Soil heterogeneity and the distribution of native grasses in : Can soil properties inform restoration plans? 1, KRISTINA M. HUFFORD, SUSAN J. MAZER, AND JOSHUA P. S CHIMEL

Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 USA

Citation: Hufford, K. M., S. J. Mazer, and J. P. Schimel. 2014. Soil heterogeneity and the distribution of native grasses in California: Can soil properties inform restoration plans? Ecosphere 5(4):46.

Abstract. When historical vegetation patterns are unknown and local environments are highly degraded, the relationship between species distributions and environmental properties may provide a means to determine which species are suitable for individual restoration sites. We investigated the role of edaphic variation in explaining the distributions of three native bunchgrass species (Bromus carinatus, glaucus and pulchra) among central California mainland and island grasslands. The relative contribution of soil properties and spatial variation to native grass species abundance was estimated using canonical redundancy analysis, with subsequent testing of individual variables identified in ordination. Soil variables predicted a significant proportion (22–27%) of the variation in species distributions. Abiotic soil properties that drive species distributions included serpentine substrates and soil texture. Biotic properties that correlated with species distributions were ammonium and nitrogen mineralization rates. Spatial autocorrelation also contributed to species presence or absence at each site, and the significant negative autocorrelation suggested that species interactions and niche differentiation may play a role in species distributions in central California mainland and island grasslands. We explored the application of plant-environment relationships to ecological restoration for species selection at locations where degradation levels are high and historical communities are unclear.

Key words: Bromus carinatus; California Channel Islands; ecological restoration; ; grasslands; ; soil heterogeneity; spatial autocorrelation.

Received 25 November 2013; revised 22 February 2014; accepted 10 March 2014; published 14 April 2014. Corresponding Editor: S. Ravi. Copyright: Ó 2014 Hufford et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 1 Present address: Ecosystem Science and Management, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 USA. E-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION —and even single species—can be challenging if site conditions have been greatly altered. Many In the face of widespread habitat destruction revegetation efforts fail, and restoration practi- and biological invasion, land management often tioners recognize that success rates can be requires active restoration of native plant com- improved with remediation of physical and munities. Reintroduction of target species is biotic environments (Fahselt 2007, Drayton and common practice with the goal of restoring Primack 2012). Nevertheless, landscape remedi- ecosystem composition and, consequently, struc- ation is often inadequate because reference sites ture and function (Falk et al. 1996, Chapin et al. are either difficult to identify or nonexistent 1997). However, reestablishing suites of species (Halle and Fattorini 2004), and many sources of

v 1 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL. disturbance, such as exotic species, represent (Harrison et al. 2003, Grman and Suding 2010, permanent changes to ecosystem properties Seabloom 2011). Since the period of European (Vitousek 1990). colonization, introductions of exotic species have If we aim to increase the likelihood of plant resulted in the invasion of annual Mediterranean establishment at restoration sites, we need a grasses and forbs across the state (Bartolome et better understanding of the factors that drive al. 1986). Native perennial bunchgrass species species distributions in existing environments remain relatively widespread, but historical (Hobbs and Harris 2001). Plant-environment grassland communities no longer exist and their associations are well-documented, and while original composition is unclear (Hamilton 1997, species distributions are primarily controlled by Holstein 2001). Weed control and restoration climate at the continental scale, edaphic factors efforts are underway, but non-native frequently determine species and plant commu- dominate contemporary grasslands, and evi- nities at regional or local scales (Cramer and dence suggests that ongoing anthropogenic Leemans 1992, Prentice et al. 1992). Examples disturbance promotes their persistence (HilleR- include nutrient status, pH, and salinity as well isLambers et al. 2010, Vallano et al. 2012). as the presence of unusual substrates such as We investigated the role of edaphic variation mine tailings and serpentine soils (e.g., Krucke- and spatial processes in explaining the distribu- berg 1951, Gates et al. 1956, Goldberg 1982, tions of native bunchgrass species among central Pregitzer and Barnes 1982). Thus, soil properties California mainland and island grasslands. Our may serve to predict which species are suitable study focused on three perennial bunchgrasses: for reintroduction in cases where historical Bromus carinatus Hook & Arn. (California reference vegetation is unknown, and local brome), Elymus glaucus Buckley (blue wild rye), environments are highly degraded (Allen and and Nassella pulchra (A. Hitchc.) Barkworth Wilson 1991). (purple needlegrass) (Hickman 1993). These Species distributions reflect spatial processes species are the targets of numerous restoration as well as adaptation to heterogeneous environ- programs and evidence suggests that they were ments (Kramer et al. 2011). Species with limited historically common in coastal woodlands and dispersal show strong relationships with geo- grasslands (Holstein 2001, Bartolome et al. 2004, graphic distance, and their distribution declines Rein et al. 2007). The contribution of spatial and rapidly with declining environmental similarity. environmental components to bunchgrass spe- Species with wide dispersal have stronger cies abundance was estimated using canonical relationships with ecological distance, and will analysis and variation partitioning, with subse- persist at sites with similar plant communities quent testing of individual variables identified in and environmental conditions at larger geo- ordination. Our objectives were to: (1) test the graphic scales (Soininen et al. 2007). Much of relative importance of spatial structure and soil the current research investigates the contribution variables for species distributions, and (2) deter- of spatial and environmental variation to species mine whether soil biotic and abiotic properties range limits and niche availability (e.g., Pan et al. predict the potential for target species to rees- 1998, McCrea et al. 2001, Zhang et al. 2011). tablish at restoration sites. Fewer studies have applied plant-environment and spatial relationships to ecological restoration METHODS with the goal of predicting suitable sites for revegetation using selected plant taxa (Allen and Site characteristics and study species Wilson 1991, Corry and McEachern 2000, Volis et We studied the distributions of three native al. 2011). These studies offer the potential to perennial bunchgrass species relative to soil improve restoration outcomes via a better un- factors among two central California mainland derstanding of the factors that drive species’ sites and five Channel Islands (Fig. 1). Mainland distributions. sites included the 2358-ha University of Califor- Dispersal limitations and landscape heteroge- nia Sedgwick Reserve in Santa Ynez, California neity in soil properties may be important and Vandenberg Air Force Base near Lompoc, considerations for restoring California grasslands California. Island sites included four northern

v 2 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL.

Fig. 1. Distribution of sampling points among the two California mainland locations, VAFB and Sedgwick Reserve, and the five Channel Islands.

Channel Islands (Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa spread and continue to present challenges for Rosa and San Miguel) in Channel Islands island restoration (Halvorson 1994). On the National Park, and one southern Channel Island mainland, livestock have been removed from (Santa Catalina) where we collected samples Sedgwick Reserve, but are still present at VAFB. within the Catalina Island Conservancy. Soils Mainland grasslands are also targets for restora- across the region have a diverse volcanic and tion and are heavily impacted by exotic plant sedimentary origin (Norris 2003) and serpentine species. Native bunchgrass communities rock outcrops occur at mainland sites and Santa throughout the region grow in a matrix of Catalina Island. Serpentine soils are low-nutrient introduced, European annual grasses that in- substrates, and have a high ratio of magnesium clude Avena spp., B. diandrus, B. hordeaceous, to calcium as well as elevated levels of nickel and Hordeum murinum, Lolium multiflorum, and Vulpia chromium (Whittaker 1954, Schechter and Bruns myuros (Jackson 1985). Other common, intro- 2008). The regional climate is Mediterranean with duced species include yellow starthistle (Centau- hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters (Schoen- rea solstitialis), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and herr et al. 1999). iceplant (e.g., Carpobrotus edulis)(D’Antonio Following more than two centuries of exotic 1993, Bell et al. 2008, Knapp et al. 2009). plant and animal introductions, the Channel Bromus carinatus, E. glaucus, and N. pulchra are Islands have been the subject of intense efforts wind-pollinated, non-rhizomatous bunchgrasses. to remove non-native herbivores such as sheep, All three species have awned seeds that are pigs, goats and cattle (Donlan et al. 2003). dispersed passively by wind, with some potential However, introduced plant species are wide- for dispersal by animals. Investigation of the

v 3 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL. factors influencing the persistence of native Table 1. The total number of populations of each species in California grasslands has indicated species sampled among locations. Altogether, there these three bunchgrass species are propagule were 130 collections, of which two of three species limited, and seedling success is affected by overlapped at 12 sites. This resulted in 118 sites for spatial heterogeneity (Seabloom et al. 2003). Each analysis. of the three species occurs at the focal mainland Bromus Elymus Nassella locations, as well as on Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa Location carinatus glaucus pulchra and Santa Catalina Islands. Only two of the three Island species, B. carinatus and N. pulchra, occur on Anacapa 3 ... 4 Anacapa and San Miguel Islands (Junak et al. San Miguel 5 ... 5 Santa Catalina 5 5 6 1997). Anacapa Island is a chain of three islets; Santa Cruz 12 7 13 we sampled East Anacapa, which is most Santa Rosa 10 5 10 Mainland accessible. Habitats vary among these locations Sedgwick 10 6 10 (Heady 1977). Native grasses are commonly VAFB 5 4 5 located in patchy populations in coastal prairies Total 50 27 53 and riparian areas of the Channel Islands and Note: E. glaucus does not occur on Anacapa and San Miguel Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), and in Islands. woodland savannahs at Sedgwick Reserve (Sedg- wick). g of soil after the first day and also after a 14-day incubation period at 208C(Weintrauband Field collections Schimel 2003). We analyzed extractable ammo- We located and georeferenced populations of þ nium (NH4 ) with the diffusion method, and each bunchgrass species during spring and nitrate (NO3 ) using the Griess-Ilosvay reaction summer of 2002 and 2003 with the goal of after reduction with cadmium (Lachat Instru- representing the geographic range of the three ments, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; Lachat species across the islands and within the main- Methods 12-107-04-1-B and 31-107-06-5-A). Net land study region (Fig. 1). Sampling was restrict- nitrogen mineralization rates were calculated by ed to sites where one or more of the three species þ subtracting the initial soil nitrogen (NH4 plus was present in order to sample species-associated þ NO3 ) content from the sum of values for NH4 soil properties. At each site, three soil cores (7 cm and NO3 measured in incubated soil. 3 20 cm) located between 10 and 20 m apart Soil pH was measured for a 1:2 soil and water within the sampled population were collected suspension that was shaken for 30 minutes and using an AMS slide hammer (AMS, American allowed to settle for five minutes. Samples were Falls, Idaho, USA). Cores were bagged separately also analyzed for cation exchange capacity (CEC) and transported to the University of California at including exchangeable calcium, magnesium, Santa Barbara (UCSB) for subsequent analyses. sodium and potassium (measured in milliequiv- We sampled a total of 118 sites, including twelve alents per 100 g soil) using the NH4-OAc method sites where two of three species overlapped buffered at pH 7.0 (Lavkulich 1981). Total carbon (Table 1). and nitrogen content (mg/L) was determined by analysis of dried samples on an elemental Soil sampling and analyses analyzer (Fissons Instruments, Milan, Italy) using Soil cores were sieved to 4 mm shortly after an acetanilide standard. Duplicates were run collection and stored at 48C until the initiation of every 10 samples to check accuracy of analysis rewetting treatments approximately 60 days (difference of 1–3%). Particle size analyses were later. Water holding capacity (WHC) was deter- performed at the Division of Agriculture and mined by weighing a sample of 30 g of soil Natural Resources Analytical (DANR) Laborato- saturated with distilled water, and then drying ry at the University of California Cooperative the sample overnight at 758C prior to measuring Extension in Davis, California following Shel- dry weight. Soils were subsequently adjusted to drick and Wang (1993). 50% WHC for nitrogen mineralization analysis, We analyzed each of the three cores per site which was conducted for duplicate samples of 10 separately and subsequently averaged results for

v 4 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL.

Fig. 2. Distribution of sampling points among the four Channel Islands for MEM analysis. all variables with the exception of exchangeable 2011). We chose this method due to the irregular cations and particle size. For those two variables, sampling scheme required as a result of the we combined equal portions of 100–200 g of each variable geographic distances among the five subsample to create a single sample for each site islands and two mainland locations. Environ- prior to analyses. Average soil pH was calculated mental data were altered to include standardized as the mean of Hþ concentration (pH ¼log soil variables as well their second and third order [Hþ]). Altogether, 15 soil variables were mea- polynomials to model nonlinear relationships in sured for use in subsequent data analyses. These the dataset (Makarenkov and Legendre 2002). To variables included soil pH; WHC; total carbon reduce variance inflation, we selected among soil and nitrogen; exchangeable calcium(X-Ca), po- variables by forward selection with randomiza- tassium(X-K), magnesium(X-Mg) and sodium tion tests (9,999 permutations) using the ‘‘pack- (X-Na); CEC; percent clay, sand and silt; initial for’’ R package ( þ NH4 and NO3 ; and net nitrogen mineralization group_id¼195) based on methods described by (or delta N). Blanchet et al. (2008). Exchangeable sodium was not included in RDA analysis of the full dataset Data analysis due to multiple missing values for Sedgwick Soil variables were compared to species pres- samples. ence-absence data using canonical redundancy Once we determined the variables to include in analysis (RDA) and variation partitioning the environmental (or soil) dataset, we parti- (Legendre and Legendre 1998). Prior to RDA, tioned variation among explanatory data and species values were Hellinger transformed to covariables using the varpart function in the account for the large number of zeros in the ‘‘vegan’’ library (Oksanen et al. 2008). This dataset (Legendre and Gallagher 2001). To method computes the proportion of variation in improve symmetry of the environmental data species abundance explained by: (1) the environ- and meet expectations of statistical tests, the ratio mental dataset, (2) the spatial dataset, and (3) the of carbon and nitrogen, cations including the fraction explained jointly by all spatial and ratio of magnesium to calcium, and nitrogen environmental variables (Borcard et al. 1992, mineralization values were ln(x þ 1) transformed. Peres-Neto et al. 2006). As a final step, we ran Particle size data were arcsine square-root the RDA using Hellinger-transformed species transformed. Ordination methods were per- response data, the reduced soil explanatory data, formed with R software version 2.15.1 (R and spatial covariables (Borcard et al. 2011). Development Core Team 2009). To better quantify the contribution of spatial RDA was first conducted for the full dataset and environmental variables to species abun- (island and mainland) using a matrix of spatial dance, we conducted RDA for a subset of data created by recoding the five islands and two samples that described the four islands in mainland locations as binary ‘‘dummy’’ variables Channel Islands National Park (Anacapa, Santa to indicate the presence or absence of a sampled Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel Islands; Fig. 2). population at each island or mainland site The geographical distance among the northern (Legendre and Legendre 1998, Borcard et al. Channel Islands (CI) was small relative to other

v 5 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL. locations in the complete dataset, allowing study presence or absence at a site. We conducted of finer spatial functions. Namely, the minimum these analyses with logistic regression of selected spanning tree by which any two sites are soil variables separately for each of the three connected using a single path had a truncation species. Logistic regression analysis of trans- distance of 18.62 km. The truncation distance formed soil variables and binary species data represents the single largest distance in the tree. with a logit link function was performed in JMP Spatial coordinates among the CI sites were version 9.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, obtained with the geoXY() function in the SoDA USA). package for R (Chambers 2008). Coordinates were used to construct a matrix of spatial RESULTS explanatory variables using the method of Moran’s eigenvector maps (MEM; Borcard and Island and mainland locations Legendre 2002, Dray et al. 2006). Distance-based Forward selection for samples among the five MEM is a method that identifies orthogonal islands and two mainland locations included spatial variables across multiple scales and can seven soil variables that explained a significant model both positive and negative correlations (0.05 level) portion of the variance in the among species abundance data (Borcard et al. distribution data. The first four variables were 2011). MEM spatial variables were only calculat- the percentage clay, magnesium-calcium ratio, ed for the four northern islands because these CEC and the net nitrogen mineralization rate. variables may be distorted if the truncation The remaining three selected variables were distance among sampled sites is too large polynomial functions that included cubic values (Borcard and Legendre 2002, Borcard et al. 2011). of percentage silt and the magnesium-calcium The CI-only species data were Hellinger ratio, and the quadratic value of CEC. Variance transformed, and standardized soil data included inflation factors were 2.66, and were well second and third order polynomials similar to within the accepted range of values for multi- analysis of the full dataset. Forward selection was variate analysis. conducted separately for spatial and soil vari- Selected soil variables explained 27% (adjusted ables. In the case of the soil dataset, we modified R2 or R 2) of the variation in species presence- the analysis to use the significance value P 0.10 a absence data when modeled with spatial covari- as the cutoff with the goal to identify variables ables. Spatial covariables, however, explained that approached significance at P ¼ 0.05. Varia- none of the variation in the species data. tion partitioning was also conducted for the CI Permutation tests were significant for environ- dataset. Final data for RDA analysis included the mental variables (P ¼ 0.0001) but indicated no Hellinger-transformed species data, the reduced ¼ soil environmental data, and matrices of (posi- effect of spatial variables (P 0.9208). The first tive or negative) MEM spatial variables. two canonical axes of the RDA were significant, While forward selection reduced the number and explained 19.0% of the variation in the of explanatory variables in analyses, correlations bunchgrass distributions (Table 2, Fig. 3). Name- among remaining variables may have inflated ly, the first axis described soil variables of CEC, standard errors and obscured significant envi- the magnesium-calcium ratio and % clay, and net ronmental and spatial patterns in the data. We nitrogen mineralization. The second canonical therefore calculated variance inflation factors, axis described polynomials of silt and CEC. The which measure the degree of multicollinearity for RDA biplot of results distinguished among the each variable given the presence of other three native bunchgrass species (Fig. 3). Specif- variables, for each RDA dataset. Inflation factors ically, the presence of N. pulchra was correlated less than 10 indicated that correlations among with clay-rich, serpentine soils. Presence/absence variables were minimized (Borcard et al. 2011). of B. carinatus was associated with CEC, although Our goals included testing the application of the relationship was non-linear. Elymus glaucus these methods, and so we examined the potential presence was associated with soil texture (silt), for individual soil variables identified by canon- low magnesium-calcium ratios, and net nitrogen ical ordination to accurately predict species mineralization.

v 6 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL.

Table 2. Results of analyses including permutation is not well-defined, negative MEM variables may tests and canonical coefficients of the two significant model biotic interactions such as competition and axes identified by each RDA. Quadratic (second- niche differentiation (Borcard et al. 2011). We order) and cubic (third-order) polynomials of soil therefore ran RDA for the forward selected soil variables are indicated. variables and Hellinger-transformed species data both with and without negative MEM spatial Variable RDA1 RDA2 variables. Islands and mainland, soils only Eigenvalues 0.173 0.018 Forward selection of soil variables for samples F ratio 46.54*** 4.77** among the four Channel Islands included the Canonical coefficients magnesium-calcium ratio, percentage clay and Clay 0.790 0.013 N-min 0.267 0.211 CEC. Also included were quadratic values of 2 þ (CEC) 0.210 0.684 initial NH4 and CEC. The value of alpha was (Mg/Ca)3 0.297 0.379 Mg/Ca 0.341 0.119 0.05 or less for each of these variables despite the CEC 0.410 0.234 0.10 cutoff. RDA without spatial functions was 3 (Silt) 0.246 0.464 highly significant (P ¼ 0.0001) and soil variables Four islands, soils only 2 Eigenvalues 0.143 0.027 explained 22% (Ra ) of the variation in species F ratio 21.40*** 4.06* abundance data. Variance inflation factors were Canonical coefficients Mg/Ca 0.458 0.264 1.59 for this analysis. The first two canonical þ 2 (NH4 ) 0.339 0.528 axes were significant and explained 17.0% of the (CEC)2 0.334 0.635 Clay 0.692 0.477 variation in the bunchgrass abundance data CEC 0.510 0.441 (Table 2). The first axis described CEC, the Four islands, soils and MEM % Eigenvalues 0.272 0.115 magnesium-calcium ratio and clay. The second F ratio 78.44*** 33.13*** canonical axis described polynomials of initial Canonical coefficients NH þ and CEC. RDA biplot results indicated Mg/Ca 0.317 0.232 4 þ 2 (NH4 ) 0.161 0.174 separation between N. pulchra and B. carinatus, (CEC)2 0.083 0.120 with weaker evidence for an association between Clay 0.323 0.322 CEC 0.262 0.288 soil characters and the presence/absence of E. MEM 1 0.409 0.035 glaucus (Fig. 4). MEM 2 0.049 0.558 MEM 3 0.165 0.314 Each of the first two RDA analyses identified MEM 4 0.159 0.099 a significant association between soil properties MEM 5 0.301 0.021 and species presence-absence data, but residual MEM 6 0.263 0.009 MEM 7 0.216 0.019 eigenvalues were high (.70%). The addition of MEM 8 0.016 0.387 negative MEM spatial functions to the model MEM 9 0.305 0.099 MEM 10 0.076 0.310 reduced residual eigenvalues. RDA was signif- MEM 11 0.132 0.349 icant for soils (P ¼ 0.0008), and variance *P , 0.05, ** P , 0.01, *** P , 0.001. inflation factors were low (1.91). Soil variables explained 9%, and spatial MEM functions 29%, of the variation in species abundance data. The Channel Islands National Park variance fraction explained jointly by spatial Spatial data for analysis of the four northern and soil variables was 13%,andresidual % Channel Islands included 70 MEM eigenfunctions. eigenvalues were reduced to 49 .Insum,the 22% of the variation in species data explained Forward selection retained 11 of the original 70 by soil properties in the CI analysis was spatial variables, but none of these represented divided into 9% explained solely by soil ¼ positive spatial autocorrelation (P 0.272, forward variables and 13% explained by spatially selection of first positive MEM variable). The structured soil data. The first two canonical absence of significant positive spatial variables axes were significant, and N. pulchra popula- agreed with results for the complete island and tions were correlated with the percentage clay mainland dataset, suggesting a lack of spatial and magnesium-calcium ratio (Table 2, Fig. 5). structuring in these grasslands. Although the use Bromus carinatus was correlated with initial þ of negative eigenfunctions in community analysis NH4 and the quadratic value of CEC. There

v 7 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL.

Fig. 3. RDA biplot for the three native bunchgrass species (B. carinatus: BC, E. glaucus: EG, and N. pulchra: NP) and seven selected soil variables. Soil variables are magnesium-calcium ratio (Mg.Ca) and its cubic polynomial, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and its quadratic polynomial, percentage clay, and the cubic polynomial of percentage silt. Net nitrogen mineralization is represented by delN. Scaling ¼ 1. was some evidence for the association of E. regression analyses for each species and results glaucus and soil CEC (Fig. 6). indicated that individual soil variables can predict species presence or absence at a site. Logistic regression Results reported here list values derived from Forward selected soil variables determined in logistic likelihood ratio tests tables (chi-square RDA analysis were run in separate logistic degrees of freedom ¼ 1). The two variables with

Fig. 4. RDA biplot for the three native bunchgrass species and five selected soil variables for the four Channel Islands. Soil variables are the magnesium-calcium ratio (Mg.Ca), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and its þ quadratic polynomial, initial NH4 , and percentage clay. Scaling ¼ 1.

v 8 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL.

Fig. 5. RDA fitted site scores of the first (A) and second (B) significant canonical axes in MEM analysis plotted as bubble maps. Square size is proportional to the absolute values (see legend) and positive values are identified by black squares while negative values are represented by white squares. RDA scores are a linear combination of explanatory variables included in analysis. the greatest overall effect were the magnesium- was positively correlated with magnesium-calci- calcium ratio and nitrogen mineralization rate. um ratios and percent clay, and negatively There was also some effect of soil texture, which correlated with nitrogen mineralization rates. was specific to the percentage clay. Bromus carinatus populations were negatively correlated DISCUSSION with magnesium-calcium ratios (v2 ¼ 6.87, P ¼ 0.0088) and somewhat positively correlated with Determining how to effectively reestablish nitrogen mineralization rates (v2 ¼ 3.72, P ¼ California native grasses requires an understand- 0.0539). Elymus glaucus distributions were nega- ing of the environmental factors that contribute tively correlated with the percent clay (v2 ¼ 3.90, to the persistence of focal species. However, P ¼ 0.0484) and positively correlated with given that large stands of native-dominated nitrogen mineralization rates (v2 ¼ 5.79, P ¼ grasslands are no longer extant, identifying those 0.0161). The greatest number of variables pre- factors is difficult. Our goal for this study was to dicted N. pulchra distributions (Mg/Ca, v2 ¼ 4.99, assess the relative contribution of soil properties P ¼ 0.0254; N-min, v2 ¼ 9.19, P ¼ 0.0024; %clay, v2 and spatial structure to species distributions. ¼ 13.28, P ¼ 0.0003). The presence of N. pulchra Canonical analysis confirmed that soil properties

v 9 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL.

Fig. 6. RDA biplot for the three native bunchgrass species and five selected soil variables for the analysis of four Channel Islands and 11 MEM spatial eigenfunctions. Soil variables are described in Fig. 4. Scaling ¼ 1. explained a significant proportion of the variance species are niche-limited (Moore and Elmendorf in the distributions of the three species, but no 2006). Moreover, recruitment limitation noted in positive spatial autocorrelation was detected. earlier studies of California grasslands may be This indicated that contagious processes such as caused by low rates of seed production, rather dispersal factors (e.g., wind and animals) did not than poor rates of dispersal among existing seed explain species occurrence among sampled pools (Moore et al. 2011). grasslands (Peters et al. 2006, Borcard et al. The presence of significant negative spatial 2011). These three species are capable of dispers- autocorrelation among sites for each species may ing to all sites among sampled island and be a consequence of species ecology, or a mainland grassland locations, and environmen- sampling effect. We sampled grassland sites tal factors subsequently select for their persis- specific to these three species in order to tence (Soininen et al. 2007, Kramer et al. 2011). characterize environmental variables relevant The absence of dispersal limitations among for their persistence. As a result, many sites mainland and Channel Island sites appears to represented one species out of three, with 12 of contradict a prior study of native grassland 118 collections representing more than one native recruitment, which concluded that low rates of bunchgrass population. If sampling did not bunchgrass seed production and restricted dis- identify all species at a site, the sampling protocol persal affected the competitiveness of these may represent a source of experimental error. species in invaded grasslands (Seabloom et al. However, sites were revisited frequently and 2003). The relative importance of spatial and occurrence data were corroborated during each environmental factors, however, is dependent on visit. It is therefore likely that data reflect tangible scale and our work focused on existing native spatial and biotic processes, perhaps due to niche grasslands (Legendre and Legendre 1998). We differentiation among species (Leibold and evaluated soil characteristics associated with McPeek 2006, Aanderud and Bledsoe 2009). This species presence and absence at sites currently explanation is supported by the significant occupied by remnant native bunchgass popula- environmental variables identified in subsequent tions. Consequently, these results do not address ordination and logistic regression analyses. For the extent to which the three species can disperse example, the distributions of N. pulchra and B. to unoccupied (non-native) sites, particularly if carinatus were negatively correlated among sites

v 10 April 2014 v Volume 5(4) v Article 46 HUFFORD ET AL. for soil magnesium-calcium ratio and nitrogen intense competition for resources (Harrison et mineralization potential. In effect, the two species al. 2003). Results were not as conclusive for E. occupied contrasting environments. glaucus, possibly reflecting lower sample sizes Although we identified edaphic factors that and the need for additional environmental data predict species presence or absence, this does not as its distribution may be influenced by biotic or confirm causation. Plants alter their environment abiotic factors not included in this study. We note by redistributing soil nutrients via root structures that island populations of E. glaucus were and litter accumulation as well as by producing collected after extensive searches and were allelopathic compounds (Weidenhamer and Call- representative of the observed distribution. away 2010, Lankau et al. 2011). In the case of The soil properties identified in canonical abiotic soil properties, mineral and physical ordination closely matched logistic regression factors are a recognized cause of non-random results, but were not identical in all analyses. species distributions (Brady and Weil 2002). The This outcome may indicate the uneven predic- question remains, however, whether biological tive role of soil properties across a species range, and chemical soil properties such as nitrogen as well as the varying power of different mineralization and cation exchange capacity statistics. In addition, while environmental data represent causes or consequences of plant species explained a significant proportion (22–27%)of distributions. Sites occupied by B. carinatus and the variance in species abundance, a majority of E. glaucus were often more mesic and situated on the variation in the dataset was unexplained. deeper soils relative to sites occupied by N. Our set of environmental variables likely missed pulchra (K. Hufford, personal observation). In measures such as phosphorus and moisture addition, B. carinatus and E. glaucus did not grow content, as well as biotic interactions such as as monocultures and instead were patchily competition and plant-microbial relationships, distributed. These characteristics predict that that contribute to species distributions (Sea- biological and chemical soil properties are a bloom et al. 2003, Hawkes et al. 2005, Haus- function of the larger community, and may also mann and Hawkes 2009). As a result, soil be a causal factor of bunchgrass distribution in a properties play a role in species distributions nutrient-poor environment (John et al. 2007). in this landscape, but other factors will likely In the case of the four northern Channel also affect establishment. A next step would be Islands, 13% of the 22% of the variance explained to verify the ability of edaphic factors to predict by soil variables was spatially distributed. Spatial revegetation success, supporting the use of heterogeneity may result from patchy distribu- individual soil variables in restoration planning. tions of soil properties, such as the occurrence of In sum, the significant associations between serpentine outcrops among sedimentary soils our focal species’ distributions and magnesium- (Borcard et al. 2011). Serpentine soil is widely calcium ratios, percentage clay and nitrogen known to drive species distributions (Kruckeberg mineralization potential are consistent among 1951, Schechter and Bruns 2008) and the ratio of analyses, and suggest that differences among the magnesium to calcium was a significant factor preferred soil habitats for the three species can determining species presence or absence in both assist in restoration of native bunchgrasses. This ordination and logistic regression analyses. Bro- result offers potential tools for restoration prac- mus carinatus was less likely to occur on titioners who could incorporate knowledge of the serpentine soils while N. pulchra populations association of key species with soil properties appeared to favor serpentine substrate. Nassella into decision making for seed mixes and seeding pulchra was once considered to be a historically plans. A combination of additional research and dominant species in California grasslands practical testing would be useful to determine if (Heady 1977), but later research noted that N. the variance in species’ occurrence explained by pulchra is adapted to disturbance, suggesting it is soil properties is sufficient to influence restora- more likely a marginal species (Bartolome and tion outcomes. Ultimately, practitioners will Gemmill 1981, Lombardo et al. 2007). Invasive benefit from an understanding of local and species may have forced N. pulchra populations regional patterns of diversity in contemporary, to occupy serpentine soils as a refuge from degraded ecosystems, and this understanding

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