picolibc A C Library for Smaller Systems Keith Packard -9 Senior Principal Technologist Amazon
[email protected] c Hello !y name is Keith Packard" # $ork in the De&ice 'S gro(p at Amazon as a Senior Principal )ngineer. Today" #*m going to talk abo(t picolibc" a C library designed for embedded +,- and ./- bit microcontrollers. picolibc ● 0hy start another C library pro1ect2 ● How picolibc $as de&eloped? ● 0hat are the results2 ● 0ho is using picolibc2 ● 0here is picolibc going in the future2 #n this presentation" #*ll describe $hat # see as the re3(irements for an embedded C library" the pieces from $hich picolibc $as b(ilt" ho$ de&elopment progressed" res(lts of that de&elopment along $ith se&eral pro1ects that ha&e picolibc s(pport integrated into them. Finally" #*ll brie5y to(ch on f(t(re $ork that # hope to see done in picolibc. Small System Considerations ● Small !emory 6think k7" not 879 – RA! is more constrained than :'! – A&oid using the heap ● Limited 5oating point – !ay have only +,-bit 5oats – !ay have none at all ● 8etting started is hard Small systems are small. They can be really small. The embedded hard$are # 5y (ses systems $ith +,k7 to ;,<k7 or :'! and /k7 to +,k7 of :A!. They often (se lo$-performance +,-bit cores" some have a +,-bit 4P=" b(t many ha&e no 4PU at all. De&elopers $riting long-r(nning embedded soft$are often $ant to a&oid depending on dynamic allocation as it*s easist to pro&e malloc $ill ne&er fail if malloc is not linked into the application.