Red V. Blue is the first documentary about the Louisville- college rivalry. A Man Bites Dog Films project, this film will tap into two of the most prolific fan bases in all of sports.

Audience: For the 11th straight year, Louisville was the highest-rated metered market for viewing in the nation. Both Louisville and Kentucky are constantly ranked in the top three for yearly attendance, both are in the top five of the most valuable teams (Louisville is #1).

Synopsis: Red V. Blue is more than a historical retrospective on Louisville and Kentucky college basketball. It is about a way of life in the state of Kentucky. It includes interviews with legendary coaches and Joe B. Hall, national sportswriter Pat Forde, Card Chronicle's Mike Rutherford, Kentucky Sports Radio personality Matt Jones and press conferences with Coaches and . The documentary explores topics that include the early racial tension between the schools, the pressure that Joe B. Hall faced upon succeeding at Kentucky, the legacy of Denny Crum and the doctors of dunk, the emigration of Rick Pitino to Louisville, the impact of Coach Calipari on the rivalry, and the explosion of celebrity Wildcat fans like Drake and LeBron James, among other subjects.

Sales History: In 2007, the distribution company Man Bites Dog Films is working with sold 47,000 DVDs of the ESPN documentary Kentucky Bluegrass Basketball in Fayette County alone. That’s just one county in Kentucky and only one of these teams. Also in 2007, the same distribution company sold 72,000 DVDs of the Fiesta Bowl in Boise, Idaho. There are 250,000 people that live in Boise. John Calipari has five-times the population of Boise, Idaho in Twitter followers. Tapping into the size and passion of the Louisville/Kentucky fan bases would create incredible profits.

Distribution: In addition to DVD sales, Red V. Blue’s profits will include direct downloads, ticket sales from statewide screenings and possible network contracts. An extensive merchandise campaign has already been launched to accompany the film. Content agreements are in place with the two largest fan websites for each team (8 Million Monthly Page views) Future releases (Blu-rays, Extra Features and Special Editions) provide an exciting opportunity to capitalize on these markets multiple times.

Milestone: Production and Filming of Red V. Blue is currently 80% completed. More than 100 hours of HD footage have already been compiled. Dozens of future interviews are ready to be conducted.

Budget/Seeking: Red V. Blue Movie LLC is seeking $500,000 to finish Production, Post Production, Marketing, Distribution and Merchandise.

- Man Bites Dog Films is award-winning production company based in Los Angeles that has had its films appear in close to 20 Film Festivals nationwide. Producer/Director Rory Delaney (UofL fan) and Producer Wade Smith (UK fan) are both from the Commonwealth of Kentucky and were raised on the Rivalry. - Adam Lefkoe is an emmy-winning Sports Anchor currently working in the Louisville TV market. Adam Lefkoe is the creator of “The Rivalry” YouTube series and is a constant fill-in host on local radio shows.

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