Body Language Body of knowledge about , CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

A 7s ABASIAS AAABISS ABASIA, defect in muscular coordination in walking [n] ABDEMNO body cavity containing viscera [n -S or -MINA] ABOULIA AABILOU abulia (loss of willpower) [n -S] ABOULIC ABCILOU ABOULIA, abulia (loss of willpower) [adj] ABSCESS ABCESSS to form abscess (localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue) [v -ED, -ING, -ES] ABULIAS AABILSU ABULIA, loss of willpower [n] ACAPNIA AAACINP lack of carbon dioxide in blood and tissues [n -S] ACHIEST ACEHIST ACHY, aching (to suffer dull continuous pain) [adj] ACHOLIA AACHILO lack of bile [n -S] ACINOSE ACEINOS ACINUS, small, saclike division of gland [adj] ACINOUS ACINOSU ACINUS, small, saclike division of gland [adj] ACRASIA AAACIRS lack of self-control [n -S] ACRATIC AACCIRT lack of self-control [adj] ACROTIC ACCIORT ACROTISM, weakness of pulse [adj] ADENOID ADDEINO enlarged lymphoid growth behind pharynx [n -S] ADIPOSE ADEIOPS animal fat [n -S] ADIPOUS ADIOPSU pertaining to adipose [adj] ADNEXAL AADELNX ADNEXA, conjoined anatomical parts [adj] ADRENAL AADELNR endocrine gland [n -S] AFFLICT ACFFILT to distress with mental or physical pain [v -ED, -ING, -S] AGEISMS AEGIMSS AGEISM, discrimination based on age [n] AGEISTS AEGISST AGEIST, advocate of ageism (discrimination based on age) [n] AGNAILS AAGILNS AGNAIL, piece of loose skin at base of fingernail [n] AGNOSIA AAGINOS loss of ability to recognize familiar objects [n -S] AGYRIAS AAGIRSY AGYRIA, brain disease [n] AILMENT AEILMNT physical or mental disorder [n -S] AIRSICK ACIIKRS nauseated from flying in airplane [adj] AKRASIA AAAIKRS acrasia (lack of self-control) [n -S] AKRATIC AACIKRT ACRASIA, acrasia (lack of self-control) [adj] ALBINAL AABILLN albinic (pertaining to albinism (condition of being albino)) [adj] ALBINIC ABCIILN pertaining to albinism (condition of being albino) [adj] ALEXIAS AAEILSX ALEXIA, cerebral disorder marked by loss of ability to read [n] ALEXINE AEEILNX alexin (substance in blood that aids in destruction of bacteria) [n -S] ALEXINS AEILNSX ALEXIN, substance in blood that aids in destruction of bacteria [n] ALIMENT AEILMNT to nourish [v -ED, -ING, -S] ALLERGY AEGLLRY state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things [n -GIES] ALLHEAL AAEHLLL medicinal herb [n -S] AMENTIA AAEIMNT mental deficiency [n -S] AMENTUM AEMMNTU ament (mentally deficient person) [n -TA] AMIDASE AADEIMS enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] AMNESIA AAEIMNS loss of memory [n -S] AMPUTEE AEEMPTU one that has amputated (to cut off by surgical means) [n -S] AMUSIAS AAIMSSU AMUSIA, inability to recognize musical sounds [n] AMYLASE AAELMSY enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] AMYLOID ADILMOY hard protein deposit resulting from degeneration of tissue [n -S] ANAEMIA AAAEIMN anemia (disorder of blood) [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

ANAEMIC AACEIMN ANAEMIA, anemia (disorder of blood) [adj] ANAGENS AAEGNNS ANAGEN, growth period [n] ANALGIA AAAGILN inability to feel pain [n -S] ANALITY AAILNTY type of psychological state [n -TIES] ANATOMY AAMNOTY structure of organism [n -MIES] ANCONAL AACLNNO ANCON, [adj] ANEMIAS AAEIMNS ANEMIA, disorder of blood [n] ANGAKOK AAGKKNO Inuit medicine man [n -S] ANGINAL AAGILNN ANGINA, disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] ANGINAS AAGINNS ANGINA, disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [n] ANGIOMA AAGIMNO tumor composed of blood or lymph vessels [n -S or -TA] ANIMACY AACIMNY state of being alive [n -CIES] ANIMALS AAILMNS ANIMAL, organism typically capable of voluntary motion and sensation [n] ANKLING AGIKLNN , to walk (to advance on ) [v] ANODYNE ADENNOY medicine that relieves pain [n -S] ANOPIAS AAINOPS ANOPIA, anoopsia (visual defect) [n] ANOPSIA AAINOPS anoopsia (visual defect) [n -S] ANOREXY AENORXY anorexia (loss of appetite) [n -XIES] ANOSMIA AAIMNOS loss of sense of smell [n -S] ANOSMIC ACIMNOS ANOSMIA, loss of sense of smell [adj] ANTACID AACDINT substance that neutralizes acid [n -S] ANTHRAX AAHNRTX infectious disease [n -ES or -ACES] ANTIARS AAINRST ANTIAR, arrow poison [n] ANTIFAT AAFINTT preventing formation of fat [adj] ANTIFLU AFILNTU combating flu [adj] ANTIGEN AEGINNT substance that stimulates production of antibodies [n -S] ANTISEX AEINSTX opposed to sexual activity [adj] ANTRUMS AMNRSTU ANTRUM, cavity in bone [n] ANTSIER AEINRST ANTSY, fidgety (nervously restless) [adj] APHAGIA AAAGHIP inability to swallow [n -S] APHASIA AAAHIPS loss of ability to use words [n -S] APHASIC AACHIPS aphasiac (one suffering from aphasia (loss of ability to use words)) [n -S] APHONIA AAHINOP loss of voice [n -S] APHONIC ACHINOP one suffering from aphonia (loss of voice) [n -S] APHTHAE AAEHHPT APHTHA, small blister in mouth or [n -S] APLASIA AAAILPS defective development of organ or part [n -S] APNOEAL AAELNOP APNOEA, apnea (temporary cessation of respiration) [adj] APNOEAS AAENOPS APNOEA, apnea (temporary cessation of respiration) [n] APNOEIC ACEINOP APNOEA, apnea (temporary cessation of respiration) [adj] APRAXIA AAAIPRX loss of ability to perform coordinated movements [n -S] APRAXIC AACIPRX APRAXIA, loss of ability to perform coordinated movements [adj] APYRASE AAEPRSY enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] AQUIVER AEIQRUV quivering (shake with slight but rapid motion) [adj] ARMLESS AELMRSS having no [adj] ARMPITS AIMPRST ARMPIT, hollow under at [n] ASCARID AACDIRS parasitic worm [n -S] ASCARIS AACIRSS ascarid (parasitic worm) [n -ES or -IDES] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

ASCITES ACEISST accumulation of serous fkuid in abdomen [n ASCITES] ASEPSIS AEIPSSS condition of being aseptic (free from germs) [n -SES] ASEPTIC ACEIPST free from germs [adj] ASPECTS ACEPSST ASPECT, appearance of something to eye or mind [n] ASPHYXY AHPSXYY asphyxia (unconsciousness caused by lack of oxygen [n -XIES] ASPIRIN AIINPRS pain reliever [n -S] ASTASIA AAAISST inability to stand resulting from muscular incoordination [n] ASTATIC AACISST unstable [adj] ASTHENY AEHNSTY asthenia (lack of strength) [n -NIES] ASTHMAS AAHMSST ASTHMA, respiratory disease [n] ASYLUMS ALMSSUY ASYLUM, institution for care of mentally ill [n] ATARAXY AAARTXY ataraxia (peace of mind) [n -XIES] ATAXIAS AAAISTX ATAXIA, loss of muscular coordination [n] ATAXICS AACISTX ATAXIC, one suffering from ataxia [n] ATAXIES AAEISTX ATAXY, ataxia (loss of muscular coordination) [n] ATINGLE AEGILNT tingling (to cause prickly, stinging sensation) [adj] ATONIAS AAINOST ATONIA, atony (muscular weakness) [n] ATONIES AEINOST ATONY, muscular weakness [n] ATOPIES AEIOPST ATOPY, type of allergy (state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things) [n] ATRESIA AAEIRST absence or closure of natural bodily passage [n -S] ATRESIC ACEIRST ATRESIA, absence or closure of natural bodily passage [adj] ATRETIC ACEIRTT ATRESIA, absence or closure of natural bodily passage [adj] ATROPHY AHOPRTY to waste away [v -HIED, -ING, -HIES] AUDINGS ADGINSU AUDING, process of hearing, recognizing, and interpreting spoken language [n] AUDISMS ADIMSSU AUDISM, anti-deaf discrimination [n] AUDISTS ADISSTU AUDIST, one that engages in audism (anti-deaf discrimination) [n] AURALLY AALLRUY AURAL, pertaining to sense of hearing [adv] AURISTS AIRSSTU AURIST, specialist in diseases of [n] AUTISMS AIMSSTU AUTISM, extreme withdrawal into fantasy [n] AUTISTS AISSTTU autistic (one who is affected with autism) [n] AUTOPSY AOPSTUY to examine dead body to determine cause of death [v -SIED, -SYING, -SIES] AXILLAE AAEILLX , armpit (hollow under arm at shoulder) [n] B 7s BABESIA AABBEIS parasitic protozoan [n -S, -E] BAGGIES ABEGGIS BAGGIE, stomach [n] BALDEST ABDELST BALD, lacking hair [adj] BALDIES ABDEILS BALDIE, offensive word [n] BALDING ABDGILN BALD, to become bald (lacking hair) [v] BALDISH ABDHILS somewhat bald [adj] BALLIER ABEILLR BALLY, stained with blood [adj] BANDAID AABDDIN providing superficial relief [adj] BANDIER ABDEINR BANDY, curved apart at [adj] BANEFUL ABEFLNU poisonous [adj] BARBATE AABBERT bearded [adj] BARBERS ABBERRS BARBER, to cut hair [v] BARFING ABFGINR BARF, to vomit (to eject contents of stomach through mouth) [v] BASILAR AABILRS basal (pertaining to foundation) [adj] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

BASIONS ABINOSS BASION, part of skull [n] BEALING ABEGILN beal (infected sore (painful place on body)) [n -S] BEBLOOD BBDELOO to cover with blood [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEDFAST ABDEFST confined to bed [adj] BEDHEAD ABDDEEH upright board at head of bed or messy hair [n -S] BEDPANS ABDENPS BEDPAN, toilet pan [n] BEDREST BDEERST confinement to bed [n -S] BEDRUGS BDEGRSU BEDRUG, to make sleepy [v] BEDSORE BDEEORS type of sore [n -S] BEEZERS BEEERSZ BEEZER, nose [n] BEGALLS ABEGLLS BEGALL, to make sore by rubbing BEHINDS BDEHINS BEHIND, [n] BELCHED BCDEEHL BELCH, to expel gas through mouth [v] BELCHER BCEEHLR one that belches (to expel gas through mouth) [n -S] BELCHES BCEEHLS BELCH, to expel gas through mouth [v] BENUMBS BBEMNSU BENUMB, to make numb (lacking sensation) [v] BEVOMIT BEIMOTV to vomit all over [v -ED, -ING, -S] BICARBS ABBCIRS BICARB, sodium bicarbonate [n -S] BILIARY ABIILRY pertaining to bile (fluid secreted by liver) [adj] BILIOUS BIILOSU pertaining to bile (fluid secreted by liver) [adj] BIOPSIC BCIIOPS BIOPSY, to examine tissue [adj] BIOPTIC BCIIOPT BIOPSY, to examine tissue [adj] BIOTINS BIINOST BIOTIN, B vitamin [n] BLADDER ABDDELR saclike receptacle [n -S] BLEEDER BDEEELR one that bleeds (to lose blood) [n -S] BLIGHTY BGHILTY wound causing one to be sent home to England [n -TIES] BLINKED BDEIKLN BLINK, to open and shut eyes [v] BLISTER BEILRST to cause blisters (skin swellings) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BLOODED BDDELOO BLOOD, to stain with blood (fluid circulated by heart) [v] BOLUSES BELOSSU BOLUS, large pill [n] BONEYER BEENORY BONEY, bony (full of bones) [adj] BONIEST BEINOST BONEY, bony (full of bones) [adj] BOOZIER BEIOORZ BOOZY, drunken (drunk (intoxicated)) [adj] BOOZILY BILOOYZ BOOZY, drunken (drunk (intoxicated)) [adv] BORAGES ABEGORS BORAGE, medicinal herb BOTULIN BILNOTU nerve poison [n -S] BOUTONS BNOOSTU BOUTON, enlarged end of nerve fiber [n] BOWELED BDEELOW BOWEL, to disbowel (to remove intestines of) [v] BOWLEGS BEGLOSW BOWLEG, outwardly curved leg [n] BRAINED ABDEINR BRAIN, to hit on head [v] BROMALS ABLMORS BROMAL, medicinal liquid [n] BROMISM BIMMORS diseased condition of skin [n -S] BRUISED BDEIRSU BRUISE, to injure without breaking surface of skin [v] BRUISES BEIRSSU BRUISE, to injure without breaking surface of skin [v] BRUNETS BENRSTU BRUNET, dark-haired male [n] BRUXISM BIMRSUX nervous grinding of teeth [n -S] BUBONIC BBCINOU pertaining to bubo (swelling of lymph gland) [adj] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

BULKAGE ABEGKLU peristaltic stimulant [n -S] BUNIONS BINNOSU BUNION, painful swelling of foot [n] BURPING BGINPRU BURP, to belch (to expel gas through mouth) [v] BURSATE ABERSTU pertaining to bursa (bodily pouch) [adj] BUZZCUT BCTUUZZ very short haircut [n -S] C 7s CADAVER AACDEVR corpse (dead body) [n -S] CALPAIN AACILNP enzyme for digesting proteins [n -S] CANCERS ACCENRS CANCER, malignant growth [n] CANELLA AACELLN medicinal tree bark [n -S] CANKERS ACEKNRS CANKER, to affect with ulcerous sores [v] CANKLES ACEKLNS CANKLE, thick ankle [n] CANNULA AACLNNU tube inserted into bodily cavity [n -S or -E] CANTHAL AACHLNT CANTHUS, corner of eye [adj] CANTHUS ACHNSTU corner of eye [n -HI] CANULAE AACELNU CANULA, cannula (tube inserted into bodily cavity) [n] CANULAR AACLNRU CANULA, cannula (tube inserted into bodily cavity) [adj] CANULAS AACLNSU CANULA, cannula (tube inserted into bodily cavity) [n] CAPLETS ACELPST CAPLET, coated tablet [n] CARATES AACERST CARATE, tropical skin disease [n] CARDIAC AACCDIR person with heart disorder [n -S] CARDIAE AACDEIR CARDIA, opening of esophagus [n] CARDIAS AACDIRS CARDIA, opening of esophagus [n] CARDIOS ACDIORS CARDIO, exercise involving heart and blood vessels [n] CARINAE AACEINR CARINA, carinate anatomical part [n] CARINAL AACILNR CARINA, carinate anatomical part [adj] CARINAS AACINRS CARINA, carinate anatomical part [n] CAROTID ACDIORT artery in [n -S] CARPALE AACELPR bone of [n -LIA] CARPALS AACLPRS CARPAL, carpale (bone of wrist) [n] CARSICK ACCIKRS nauseated from riding in car [adj] CASCARA AAACCRS medicinal tree bark [n -S] CATAGEN AACEGNT hair growth period [n -S] CATARRH AACHRRT inflammation of mucous membrane [n -S] CAUDATE AACDETU basal ganglion of brain [n -S] CAUTERY ACERTUY something used to destroy tissue [n -RIES] CECALLY ACCELLY CECUM, bodily cavity with one opening [adv] CELIACS ACCEILS CELIAC, one that has chronic nutritional disturbance [n] CENTRUM CEMNRTU body of vertebra [n -S or -RA] CERATES ACEERST CERATE, medicated ointment [n] CHALONE ACEHLNO hormone (secretion of endocrine organs) [n -S] CHANCRE ACCEHNR hard-based sore [n -S] CHELOID CDEHILO keloid (scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue) [n -S] CHESTED CDEEHST CHEST, part of body [adj] CHIASMA AACHIMS anatomical junction [n -S, -TA] CHIASMS ACHIMSS CHIASM, chiasma (anatomical junction) [n] CHIGNON CGHINNO woman’s hairdo [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

CHOLERA ACEHLOR acute disease [n -S] CHORION CHINOOR embryonic membrane [n -S] CHOROID CDHIOOR membrane of eye [n -S] CHRONIC CCHINOR one that suffers from long-lasting disease [n -S] CHUNDER CDEHNRU to vomit (to eject contents of stomach through mouth) [v -ED, -ING, -S] CHYMOUS CHMOSUY pertaining to chyme (semi-digested food) [adj] CILIARY ACIILRY pertaining to cilia (short, hairlike projection) [adj] CIRSOID CDIIORS varicose (abnormally swollen or dilated) [adj] CLONISM CILMNOS condition of having clonus [n -S] CLYSTER CELRSTY enema (liquid injected into rectum) [n -S] COCCOID CCCDIOO spherical cell or body [n -S] COELIAC ACCEILO celiac (one that has chronic nutritional disturbance) [n -S] COLICKY CCIKLOY pertaining to or associated with colic [adj] COLITIC CCIILOT COLITIS, inflammation of colon [adj] COLITIS CIILOST inflammation of colon [n -ES] COMATIC ACCIMOT having blurred vision as result of coma [adj] COMEDOS CDEMOOS COMEDO, skin blemish [n] CONCHAE ACCEHNO CONCHA, anatomical shell-like structure [n] CONCHAL ACCHLNO CONCHA, anatomical shell-like structure [adj] CONCHAS ACCHNOS CONCHA, anatomical shell-like structure [n] CONCUSS CCNOSSU to injure brain by violent blow [v -ED, -ING, -ES] CONDYLE CDELNOY protuberance on bone [n -S] CONTUSE CENOSTU to bruise (to injure without breaking surface of skin) [v -D, -SING, -S] CORNEAL ACELNOR CORNEA, part of eye [adj] CORNEAS ACEONRS CORNEA, part of eye [n] CORNROW CNOORRW to braid hair tightly in rows close to [n -S] CORNUAL ACLNORU CORNU, hornlike bone formation [adj] CORONER CENOORR officer who investigates questionable deaths [n -S] CORPORA ACOOPRR CORPUS, human or animal body [n] CORPSES CEOPRSS CORPSE, dead body [n] CORTINS CINORST CORTIN, hormone (secretion of endocrine organs) [n] CORYZAL ACLORYZ CORYZA, head cold [adj] COSTIVE CEIOSTV constipated [adj] COUGHED CDEGHOU COUGH, to expel air from lungs noisily [v] COUGHER CEGHORU one that coughs (to expel air from lungs noisily) [n -S] COWLICK CCIKLOW lock of unruly hair [n -S] COXALGY ACGLOXY coxalgia (pain in ) [n -GIES] COXITIS CIIOSTX inflammation of hip joint [n -IDES] CRANIAL AACILNR pertaining to skull [adj] CRANIUM ACIMNRU skull [n -S or -IA] CREWCUT CCERTUW short haircut [n -S] CRICKED CCDEIKR CRICK, to cause spasm of neck [v] CRICOID CCDIIOR cartilage of larynx [n -S] CROOKER CEKOORR CROOK, sick (affected with disease or ill health) [adj] CROWNER CENORRW coroner (officer who investigates questionable deaths) [n -S] CUBITUS CBISTUU [n -TI] CUBOIDS CBDIOSU CUBOID, bone of foot [n] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

CUPULAE ACELPUU CUPULA, cupule (cup-shaped anatomical structure) [n] CUPULES CELPSUU CUPULE, cup-shaped anatomical structure [n] CUTICLE CCEILTU epidermis [n -S] CUTISES CEISSTU CUTIS, corium (skin layer) [n] CYCLASE ACCELSY enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] CYSTEIN CEINSTY cysteine (amino acid) [n -S] CYSTINE CEINSTY amino acid [n -S] CYSTOID CDIOSTY cyst-like structure [n -S] D 7s DAPSONE ADENOPS medicinal substance [n -S] DEAFENS ADEEFNS DEAFEN, to make deaf (lacking sense of hearing) [v] DEAFEST ADEEFST DEAF, lacking sense of hearing [adj] DEATHLY ADEHLTY resembling or suggestive of death [adj -LIER, -LIEST] DEAVING ADEGINV DEAVE, to deafen (to make deaf (lacking sense of hearing)) [v] DEBRIDE BDDEEIR to remove dead tissue surgically [v -D, -DING, -S] DECIDUA ACDDEIU mucous membrane of uterus [n -S or -E] DEJECTA ACDEEJT excrements [n] DELTOID DDELIOT shoulder muscle [n -S] DENDRON DDENNOR dendrite (branched part of nerve cell) [n -S] DENGUES DEENGSU DENGUE, tropical disease [n] DENTINE DEEINNT dentin (hard substance forming body of tooth) [n -S] DENTINS DEINNST DENTIN, hard substance forming body of tooth [n] DERMOID DDEIMOR cystic tumor [n -S] DESMOID DDEIMOS very hard tumor [n -S] DEXTRAN ADENRTX substance used as blood plasma substitute [n -S] DIGESTS DEGISST DIGEST, to render food usable for body [v] DIGOXIN DGIINOX drug to improve heart function [n -S] DIPLOES DEILOPS DIPLOE, bony tissue of cranium [n] DIPLOIC CDIILOP DIPLOE, bony tissue of cranium [adj] DISCERN CDEINRS to perceive (to become aware of through senses) [v -ED, -ING, -S] DISEASE ADEEISS to make unhealthy (having good health) [v -D, -SING, -S] DOCTORS CDOORST DOCTOR, to treat medically [v] DOODIES DDEIOOS DOODY, feces (bodily waste discharged through anus) [n] DOODOOS DDOOOSS DOODOO, feces (bodily waste discharged through anus) [n] DORSALS ADLORSS DORSAL, dorsally located anatomical part [n] DOSAGES ADEGOSS DOSAGE, amount of medicine to be given [n] DRIVELS DEILRSV DRIVEL, to let saliva flow from mouth [v] DRUGGED DDEGGRU DRUG, to affect with drug (medicinal substance) [v] DRUNKEN DEKNNRU drunk (intoxicated) [adj] DRUNKER DEKNRRU DRUNK, intoxicated [adj] DYSURIA ADIRSUY painful urination [n -S] DYSURIC CDIRSUY DYSURIA, painful urination [adj] E 7s EARACHE AACEEHR pain in ear (organ of hearing) [n -S] EARDRUM ADEMRRU tympanic membrane [n -S] EARLOCK ACEKLOR curl of hair by ear [n -S] ECBOLIC BCCEILO type of drug [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

ECORCHE CCEEHOR anatomical figure with skin removed to show musculature [n -S] ECTHYMA ACEHMTY virus disease [n -TA] ECZEMAS ACEEMSZ ECZEMA, skin disease [n] EDEMATA AADEEMT EDEMA, excessive accumulation of serous fluid [n] EGESTED DEEEGST EGEST, to discharge from body [v] ELASTIN AEINLST bodily protein [n -S] ELFLOCK CEFKLLO lock of tangled hair [n -S] ELIXIRS EIILRSX ELIXIR, medicinal beverage [n] EMBALMS ABELMMS EMBALM, to treat so as to protect from decay [v] EMBOLIC BCEILMO EMBOLISM, obstruction of blood vessel by embolus [adj] EMBOLUS BELMOSU abnormal particle circulating in blood [n -LI] EMERODS DEEMORS EMEROD, tumor (abnormal swelling) [n] EMEROID DEEIMOR emerod (tumor (abnormal swelling)) [n -S] EMETICS CEEIMST EMETIC, substance which induces vomiting [n] EMETINS EEIMNST emetine (alkaloid) [n] EMPYEMA AEEMMPY collection of pus in body cavity [n -S or TA ENDEMIC CDEEIMN endemial disease [n -S] ENEMATA AAEEMNT ENEMA, liquid injected into rectum [n] ENFEVER EEEFNRV to fever (abnormal elevation of body temperature)) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ENGORGE EEGGNOR to fill with blood [v -D, -GING, -S] ENOLASE AEELNOS enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] ENTASIA AAEINST spasmodic contraction of muscle [n -S] ENTERAL AEELNRT enteric (pertaining to enteron) [adj] ENTERIC CEEINRT pertaining to enteron [adj] ENTERON EENNORT alimentary canal [n -S] ENZYMES EEMNSYZ ENZYME, complex protein [n] EPIDERM DEEIMPR outer layer of skin [n -S] EPILATE AEEILPT to remove hair from [v -D, -TING, -S] EREPSIN EEINPRS mixture of enzymes in small intestine [n -S] ERETHIC CEEHIRT ERETHISM, abnormal irritability [adj] ERINGOS EGINORS ERINGO, eryngo (medicinal herb) [n] ERUCTED CDEERTU ERUCT, to belch (to expel gas through mouth) [v] ERYNGOS EGNORSY ERYNGO, medicinal herb [n] ERYNGOS EGNORSY ERYNGO, medicinal herb [n] ESERINE EEEINRS toxic alkaloid [n -S] ESTRINS EINRSST ESTRIN, estrone (estrogen (female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus)) [n] ESTRIOL EILORST estrogen (female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus) [n -S] ESTRONE EENORST estrogen (female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus) [n -S] ETALONS ALNOST ETALON, optical instrument [n] ETHICAL ACEHILT drug sold by prescription only [n -S] ETHMOID DEHIMOT bone of nasal cavity [n -S] EUCAINE ACEEINU anesthetic [n -S] EUPEPSY EEPPSUY eupepsia (good digestion) [n -SIES] EVERTOR EEORRTV muscle that turns part outward [n -S] EXCRETE CEEERTX to separate and eliminate from organic body [v -D, -TING, -S] EYECUPS CEEPSUY EYECUP, cup used for applying lotions to eyes [n] EYEFOLD DEEFLOY fold of skin of upper [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

EYELASH AEEHLSY hair growing on edge of eyelid [n -ES] DEEILSY EYELID, lid of skin that can be closed over eyeball [n] EYELIFT EEFILTY plastic surgery of eyelid [n -S] EYESHOT EEHOSTY range of vision [n -S] EYEWASH AEEHSWY eye lotion [n -S] EYEWEAR AEEERWY devices worn on or over eyes [n EYEWEAR] F 7s FACULTY ACFLTUY inherent power or ability [n -TIES] FATNESS AEFNSST having no fat [adj] FATTISH AFHISTT somewhat fat [adj] FAUCIAL AACFILU pertaining to fauces (passage from mouth to pharynx) [adj] FAVUSES AEFSSUV FAVUS, skin disease [n] FEBRILE BEEFILR feverish (having fever) [adj] FECULAE ACEEFLU FECULA, fecal matter [n] FESTERS EEFRSST FESTER, to generate pus [v] FETUSES EEFSSTU FETUS, unborn organism carried within womb in later stages of its development [n] FEVERED DEEEFRV FEVER, to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of body temperature) [v] FIBRATE ABEFIRT lipid regulator [n -S] FIBROID BDFIIOR fibroma (benign tumor composed of fibrous tissue) [n -S] FIBROMA ABFIMOR benign tumor composed of fibrous tissue [n -S or -TA] FIBULAE ABEFILU FIBULA, bone of leg [n] FIBULAR ABFILRU FIBULA, bone of leg [adj] FIBULAS ABFILSU FIBULA, bone of leg [n] FISTULA AFILSTU duct formed by imperfect closing of wound [n -S or -E] FITNESS EFINSST state of being fit (healthy (having good health)) [n -ES] FITTEST EFISTTT FIT, healthy (having good health) [adj] FLESHLY EFHLLSY pertaining to body [adj -LIER, -LIEST] FLEXORS EFLORSX FLEXOR, muscle that serves to bend bodily part [n] FOMITES EFIMOST FOMITE, inanimate object that serves to transmit infectious organisms [n] FORAMEN AEFMNOR small anatomical opening [n -S, -MINA] FORLORN FLNOORR dreary [adj -ER, -EST] FOVEATE AEEFOTV FOVEA, shallow anatomical depression [adj] FRAENUM AEFMNRU frenum (connecting fold of membrane) [n -S or -NA] FRISEUR EFIRRSU hairdresser [n -S] FRONTAL AFLNORT bone of skull [n -S] FUNICLE CEFILNU cordlike anatomical structure [n -S] FURCULA ACFLRUU forked bone [n -E] G 7s GALANGA AAAGGLN galangal (medicinal plant) [n -S] GAMMIER AEGIMMR GAMMY, lame (physically disabled) [adj] GASTRAL AAGLRST pertaining to stomach [adj] GASTRIC ACGIRST pertaining to stomach [adj] GASTRIN AGINRST hormone (secretion of endocrine organs) [n -S] GENERIC CEEGINR type of drug [n -S] GESTATE AEEGSTT to carry in uterus during pregnancy [v -D, -TING, -S] GIARDIA AADGIIR protozoan inhabiting intestines [n -S] GINGIVA AGGIINV fleshy tissue that surrounds teeth [n -E] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

GLEETED DEEEGLT GLEET, to discharge mucus from urethra [v] GLENOID DEGILNO having shallow or slightly cupped form of bone socket [adj] GLIOMAS AGILMOS GLIOMA, type of tumor (abnormal swelling) [n] GLUTEAL AEGLLTU of or pertaining to buttock muscles [adj] GLUTEUS EGLSTUU buttock muscle [n -EI] GLUTTON GLNOTTU person who eats to excess [n -S] GNATHAL AAGHLNT gnathic (of or pertaining to ) [adj] GNATHIC ACGHINT of or pertaining to jaw [adj] GNAWING AGGINNW persistent dull pain [n -S] GOATEED ADEEGOT GOATEE, small pointed beard [adj] GOATEES AEEGOST GOATEE, small pointed beard [n] GOITERS EGIORST GOITER, enlargement of thyroid gland [n] GOITRES EGIORST GOITRE, goiter (enlargement of thyroid gland) [n] GONADAL AADGLNO GONAD, sex gland [adj] GONADIC ACDGINO GONAD, sex gland [adj] GRACILE ACEGILR gracefully slender [adj] GRAYOUT AGORTUY temporary blurring of vision [n -S] GRIPIER EGIIPRR GRIPY, causing sharp pains in bowels [adj] GRIPPES EGIPPRS GRIPPE, virus disease [n] GUAIACS AACGISU GUAIAC, guaiacum (medicinal resin) [n] GUANASE AAEGNSU enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] GUMBOIL BGILMOU abscess in gum [n -S] GUMMATA AAGMMTU GUMMA, soft tumor [n] GYRASES AEGRSSY GYRASE, enzyme (complex protein) [n] H 7s HABITUS ABHISTU bodily build and constitution [n HABITUS] HAEMINS AEHIMNS HAEMIN, hemin (chloride of heme (component of hemoglobin)) [n] HAEMOID ADEHIMO hemoid (hemal (pertaining to blood)) [adj] HAFFETS AEFFHST HAFFET, cheekbone and [n] HAFFITS AFFHIST HAFFIT, haffet (cheekbone and temple) [n] HAIRCAP AACHIPR hat [n -S] HAIRCUT ACHIRTU cutting of hair [n -S] HAIRDOS ADHIORS HAIRDO, style of wearing hair [n] HAIRPIN AHIINPR hair fastener [n -S] HAMATES AAEHMST HAMATE, wrist bone [n] HEALTHS AEHHLST HEALTH, physical condition of organism [n] HECTICS CCEHIST HECTIC, fever accompanied by flushed [n] HEMAGOG AEGGHMO agent that promotes blood flow [n -S] HEMATAL AAHELMT hemal (pertaining to blood) [adj] HEMATIC ACEHIMT medicine for blood disease [n -S] HEMATIN AEHIMNT heme (component of hemoglobin) [n -S] HEPARIN AEHINPR biochemical [n -S] HEPATIC ACEHIPT drug acting on liver [n -S] HERNIAE AEEHINR HERNIA, protrusion of organ through its surrounding wall [n] HERNIAL AEHILNR HERNIA, protrusion of organ through its surrounding wall [adj] HERNIAS AEHINRS HERNIA, protrusion of organ through its surrounding wall [n] HIPBONE BEHINOP pelvic bone [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

HIPLESS EHILPSS lacking hip (pelvic joint) [adj] HIPLIKE EHIIKLP suggestive of hip (pelvic joint) [adj] HIPLINE EHIILNP distance around [n -S] HIRSUTE EHIRSTU hairy (covered with hair) [adj] HISTOID DHIIOST pertaining to connective tissue [adj] HORMONE EHMNOOR secretion of endocrine organs [n -S] HUMERAL AEHLMRU bone of shoulder [n -S] HUMERUS EHMRSUU large bone of upper arm [n -RI] HUMORAL AHLMORU pertaining to bodily fluids [adj] HYALOID ADHILOY membrane of eye [n-S] HYDATID ADDHITY cyst caused by tapeworm [n -S] HYDROPS DHOPRSY hydropsy (dropsy (excessive accumulation of serous fluid)) [n -ES] HYMENAL AEHLMNY HYMEN, vaginal membrane [adj] HYOIDAL ADHILOY HYOID, bone of [adj] HYPOXIA AHIOPXY deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [n -S] HYPOXIC CHIOPXY HYPOXIA, deficiency of oxygen in body tissue [adj] HYSSOPS HOPSSSY HYSSOP, medicinal herb [n] I 7s ICTERIC CCEIRTU remedy for icterus (diseased condition of liver) [n -S] ICTERUS CEIRSTU diseased condition of liver [n -ES] IGNATIA AAGIINT medicinal seed [n -S] ILEITIS EIIILST inflammation of ileum [n -IDES or -ES] ILEUSES EEILSSU ILEUS, intestinal obstruction [n] ILLNESS EILLNSS sickness (affected with disease or ill health)) [n -ES] IMBALMS ABILMMS IMBALM, to embalm (to treat so as to protect from decay) [v] IMMUNES EIMMNSU IMMUNE, one who is protected from disease [n] INCISOR CIINORS cutting tooth [n -S] INCUDES CDEINSU INCUS, bone in middle ear [n] INFARCT ACFINRT area of dead or dying tissue [n -S] INFECTS CEFINST INFECT, to contaminate with disease-producing germs [v] INGESTA AEGINST ingested material [n] INGESTS EGINSST INGEST, to take into body [v] INHALED ADEHILN INHALE, to take into lungs [v] INHALER AEHILNR one that inhales (to take into lungs) [n -S] INHALES AEHILNS INHALE, to take into lungs [v] INHIBIN BHIIINN human hormone [n -S] INNERVE EEINNRV to stimulate [v -D, -VING, -S] INSTEPS EINPSST INSTEP, part of foot [n] INSULIN IILNNSU hormone [n -S] INVALID ADIILNV to disable physically [v -ED, -ING, -S] IPECACS ACCEIPS medicinal plant [n] ISCHIAL ACHIILS ISCHIUM, pelvic bone [adj] ISCHIUM CHIIMSU pelvic bone [n -IA] ISOZYME EIMOSYZ type of enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] ITCHIER CEHIIRT ITCHY, causing itching sensation [adj] ITCHILY CHIILTY ITCHY, causing itching sensation [adv] ITCHING CGHIINT uneasy or tingling skin sensation [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

J 7s JALAPIN AAIJLNP medicinal substance [n -S] JAWLESS AEJLSSW having no jaw (bony structure bordering mouth) [adj] JAWLIKE AEIJKLW resembling jaw (bony structure bordering mouth) [adj] JAWLINE AEIJLNW outline of lower jaw [n -S] JEJUNAL AEJJLNU pertaining to jejunum (part of small intestine) [adj] JEJUNUM EJJMNUU part of small intestine [n -NA or -S] JETLAGS AEGJLST JETLAG, disruption of body rhythms after flight through several time zones [n] JUGULAR AGJLRUU vein of neck [n -S] K 7s KAHUNAS AAHKNSU KAHUNA, medicine man [n] KECKING CEGIKKN KECK, to retch (to make effort to vomit) [v] KELOIDS DEIKLOS KELOID, scar caused by excessive growth of fibrous tissue [n] KERCHOO CEHKOOR ahchoo (used to represent sound of sneeze) [interj] KETOSIS EIKOSST buildup of ketones in body [n -SES] KETOTIC CEIKOTT KETOSIS, buildup of ketones in body [adj] KIDNEYS DEIKNSY KIDNEY, bodily organ [n] KINASES AEIKNSS KINASE, enzyme (complex protein) [n] KINESIC CEIIKNS pertaining to kinesics (study of body motion in relation to communication) [adj] KNEECAP ACEEKNP to maim by shooting in kneecap (bone at front of ) [v -PPED, -PPING, -S] KNEEING EEGIKNN KNEE, to strike with knee (joint of leg) [v] KNEEPAD ADEEKNP covering for knee [n -S] KNEEPAN AEEKNNP kneecap [n -S] KNUCKLE CEKKLNU to hit with knuckles (joints of ) [v -D, -LING, -S] KNUCKLY CKKLNUY having prominent knuckles [adj -LIER, -LIEST] L 7s LACTASE AACELST enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] LACTEAL AACELLT lymphatic vessel [n -S] LAKIEST AEIKLST LAKY, of color of blood [adj] LAKINGS AGIKLNS LAKING, reddening of blood plasma by release of hemoglobin from red corpuscles [n] LANUGOS AGLNOSU LANUGO, fine, soft hair [n] LATENTS AELNSTT LATENT, barely visible fingerprint that can be developed for study [n] LAZARET AAELRTZ hospital treating contagious diseases [n -S] LEFTEST EEFLSTT LEFT, pertaining to side of body to north when one east [adj] LEFTIES EEFILST LEFTY, left-handed person [n] LEPROSE EELOPRS leprous (affected with leprosy) [adj] LEPROSY ELOPRSY chronic disease characterized by skin lesions and deformities [n -SIES] LEPROUS ELOPRSU affected with leprosy [adj] LEPTINS EILNPST LEPTIN, hormone released by fat cells [n] LESIONS EILNOSS LESION, to cause abnormal change in structure of organ [v] LETHALS AEHLLST LETHAL, death-causing genetic defect [n] LEUCOMA ACELMOU leukoma (opacity of cornea) [n -S] LEUKOMA AEKLMOU opacity of cornea [n -S] LEUKONS EKLNOSU LEUKON, bodily organ consisting of white blood cells [n] LEVATOR AELORTV muscle that raises organ or part [n -ES or -S] LIGASES AEGILSS LIGASE, enzyme (complex protein) [n] LINCTUS CILNSTU syrupy medicine [n -ES] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

LIPASES AEILPSS LIPASE, enzyme (complex protein) [n] LIPOMAS AILMOPS LIPOMA, tumor of fatty tissue [n] LIPPING GIILNPP liplike outgrowth of bone [n -S] LISTENS EILNSST LISTEN, to make conscious use of sense of hearing [v] LIVIDLY DIILLVY LIVID, having skin abnormally discolored [adv] LOBATED ABDELOT lobate (having lobes (rounded, projecting anatomical part)) [adj] LOCKJAW ACKLNOW form of tetanus [n -S] LOIASIS AIILOSS tropical African disease [n -SES] LOOGIES EGILOOS LOOGIE, bolus of phlegm [n] LORDOMA ADLMOOR lordosis (curvature of spinal column) [n -S] LOZENGE EEGLNOZ small, often medicated candy [n -S] LUETICS CEILSTU LUETIC, one affected with syphilis [n] LUMBAGO ABGLMOU pain in lower back [n -S] LUMBARS ABLMRSU LUMBAR, anatomical part situated near loins [n] LUMENAL AELLMNU LUMEN, inner passage of tubular organ [adj] LUMINAL AILLMNU LUMEN, inner passage of tubular organ [adj] LUNGFUL FGLLNUU as much as lungs can hold [n -S] LUPULIN ILLNPUU medicinal powder obtained from hop plant [n -S] LUPUSES ELPSSUU LUPUS, skin disease [n] LUXATED ADELTUX LUXATE, to put out of joint [v] LUXATES AELSTUX LUXATE, to put out of joint [v] M 7s MALARIA AAAILMR infectious disease [n -S] MALLEUS AELLMSU bone of middle ear [n -EI] MALTASE AAELMST enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] MANIKIN AIIKMNN anatomical model of human body [n -S] MARCELS ACELMRS MARCEL, to make deep, soft wave in hair [v] MASTOID ADIMOST rear portion of temporal bone [n -S] MATTERY AEMRTTY producing pus [adj] MAXILLA AAILLMX upper jaw or jawbone [n -E or -S] MEDICAL ACDEILM physical examination [n -S] MEGRIMS EGIMMRS MEGRIM, migraine (severe headache) [n] MEIOSIS EIIMOSS type of cell division [n -SES] MEIOTIC CEIIMOT MEIOSIS, type of cell division [adj] MELAENA AAEELMN melena (condition marked by black tarry stool) [n -S] MELENAS AEELMNS MELENA, condition marked by black tarry stool [n] MEROPIA AEIMOPR partial blindness [n -S] MEROPIC CEIMOPR MEROPIA, partial blindness [adj] MIDRIFF DFFIIMR middle part of body [n -S] MITOSIS MIIOSST type of cell division [n -SES] MITOTIC CIIMOTT MITOSIS, type of cell division [adj] MOHAWKS AHKMOSW MOHAWK, hairstyle marked by stiff ridge of hair from front to back [n] MOPHEAD ADEHMOP person with thick shaggy hair [n -S] MORGUES EGMORSU MORGUE, place where dead bodies are kept for identification [n] MOTORIC CIMOORT pertaining to muscular movement [adj] MOUSSED DEMOSSU MOUSSE, to style with mousse (foamy preparation used in styling hair) [v] MOUSSES EMOSSSU MOUSSE, to style with mousse (foamy preparation used in styling hair) [v] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

MUCOSAE ACEMOSU MUCOSA, mucous membrane [n] MUCOSAL ACLMOSU MUCOSA, mucous membrane [adj] MUCOSAS ACMOSSU MUCOSA, mucous membrane [n] MUCUSES CEMSSUU MUCUS, viscid bodily fluid [n] MUTASES AEMSSTU MUTASE, enzyme (complex protein) [n] MYALGIA AAGILMY muscular pain [n -S] MYALGIC ACGILMY MYALGIA, muscular pain [adj] MYCOSIS CIMOSSY disease caused by fungus [n -SES] MYCOTIC CCIMOTY MYCOSIS, disease caused by fungus [adj] MYELINE EEILMNY myelin (fatty substance that encases certain nerve fibers) [n -S] MYELINS EILMNSY MYELIN, fatty substance that encases certain nerve fibers [n] MYELOID DEILMOY pertaining to bone marrow [adj] MYELOMA AELMMOY tumor of bone marrow [n -S or -TA] MYIASIS AIIMSSY infestation of human tissue by fly maggots [n -SES] MYOLOGY GLMOOYY study of muscles [n -GIES] MYOMATA AAMMOTY MYOMA, tumor composed of muscle tissue [n] MYOPIAS AIMOPSY MYOPIA, visual defect [n] MYOPIES EIMOPSY MYOPY, myopia (visual defect) [n] MYOSINS IMNOSSY MYOSIN, protein found in muscle tissue [n] MYRICAS ACIMRSY MYRICA, medicinal tree bark [n] MYXOMAS AMMOSXY MYXOMA, tumor composed of mucous tissue [n] N 7s NANISMS AIMNNSS NANISM, abnormal smallness [n] NARCOMA AACMNOR stupor induced by narcotic [n -S] NARCOSE ACENORS characterized by stupor [adj] NASIONS AINNOSS NASION, point in skull [n] NAUSEAS AAENSSU NAUSEA, stomach disturbance [n] NEPHRIC CEHIPNR renal (pertaining to kidneys) [adj] NEPHRON EHNNOPR excretory unit of kidney [n -S] NERVATE AEENRTV having veins [adj] NERVINE EEINNRV soothing medicine [n -S] NEUROID DEINORU resembling nerve [adj] NEUROMA AEMNORU type of tumor (abnormal swelling) [n -S or -TA] NEURONE EENNORU neuron (basic cellular unit of nervous system) [n -S] NEURONS ENNORSU NEURON, basic cellular unit of nervous system [n] NIDATED ADDEINT NIDATE, to become implanted in uterus [v] NIDATES ADEINST NIDATE, to become implanted in uterus [v] NONBODY BDNNOOY person's nonphysical nature [n -DIES] NONHEME EEHMNNO not containing iron that is bound like that of heme [adj] NOSTRUM MNORSTU medicine of one's own invention [n -S] NUCHALS ACHLNSU NUCHAL, anatomical part lying in region of [n] O 7s OBESELY BEELOSY OBESE, very fat [adv] OBESITY BEIOSTY state or condition of being obese [n -TIES] OCCIPUT CCIOPTU back part of skull [n -PITA or -S] OCULIST CILOSTU OCULIST, physician who treats diseases of eye [n -S] OEDEMAS ADEEMOS OEDEMA, edema (excessive accumulation of serous fluid) [n] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

OESTRIN EINORST estrin (estrone (estrogen (female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus))) [n -S] OLESTRA AELORST noncaloric fat substitute [n -S] OMENTAL AELMNOT OMENTUM, fold in abdominal membrane [adj] OMENTUM EMMNOTU fold in abdominal membrane [n -S or -TA] OPSONIC CINOOPS pertaining to opsonin (antibody of blood serum) [adj] OPSONIN INNOOPS antibody of blood serum [n -S] OPTICAL ACIILOPT pertaining to sight [adj] OSMATIC ACIMOST depending mainly on sense of smell [adj] OSSEINS EINOSSS OSSEIN, protein substance in bone [n] OSSEOUS EOOSSSU resembling bone [adj] OSSICLE CEILOSS small bone [n -S] OSSIFIC CFIIOSS pertaining to formation of bone [adj] OSSUARY AORSSUY receptacle for bones of dead [n -RIES] OSTEOID DEIOOST uncalcified bone matrix [n -S] OSTEOMA AEMOOST tumor of bone tissue [n -S or -TA] OSTIOLE EILOOST small bodily opening [n -S] OSTOSIS IOOSSST formation of bone [n -SES or -ES] OTALGIA AAGILOT pain in ear [n -S] OTALGIC ACGILOT OTALGIA, pain in ear [adj] OUABAIN AABINOU cardiac stimulant [n -S] OUTHEAR AEHORTU to surpass in hearing [v -D, -RING, -S] OVARIAL AAILORV ovarian (pertaining to ovary (female reproductive gland)) [adj] OVARIAN AAINORV pertaining to ovary (female reproductive gland) [adj] OVARIES AEIORSV OVARY, female reproductive gland [n] OVERFAT AEFORTV too fat [adj] OXIDASE ADEIOSX oxidizing enzyme [n -S] OXYSOME EMOOSXY structural unit of cellular cristae [n -S] P 7s PAGEBOY ABEGOPY woman’s hairstyle [n -S] PAINFUL AFILNPU causing pain [adj -LLER, -LLEST] PAINING AGIINNP PAIN, to cause pain (suffering or distress) [v] PALATAL AAALLPT bone of palate [n -S] PALLIAL AAILLLP pertaining to part of brain [adj] PALMING AGILMNP PALM, to touch with palm (inner surface) of [v] PANACEA AAACENP remedy for all diseases or ills [n -S] PANTING AGINNPT PANT, to breathe deeply and with difficulty [v] PAPAINS AAINPPS PAPAIN, enzyme (complex protein) [n] PAPULAE AAELPPU PAPULA, papule (pimple (inflamed swelling of skin)) [n] PAPULAR AALPPRU PAPULE, pimple (inflamed swelling of skin) [adj] PAPULAS AALPPSU PAPULA, papule (pimple (inflamed swelling of skin)) [n] PAPULES AELPPSU PAPULE, pimple (inflamed swelling of skin) [n] PAREIRA AAEIPPR medicinal plant root [n -S] PARESIS AEIPRSS partial loss of ability to move [n -SES] PAROTIC ACIOPRT situated near ear [adj] PAROTID ADIOPRT salivary gland [n -S] PASTILS AILPSST PASTIL, pastille (lozenge (small, often medicated candy)) [n] PATELLA AAELLPT flat movable bone at front of knee [n -E or -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

PAUNCHY ACHNPUY having protruding belly [adj -HIER, -HIEST] PEAKISH AEHIKPS somewhat sickly [adj] PECHING CEGHINP PECH, to pant (to breathe deeply and with difficulty) [v] PECTASE ACEEPST enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] PELVICS CEILPSV PELVIC, bone of [n] PEMPHIX EHIMPPX skin disease [n -ES] PEPSINE EEINPPS pepsin (digestive enzyme of stomach) [n -S] PEPSINS EINPPSS PEPSIN, digestive enzyme of stomach) [n] PEPTICS CEIPPST PEPTIC, substance that promotes digestion [n] PEPTIDE DEEIPPT combination of amino acids PESSARY AEPRSSY contraceptive device worn in [n -RIES] PHARYNX AHNPRXY section of digestive tract [n -NGES or -ES] PHENOMS EHMNOPS PHENOM, person of extraordinary ability or promise [n] PHLEGMS EGHLMPS PHLEGM, thick mucus secreted in air passages [n] PHLEGMY EGHLMPY resembling phlegm (thick mucus secreted in air passages) [adj -MIER, -MIEST] PHYSICS CHIPSSY PHYSIC, to treat with medicine [v] PIGTAIL AGIILPT tight braid of hair [n -S] PILLING GIILLNP PILL, to dose with pills (small, rounded masses of medicine) [v] PIMPLED DEILMPP PIMPLE, inflamed swelling of skin [adj] PIMPLES EILMPPS PIMPLE, inflamed swelling of skin [n] PINBONE BEINNOP hipbone (pelvic bone) [n -S] PINCURL CILNPRU curl held in place with hairpin [n -S] PINEALS AEILNPS PINEAL, gland in brain [n] PINKEYE EEIKNPY inflammation of eye [n -S] PINKIES EIIKNPS PINKIE, little [n] PLACEBO ABCELOP substance containing no medication that is given for its psychological effect [n -S] PLANTAR AALNPRT pertaining to of foot [adj] PLASMAS AALMPSS PLASMA, liquid part of blood [n] PLASMIC ACILMPS PLASMA, liquid part of blood [adj] PLASMIN AILMNPS enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] PLESSOR ELOPRSS plexor (small, hammer-like medical instrument) [n -S] PLEURAE AEELPRU PLEURA, membrane that envelops lungs [n] PLEURAL AELLPRU PLEURA, membrane that envelops lungs [adj] PLEURAS AELPRSU PLEURA, membrane that envelops lungs [n] PLEXORS ELOPRSX PLEXOR, small, hammer-like medical instrument [n] POCKING CGIKNOP POCK, to mark with pocks (pustules caused by eruptive disease) [v] PODAGRA AADGOPR gout in foot [n -S] POISONS INOOPSS POISON, to administer harmful substance to [v] POLYOMA ALMOOPY type of virus (any of class of submicroscopic pathogens) [n -S] POMADED ADDEMOP POMADE, to apply perfumed hair dressing to [v] POMADES ADEMOPS POMADE, to apply perfumed hair dressing to [v] POMATUM AMMOPTU perfumed hair dressing [n -S] POPEYED DEEOPPY having bulging eyes [adj] POSTOPS OOPPSST POSTOP, patient after undergoing surgical operation [n] POTIONS NIOOPST POTION, magical or medicinal drink [n] PRECAVA AACEPRV vein in higher vertebrates [n -E] PREGAME AEEGMPR to consume alcohol before game [v -D, -MING, -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

PREMEDS DEEMPRS PREMED, student preparing for study of medicine [n] PREMUNE EEMNPRU resistant to disease [adj] PREPUCE CEEPPRU fold of skin covering penis [n -S] PRESSOR EOPRRSS substance that raises blood pressure [n -S] PRODIGY DGIOPRY child having exceptional talent or ability [n -GIES] PRODRUG DGOPRRU inactive chemical substance that becomes active drug in body [n -S] PROLANS ALNOPRS PROLAN, sex hormone [n] PRONATE AENOPRT to turn palm downward or backward [v -D, -TING, -S] PRURIGO GIOPRRU skin disease [n -S] PSOATIC ACILOPST PSOAS, muscle of loin [adj] PSYCHOS CHOPSSY PSYCHO, mentally unstable person [n] PSYWARS APRSSWY PSYWAR, psychological warfare [n] PTYALIN AILNPTY salivary enzyme [n -S] PUKIEST EIKPSTU PUKEY, resembling or suggestive of vomit [adj] PUPILAR AILPPRU pertaining to part of eye [adj] PURPURA APPRRUU disease characterized by purple spots on skin [n -S] PUSLIKE EIKLPSU resembling pus (viscous fluid formed in infected tissue) [adj] PUSTULE ELPSTUU small elevation of skin containing pus [n -S] PYAEMIA AAEIMPY pyemia (presence of pus in blood) [n -S] PYAEMIC ACEIMPY PYAEMIA, pyemia (presence of pus in blood) [adj] PYEMIAS AEIMPSY PYEMIA, presence of pus in blood [n] PYLORIC CILOPRY PYLORUS, opening between stomach and duodenum [adj] PYLORUS LOPRSUY opening between stomach and duodenum [n -RI or -ES] PYRETIC CEIPRTY pertaining to fever [adj] PYREXIA AEIPRXY fever [n -S] PYREXIC CEIPRXY PYREXIA, fever [adj] PYROGEN EGNOPRY substance that produces fever [n -S] PYROSIS IOPRSSY heartburn [n -SES] PYURIAS AIPRSUY PYURIA, presence of pus in urine [n] Q 7s QUARTAN AANQRTU recurrent malarial fever [n -S] QUASSIN AINQSSU medicinal compound obtained from wood of quassia [n -S] QUININA AIINNQU quinine (medicinal alkaloid) [n -S] QUININE EIINNQU medicinal alkaloid [n -S] QUININS IINNQSU QUININ, quinine (medicinal alkaloid) [n] QUINTAN AINNQTU recurrent fever [n -S] R 7s RACHIAL AACHILR RACHIS, spinal column [adj] RADIALE AADEILR bone of carpus [n -LIA] RALPHED ADEHLPR RALPH, to vomit [v] RANULAR AALNRRU RANULA, cyst formed under tongue [adj] RANULAS AALNRSU RANULA, cyst formed under tongue [n] REAGINS AEGINRS REAGIN, type of antibody [n] RECTUMS CEMRSTU RECTUM, terminal portion of large intestine [n] REDDEST DDEERST RED, of color of blood [adj] REDHEAD ADDEEHR person with red hair [n -S] REDNESS DEENRSS state of being red (of color of blood) [n -ES] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

REDOUTS DEORSTU REDOUT, condition in which blood is driven to head [n] REFEELS EEEFLRS REFEEL, FEEL, to perceive through sense of touch [v] REGORGE EEGGORR to vomit [v -D, -GING, -S] RELAXIN AEILNRX female hormone [n -S] RELIEVE EEEILRV to lessen or free from pain or discomfort [v -D, -VING, -S] RETCHED CDEEHRT RETCH, to make effort to vomit [v] RETCHES CEEHRST RETCH, to make effort to vomit [v] RETEARS AEERRST RETEAR, TEAR, to emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by gland of eye) [v] RETINAE AEEINRT RETINA, membrane of eye [n] RETINAL AEILNRT retinene (pigment in retina) [n -S] RETINAS AEINRST RETINA, membrane of eye [n] RHACHIS ACHHIRS rachis (spinal column) [n -ES or -IDES] RIBBIER BBEIIRR ribby, marked by prominent [adj] RIBLESS BEILRSS having no ribs [adj] RICKETS CEIKRST disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency [n] ROLFING FGILNOR ROLF, to practice system of muscle massage [v] ROSACEA AACEORS chronic inflammation of parts of [n -S] ROSEOLA AELOORS rose-colored skin rash [n -S] ROTATOR AOORRTT muscle serving to rotate part of body [n -S or -ES] RUBELLA ABELLRU virus disease [n -S] RUBEOLA ABELORU virus disease [n -S] S 7s SACCADE AACCDES rapid, jerky movement of eye [n -S] SACRALS AACLRSS SACRAL, vertebra or nerve situated near sacrum [n] SACRUMS ACMRSSU SACRUM, bone of pelvis [n] SALIVAS AAILSSV SALIVA, fluid secreted by glands of mouth [n] SALPINX AILNPSX anatomical tube [n -NGES] SANDMAN AADMNNS mythical person who makes children sleepy by sprinkling sand in their eyes [n -MEN] SANICLE ACEILNS medicinal herb [n -S] SANIOUS AINOSSU SANIES, fluid discharged from wounds [adj] SAPHENA AAEHNPS vein of leg [n -S or -E] SAPLESS AELPSSS lacking vitality (exuberant physical strength or mental vigor) [adj] SARCINA AACINRS spherical bacterium [n -S or -E] SARCOMA AACMORS type of tumor (abnormal swelling) [n -S or -TA] SARCOUS ACORSSU composed of flesh or muscle [adj] SCABBED ABBCDES SCAB, to become covered with scab (crust that forms over healing wound) [v] SCABIES ABCEISS skin disease [n SCABIES] SCALPEL ACELLPS small surgical knife [n -S] SCAPULA AACLPSU bone of shoulder [n -E or -S] SCARRED ACDERRS SCAR, to form scar (mark left by healing of injured tissue) [v] SCHIZOS CHIOSSZ SCHIZO, schizoid (person affected with type of psychotic disorder) [n] SCIATIC ACCIIST nerve, vein, or artery situated near hip [n -S] SCLERAL ACELLRS SCLERA, white, fibrous outer coat of eyeball [adj] SCOPULA ACLOPSU dense tuft of [n -E or -S] SCOTOMA ACMOOST blind spot in field of vision [n -S or -TA] SCROTAL ACLORST SCROTUM, pouch of skin that contains testes [adj] SCROTUM CMORSTU pouch of skin that contains testes [n -TA or -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

SEASICK ACEIKSS affected with nausea caused by motion of vessel at sea [adj] SECRETE CEEERST to generate and separate out from cells or bodily fluids [v -D, -TING, -S] SENECAS ACEENSS SENECA, senega (medicinal plant root) [n] SENEGAS AEEGNSS SENEGA, medicinal plant root [n] SENILES EEILNSS SENILE, one who exhibits senility (mental and physical infirmity due to old age) [n] SENOPIA AEINOPS improvement of near vision [n -S] SENSATE AEENSST to sense [v -D, -TING, -S] SENSING EGINNSS SENSE, to perceive by senses [v] SENSORY ENORSSY pertaining to senses or sensation [adj] SENSUAL AELNSSU pertaining to physical senses [adj] SEPTUMS EMPSSTU SEPTUM, dividing membrane or partition [n] SEQUELA AEELQSU abnormal condition resulting from preceding disease [n -E] SEROMAS AEMORSS SEROMA, postsurgical subcutaneous accumulation of clear fluid [n] SEROSAE AEEORSS SEROSA, thin membrane lining certain bodily cavities [n] SEROSAL AELORSS SEROSA, thin membrane lining certain bodily cavities [adj] SEROSAS AEORSSS SEROSA, thin membrane lining certain bodily cavities [n] SEROVAR AEORSSV group of microorganisms having characteristics set of antigens [n -S] SERPIGO EGIOPRS spreading skin eruption [n -S or -ES or -GINES] SERUMAL AELMRSU SERUM, watery portion of whole blood [adj] SEXTANS AENSSTX SEXTAN, recurrent malarial fever [n] SHAMANS AAHMNSS SHAMAN, medicine man among certain Native Americans [n] SHIATSU AHISSTU massage using finger pressure [n -S] SHIATZU AHISTUZ shiatsu (massage using finger pressure) [n -S] SHICKER CEHIKRS drunkard (one who is habitually drunk) [n -S] SHIKKER EHIKKRS shicker (drunkard (one who is habitually drunk)) [n -S] SHILPIT HIILPST sickly [adj] SIALOID ADIILOS resembling saliva (fluid secreted by glands of mouth) [adj] SICKBAY ABCIKSY ship's hospital [n -S] SICKBED BCDEIKS sick person’s bed [n -S] SICKEES CEEIKSS SICKEE, sickie (emotionally sick person) [n] SICKENS CEIKNSS SICKEN, to make sick (affected with disease or ill health) [v] SICKEST CEIKSST SICK, affected with disease or ill health [adj] SICKISH CHIIKSS somewhat sick [adj] SICKOUT CRKOSTU organized absence of workers claiming to be sick [n -S] SIGMOID DGIIMOS S-shaped curve in bodily part [n -S] SLEEPER EEELPRS one that sleeps (to be in natural, periodic state of rest) [n -S] SLUMBER BELMRSU to sleep [v -ED, -ING, -S] SMARTED ADEMRST SMART, to cause sharp, stinging pain [v] SMEGMAS AEGMMSS SMEGMA, sebum (fatty matter secreted by certain glands of skin) [n] SMELLED DEELLMS SMELL, to perceive by means of olfactory nerves [v] SMELLER EELLMRS one that smells (to perceive by means of olfactory nerves) [n -S] SNEEZED DEEENSZ SNEEZE, to make sudden, involuntary expiration of breath [v] SNEEZER EEENRSZ one that sneezes (to make sudden, involuntary expiration of breath) [n -S] SNORING GINNORS act of breathing loudly while sleeping [n -S] / SNORE, to breathe loudlybwhile sleeping [v] SOROCHE CEHOORS mountain sickness [n -S] SOTTISH HIOSSTT resembling sot (habitual drunkard) [adj] SOUNDER DENORSU SOUND, being in good health or condition [adj] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

SOUNDLY DLNOSUY in sound (being in good health or condition) manner [adv] SOUSERS EORSSSU SOUSER, drunkard (one who is habitually drunk) [n] SOZZLED DELOSZZ drunk (intoxicated) [adj] SPASTIC ACIPSST one suffering from spastic paralysis (paralysis with muscle spasms) [n -S] SPEWERS EEPRSSW SPEWER, one that spews (to vomit) [n] SPEWING EGINPSW SPEW, to vomit (to eject contents of stomach through mouth) [v] SPINALS AILNPSS SPINAL, injection of anesthetic into spinal cord [n] SPITALS AILPSST SPITAL, hospital (medical institution) [n] SPITTLE EILPSTT saliva (fluid secreted by glands of mouth) [n -S] SPUTUMS MPSSTUU SPUTUM, saliva (fluid secreted by glands of mouth) [n] SQUIFFY FFIQSUY squiffed (drunk (intoxicated)) [adj -FIER, -FIEST] STANGED ADEGNST STANG, to sting (to prick painfully) [v] STARVED ADERSTV STARVE, to die from lack of food [v] STARVES AERSSTV STARVE, to die from lack of food [v] STATINS AINSSTT STATIN, any of class of drugs that reduce serum cholesterol [n] STATURE AERSTTU natural height of body [n -S] STERNAL AELNRST pertaining to sternum [adj] STERNUM EMNRSTU long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates [n -NA or -S] STERTOR EORRSTT deep snoring sound [n -S] STEWBUM BEMSTUW drunken bum (vagrant) [n -S] STHENIA AEHINST excessive energy [n -S] STHENIC CEHINST STHENIA, excessive energy [adj] STINGER EGINRST one that stings (to prick painfully) [n -S] STOUNDS DNOSSTU STOUND, to ache (to suffer dull, continuous pain) [v] STRUMAE AEMRSTU STRUMA, scrofula (disease of lymph glands) [n] STRUMAS AMRSSTU STRUMA, scrofula (disease of lymph glands) [n] STUBBLE BBELSTU short, rough growth of beard [n -S] STUBBLY BBLSTUY covered with stubble [adj -LIER, -LIEST] STUPEFY EFPSTUY to dull senses of [v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES] STYLOID DILOSTY slender projection of bone [n -S] SUCRASE ACERSSU enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] SUFFERS EFFRSSU SUFFER, to feel pain or distress [v] SULPHAS AHLPSSU SULPHA, sulfa (bacteria-inhibiting drug) [n] SUNBEDS BDENSSU SUNBED, device for acquiring tan skin artificially [n] SURGEON GENORSU one who practices surgery (treatment of medical problems by operation) [n -S] SURGERY GERRSUY treatment of medical problems by operation [n -RIES] SUTURAL ALRSTUU pertaining to line of junction between two bones [adj] SWACKED ACDEKSW drunk (intoxicated) [adj] SWADDLE ADDELSW to wrap in bandages [v -D, -LING, -S] SWALLOW ALLOSWW to take through mouth and esophagus into stomach [v -ED, -ING, -S] SWATHED ADEHSTW SWATHE, to wrap in bandages [v] SWATHER AEHRSTW one that swathes (to wrap in bandages) [n -S] SWATHES AEHSSTW SWATHE, to wrap in bandages [v] SWEATED ADEESTW SWEAT, to perspire (to give off moisture through pores of skin) [v] SWOUNDS DNOSSUW SWOUND, to swoon (to faint (to lose consciousness)) [v] SYCOSIS CIOSSSY inflammatory disease of hair follicles [n -SES] SYMPTOM MMOPSTY indication of something [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

SYNOVIA AINOSVY lubricating fluid secreted by certain membranes [n -S] SYRETTE EERSTTY small tube fitted with hypodermic needle containing single dose of medication [n -S] SYRINGE EGINRSY to cleanse or treat with injected fluid [v -D, -GING, -S] SYSTOLE ELOSSTY normal rhythmic contraction of heart [n -S] T 7s TABETIC ABCEITT one affected with tabes (syphilitic disease) [n -S] TACRINE ACEINRT drug for treating Alzheimer's disease [n -S] TACTILE ACEILTT pertaining to sense of touch [adj] TACTUAL AACLTTU tactile (pertaining to sense of touch) [adj] TALENTS AELNSTT TALENT, special natural ability [n] TALIPED ADEILPT person afflicted with clubfoot [n -S] TALIPES AEILPST clubfoot (deformed foot) [n TALIPES] TARDIVE ADEIRTV having symptoms that develop slowly [adj] TARSALS AALRSST TARSAL, bone of foot [n] TATTOOS AOOSTTT TATTOO, to mark skin with indelible pigments [v] TEARING AEGINRT TEAR, to emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by gland of eye) [v] TELOGEN EEGLNOT hair growth period [n -S] TENDONS DENNOST TENDON, band of tough, fibrous tissue [n] TENSORS ENORSST TENSOR, muscle that stretches body part [n -S] TERTIAN AEINRTT recurrent fever [n -S] TETANAL AAELNTT pertaining to tetanus (infectious disease) [adj] TETANUS AENSTTU infectious disease [n -ES] TETTERS EERSTTT TETTER, skin disease [n] THEELIN EEHILNT estrone (estrogen (female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus)) [n -S] THEELOL EEHLLOT estriol (estrogen (female sex hormone promoting or producing estrus)) [n -S] THENARS AEHNRST THENAR, palm of hand [n] THERAPY AEHPRTY treatment of illness or disability [n -PIES] THEWIER EEHIRTW THEWY, brawny (muscular (pertaining to muscle)) [adj] THYMOMA AHMMOTY tumor arising from thymus tissue [n -S or -] THYROID DHIORTY endocrine gland [n -S] TICCING CCGIINT TIC, to have involuntary muscle contraction [v] TIMOLOL ILLMOOT drug used to treat glaucoma [n -S] TIPSIER EIIPRST TIPSY, slightly drunk [adj] TISSUAL AILSSTU pertaining to tissue [adj] TITTIES EIISTTT TITTY, teat (mammary gland) [n] TOELESS EELOSST having no [adj] TOELIKE EEIKLOT resembling [adj] TONSILS ILNOSST TONSIL, lymphoid organ [n] TONUSES ENOSSTU TONUS, normal state of tension in muscle tissue [n] TOOTSIE EIOOSTT tootsy (foot (terminal part of leg on which body stands and moves)) [n -S] TOPKNOT KNOOPTT ornament for hair [n -S] TORMENT EMNORTT to inflict with great bodily or mental suffering [v -ED, -ING, -S] TORPORS OOPRRST TORPOR, mental or physical inactivity [n] TORTURE EORRTTU to subject to severe physical pain [v -D, -RING, -S] TOSSPOT OOPSSTT drunkard (one who is habitually drunk) [n -S] TOWHEAD ADEHOTW head of light blond hair [n -S] TOXEMIA AEIMOTX condition of having toxins in blood [n -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

TOXEMIC CEIMOTX TOXEMIA, condition of having toxins in blood [adj] TOXICAL ACILOTX toxic [adj] TRACHEA AACEHRT passage for conveying air to lungs [n -S or -E] TREMORS EMORRST TREMOR, to undergo shaking or quivering [v] TRESSED DEERSST TRESS, long lock of hair [adj] TRESSES EERSSST TRESS, long lock of hair [n] TRICEPS CEIPRST arm muscle [n -ES] TRIPTAN AINPRTT drug used to treat migraine attacks [n -S] TRISMUS IMRSSTU lockjaw [n -ES] TRISOMY IMORSTY condition of being trisome [n -MIES] TROCHES CEHORST TROCHE, medicated lozenge [n] TROLAND ADLNORT unit of measurement of retinal response to light [n -S] TRYPSIN INPRSTY enzyme (complex protein) [n -S] TRYPTIC CIPRTTY TRYPSIN, enzyme (complex protein) [adj] TUMORAL ALMORTU TUMOR, abnormal swelling [adj] TUMOURS MORSTUU TUMOUR, tumor (abnormal swelling) [n] TUNICAE ACEINTU TUNICA, enveloping membrane or layer of body tissue [n] TURBETH BEHRTTU turpeth (medicinal plant root) [n -S] TURBITH BHIRTTU turpeth (medicinal plant root) [n -S] TURISTA AIRSTTU intestinal sickness affecting tourist in foreign country [n -S] TURPETH EHPRTTU medicinal plant root [n -S] TUSSIVE EISSTUV TUSSIS, cough [adj] TWINGED DEGINTW TWINGE, to affect with sharp pain [v] TWINGES EGINSTW TWINGE, to affect with sharp pain [v] TYLOSIN ILNOSTY antibiotic [n -S] TYMPANY AMNPTYY swelling of abdomen [n -NIES] TYPHOID DHIOPTY infectious disease [n -S] TYPHOSE EHOPSTY pertaining to typhoid (infectious disease) [adj] TYPHOUS HOPSTUY TYPHUS, infectious disease [adj] U 7s ULCERED CDEELRU ULCER, to affect with ulcer (type of lesion) [v] UNEASES AEENSSU UNEASE, mental or physical discomfort [n] UNGUENT EGNNTUU ointment (viscous preparation applied to skin as medicine or cosmetic) [n -S] UNIBROW BINORUW single continuous formed when hair grows above bridge of nose [n -S] UNLOBED BDELNOU not lobed (rounded, projecting anatomical part) [adj] UNSOUND DNNOSUU not sound (being in good health or condition) [adj -ER, -EST] UPCHUCK CCHKPUU to vomit [v -ED, -ING, -S] UPKEEPS EEKPPSU UPKEEP, cost of maintaining something in good condition [n] URAEMIA AAEIMRU uremia (abnormal condition of blood) [n -S] URAEMIC ACEIMRU URAEMIA, uremia (abnormal condition of blood) [adj] UREASES AEERSSU UREASE, enzyme (complex protein) [n] UREMIAS AEIMRSU UREMIA, abnormal condition of blood [n] URETERS EERRSTU URETER, duct that conveys urine from kidney to bladder [n] URETHRA AEHRRTU duct through which urine is discharged from bladder [n -E or -S] URINALS AILNRSU URINAL, fixture used for urinating [n] URINARY AINRRUY urinal [n -RIES] URINATE AEINRTU to discharge urine [v -D, -TING, -S] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

URINOSE EINORSU pertaining to urine [adj] URINOUS INORSUU pertaining to urine [adj] UROLITH HILORTU concretion in urinary tract [n -S] UROLOGY GLOORUY branch of medicine dealing with urinary tract [n -GIES] UTERINE EEINRTU UTERUS, organ of female mammals [adj] UVEITIC CEIITUV UVEITIS, inflammation of uvea [adj] UVEITIS EIISTUV inflammation of uvea [n -ES] V 7s VACCINE ACCEINV preparation given to produce immunity to specific disease [n -S] VAGALLY AAGLLVY VAGAL, pertaining to vagus nerve [adv] VAGINAE AAEGINV VAGINA, passage leading from uterus to vulva [n] VAGINAL AAGILNV VAGINA, passage leading from uterus to vulva [adj] AAGINSV VAGINA, passage leading from uterus to vulva [n] VALGOID ADGILOV VALGUS, position of joint that is abnormally turned outward [adj] VAMPIRE AEIMPRV reanimated corpse believed to feed on sleeping person’s blood [n -S] VANDYKE ADEKNVY short, pointed beard [n -S] VARICES ACEIRSV VARIX, varicose vein [n] VARIOLA AAILORV smallpox (virus disease) [n -S] VARUSES AERSSUV VARUS, malformation of bone or joint [n] VEINING EGIINNV network of veins [n -S] VEINLET EEILNTV small vein [n -S] VEINOUS EINOSUV having prominent veins [adj] VEINULE EEILNUV venule (small vein) [n -S] VENULAR AELNRUV VENULE, small vein [adj] VENULES EELNSUV VENULE, small vein [n] VERRUCA ACERRUV wart (protuberance on skin) [n -S or -E] VERTIGO EGIORTV disordered state in which individual or his surroundings seem to whirl dizzily [n -ES or -S or -GINES] VESICAE ACEEISV VESICA, bladder (saclike receptacle) [n] VESICAL ACEILSV VESICA, bladder (saclike receptacle) [adj] VESICLE CEEILSV small bladder (saclike receptacle) [n -S] VIRALLY AILLRVY VIRAL, pertaining to or caused by virus [adv] VIREMIA AEIIMRV presence of virus in blood [n -S] VIREMIC CEIIMRV VIREMIA, presence of virus in blood [adj] VIRIONS IINORSV VIRION, virus particle [n] VIROSIS IIORSSV infection with virus [n -SES] VIRUSES EIRSSUV VIRUS, any of class of submicroscopic pathogens [n] VISIONS IINOSSV VISION, to imagine (to form mental picture of) [v] VITILGO GIILOTV skin disease [n -S] VOMICAE ACEIMOV VOMICA, cavity in body containing pus [n] VOMITED DEIMOTV VOMIT, to eject contents of stomach through mouth [v] VOMITER EIMORTV one that vomits [n -S] VOMITOS IMOOSTV VOMITO, black vomit of yellow fever [n] VOMITUS IMOSTUV vomited matter [n -ES] W 7s WAKEFUL AEFKLUW not sleeping or able to sleep [adj] WAKENER AEEKNRW one that wakens (to rouse from sleep) [n -S] WARKING AGIKNRW WARK, to endure pain [v] Body Language Body of knowledge about HUMAN BODY, CONDITIONS, DISEASES– See also Good / Bad Feelings, Science - Life, Chemistry compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club

WEEWEED DEEEEWW WEEWEE, to urinate [v] WEEWEES EEEESWW WEEWEE, to urinate [v] WENNIER EEINNRW WENNY, resembling wen (benign tumor of skin) [adj] WENNISH EHINNSW wenny (resembling wen (benign tumor of skin)) [adj] WETWARE AEERTWW human brain when considered as functionally equivalent to computer [n -S] WHACKED ACDEHKW intoxicated on alcohol or drugs [adj] / exhausted [adj] WHISKER EHIKRSW hair on man's face [n -S] WHITLOW HILOTWW inflammation of finger or toe [n -S] WONNERS ENNORSW WONNER, prodigy (child having exceptional talent or ability) [n] WOOPSED DEOOPSW WOOPS, to vomit [v] WOOPSES EOOPSSW WOOPS, to vomit [v] WRITHED DEHIRTW WRITHE, to squirm or twist in pain [v] WRITHER EHIRRTW one that writhes (to squirm or twist in pain) [n -S] WRITHES EHIRSTW WRITHE, to squirm or twist in pain [v] X 7s XEROSIS EIORSSX abnormal dryness of body part or tissue [n -SES] XEROTIC CEIORTX XEROSIS, abnormal dryness of body part or tissue [adj] XIPHOID DHIIOPX part of sternum [n -S] XYSTERS ERSSTXY XYSTER, surgical instrument for scraping bones [n] Y 7s YEUKING EGIKNUY YEUK, to itch (to have uneasy or tingling skin sensation) [v] Z 7s ZEDOARY ADEORYZ medicinal root of tropical plant [n ZEDOARIES] ZONKING GIKNNOZ ZONK, to stupefy (to dull senses of) [v] ZOSTERS EORSSTZ ZOSTER, virus disease [n] ZYGOMAS AGMOSYZ ZYGOMA, cheekbone [n]