THE QUEENSCLIFF AND POINT LONSDALE NEWS Published monthly on the first Wednesday and available in Queenscliff, NOVEMBER, 2018 – Number 228 Phone: 5258 4828, e-mail:
[email protected] Point Lonsdale and the Queenscliff/Sorrento Ferry. FREE – Average monthly circulation 5000 Website: Launch of Ron Tandberg's Fisherman's Wharf Artist Board Rejuvenation Minister for Regional Develop- Queenscliff. Demolition is underway Borough of Queenscliffe Mayor ment the Hon Jaala Pulford MLC and completion of the project will be Susan Salter said council was confirmed the state government's during 2019. honoured to launch the new board support for the wharf project after an Key project elements: honouring the work of renowned extensive community consultation -Renewal of the dilapidated wharf. political cartoonist and illustrator, process was undertaken by Queens- -Increased commercial berthing Ron Tandberg. "While the board cliff Harbour which determined the options at Queenscliff. may be cartoonist in style, it cele- architecture for the final project -Upgrade works to the public Dinghy brates a peaceful location that gave concept. Basin. Ron a sense of place in this town The funding brings the total com- -Retention of the historic slipway from where he communicated with bined investment for the Fishermans synonymous with Queenscliff's fish- the entire nation torturing the poli- Wharf Precinct to $2.9 million to ing and boat building heritage. ticians in Melbourne and Canberra revitalise an iconic section of Queens- -Interpretive trail with interactive much to our amusement." cliff Harbour's waterfront transform- displays providing a rich link to the Ron was an extremely modest and ing what has become a derelict wharf Harbour's past.