PHD THESIS DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN Whole-body MR angiography in patients with peripheral arterial disease Yousef Jesper Wirenfeldt Nielsen IV. Nielsen YW, Eiberg JP, Løgager VB, Just S, Schroeder TV, Thomsen HS. Patient acceptance of whole-body MRA – a This review has been accepted as a thesis together with four previously published papers by the University of Copenhagen on the 4 th of June 2010 and defended on the prospective questionnaire study. Acta Radiol 2010; 18 th of October 2010. 51:277-83. Tutors: Henrik S. Thomsen, Torben V. Schroeder & Jonas P. Eiberg Official opponents: Håkan Ahlstrøm , Tim Leiner & Ulf Helgstrand 1.1 STUDY AIMS Correspondence: Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Copenhagen University The principal aim of the study was to investigate whole-body Hospital Herlev. Herlev Ringvej 75 – DK 2730. Denmark. magnetic resonance angiography (WB-MRA) as diagnostic tool in E-mail:
[email protected] patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Focus has been on feasibility of WB-MRA with body coil acquisition, means of im- proving the technique, and patient acceptance of the method. Dan Med Bull 2010;57(12)B4231 Both an extracellular and a blood-pool MRI contrast agent have been used in the study. However, it has not been a study aim to perform a large scale comparison of WB-MRA using different contrast agents. 1. GENERAL PART Specific aims of individual studies This thesis is divided into 3 main sections: A general part, a special Study I part, and a conclusion. The general part describes the background The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of perform- for the study, and outlines the study aims.