. F. S N. Boustield's trophy, for the most improved player. was won by R. (;. Scott. Mr. P. P. Fewing's trophy, for the most serviceable back, was won I,\by our ever to be trusted and well trained full back W. (G. Newell.

B. TEAM. Mr. P. Hart's Medal for the best back, (C. Hockings. Mr. P. Baker's Medal for the btst forward. . (;rant. Mr. P. P. O'Shea's Medal for the most serviceablle man to his side, N. I)alrymple. Mr. A. (;. Corrie (Honour Cap) for tlhe most improved back. F. Brand. Mr. A. (;. Corrie (Honour Cap) for *he most improved forward. W. H. A. Wilson. I)uring the evening Mr. C. Hocking, on behalf of the H. Seniot Team. presented Mr. M. V. Parker with a ileautifully framed enlarge- ment of the B. Team, and Mr. (;. C. Troedson on behalf of tih Brsbadll G rdalmia" .Sch,ol iMagaii('. 31

Senior Team, likewise ies ntId Mr. A. (. ('ric with an artistically framed enlargement of t', . A. Team. Thile clul) is most unfiortunate in losing the sericeF', of Mr. M. V. IParker, whol has had to resign the ~osition of Honl. Sc. owing to his taking of extra studies. The real services lie hias rendered his old club both on and o tlftle field, are indeed manifioll, and one had to be closely connected withhim tou know tilie amounlt (of work and detail lie llset( i , get tihroilgh, for lie was ever a Ilot unassuming persoll. (Ir iiplopular Secretarl's place will be extremel y ditticult to fill fior a m>re ,ntlhusiastic anid hIarder working SecretalV tlie writer lias yetl to nmet'l.

oH. J 7. B/, f.£.P. The Hon shuasl T.. Bell. Speaker of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, is one of our distinguished ()ld Hoy's. He is a son of the late Sir Joshua Peter Bell, K.C.M.(;., having been born at Ipswich in the year 1863. He received his preliminary education privately, and later sljent a few months at Ipswich Grammar School In 1877 he came to the Brisbane G(rammar School, where he remained for four years. While at the school Mr. Bell took a prominent part in both the school-work and in the sports, and we find him taking part in and winning prizes in the combined sports of tlie Toowoomba and Ipswich (Grammar Schools in 1878 and 1880, and also in cadet matches in 1878. He left the School in 1881, and ioined Trinity Hall, ('ambridge U'niversity, where he remained for spacet of four years. In 1886 he entered the Inner Temple, ,a'id in the following year he was called to the Bar. Alter following his profession for some years in England, he returned to Queensland, and was called to the Bar in August. 1890. He successfull\ contested the I)alby seat in 1893, 1896i, 1899, 1902, 1904, 1907 S1908, 190io. In 102 and 190)1 he was elected (Chairman of ((ommittees. He unsuccessfullY l>sed Hon. I.. E. (Groom (now Federal Minister for External Affairs) for the D)arling I)Downs ,e'at in the House of Representatives. He accepted a p)ortfolio it' Secretary for Lands in the Morgan Ministry', and also under .ir. rKidston in 19)7, and in 1908 was appointed Home Secretary,'. liich office lie held until tlie death of the Hont. J. L.eahy, in tlhe ' arly part of t his \ear, when he was elected Speaker, and \when lie new Parliament met on Novemlxr 2nd of this year, he "was :gain elected to that distinguished plsition. Mr. Hell still takes ':n interest id the old school , and on more than one occasion has "lken most highly of it. and also of Mr. Roe. who was " Head " "i Ihis time. He also retains his interest in s|lnrts, eslpcially in ',wing. K) OUR PARLIAMENTARY OLD BOYS.


I)' )\X \!, * .tSN4 i , \1... IO)N. J. G. API'ELI. M.I,.A. HO)N. j. T. BELL., M.I..\ li,, ii, S:crttary duld Miuister for . lit.- ,Speik,,r c f the Legsidl-zive .\~ssemI1I Briscnu Grammar Sch,,l Magazine. 88 Ifon.i.. G. .j e, //1.,.f.\

Anotlhr old boy \\'lo holds a prominent x)siiionl in ll,.

IUr Ass/dI vsa, S .t. .

One of ou, oldest old hI\s is Mr. Donald (;1iunn, \\Ii represents tlh (arnarvon Electorate in the Queenslanl Parlia- ment. He was born at Hnombala (N.S.W.) in I:,8i, atnd lam e to this State six v'ars later. Hel received his elementary education at the Warwick Public School, and attended H.G.S. when it was first oplned in 18W9, Mr. T. Harlin wing tlwn " Head " anl Mr. Donald (ameron second Master. After two or tlirete \vars. Iw left Hrisbane and finished his ehdUcation at a priate. schoolI in Warwick.' He residked with his hither until the lattcr's death in ;891, whin Iw ingHht a grazing farm near Talwood. whelre Ih: has remained ever since. He has ben a memlber ,ft he Invisional Hoard and the Talwood Shire ('ouncil for a immlenlr of wears. He has also repreinted (arnarvon in the Legislative Assembl\ for 4t or 7 y'ear. 4 Br s15/'cil (;l//it. .^ hl,/.l/((:t, i lnC. Old Boys' Re -union.

1-' .Annual le-uniiion tihe members of thin '.(;.S.().I .A. wa: litld at tlie Cafe Fschllenhagen on Wednesday, Septembit Ist. ,\lin Mr. i'.J. ()'Sihea (President) occupied tlihchair. Tlt atlt lulii'e was inot as largt as on ithe previou s (occasion. NeverI- ' II.h s, tIi gathering was as Ileasant as cild ppolssibly Ib wished |ori. l'Those present included : Messrs. E'. . (ruch a'Vic iPresih lit)l . 1F. S. N. Housticid. . 1). Story (L'nderSecretary ti tlieI)e~'airt innt of Public Instruction i)r., \\'ilton I.\aove Mlessr . J.. I. oIve. R. Pring Roierts. .. K. Tullv. A. I). (raliaim, \\. E. (;aham . T. *'.Jones. A. J.Matson. ('. A. Flint. (. S. C'ro, clh. T. I'. l'i\tr. H. M. Russell. P*. Newman \\ilson (Hon. Auditor. F. Neimers. ( . \. ('ostin (Hon. Treasurer), (. . tl'mundl .H. ( )xiev. R. olbertson. N. A. Ferguson, M. H. Ellis and A. T. Elli 'Hion >e. ITi cllairman 1a (logised during the evening torf he abseinc of .lr. IN,,.. \\lio was in Warwick at tlhe wedding of Mr.Arthur Wliisli and saiti thlat lie had wird congratulations to the Iide anl iidtl groin on tehalf of thle Association. .Aftr tlite company had sufftliciently strengthened themsel\v, witlltle aid ,of the savoury items mentioned on the artistic Ilitliei card, a short toast list was dealt with. As there was a weddiiiu party ,f a musical turn of mind in an adjacent room, whlici occasionally succeeded in drowning the speaker's voice, sprechli' 1did noit g erlond a reasonable length. Tle loval toast having been duilv honoured. Mr. Pring Robe1rt, (tot t liune of " Redwing." kindly contributed by tle matrimoniil pianist in tlie next room) il'opsed " The O(ld Boys' Association,. and saiid, in thiet course of his remarks, that owing to the absence , ai I ni\, rity in Queensland. B.(.S. had come to be looked ul'i Iv himiel.f, and by most of those present ;,s their alma maste: and this Association was one which helped in stimulating a ! perpetuating their love for the old school. Of the masters wl were at tlhe school in his time there was only one who remain' with them. and that was Mr. Roe. who, though no longer Heat master, had entered UlMHn a wider ie!d, where he holped to addl t his ust'efulness as a citizen of this State. Continuing, hlie spoke ' tlhe suctesses achieved by "old boys " in all parts of thlie worl :/ h'/,!!' (; (t/ll/drl r .\ h .flvte:ine.f,,l ,4. s;vinl tlhat they w'el, to 1 e f(iunll ev'\'erywh\' re I)lalill Irollilrllt liarts. "lere were old members of tlhe scl.i wo \w.r.e ,inder IKitchelner landCr milr in the great work which allowed t lie re built iypt to take It pldace oce mowe amionlg natins. ( )l1 I,\. \\,.ie ti, I, folllund cocullinll figll pos iticlls ill I.on(i , andI .I .1iil. ill tlin lime ,of the I llt.ii s t i tli e( n1 i, \' ilrl'Sa ( io.tli.'-r \\ r' Ili;ti\ ,I tllc 1 . \\'locila"d cail lorward and tliir l)a t \\itl cr'dit to tlh em,'el\'es, anml honour to their State and tlieir scliool. I r f'redlii . lie referretd to the giood work which could done1 t, lit A.oiatin It onl\ ne(e(Id morne enthusiasm. He also refri.ret to t I (;l\isaat lilit\ ot orming a cricket c(lul)in connct itn witlh t he .\,.oiat im.

Mr. IP. I. (O'Slea res)onded to the toiast, al(d rfltrr.d to the fact tlhat Parliament liad d(iss olved witlihout passiing th I niver- sit' hill. He said that the lprime movers in the strugle were memlrs Tf thlie Association. efterritng to th- ch'langes of lastershi) at tlie scliool, lihe congratullaed l)oth .Mr. o ind IMi.r. linsrield on their elevation to their several lo sitions. anml said that he was sure tlhat all members of tlhe Association (hopdthlat they would continue to occupy their positions for many years to ('come. In conclusion, uhe made lengthy reference to tle' said illness of Mr. (Gross. with whomi all members of tle Ass ociation could not but feel the d(leepex'st sympl)athy.

The toast of thle " School " was entrusted to )r. 14oe,. iwho spike at some length on the good work done by Mr. Noie.

In replying, Mr. Housfield thanked the Association o tihe congratulations extended to himself, and mentioned tl'e state ,of pr( sperity, whichli existed at the Scliool and Scli)ool House.

M.1r. T. E. J ones prolposed " The Visitors." and referred specially to the presence of Mr. George Rylatt.

(eorge responded, and said that the day was tie :37t1i atniiveisary of his first joining the school, and he lihoped, if spared, to compllete 40 years of service.

After the toast of " Mr and Mrs. Arthur Wlihisli " had beent hlionoured, the function concluded with the singing o(f " Aulni Luini Syne.".

)uring the evening a lengthy programme of entertaining it, ns was provided. Songs were rendered by Messrs. ('. A. Flint. s Dlouglas-Brown, and S. C. Learmonth, while Mr. R. Robertson ,'t,.rtained the company with a series of clever lighltning . tchlies. .Mlr. Pound dlivered a laughable recitation, entitled SFhie Fully Licensed Man." -M.H.E. ~4P

-S 3

E sm al . I Ii . ar1 kls i~* 'r b ura l 4.* * *0 H A c . h s 1 11 1

COUNCIL OF O.B.A. I , ch\ ! It I t I. I it ' ' , r 1. . I .1 =,.; t c I , , orisbane Grammar School Magazine. 37 B.G.S. Old Boys' Assoiation.

The Association Ias s.ttled d\\own at la..st, having dobtained trooms in Kent's Buildings. Adelaide Street,. which are Ibeing made \ery comfiortable by tlit House ('Conm ittee. Tie albov\' conlmmittee have carried out thei furnisling ,ofte' rooms in anLexcellent mannler. and arc still adding small comfortts. At tilhe last meeting of the (Council, a hearty vote of thanks tt t t.ie House ('cnunittee for the thorough manner in whlich they ad done tie work entrusted to them, was carried unanimously. Since August two of our tixtures have i)eenl successfull\" held, i.e., the Annual D)inner, and thle I.awn Tennis Tournament. A detailed account of tlie tformer appears on another page. and it only remains to recrd here tlhe ('C(uncil's alppreciatilon of tile excellent manner in which .Mlessrs. F. Holland, I. R. (rtouchl and T. E. J(Jones carried out all arrangements in c nnuection with it. Thie I.awn Tennis Tournament was held on the Schooll (Courts on Saturday, September *2th,sixteen pairs taking part. It was, as usual, carried out on tilhe American system, and all arrangements were in the capable hands of .IMr. S. i). Tzer. There weVre flur sections and the wininers in each \\ere : -Section I. : \. M. Hall and Miss Berl Sl)owers. Section II.: F. Reimers and Miss R,olfe. Section III.: R. (;.Kerr and Miss Flint. Section IV : . . ()'Slea ..nd Miss Plant. In the play off for the tinal Hall and Miss Sp)owers beat Reinmers and Miss Rolfe, and Kerr and Miss Flint Ibeat ()'Shllea and Miss Plant. In tlie tinal a battle royal tiook place bettweenl tile two lpairs, and it was only after a very hard tightight tat Kerr and .liss Flint secured tlie honours,. KerrKe-.,. was tlie only coun1lltry membler who took part, and everyone was naturally pleas(ed t see him carry off tie prize. This should pr(\\ an induceiment to cotullntry mlembers to toeill andl spend a few iils antillg old schIol-mates. A numbller of s)pectators were present,i nchluling tHon. W. H. C('ampbell, M.L.C., Mris. R. A. Kerr (Ilpswichl), M1rs. A. I.. Stewart, Mrs. houstfield, Mrs. T. ! Jones, Misses Bro\\ne (ydiine), McNish, J ones. ()'Sliea, Parker, and Messrs. T. J. ()'Shea, H. Wetherell, A. I). (;ralniim. W. !. ( raliam, \V. R. Parker, J. R. F. Hm.erry, (;.McAdtlam, junr., F. S. N. ousield. Afterni n t(a;was served in the sllade of tlie school. At tlie conculsion of ti e play tlie President (.Mr. PI. J. ()'Sihea) Ipresent'led tlie lnizes I, t(le succesfll pair. anrd (oemirat ulatted( them(ill tlir sli511c(ss. Iei also thanked all tllhose concellrned( in the managmini t of tihe ,lt ernool. Tlie thanks of tlie Council havt sine,I'en 'conv-ii' t,Messrs. S. I). Toer, T. E. lones and F. Reimers ifir tlhiir serv'ices I lidered by them in connciio witlih thle tixture. At a recent meeting, thli Council decided to give all liet support i,its powver to tlie Headmaster's project of fencing t lie .ciool " irf, and to) that end a sublscription list Ilias Ibeen placed in tlie

J 8H RBris!ane Gra(iniar .chool .lagaine.

Koo111p . ei;11111 s of the .\ss ;ti 0i.' il' Ilf^-d t1 illielmb'ei tiln' man \ lia \ la s si nlt on ti T1i(iO; t',il ive i conllribl tion, lowever small, towtrds StCllriL le pivacyl., of ill kroulld for tli, sclho l garit's. and 'ls the c' linft l otit tit' sp) 'cator 11a;1 I )la \'rs. \\\ an- sn100ll-c 1litt ill c,ml p I o :. ill ers of tl \ssociation is 1ith1I .Wti. and Mrs CE.rge. \\';r\ I , account ol lt' recent illness of th11latter, :ul w\ all I ooie 1':it site ma\ sKc il\' rec tv'ter, s tlv it 1htl Ia\ )' al )ill 1 ii'j all tini le) lasin ,- of tlir ,"\trlndhfd t ti onl \\liicli tlI'\ ;ir,' c11a(8 fd T Sfcfct ar\ lli 1 >,, \'iF 'l'cast'd l .Irf flro a 11'nl . kno wing tlhi ' w'se'nt addr'ss of I)r. I)a\-idsoin (I)hittist>. late ofl Edward Street, and of F. Sislhx, as lbotlh of tlh'm lIa\,- mitt,', to notify of change of addr .ss. 111ls IV I 'tl't fitlc ll t ' lXtInC ' ,ll'1;I Slloke ( 'CloncI(' t is \t I.,lhld on Saturdtay\, Noviemlr 27t1 Ti'l time Iias l ien tixl at $ p.m., and the place, Now\ve's ('Cafe. T'Th arrangem'nts 1Iav' lten )Ilacedin the hands of Messrs Hollatn'l. .lnes and Wetbi, so tIlat \r' ma\1 i sure of liav'iing e'rvcr'tingt ull' in llSe1 er\' best man1ier I,ssille. An exctl-ll.i 1US('cal pWrgiamiti, is I wi arianged. a1nd t,',rvtItilig ltfinls to, success. !\ tlil \\ay, t li' concert w\\ill I ' Ihld d(\'wnstairs, at ltw te'sthiis tile. and niot upstairs as it was last \ear. Tickets ma he ob)tain.'d from an\ meml'be of the ouncil for tl'e modst s;im of 2s. At the last meetinlg of tle Council. it was decided to send to ever' tow\n llmembeltr \\who is nolit a subl)scriber, a copyi (No\'vemer)l edition of thlie Magazine, with tlie idea of shliwing him tliat til' Association is still dfing good wiork. Tile 'Councilurges all members to use all tl" influence in their liower to further the aims of tiii Association. At the same time tlvhe might (do th school Magazine a good turn b becoming sublscribers. Every issue of tlie Magazine contains (O.B.A. notes. which show what work is Ieintg carried on by thle Council. The thanks of the Association are due to tihi Manager of the Magazine for assisting in obtaining tlie copi,'s required to be sent out. Thlie Whist Club still holds its ltmee'tings regularly on Thursdav evenings, and would be pleased to have its numlbers increased. We hop' tlihat all members will take tlhe first opportunity which offers to visit the Rooms. and the ('Council \\will Ibe glad t, rec('elve Suggestiotns f(or impr ovements from any mI'mli.r. marriages.

April 28th. -Mr. George Warry to Miss Heal. August 24th. -- '. I. Fox to Miss D)onaldson. September Ist. Mr. C('. A. Wliishli to Miss (G. Margetts. 'September 29th. -Mr. P. J. A. Murrell to Miss H. Pibworthi. October 1lth. -Mr. Edgar C. H. McConnel to Miss P. Murray-Prir. October 21st.-Mr. J. I). Stirrat to Miss A. Friend. Brisbanc Grammar School lagazinc. 811 Jotfins.

.. Augstein Ihas started workat IDalgety and Co.'s. lThe following members of tlhe Schlool have recently distin- guished themselves in Sunday Sclhool Examinations: J. I.. nimmonds, A. H. Jones, \W. )Douglas,S. Crellin, E. H. JI ones, A. shield, H. J. Kay, J. Wagner., H. J. Bradlfield. The Hoy Scout Mov'ement, which has attained great qiopularity in England, has been enthusiastically taken ulp here, adll( \we are pleased to ,obserethat .Mr. . S. Snw, an old boy, is Chief Scout- mIastter for Queensland. E. L.. Hood has left Brisbane for Parr River )Downs. G('. N. McArthur won a Swpcial Silver Medal for writing at the Exhlibition of the National Association. At a tennis tournament held at thie Pacitic ('able Station, Southport, by members of tlie Staff, tle championship was von y R\. W. Laiarack. The Singles Handicap was \won by S. H. ('lemi.sonu, another ,ld !B.( .S. Bow. Lieutenant J. 1). Lavarack Ihas gone to Twnsville to .ake command of the R,oyal Australian Artillery at Kissing Po'int and Magnetic Island. H. A. Barnes has entered upon an engineering career at Smit h, Faulkner and ('o.'s Works. )r.Argyll aampbll el.Arl who has liad a most distinguised career at Edinburgh recently paid a brief visit to Brisbane, and then returned to Edinburgh for further medical and surgical experience. 1)ick Francis has sent us some post cards. We hope le has enjoyed his trip to England. W. Cunningham has joined tle Railway D)epartment. )Dr.W. E. Roth, a former master at the BH..S. has distinguished himself by a gallant attempt to save a man from drowning in British Guiana. J. James got his football " blue " at Sydney the season before last. and ('. Willcocks his cricket " blue " last season, and A. Holmes a'Court his rowing " blue." F. L.. King has commenced work with Butler Bros. Lieut. T. V. Brown is an enthusiastic signaller, and is in charge of the signalling corps of the 9th A.I.R. J. W. C('ostin is gaining experience at the Brisbane Telephone I'.xchange. A. T. Edwards has joined the clerical staff of D). and W. Murray. E. E. Edwards, B.A. has made a name for himself by assisting to establish the identity of the last camp of Burke and Wills. 40 . dv'r/i.s'mc,,ts. F. V. RYLATT'S Patented January 31st, 1908. No. 10,745. UNIQUE DEFENCE OR COASTAL. . $ignal AND Lamp Ace slenslas lanerator.

We claim this to be the best in the World. It sl\ a iig ligiit ad can be seen O20miles; any Ime.ang. .an hI, rai \\ith tlh, nakmd ,y,. ald lh w IIl'lih fOlllth C'lllli II t e ,

aII gtatioll,ll I l t1e' Ila Illsl ('11 ll hel' [lllrnll'd il itlll

eCculd h, ,'nt ib. tlhis , st.,I,|er l IIlr'igh1l A'. " A s'alia l givll di.tncps. If S n ell QII). a |q'oa.hs w'ithin "IMi ,i :orI yardsm tihe IiIIp ali le tlllieid rGr,lllnlm tlllh' slltl r cllllt'd Bld thb(' (e.e . sihot, or if you, wait to decalllp the shutter 3. B e closes automatically and - THE HHOLE APPARATUS DISCONNECTED AND REMOVED IN30 SEONODS.

Orderly Room, Aust. Corps of Signallers, Q., Brisbane, 15th July, 1909. Subject: Testing Signalling Lamp. From Oflicer Commanding, Australian Corps of Signallers, Q. To MR. GEOGE RYLATT, Gramar School Brisbane. The following tests were made by me with your lamps, namely :- 1. Between Red Hill and Ironside, distance 3 miles; a good, clear light casily readable. 2. Between One Tree Hill and Sandgate, distance about 14 miles; weather showery and foggy; light was easily readable without glasses. 3. Between One Tree Hill and Ipswich, distance about 15 miles; showery anti foggy night; light was readable with naked eye. 4. From Highgate Hill, South Bri.bane, to Lytton. distance 11 miles; clear. starry night; lamp gave a very good readable light, easily read without glasses 5. From Ironside. Brisbane, to Tambourine Mountain, distance, airline, 3 miles ; clear night ; the lamp was readable through telescope. The above tests were made by myself, assisted by members to the No. 5 Co? Australian Corps of Signallers, Queensland. I have no hesitation in stating that the acetylene light used in your lamp is great improvement on the lamp at present in use. J. WAGNER. Captain, O/c Aust. Corps of Signallers, Q. Advertisentents. 41

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(hUNN & MO()RE'M ATO(ItAI'IH-- Extra Sper'nl ...... i. He(lected ...... 3 - no .. . 2l..1 MIAW &, llI EWSII RY' s I ., • WAl OPH ...... 30 • 8LItlil E .. .. 26 - IMPERIAL IIIVER\ . .. .. 21 - MPECIAl, (1,B ...... IN- MPECIAL l IVER ...... 1. - YOUTH8. No. I '29 No. 2 .'3 No. 8 :f9 N . - 4 3 No. 4 I No. I; 51

FOOTBALLS. F'ORD'' IN'TERHI'ATI ...... 14- BHERRINS ...... 146 SEIEC'I ED.... 126, 11 6, 10. MATCH II ...... 10 6, 71; MATCH III ...... ( 6 YOUTHS. No. 1-2 9. No. 2- 3. No. 3- I No. -4 ;1. R.W. EVE GARDEN OF EDEN, 177 Queen Street, Phone 940. 42 Advertisements. Bo0ts, imes nl Slippers, FOR HI'ORTS. FOR EXERICISE.



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f. 44 A dverlssements. B.C. WILSON &CO. HARDWARE STORE, Queen Street, BRISBANE. The Depot of Good Dependable CUTLERY, SPOONS and FORKS.

Note some of the PrIloes I-

TABLE KNIVES- /9, 7/6, 10/- per Half Dozen.

DESSERT KNIVES- 8/, 8/6/ 7/6 per Half Dozen.

CARVERS- 8/6, 7/6, 10/6 Pair.

Nickel Silver, guaranteed to wear White throughout. SPOONS - Table. Dessert. 5/9 Half Doz. 4/8 Half Doz. Tea. 3/6 Half Doz.

FORKS-- Table. Dessert. 8/S Half Doz. 4/8 Half Doz.