Vehicle Break-In on Campus By: Stanley Victor Centurion Staff a Police Report Filed
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The Centurion The Award-Winning, Student-Run Newspaper of Bucks County Community College Volume 49 Issue 1 September 24, 2012 Free What’s Inside General News Courtney Kachmar re- members the victims from the 9/11 attacks 11 years Gas is going up ago. Pg. 2 The rising price of fuel is driving Bucks News Khrystyna Koval covers Bucks students crazy Signe Wilkinson’s lecture By: Stephen Godwin Jr. and craiG Miller is, however, is that price re- at Bucks. Centurion Staff lief comes in the months of Pg. 5 October and November; in With the average price of 2011 the average price of gas Entertainment gas in the country reaching fell from $3.57 in September Sophia Migliorini talks $3.88, people are definitely to $3.29. about whether or not Boy feeling the pressure at the likewise, the price of gas is Bands are coming back pump. Undoubtedly this af- usually expected to surge Pg. 8 fects Bucks students, many highest in “driving season;” of whom commute. Memorial Day to labor Day. Sports Kermitta Weeden, tourism But, as Dehan notices the Victoria O’Reilly makes and event planning major trend has gone backwards in sure you’re prepared for from Warminster, has to ad- a sense now, as September the NHL lockout. just her budget because of the has featured the highest gas Pg. 12 gas prices: “The gas prices prices, rising 10 percent since have affected me because I July. Dehaan also states how Weather don’t have a lot of money to drivers who exceed 15,000 Monday- Sunny just spend on nothing these miles a year could see their High of 69. days. Basically, I just keep annual gas costs increase by limited resources for gas so I $100 or more. Tuesday- Sunny can get to school and at my Mallory rotatori, a studio with a high of 75. age as a senior, it really does arts major from Bucks said not help me because I collect about the gas prices, Wednesday- social security.” “They’re ridiculous...well Chance for showers For Pennsylvanians, the here it’s a little better because Sunoco in Levittown showing the PhOTO By BryAN MCNEIll price for regular at $3.83. (30%) with a high of 75. pain is even worse, as the av- I go to see my dad all the erage customer pays $3.92 time in rhode Island and it’s a lot of carpooling going on,” and reduces fuel economy. Thursday- Mostly for a gallon of gas. at least 75 cents more. I says Nick Kinney, a commu- When you are in your car Sunny with a high In a recent article by yahoo! mean, if it’s like $4 here than nications major from Chal- picking up a friend, shut off of 70 Finance,’s it’s almost $5 there. It’s ridu- font. your car because it lowers senior petroleum analyst, lous we get scammed, but we According to Fuelecon- your MPG. Friday-Mostly Patrick Dehaan went on the have no control over it., there are multiple Even though gas prices are sunny, with a high record as stating that gas With the gases prices higher ways to be economical when high, people would be well near 71. prices are so inflated due to in recent years college stu- it comes to fuel. Quick accel- served to have the mindset of multiple reasons. reasons he dents have to improvise and eration and heavy breaking Dan Gallagher who said, Saturday-A chance said include hurricane Isaac, learn different ways to save can reduce to fuel economy “Everyone wishes they were of showers with a the unrest in the Middle East money. up to 33 percent on the high- lower, but it is one those un- high near 71. over the portrayal of Mo- “I just have had to pick up way and five percent around fortunate things we have to hammed, as well as the gen- more hours. The only thing town. Driving at higher deal with because we need WEAThEr COUrTESy OF ThE eral low level of supply. that’s a different is I used to speeds increases aerody- gas, so it’s one of those nec- NATIONAl WETAhEr SErvICE The good news for drivers drive myself, but now there is namic drag (wind resistance), essary evils.” Vehicle break-in on campus By: Stanley Victor Centurion Staff a police report filed. When habit to travel as light as pos- asked what could be done to sible. If you must bring cer- prevent incidents like this tain valuables like portable On Friday, Sept. 7, a vehicle from occurring in the future, GPS devices and iPods and parked in one of the student McCauley said, “The lots are these items are small enough lots at Bucks was broken patrolled regularly through- to carry without too much into. out the day.” trouble, then bring them with The crime was reported at Unfortunately no one wit- you and do not leave them in 12:43 p.m. that day. Appar- nessed the car being broken your vehicle. ently while the victim was in into. If you see someone If you must leave any valu- class someone broke into her looking into a car that possi- ables in your vehicle, keep car; the doors of the victim’s bly does not belong to them, them out of sight. If your ve- car were apparently locked report it to the office of hicle has a trunk, this is one but that did not stop the sus- Safety and Security. of the best places to stash pect. According to McCauley, valuables. If you have a Among the things stolen “cars are reported to be bro- truck, van, or some other ve- were her purse, which had ken into a handful of times hicle that does not have a her driver’s license and credit during the year.” trunk, hide items under the cards, another bag which had There are usually four offi- seats or find some other way her iPod in it, and a textbook. cers patrolling the lots to keep them out of sight. A thief picking a lock on a vehicle. Remember to keep valuables not in sight if you need to leave them in your car. Dennis McCauley, the di- throughout the day, and New- This is one of the worst pos- rector of Security and Safety town police also patrol the sible ways for a student to Anyone who sees anything located in Cottage 4, at 215- at Bucks, said the scene was lots daily. end a long day of classes, and suspicious is urged to call the 968-8395. inspected and that there was Students should make it a it is definitely preventable. office of Security and Safety, [email protected] Visit us at Bucks Newtown Campus Rollins Building Room 127 2 reMeMBerinG 9/11 The week of September 24, 2012 2,973 people who lost their By: courtney KachMar lives. As you walk through Centurion Staff axäxÜ YÉÜzxà you come to a smaller circle that has two water fountains It was a beautiful sunny day that represent the two towers. with a crystal blue sky, just In front of that fountain is a like it was 11 years ago on smaller glass memorial this exact day. People from etched with the names of the all over Bucks County gath- 18 residents from Bucks ered at The Garden of reflec- County who were killed. tion, located in lower This garden isn’t just to be Makefield, for the annual cer- visited on 9/11; it is a garden emony remembering those that you can go to year round who lost their lives on that and remember those who tragic day. were lost. The ceremony began with Ellen Saracini and family the ringing of a bell marking members of five other Bucks the 11 years since Sept. 11, County victims created the 2001. larry Schwalm, of the memorial with hopes that one yardley Makefield Fire Com- can enter with a feeling of pany, rang a bell at 8:46, sorrow and grief, but leave 9:03, 9:37 and 10:03, sym- the memorial with a feeling bolizing each attack on the of peace and serenity. two towers, the Pentagon, The planning for the memo- and the plane that crashed in rial began in 2002 with a a field in Shanksville. fundraiser to honor the loved looking around during the ones who were lost. The me- ceremony you might expect morial committee continued people to be talking about to grow with more than 3,500 their loved ones and remem- donations back in 2008. Peo- bering where they were that ple come from all over the day, But there was not a sin- world to visit this peaceful gle word spoken during the garden year round, but every ceremony. The people who year on 9/11 is when the attended were full of sadness PhOTO By COUrTNEy KAChMAr The American Flag that was flown during the ceremony. biggest crowd attends. Before for the lives lost 11 years and after the ceremony visi- ago. tors are more than welcome In the garden there is a cir- to walk through the garden cular glass memorial that is and take pictures. etched with the names of all PhOTO By hUGh FEGEly Photos taken by Hugh Fegely during 2011 ceremony. PhOTO By hUGh FEGEly PhOTO By hUGh FEGEly PhOTO By hUGh FEGEly editor-in-chief To recieve the Centurion’s Email Edition: Send Letters to: Michael T.