“9” Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the gene pool, up pops a shark, with Henry Winkler chasing after it on a motorbike. Three full years after issue eight, QUASIQUOTE 9 makes its bow in April 2012. All the usual things apply: its editor is Sandra Bond, 40 Cleveland Park Avenue, London E17 7BS; it is available by editorial fiat, except if delivered by car, when it comes in the editorial Saab; monetary subscriptions and stamps are unnecessary but accepted at a push; contributors and correspondents are encouraged to e-mail
[email protected]; insurgence against fwa and fwuk is likewise encouraged; an apple a day keeps the doctor away. contents FRONT COVER: Dan Steffan p3: HEAVY IN THE AIR: Andy Porter p5: A TISSUE: Tim C. Marion p6: HOTEL PREVIA: Rob Jackson p15: EASTERCON 1978 ART PORTFOLIO p20: THE EXPLORATION OF LOGICAL PARADOXES: Robert Sheckley interviewed by Leroy Kettle p31: THE MISSED OPPORTUNITIES OF ERIC FRANK RUSSELL: Peter Weston p33: ISH MAIL: letter column p39: WATCH OUT FOR STOBOR: editorial and closing thoughts BACK COVER: D West INTERIOR ART this issue: p2, p5, Steve Stiles: p3, p33, p35,p39, William Rotsler: p14, John Toon; p32, Marc Schirmeister. HEAVY IN THE AIR by Andy Porter Last night, January 8th 2011, I was doing my usual tossing and turning while I tried to get to sleep, my mind racing in its usual rapidfire way, refusing to calm down. A gunman in Arizona shot politician Gabrielle Giffords; as well as critically wounding her, he killed six bystanders.