United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,945,382 Cantegrill Et Al
US005.945382A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,945,382 Cantegrill et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Aug. 31, 1999 54 FUNGICIDAL ARYLPYRAZOLES 2300173 12/1990 Japan. 2224208 5/1990 United Kingdom. 75 Inventors: Richard Cantegril, Lyons; Denis Croisat, Paris; Philippe Desbordes, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Lyons, Francois Guigues, English translation of JP 2-300173, 1990. Rillieux-la-Pape; Jacques Mortier, La English translation of JP 59–53468, 1984. Bouéxier; Raymond Peignier, Caluire; English translation of JP 3-93774, 1991. Jean Pierre Vors, Lyons, all of France Miura et al., (CA 1.14:164226), 1991. Miura et al., (CA 115:92260), 1991. 73 Assignee: Rhone-Poulenc Agrochimie, Lyons, Chemical Abstracts, vol. 108, No. 23, 1986, abstract No. France 204577b. CAS Registry Handbook, No. section, RN=114913-44-9, * Notice: This patent is subject to a terminal dis 114486-01-0, 99067-15-9, 113140-19-5, 73227-97-1, claimer. 27069-17-6, 18099-21–3, 17978-27-7, 1988. 21 Appl. No.: 08/325,283 Hattori et al., CA 68:68981 (1968), Registry No. 17978–25–5, 17978-26-6, 17978-27-7 and 18099–21-3. 22 PCT Filed: Apr. 26, 1993 Hattori et al., CA 68:68982 (1968), Registry No. 17978-28-8. 86 PCT No.: PCT/FR93/00403 Janssen et al., CA 78: 159514 (1973), Registry No. S371 Date: Dec. 22, 1994 38858-97-8 and 38859-02-8. Chang et al., CA 92:146667 (1980), Registry No. S 102(e) Date: Dec. 22, 1994 73227 91-1. Berenyi et al., CA 94:156963 (1981), Registry No.
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