Social Security” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R

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Social Security” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 39, folder “Reagan - Social Security” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 39 of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .llll ,1 Ill j ·ql I .1 J 0 \\'l'dnr·.cla\', .la11. 11, I!Jifi 1\RO .llea~·art Ailli?lap·­ Deeper itt tl1e Alire "I giJCs~; I made• ;1 nii:-lal<r in thr spee< h I 111:HIC in C!11• :.go Ia.,! :)rp­ tembcr in trying In point out !hal in NEWS six <~re:~s th:it I nan1•:d- s1x diflcr­ cntgrnnrdl program> ;~rc now bcJng perfnn11Cd hy tiH~ f.:deral ~·.o\'l'rn­ ANALYSIS mcnt. and I don't think belong to the federal gn,·ernmcnt. If thcv were in lnl'al and slate hands, th:tt acrord1ng 111 I he prrscnt budget fig­ In <~II tluee r<tscs. thr l'andid;Jf~'s lilT~ il wnulcl amnt111l lo .~!JO-hillion made ~-lall'ments early in their Cillll­ or ono'-fflllrlh of whal the federal p<~ii;ll th;~t llicy later compl<~inecl t:"' nn111cnt is spending." were distorted, but th<tt continued I his r;imbling :1n·;wcr coni ;1 iJI('d to haunt them until lhev were de­ c'llllll"h '11l1hiJ~IIilv tll;rl <1 Cliil"l~:n feated or pulled out of Llic race. i llhlill'' n·p1•r!rr ! !H•u;:.lll l·!c~l.!.':-ill ..... ~. c;~~ltll;! hi"' t'ltitr" pl:tn "a' IHI!'l- HERE IS IIOW the Re<tgan flap developed: Ltkr~" --no! jtbl tlw pi icc 1<1:;:. On Sept. 26, 197.5. before he offi­ 'I hr.· Triliunr slnr:,• w<~s pickPd up cially opened his c;lmpaign for the lo\' the w1rc ~cn·i•·r:, ;r11d N13C radioJ. Republican presidential nomination, )\eagan's st<rff drrided lhev har:l Rragan made a speech to the Chi­ hrllcr ~.nuff out lhc erroneliu, re­ cago Executive Club in which lw port before il brcame accepted as proposed "a systematic transfer of gosp,·l. authority <tnd resources Lo llw slates" in ~ix major areas: wclf:m·. EARLY Tur~;rl:~1· "'"''nne. ;i> education, housin~. food sl~llllJ'''· slrrpy-r:ycd rcpnrtNs flied onto ll1•' medicaid, and L'Oil1111Ullitv ;1nd n· pre's bus in 1\ol'ldnrd. Ill .. p1 ,,_,, Hou;dd Hca~!a11 ginnal dc\'Clopmcnt, piL;:> fcclcr.d se•:rctary Lyn Nof1.igcr read a re,·cnuc-sharing. statement from Reagan: .•• ·tfdifll'rllll' tli.-trll tio11' "Transfer of aiJthoritv in whrdc "l am IJf'ing misquoted in som~ or part in all these areas would re­ nc\\'s stories as s;lyillg my proposal B~·,ROBEHT S. BOYD duce tile outlay of the federal gm·­ In lranskr federal program~ ami Ht"r~ld W.uhi091on Burr.Hr Chid ernment by more lh<lll $!HJ billion 1hrir flllllling sniJro·p-; h:~rk tn thr ClSlli\.OSH, Wis.- l~<111ald l{e<J­ using the -spending le\•els of fiscal ''"tes is a mistake. I hat. storv is lo•• g:ll1 scr·n1s only to br: 111akin.:! m:;l­ Hl7G (the year running from .July I, lallv inl'orrccl. I sl:~n•l hrh,i,rJ .~:•:1 ,,~,s wnr!>e with hi-; cffnrls to re­ 1975, to .June 30, 197Gl. will cnntinuc to Cilll1p;lign fill t' "; rlun· ih• political <hlln:lgc caused hy "Wilh such a saving~. il would hr •~:sue. Stories iltal say otherwi~e are IJ1s o11!1llll\'I'IS;al "$!Hl-IJi1JiPll pl;111'' possible to balance the federal hud­ without. foundation.'; ln turn \'<lSI tccln;ll progr.tms bnck ~ct. make an initial :t:•-hillion pay­ to the 'tales. mc'nl on the national dchl, and cui \VIirn rcp()rtr:rs poinlcd nul that this still did not lll<tkr l'lear exactly lnslr:id of lrtling the pl;ul fade 1ill' federal personal income tax whal Reagan cnnside1 c•d his "mis­ quieti\' from puhlic crJnsciousne:.·:, hmden of every i\meri<·;~n II\' an av­ take" to be, still another statement as '"nlC Reagan ~lralr:gisls hoprd LTagc of 23 per cent," Rcag<tn said. was prrparcd. TV crPws were ~llm­ would h:q1pcn, his sln1gglcs arc monccl to Rci!gan·s romparlment on kcrpi~1g the issue blazing. TilE CHICAGO speech n•ceiq;d· little attention at first. But ;1fter his jet flying to u~:hkosh. Tiley The former Califor11ia go,·ernor Hcagan formally declared his candi­ filmed him r•:;Hling the slalPmrnt pntll I'd nwrr ful'l on l he flames dacv last November his cam­ ~11nl he includerl it in speeches here rucsd;lV when he ;JC'l.'liSl'd \l!lllalllCd :w. paign workers began Ln pick up <ind l:~tcr in l'<:lilwauk,., .. persPils in the press and in Presi­ troubling signs that n1any voters dent Forti's cam 1lili!,!n org;lllizalion 111 thi.s ~;l:~lrmel1i, l·:e:~g<rn ··nlplia­ could be frightened <~l till' tlwught of "dc!iberalr di~lortion" of his po­ ·•t<'d tli:it his plan \\olllcl lra11,frr of losing federal benefits or stlion. s~cin:: their sliitc and loc<tl t<ixes .c:o u;1 '" In •lie sl;tlrs 1101 r>11I1· fr:d(·r;1l pro­ the tr<Jnsfcr Jll'iHTcrled. 'I he.,·~ fl':ll" 1'\LTWOIU\ television, where ;.:r<lii1.S hut ;ll>o "tlw 1.1' sources wnc c:~gcrly fHnncd h~· hml ldlli­ 'lll'>sl ,·oiers gel their impressions of lli<Jt the federal go\ rrnment ha~ paign aides. pre::-idcnli<tl candidates, had gcncr­ preempted ... allv ionored the complicaled $!)(). 'I he issue pron~d esprci;IIJ\· dan­ bllii()J; plan. TV p1 cferred to show· gcrnus for Reagan in ~;,·-.v Hamp­ "SUCH PROGH:\i\lS shnuld h" scenic \'irws of Re:tr,<tn in lhP :mow shire, wheP.' many eldcrlv penpk rlonc in coopr_.i.alinn with !oral '"'" li,·e on small inco1~1es and opposi­ or posi11·~ on farm machinery. ~tate g<J\'crnllwnl <111rl can re,ult 111 tion to state taxes is like a biblical Bul after his hlasl Tue~d;1y, they 11111 <Ill added hu1dc·n at Lhc : r:,:r· injunction. rushed c<tmPra news to \Vi~con~in ""rl loc:1l lc\'C;l hut 111 <1 11et :;avin;..:s 111 rcc•11·d him defending h1s pl<~n On th" other hand, Rc3g:m l'l<tild lo the taxpayers," lie ~;aid. <~nd cnmplnining that he was bcin.~ nol afford to disown hi~; oi\·n hr:~ in­ "mi~q11otcd" in inaccural~.: press re- child- ))(lfh because llf: helie\l'S in l~e<lgiln went. 011 In '"o\·: "\\'h•·" 1 illC concept. <Jnd hcc;~u::r· such " pon '· first made the proposal. I 110111'' rl ·11w IT;,rrlt is llkc:!l· to lw '""rr swilch mif!hl open hin1 In ch;rrge.~ nul thal il Wils rough!\· one ~JUartcr rather lh:tn lc~;s n.tli;•llal ,ltlcnlion of varillill ion and indCl'lsiH'IH'ss. of l he I ~ll!i hudp·t. or ahn11t $"11 <Ill billion. I did this nnlv to fnrusl·d o1_1 llw plan, allll '" 111:!1-:c• In ('[fort lo Ji111il 1111' cl:ill;!''l. illu~tral<' Hragan's own jlldgmclll:; ;put nc·dJ­ l{e;1gan h<'gan ;_!r;Hiu.llly h;~cki11;~ lilt' ~i1c "r tlw J11• -~'.1'11s \'.'l' "'"­ aw;iy from his Chica;;o Sf'l'l'<'ll. :\·, posed 1rnnsferring. hilitv a nlili"r ~~~ue 111 Ins •:.llllfl~ll;,n instead of f'rcsidenl Ford's. ll1s ;It­ 11(' l'<lm)':Ji)..!i1l'd tiJrollgh '\c'\\' I 1'11111' tacks on Ford's 1!-<Jdc:rship, ha\'C <II shire and Flcll'lcla l;isl \\C<'l\. he s;1id "(Jh1 iot~slv I ''· "·; '"" .s11·::.:c·.; Iii:.: '~ $!10-hillion. inslanl ,.ill 111 ,; I11Higr·1 Je<J>l for tlw prcsc111. hccn Sill>· 1 hr• w.ccl I he $ lO-hillin11 fl~iliT n1d\' \\'hil'h l~;11l alrl':uJ..· lwo'il :tdoplu! merged by the conl ro,·c.r:;y. lo illustrate tlte size of his proposal. And \'l'l that is cxa• tl·: wh.~t i:. n,.,,. This is an uncoinl'ortahlc pnsili1111 bring <'harged, win h. is, of f'Cotll ····. for a challenger to he i11 a poll! u ,II \\'liEN liE ilrri,·ed i;, Illinois 1111 n dislnrlion, in .sonw l ascs a <kill,_ campaign. It is reminiscent of what l\1ond<ty, Re<Jgan wrnt fmllwr. ,\n­ erale one. happened to Barry (iollhv;i.tcr .''1 swcring a qucslio11 <~ho111 ihc pl.111 19G·l when he suggested SocJ<tl Sc­ at. a meeting with Lmnns 111 "Ycslerday in BJroqmint::11111, Jlli curitv should be volun[i:lry; to nlooniingtou, he s;1icl: nni.'>, I said I regrrllcd nsil1g lhr ,: --Geori;e Romney.
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