1 List of Colombian organisations looking for partners in the UK for the Innovate UK Agri-tech Colombia Call For more information about the call scope and dates: https://apply-for-innovation-funding.service.gov.uk/competition/133/overview CIAT produced this database based on information supplied by the organizations listed here and the purpose of such database is informative only so you can identify a suitable partner to work with. CIAT is not recommending any institution within this list to partner up with. Therefore, CIAT will not be responsible/liable for the background, execution and/or result of the work with the partner of your choosing. If you identified a suitable partner to work with, and requiere more information please contact Maria Camila Gómez at CIAT (
[email protected]). Areas of focus of Brief description to share with potential partners in the United Kingdom. (For Type of Organization Website Area (s) of Organization name Brief description of the organization the organization example: project ideas, strengths within the organization, what you are looking organization size organization interest /project for in a partner in the United Kingdom, etc.) Afrowilches Ethnic Large Afrowilches The organization has been working for the Crops Rural development We are looking for a partner to increase the cultivation of plantain and cassava to corporation rights of the Afro-Colombian ethnic obtain an added value of 100 banana counts and 100 cassava in the manufacture of communities and everything arinas and packaged products such as fried potatoes, fried plantains and packaged contemplated in Law 70/93 and ILO bread.