The Ukrainian Weekly 1976
Special Edition Спеціальне Видання XXIst Olympic Games in Montreal July 17 -August 1,1976 The Ukrainian Weekly Edittor СВОБОДА SVOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN D A I L V VOL. LXXXIII No. 135 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1976 25 CENTS UNA Executive Committee Olympic Games—The Greatest Assess Progress at Parley Sports Event in the World JERSEY CITY, N.J.-Assessment of of 5318,300 in death benefits, by 53,700 progress in all phases of its activity, as less than last year, and a total of 5384,000 well as developments in Ukrainian com in endowments, or by 559,000 more than munity life, were the principal items on last year. the agenda of the meeting of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Ukrainian Membership Movement National Association held at its headquar ters here Monday, July 12. Reporting on the movement of member Attending the meeting, chaired by ship and new services^ Mr. Sochan said Supreme President Joseph Lesawyer that as of the end of June, UNA's total were the supreme officers: Vice-President membership amounted to 87,533, includ Dr. John 0. Fiis, Director for Canada Sen. ing 68,443 active members. Soyuz sus Paul Yuzyk, Vice-President Mary Dush- tained substantial losses in the first six nyck, Secretary Walter Sochan, Treasur months, notably 559 in total membership er Ulana Diachuk, and Organizer Stefan and 706 in active membership. Hawrysz, as well as Svoboda Editor-in- A total of 1,322 new members joined the Chief Anthony Dragan. UNA in the first half of the year, or 54 less than year, the two totals constituting the Assets Grow lowest gains in the past decade.
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