'f - '/-'«' ';/-.€ t£f, a. ^ 0^ O . - y:

DireSions to place the Sculptures.

1. The Frontifpiece before the Title,

2. The Map of before the Table,

5. Michael Angelo. Pag. 17.

4. Titian. p. 50.

5. Paulo Veronefe, p. ii2.

6. Pietro de Cortona, p;ii7.

7. Urbin. P«i59»



Decemb.6. .678. Koger VEftrange.


I T A L Y. IN WHICH All the famous of the moft emi- nent Mafters are particularifed, as they are preferved in the feveral Cities of IT ALT,

Chiefly relating to Their Altar-pieces, and luch other Paint- ings as arc Ornamental in their Churches. And Alfo Many choice Pidiures, kept as Jewels, in the Palaces of particular perfons.

Whereijnto is added That excellent Colledion of Signior 5EPr.4LE,inhisCIoret at MILAN.

Iliailraced with The Heads of forae of the moft renowned Painters.

Written Originally in- //fl/i

- L N:pON, Printed for Tho, Flejhtr^ at the Angel and Crown in S. Fauls Church-yard. i6yp. -^


The Right Honourable THOMAS, LordBELLASIS,


My Lord, WHen I had the ho- nour to attend

your Lordjhip in your Embajfy to the States of

Venice^ it was my fortune A 4 there ^ The Epiftle Dedicatory.

there to meet with a [mail Piece

entitukd Viaggio Pittorefco

d Italia, the Tas\ being ofno

very great difficulty^ and alto-

gether agreeable to my, own in-

(lination^ I have gratified pty

[elf- and I hop not difobliged

ingenious Artifls in a faithful

rendition of it into Engliflij which I have done the rather hecaufe the Boo\ ir rarely to he found in Italy, and 1 can- not remember I have feen any

Original in England but that which is in my own hands. I have The Epiftle Dedicatory.

have taJ^n courage to prefix your Lordjhipf honourable name

to thif Tranfldtion to render it

acceptable to the world^ under

the Patronage of an acurate Judge^ and a jealous lover and encourager of the noble Art

^. If it may ferve to put your Lordjhip in mtnd of the pleafure you received by a ferfonal view and admiration of thofe great Mafters elaborate Pieces when your Lordfhip wa^ abroad; and in any rnea- fure tejiife my defires to ferve your The Epiftle Dedicatory. your Lordjhip^ 'tis the greatejl

Honour and fatisfaBion can be mpedfor^ or is attainable by^

My L O a D,

Vour Lordfhip's moft obliged

and moft obedknt Servant

r. I. To the ingenious READERS.

HAving, not many years fince, given my felf the fatisfaaion ofperfonally viewing the mod prin- cipal Places and Rarities of ^ and other the beautiful Cities ofha" ly\ I thought my felfobliged to make my Countrcymen fome accompt of my Obfervations, thofe efpeci- ally who are lovers of the Noble

Art of Painting ; if not to affure our young Nobility and Gentry that 'tis worth their while, and curiofity to Travel; yet at lead to inflame their minds, and excire their induftry, to imitaec To the Reader. imitate chofe great Mafiers whol, limploymentmacle their Lives eafie their Perfons Venerable, and thei Names immortal : On thefe con/ide- rations 1 had attempted , my felfj a ColkSJion of what I had feen^buc tar wane of opportunities, and ad- mi/iion mto feveral Phces of re- n^ark, I was about to have defifted ?rom that Defign, which I forefaw \vas like to be but very imperfeft: At laft, lighting upon the enfuing Treatife, K found the work criti- cally done to my hand ; wherein there IS a faithful accompt of the Names and Performances of molt of the grmcO: Ma/iers, as well An^ tient as Modern/ whofe curious and elaborate Phces are at this day the taireft Ornament, and Pride , of all the places of Devotion, Pjeafure, and Magnificence throughout all Jtalj. The Author Giacomo Barri was To the Reader. was a Venetian Painter of good e- fl:eem,and had che good hap to pleafe his Countreymen by letcing them know in this Book what Treafures they were Mafters of: and 1 dare hope this my Tranflation (mean as

it is) has not rendred it altogether Jn acceptable at home, to thofe ac lead who have any paflion for an Art

^o worthily efteemed by the mod In-

' ;enious Spirits of all Ages. I have dded onely two things of my own

3 this work. One is a view of Sig^

ior Septalei Clofet in Milan^ not iferiour to any oftheltalian Princes

>olleftions ( inacceflible it feems to )ur Author ;) The other a few Heac/s offome ofthe mod renowned Majlers;

{ (hall compafs the ends of all my Travels and pains, if my Countrey- nen, by thefe my endeavours^ may ake encouragement to emulate what hey fee there fo highly valued and admi- To the Reader. admired; and undoubtedly the Englijh Genius is as capable of arriving at the higheft pitch of Per- feSion and Glory in This and all o- ther Liberal Sciences, as that ofold Athens^ or of modern Roms.

W. L ad; El an fed the At THE TABLE.

A. CittadeUa. 107 Cremona. 114,154 A Ncona. Pag.27 Corte Maggiore nel Via' Jx Afolo. 105 centina. 135 Carpi. 140 B. F. Bolognia, 33 Burano. F«ori di Kama. 23 Baffano. 106 Fuligno, 24 Brefcia, ^^3 Fano. 29 Furli. 29 C. Faenzt, 32 Ferrara. 33 Citta di CafieVo, 24 Fiorenza. 11$ CividaU. Finale di Modena. 13^ Conegliano. lOO Ceneda. 1 03 G. CafieUo di S.Salvatore^ lOI Genoa. 11^ >i54 C4eU Franco. iq6 I. The table.

Piacenza, 152 I. Pefcia. J 57 Imoia, 5Q Pieredi Lamari. 158 IfoladiS. 'Elena. pz Jfola della Cudiecha. p^ R. Jfola df S. Giorgio, ps Kama. I Kimini, 30 L. Ravenna, LorettoL 25 Keggio, ij8 Lucca, s. M. Senegaglia, 31 Macerata, 26 SeravaU, 104 Murano 88 Sirinaha, Mazorbo, 90 Sajfvoli, 14Q Montanagna. I op Modena. 1^6 T. Mantua, 141 Torcello, Milano, 143 Trevifb,

N. V. Napli, J5P Vrbino, 3^ Venetia, 45 P. Vdine, 99 Villa di Marens. Terugia, I or 25 Villa di Fontanelle, loi Pefaro. 28 Villa di Caftello, PordeHon. 104 P8 Villa di MazfH, Padua, 105 io8 Vicenza, no . 118 Verona. 112

i:hi CO

The State or Territory

b F i H i

C H U R G rt.

Within the City of Rome.

The Church of S, Peter.

S you enter at tfie great Door, the firrt Chappel on the right hand of the Cru- A cifix is ail painted by the hand of Laftfranco. Then follows In the fame. part of the ChurcK the great Altar-piece of the Martyrdom of S. Se- lajiian^ z Cm^uhx wofk of VomimcbiKo, The Cuppola over this Altar is Mofaick work, ind the Defign of Pieiro da Cortona. ^ In like manner follows the Chappel of the Sacrament, where is a Piece of the f^me Ptstro, da CorioHa Ttpreferiting the Coronation of pur

B. Lady. The Cuppola of this' Chappel is alfo Mofaick, and the Dellgn of the fame Authour. .Walking , under this .Chappel, on the front there is a Square of Mtstiam.

J9f Po\-^ 2 The Painters Voiage,

Following on, in the crofs Ifle on the right hand there is a Side of one of the Altars, which is the work of Moniieur Fojjine^ reprefenting the Miracle of S. Erafomusy a very beautiful! piece.

Being gone a little farther, you fee the fa- mous little Bark of S. Tetet^z lingular good work of Lanfranco,

The Square right over againft this is the hand of Camaffei^ and denotes the Miracle done by the Aportle S. Peter ^ when he caufed the wa- ter to fpring up in the Prifon for baptiiing withall. Then follows diredly in view the fpeciall Pidture whioh demonftrates when S. Fetromlla was laid in the Sepulchre : it is the work of Guercin da Cento, Turning towards the Chair at the head of the

Church, and having palTed the faid Chair , you fee on your left hand a ftately Pidure which re- prefents S. Teter going to the Temple with S. John^ and doing the Miracle of curing the lame : a moft fuperb work ofChivoli. Advancing' a little forward along the crols Ifle, and being paft the Sacrittie, there is a Pidture which denotes the Miracle of S. Gregory holding a bloudy Handkerchief in his hand: a moft beautiful work o( Andrea Sacchi. Thole Pidures of the four Altars under the Pilafters of the great Cuppola are by the hand of the fame Sacchi,

tbt o/ 1 T A L Y. 3

The Church ^/^S.Martha behifid S.Vatx\

Eritring this Church -at the great Door you fee the Picture of S.VrpiHa^zn^ on the left I^^nd is a

Pidureof tWQ-^EremitSjthe work *ot Hermits, of Lanfranco,

The Church of S. Peter in Montorio.

Here you will admire the tnofi: famous great Altar-piece, and, as I may fay, the unparallel'd Pidure of great Raphael. It fignifies the Tranf- figuration of pur Saviour.

The Church of S, Onofiio.

; Before you enter this Church, there iff a little Lodgment wherein are painted three Half- moons, by the hand of Vominkhim. Within this Church on the right hand there is aPidure which reprefents the Holy Houfe as it was tranfported \x\to Italy by the Angels, the work of Hannibal Carache.

The Church of S, Mary in Tranrt

"Upon the Roof of this Church is a Square,, wherein you find reprefented the AflTumptipn of

our B. Lady j a beautifull vvork of Vominiehim. B 2 the The Painter'' s Vol 4 age ^

The Church of S. Francis ok the Bank-

Entring at the great Gate, there ftands a Pic- ture wrhin a Chappel on tht left hand, which iigniSe the Lady of Pietie, the work of Han- nibal Carache,

The Church of S, Bartholomew in the Jfland.

in this Church there are four Chappels pain- ted by Anthony Carache^ one on the right hand as you enter the great Door, the other three on the left, all very fair works.

The Church of S. Trinity de ponte Sifto.

That Piece of the Trinity of the great Al- tar done by Guido Kem is a work worth great admiration.

The Church of S. Charles de Catenari.

"fhe four Angles of the Cuppola do demon- ftrate the four Cardinal Vcrtues, by the liand of Vominichino,

The Tribunal of this Church is the hand ot Lanfranco, the o/^ I T A L Y. 5

' The great Pidure is of Vietro da Cortona. Another Pidureof the Pilgrimage of S.Jofepk \s by Andrea Sacci.

The Church of S. Bridget in Piazza furnete.

l^u will find in this Church an Altar piece of oOT Lady with the Child Jefuf and S. John, by Hannibal Carache,

The Church of S, Petronio Bologncfi fiear unto the Farnefe.

The Piece of the great Altar with our Lady OjHd other Saints is the work oiVominicbino.

The Church of Girolarao della Carita.

At the great Altar you fee mofl: rare Pidures by Vominichino^ reprefenting the Communion of the above-named Saint.

The Church of S. Catharina de Funai i.


B 3 The 6 The Painter's voiage^

The two Hiftories on the Gdes of the great Altar are the works of Frederico Zttcchari.

The Church of S, Paul without the Walls,

In a Chappel near to the great Altar there are two Squares with the Hillories of Mofes^ and in the SacriiHe there are divers other Square^ all the works of Lanfrdnco,

The Church called the Btaptifm of Con(lan- tine near to S, John in the Laterane.

Here you fee twp great Hiftories : one repre- fents the Battel of the Emperour Conllantine the

Great i the other is the Triumph of the (econd

Battel : both by the hand of CamaJJet. All thofe Squares around the little Cuppola, as alfo divers Boys, are the work of Andrea Sacchi.

The Church of S, Paul at the Three fountains.

There is a Table which demonftrates the Cru- cifixion of S. Veter^ a moft fair work, by Guido Kcno.

Ihe of ITALY.

The Church of S, Luke in Campo Vaccino.

The great Altar-piece denotes S. Luks as he is painting the Picture of our BleflTed Ladyi the work of ^ So termed amongfi ^ divine Ka^haeL '^^ Italians.

The Church of S. Lorenzo de Spetiali in Campo Vaccino.

The high A^tar with the forenamed Saint is the hand of Tietro dx Cortona : and entring the fame Church, the firft Picture on your left hand is the work of Vominichino.

The Church' of S. Sebaftian above the Pttlveriere,

Here is the Piece of the great Altar with the Martyrdome of the faid Saint, done by the 'hand of CamaffieK

The Church of S. Gregory.

In the Chappel of this Saint is a fingular good ?iece by Hannibal Carache,

a 4 th • 3 The Fmnter'^s Voia^e^

The Ckappei of S, Andrew adjoynmg to the forefaid Church of S. Gregory.

As you enter this Church, on your right hand ^ ; ., you fee a Hi ftory painted in * Atarticttliir man- i^ r- r l'u 'r l* ^/^jfc^ which reprefents this i,er^tfferent frem ^amT he fainting in Oyle. when was bufteted > a ftupendious work of Domini'

chitjo : on the left hand is, when the faid Saint

was condu<^ed to his Martyrdome > a fingular work of Guido Reno. In another little Chappel adjoyning to this, you fee the little Tribunal, where are divers Boys playing upon variety of Inllrunnents.

The Round Church of S, Stephano.

The Pidure of the firft Chappel as you enter on your left hand with a Madonna and the cKild Elizabeth a S. J^fitf, S. J John and zjofeph^ is the work of divine Kaphael.

The Church of S, Bibbiaqa.

"Where you may fee divers Pidures concer- ning the life of this Saint, by Tietro de Cortona,

'tht of n ALY. 9

The Church of S, Maria Maggiore.

In' the Chappel of our B. Lady are divers

Saints , teautifull Pieces , of Cni4o Reno ; ^hp Cuppola of this Chappel is by the hand ci" Civoli. The Pidure aloft and near to this Chappel fig^ nifies a Madonna^ by Guido Reno. That Square near to the Crucifix reprefents when Chriji raisM

, t^azarus from the dead > 'tis the work oiMutiam,

The Church of Madonna della Viifloria.

Entring the great Dpor, the fecond Chapt- pel on the right hand is all painted with the

Hiftory of S. FrancU , by the hand of Vominir chino.

There is another Table of the Trinity,by G«fr- cin da Cfftto,

The Church of S, Bernard, havwg paj/edjhe Four Fountains.

The great Altar-piece is the hand of Andrea Sacchi,

In the fame Church there is a Pidure of S. Ber- ftard^by Camaffd, . ^- ^

Ihe |o The FainUr^s Voiage^

The Church of the Fathers Capuchines.

As you enter at the great Door, the 6rft Altar on the right hand, reprefenting S. Michael the

Arch- angel, is a rare work of Guido Keno : and on the left hand is demonftrated the Conver-

Hon of S. taul i a very fair Piece of Tictro dj Cortona. A little onward you fee the Pidureofthc Lady ofTiety^ by the hand ofCamaJfei, Then follows a Pi

After that is another Pi(5lurc of the B. Virgin, and an holy Bijlwp, by Andrea Sacchi. Afterwards is the high Altar-piece with the Conception of the B. Virgin, the work of Lan- francg. Let us turn off to the other part of the Church, and we fhall fee the Pidure which de- monlirates St. Anthony of Tadna raifing a man from the dead. An excellent work of Andrea Sacchi.

The church ofS. Ifodoro.

The great Altar-piece with this 5ji«l praying, is the work of Andrea Sacchi,

7h^ Y. (f 1 T A L It

The Church of^. Jofeph.

The great Altar-piece reprefents a Dream of this Saint^ by the hand of Andrea Sacchi. "" And at your entrance, you diftindly fee apiece done by the hand of Lanfranco,

The church of St. Trinity on the Mount.

Here are feen two Chapells, one dcmonftrates when our Saviour was taken from the Crofs i and the other the Ajfumpthn of the B. Virgin^ both marvellous works ot Daniel da Veltera,

7he Church of Madonna del Popolo.

In the Chapellofthc Chigi are feveral figures of divine Raphael}. And in the Chapellon the right hand of the great Altar is feen a Piece of the AJfttmption of the B. P^irgin, znd above this are feveral hiftories, to be reckoned aniongft the beft works of J/a«- jtiball Carache.

The Church ofS. Lorenzo in Luccina.

Here is feen a very fair Piece ofour Saviour

u^on the Crofs ^ by the hand oiGuido Keno.

» 7'ife 12 7be Painter'sVomgCy

T'he church

The Tribunall demonftrates the JJfHmjttioft cfihe B. Virgin^ an excellent piece, by Camajfei,

The Chftrch of S. Romualdo.

The Piece of the High- Altar with this SaiHt, is a mofl ftately work of Andrea Sacchi.

'The Churck qf S. Sylvefter npon. Monte Cavallo.

- may, Being entred the great Door , you ob- fcrve in the fecond Chapell on your left hand, > '" "" ^^'^'' BUck and ^hiie, ^J^^ ^''/''Z i.^'^' ScurOy by Pouaoro, Then follows the Chapell on the right hand of the great Altar, and there are on the four Angles of the little Cuppola^ four Hiltoriss ofthe O^d TejiameHU

The Firft is ^een Ffiher filing before the l^ing her Husband. The Second, as they are difcourfing together. The Third isiC/a^D^i'iijplayingonthe Harp, before the /^r^.

. The Fourth is Judith^ when (he (hews the Head of Holoferues/ all by the hand of Vomini- chino.

'Xhs of ITALY. 13

The Palace on MoDte Cavallo.

That Chapell where the Vofe fayes Mifs is all excellently painted, by CuidQ Keno,

The church ^/Jefu?.

Entering the great ddbr, on your left hand,

you may fee many Saints ^ done by Guiacomo Baf- fano. The high Altar-piece demonftrates the Prefen- tatioii of the B. Virgin at the Temple, by tfic hand oi Mtttiane,

The Church ofS. Andrew in the VdUep

V The Tr/^«»«i7, with the four Angles are mar- vclioufly well done, by Vominichino. The Cuppola alfo is a ftately work of LaH' franco . The Figure of the Bleifed Ca'eianD^ is hf the hand o(Camajfet,

- And that of the Bleflfed Andrea Avdins^ is the ^and of Lanfranco,

The church of S. Lorenzo in Da ma fa

Here is feen the hi^h AUar-piecc, beinjg the nork of Frederico Zurtb)tri. The 1 4. The Painter'*s Voiage^

The Chapell on the right hand of the great Altar is the work of Tietro da Cartona.

The SpMftrfi Church of S. Giacomo.

The Chapell of 5. Viego \% all painted by AU hano. The defign o( Carache,

The French Church of S. Lewis. '

Entering at the great door, the fecond Cha- .1

pell an the right hand is all excellently painted, by Vominichino^ with the Hiftory of the life of S. Cecilia, Onely excepting the Altar-piece

which is a copy after Raphael^ copied by Cuido Kem from the Original, which they preferve at Bologftia.

The great Alfar-jpiece is the work of Gia- como BaJJ'artOy reprefcnting the Ajfumption of the B. Virgin.

The church of the Madonna del Anima.

The Altar-piece of one of the Chapells, on the right hand as you enter, is a Madontja^znd the work oi Julio Romano.

ne '

' of n ALY. 15

The Church of the Madonna della Pace.

Entering at the great ^oor, there are over the firft Chapell on your right haiid, diverfe Pro- phets and Sibylls^ and are fome of the choiceli things that ever Kafhael painted.

The great 'tribunall is all painted by Albano,

The church of S. AuguftJno.

As you enter at the great door, you may fcs on your left hand, over a Filajhr^ a Prophet and two Boyes^ an admirable work o( Kaphzel. In tlje Front of the Chapel of S. Tomafo da

Villa HQva^ is to be fccn a Pidurc of Guercin d^ CCHto, The Chapell on the right hand of the great Altar in the corner of the Church,is all Ungular- ly well painted by Ln^fi^iico.

The church <>/Salvatore in Lauro.


ThePid^ure of theN'^f/z/Z/y of our Saviour is a fair work of Fietro ds Cortona.. There is another Picfhire of the B. Virgin^ with another Saint below -^ by Albano.

the iS The Painter's VoiagL\

The Florentine Church of S. John,

Here you will admire a nioft beautiful Ch« pell, with the Hiftory of the Pajjtun of oar S^ i/iottfj by LanfraHco,

The mw Church of the Fathers of S. PhilippoNcri.


The Rpof of the Church, and the Cuppola) the four Angles^ as al(b the Tribunal!, are Itatc-j ly works oiPietro daCortona. i You may alfo plainly fee two F*ieces of Bj- rocci^ one reprefents the Vrefentation of "our B* Lady^ the other the Vifitatiun of S. EHztketh.

The Altar-piece on the Chapel! of 5. Philip is fey the hand of Guido Keno. And behind the fame Altar is another pain- ting, by the hand of tjuercin da tenta.

S. Lorenzo alia Sohixz^bewg the Church of the Curtezans.

The great Altar-piece is done by Camajfci,

t& cJiNGILO ^dJB:^4y^. ^/ I T A L Y. If

S.Lucia io celfis fiear to S. Maria Maggiore.

There is a Square by Lanfraneo^^nd another hj Camaffei oiS. John Communicating the B. Lady,

The Nunns Church near to S. Mary in Traftevere.

The great Altar-piece Here is the work o Cama^eh

The Palace of the Vatican.

In the great Hall here, called the Sala Keggra^ you fee a Battle, with other large Hiftories, moft beautiful works ofFrederico and Tadeo Zuccharo, After you have feen the aforefaid Hall, you enter into S. Fauis Chapel}^ which is all painted by Michael Angela Bonarota j and here you will admire tha^ famous painting of the VniverfaU Judgement. Let us walk above in the fecdnd Galleryj which is all painted by Kaphael^ with the Hi- ftories of the Old, and feveral of the New Te- ftament i The Kabefchi or the Ornaments ar^ painted by John of Vdine^Kafhael's Scholar > but the defign of Raphael. Being afterwards come within the Chambcr«ii, the firtt Chamber, all beneath the Cornice y is ^ painted with the Cortoni ^ j)iferingf) cm other of Raphael, m.mnets of Tainting. C The 8 1 The Fainter s Voiage^

The firft Hiftory as you enter on your left hand fignifies when Conjlantine the great faw the Holy Crofs in the Sky, when he was making an

Oration to his Souldieis : Painted by GiuUo Kc mano^z famous Scholar to the abovefaid Raphael.

Then follows the great Battle of Conftantine •, rarely Painted by the faid Giulio. Then continues the third Pidure, which re- prefents how Vope S. Silvejler Baptized the afore- faid Emperour. The fourth being a Chimney-piece, demon- firates the Baptifme ot Fattor Bono^ by the hand of Raphael Bergo^ a Scholar aUb of the above na- med Raphael. Now follows thefecond Chamber, the which is all Painted by RaphaeVs own hand, excepting ^^^^^ Hiltories in Chiaro Scuro^ y. f f BlXZ ime!' :^hich are Painted by his Scho- lars.

The firft Hiftory over the door where you enter, reprefents the Pope hearing of Mafs, and a Miracle fucceeds. The third Hiftory is when Attila coming with his Army to befiege Rome^ againft the Pope, there appeared in the Sky S. Feter^ and S. Faul. The fourth demonftrates S.Peter in Vrifon. After this there are feverall Hiftories of the Old Teftament painted on the Roof. Then follows the third Chamber, and over the door where you enter, you fee reprefented the Antient School of Athens. Over againft this is an Hiftory denoting a difputation concerning the Boly Sacrament.

Over a Window is reprefented Monnt Parnajjitr, A of ITALY. 19

A little below, on the fides of the Windows, is a reprefcntation of the Pope and the Emperour giving out the Laws.

, There are alfo divers fignifications painted on ' the Roof. -.'M

The fourth and* la ft great Chamber is all raye-. ly painted by the fame Kaphael^ont\y excepting the Roof, which is painted by Vietro Ferugino^

"B-aphaels Mafter. -« » The four Hiitories about this Room are

thefe i Firft, That over the door where you enter reprefents the Pope in a Ship. The Second fignifies the Burning of the City of Kome. The Third is when the Pope Crowned the Emperour Charles the Great. And in the Fourth are many Bifliops.

the Palace of the Chjgi in the flreet of

Lungara. .

In a Ground-room of this Palace you (ee the

Study of Tainting^ and in a little Garden-rooni

is the famous Galatea s the works of great Ka- pbael.

The Oarden of the Dul^e AtlaDti, as you go to LuDgara.

.. Here you will find many Pieces, both by K^- phael and CiuUo Komano, ^ 20 7he Painter's Voiage^

The Palace of Farnefe;

Here you fee a Gallery all painted in Trejcd^ by the moft excellent hand of HannibaU Ca- rache.

In the Wardrobe of the faid Palace, there are preferved a great many rare Pidures, by diverfe Mafters, which I forbear to nominate one by one, for brevity fake. Within the Garden of the Palace of Chiavkct dal Buffalo^ you fee very fair works of Pelidoro and Frederico Zuccharo. At the Common Store-houfe over againft S. Eujlachio^ you fee a Houfe painted by Frederico Zuccharo.

Vpon the Mount Cittorio.

Here is a Front of a Houfe, by the hand of ?oU- dorff.

The Palace of the Verofpi.

Here is a Chamber painted by Lanfrmcoy and a Gallery by Alba»o»

fhe of ITALY. 21

the Palace of the Mancioi on Monte Cavallo.

The Gallery of this Palace is the work of Camajfei. You alfo fee on this Palace that beautifull Au-

rora i hy

ihe Garden of the Mattel in Caropo Vaccino.

. 'Here is a little Chamber with feveral naked

Women and other ornaments i by the hand ot Jiaphael.

The Palace of Pamphylio itt Piazzo Navona.

Here you fee a Gallery all painted by the hand of fietro dd Cortona. And in the Hall isa freeze^ by Camajfei,

the Front of the t&iddle part of the Palace of the Duke d'Acqua Sparta.

This being called La Marchefa d'Oro^ is all painted with various refemblances, by the hand of Tolidoro, C 3 Coming^ 2 2 The Painter's voiage^

Ccmffg from the Bridge ofS. Angelo, an, entering the Street De Coronari.

'^ Here Being the ufud IS a Front of a Houfe h vianner ^ Chiaro Scuro ofPoW' ^ the work doTo's fainting, Polidoro,

Near to the Chiavica of S. Lucia.

You fee here upon a Houfe divers HiRories ir Chiaro Scuro^ by Polidoro.

the Value oj Barbarini at the Four Fountains.

Here you fee the great and famous Hall, pain- ted by Tietro da Cortona^ being fome of the choiccft of his works. Within one of the Chambers there is painted on the Roof, the Vivine Wifdom, A choice work of Andrea Sacchi. On the fide ofanother Chamber is plainly re- prefented the Creation ofAngeh, by Camafei, Then follows another of Camajfei, with the Hi ftory of the ZVi«f Mufes on Mount Farnafus,

Juft without the Porto di Capllo there is a little Houfe painted by Polidoro.

Ihe ^/ I T A L r. 23

The State or Territory


Without the City of Rome.

Grotta Ferrata, being aMonaflery of Be- nedidiines, two miles distant from Frefcati.

THe famous works that you will find in the above mentioned Monaftery, are worth any Tee/or they are the , ones coming a long journey to the choiceft things that ever were painted. By ftudious hand o^Vominkhino, €4 thr H 7he Fainter''s Vokge^

The City of Fuligno.

In the NHttj Church.calledLe CouDtefle.

TJEre you will admire an extraordinary fair X Pi(aureofour X Blefed Lady upon the Clouds, and diverfe Saints below, by the hand of divine :Raphjel. No Curious perfon (without adifla- tisfadion to himfelfj paffes through this City without a fight of this Figure.

The City of Cajiello.

In the Church of S. Dominico.

THere is to be admired a Figure of the E- fpoufal of the Blejfed l^irgin with S. Jo. /#i there needs no other commendation, than that It is the hand of Divine Rd!/W/.

The of IT AL Y.

The City of ?erugia.

The DomOj or Great Church.

the right hand of the great Altar there is ONa Pidtuie of the taking our Saviour from the Croff. The work of Frederico Barocci,

The ftevp Church of S. Philippo Neri.

There is feen a niofi: noble fquare, o^Guido Keno,

The Church of S. Francis.

Here you will find the Jjfttmption of the Blef- fed Virgin with the Apoftles, by the hand of in- comparable Ka^hacL

S. Severe hewg the Church of the Fathers Camaldolefi.

Here is an admirable Piece of Chrifl on high, above the Clouds, and below there arc diverie

Monks kneeling en the Ground i the work of Kaphael, Thi 25 The fainter''^ Voiage^

The ChurchoftheNHnnsofUo^Wt Lucce.

Where there are diverfe fair Pieces ofthe a foiefaid Raphael, and of Giulh Romano.

The City of Macerata.

The Church of the Fathers Capuchioes.

'T'He great Altar-piece reprefents Paradife, a, truly divine work of Barocct ; and deferves to be feen by every one.

The holy Houfe ac Loretto.

The Church of the B. Virgin.

IN this Church you meet with a Pidureofthe ISlativity of the B, Virgin, an admirable work 01 Hannihall Carach, And 0/ 1 T A L Y. 27

And another in the far end of the Church, which demonftrates an Annunciation ; a lingu- lar work oiBarocci. After this is the Apothecaries Shop belonging to the holy Houfe, where the Pots and VeflTcls are all painted by the moft excellent hand o(KaphjeL

The City of Aricona,

The church of S. Dominico.

N this C lurch you will find an admirable I Pi(^ure, by the hand of great titian.

The church of the Fathers Franclfcans Zoccolanti.

Here is (een another Pi6lure of the above na- med Titian.None that are Curious (hould deceive themfelves fo much, as to pafs by this City and negled a fight of this Piece.

Tiie ^8 Th Painter's Voiage,

The City of Pe/aro.

The Domo.

a great Piece X^f'^ 1,^ towards the middle of the Church,on the right hand as you enter Vhichisa moit beautiful \york of Gai^o R^w.

rhe Church of the Fathers Francifcans.

^ttt is a little 5. Michael, by the hand of baroccii

The Cofsfratermtji of S. AndrevT.

Here you will fee a Figure with the Hiftory ot that ^^/«^ when he came ( bdng called by our Redeemer) to the Apoftlefliipi the work of the atorefaid Earocci.

The Church of the Fraternity fl/S.Anthopy«

Here yoa will admire a moa beautiful Piece,' ^y Taulo Veronefe.

The .

t?/ I T A L Y. 2^

The City of Fano,

The New Churck

TTEre are (een feveral fmall Pidiures, done by Cuido Kftto,

TheCity of F«r/i.

S. Girolamo, the Church of the Fathers Zoccolanti.

N the Chapell of the Conception of the BVirgin, I' you may obferve a reprefentation of this My- ftery, with Angels round about, by Guido Kenb,

The Chtlrch of Madonna del Popolo.

There is a Pi6i;ure,done by Guercin da Cento,

The Nevo Church ofS^ Philippo Neri.

where is feen a Pidure of the Annunciation of the B, Virgin^ by the hand of Guercin dj Cemo 7 he 30 7he Painter's Voiage^

The church of the Fathers Capuchin;

The Piece at the great Altar {^ the w or Guercin da Cento.

The City of Imola,

The Church of S. Dominico. \

AT the farther end of the Quire you wilH a Picture with the Hiftory of S. Vrful by the hand of Ludovico CaraccL

The City of Rimini.


The church of S. Vitale,

isfeen HEre a Pidure with the Martyrdom ot this Saint ^ by fanh Veronefe, of ITALY. 31

S. Qs The Church of the Oratory of Girolamo;

Saint if|l Here is the Pidure of this ^ the work of' Guercin da Cento.

The Cicy of Senegdia,

IN this City is a little Church joyning to the Piazza, where you may (ee a Pidure which reprefents Chriji as he was carried to his Burial, by the hand of Barocui.

The Cicy of Ravenna*

The Domo.

IN the Chapell of Cardinal Aldrohandini is an admirable Pidture, which demonftrates whea it rained Manna. And at the fame time yoa f.e an half Fi2,uie of our Redeemer compaf- fed 32' The Painter's Voidge^

fed about with Angels i 'tis the work ofGuido Kem.

The Chnrth of S. Vitale.

There is a Pidlure of the Martyrdom of this Sttint^ by Baroccu

The City of Fdenz^a,

The Church of the Fathers Capuchioes.

HEre is a large Piece of our B. Virgin^ with

the Child Jefus , St. Francif^ and S, Chri' jiina j by the hand of Guido Reno,

The City ofZlrbi/io,

The Domo.

XT Ere are diverfedi Singular gocd works of Bdrocch The ;

of ITALY: ^i

TheCicy oi Ferrara,

The Church ofS, Francefca Roraana.

AT the high Altar is a moft beautiful Piece, by Ludovico Caracci.

. And in a Friery joining to this Church is a Hiftory, by the lame Ludovico,

The City of" Bolognia,

: The Church of S. Joho on the Mounto

Should do wrong if I did not inftrud^ you I where to find that divine Pidurc of S. CV-

cilia^ by the hand of eminent Kaphad : it is pre- ferved in this Church as a precious Treafure of

fo great a Matter : all the Virtptofi which travel by the way of Bolognia cannot depart this City

without a Lig^ht of fu^h a marvdlou'5 Piece. D fh^re 34 T^he Painters Voiage^

There is llkewifc another Pidure with the Hiftory of the molt holy S. Kofario, a rare work of Vominichim,

The church of S. Petronio.

In which isfeen a famous Picture of S. Koccffy by the hand of Farmegianmo,

The church of the Nunns ofS. Margaret.

Here is feen a Pidure of the B. Virgin^ and Chri^i a Child^ as alfo S. Margaret^ with other figures : by the hand of Tarmegiamno, ^

The church of the Monkj of S. Michael in Bofco. •

In the Cloyfter of this Church you will ad- mire divers great Hiftories, which reprefent the works of S. Benedettg •, they are divided into partitions, in Chiaro Scuro^ with other pretty conceited ornaments by the ^ Frequently fo cdled \^^^^ ^f the moli * excellent miongjl the Italians. Carache,

There is alfo another large and beautiful Hi- frory by the hand of Guido Kern,

7hr of ITA L Y; 35

The church of Certofa.

In this Church is feen a Pidure which de= monftrates -S*. John Baptiji preaching, with two other Hiftories of the Paffion of C^r//?, by Ludo- vico Caracci,

There is alfo another famous Pi6ture of the Communion of S. Cirolamo^ one of the beft pieces that ever was painted,by the Excellent Carache. Without the Gate of the great Street in the Church of the Scalfi^ you may fee a Pidtufe, by Ludovico Caracci,

The church of So Dominico.

Here you will admire a Pidure of S. Giacittto,

and over againAit is another of S.Ri»/wo«^o, and in the Chapell of the Martyrdom of S. Andre vp there is the figure of C^^r/fy, 5. Fr^«ci/, and S. Dominico^ with other things, by the hand of Ca- rache, You alfo fee on the front over the Tombe in the Chapell of this Saint^ a Piece which de- monftrates the fatid Saint as he Afcends vvith

Chriji into Heaven. There is alfo the B, Virgin

and a glory of Angels » by the hand oi Gttido


Keno. . Behind the Pulpit you may fee a Piulure of

the Innocents^ by Guido Rena. '

D 2 'Z'\Y6, 3^ The Painter's Voilige^

The church dfS. Francis.

Here is an admirable Piece of the AJfnmpion of the B. Virgin and the ApfiUs^ rarely done, by HtJnnibjl CarJche.

There is alfo another Pidure with the Co«- verfton of S, Vaul:^ by the hand of Lodovico Ca- raccfi

S. George, heing the Church of the Fathers Serviti.

"Where is feen a Pidure of the B. Virgin and Chriji a Child^ and other two Saints bcCdes them, painted by Hannibal Carache. There is alfo another rare Piece of the Ba^- tifme of Chriji^ by the hand oiAlhano,

The Church of 5.\3regory.

In this Church is feen a Pidure of S. fohn Baptiji Baptizing of C/jr/^, by the hand of Lu- dovico Caracci,

And as you enter on your left hand you fee a Pi dure, by Guercin da Cento,

Ihc of IT A LY. 57

tke Church ofS. Nicolo ip the Stnet of S. Felice.

In which is a Pidure to be reckoned amonoft the Choiceft works of Hannibal Carache,

The, little Church of 3. Bartolomeo di Reno.

Where is a Chapel with a Pidure, whoHy painted by Augnftino Caracci,

The church of S. Salvatore.

In this Church you meet with a Picl^urc of he Affumption of the B. Virgin and the Apojilit, jy the hand of Augujiin Caracci, And that Square of our Saviour in the farther

•nd of the Quire, is by the hand oiGuido Keno^

The church of S. Bernard fiear the Strc€i> of Caftiglione.

4s you enter, on your left hand, in the firft,. *hapell there is a Pifture by Ludovico Caracci, On. the left hand of the great Altar is a Square bove upon the Wall, by the hand of Guido ena, P3 Th 38 The ? ainur' % voiagCy


7he Church of the Auguftine Friars, €aUe4\ S. Giacomo.

Here is the Pidturc of S. Rocfo, by Ludovieo Caracci,

The little Church of S. Rocco, called the Pratcllo.

Adhere is feen a Pidiure of this Saint, by Lo- dovico Caracci,

S. Paulj beif/g the Church of the Fathers

. Teatini.

The Pidure at the fecond Chapel as you en- ter on the right hand, is by Lodovko.

The Sagreftie of the Domo.

Where is alfo a Square of the aforefaid Lo' dovico.

The church of the l^untts of S. John Baptift.

On Your left hand as you enter, the Pidurc

at the fecond Chapel), as alfb the great Al- i tar- (/ITALY. 39 tar-piece are the works of the fame Lodar vtco.

The Church of the Nufis of Corpo di Chrifto.

On each fide of the great Door you will fee a Pi(3:ure, of the aforciaid Lodovico.

The Church of S, Urfula.

The Piece at the great Altar reprefents the

Martyrdome of this Saint j there is another on the right hand of this Altar, both by the hand of f^odovico.

The church of the Nunns ofS. Chriftina.

The great Altar-piece of this Church, is by the fame Lodovico.

The Church of the Nunns Convertite,

Here is an admirable Piece on the right hand of the great Altar, rarely done by Lodovica,

The Church of the Mendicanti.

Here they preferve a Picture of 5. Mattherv^ as

P 4. he 40 7he Painter'sVoiage^ ht was called by Chrijl to the Apoftlelbin tht hznd otHa)mibal Caracbe. After this is the great Altar-piece, andafi. gulargood work of Noble Guido Keno.

The Church of S. Bartholomew in Piazz Ravcgnana.

Here is a PidJure o£S, Charles, by Lodovu the * hand oi . , Albano. .^

S. ManiD^ being the Church of the Fatlerl Carmelite?.

On the left fide of the great Chapcll yoJ

'^^e Parochial Church of S, Tomato, in the great Jireet,

^'°" tJVy'' ?u ','^ ^'' ^ ^^''^fi ^^o^f. and on

by ' • the hand of GW<7 Ke-^i?.

The Church of the Fathers Capuchines.

In this you fee a Divine Figure with Chriji ttpOH of ITALY. 4t

[upon the Crofs^ with the B. Virgin^ S, John^ and

a Magdalen^ all embracing the Crofs^ a lingular ^ 'fiifwork of G«/V/o Re«

The church of the Unnnt of S. Agnes.

The ^reat Altar piece is the work of Towf- nichim.

The Church ofS. SthMan hehwd the Cabdla.

In This Church you find a Piece done by Albano,

M S. Columbano.

Here is to be feen a Picture of S, V.eter^ in Frejcoy by the hand of Albatto,

Madonna di Galiera, heing the Church of the Fathers of the Order of S. Philippe Ncri.

Here are to be admired feveral beautiful works oi Albano,

The 42 The Painter\ Voiage^

The Church £?/Madonna di Reggio.

Over againft our moftholy Lady, there is feer a Picture, done by Guercin da Cento,

S. Antonio of the College of Mont-Alto, i

C Here is a Pidure on the right hand of the great Chapel, done by Guercin da Cento. The Piece at the great Altar is the work of Loaovico Carache,

The Houfcs of Particular Perfons.

The Honfe of the Favi.

IN this Houfe is feen divers Treezes with the - Hiftory of £.neas out of Virgil^ by the a- bove-named Lodovko. Ther^. are alfo divers works of Alhano,

the of n ALY. 43

The Houfe of the Magnani, ftear to S. Giacomo Maggiore. fCll!

Here is to be feen a large Freeze, the which eprefents the A.&S of Komulus and Kemus^ he Frames which contain them are painted with livcrfity of Garlands and wreaths of Flowers in hiaro ^curo; the work is of Excellent Carache. And in a Room below there is a Chimney- piece of an Apollo, in Frefco, with other Figures, Dy Lodovico Carache,

The Houfe of S. Pierr, in the great Street,

In this Houfe we fee divers works of Au- gujiim, and Lodovico Carache^ and of Guercino^

iall in Frefco,

Vpoft the Front of the public^ Palace of the Piazza.

! Here are three beautiful Figures of naked Women, by the hand oi Gu'ido Kem^ in FrC" fco.

the 44 The Painter'sVoiage^

Underneath that Portico which is aver agaifjfi S. Maria Maggiore.

Hereyou fee aHiftory which r^prcfents when fiUt waftied his hands at the prefence ^iChriQ: ' by I^odomco Carache^ In Frep:o.

r^^^ of n AIY. 45

The State or Territory OF .

The City of Venice,

The PaUse ef S. Mark.

AS you walk above to the College Cham- ber, you fee four S<{ttares in the four cot- lers.

In one of thefe is reprefented Vulcan and Cy^ •lops as they are working at the Anvil. In another is Mercury with the three Graces. In the third is Pallas conripelling Mars to keep :he Peace, with the Pid-ure of Plenty, In the fourth is Ariana Crowned by Venm^ with a Crown of St^jrs. As a!fo a Bacchm with :>iher Figures. Upon 46 The rahter's Voiage^ Upon the Roof h a Square of S.Luks th^^^ 0. *l{eprefented by a Cromed Virgift^^^H^^^fl i and Mdioga ScefterimmhandjAttd ^ Venetia confei ji"^ a fair of Scales in the other. ring together, as al f^ ^^ Piuk£ of Venice. * of j« fiice^ and a f Voge, There are likewife divers h'ttle Hiftori^s ii Chiaro Scuro^ with little Boys, painted by th hand of 'Thttoret, very fair works. Let us enter another Chamber, and we fhal find on our right hand, a great Square of T/>w« Re. which reprefents the Pidure of Faith upon thcps Clouds, with three little Ange's, and below i$ S. Mark,, and an armed Voge kneeling. All the Roof is to be reckoned amongft the Cc mafter-pieces of Tintoret, After this Chamber you go into that of the College, and in the Anti-Chamber you fee upon the Roof a molt beautiful Sgnare of Paulo Vercf^ h nefe^ in fome compartements it is Azured in Chiaro Scuro ^ where are other Figures of the fame Author. Then follows the Royal Chamber ofthe Col lege, where you will admire upon the Roof the * * Thundering of J^iur Refrefinied iy f,.png Ae moft noble hand of rhmderbolnfiom Hilvm. ^J Fauld Veroneje,

The Square which is in Front, is of the fame: Taulo^ and all the other about are of Tinto- ret.

We go out of the College and enter into the Chamber of the Pregadi^ where will be admired the great Square which is above the IribunaV^ with

i 0/ I t A L Y. 47 ivith the "Dead Kedeemer upheld by Angelt^ with Tiany Saints, and other Figures And two Fi- ifei ^ures in Chiaro Scttro, about the entrance at the 'reat Door.

]h On the left hand is found a Figure in Chiara

'(. Scuroy which reprefents Teace,

i i And there is near to that a Square of the

til Slejfed Virgin in the Sky. S. Mark,, S,Fe$£r,ind S. Lems^ and a Voge kneeling. lal And that great Square on the middle of the « Roof with a Venetia upon the Clouds, com- tli pafled about with a multitude of Gods-, and o- ther Figures, is the work of furious tintoret. After this we go into the Chapell behind the College-Chamber, and before your entrance you Ice over the Door, Chrijl rifen from the dead^ by lifthe aforsfaid Tintoret, And within this Chapell you fee a Chriji in i^maM at Table with the two Difciples i this is

ii the work of great titian. Let us enter into the Chambers of the Coun-^

cil of Jen, and we fhall fee in the firft of them, on the middle of the Roof, a great Oval of na-

ked Figures » fome of the fairelt works, done by Faulo Veronefe. Upon the fame Roof you fee feveral VaniCot Compartments) in one of which you fee a Juno pouring from Heaven great quantities of Jew;- I icls and Crowns, and below ihnds ^Venetia^ in a pofture receiving thofe gifts.

In another Square is to be admired a beauti- ful Juno^ holding her hands on her breaft, toge- ther with an old Man holding his right arm un- der his chin, both which are the vfotks of Paula. There "

48 The ?ainter*s Voiage^

There are alfb four Figures around the middf^ k t)va]l, in Chiari? ScitrOy three of thefe are done \>Y Paulo. this great After firft Chamber, you enter into , alefTer, wherein the middle compartment is aj'

moft beautiful Square ^ with fix Hiftories, every one painted in Chiaro Scuro^ by Taulo Veronefe.

Rare things. I

In the uppermoift ChamBer of the faid Conn- '

cil you (ee upon the Roof, feveral fair wotks, by ' FmIo, Afterwards you go into another Chamber, the Roof of which is all painted by linto- ret, ^ I And in this fime Chamber, oveir the Tribunal, IS a Madonna with Cbriftj and ah Angel^ by the hand of Kaphael. In this Chamber over a Door, you (ee a Ma- donna with the Child^ S, Magdalen^ S. John Bap- tiji-y S. Catherine^ and another Figure kneeling, the work of old Palma,

The Chaf^ber of the Grand Council.

, Here every one is amazed to fee the great

Square which reprefents fdradije > a large Square, and by the hand oilintoret.

Over againli this great work , on the other fide of the Chamber, is an Hiitory of the Ve~ netians warring againft the Genoefe^ by Vatilo Ve- Tonefe.

The Roof is divided into three Orders. In the Order of S.Giorgio Maggiore^ the firft

I of I T A L Y. 49

Square towards the Throne is the work of PW Veronefe^ the third and the fourth are hylin-

• > tdrtt. . In the fecond Order, on the right fide of the Throne, are in like manner works of Ptf»/o,and

thif there is a large Square, a- , In. the d Order tnighty work of furious lintoret. . ^^, is a . T^e gr.eat oval| towards the Throne, noble work of Vaulo Veronefe,

7hat Chamber called the Sala del Scrutinio ftear to that of the Grand Couocil.

a great Square -, In this Chamber is io be feen of a Battle, by lintoret. It is the hrl\ Pi(fture on the right hand of the tribunall.u^zt unto the Door, as you go to the Chamber of the Grand Council.

The Magiftrato delle Biade.

All the Roof here is painted by VauU Vero- nefe, In this Magifiracy there are Three Chambers, in one of which you fee a Square oftheR^/w*"- reCtion of Chri^^ by lintoret.

The §0 The Painter sVoiiJge^

The Jink Church of S. Nicholas in the Palace of S. Mark.

In this little Church there are the Four E- vangelijis^ on each fide the Altar two. And at a diftance in a Half-moon is the Madonna with the Child Jefus^ S, NicholtU^ and a Voge^ the works of lithtt.

Over the Door there is another Half moon, ,

*^^ with a 5. Mark^ fitting upon a Lion » rarely well done by litian. Over a Door of the Stair-cafe, by which the Voge goes into the College, you may obfervea S. Chrijiopher with the Child Jefus on his (houl- ders, a fair work of Titian,

Here you may obfcrve upon the Roof, zLady

with a little Boy in her hand \ by Titian, Let us enter the Library, and on the left

hand we (hall fee feven Fhilofophers y the two hrrt, as alfo the fourth, the fifth, and the fixth are done by Tintoret. The feventh with a Globe in his hand, is by Sciavone, On that fide towards S. Mar}(s Steeple, there are four other Fhilofophers, by Tintoret, On that fide towards the Piazza, there are feven Fhilofophers. The fecond is by Sciavone^ and the third laying his hand upon his breafi, is by Paulo Veronefe, Afterwards upon the Roof there are three Kounds by Faulo Veronefe^ and other three by Sciavone, After

I cTi An: t^i" UTTTANO , ISIaI

of It ALY. 51 After thefc, in a Chamber called the Procu. tatie, there are great quantities of x- ^^. p-^^^^j * Ritrati, by Tifrtoret, /^ /^, ;,y-,^

T/&e Magifirato delle Legne.

. Upon the Roof you fee a Square by P^/a Vfronefe. And over the Tribunal you fee five Ketratti of ^enators^ by fintoret,

Ti&e Church of S. GimiDiano Pret?*

; That Pidiureon your left hand as you enter this Church at the great Door, Vi^ith a S, Cs-, iherifie, and the Aftgel which Annunciates her Martyrdome, isby Timoret,

[, The Portalls of the Organ are by Paulo Ve-

\ Tfinefe, On the outfide of which are jwo holy^ Bilhops, and, within is a S,johnBapnji^ and sl Menna Cavatiere.

S. Gallo Abbazia.

is .; There a Square of cmx Saviour in the ibiI- dflc, and two Saint/^ by the hand of Tintoret.

ifc i C^af« 52 7he Painter^ s Voiage^

The Church of S. Moife Preii*

In the Chape' 1 of the Mojl Holy^ there is or the right hand, a Chrifi wafliing the Feet of the ApoHler^hy TiHtoret. In the Chapellon the left hand near the ^.i-

crijiie^ the Piece at the Altar is a Madonna with

her Son i by the hand of tintoret.

The church of Satita Maria Gl- benigo.

Here you fee a Pidure of our Saviour in the

Sky, accompanied vvirh Angels^ and below is a 7^/«- S. Jujhnjy and a 5, Francifco di Paula ^ by toret.

There is afterwards the Organ painted by the fame "tintoret. On the outfide of the Portall you fee the Con- verpoH of S. Tauly and within there are the foUr

Evangelijh , and under the Roof, going out of the great Door, there is a Madonna with her

Son i by the fame Author. And upon a front of a Hou(e near to the houfe of the Pifani, and the Palace of the^/<»«- gini^ in S. Maria Gibenigo^ there are painted by the hand of Giorgone, many Freezes in Chiarg Scuro^ in Yellow, Red, and Green, with rare fancies of 'Boyf^ m the middle of which a-re four Half- figures, viz. A Bacchus^ a Venm^ a Mars^ ^/" 1 T A L Y, 53 Mars, and a Mercury, coloured > j,;,^,,;, ,,,„,, ^, rfcer the * ufual manner of the pi„t in abo^e t^o Author. or three ivlourt.


Here is a Palace ofthe Family of the Sorartfa all painted by Paulo Veronefe, with four Hilto- ries of th; Komanf, adorned with many Boys with Garlands, all in Chiaro Scuro, and below a?e (WO Figures tiniftied in "Bronr^o,

7he Church of S. Samuel,

Here you will admire a great Pidure of our Lor(Jn the Biffed Virgin, and a St. John Ba^ tiji, by the hand of lintoret.

The firfi Cloyfier of the Conv^ttt ofS. Stcphaiio. Auguftin Filers.

In this CloyHer there are twelve Hiflories which reprefent part of the Old, and part of the Nerv Tefiament : all fingular work of For,'! denon.

The firft is, C^r/]? difcourfing with the 5tf»3j- fitan Woman.

The fecond is, The Judgement of Solomon, concerning the dead Child.

The third is, The Adultrefs brought before our Saviour,

E 3 The ^

54- 7he Painter' svoiagCy ^

The fourth is, Vavid cutting off Goliah's head. :

The fifth is. Our Saviour i>ut into the Toiw^. The fixth is, The Sacrifice oi^ Abraham. The feventh is, S. Paul Converted at the voice o^ChfijK

The eiglith is, Noah being Drunk, is found naked by his Sonr.

The ninth is, Tlie Martyrdom of S, Ste^ pben.

The tenth is, The Murthering of Abel. The eleventh is, Our Saviour zs he appeared to Magdalen after his KefurreCiion, The twelfth is, Adam and Eve fcourged by the Angel out of the Terreftial Paradife.

Above the aforefaid Hiftories there is the An- gel Annunciating Mary i and on every fide there are divers Saints, with their correfponding figni- iications.

The church of S. Benedeite Preti.

The Portals of the Organ arc painted by Tiniorei^ on the outfide of them you may fee Chriji at the Well with the Samaritan Woman and within is the Annunciation,

^hi of n ALY, 55

The School <7/S. Girolarao, laear to the church of S. Fantino.

Look down upon a Bench, and you will (ee a Square of Tintoret^s, with the Miracle of S. Girolamo. You alfo fee four Squares of Vaulo Veronefe.

One is the coming of the i^f^ife men. Another is the Vifputation with the VoBorr, The third is the Ajjitmpion of tlie B. Virgin. And a fourth fullowf.

There is above, a mod: beautiful Pidlure of

I the B. Virgin^ and S.Girolamo^ by the hand of Titttoret,

ihe church of S.Luke Preii.

The high Altar-piece reprefents the, B. Virgin in the Sky with our Saviour^ and Angels^ and be- low on the Ground S. Luke fitting upon the Bulli they are precious works of Paulo VeroneJ},

The church of S. Salvatore.

There the High Altar-piece , of the Trans- figuration of Chrijiy by the hand of great litian, is a fingular work. And in the Chapellon the right hand of the great Alcar, you fe- Chriji in Emaus, with the two Dirciples,by old.P'almj. E 4 Thf 56 The Famer''s Voiage^ I

The Pidure oi ihtAnnHnciation by 'titian^ a moil fair work.

Fontico de Todefchi.

On the Front over the Canalle there are m^'' ny Figures painted by G/orgtJMi". That Front towards the Land is by 'Tittan.

, . Stately Pieces. , , , Afterwards in the Gfrw

• There is alfo a little work G^tintoret-.vfhtrt you fee a Cynthia m theSky;folIowed by the Hours.

Tae church of S. Guliano Prcti.

In this Church ycu fee a Supper of Cbriji with the Apoj}les^ by Paulo Veronefe. As alfo a Dead Chriji in the Sky upheld by Aitfi^els^ and below on the Ground is S, Harkj^ S. James., and S.Girolamo^ the work of the above- faid Paulo,

rhe Church of S. Paul.

Entring at the great Door, that Square which is in the corner of the Church, with the Supper »f our Saviour with bit Vifciples^ is a lingular good work of Timoret, Is the hcld^ or place before S. Pauls, you plainly c/ I T A L Y. 57 ilainly fee upon the Front of the Houfe of So- anzo ieveral Figures oi Ciorgone^ moi\ beauti- ul things. In this fame Pari(h of S, fanl you fee the Pa- ace of the Zane^ all painted by Andrea Schia," jone^ with many Fables and Hillories, the which ook very glorioufly over the Grand Canalle»

The church ofS. Apolliaare.

Here you fee the Pidure with the five Coroimti^ by Schiavone.

The Church of S.SWvciix^.

As you enter at the great Door, you (e^ on your left hand the famous 11/5^ of the f'nje men^ by Paulo Veronefe. You alfo plainly fee a Square with our Savi- our in the Garden, by lintoret. There is another rare Pidture of S.Jobn Bap- tizing Chriji, by tintoret. ^

7he Cifftrch of S. John di RJalto.

The great Altar-piece is the work of great titiun^ fignifying this fame Saint giving Almes to the Poor. And in the Chapell on the left hand of the faid Altar, is a vfotk.Qf Pordenonj with the Saints Catbff' 58 The Painter''s Voiage^

Catherine y Sehaliiafi,zndS,KoccOf with a little Angel. The Cuppola is all painted by the fame For- denon, in frefcoy and in the Angles of the Cup- pola there are the Four Evangelijii^ by the fatne hand. Behind the great Altar, on the outfide of the Church, upon the Wall, you fee this Saint giving Almes to the Poori Rarely \vell done by PiT- dcncH.

The Church ofS. Auguftino Pretr.

Here is placed a Square over a fide door of the Church, of our Lord (hewn unto the People

by Pthte j by Paris Bordone.

The church of S. Stin Preti.

That Figure with the Jjfumption of the Blef-

is fed Mary J the hand of Jintont.

The School of S. John the Evangel ift.

The Roof of the Alhergo is to be admired i by the hand of great Titian. In the middle part you fee the holy Evan- gelij} contemplating upon Heaven, with other little Angeljy and in four compartiments there are the four Symbols of the Evangelijis^ with fe- vcral little Angels heads in divers other com- gartiments. ^he (,/ 1 T A L y. 59

'Ibe church calkd the Frari de padri Convcntuali.

That Pi<^ure of the Conception of the B.Virgin^ is a marvellous fair work of 'titian. In the great Chapell there is the great and fa- mous Pidure of lit'tan^ where is reprefented Mary afcending into Heaven with the Eternal Father above, and below are the Apojlhs in ad- miration.

The School of S. Francifco fttrk a Frari.'

The Roof is all painted by Tordenon. where

are divers Saints i lingular works.

7ke church of S. R.occo.

Entring this Church, o.n the left hand, there is a greit Square, with S. Martin on Horfeback,

(dividing his Gloak, with many other Figures i the work of Vordenon. An theothei\fide of the Church, right over againft this, there is another great Square re-

prelenting Chrijl mring one fic}{, of the Valjie-, a work worthy of 'tintoret.

'' Afterwards is the great Chapell, all painted by 'Xintgret, excepting the Cuppola, and the fou? Ca 7he Pahter's Voiage^

four Evj}igelii}j^ which are of Tordenon j both one and rhe other are marvellous works. in a Chapell on the left -hand above the Al- tar, there is a Square with our Saviour carrying I he Crofs, by the hand of 'Titian, The Organ is painted both within and without by 'Tintoret.

rhe School of S. flocco.

Now here it is that I know not where to begin, becaule of the quantity of Squares, where are fcen infinite works of 7intoret. In. the fxrrt Ground Room, thejre are Cx great S-^uarcs, The hrft on the left hand, there is an Angel which Annunciates Mary. " Thefccond is the VijitatioH of the thres xvife men.

The third \s Mary going into Egypt. The fourth is the Slaughter of the Inno- cents.

In the fifch is the Conception of our Lord. In the llxth is Mary afcending into Hea- ven.

Over the firfi Stairs, you fee an Annunciation^ by "litian.

There is another in front of this Annunciation^ where the^e is a Vifitation of Mary^ with S, Eh- Zibeihi^ by fintoret. Then above that, th^ firft Square is the Nati. vity of our Lord, And after, is S, Jckn Bap. zing Chijl. After 0/ 1 T A L Y, (.1

KiXt that is the Kefurredion of Chrijl. Behind that, is the Supper tvith the /Ipojllfr. And after, is the Altar-piece with S. llosco in the Sky, with many Figures. Then follows on the qther fide, Chrjjl ntulti^ flying the Loaves and the Fijhes. Aftfr thatj is the Mefias raifing LaZ^jria from the Vead. In another, is Chrijl Jfcending into HeJvett^ with the Apo^let below. Th^n follows the Miracle done at the ToA in the Sheep- market in Jerufalem, In a corner behind the door of the Albergo^

there is a Devil fpeaking to Chriji^ that he would convert the Stones ihto Bread.

In the head end of the Hall there is between the Windows S. Kocca^ and S,SebajiiaH. Let us. turn our eyes towards the Roof, arid Eve, ; we (hall fee Adam and as they jtand eatriig the Apple. Afterwards* is the Pilljr of fire which giiided the Hebren>s through the Defert. Jacobs Dream when he faw the Angels Afceit" ding, and defcending from Heaven. Jonas calt a(hore, out of the Whales bel-

^liat flying from the wrath of Jez bel. In the middle Square there is the Kod of S^- ,ptMtS,

*;; The Sacrifice of Abraham. y The Mahna in the Defert. The Hebrervs eating the Fafchal Lanib\ an4 toany other Hiftorics of the Old 7ejlamevt.

There 62 The Painter'^s Vciage^

There is afterwards in the Albergo^ Chrijl be-I fore Pilate, Chriji, n>ith the need m his hand. Chrijl^ goittg to Mount Calvary. And again, that famous Crucifixion^ one of the faireft works that ever '""^"^ /l'"Py" was done, by * furious.m.iwm^ 7/«- lu ' ' bold manner if patrttng. .

On the Roof you fee St, Kocco in the Sky, with all the other compartiments. All the above named works in this SchooU are by 7intoret,


7ke Church bfS, Nichola de Frarr. '

The high Altar-piece with the B. Virgin in the Sky, and many Saintr below, viz. S. NJcho^ lar^ S. Katherine, S. Francis, ^. Anthony of Pa- dua, and S. Sebajiian, is a moft fingular work '1 o^ divine Titian, r.'i ,/ On the right hand of the faid Altar, you fee a S. Jehn Baptizing Chrifi, the work of Paulo Veronefe.

We alfo fee two Prophets and two Sibyls in Ch'uro Scuro, by the fame Paulo, There is a Square with Chriji upon theCrofs^ fey Paulo.

The Roof likewife is all painted by the afore- faid Paulo : and they are rtately works, parti- cularly that of the Adoration of the Wife men^ which is in the middle.

The ^ of ITALY. ^3

Quart ier de Caftello.

The Nu/tJ church of S. Jofcph.

DN the Piece ofthe firft Altar on your right hand Centring by the great door) there is

). Michael the Archangely and a Senator, by the iiand of linteret. On the fame fide, at the third Altar, you fee ihe JransfiguratJon of our Lord on Mount 'tabor ipainted by faulo Veronefe. The great Altar-piece reprefents the Nativi- I \y of our Saviour^ by Vaulo^ a moft admirable hing.

The Nuns church of S. Daniel.

As you enter this Church at the great Door, !he firit Pidure is a S. Kaiherinc diffuting tpitb ^^be Ve^ors^ by lintoret,

\ Then follows the 'Piece at the great Altar, (Jvhich demon ftrates Daniel in the Lions denn^ ;:he work of fietro da Cortona.

is «. 'Ibe ^4 T^he Vainter^s VoiagCy

The church of S. John in Bragora.

Entring this Church at the great Door> then h the Supper of our Lord with the ApojHes\ bjj Vara Boraone. h

The thurch of ^. Severe Pfeti.

where you fee a Square with the Cruci^xidn of our Lord, joining to the Chapell on the righi hand of the great Altar, by the hand ofJin ioret,

TheChurch of S. Maria Formofa Preii.

The graat Altar- pie^e repteft;its the Affu pion of the BleQ'ed Virgin^ the work of fintk

ret. . .

On the left hand bcfide the^great Altar, anq, near to the Door, there is a littfe Chapell,where , you fee a Pidure divided into five parts, a mar- p vellous work of o!d Palmd.

The Church of S. Leone called Si Lio Preti.

The firfl Picture as you enter at the grea;t ( Door, on your left hand, with S. James the

Apoflle, is bV the hand of Titian, Tht ^/ I T A L r. ^5

The church of Santa Maria Pretii

Entring at the great Door, you fee on your eft hand a httle Figure with S.VaHiel in the Lions denn-, with an Ans^el^ a Prophet^ and a Si indretvy by the hand of Tdrii Bvrdone.

The Nunns Church tf/Celcftia.

in the Chapell on the right hand of ih? great Utar, there is an admirable Pidure of two ho-, y BifhopSi and S. Vomimco. the work of farU fordone.

The Church ofS, t'rancifco del la Vigtie, Padre Zoccolanti.

Entring the Church at the great Door, ifi he fourth Chapell on your right hand, there s a Picture with the Kefurredion of Chrijiy by ^aulo Veronefe. On the. other fide of the faid Church, in the |ifth Chapel there is a Picture, by ?atdo, with a Aadonnct and her Son^ S. Jchn^ S. Jofcph^ S. Ka- herine^ and S. Anthony the Abbot. Let us enter into the Sacriltie of the faid Church, and the tirrt Altar as you enter on your light hand ^ is by Paulo.

ihi 66 The Painters Voiage^

The church of S. John e Paulo, Padre Dominicani.

At your, entrance at the great Door on your left hand there is a large Square of S. Feter Martyr^ by divine titiaM, After foUowes, underneath the foot of the Crucifix, in the middle of the Church, a little Oblongs containing three Hifbries, viz. Cain murthering his Brother Abel, The Serpent exalted by Mojes, The third is Abraham offering Ifaac,

The Chapell of Rofario, in the abovefaid church.

On that Front which is over againft the Al- tar of our Lady^ there is to be feen a large Square in the middle between two Windows, which demonftrates the Crucifixion of our Lord^ and on the Roof you fee an Oval^ on each fide of the Ovaly is an Oblong, by the hand of Tin- toret.

The School of S. Mark.

Here are four great Squares, they may truly be called four wonders in painting i but in par ticular that which is at th; head of the School, with of IT ALY. 67 with S. Mark^ flying through the Sky i all the four reprefent the Miracles of the abovefaid Saint^ the work of furious *tintoret.

The Albergo of the fatd School

As you enter, the firft Square oh your left hand is by Giorgone, Then follows a fecond, which represents old Barcarole, as he prefents the Ring given by S. MarJ^ to the Serene Prince, A fingular work of Tarts Bardone.

The Church of the Hofpitall of the MendicaDti.

On your left hand as you enter the great poor, at the fecond Altar there is a Pidure of S.K/f«J worfhipping the found Cro/>, with other Figures, the work of Guercin ds Cento,

t 2 Scntier 6 8 The Painter'' s Voiage^

SelHer di Canall Reggio.

The Church of S. Maria nova Prcti.

ENtring this Church by the great Door, thehrlt Pidfure on the left hand with S. Girohmo in the WildernefSj is the work of Ti- tian.

The Church of S. Apoftoli Prcti.

The Square on the right hand of the great Altar, where it rains Manna in the Vefert^ h by Vaulo V'eronefe,

The church of the Fathers Jefuitcf,

As you enter at the great Door, at the fe- cond Altar on the right hand is a Piece of tht

Martyrdome of S. Lorens i a rare thing of Ti- tian.

At the farther Altar is a Chrijlopher^ by old Talma.

Afterwards is the great Altar-piece, with the A^Hmption of the Madonna^ fo delicate a piece, that of IT Ah Y, 69

that I doubt not to fay, it is abfclutely the moft fuperb work that ever lintoret painted. And on (he right hand of the faid Altar, there is a Square of S. Miry vifited by S. £//- Kjbeth^ the work of Andrea Sciavone.

And on the other fide of the Altar, there \s the Crucifixion of our Lor^,painted in the wonted manner of 7intoret. In a Chapell on the right hand of the great Altar, there is a moft beautiful! Pidurc of the Nativity of our Lord^ by Faulo Veronefe.

The Nunns Church of S. Catherine.

As y04 enter this Church by the great Door, the firlt Altar on your r?ght hJnd doesdenion- |/lrate to you the Angel Raphael with 1obias: Ifome fay this piece was done by a Scholar of |T///j«'s, others fay bv 7itian\ own hand, but jmoft fay 'tis the Ma(krshand, and fo I am apt to be'ieve.

Afterwards at the high Altar, you fee a Piece I of the EJpoufaV of this Saiftt with the Child \JefMy and it is a really divine work of the for Sever famous Taulo Veronefe. Around this Altar there are fix Squares con- j Itainingthe Life of S. Katherine, done by Unto- ret when he was a young man.

F 5- 7htw 79 Iht Painter's voiagCy

The church of Santa Sophia PretL

Over the great Door, there is a little Piece of a Supper of our Saviour with the Jpoftles^ by Paulo Veronefe,

the Clurch of S. Felice Prcti.

Entring this Church at the great Door, you fee a Piece at the fecond AUar on the left hand, by Tintoret.

And on the right fide of the great Altar there

are two Squares one above another » one is our Lord in the Garden. The other, The Supper vpith the Aps^ler^hoth. by tintoret.

Going a little below the- aforefaid Altar, there

is plainly to be feen upon the firft Altar on the

^ Or fdce after" l^^f hand an armed Saint^ with a *• the life,. Kitratto,

The church of the Madonna del Orto Frati.

As you enter at the great Door, you fee on your left hand, the Hrtt Altar-piece, confifting of five Saints^ viz. S. Lorenz^ S. Gregory^ S. Vominico^ the

Blejjed Lorenzo^ Jujiiniano^ and S. Elena , a rare of work old Palma. , Then 0/ 1 T A L Y. 7t ThenfolloWs the fourth Chapell, withamoft beautiful Picture, where you find S. Agnefe^ and many other Saints^ with Angeis in the Sky, iby lintoret.

A little forward at the lixth Altar, there is a Piece of the B. Lorenzo^ Cm^irtianoy S. John Baptiji^ S. ^rancif, and others, a work greatly worthy of the praife of Fordemn, On each lide of the high Altar there is a ve- ry large Square. That on the right hand reprefents the Hebrews Worjhiffmg the Golden Calf-

And that on the left hand is the Vniverfal ''judgement.

Above the Altar there are four Figures in C?j>i- -aro Scuro.

' Then are the Doors of the Organ painted on itheoutfide with the Purification of the Bleffed Vir- gin. And within on the right hand is S. Teter [admiring the Crofs in the Sky. On the other hand is the Beheading of S. Chrijiopher^ all thefe lare the works of great Xintorety and infinitely sadmirable.

* The School of Merchants^ ttea^ to Ma- y- donna del Orto.

• In a low Room there is a Pidture with S. thrijiopher and Mary in the Sky, with Angels round about them, by lintoret.

Above upon the Cieling, there is another Pi- (fture of the Nativity ojl(^. Mary^ by "tintoret, F 4 After- 72 7he Taintefs Voiage^ ^fterwards is feen an /Annunciation^ withI many pieces of ArchiteBure^ on each fide is a j igure in Chiaro Scuro; rare things, and worthy ot Patilo Veronefe,

I'ka church of S, Marcelliano Preti.

The firft Pid^ure on your left hand as you enter at the great Door, with an Angel and To-

Vtat^ as alfo an holy Hermit^ and a Vog^ is the work of famous T///<2«i The great Altar-piece with three Saints^ viz, S. Marcelliano in the middle between S. Peter and

S. Fattl, is by tintoret.

The church of the Fathers Servitl.

Yoa fee here the Organ, by the hand of Ti/f- toret^ on the inlidc is the Annunciation^ on the butflde is an holy B///-'o/> and a Prophet,

Below thefe is Cain Murthering hU ' Brother Abel^zndi the Father Eternal fpeaking unto Cain,

The Church of Magcjalena Preti.

On the left hand of the great Altar, there is a S. Mary Magdalen accompanied with many other Figures, by Tintoret. Afterwards upon the out fide of the Doors of the Organ, there is a jjjfj/i/f as he appears to S, Mary cf ITALY. 73 Miity Magdalen after the KefurreCiion^ and with-

in is an Annunciation. On the top o^ the faid Organ you fee the J Coming of the fife men ^ infmall,by 'tintoret.

The church of S. Emagora e Fortunato, CTilled S. Marcuola Preti.

Entring at the gteat Door, on the right hand under a little window you fee a fquare with the Child Jefus, and on each fide is S. Andrevo Titian. and & Katherine^ by ^ Then follows the fecond Altar with the Pi- <^ure of S. Elena^ by lintoret. And on the left hand of th^ great Altar is a

Supper J by lintoret.

The Church of S, Giobbe Fraii Zocco- laDti.

As you enter at the great Door, the Piece of the fourth Altar on your right hand, does de- monftrate three Saints and an Angel, r/z. S.An,' drei^^S. Pf/^r, and S.Nicholas^ it is a nnolt beauti- ful work oi Paris Bordone^ though a more infe- riour hand has the credit of it.

The church of S. Jercmia PretL

All the Organ, excepting the litrle Doors, is painted in Cbiaro Scuro^ together with the four coiners. 74 T^he Painter''s Voiage^ corners \ within there are the four EvangeliU^^} a work of great efteem, by the hand of AndreHi I Sciavone,

The Nuns Church of S. Cirolaoio.

The firft Pidure on your left hand as you enter the great Door, is the work of lintoret.

Qnartier delta Croce.

The Nuns Church of the Crofs Francifcans.

LEt us enter at the great Door, and we (halt find the Hrft Altar on the right hand, with a dead C/;r/]^ and an Angel which fupports him, as alfo a S Katherine^ and a Popff'^ by the hand, of TtHtoret.

Ihf of 1 T A L y. 75

7he Nuns Church of S. Andrew.

That Altar-piece on the right hand of the >reat Altar, with S. AugujUne clothed in a white Garment, likewife two Boys^ one of them hold- ing his Fajieral Staff, the other his Mytre^ is one Df the beft works of Faris Bordone. At the other Altar on the left hand of the great Altar there is S.Glrolamo in the Herm't- tage^ by the hand of Tattlo Veronefe,

The Church of S. Simeon Grande Preti,

As you enter at the great Door on the right hand, over a Bench, there is a Supper of our Lord mth the ApojUes^ by lintoret.

The church of S. Giacomo dall Ovio Prcti.

The Pidure of the Chapel of S. Lorenr, is by Paulo Veronefe j in it you find this Saint^ with S. Girolamo, and S. Nicholas , and a little

Bi?)' in the 5ky. Below the faid Pi<^ure there is an oblong Pi

rity, and many Angels. And the four KouHtt. wifh four Vo&ors, are rarely done after the ufu all npianner o^fauh Veronefe,

The Church of S. Maria, Mater Domini Preti,

Being entred the great Door, and part the fe- cond Altar qn the left hand, you fee a beautiful fmall Piece of a Supper^ by old Tdma,

And over a fide Door of the Church there is a molt famous Square oi the Invention of the Cr^/r, by the hand of tintoret,

7ht Church ofS.C^{^nx\o,caIIedS,C2SIuno Preti.

Let us enter at the great Door, and we fhall , find on the right hand of the firft Altar, a Pi- <5i:ure with the Saints, Girolamo^ S. Mark^, S.Pe- ier, and S, Paul^ a marvellous work, by the hand of old Talma.

The great Chapell is all by Tintoret. One Picture repref nts the Redeemer rifen from the dead^ and .S". CaJJiano preaching unto many Nations.

On the right hand is Chriji Crucified, and on the left is our Lord when he delivers the holy Fathers out of Hell, beautiful pieces. There iic alfo three little Hiibries, upon the 0/ 1 T A L Y. 77 the top of the Organ, concerning the life of CafJijttOjhy 7iiitor€t.

Q^iartier d'l Dorfo Du."'ro.

The church of S. Pantaleon Prctr.

ON the left haind of the Organ there is a large Square with S. Bernard cmin^ ma- ny Gck of the Plague i a rare work of Paulu Veromfe. Another Pidure of 5. Bernard, is by Vaulo Ve- TQnefe. The great Altar-piece with S. Pantaleon curing a Sick^ man, and a Frieji^ by Paulo Veronefe,

The Church of ihe Carmine Frati*

On the top of the Organ you fee two oblcn^

Pieces, in 'one is the Annunciation, the other is the Nativity of Cbrijl, by the hand of Andrea Schiavone, In like manner upon the top of the little Qiiire, right againft the aforefaid Organ, you fee two other oblong pieces, one is the coming of 78 The Painter's Voiage^ of the Ma^i > the other is the Circumcifion of our Lordy by the hand of the aforefaid Schia- vone. There is another Pidure of the Circttmcifwn of our Lord^ Jby the hand ot fintoret,

' The Nuns Church of S. Maria Maggiore.

The great Altar-piece reprefents the Affum- ption of the B. Virgin^ with the Apefilef, by the

hand of Pattlo Veronefe : a lingular thing. Afterwards on the fides of the aforefaid Al- tar there are three great Squares. One reprefents when the Vrieji fcourges Joa- chin out of the 'temple for having no offspring. In another is the ifponfal of the B. Virgin with Jofeph^

In the third is the Vifitation of the three Ma- gi i all three by the hand of bold Tintoret. In a Chapcll on the left hand of the great Altar you fee the Pidiure with the famous S.John Baptiji^ by 7itian. Entring this Church at the great Door, and being paft the firft Altar on the right hand, there is a Square which reprefents the Ark, of Noah,

by the hand of Giacomo Bajfsno: it. contains all the feveral kinds of living Creatures, and is rec- koned to be one of the hnelt Pictures in the "world. After this there are four Squares placed on

four Pillars of the Church » they ilgnirie the four

Sesfons of the- Tear^ by the hand of the fame Ba^ano, Thtre 0/ 1 T A L Y. 79 There are alfo two Squares on the fides of |hat Door which opens to the CanaUe. One reprefents the Adultrefs before Chrift. In the other is the Centurion proftrated befbire he Kedeemer. And in a lefiTer Square upon a Pillar, there is

Chriji in the Garden upheld by an Angel ^ they are all three by Paulo Veronefe. In the Sacriftie there is an Ecce tJomo, by FarU Bordone.

The Nuns Cfjurck of Terrefe.

The Round which is in the middle of the

iloof, with the Madonna iii the Sky and Angelt round about, with three Saints below, and the (bur compartements adjoyning the abovefaid

Round, containing the four Evangelijif i all this is a lingular good work of Andrei Schiavone.

1'he Church of S. Nicholas Preti*

Upon the Roof over the great A' tar, there

is a Round, where S. Nicholas is carried into Heaven by the Angels^ with the Pi/^f/j and Cbentbins, by the hand of Paulo Veronefe, Entring this Church at the great Door, on the left hand over a tide Door of the Church, upon the Roof there is a Round^and a leiTer Rouna on each fide of the great one. In the great one is the Eternal Father with many Angels. In one So The Pa'mtei^s Voiage^

One of the leflTeir is the B. Virgin^ in the other is the Angel AnnunciatiHg^wah other four Rounds containing the four Evangelijh,

the church ofS. Stbaftian*

Joining to the little boor which is hot far from the great one, you fee the Pidure of S. Nicholjf^ a Bijhop^ and an Angel^ the work of litian.

At the fartheft Altar on the fame fide you fee a Pid'ure with Chfiji upon- the Crofs^ by fanlo Veronefe.

On the other fide of the Church there is a Pid"ure of St. John Biftizing of Chtijl^ by ?auh. Then follows another Pidure of Chrift when

he appeared to the tvfio Vifci^les going into Emauf^ by Andrea Schiavone.

The Walls of the Church are all painted in frefco with Pillars, Statues, and other ornaments of Architedliire, by Taulo Veronefe. AH the great Chapell is by the fame Vaulo^ the Cuppola and the Tribunal are painted in frefco. The great- Altar-piece reprefetits the B. Virgin with her Son^^ and Angels in the Sky s and below are the Saints Sebajlun, S. Katherine^ S. John Baptijl^ S. Francis, and S, Veter. The great Square on the right hand of the great Altar reprefents S» Mark^ and S. MirceViny going with S. Sebajlian fwho is in Armour^ and comforting him to his Marfydom, In of ITALY. Si

' in another Square on the left hand you feeth^ above-named Saint bound to a Machine of vyood> coming to be Martyred,and the falfe Vriejls per- fwading him to worfhip their Idols, with many Zanders by: all the aforefaid works are the fairell; that ever were done by the moft noble hand of Tanlo Veronefe. Afterwards are the Doors of the Organ, /on the but Ode is painted the Circwr.cifwn of our Lordy and within is Chrijl curing one fic\ of the

Talfie^ works fo fair that they ftand iri no need of commendation. Upon the top of the Organ you may obfervs a little Square with the Nativity of Chriji^ O'.ie as well as the other are moit graceful pieces of great Pattlo. Let us caft our eyes upon the Pvoof, which is all painted by the aforefaid Pi2«/^.

The firft Square demonftrates Queen Ejther going into the prefence.of King AhafueruSy ac- companied with many Waiting-maids. . In the middle Square is the King Ahjfuerns frowning on Qi^tecn Ej\her. In the third you fee Mordecat condu(Sed to tfiaman^ by the order of the King. As you goe into the SacriUie on the left hand over the Door of a little Chapell you n ay .fee a little Square with S.Cirohmo in the Hermit jge. In the Sacriftie, the middle partition of the Coronation of -the B. Virgin^ and the four other partitions of the four Evangelijls^ one as welf as the other are oiVauh. There is alfo another Square of the Chjjifia^ of the SfrpentSyhy tintoret. G Let 62 The Painters V-ndge^

Let us goe into the Qujre, and right againft" the Door we (hall fee a Square, which reprefents;! S, Sebafiian before the god Cletiano, confeiling himfelf to be a Chriftian.

In front of this Square there is painted oveii the Door, the fame Saint beaten with Clubs, a work in Frefco, Above theft Squares there are the four Evan* gelijls, two on either fide in Frefco ^ all thefe are I of Paulo Veroneje, In the Refedory there is the great Feaji aj

Chriji in the Houfe of the Pharifee''s^ 'tis enough, that it is of Paulo Veronefe,

The Nuns Church of AW-Salnts.

The great Altar-piece reprefents Paradifey and on a little Door of the Tabernacle of the faid Altar there is a Chri^ f*fi^g again. Afterwards are the Doors of the Organ, on the outfide of which you fee the moft noble Vi- fitation of the Magi i and within are four Dodors of the Church, with Angels playing upon vari- ety of Inftruments.

On the Roof is the Father Eternaly and round about the top of it are divers little Figures, and. Hiftories in Chiaro Scnro, all of them by the rood noble hand of Panh Veronafe.

'Thl y of n ALY. 83

1'he church of S.Gervafo & Protafo, called S. Trovafo Preti.

The Picture of the Chapell on the right hand of the great Altar, contains S. Anthony the Abbot tempted by Devils, with our Sa- viour in the Sky fuccouring the Abbot, the work of lintoret. Then follows the other Chapell, on the right

hand of it you fee the Supper of our Lordvpith the Apofiles^ and on the left our Saviour wa- Jhing the feet af the ApojUery both of them bf lintoret.

The church of the Fathers DominicjUs^ formerly the Jefuites.

Entring at the great Door, at the third Altar on your right hand you may obferve a Pidture

of our Lord upon the Crofs , and both the Maries by the hand of Tintoret. And upon the Doors of the Organ theire is painted Pope Vrban the fifth giving of habits

to the Fathers Jefuitesj by the hand of Ti- iiaH»

Qt ' 7ke 84 The Painter's Voiage^

The Church of the Hofpital of the Incurabili.

In which is feen a Pidlure vi'iiia- S . Vrfula accompanied with her Virgim^ and an Holy Birtiop, with an Angd in the 5ky, the work of lintoret. And over a fide Door of the Church you may obferve a little Square ofour Saviour car- rying the Crofsy and an Executioner drawing him along, by the hand of Giorgune,

The Nuns Church of Spirito Santo.

As you enter on your left hand there Is a Round of the Image of the B.Virgin^and two little Angelt/ holding a Crown,with S.Girolamo and S.SebaJiian in the Clouds, and below is S. Evangelifi and S. Arigujiine.

There is alfo a Pidure of the Visitation of t^e Magij both of them are by lintoret.

The Nuns Church of the Hum'ilta.

Entring the great Door, at the fecond Altar on your right hand you will admire a Pid'ure of Peter Gia- S. J and S, VanU a moft fair work of ccmo Ba^'ane. Upon the Arch of this Chapell you may ob- ferve 0/ 1 TALY, 85

ferve a Square of Cbrift taken from the Crcfr^ with the two Marys^ a rare work oCTintoret. At the High Altar on the lipper part of the Tabernacle there is a Nativity of our Lord^ by Ciacomo Bajfano.

A little lower upon the frontifpiece is a Fa- ther Eternal^ by Paulo Veronefe, And a little lower in the third piece there are two Angels, by Taulo. On the Portall is the Redeemer with the Glohe in his hand, and feveral Cheruhins^ by iFaulo. On each fide of the abovefaid Portall there is two little Squares. In one there is S. Johft

preaching in the Defert i in the other is the Centurion before Chriji^ both by Taulo. Afterwards is the Roofdone likcwife by Paulo^ with three great Hiltories, and many pieces in Chiaro Scuro.

The firll: Square over the Quire reprefents the B. Virgin Annunciated by the Angel. And in an Ovall in the middle, there is Mary )Afcending into Heaven^ with the Apcftles below. Then follows the third, which is the Na- tivity of Chrift , all thefe are marvellous good pieces.

The church of the Salute,

There is in this Church two Pidures by the hand of great Titian. In one you will admire the Coming of the 'Holy Cboft upon the Apojiles. G3 In 86 The Painter'' s voiage^

In the other is S. Mark^ fitting on high, and below a/re the Saints Sebaftiany S, Kocco^ S. Cof- tno, and S. Vamiano. Upon the Roof over the Quire you fee eight Heads by litian, in a round form. Let us go into the Sacriftie and caO our eyes upon the Roof, and we fliall fee three Squares by 'Xilia/f.

In the firft is Vavid cutting off the Head of Goliab.

In the fecond is the Sacrifice of Abraham and Ifaac.

In the third is Cain flaying his Brother Abel, All fingular works of the Author.

And below is a great Square of the Marriage in Cana in Galilee^ by furious 'Tintoret.

The church of the Moft holy Trinity, near to the Salute.

There are thirteen Squares of "T/wtor^*, viz. The Eternall Father creatine; the Woxld, The Forming of Adam and F/ve, The Tempting of Adam, Cane flaying Abel. The four Eyangelijis, in four Squares. Two Apo(ilcs^ in two Squares. The Annunciation in two Squares. In the Sacriftie there is a little Square of the Mc/J Boly Irinity. All Angular works of the fame Author.

Ihe ^ ^/ I T A L Y. 87

The School of Charity.

Here is a very large Square of the Blejfed J^ir- in afcending the Stairs of the Temple, with many other Figures, a divine work of great Titian,

G4 The 8 8 Thz Taintefs Voiage,


The Mand of Murano.

Ihe church of ^Peter Martyr, Fathers Dominicacs.

|7 Ntring this Church, on your left hand you -^ fee a Square near unto the Pidare of K

7be c/ I T A L Y, Sp

The Nuns Church of the Madonna de g!i Angeli.

BElow the Organ there is an Ovall with

{out Aftg^els tinging i a moft fair work of Fattlo Veronefe.

There is • alfo a Square with S. Girolamo^ by Vaulo Veronefe,

After that is the great Altar-piece, where you find the Annunciition^ a fuperb woik of Vordenon.

The church of the Des Mefie.

In which are to be fcen three Squares, by Tintoret.

In one is The comitig of the hiagi. In another is the Vrefentation at the Temple,

The third is the Adnltery,

The Nuns church of S. James.

Here are feen three Pidures by Vaulo Vero" nefe, [That of the great Altar reprefents divers Saints^ with a moft beautiful Glory of Angels. The fecond on the right hand of the great ' Altar reprefents the Viftation of S. Elizjheth.

' That on the left hand demonftrates Chnfts refurreBioH. The '

90 The Painter''s Voiage^

The Organ is rarely painted, by Vaulo Ve^ ronefe.

The church of S. John.

The great Altar-piece reprefcnts S. John 'Bap: i'lzing Chriji^ the Jintoret. of work of i Before we part from Murano let us go fee the Palace of the Trevfano^ and we fhall fee fome ofthe beautifulleft works that ever were painted' by the fmgular pencil of Paulo Veronefe,.

The Ifland of Mazorbo,'

The Nuns Church ofS. Katherine.

T^He great Altar-piece is a fmgular work of -*- Vaiilo Veronefe,

The of IT A L Y, 9c

The Ifland of Buram.

The Nuns Church of S. Mauro.

THe great Altar-piece of this Church, is the •* work of ?aulo Veronefe,

The Ifland of Torcello,

The Nuns Church of S. Anthony.

THere are fuch beautiful pieces in this Church, that they are worth coming a long journey to fee, and they are of the moft noble pencil of Vaulo Veronefe, The great Altar-piece with the two Prophets on the Angles of the faid Altar, are by the a- forefaid Author. On the left fide of the great Altar, on the fides 92 The Painter sVoiage^ fides of the Organ you fee ten Squares, which reprefent the life of S. CbrijUna^ boih infide and outHde of the faid Organ is adorned with precious Hiftories, by the hand of the fame Faulo, Over the Altar of Chrift there are two Figures in Chiaro Scuro, by the fanne hand.

The Ifland of S. Elena.

The Church,

TN the Church here you will admire that molt fuperb X piece at the great Altar, where IS pa nted the coming of the Magi, by the hand or Falma.


I 0/ 1 1 A L Yi 93

The Ifland of S. Giorgio Maggiore.

The church,

"p Ntring the Church at the great Door, the '-' Hrft Pidure on the right hand detr.onllratcs the Nativity of Chrift^ by Giacomo Bajfano. Then follows a Pidure of the Martyrs, by the hand of litttoret. After this is a Pidure on the right fide ofthe Church, where you find the Moji holy trinity crorpning the Blepd Virgin, and below are fi- veral Saints, by Tinteret. There is in like manner on the left fide of the Church, right againft to that aforefaid, iator^t^^ with the Martyrdom of S . Stephen by 7 Then follows ^n the faJTie fide, the KefHr. reVuon of Chriji, with the Pictures cf divers Se. nators, by 'Tintoret, Now follow the two great Squares which are on the fides of the great Altar, one of which reprefents the Supperof our Lord with the J^ojUet,

in the other is Manna falling in the Defert, by the {^me Tintoret. After this you go into the Chapell of the Ve- /tf«*/, where you fee a Pidure o(ChriJi taken from the Crofs^ by the aforefaid Author. After- 54 "^f^^ Painter^s Voiage^ 1

Afterwards in the Refectory is that moft mar- vellous and large Square which reptefents the

Marriage of Cana in Galilee j this, if I may ^o fay, is a wonder of the World, and whofo- ever comes to Venice and departs without a fight of this Pidture, may by faid to have feen nothing, and it is done by the moft excellent and noble hand of Tattlo Veronefe,

The Ifland of the Giudecha.

The church of the KtdtiMoit*

N this Church you fee two Pidures of lin- I toret. One demonftrates the Afanfwn of our Lord with the Jpojiler,

The other is the Scourging of Chriji at a Pil- lar, * Afterwards as you enter the Monaftery, you fee a Square over the Oratory with Chriji fitting, with the Apofiles kneeling, and other Saintj, by the aforefaid lintorett

iht 0/ 1 T A L Y. 95

The Refe&ory of S. James, Fathers Servitl

The Roof of this is painted by Vaulo V^ro- tefe divided into three Partitions. One demonrtrates the Annunciation, That in the middle, the JJfumption of the 5. Virgin^ with the Father Eternal in the Cry- lalline Heaven furrounded with Legions ofAn^ gelf.

The third is the Vifitation of S. Elizabeth^ and arc works really beautiful.

The Nuns Church of S. Cofmo atud S. Damianc.

As you enter, you fee on your left hand the B. Virgin in the^ky, and the two Saints^ S.Ce- cilia^ S. IheodoTo^ and a S. Marina, In a Chapell on the right hand of the great Altar there is another Pidture with Chrifi on the CrofSf and the Marys^ both one and the other are by Tintoret,

The 1 9^ The Painter's Voiage^, j

The City of Trevifo.

ihe Domo.

HEre you fee the Hi (lories of the Nativity, and Kefurredion of C^ri/f, fingular works of Taris Bordone,

There is another tare Pidlare of the Annun^ ciation^ by the hand of 7itian.

The church of S. Francis.

Here you may obferve a Pidi:ure,by Tarts

Bordone. i

the church of S. Girolamo.

Where you admire another Pid:ure, by the aforefaid ?aris Bordone.

The Church of All-Saints.

There are alfo divers works of the abovefaic! Maftcr. As likewife one Piece of Ciacomo Baffano, the of ITALY. 97

The Chttrch cfS. Paul.

Here in like manner are fingular works,and Wortiiy of all admiration, by the fame f^r/V Bordotie,

The Church of S. Magdalen.

4 ' (^ The great Altar-piece reprefents Chrijk as he appeared to Mary Magdalen^ the work of Vanlo Veronefe,

The church of S. Auguftine.

Here is an admirable Pidiure of S. Giachino^ S, Anne^ S. Jomes, and S. George^ the work of Vatito Veronefe.

In the Refertory of the Nunnery there is a a Square which demonftrates the Marriage of Cana in Galilee^ by the hand of the aforefaid Vauh Veronefe,

The ^fouDtaine of Piety /» the aforefnid City. ,/:. ^.^ .

Here they prcferve a Cbrif with a little An- gel, a roort fingular work, by the hand of Gi- \9rgnne»

ri The 98 The Painters Voiage^

The Villa of Zerman Trevifano.

The Domo.

TTEre you will1 findill a moft beautiful Pi(3:are of old Falma»


The Caftk cf Fritili.

T&e Domo.

HEre you fee the Organ painted by its own Countrey-man, Pordemne, You alfo fee works in Frefco upon the Wall, by the fame Author, as there is likewife in other places, all fingular works.

The of ITALY. 99

The City of Vdine.

the Domo.

HEre yon will admire (bme beautiful Hiftones upon the ledge of the Organ by the hand of Fordenone,

The ciHTch of S.Pttcr Martyr.

' , In which you way obferve a famous Pidure Gf<4ie Anmtwiation^hy Fordenonr,

The City oi'Belluno.

HEre are preferved two very fair Pieces, by Paris Bordorte, m

Compagnia del Croce.

. Here you will find two lingular Squares, by 'tiniorti, H 2 'the 100 The Painter'* $ Voiage^




the church of the Reform all.

Ere is a very fair Pi6^ure, by old tal- H ma.

The of ITALY. ipi

The Villa of Marens.

Iq the fame Territory..

HEre you will fee a faire Pidure, by the hand of Titian,

The Villa of Fontandle,

TTErere is an admirablead Pidure, by the hand of Pordenone,

The Caftle ot'S.Sahatore.

The 'Jurifdi&ion of the Conti Colalto.

TTEreEre is a ChurchC\ all painted by the hand of Pordenone, H^ Andj 102 The Painttf s njoiagCy

' And all the Roofs ofthe faid Conti are painted by Andrea Schiavone,

Below the faid Caftle.

The chunk ofS. John.

THere are two Pidlures, by Vordemne* One of the Virgin fleeing into Egypt. The other

of divers Saints, And under them is the Pi- (kmt o{ Piety.

Further b^low the faid Caftle.

The Villa of Safigano.

HEre is prefer ved a Pi(fture, by the hand of Tordenone, Ano- of ITALY, 103

Another Caftle of die Colaltu

IN this Caftle ygu fee a great Square> by For- dfHone,

The City of Ceneda.

The Domo.

THere is a Pi<5lure, by tiiiaity of the B. Virgttt^ S.Kocc(7, and S. SebajiiaH. Upon the Organ of this Church is reprefen- ted the life of San, Titian, the work of Faris. Bordone, *

In tht Piazza.

Ill this fame there is a Houfe fide painted by Tordenonf. H.4 F/ffj 104 The Fainter^sVoiage^

Villa di Caftello below Ceneda.

The church.

HEre are tHree Niches at the great Altar, in the middle you will admire the B. Virgin^ and a Saint on each fide, by the hand oiliiian^ a fingalar work.

The Caftle ot'Saravall.

The Domo.

THe great Altar-piece with the B. Virgin, and -*- ' a Glory of Angels, and below are two Saints, with a Land^kip, and within it you find a Ship, it is a moft precious thing, but by an un- certain Author,

Ihe of I T AL Y. IPS

The Chnrch of the Capuchines.

Here they prefer ve ^ Square of a Madonna ^ a flupendious work of Gmdo 'B^eno.

yilla di Ma^r in Trevifano^ near CO Afoh,

TN the faid Villa there is a Palace all painted -*• with divers operations of the nnoft excel- lent hand of Vaulo Veronefe^{\n^\x\zx works of the Author.

Afolo in Trevifano.

7he chnrch of the Rcformad.

Lre you fee a Square with the Conception of the Bleffed Virgin^ by Giacomo Bajjano, lo^ The PaiTiter^s VoiagCy

7he Domo«

In which you fee an AJfiemption of the Blejfed, Virgin^ with numbers oi AngeU^ and two Saints^ by Giacomo Bajfano.

Cajlel Franco,

HErc is an admirable Pidure of the Bleffed Virgin n^ith her Son^ the work of Ciorgone. There are likewife divers Palaces near ad- jacent, where you will find works of the fame Gtorgone^ as zMq oitauh Veroneje,

The Caftle of Bafam.

7he high Church of, the Caftle.

TI^ this Church you will admire the marvelr -* lous Nativity of the Child Jefm^ a work to be

] ef ITALY. 107 be admired by every one, and one of the faireft that ever was painted, by Chcotno Bajfano. In the Town-houfe, as alfo in the Churches, and upon the Houfes of particular perfqns, there are works of divers forts, by the faid Giacomo Baffano, Bcisg this was the Countrey of this fa- mous man, I look upon it as fuperfluous to no- tninate place after place where paintings are, becaufe of the great quantities ofthem, and very little of other Mafters.


The Parochial Church.

THe great Altar-piece is by Giacomo Bajfatto^ -* and on the (ides of the Chapel there is our Lord upon Mount labor, the work of the fame Giacomo,

the io8 The Painters Voiage^ 9

The Street which leads from Vtiiice to Padqa, viz. upon the hani^ of the River Brenta.

Upon this Road you fee many fuperb Pala- ces, painted both within aud without, with va- rious operations, viz. Hilhries^ Freezes^ Anhi- teUure^ Garlands of all forts, ftupendious works, by themoli lingular and excellent hand ofPanh

The City of PaJua.

The church of S. Juftina.

THe great Altar-piece is a moft lingular work of noble faulo Veronefe^ the which repre- fents the Martyrdoms of this Saint, and is moft excellently imbellifiied by the handof^«gK/?/W Carache,

the o/ 1 T A L Y* 109

The School of the faid Saint.

In which you will admire the Saint^ ir.ar- velloufly beautiful, 'tis enough that they are done by the incomparable pencil oF great Ti-

The Church of the Hermits.

in the Sacriftie of this Church they prefervc a S. John Baptiji freaching^ by the hand of the Hioft noble Guido Keno,

The Church of S. Maria /« Vanzo.

Here ftands a Pidure of the Vead Kedeemer^ the work o£Giacomo Bajfano.

Montagnatta near ro Ejie.

The Dome.

HEre you will fee the great Altar-piece, which reprcfentS the iransfiguratioH of Chiji no The Painter^s Voiage^ upon Chrid Mount 7abor^ a fingular work o^ l^aulo Veronefe.

The City of Vicen:^a.

The Church of S, Rocco.

great ^He Altar-piece is a rooft fair work of -• Glacomo BaJJano,

the Church ojft t'cuterio.

In like manner you iec the great Altar-piece, by the fame Bajfdno,

The Church of S. Croce.

\Vhere there , is another PlcSiureby the afore- faid Ciacamo,

Vnder the publicj^ Houfeoftbe Piazza.

^^ There is an Ui^oty^Noah with hu Vaugh- *ert^ by Varis Bordm*, of IT AL Y. Hi

The ReftBory of Madoooa di Monte, Fraii.

. In this you fee a great Square which repre- fents a ¥eaj\^ in which is the Redeemer^ a moft fair work of the moft excellent hand of Paulif Veronefe, All that are curious omit not the feeing of this piece.

T^e church of the Fathers Teatinf.

Here you may obferve in a Chapeli a moft fair piece, by old falrna,

the church of S. Corona, Fathers Dominicaos.

The Altar-piece here with the three M^g/, is by Faulo Veroneje. There arc alfo in this fame City feveral woik§ upon the Walls in Frcfco^ by Tardmone,

Ths 112 The Painter^s Voiage^

the City of Verona.

The Domo.

H Ere you may obferve a Pidture of the Af- fumpiion of the B. Virgin, the work of great litian.

The Church of S. George.

In this Church you fee two Pi(3:ures, of which I may fay nothing can exceed them, by the riioft' noble pencil of Vauto Veronefe,

The church called La Vittoria.

In the Sacriftie of this Church you muft ob- (erve a Square of no great Cze, but extraordi- nary fine, by the aforelaid Vaulo^

the /\/at! A' l^f a

of ITALY. 113

The City of Brcfcid.

The church of S. Afra.

Standard, by HEre is kept a moft beautifull Paulo Veronefe. 7r^»//jg«ra^^o;i There is alfo a Square of the of our Lor/i, a fmgular work of great Imfort^

The church <7/S.Nazaro.

titian. Here are feveral fair Pi

Siri'nalta in the Territory of Bergamafco,

7he Parochial Church.

1^ this Church yon fee two fingularPidliires, by old Falma.^ that Country-nnai. ! 114 The Painters Voiage^

The City of Cremona. I


_ . _.^

HEre is a Pidure of S. Sehafiian and tw6 Angels^ by the hand of Ciorgone,

The City of Genoiia.

The Church of S. Francis.

HEre is to be feen a Square with S.John^ Bap' tizittg Chrijiy by the hand of lintoret.

The 2 of ITALY. 115


The City of Florence.

S. Mark, Fathers DomioicaDs.

TTEre:e are threethre< Figures by the hand of Vrk Bartolomto,

The church of S. Crocc*

liere is a Pidiure reprefenting the Lady ofVkiy^ a fingular work aiCrudu 1 In 1 16 The Painter's Voiage^

Iniht church-yard of the Nuntiata.

There are clivers works in FrefcQ, by Andrea del Safto» In the Cloyfter, over a Door, you fee a fa- mous Piece, called the Madonna del Saccho^hy the abovefaid Andrea,

The Confraternity <>/S. John Baptift.

In the Cloyfter upon the Wall there are the Piftoriesof the life of this Saint, by the fame Andrea.

The Gallery of the Great Duke.

In which you fee a Square with the Hiftory of the Fall ojf Phaeton^hy the hand of Leonardo da Vinci.

There is drawn a Kitratto of Pope Leo the A', by the hand of great Kaphacl. There is alfo a little Square of a Madsnna^ the work of the abovefaid Raphael. Then follow divers Squares of Andrea del Sarto^ particularly in the more private Cham- bers there are moft beautiful works, not omit- ting a fight of that great Square of the Ajfumption ef the Bl Virgin^ and t\*.t Apoftler. Over a Door of the faid Chambers there is a very

PilLlTiD £: Cartona j\l

The Palace of Pitti, being ihe habitation of the Great Duke.

Where are feen four mofi: ftately Chambers, excellently painted with variety of Hitlories, by Vietro da Coictonif.

u The % I ig The Paifitefs voia^cy


The City of Parma,

The church of the Nuntiatata.

IN the Quire of the faid Church you (ee a Vidimt with a Madonna and her Son^ and four Saints by her fide, by the hand of Parmeg^ giano^ his firft manner of painting.

In the Sacriftie of the (aid Covent, there is a Square of S. John Baptizing Chriji^ by Vatmeggi-

anc, his firft manner. Santa 4 (/ITALY. up

Santa Cecilia.

As you enter this Church, on your right hand there is a Picture with a Madonna on high with her Son^ on each lide a Saint, by the hand of LanfrancOj a rare work.

The church of the Capuchincs.

Entring this Church, on your left hand you fee a Square with the Bleffed Felice holding the Child Jefus OH his Jhottlders^tpith the B. Virgin in a pofture of receiving them^ and a Olory of Boyfy the work o^Guercin da Cents, Right againlt this you fee another great Pi-

<9;ure, with Chriji on the Crofs, by his lide is a S. Katherine, and the Kitratto of a Capuchine^ with many Angels lamenting, a inoft beautiful work of Guercin da Cento.

In a Chapel 1 you fee a S, Antheny of Fadua^ by "Tadeo Zuccharo.

At the high Altar is a great Piece, the top , whereof is half round, with a dead Chriji in the lap of the B» Virgin half dead, upheld by Angels, with S. Francif pointing at our dead Lord^ as al(b ^ S.Magdalen, and S.Chiara^ wkh a Glory of Angels'carrying the Crofs, painted by the moli excellent hand of Hannibal Carache, On the fide of the faid Altar there is a S. Levpif King of France^ and a S. Chiara^ the work of the faid Hannibal,

1 Within 120 The fainter''sVoiage^

within the Covent, over a Door there is a Madonna with the Child^ and a little 5. John^ by the fame Hinnibal,

The Church of All Saints.

At tJie High Altar there is a Square which rcprefents our Saviour fitting and giving benediCii. on, with many Saints on his right hand, and a S. Stephen praying, with other Pictures of holy Vir- gins, by thfhand of Lanfranco^

The Cbnrch of the Fathers Jefuites.

Over a p'ace of Confeffion you fee a Square with our Saviour bound to the Pillar with two

Angels lamenting, and many little Angel j;, by the hand of ladeo Zucchjro. The great Altar-piece is a moft lingular work of Faulo Veronefe, On the two Pcdeftals of the faid Altar the>e

are two Heads, with the B. Virgin, and the -«4 - gel, the worH of Tad^o Zuccharo.

The Church of S. Sepulchre.

As you enter at the great Door in the firft Chapell on your left h:;nd you will admire a

Hquarc, the top of it is half round > where is a Madonna and the Child Chriji, and S. Jofeph,a, divine work, after the ufual manner of great drreggio, - At f/ ITALY, III

M the Madonna dtlla Scala, over tk& Door of S. Michatl.

There is a Madonna with her Son in her arnTiS; by the hand of the aforefaid Corregj^io,

The Church of the Fathers Servin.

There is a Square upon which is a Madonna with the Child in her lap, and many Angels ^bf the hand of Farmeggianino,

jit the Battcfimo,

There is a Square with S. Ottavio^ and a A/^- donnay the work of Lanfranco,

The Nuns Church ofS. PaqI,

Entring at the great Door, at the fecond

Chapell, there is a Square with the B. Virgin and her Son in her lap, with S.Cecilh^S. Mar- garet^ and a little S. John (hewing our Lord^ a moil fair work of JugHJiine Carache.

At the great Altar there is a little Square,

upon yvhich IS Our Lord on the Judgement feat,

and on the right hand of the Square is S.P<^k/ at his (tet^ and S. Katherine kneeing, the work of divine Kaphael. In 12 2 The Painter''i VoiagCy

In the faid Covent there is a Chamber pain- ted in Frefco, with many Figures, by the hand of Corregghf a moft fair work.

Tke Church ofS. Anthony.

As you enter at the great Door in a Chapell on your right hand is feen a Square with a Madonna, and her Son fitting reading, and on the right hand of this Square is a S Girolamo kiiling their feet. On the other fide of it is a S,Mary Mag- dalen killing our Saviours feet, a lingular work of divine Corregio, Then follows at the great Altar a Square with the Madonna and the Child Jeftu, giving benediction to the two Saints^ S. Francis, and S. Churjy by the hand of Guercin da Cento.

The Domo.

In which you will admire the marvellous Cuppola, with the four Angles, one of the finelt works in the world, by the moft excellent hand ef great Correggio.

The church of Madonna della Steccata.

Over the Crofs-Ifle of the Church there is a Madonna aloft, the reft of the Roof is likewife painted by Farmeggianino. In another lile of this Church, over againft the of ITALY. i25f the Image of the Blejfed Virgin is (een a Square with the Adoration of the Magiy the woik of Carravafi^io. On the infide of the Organ you fee a Vavid and a Sibyll, with other Figures, by the hand of

Parmtggianino : all of them lingular works.

The church of S. John, Fathers Benediftioes,

In this Church ynu fee a Cuppola with its four Angles, and other marvellous works ac- cording to the ufual manner of gre-t Correggio, On the Roof of the Quire are works copied from Correggio^ by the hand of Bagliotte^ but re-toucht by Correggio himfelf. In the two Crofs-llles there are two Chapels where you will fee works o£ Carrav^gio in Frefco. Coming out of the Church, at the fecond Chapell on your left hand, there are two Squraes, On one you will admire a Viety. In the, other (he Martyrdom of feveral Benedictine Saints^ by the hand of great Correggio.

There are the Roofs of fome little ChapeUs painted in Frefco^ by Parmeggiamm, There is aUo in this Church over a little Door, as you go into the Covent, a S. John the Ev««gf///f, painted in Frefco^ by the hand of Correggio,

In the firft Cloyfter of the Covent of the abovefaid Fathers, there are many paintings in Chiaro Scuro^ being Hiftories of the Old 'lejia' menty by the hand of Carravagio» Ihff ^ 124 7he Painter V Voiage^

The Palace of the Fontana adjoyning th Garden of the Moft Sereoe Duke.

lo a low Apartement you fee a great Square Chamber with the Roof painted in Frefco, h) the hand of AngMfiine Carache ^ fingular works and the laft of the Author. There is a beautifull Infcription in the prat{( of Pi(iJure. In the Apartement of Squares there is in one Chamber a Square with Venus and Adonit^ by the hand o(Faulo Veronefe.

There is alio a Figure reprefenting a River^ by Canache. Then follow the Heads of the twelve Em- fernnrs in Chiaro Scuro, by the hand of Titian.

There is alfo another Square of many Animals by the hand orBajfano. You alfo fee two Figures in two Squares but rot finifhed, by the hand of Auguftine Carrache.

There is feen likewife a little Square of two Kitrattos fixing aCiab-fifli to the ears of a Cat and laughing, the work of Cartche.

There is another Square, with a P/yc^f aloft,

two littlf Figures, and the work of 'Tadeo Zm* (bara.

Now o/ ITALY, I2S

tiow jollows tke Famous Chambtr of the Ritratti.

Over a Door is a Square of a beautiful Bny^ by the hand oi Hannibal Carache. Th:n follow two Kitrattor, of a Senator and another compoGng of Mu(ick,the work o[ Han- nibal Carache.

Next is a Lady ordering her Locks, or Trcf^ fes. by the hand o^ Titian.

Over thefe is a Kitratto of P. Ptf»/ the third when he was Cardinal, the work of excellent Kaphael.

Next is a kitratto of Viogenes with a writing

pen in his hand > a Hne thing. You alfo fee the Kitratto of that Amorous Lady, called L. Antea del Farmeggiano, by his own hand.

Beneath thefe Squares is a Kitratto of Duke

Kannccio the firft, by the hand of Carache.

And beneath this again, there is the Pidure of a little Girl with a lurbant on her head, the work o( Giulio Komano,0 Next is the Pidlure of Cardinal Farnefe^ bf the hand oi^ Carache.

Below the faid Cardinal is anethcr Kitratto of P«j^f Fietro Alovigi^ the work of Kaphael Vrhin. Then follow on the third FionitvtoKitrattotj, by Farmeggianino.

Ill the middle between thefe two Kitrattositi another Pi(ftjre of the abovefaid T>uks Fi(tr§

' Alovigi Farnefe, by the h^nd cf lit/an, Then 126 The Painter''s Voiage^

There aire two little Ritrattos by the hand of Varmeggianino. Next is the Pidureof a .9<»»W/>r, by the fame hand. There is alfo another Souldier in Armour, by the hand of Ginlio Komano. Over the Door you may fee the Ritratto of

Alexander the Great ^ the work of Titian.

Behind a Window is a Ritratto o(^ i Philofo- fhereby Andrea del Sarto. Over the Window are two Ritrattor, one of which is the Diiks of Ferrara^ the works of I'itian,

In another Piece is the Pidure of a Prieji, by Farmeggianino, Then follows the Pidture of fanl the ihird^

in little, the work of fitian.

Next to this follow two Ladies ^ by the hand of Varmeggianino. On the other fide of the Window are three Heads, by litian.

There is alfo the PIdrure of Fr

Here follows dnothtr Chamber,

^^^^^ y°^ ^*'^ admire the marvellous » Of/I r my* ^ Cingarina^hy the hand of Correggio^ There is alfo a S. Chiara^ with a S. Anthony of Padua^ by the hand of Caravagio, You may likewife obferve four Squares in half of ITALY. 127 half Figures. In .one is S. Mary Magdalen^ in the other are S. Veter^ S. Girolamo^ and Prophet Vavid^ by Guetcin da Cento. You may obferve near unto thefe, a Madonna with the Child^ and a S. "jofefi)^ by Raphael de Vrhino,

Beneath this is a S. John^ by the hand of Le- oMardo da VincL Then follows a Magdalen weepings the work of Hannibal Carache, Here are two Saints by Guetcino, viz. 5. P^/fr and S, Girolamo, There is a S. Nicholas de Jolentino^ by the hand of Fordenon, Here is alfo a Head of S.Girolamo by the hand of Carache, Next is a Madonna^ with her eyes lifted up towards Heaven, by thehandof ^Pacj??^'. You may obferve likcwife, a Nativity of our Lord^ by Hannibal Carache, • Over a Chimney you may obferve a Ci&ri^ carrying the Crofs^ by the hand of Andrea del Sarto, Then follow two Copies of S. John^ Copied from the works oiCorreggio^ by an able Mafter.

Novp followf the Chamber of Audience.

Where are two Squares hung aloft, of two Figures at length, by the hand oi Correggio, There are al(b two other Squares which re- prefent two Elements? viz. The Earth and the

Water^ by the hand oiBaJfano, After Ia8 JheVaintei^s Voiage^

After thefe is another Squase which reprefertt* lucretia Romano killing her fe^f, by the hand o^ Farmeggianino.

Underneath this Square there is another of the Efpoufal of S. K

On each fide of this Piece is a Ritratto^ one is the effigies of Martin Luther^ done by Ra- phael^ the other by Varmeg^ianino,

Next is a Chriji in a half- figure, by the hand of Correggio. On the other front you (ee a S. Girohmo^ a half-figure, by the hand of Leonardo da Vinci,

Near unto this is a Madonna with our Savi- eur afleep, and a little S. John^ by the hand of UannibJl Carache.

Then follow two Ritrattos In little, one is the

Pidture of I0liiiball Carache s, the other the Fi-

<^urc of a Lady i both done by her own hand*

Thefi follows another Chdvtber^ vphich they i call the Qhzmhtx o^ Swtm,

In which you will find a Madonna with her Son at her feet, and a little S. John^ by the hand of great Raphael,

There is alfo a Square only in rough draught, by Correggio, You may fee the Nativity of our Lor^, by the hand v( Carrache, a little Square. Here follow three little Madonnjs^ by Raphael^ very fair works. then of IT A LY. 129

Then follows a Madonna and her Son^ and S* Jofeph^ by the hand of Augujiine earache^ a rare work.

There is alfo a little Square of the head of i Madonna^ by the hand of Frederico Zuccharo, Next is a S.Rocco^ in little, the work ofP<«r- meg^ianino.

There is likewi{e a head of out Saviour^ by the hand of Carache. Then follows a half-figure as large as na- ture, of our Saviour, the work of Andrea del Sarto.

There is a head of a Friefi after the life, by the hand oi^ HannibalI Carache. Then follows a Madonna with her Son in her armes, with a S. John^ S. Jofepb^ and S. Marga- ret, the work of Anguftine Carache. You may plainly obferve a C^ri/J ^e^^ carried to his Sepulchre, with many Figures, painted upon Copper^ a fingular work of Hanniball Ca- rache. After this follows a little Square with a S^ Francis in a Trance, upheld by an Angel, and a Glory of Angels about,, a moft fair work of Hannibal Carache. Then follows a S. John Baptifi^ by Hannibal Carache.

There is alfo a Madonna with her -y

K 7&f 130 The Painters Voiage,

7'hen follows another Chamber^ which they call the Chamber of the Amoretti.

In which you firft obferve a Lucretia Koma- na^ and another Square of a Leda xfith a Svpunt both of them by Vojji Ferrarefe, Adjoining to thefe is another Lucretia Kdma- na^ by the hand of Tartneggianino. You alfo fee "the Pajjton of out Lord^ the work of HannibaU Carache. There follows a little Madonna with her Son in her Armes, and a S. John^ by HannibaU Ca- rache ; a very fine piece.

Another Square a the Madonna , S. Jofeph^ and feveral Angelt^ is the work of T>o$ Fer- rarefe,

There is alfo a S. "Paul /hatched up into the third Heaven^ the work of Lanfranco. As alfo another little Madonna^ by the hand of G'uercino da Cento.

tphich Then Follows the lafi Chambers they \ call the Emperour s Chamber.

In this Chamber you fee three Squares.

In the firft is reprefented Judith cutting off : the Head of Holofemes. The fecond does demonftrate T^arquin ravifli- in^ Lucretia Komama. The third is Bathjheba difcovered by Vavid

out ; I

of ITALY. I ^ out of his Palace window, Painted by a Lady called Artemifia, and very fair works. You may alfb obferve a Venut llecping, by Hannibal Carache.

Over the Chimney there is a Square of St, AugufiinOi and other Figures, the work of Tor- denon. You likewife obferve twelve Emferours finely done, by Banniball Carache,

The great Hall in the middle of the faid Apartemefit,

Over the Chimney you will admire an An- nunciatiott^ the Figure is bigger than the life, a lingular work of great Corregs^io, In this Hall you likewife fee .the Kitratto of Charles the fifth on Horfe-hack^^ a moft lingular work of 'Titian. There follows in the fame Hall, an Angel flying, with many other Angels which accom- pany him: the Figures are bigger than the life, by Hannibal Carache, Then follow two other Squares, of S. John Baptiji^ and S. John the Evangelijl^ with many Heads of Angels, by the abovefaid Carache. Next are two Squares of S. Benedetto and S. M^«r<), with many Angels, by the Came Hannibal!, All thefe works are much bigger than the life. On the other fide of the Hall there is the Nativity of our Lord^ with many Figures, 'tis.a Night-piece, and the work of B'JJano, K 2 Right 132 The Painter'*s Voiage^

Right over againft the Kitratto of Charles the fifth. There is another Kitratto of Vuks Alexander Farnefe on Horfe-back, by thehand of ^«g«/f/«e Carache,

In the Dukes Apartement there are Pidures of all forts, of which I can give no good rela- tion, becaufe of the great quantity there is of them, it alfo being difficult to get liberty of feeing theni.

The Ciry of Piacenza.

The Domo.

AS you enter at the great Door, on your left hand, you fee the Chapell of S. Corrado, by the hand oi Lanfranco, Higher up near to the Quire, behind the Al- tar, and on your right hand as you go into the

Sacriftie, there is an Altar with S. Alejfio^ by the fame Lanframo. You alfo fee in this Church a Picture which repre- of n A LY. 133 reprefents S. Martin giving part of his Cloake for minify the work ofLudovico Carache*

The church of S. Sifto, Fathers Benediftines.

The Pidturc in the Quire which reprefents the B. Virgin and her 5o«, in the middle cf the Pidure, and by her fide is S. Barbary, S. Sijio, and two Boyr , a marvellous fair work, as it was the ufual manner of divine Kaphad,

S. Nazario, a Parochial Church.

Going in at the great Donr, you will find on your left hand, at the firft Altar near the faid Door, a painting which reprefents S. Mi- chael the Archangel holding Lucifer in Chainf^ with thefe words under-written aotjannes JLanfrancus Fgcit,

S. Andrew, a Parochial Church^

On your left hand as you enter the great Door, and in the firft Chapell near the faid Door, you will find an Altar-piece with the Image of the Madonna di Reggio^ with S. Fran- cif de Ajjifi^ and S. Rujlico a Martyr > the work of Lanfranco,

• K 3 Ihi 134 T^he Painter's voiagCy

The Church of the Fathers Setviti, called Madonna di Piazza.

As you enter at the great Door, the third Chapell on your left hand is all painted by La}ijranco. The Altar-piece is S. Luks the Evan- geliji in a pofture of writing, with his head lifted up towards a Troop ol Angels.

The Chapell about the Altar, where there is a little Cuppola with the B. Virgin in gloty^znd around the (aid Virgin are twelve Perfons which are believed to be the twelve Fatriarchs^ from wherc2 fhc is derived.

After this there is another little Cuppola with fmall windows, and on' the Top is the Father Eternal.

The Church ^/Madonna di Campagaia.

Where you fee feveral works around the in- fiJe of the Cuppola, by the hand of Giorgone. In this Church you likewife fee two Cha- pells, one with the Hiftory of S. Katherine. In

the other is the Pi<5turc of Chri^ : alfo the Altat of S. Augujiine^ all the works of Pordemn. Then follows the Tribunal, by the fame Au- thour. In like manner you fee a Pi6ture with the

'Blejfed Virgin^ S.t^ter^ and -S'. Taulj the work of moft noble Paulo Veronefe.

Corte of I T A L y. 135

Corte Maggiore^ in the Territory of Piacenz^,

The Domo.

HEre you will fee a Pidurcand a little Cup- pola, finglar works of Vordenon.

There is alfo a Picture by Caracbe.

K4 The 136 The TainUr''.sVoiagZy

The S T AT E

O F M O D E N A.

The City of Modena.

The Gallery ofthe Mofi Serene Duke.

TN this famous Treafuryyou fee a half-figure, -* and a Head^ by the molt ingenious Leonarda da Vinci. In the fame you fee a Kitratto of Kapbael^ and two Heads^ by Andrea del Sarto." And a great Square of Abrahams Sacrifice^ by the fame Sarto. There cf ITALY. 137 There are ten pieces, or there- abouts, by Gw- lio KomaHo. You likewife fee a Head, by Giorgone. In this fame Gallery there arc four Squares by 'titian. The firft reprefents the B. Virgin ancj S. Jofeph travelling into Egypt.

The fecond is the Bkjfed Virgin and her Soh^ and S, Paul.

The third is the Child Jefitr in the Manger, Then follows the fourth called the ^tadrQ delta Moneta^ viz. When the Hebrevps (hewed money to the Redeemer •> fingular works of the Author. There are alfo feen fome little pieces ofHeadf^ by Pordenon, Then follows thePid:ure of our Saviour^with another beautiful Square of old Palma. Next are two great Squares of noble Paulo Vermefe, In one you will admire the Marriage of Cana in Galilee, In the other the Coming of the Magi, with two other Squares, fome of the faireft works of the * Author. The next you fee is a famous Night-piece^ by Correggioi one of hismoft admirable works, the Lights of the Picture darting out miraculoufly. In like manner you will admire two Squaies of bold T'ifttoret. Alfo two of Giacomo Bajfano. One does demonftrate the Hiftoiy of the Sa- maritan.

The J 138 The Painter^sVoiage

The other is a Piece of Animah^ both ofthem fingular works, after his ufual manner. After thefe there are great Quantities of Squares, by Correggio, which I do forbear to name particularly for brevity fake. You will fee a Picture, Kitram^ and a by ; Farmeggiamm. There are like wife divers works of the three excellent Caracher. There are alfo works of Guido Keno, and di- verfe other Authors, which would fill a Book alone to write of all fuch Jewels as are contained in this Gallery. I have onely named the moft principal, I leave the reft to. the Virtuofos and moft curious, to obferve them particularly at their own leifure.

The Domo.

There are two Cngular good Pidures by Guido Keno,

The Cicy of ^eggio.

the church of S. Profpero.

Here you fee a Pidlure with the 'Eleff'ed w Virgin and the Child Jefus, and S. Giro- lamo^ of ITALY. 139 lamo^ with S. Crifpin and Crifpianifto^ the works of Gttido Kern. The Pi (Sure in the Quire is by HannihallCa' r^che.

The little Church ofS. Jofcpb.

There is a Picture which does demonftrgte a living Chriji^ by Guido Keno.

The Confraternity of S. R.0CC0.

ThePi(Sture in the Quire is the work of Hrf«- niball Carache,

Finale di MoJena,

ihe church of S.Nicholas,

HEre you will find a Pidlureof theB. Virgin with her Son^ and S. Lorcnz^ the work of Guercin da Cento,

Ihe I4P The Painter's Voiage^

The Houfe of Count Zuccati.

The Front of this Houfe is all painted by the abovefaid Guercin da Cento, •

The Caftle of Carpi.

The Donto.

is a HEre marvellous Pidlureof S. Kocco by the hand of Guido Kem.

Safuoli ten miles diftanc from Modtna,

T'he Church of the Capuchines.

TN which you will admire that moft beautiful Piece at thegreat Altar, , by the hand ofL«^.. vico Larache, The of ITALY. t4i

The Cay of Mirandola^

IN this City (efpecially in the Vukfi^s Gallery) they preferve variety of fingular good works of diverfe principal Authors, before-mentioned in this little work. ,

The City of Mantua.

the Dotno^^

HEre you fee a Pidure reprefenting the R

the 142 The Painter''s Voiage^

Iht church of S. Andrew.

There are two Pieces, one demonftrates the

Crucifixion ofChriJi i the other the finding of his Blood, by Giulio Komano,

The church of S. Dominico.

Here is feen a Pid:ure of the abovefaid Giulio,

The palace of T.

There are the moA famous works oi Giulio Komano^in diverfe HaHs,Galleries,ChamberS5&c. with Hiftories, and Freezes of all forts, the works of this Palace deferve coming from a far Gountrey to fee. In the Velitie di Marmircto^ there are alio va- rious works of the fame Giulio.

Th, of ITALY. 143



The Gity of Milan,

The Church of the Madonna dclla Graiie, Fathers Dominicans.

HEre is the famous Pidure, by "Titian, repre- (enting the Crovpning of the Redeemer mth a Crown of thornsy one of the faireft works of the Author.

-Thi 1^4 The?ainter^s Voiage^

The Dorao.

Here you fee a moft beautiful Pidture of a "Dead Chriji^ by the hand of Barocci,

The Church of S. Celfo Preti.

In the fecond Sacriftie you fee a Square of Kaphael, In the Church you will admire the Altar-piece of S. Girolamoy the work of Paris Bordone,

The church of the Fathers Teatini.

As you enter at the great Door* on your right hand you may obferve a Square by the fide of the furthermoft Altar, by the hand of Ludovico Carache.

In the moji famoui Library called the Libraria Ambrofiana.

There are four Squares by Titian^ fingular ones. You fee moreover, many works by Leonardo da Vinci, In the fame you (ee upon two Squares the di- fpute concerning the Sacrament^yKaphaeh^zm' ted in Home in the Palace of the Vatican, There are alfo divers defigns of the moft fin- gulais Painters named in this Book. In of ITALY; . 145



Signior Manfredo Sepiale.

'THjs Clofet abounds with variety of Raritres^ -• in Nature as well as Art, I fhall oqly takq notice of the beft Paintings, being only proper

to the thing in hand. •

1. There is the Effigies o^Galejzzo Septate^ Captain of the Germans^ and Great- unkle to Septale, Manfredo This Pidure needs no other commendation than that it was the work of TitidH,

2. Pi

the B. Virgin Mary^ 3. The Annunciation of the work of a certain Hollander eminent in the Court of Kame,

4. The Pidare of Senator Septale, Brother to Manfredo^the woxko£ Vaniel Crifp a Painter of great repute.

aforefaid 5. There is a large Pidure of the Daniel Crifpi^ relating to the 7emptation ofS» An- thony^ a lingular invention.

6. Another Pidure of the moft lUuftrious and Reverend Biftiop Charlet Septale ^Erothtx to Man- fredo^ the work of a Flemming^ eminent in the City of Rowf.

himfelf, 7. The Pidure of Manfredo the work of the above-named Vaniei Crifpi-

8. A fmall Pi<9:ure of the B. Virgin Mary witF S. Jofeph and Chriji an Infant taking of Fruit: the from S. Jofeph, a work of lingular beauty,and work of that famous Woman Gallitia,

Ludovico Sepal p. Another fmall Effigies of when he was a youth.

Chriji 10. The Pidure of the B. Virgin, with painted in a larg and S. John, being little Boyes, Pidtareby great Rrf;>/:»je/, the Prince of Painters.

grave Ma 1 1 A moft Elegant Pidure of a tron, by Leonardo dj Vinci. 12. A of ITALY. 14-7

12. A fmalljbut moft noble Picture, by Bfr-

1 mrdim Luini, a famous Painter, in which is re- prefentcd the Pidure of the B. Virgin Mary^ aHd Chriji giving a Yloxvet to S. John Ba^tiji.

The 13. Pidureof Nontio Gallitii z famous Limner, and Father of Fide GaVnia, who pain- ted this piece.

14- The Pidlure of F/Jtf GjJ^/>?^ in the flower of her age, done by her own hand. I

1 5. The Pi(aure of a Little Boy, the work of Fide GaVitia.

16. The Picture of the Vuk^e of Ferrara^ a fingular work of Juliana,

17. Another Piarure of Sepiale, the work of Bronzino^ a Florentine,

18. The Pidlure of Gufiavus Adolphus K'mg of the Svpedes^ by an unknown hand.

1 p. The Picture of Chrijiina Qiicen of the Sivedety and Daughter to Gnjiavus.

20. The Pidiure ofOliver CromxveH^ by an uii- »known hand.

2 1. The Pidure of the moft Serene John Vnke of Au^ria^ the work of Vaini,

2 2. The Pidure of Tope Innocent the tenth. L 2 23.The A

148 The Painter''s Voiage^

23. The Pidture of fop Julius the fecond in the middle between two young Cardinals^ vii. Cardinal Medici (who waschofen ?ope when he was but thirty three years of age> and called Leo the tenth) and Cardinal Sixtuf^ the work of one of Raphael Vrhines Scholars.

24. A Woman of tail Stature with her Face hairy all over, every hair as long as ones hand, an egregious work of Vaini.

25. The Figure of a Monjler by an unknown hand.

2 6. The Pidture of "Trvo Virgins in Hunting habits,

27. A great Picfture of Bajfano^ reprefenting our Kede enter Crovoned with Ihorns.z Night-piece.

28. A Picture upon which two Painters ofno mean Rank Tto wit Grojfo and Vuehino) did vie with each other, in it there is expreffed the B.Vir- gin with the Child Jefm^znA B, Elizabeth^ and a little S.>^«. 2 p. A Pidture expreffing the fad Accident which befell Lucretia Kotnana (heathing a Dagger in her Bowels, as an eternal fignitication of her in violated Chaftity, the work of Cfr^^i.

30. S. James fitting on his Horfe, and bran- difhing his Sword amongft his difperfed Soul-

diers, this is likewife a Pi<3:ure oiCerani, ^ I. AS. Jofepb, by Cerani. 32. «j/ I T A L Y. 149

32. A B«/f(7,with the head of S. James ^ the work of Cerani,

53. The Woman beh'eved to be a Whore, the work ofthat famous Painter Leonardo da Vinci,

34. Vavid carrying in his har^ds the formi- dable head of the Giant Go//

35. S.FraHcis mth a farrot^tht work oiCeranVs Siiter.

3^. A Lucretia, the work of Leone Aretini,

37. Another Lucretia^ the work oiSardini,

38. S. Jerome accompanied with an Angeli- (ial Minftrel, the work of Vermilii.

3p. The Pidureof S. John^ the work of Her- cules Frocacit^i,

40. An Anatomy naturally exprefled by Vaniel Crifpo that eminent Painter, who paiqted moil: part of the ^rc^tCarihufian Church ztliacin,

41. The Pidure of the moft celebrated Ju- cunda^ an Ornament in the {Cing of France^s Bed chamber, a Copy from Leonardo dd Vinci.

42. A,n Egyptian Woman^ by Fide Callitia.^ from an Original of Leonardo da Vinci.

4S-A 150 The P ainttr'' s voiage^

43. A great Piece in which the Martyrdom of S. Cecilia is expreffed, by Salimbono from an Original of Micerini,

44. Three large Pidures, Copied from the Paintings of Andrea del Sarto.

45. Two Pidures more of the fame hand, in one is S. Agnes and S. Chrifiina^ in the other is S. Feter^ and S. John.

46. The Pi(3:ure of a Woman, a Natural work of Tintoret,

47. Herodias with S.John Baptijl"*! head, the Head is the work of Cerani, Herodias the work of a Daughter of Cerani^ and Wife to the Painter Melchiore Gherardino.

48. S. Jerome^ and S. Lucia^ the works of Melchiore Gherardino.

4P. S. Jerome praying, a Night-piece, the work of Bajfano. |

50. A Vldcarc containing the B. Firgin with h r SoHj and two Angels worfiiipping, the work of Soliano.

51. The B. Virgin with. Jejus znd S. John^ 3 ; Copy from Raphael Vrhin, the Original of which ;.

is reckoned amongft the precious pieces that the i

' King of France preferves.

52. The > of ITALY. 151 o^Luino, after Raphael 52. An Emulous work Vrbino, expreffing the B. Virgin, with her Son and a Pilgrim,

her Son and Sjofeph^ 53. The B. Virgin with Copied from Correggio, by Fide GaJlitia.

habited after the 54. The Blejfed Virgin Mary Egyptian nr.ode, likewife Copied from Correggio, by Fide Gallitia,

55. A Heifer^ pointed by Fide Gallitia,

56. The Firgm,with Jefus.S. Elizabeth, znd S. John^iht work of If /4rfii«/. « 57. Another Virgin with C/^r?/^ an I»/

58. Two fingular Pidtures, one of which is illaftrated with S.Katberine, in the other is the B. r/rg;>f Crowned with a Glory of Angels, the works of Bernardino Luini, and his Brother.

5p. A great Pidure in which is-exprefled the ftroke firft Murther, viz. Cain giving the fatal to his Brother Abely an original of Guido Keno. There are alfo four other Pidures,Copied from the Originals of the lame Guido Keno,

60, A Magdalen, by Hercules Frocacino^

61. An Annunciation brought from Rw»^, a piece of fmgular beauty. L 4 6?. Three 152 The FainUf^Voiage^

62, Three Pidiures famous for three Heads,

that oi Homer^ another of S. Jerome^i\\z third of Mofes^ having in his hands the Tables of the

Law > the works of 'liroli,

6^. Two Birds painted by Fide Gallitia,

6^. A Forrof of the moft beautiful fort, asalfo another 'Egyptian Bird, which were formerly live Ornaments in the Houfe oi Septate,

^5. Vaniel in the L/o«/!Pf«,the Lions are the Works of Vaniel CriJ'pi^ after Brttgora^ but Vaniel h the work of Mekhiore Cherardino.

66. The Pidiures of Ixoticf^ Animalf, for- merly familiar Ornaments in the Houfe of Sep- tale^ now only beautifie two Squares, the chief of thefe is a Japan Bird called Micous, not fo much famous for its diverfity of colours, as for its Docibility, for when the Arch-Vuks of /«- fpruck, and the Arch-Vutchefs of Aujiria were ad-

miring, and praifing ofit, it anfwered fcornfully,

that Septate had given it them as a prefent to their moft Serene HighnelTes.

67. An Indian Crovp.

6%, Two large Landslips by the diligent hand of Fietro Ftorentino,

dp. Two other Landtkjpx of a leiTer fize, by the fame Author.

70. AtempefiztSea, 71. Another of ITALY. 153

71. Another Profpjedt at Sea.

72. A Battle, by Carolo Battavo. r

73. A Calm Sea, with many Sails difplayed within the Jlaven, the work ot a Fleming, after Brugora.

74. A great Landskip expreifing a large Country, by Carolo a Sole,

75. King Frtarn's Palace in Flames, by K«- dolpho,

jS. Another Landskjp after the life.

77. Another fair Profped of a Countrey, the work of Fietro flandro.

78. A great Pi(fture reprefenting Armed Wo- men, and other Types of War.

7p. The Pidiure ofthe Great Colojfus, or the Amphitheatre at Kome^ together with CoHjian-' tine's Arch^ done at Kome, by one Fhilipp.

80. Other fmall Landsk^pSj exprcfled in fix Pidtures.

Si. A moft petfedt piece oi "Brugora,

82. The Pidure of K, Philip the fourth, the moft potent Monarch of Spain^ by Faini,

83. A 154 ^^^ Painter 'i Voiage^

83. A fmall Pi(^urein Liw«m^, which reprc* fents Jefus going to Em^w, done at Kome.

84. Another fmall Pi<3;urejby Leonardo daVinci.

85. Other two Pidures which reprefent the B. Virgin and Chrifi Crowned with Flowers.

The City of Cremona.

The Domo.

ON the infide of the Front of this Vomo there is a large Hiftory reprefenting ChriH Cru* cified between the Thieves^ with many other Fi- gures, a fuperb work of Verdenon,

The City of Genoua.

The church of S. Stephen.

HEre is to be admired the Hiftory of the Stoning of this Saint^ a ftately work of Giulio Komanv, In of ITALY: 155

In divers places where the Gentlemen of Genoua afTemble (but chiefly that called thelw perial Apmbly) are feen divcts Squares of great titian.

The phhlick^Palace.

Here is to be feen in a Hall, a Freeze ofmoft beautifull Boyesy by the hand of Pordemn.

TheCity of Lucca.

Tie Domo.

AT the third Altar on the right hand as you enter, you will find a Piduie of our K^- deemer^s lajl Suffer with the Apojilcs, the WorK of 'lintoret. Near the Sepulchre ofCtfr^//«4/ Giudiccianiyou, fee another Pidture of the B. Virgin aud her Son

C^ri/f,Crowned by two Angets, at their Feet is an Angel playing upon the Lute^ and on each fide is S. John Baptiji and S. Stephen^ by Fra. Bartolor meo.

In 1^6 The Painter 's Voiage,

In the Chunh of S. Romano, Fathers Domiuican?.

At the firft Altar on your left hand as you enter, is another admirable Pi^-ure, wherein is exprefTed an Ecfafic of S. Kafherme of Siena ^^nd S. Magdalen with the Father Eternal in Glory, At the fecond Chapell on your right hand J5 a Piaure of the abovefaid Fra, Bartolomeo wherein is exprefTed the Virgin Mother of Mercy bleffing great numbers of people with hcrGar- inent, and above it the B Virgin with the Ke- deemer with his armes ipread abroad, and Ihewing

3anta Maria, called Corte Landi ni.

tlere are two Figures by Guido Reno, one is on the right hand of the great Altar repre- fenting the Firgin in the Snow, with Chriji in her arms, and an Angtl (baking off the Snow, with a S, Mary Magdalen, and S. Lucia. The other is ^ on the left hand, with Chriji on the Croff, at his Feet is S. Katherine a Virgin Martys^ and S, Giulio a Martyr.

The Cknrch ofS, Piero Samaldf.

As you enter at the great Door, the firft Al- tar on the left hand is by old Palma, where you find S. Anthony the Abbot in the middle of four other Saints. j^ 0/ 1 T A L Y, 15;

In S. Pieiro Civoli.

The third Altar on your left hand a^you en- ter, is the work of Lanfranco^ fignifying the Martyrdom of S. Lorenzo.

Near to the fide Door, is likewifc feen a Pi- cture with Chrijl Crbvpning of S. lerefa^ and over then) are two Saints.

In S. Maria without the Gates,

Here are feen two Pictures by GHerein da Cento^ both of"them near the great Aharj in one is S Lucia, in the other is the /^jfumpiiofi^

with S. SylvejUr Po/'f , and S. France of AfifibQ- low.

Pefcia^ ten miles diftant from Lucca,

In the Church called La Pi ere.

ENtrlng this Church, in the utmoft Chapelt on your right hand, you fee a lUtcly Pi-

dure of the "B. Virgin upon a Throne with' her Son in her Aimes, and two little Angels, with divers 158 7he Painter''s Voiage^ divers Saints on each fide, an admirable work of incomparable Kafhael.

Alia Pkre de Lamari two miles diltanc from Lucca,

The church.

• HEre is feen a Pidure of the abovefaid Ks- fhael^ with the B. Virgin^ S, Anthony^ S. Bartholomerp, and S. Bernardino ofSiena^ an ad- mirable work. In this fame Church, and in the firft Chapell on your right hand as you enter, you fee a Bip9op and an holy Martyr^ with two Kitrattos on their knees, and above the Altar is the Father Eter-

nal^ it is the work of an unknown Author, but

a piece fo beautiful that it does not give place to any Malkr whatfoever.


RAPHAEL : Ki. nCL. '^ai.A'. J4.8i . of ITALY. 159

The City of Naples,

The Chapell of Teforo.

TN divers parts of this Chapell you (ee Hiftories -' relating to feveral Saints^ Angular works of Vominichino, In the fame Chapell are likewife Ceen divers ftupendious works by the hand o£Giovanni Lan- franco.

The Church of S. Dominico.

In this Church you fee a moft (lately Pidure

of divers 5am//J by the hand of great Rdi/»/?jf/,

F IN 1 S.

v;. .r-^

RARE S'I'S MD, 31*^56 (pl5 62? \/.^q