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God’s Love Science fair Reiterated winners Well-known truth expressed from the Song of Solomon honored by Hannah, junior by Zachary, senior eeds and water, magnets and golf balls, S salt and insulation. These things all ebster’s 1828 Dictionary defines love as follows: “An have something in common at FBTA from W affection of the mind excited by beauty and worth of any September to January. What is it? It is the kind, or by the qualities of an object which communicate pleas- annual, dreaded science fair. ure, sensual or intellectual.” On Feb. 8, the science fair meeting was The world generally thinks of love as a bubbly emotion and Camille, sophomore, won first place for testing to see which battery really did last the longest. held to honor those who had done excep- will base its love upon current feelings, especially when accom- tionally well on their science fair projects. panied by a hope of pleasure or profit to be attained. Over 10 people received awards, including Yet, God looked upon the sinner, who had nothing to offer those who will be representing FBTA in the Him, who deserved Hell, and still offered His love. I John 4:10 ODACS competition. says: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved The science fair officially started on us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” Sept. 24, with Mr. Niggl and Miss Roeske God, as the self-sufficient I AM, needs nothing; therefore, the handing out the packets and meeting to dis- marvel is not that the sinner would love Him, but that He would cuss what would be expected out of every love the sinner at all. 5th, 6th, 8th and 10th grade student. Sometimes, however, a believer hears this message so often Many new things were learned by each that it begins to lose its effect. Thus, one may slowly devalue the student, including Camille. Her science fair original impact that the very thought of God’s amazing love project was based on the topic: Which bat- once had. tery would last the longest? She discovered In Song of Solomon 5:3-6, the bride, symbolizing the church, that Costco’s batteries are actually the best relates an encounter with the bridegroom, representing Christ, in value. the following words: Miss Roeske had a lot of work on her “I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed plate grading all the science fair projects, my feet; how shall I defile them? My beloved put in his hand by photo by Hannah Kidd, junior along with Mr. Niggl. It took Miss Roeske the hole of the door . . . I rose up to open to my beloved; and my over six hours to grade them all. Although hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling she had a lot to do, she still enjoyed it. myrrh, upon the handles of the lock. I opened to my beloved; but “It was neat to see all of the projects. It my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone . . . I sought was neat to see all of the ideas that the kids him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no used for their projects, and to see their crea- answer.” tivity in how they did their projects,” Miss Like many Christians, she, too, had forgotten the love of the Roeske said. bridegroom and made personal convenience her priority. Although most students enjoy looking Consequently, she made excuses rather than answering the through all of the projects and sharing what bridegroom’s entreaties. When she finally answered his knock- they learned, they are all happy that the pro- ing, she found that he had gone, her opportunity of fellowship jects are over) but they are dreading next missed. year when they have to complete yet another Therefore, a Christian should never tire of God’s love. one. Though the temptation is to replace true worship with a conven- ient emotion, one must persevere, for frivolity in one’s love for the Lord results in lost fellowship with Him. Why not consider a valentine with God? Science fair ODACS participants receive their trophies on Feb. 8. “We love him because he first loved us.” (I John 4:19) Winners

Elementary Biological 1st place – Ricky S 2nd place – Amelia S 3rd place – Mark B Packers pack in a win Elementary Physical win XLV, defeating the 1st place – Matthew C 2nd place – Ben Y by Robert, senior 3rd place – Alexis A uper Bowl XLV broke U.S. TV viewing records, as an unprec- “I’m a fair-weather fan. No, my dad is from , and I was S edented 111 million people watched Green Bay win their third going for Green Bay,” said Shayne, junior. 8th Grade (Physical) super bowl title. Although the Steelers’ defense ranked second 1st place – Madison M The number six seed in the NFC, the in the NFL in overall defense, Aaron Rogers re- 2nd place – Susannah S Green Bay Packers, nearly missed the fused to let his team lose. In the words of Brianna, 3rd place – Marissa J playoffs. They were able to make the Aaron Rogers was “amazing.” playoffs due to a victory in the final game This year’s super bowl MVP completed over 10th Grade (Biological & Physical) of the season against the . 60 percent of his passes, throwing for over 300 1st place – Camille G Their postseason trip to the super bowl yards and three touchdowns. 2nd place – Josh K included wins on the road against the “The Packers deserved to win, and the Steelers 3rd place – Bethany S , the deserved to lose,” said Jenneth, 8th grader. and the Chicago Bears. However, not everyone was happy for the Elementary ODACS The Pittsburgh Steelers had a much Packers win. Biological – Gabby L different road to super bowl XLV. Enter- “It was horrible. I was really upset the Steelers Physical – Carlie M ing the playoffs as a second seed, they did lost,” said Taylor, 7th grader. not disappoint, as they defeated the tough “The Steelers didn’t deserve to win. I was up- Jr. High ODACS Baltimore Ravens and the New York Jets set that they didn’t play as well as they could Biological – Joanna H to enter their eighth super bowl. have,” said Mr. Niggl, science teacher. Physical – Veronica T Super Bowl XLV did not disappoint Overall, the Steelers and the Packers gave the fans, as the game was won by a mere six spectators a very enjoyable game to watch. Now Sr. High ODACS points and was quite competitive. Most that football season is over, the long seven-month Biological – Dominic D students here were rooting for Green Bay, wait until next season begins. So long NFL, until Physical – Kyle S so they got their wish for a Packer victory. next season . . .

P a t r i o t P r e s s , P a g e 1 VALENTINES Learning about Love FBTA teachers give advice on love Thank you for all of the Valentine submissions we received! We weren’t able to use them by Banna, senior all, and we tended to choose the friendship and family ones over the slightly mushy ones (and love, as she has been very strange ones, sorry), but we want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine’s Day! ove seems to a be a universal language married now for 34 years. L that not everyone is fluent in just yet. “It’s [marriage] a very However, with Valentine’s Day here to com- wonderful experience. It Dear Stefanie, Love You! Happy Valentines! — Roses are red, violets are blue, my best friend is memorate the intimacy and affection that love makes everything more fun to have some- Love, Diana Caitlin, I love you! Thanks for being my BFF. — brings, teachers at FBTA are giving an exclu- body to share it with. You always have a Love, Stef sive insight on what a life filled with love is best friend there for you,” she said, softly. Dear Garrett, Thanks for being a great brother! like. Mrs. Pigott does, however, have a short Even when you’re annoying, I still love you. Dear Sarah, Thank you so much for being my Mr. Fender seems experienced in this de- disclaimer about falling in love. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! — best friend. I always love being with you. We partment, as this July, he will be celebrating “Before you allow yourself to fall in Love, Alexis always laugh when we are with each other. I an astonishing 39-year marriage to his wife. love, get to know the person. Be friends hope we will always be best friends forever. — “Marriage is wonderful,” said Mr. Fender, with them first, and make sure it’s someone Dear Mrs. Naylor, Happy Valentine’s Day. You Julie elatedly. “It’s fantastic because I have a fan- you can talk to about anything. Make sure it are the Best Teacher Ever!!! God Bless You. — tastic wife who puts up with me, and that’s is someone who is a Christian that loves and Love, Gabby L Roses are red, violets are blue, Sarah and Julie wonderful,” said Mr. Fender. wants to serve the Lord,” said Mrs. Pigott, are my valentines, I love them too! —Melanie When it comes to love, Mr. Fender has one assertively. To Bulby, We love you! With food! —11th grade piece of advice that is probably the key to a Hopefully, FBTA students won’t be guys’ table (the one next to the wall) To my friend Andrew, hope you have a great successful marriage. walking down the aisle anytime soon, but day with your new baby brother. —John “Make sure it’s the Lord’s will,” said Mr. it’s enlightening to learn about love from Dear Lewis’s, Adam & Hannah Z., You guys Fender. those who have been there and are still on a are awesome. I love ya’ll. —Spoiled Starr To Jay, one of my best friends; to Andrew, one Known for her sweet and jovial spirit, Mrs. lovely journey. of my best friends; to John, one of my best Pigott knows a thing or two when it comes to Hannah Zak, Roll that tambourine! Happy V- friends; to Caleb and Connor; one of my best day! —Ab friends; to JD, one of my best friends; to Gar- rett, one of my best friends. —Hart Z. Debbay Jay and Debbay Emm, May your The Valentine debate never ends hearths be filled wif luf, and may you weseev Dear Julie, Thank you for all the playdates we by Annie, 7th grade fore, it is a cursed day on this earth,” said crythanthamums. Don luffs you! —Love, Deb- have had together. You are the bestest friend in Jenneth, 8th grade, cringing. bay A. the world. I couldn’t do anything without you. here are a variety of thoughts when However, there are people who like Val- Thanks for being my best friend. —Love, Sarah T people think of Valentine’s Day — entine’s Day. Hey Bulbita! It’s been fun having you as a big some negative and some positive. bro. I’ll miss you at college. —Love, your lil sis To Garrett, You are my best friend of all, you “It’s my favorite holiday,” stated Hope, “It’s an awkward day if you’re at school, 7th grade, “but it would be nice to have off are kind and tall, you are cool, I hope you like and boring if you’re at home,” said Victoria, Hey Kenny! Just wanted you to know it’s been school. —from JD th school.” 7 grade, with a shrug. Many love the reds and pinks in the dec- awesome having you as a BFFL for the last 15 Many look forward to Valentine’s Day (almost) years. Love your big sis, Chris Roses are red, violets are blue, who’s collecting orations, not to mention the potential choco- just because of the candy. late candy available. these valentines? It’s you! (hi, mom) —Love, “Depends on the way you look at it,” Vanessa, Happy B-Day Dodo! Have an amaz- Caleb th “Very romantic, hearts and roses all said Nathan, 7 grade, thoughtfully, around!” exclaimed Stephanie, 4th grade. ing 16th day! Don’t get into any car accidents “because you get candy,” he concluded with this year! We love you! —You know who and Violets are purple, roses are red, I love you until “I love the chocolates you get from your a smirk. th all your bird friends I fall asleep in bed! Love you, Mom and Dad — secret admirer,” said Lily, 7 grade, dreami- “Valentine’s Day is a day that is mostly Love, Connor ly. enjoyable for married and engaged people. Jiffy, Hope your day is filled with PB&J. —Love, A few people take it a step more. Krunchy Dear “Andy,” “R,” “Beronica,” and The rest of us ‘normal’ non-dating civilians “Most-loved holiday on earth!” stated languish in misery watching corny romanc- th “VickAtorA,” just wanted to say Happy Valen- th Timmy, 8 grade. Dear Art Class, It is been a joy to be in art tine’s Day! And thanks for being some of the es to celebrate,” inputs Bezi, 9 grade. Apparently, there are many thoughts and class. Thank you, Mrs. Lewis, for all of your bestest friends on this side of the galaxy. Yes, “It is a memorable and infamous time of opinions about Valentine’s Day. The debate time, effort, and money you spent on us; thank these things are said every year, but oh, are the year. It can also be a time of gagging and rages on. you Hannah Z., for giving me nice comments; they true! So far, we’ve had a great year togeth- retching. Besides, one year, my hamster thank you, Starr, for being the class clown; er, and I hope it stays like that. And here’s a died the day after Valentine’s Day, so there- thank you, Annie, for just being my friend; thank piece of advice I think you might need for the you, Kathryn, for giving me advice on my piece; events to come: Bob likes you, Bob likes sharp thank you, Jenneth, for just being my friend too; things, I suggest you run from Bob. —Jiffin and thank you, Ben and Joe, for all of the mem- ories about the eraser wars. Thank you all! — Dear FBT Family, Thank you for helping me Thank you, Mr. Cordeiro for your many years Love, Caitlin E grow in Christ. Pray that my dad will get mar- of service to the Lord here at FBTA! Our ried. —God’s servant, Logan (Go Patriots!) To Alyssa, Lily, Millie, & Kaylee, I love you thoughts and prayers go with you as you begin guys. Happy Valentine’s Day! —Love, Hope Z the next, new chapter in your life!

Dear Mr. Kidd, Roses are red, violets are blue, you are soooo nice, and snow days are too! Can we please just have one more? —Love, the 1st grade Friday the fourth reeks of rivalry! Dear James, on Feb 15, it will have been five months. I love and miss you so much. —your lil’ The blue and red patriots duke it out for basketball supremacy sis, Oressa by Catherine, junior

Dear Valentine, We live very busy and frustrat- n Friday, Feb. 4th, parents and students “Let’s put it this way — it was great to With a nearly total clean sweep, the Fair- ing lives. However, we don’t have to be too busy O alike packed the stands of the gymnasi- beat Heritage twice. The JV girls played fax patriots fulfilled one of the greatest to love and read about God. Surely we can be um in a giant amoeba-like mass of blue, white great,” said Coach Barr, with a grin. achievements we, as students of FBTA, peaceful, slow down and even stop to remem- and gold to be witness to one of the greatest The varsity girls followed suit, beating could achieve (besides glorifying our Lord ber Him. He is, after all, the one who loved us and oldest rivalries in ODACS history — the the Heritage lady patriots 57-37. The varsity and Savior Jesus Christ): Getting one up on so much that He died for us. I realized that I Fairfax patriots vs. the Heritage patriots. boys pulled out all the stops and left every- Heritage. For the varsity boys, this was a don’t have to be upset or frustrated. Our Heav- The night got off on the right foot with thing on the court, but came up short, losing stepping stone and a learning opportunity enly Father will always understand us, know us, victories by both JV teams, the girls win- 82-71. that will aid them later in the tournament. convict us, help us … and love us. Jeremiah ning 28-18 and the boys 29-22. These victo- “We played well as a team and it felt For the ladies and the JV boys and girls, this 31:3: He loves us with an everlasting, faithful, ries put both teams in a favorable position for really good to beat them. And it was defi- is another tally on the win-record and a bet- merciful, intense, devoted, passionate love. the NOVACS tournament which was hosted nitely a morale-booster before our Faith ter seeding at the tournament. Win or lose, Think about it, the most powerful being in the on our own home court. game,” said Liz, junior. one game with Heritage will be trifling universe loves me. He loves you. —Sincerely, a “It [beating Heritage] felt accomplishing. “The biggest lesson we learned from when we’re toting the basketball champion- loving friend. P.S. Try to demonstrate God’s It just shows what team work and hard work love to others, and I’ll do the same. Friday’s game,” said Coach Anastos, “is that ship trophy. Patriots all the way! can do,” said Jacob, freshman. we need to play 32 minutes of team basket- 23 8 1 8 1 8 1 ! - 20 8 5 25 - 19 8 1 12 12 - 14 5 “I think we played a lot better than last ball, from the coaches to the players.” 22 5 18 - 21 14 12 15 3 11 - 20 8 9 19 - 5 22 5 time,” said Lily, 7th grader. “We learned a lot “I feel that we needed to give a little 18 - 19 15 - 2 18 9 12 12 9 1 14 20 - 3 15 4 5 - about their team, and I know we’ll be able to more effort and we needed to try a little 15 6 - 13 9 14 5 ! - 14 15 - 15 14 5 - 11 14 15 beat them at the tournament.” harder,” said Jairdan, 8th grader. 23 19 - 9 20 - 2 21 20 - 13 5 ! - 23 8 1 20 ? - 9 David Gretchen 13 16 15 19 19 9 2 12 5 ! - 8 15 23 - 3 15 21 12 The Patriot Press Advisors: Nate Catherine 4 - 25 15 21, - 1 - 20 8 9 3 11, - 4 9 13 - 13 9 14 is a student-run newspaper of Miss Dyck Zachary Bethany 4 5 4 - 20 5 18 18 5 19 20 18 9 1 12, - 4 5 3 15 Fairfax Baptist Temple Academy Mrs. Dyck Jackie Jenny 4 5 - 20 8 9 19 ?!? - 19 20 15 16 - 4 5 3 15 4 9 6401 Missionary Lane Banna Angelika 14 7 - 9 13 13 5 4 9 1 20 5 12 25 ! - 9 - 3 15 13 Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Robert, Newspaper Editor 13 1 14 4 - 25 15 21! - 14 15 !!! - 13 25 19 5 3 Hannah Bezawit 703-323-8100 • FBTministries.org Abbe, Yearbook Editor 18 5 20 - 8 1 19 - 2 5 5 14 - 18 5 22 5 1 12 5 4 ! Cameron —the Codekeeper

P a t r i o t P r e s s , P a g e 2