'f - '/-'«' ';/-.€ t£f, a. ^ 0^ O . - y: DireSions to place the Sculptures. 1. The Frontifpiece before the Title, 2. The Map of Italy before the Table, 5. Michael Angelo. Pag. 17. 4. Titian. p. 50. 5. Paulo Veronefe, p. ii2. 6. Pietro de Cortona, p;ii7. 7. Raphael Urbin. P«i59» A Licenfed, Decemb.6. .678. Koger VEftrange. THE PAINTERS VOYAGE I T A L Y. IN WHICH All the famous Paintings of the moft emi- nent Mafters are particularifed, as they are preferved in the feveral Cities of IT ALT, Chiefly relating to Their Altar-pieces, and luch other Paint- ings as arc Ornamental in their Churches. And Alfo Many choice Pidiures, kept as Jewels, in the Palaces of particular perfons. Whereijnto is added That excellent Colledion of Signior 5EPr.4LE,inhisCIoret at MILAN. Iliailraced with The Heads of forae of the moft renowned Painters. Written Originally in- //fl/i<j?z by Giacomo Barri ^Venetian Painter. Englifhed by W.L, of Lincolu5-Imne,Gent. - L N:pON, Printed for Tho, Flejhtr^ at the Angel and Crown in S. Fauls Church-yard. i6yp. -^ T O The Right Honourable THOMAS, LordBELLASIS, Vifcount FAVLCONBERG. My Lord, WHen I had the ho- nour to attend your Lordjhip in your Embajfy to the States of Venice^ it was my fortune A 4 there ^ The Epiftle Dedicatory. there to meet with a [mail Piece entitukd Viaggio Pittorefco d Italia, the Tas\ being ofno very great difficulty^ and alto- gether agreeable to my, own in- (lination^ I have gratified pty [elf- and I hop not difobliged ingenious Artifls in a faithful rendition of it into Engliflij which I have done the rather hecaufe the Boo\ ir rarely to he found in Italy, and 1 can- not remember I have feen any Original in England but that which is in my own hands. I have The Epiftle Dedicatory. have taJ^n courage to prefix your Lordjhipf honourable name to thif Tranfldtion to render it acceptable to the world^ under the Patronage of an acurate Judge^ and a jealous lover and encourager of the noble Art ^Painting. If it may ferve to put your Lordjhip in mtnd of the pleafure you received by a ferfonal view and admiration of thofe great Mafters elaborate Pieces when your Lordfhip wa^ abroad; and in any rnea- fure tejiife my defires to ferve your The Epiftle Dedicatory. your Lordjhip^ 'tis the greatejl Honour and fatisfaBion can be mpedfor^ or is attainable by^ My L O a D, Vour Lordfhip's moft obliged and moft obedknt Servant r. I. To the ingenious READERS. HAving, not many years fince, given my felf the fatisfaaion ofperfonally viewing the mod prin- cipal Places and Rarities of Rome^ and other the beautiful Cities ofha" ly\ I thought my felfobliged to make my Countrcymen fome accompt of my Obfervations, thofe efpeci- ally who are lovers of the Noble Art of Painting ; if not to affure our young Nobility and Gentry that 'tis worth their while, and curiofity to Travel; yet at lead to inflame their minds, and excire their induftry, to imitaec To the Reader. imitate chofe great Mafiers whol, limploymentmacle their Lives eafie their Perfons Venerable, and thei Names immortal : On thefe con/ide- rations 1 had attempted , my felfj a ColkSJion of what I had feen^buc tar wane of opportunities, and ad- mi/iion mto feveral Phces of re- n^ark, I was about to have defifted ?rom that Defign, which I forefaw \vas like to be but very imperfeft: At laft, lighting upon the enfuing Treatife, K found the work criti- cally done to my hand ; wherein there IS a faithful accompt of the Names and Performances of molt of the grmcO: Ma/iers, as well An^ tient as Modern/ whofe curious and elaborate Phces are at this day the taireft Ornament, and Pride , of all the places of Devotion, Pjeafure, and Magnificence throughout all Jtalj. The Author Giacomo Barri was To the Reader. was a Venetian Painter of good e- fl:eem,and had che good hap to pleafe his Countreymen by letcing them know in this Book what Treafures they were Mafters of: and 1 dare hope this my Tranflation (mean as it is) has not rendred it altogether Jn acceptable at home, to thofe ac lead who have any paflion for an Art ^o worthily efteemed by the mod In- ' ;enious Spirits of all Ages. I have dded onely two things of my own 3 this work. One is a view of Sig^ ior Septalei Clofet in Milan^ not iferiour to any oftheltalian Princes >olleftions ( inacceflible it feems to )ur Author ;) The other a few Heac/s offome ofthe mod renowned Majlers; { (hall compafs the ends of all my Travels and pains, if my Countrey- nen, by thefe my endeavours^ may ake encouragement to emulate what hey fee there fo highly valued and admi- To the Reader. admired; and undoubtedly the Englijh Genius is as capable of arriving at the higheft pitch of Per- feSion and Glory in This and all o- ther Liberal Sciences, as that ofold Athens^ or of modern Roms. W. L ad; El an fed the At THE TABLE. A. CittadeUa. 107 Cremona. 114,154 A Ncona. Pag.27 Corte Maggiore nel Via' Jx Afolo. 105 centina. 135 Carpi. 140 B. F. Bolognia, 33 Burano. F«ori di Kama. 23 Baffano. 106 Fuligno, 24 Brefcia, ^^3 Fano. 29 Furli. 29 C. Faenzt, 32 Ferrara. 33 Citta di CafieVo, 24 Fiorenza. 11$ CividaU. Finale di Modena. 13^ Conegliano. lOO Ceneda. 1 03 G. CafieUo di S.Salvatore^ lOI Genoa. 11^ >i54 C4eU Franco. iq6 I. The table. Piacenza, 152 I. Pefcia. J 57 Imoia, 5Q Pieredi Lamari. 158 IfoladiS. 'Elena. pz Jfola della Cudiecha. p^ R. Jfola df S. Giorgio, ps Kama. I Kimini, 30 L. Ravenna, LorettoL 25 Keggio, ij8 Lucca, s. M. Senegaglia, 31 Macerata, 26 SeravaU, 104 Murano 88 Sirinaha, Mazorbo, 90 Sajfvoli, 14Q Montanagna. I op Modena. 1^6 T. Mantua, 141 Torcello, Milano, 143 Trevifb, N. V. Napli, J5P Vrbino, 3^ Venetia, 45 P. Vdine, 99 Villa di Marens. Terugia, I or 25 Villa di Fontanelle, loi Pefaro. 28 Villa di Caftello, PordeHon. 104 P8 Villa di MazfH, Padua, 105 io8 Vicenza, no Parma. 118 Verona. 112 i:hi CO The State or Territory b F i H i C H U R G rt. Within the City of Rome. The Church of S, Peter. S you enter at tfie great Door, the firrt Chappel on the right hand of the Cru- A cifix is ail painted by the hand of Laftfranco. Then follows In the fame. part of the ChurcK the great Altar-piece of the Martyrdom of S. Se- lajiian^ z Cm^uhx wofk of VomimcbiKo, The Cuppola over this Altar is Mofaick work, ind the Defign of Pieiro da Cortona. ^ In like manner follows the Chappel of the Sacrament, where is a Piece of the f^me Ptstro, da CorioHa Ttpreferiting the Coronation of pur B. Lady. The Cuppola of this' Chappel is alfo Mofaick, and the Dellgn of the fame Authour. .Walking , under this .Chappel, on the front there is a Square of Mtstiam. J9f Po\-^ 2 The Painters Voiage, Following on, in the crofs Ifle on the right hand there is a Side of one of the Altars, which is the work of Moniieur Fojjine^ reprefenting the Miracle of S. Erafomusy a very beautiful! piece. Being gone a little farther, you fee the fa- mous little Bark of S. Tetet^z lingular good work of Lanfranco, The Square right over againft this is the hand of Camaffei^ and denotes the Miracle done by the Aportle S. Peter ^ when he caufed the wa- ter to fpring up in the Prifon for baptiiing withall. Then follows diredly in view the fpeciall Pidture whioh demonftrates when S. Fetromlla was laid in the Sepulchre : it is the work of Guercin da Cento, Turning towards the Chair at the head of the Church, and having palTed the faid Chair , you fee on your left hand a ftately Pidure which re- prefents S. Teter going to the Temple with S. John^ and doing the Miracle of curing the lame : a moft fuperb work ofChivoli. Advancing' a little forward along the crols Ifle, and being paft the Sacrittie, there is a Pidture which denotes the Miracle of S. Gregory holding a bloudy Handkerchief in his hand: a moft beautiful work o( Andrea Sacchi. Thole Pidures of the four Altars under the Pilafters of the great Cuppola are by the hand of the fame Sacchi, tbt o/ 1 T A L Y. 3 The Church ^/^S.Martha behifid S.Vatx\ Eritring this Church -at the great Door you fee the Picture of S.VrpiHa^zn^ on the left I^^nd is a Pidureof tWQ-^EremitSjthe work *ot Hermits, of Lanfranco, The Church of S. Peter in Montorio. Here you will admire the tnofi: famous great Altar-piece, and, as I may fay, the unparallel'd Pidure of great Raphael. It fignifies the Tranf- figuration of pur Saviour. The Church of S, Onofiio. ; Before you enter this Church, there iff a little Lodgment wherein are painted three Half- moons, by the hand of Vominkhim. Within this Church on the right hand there is aPidure which reprefents the Holy Houfe as it was tranfported \x\to Italy by the Angels, the work of Hannibal Carache. The Church of S, Mary in Tranrt<evcre. "Upon the Roof of this Church is a Square,, wherein you find reprefented the AflTumptipn of our B. Lady j a beautifull vvork of Vominiehim.
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