The Key Centre 2

Director’s Report 3

2010 by the Numbers 4

2010 Highlights 5

Learning and Teaching 9

Research 19

Seminars & Public Lectures 21

Publications 23

Professional Honours & Engagements 33

In the Media 37

Our People 39


The Commonwealth Key Centre of Teaching and These objectives are achieved by the Key Centre Research in Transport Management is a joint by:- venture between the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies in the Faculty of Economics and • developing and offering graduate transport Business at The University of Sydney (ITLS- and logistics management programs, industry Sydney) and the Institute of Transport Studies in programs, certificates, executive programs and the Department of Civil Engineering at Monash short courses; University, Melbourne (ITS-Monash). The Key Centre was established in 1995; for 15 years the • bringing high quality transport and logistics Australian Federal government has continued to management programs to people outside recognise it as a centre of excellence in teaching Sydney and Melbourne as well as widening and research in all areas of transport management the offerings of courses in Melbourne and including supply chain management, transport Sydney through access to courses provided by economics, transport engineering, transport both ITLS-Sydney and ITS-Monash; planning, and transport modelling. • contributing to Australia’s growing OUR CONSTITUTION participation in the Asia Pacific region in a leadership role in transport and logistics The primary object of the Key Centre is to management; undertake graduate teaching, executive programs, • widening the range of courses available for grant and contract research and development in middle level professional managers in critical the fields of transport and supply chain areas of transport and logistics management management studies. The work of the Key Centre not currently served; also has the following objectives:

• equipping managers in all disciplines (i.e. , • To provide a focus for University work in engineering, economics, planning), the small areas of transport and logistics management business sector and local government to and to establish an ambience attractive to those succeed in the face of technological, economic committed to excellence in graduate transport and institutional change; and logistics management programs and research. • building on the recognised need for stronger links between education of engineers and • To collaborate, to the fullest extent possible, managers in transport and logistics with other parties having an interest in management; transport and logistics management studies and its applications. • undertaking research to develop state-of-the- art management practices and technical • To offer specialised training courses, methods; and workshops, short courses and seminars on topics of interest in the area of transport and • transferring the knowledge developed through logistics management. research to client groups through the Key Centre’s publications, workshops, conferences, • To seed the development, in Australia, of seminars, and by participation in networks of innovative ideas in transport and logistics transport and logistics managers and policy and professional practice in which the engineers. Key Centre plays a role.


2010 marks the 15th year since the Key Centre of Key Centre staff continue to be recognised for the Teaching and Research in Transport Management contributions they make to industry. It is was established; the individual nodes at Monash particularly noteworthy that John Clements was and Sydney have a much longer independent honoured with an award from the Bus Association history. Over this time we have grown to a total of for his excellent work in developing complement of approaching 60 staff and with a and running the Monash Transport Management sensible growth strategy we will be growing some Course in Bus and Coach Operations. Professor more over the next few years. Corinne Mulley was appointed by the NSW government to participate in the development of a The Boards of Advice at each node (chaired by Dr transport blueprint for Sydney, and I continued in Alastair Stone, ITLS-Sydney and Professor John my role as a member of the NSW government’s Stanley, ITS-Monash) met twice in 2010. These bus contracts benchmarking team. Professor Peter boards continue to play a key role in providing Stopher was recognised for his contributions to important advice and direction to the Key Centre, work in China by being appointed as an Honorary and I acknowledge the commitment and Professor of the Beijing Transportation Research dedication that Alastair and John bring to their Center, a think tank of the Beijing Municipal roles. It is with sadness that we report the passing Government in June of 2010. Associate Professor of Len Harper in late 2010, Len was a very active Stephen Greaves completed an ARC Linkage member of the ITLS-Sydney Board. project demonstrating that appropriately designed Success with grants continues including numerous financial mechanisms can influence not just the grants won from industry and government. Of kilometres driven but how they are driven (in particular note is our success in winning two major particular reducing speeding), a concept gaining ARC grants. ITS-Monash won an ARC Linkage considerable traction with insurance companies Grant to develop a systemic model of powered-2- and road safety agencies alike. Professor David wheel vehicles to underpin enhanced management Walters was invited to give the key note speech at of those vehicles in the context of a sustainable the inaugural Value Chain Management transport system. ITLS-Sydney won an ARC- Conference at Steyr (Upper Austria) in May. Discovery Project on the assessment of the At ITS-Monash and ITLS-Sydney our success is in commuter's willingness to pay a congestion charge no small measure due to the extraordinary support under alternative pricing regimes. we receive from the Dean of the Faculty of ITS-Monash worked closely with Public Transport Economics and Business, Professor Peter Wolnizer, Safety Victoria and the bus industry to design an who stepped down at the end of 2010 and the approved training course that will provide bus Monash University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor operators with the required competence to operate Research, Professor Edwina Cornish. I also wish to their bus services to meet regulatory and other recognise the important role that Associate compliance requirements of the new Victorian Bus Professor Geoff Rose has played in leading the Safety Act. The groundwork completed in 2010 Monash node. will see the existing Transport Management As always, it has been a great pleasure to continue Course in Bus and Coach Operations progressively as Director of the Key Centre. The working replaced by the Safety Management Course for Bus environment brings a great deal of joy to me, Operators starting from 2011. This smooth overwhelmingly due to the team we have. A transition reflects the close partnership developed, special thanks to all Key Centre staff. over more than a decade, which has seen the Key Centre play an on-going role in the delivery of education programs to meet the needs of the bus and coach industry. ITLS-Sydney developed a series of innovative executive courses partnering with the Logistics Association of Australia. We ran two courses in retail logistics and humanitarian Professor David Hensher logistics, and a leadership forum; more topics are Key Centre Director planned for 2011.

Page 3 of 43 2010 BY THE NUMBERS

Australian Research Council Industry Engagements for Key Centre staff with Linkage (3) or Discovery Project (3) radio, television and print media, both 6 grants held by Key Centre academics, nationally and internationally >50 with three won in 2010. (China, France and New Zealand).

Fellows of Australian, American and of Australians say the highest priority 6 British learned academies, societies, issue for transport in Australia is and institutes. public transport improvements 58% according to the ITLS-Sydney- Interfleet Transport Opinion Survey. Chapters published in edited books 7 from Emerald Press (UK) and McGraw Hill (USA). of graduates on ITLS-Sydney’s Post Graduation Work Experience Program offered ongoing roles with their Years since the Australian Key Centre 60% organisation at the end of their 15 was established. placement.

Years of transport education and Journal articles published including 32 19 research at the University of Sydney. in top tier journals (Australian Research Council’s Excellence in 63 Countries represented by the student Research for Australia A* or A rated). >25 body. Papers presented at prestigious conferences around the world from the Years of transport education and USA and Canada, to Germany, Italy, research programs at Monash 41 Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, University. 88 Turkey, and the UK, Abu Dhabi, China and Chile, and at home in Australia. Academic staff, including: our two Institute Directors; Australia’s only Professional development course Chairs in Public Transport (NSW and enrolments in bus and coach Victoria); Professors in Civil operations, public transport planning, Engineering, Logistics and Supply >435 transport management, and discrete Chain Management, and Transport 42 choice modelling. Management; an Associate Professor in Transport Management; two Honorary Professors and one Honorary Associate Undergraduate transport program unit Professor; and three Adjunct of study enrolments. 500 Professors.

Postgraduate coursework transport Higher degree by research candidates and logistics program unit of study 1,683 46 with 10 scholarships from University, enrolments. government, and industry bodies.


The World Transit Research (WTR) was launched by ITS-Monash in July 2010. The WTR is a free research clearinghouse which aims to make it In March 2010, ITLS-Sydney launched the ITLS- easier for researchers/planners in public transport Interfleet Transport Opinion Survey (TOPS), a to access quality research papers from leading quarterly survey of Australians’ thoughts about research journals in the field. It is a free repository transport. Do Australians think transport is getting of research papers, reports, research abstracts and better in their local area? How confident are links to research findings from leading peer- Australians that transport will improve in the reviewed research journals indexed and searchable short-term and long-term in Australia? What is the to ensure easier access to topics of interest in highest priority issue in transport for Australians? public transport planning. WTR has been Is the state or federal government considered most developed by the Public Transport Research responsible for transport? Should the private Group at ITS-Monash to make it easier for public sector be more involved in the provision of public transport planners and researchers worldwide to transport? Each quarter, TOPS tracks changes in access quality research in the field. Users of WTR Australians' confidence and sentiment about can search for research on specific topics or select transport. In 2010, there were four quarterly from a menu of subject areas or authors to identify reports, with increasing media and industry research of interest. WTR users can also join a free coverage. eNewsletter list by providing their email address. WTR publishes a bi-monthly newsletter SAFETY MANAGEMENT COURSE FOR distributed via email and itemises all recent BUS OPERATORS publications in the field which have been added to the WTR database. A comprehensive review of transport legislation in Victoria led at the end of 2010 to the introduction BUS BUZZ of a new regulatory regime for bus operations in Victoria. ITS-Monash was commissioned by the In September 2010, the public transport team at Safety Director of Transport Safety Victoria to ITLS Sydney launched Bus Buzz, a quarterly e- design and deliver an approved training course newsletter which provides updates on research that would provide bus operators with the and education in public transport to industry, required competence to operate their bus services government and the community. Two issues were to meet regulatory and other compliance distributed via email in 2010. Information included requirements. This task had two components: to presentations, Australasian Transport Research develop a suitable outline of a course that would Forum papers, working papers and public underpin a new accreditation system for bus transport courses. operators and to develop the subjects constituting the course. Under the executive guidance of Professor William Young, the bus team consisting of Astrid De Alwis, Bill Kilpatrick and Brenda O’Keefe have worked tirelessly to meet formidable production deadlines while simultaneously upholding ITS-Monash commitment to the quality of its programs. Beginning in 2011, the existing Transport Management Course in Bus and Coach Operations will be replaced progressively by the Safety Management Course for Bus Operators, the

first of its kind in Australia.

Page 5 of 43 HONORARY APPOINTMENTS BUSVIC INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTION In June 2010 Professor AWARD Peter Stopher (ITLS- ITS-Monash’ John Clements Sydney) was (R) was awarded the 2010 appointed Honorary Bus Victoria Industry Professor at the Contribution Award by Bus Beijing Transportation Victoria Executive Director Research Centre. Chris Lowe (L) at the Bus Director Guo Jiffu (R) Victoria Maintenance presented Professor Stopher (L) with a certificate Conference and Expo. The appointing him to the role; in his speech he stated award was for his excellent that members of the Centre were eager to learn work in developing and from Professor Stopher's experience and expertise running the Monash Transport Management as they tackled the enormous challenges facing Course in Bus and Coach Operations. China. In August 2010 ITLS-Sydney welcomed John EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH FOR Apelbaum as Adjunct Associate Professor in AUSTRALIA Transport Planning and Management and Transportation and freight services research at the Professor William Greene to as Honorary Professor University of Sydney were rated as being above of Transport Econometrics. world standards by the ’s John Apelbaum has over thirty Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) years experience in transport assessment. The first ERA assessment was planning and management conducted in 2010; this initiative assesses research having implemented and quality within Australia's higher education advised on major transport institutions using a combination of indicators and initiatives for the private and expert review by committees comprising public sectors in Australia and experienced, internationally-recognised experts. overseas. In addition to establishing the Apelbaum MOVING PEOPLE Consulting Group in 1989, John foundered the Professor John Stanley Centre for Transport, Energy and the Environment co-authored (with Simon which pioneered methodologies for analysing and Barrett, L.E.K. forecasting the national and jurisdictional Consulting) the report on transport task, energy consumed and emissions. 'Moving People – Professor William Greene is Solutions for a growing the Toyota Motor Corp Australia' for the Professor of Economics at the country's major peak Stern School of Business, transport bodies: the New York University. He is Australasian Railways president of Econometric Alliance, Bus Software, Inc. and author of International Confederation of Australia, and the the software LIMDEP and International Association for Public Transport. The NLOGIT, textbooks report was launched by Federal Minister for Econometric Analysis, books on discrete choice Infrastructure and Transport, the Honourable modeling, modeling ordered choices and applied Anthony Albanese MP, and received national choice analysis, and over 100 articles in peer media coverage. Professor Stanley was invited to reviewed journals. Professor Greene has worked talk about the report to a number of bodies with ITLS-Sydney over a number of years writing including the Standing Committee of Transport numerous papers with Professor David Hensher (heads of federal and state transport agencies). and Dr John Rose and co-authoring the text – Professor Stanley is Chair of the ITS-Monash Applied Choice Analysis: A Primer published by Advisory Board, ITLS-Sydney Adjunct Professor, Cambridge University Press. and Bus Industry Confederation Senior Fellow in Sustainable Land Transport.


L-R: Professor John THEIR TRAINING PROVIDE OF CHOICE Hearn, HE Mohamed The Logistics Association of Hareb Al Yousef, Australia (LAA) has selected Professor David ITLS-Sydney as the provider of Hensher, and training services for short courses Mansoor Jaffar Abu for its members. LAA President Dhabi Department of Transport Brad Harrison said "The LAA has long been committed to fostering professionalism In June 2010 The Abu Dhabi Department of in the logistics and supply chain industry and we Transport and The University of Sydney signed a are delighted that ITLS-Sydney have come on Memorandum of Understanding aimed at board to assist us in expanding our professional providing Masters courses in transport services further". Under this agreement, ITLS- management to targeted United Arab Emirates' Sydney will provide subject matter and teaching students and executive courses for the resources on a variety of short courses which will department's employees. The Abu Dhabi be made available to members at various locations Department of Transport responsibilities cover Australia-wide. Factors supporting the LAA’s aviation, maritime, public transport, road safety decision to align with ITLS-Sydney included its and highways management. In order to provide widespread reputation and influence across the excellence in transport planning, the department logistics and supply chain sector and its cultural fit recognises that skill levels of their employees must with the full span of course material and subject be of the highest calibre. They have therefore matter aligned to LAA member's needs. developed a scholarship program targeting leading students from across the region and HIGHER DEGREE BY RESEARCH providing them with Bachelor and Masters STUDENT SUCCESSES training. ITLS-Sydney has been chosen for the high Three students were awarded their doctorates in quality of its courses to provide the Masters level 2010. At ITS-Monash, Mahmoud Mesbah was part of the program. This agreement is a significant awarded his doctorate for his thesis ‘A opportunity for both parties, contributing to methodology to optimize transit road space knowledge and development in the transport priority at the network level’ and Robert Napper domain in the fast growing region of the Gulf and for his thesis ‘Designing route buses: From enriching the already diversified student base of bespoke to mass customisation’. Robert’s PhD was ITLS-Sydney. sponsored by the bus manufacturer Volgren; he is now a lecturer in the Department of Design at ITS-MONASH COLLABORATION WITH Monash University. At ITLS-Sydney, Wafa Dabbas PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY was awarded her doctorate for her thesis While on sabbatical leave in the first semester of ‘Modelling vehicle emissions from an urban air- 2010 Associate Professor Geoff Rose spent time at quality perspective: testing vehicle emissions the Oregon Transportation Research and interdependencies’. After submitting their doctoral Education Consortium Centre at Portland State theses at ITS-Monash, Sara Moridpour was hired University in Oregon, USA. While there he as a lecturer at RMIT University and Ehsan researched: the travel behaviour impacts of electric Mazloumi as a Transport Analyst at IMIS power assisted bicycles; the impacts of weather on (Aurecon Group). At ITLS-Sydney PhD candidates the travel behaviour of cyclists; and the use of won awards at the 31st Annual Conference of the assessable on-line discussions to enhance student Australian Institutes of Transport Research; learning in transport planning and policy. As a Alejandro Tirachini was awarded a prize for the result of his research visit ITS-Monash has Best Student Research Paper and Claudine Moutou launched collaborative research initiatives with was given an honourable mention. In addition, OTREC on the first two of these research topics. PhD candidate Matthew Beck won a Dean's Citation for Teaching for the unit of study that he coordinates (Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics) and was nominated for a Faculty Teaching Award by his students.

Page 7 of 43 Page 8 of 43 LEARNING and TEACHING

UNDERGRADUATE ITS-Monash continues to play a key role in the environmental impacts of powered two wheel delivery of the undergraduate transport units in vehicles; evaluating the evidence for mandatory the civil and environmental engineering programs. bicycle helmets; evaluating user experience with Across all undergraduate transport units of study the Ride to Work Day event; evaluation of the ITS-Monash had responsibility for nearly 500 Monash Share Bike Scheme; integration of access subject enrolments. ITS-Monash academics also and mobility functions of road networks; parking deliver the units Engineering Investigations and supply and parking policy in City of Monash and Project Management for Civil Engineers in the civil City of Greater Dandenong; travel behaviour; the and environmental engineering programs as well image processing of a video recorded from an as delivering the transport component in the major intersection; use of social media for traveller group design subject - Civil Engineering Practice 4 information; ramp metering; automatic incident – which is a core unit in the final year of the civil detection; travel time prediction. engineering degree. POSTGRADUATE COURSEWORK ITLS-SYDNEY The demand for units of study remains very high. Many of our students are enrolled in a major in logistics and/or transport management via the Master of Commerce or in elective units in the Master of International Business as well as the transport and logistics degrees. • Master of Transport or Logistics Management (8 units) Undergraduate unit enrolments at ITS-Monash • Masters of Transport and Logistics UNITS OF STUDY Management (12 units)

• Transport and Traffic (CIV2282) • Master of Transport or Logistics Management combined with Master of Commerce (16 units), • Road engineering (CIV3283) Master of International Business (12 units) or • Transport Planning (CIV4283) Master of Urban and Regional Planning (16 units) • Transport Systems (CIV4284) • Graduate Diploma in Transport or Logistics The Traffix Group Undergraduate Scholarship is Management (6 units) generously offered to up to two students undertaking the Bachelor of Engineering who have • Graduate Certificate in Transport or Logistics an interest in and intend to pursue careers in Management (4 units) transport engineering. In 2010 the scholarships were awarded to Richa Sethi and Bridge Blackburn 2000 who receive financial assistance and a 12 week 1750 work placement with the Traffix Group. 1500 Undergraduates also undertook the following 1250 honour’s projects as part of the units CIV4210 Project A and CIV4211 Project B under the 1000 supervision of Professors William Young and 750 Graham Currie, Associate Professor Geoff Rose Subject Enrolments 500 and Dr Yibing Wang: Accuracy of SmartBus real- 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 time passenger information; solar power generation using rail; review of tram passenger Postgraduate coursework unit enrolments at ITLS-Sydney safety; optimising tram stop spacing in Melbourne; investigating night travel in Melbourne;

Page 9 of 43 UNITS OF STUDY THE POST GRADUATION WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM Total enrolments for 2010 are shown in brackets for each unit. This program offers ITLS-Sydney’s brightest graduates the opportunity to gain some valuable • Analysis Tools for Transport and Logistics real world experience with our industry partners [217] in logistics and transport. Over 60% of our • Aviation Management and Logistics [49] graduates have been offered permanent positions • Geographical Information Systems for on completion. The success of the program lies in Planning and Logistics [47] this win-win situation for graduates and employers; giving employers access to some of • Innovations in Logistics and Supply Chain [18] ITLS-Sydney’s brightest graduates and providing • Intelligent Transport and Logistics Systems [9] the graduates with opportunities in the real business world. Organisations that have provided • International Freight Transportation [58] placement include: AWA Ltd, Booz&Co, BusNSW, • International Logistics [87]  Busways, ComfortDelGro Cabcharge Pty Ltd, Dial A Dump Industries (DAD), Forest Coach Lines, • Logistics and Supply Chain Management [193] Hapag-Lloyd, Interfleet Technology, Parsons • Logistics Systems [69] Brinckerhoff, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Saha International, Shipping Australia Ltd, Swisslog, • Manufacturing Logistics [13] Transport Workers Union and Veolia • Maritime Logistics [40] Environmental Services. • Organisational Logistics [179]  • Project Management in Supply Chains [34] • Public Transport Policy Planning [20]

• Research Project [3] Orientation for new postgraduate coursework • Retail Logistics Management [61]  students at ITLS-Sydney • Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop SCM [45] • Strategic Transport Modelling [9] ITS-MONASH • Survey Design and Management [8] Enrolments in the postgraduate program in transport and traffic are steady and continue to • Sustainable Transport and Logistics Systems attract strong interest from throughout Australia [56] and overseas. Units offered by ITS-Monash • Traffic Systems Management and Control [13] contribute to the following distance education courses: • Transport and Logistics Management [47] • Master of Infrastructure Engineering and • Transport Modes and Systems [130] Management (8 units) • Transport Policy [30] • Master of Transport (8 units) • Value Chain Management [181] • Master of Traffic (8 units) NEW: • Postgraduate Diploma in Transport and Traffic • Logistics in Humanitarian Aid projects [29] (8 units) • Railway Planning and Operations [16] • Graduate Certificate in Transport and Traffic The coordinators of the units of study indicated (4 units) with a star () above received a Dean’s Citation for teaching in 2010. This citation is based on positive feedback from the students enrolled on each unit.


Enrolments in our higher degree by research programs (PhD at ITLS-Sydney; Master of Engineering Science and PhD at ITS-Monash) grew in 2010 bringing the total number of students in the higher degree by research programs to 46. Many of our students have won highly competitive scholarships from either Sydney or Monash University, from the Australian Research Council or from other government bodies and Postgraduate coursework unit enrolments from industry. Our students come from all over at ITS-Monash the world to research in a diverse range of transport and logistics areas; details of our UNITS OF STUDY students and their research topics are shown below. • Parking (CIV5307) • Transport Planning and Policy (CIV5314) • Intelligent Transport Systems (CIV5304) • Quantitative Methods (CIV5303) • Transport Modelling (CIV5305) • Public Transport (CIV5316) • Transport Economics (CIV5315) • Road Traffic Engineering and Management (CIV5302) • Case Studies in Transport (CIV5308) Postgraduate research enrolments at ITS-Monash Five students completed projects in CIV5308: Case Studies in Transport. These were Robert Dunn 25 (Cyclists using footpaths), John Dinan 20 (Implementation issues with safe routes to school), Jenny Deady (Development of an accident 15 reduction methodology for a rural road network), 10 Benjamin Caspian (Ramp control strategies: A case study evaluation of ramp metering using VISSIM 5 microsimulation), Shivani Pakiarajah 0 (Hobart's eastern shore urban suburbs assessment 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 of travel behaviour) and Claire Ferres Miles (Parking across metropolitan Melbourne). PhD enrolments at ITLS-Sydney

Graduates of the ITS-Monash’s distance education program in transport and traffic, Kirsty Bilton (L) and Kendall Mackay Higher degree by research students at ITLS-Sydney (R), with Associate Professor Geoff Rose


Md. Aftabuzzaman Geoffrey Clifton Public transport measures for road traffic congestion The role of frequency and connectivity in delivering relief enhanced bus systems in urban areas: Developing a network of corridor services Kayvan Aghabayk Heavy vehicle car-following and lane-changing Andrew Collins behaviour on urban arterials An examination of the role and impact of information Iran Industry Scholarship search strategies on preference formation Australian Postgraduate Award Asif Ahmed Low carbon development in transportation Adrian Ellison Encouraging sustainable transport behaviour using Farhana Ahmed personalised environmental information Impact of weather on commuter cycling behaviour and possible effects of climate change Richard Ellison Modelling policy-induced changes in freight vehicle Babak Amani externalities Ownership and usage of powered two-wheeled vehicles Simon Fifer Elizabeth Barber Hypothetical bias in stated choice experiments: Is it a Strategic issues in supply chain management problem? And if so, how do we deal with it?

Matthew Beck Evan Gwee Development of a behavioural system of stated choice Improving methodologies to estimate the economic models: Modelling behavioural, pricing and impacts of agglomeration economies in urban rail technological opportunities to reduce automobile energy projects levels Singapore Land Transport Authority Scholarship Faculty of Economics and Business Research Scholarship Quoch Chinh Ho Interactions among built environment, vehicle Jyotirmoyee Bhattacharjya ownership and public transport utilisation Value chain network integration in practice: The antecedents and impact of interorganisational Qingjian Jiang information and knowledge sharing interactions Travel tour modelling with multi-day GPS travel International Postgraduate Research Scholarship survey data

Yujie Cai Victoria Johnson Supply chain interaction and overlap An exploration of transport to arts and cultural activities and social exclusion Montathip Chanpum A real time decision making policy for container vessel Waiyan Leong slot allocation in global empty container repositioning Embedding heuristics in choice models

Zheng Li Demi Chung Valuing travel time savings and travel time reliability: Optimising risk sharing: A quantitative study of the Interfaces between behavioural/experimental economics multidimensional nature of risk in private provision of and travel behaviour research road infrastructure Faculty of Economics and Business Research Ronald Henderson Scholarship, Accounting and Scholarship Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Qian Liu Investigating environmental/health externalities of transport

Page 12 of 43 Hsin-Chi Lu Chi-hong Tsai Value chain networks within the healthcare industry Public transport planning and transport economies

Ehsan Mazloumi Richard Yeo Investigating travel time and variability prediction for Effects of emerging large road freight vehicles on the roads-based public transport performance of typical Australian road pavements

Mike Moffatt Zeyan Zhang The influence of multiple axle loads on pavement Supply chain disruption costs in the international performance maritime industry Master of Engineering Science (Research) Sarah Moridpour Modelling lane changing behaviour of heavy David Chin commercial vehicles Incorporating stochasticity in prediction of travel time on congested freeways Claudine Moutou Understanding the consequences of small business Selby Coxon reactions to sustainable transport initiatives in local Design strategies for the amelioration of anti-social town centres behaviour on public transport Faculty of Economics and Business Research Scholarship Paul Hamer Monitoring the Impacts of the Melbourne CBD parking Jeffrey Newton levy Cost management in customer-supplier relationships and networks with a focus on activity based costing Andrea Macdonald Design of tram stops and facilities Brendan Pender Understanding and enhancing proactive planning Hassan Sabzehali approaches for the bus bridging problem Development of a framework for environmentally friendly intelligent eco-vehicle Joe Fai Poon Analysing the effects of travel information on travellers' Mohd Syahril Said decision making and learning Public transport in developing countries Singapore Land Transport Authority Scholarship Ali Zavabeti Mike Shackleton Development of a new platform to study driver’s Quality and impact of transportation research behaviour in complex situations using a novel laser technology Nirajan Shiwakoti Crowd dynamics under emergency conditions: Using non-human organisms in the development of a pedestrian crowd model

Amir Sobhani Assessing safety performance of intersections using simulation models

Alejandro Tirachini Optimal pricing strategies of transport externalities, with reference to car use and implications for public transport use Higher degree by research students at ITS-Monash University of Sydney World Scholars Award

Roger Toleman Toll roads and sustainability

Page 13 of 43 SHORT COURSES the Sydney course was joined by Professor ITS-MONASH Corinne Mulley of ITLS-Sydney which enriched TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT COURSE IN the course with an additional day’s content. Topics BUS AND COACH OPERATIONS covered include strategic perspectives on planning public transport, performance monitoring and network design, operational perspectives, transit marketing and fare structures.






100 BOAS CTM 75 Transport Management Course in Bus and 50 Coach Operations enrolments 25

The Transport Management Course in Bus and 0 Coach Operations was launched in 1999 as part of 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 the bus operator accreditation framework for the industry in Victoria. More than 1,900 operators Bus and Coach Operator Accreditation Scheme and Certificate of Transport Management enrolments have completed the course. Enrolments in 2010 were 146, slightly lower than in previous years, The status of ITLS-Sydney as a premier provider of reflecting stability in the industry and the education with the NSW bus and coach industry is impending introduction of the Bus Safety Act in demonstrated in the strength of enrolments in the 2011. Course participants were new operators professional development and accreditation seeking accreditation and also existing accredited courses in 2010. The Bus and Coach Operator operators enrolling additional staff for Accreditation Scheme (introduced in 2007 to management training purposes. replace the accreditation requirements under the Certificate of Coach Management) saw enrolments grow in 2010 with 187 operators successfully

completing the online course. 2010 saw the start of L-R: Bus and the Certificate of Transport Management as a face- Coach course to-face professional development program, no coordinators longer providing accreditation. In 2010, 29 John Clements, participants from the bus industry and their Astrid DeAlwis and Bill suppliers (NSW and interstate) and government Kilpatrick successfully completed the course. CERTIFICATE OF TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT PUBLIC TRANSPORT PLANNING I AND II – NETWORK AND STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES The Certificate of Transport Management (CTM) provides knowledge and skills in management, Both industry short courses in public transport planning and policy areas central to the success of planning (I and II) were run in Brisbane (47 the bus and coach industry, to operators, suppliers enrolments) and Sydney (17 enrolments) in and consultants. It introduces participants to the November. Participants came from a variety of latest developments in the industry and is professional backgrounds, including public recognised as an important industry qualification transport operators and state government agencies for middle and senior management, and an throughout Australia and from overseas. The excellent opportunity for career development. The course was presented by Professor Graham Currie four day program includes presentations by (ITS-Monash) and Professor Avi Ceder from the industry representatives, specialist consultants and University of Auckland. This year for the first time

Page 14 of 43 academic experts, designed to develop practical courses were extremely well received, some skills for the industry, as well as interactive responses from participants included: "Great exercises. The networking benefits are an networking." "Very relevant, good depth of important aspect of the CTM. The course content is content, and very well presented." "Simulation reinforced by four assignments completed after the exercise was great." "Excellent range in topics course. The CTM is supported by the Department covered." "Jersey was engaging, knowledgeable, of Transport, BusNSW, State Transit Authority and approachable and challenging. Real life examples private operators. were fantastic." "Jersey was outstanding". "Great introduction to the subject." "Jersey's practical / BUS AND COACH OPERATOR field experience provided the perfect balance on ACCREDITATION SCHEME course content. Excellent." Future courses are The Bus and Coach Operator Accreditation planned for 2011-12 including a course on Current Scheme (BOAS) online course is approved by Issues in Supply Chain Management to be Department of Transport as meeting the delivered by Professor Martin Christopher, accreditation requirement of competency to Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Logistics at operate bus and coach services. Under the Cranfield University, UK and Logistics Finance for Passenger Transport Act (1990), operators of bus Non Financial Managers to be presented by ITLS- and coach services must be accredited by the Sydney's Professor David Walters. Director General, Department of Transport. One of DISCRETE CHOICE ANALYSIS AND CHOICE the accreditation requirements is that applicants EXPERIMENT DESIGN must be competent to carry on a bus service. To meet the requirement of being competent to carry Course text: Applied Choice Analysis: on a bus service, applicants must pass the BOAS A Primer (2005) by Professor David examination. The BOAS course includes four Hensher, Dr John Rose and Bill modules: i) Accreditation; ii) Management Greene, published by Cambridge Information System; iii) Vehicle Maintenance University Press. Management System; and iv) Safety Management

Systems. The BOAS course is delivered through online learning materials including notes, case studies, online quizzes, and a discussion board.

Almost without exception, everything human beings undertake involves a choice. In recent years there has been a growing interest in the development and application of quantitative statistical methods to study choices made by individuals or groups with the purpose of gaining a better understanding both of how choices are made and of forecasting future choice responses. These extremely successful courses provide an

unintimidating introduction to the main Students sitting the BOAS examination techniques of choice analysis and the design of choice experiments. The courses, which began in RETAIL LOGISTICS AND HUMANITARIAN 2006, are presented by world experts in the field: LOGISTICS Professor David Hensher, Dr John Rose and Associate Professor Michiel Bliemer (Delft As their training provider of University of Technology, The Netherlands). The choice, ITLS ran two highly two week course attracts participants from all over successful courses for the the world from as far afield as South Africa and Logistics Association of the UK. Abridged versions of these courses have Australia in 2010. Gareth Jude also been presented in Italy (2010, 2009 and 2008), presented a two day course on Portugal (2009), South Africa (2008), The Retail Logistics in August and Netherlands (2007), and Singapore (2007). Jersey Seipel presented a two and a half day course on Humanitarian Logistics in November. Both

Page 15 of 43 STUDENT AWARDS ITLS-SYDNEY The 2010 Awards Night was held on 10 April in Adrian Ellison (L) with Professor David Hensher, the Forum Restaurant of the Darlington Centre at Director, ITLS-Sydney the University of Sydney. The evening is an opportunity to celebrate the success of the Institute with our staff, students, Board of Advice, industry partners, and the sponsors of prizes. Guests were welcomed by Professor David Hensher and awards were presented by representatives of our sponsors, BusNSW, the Chartered Institute of Ken Hillyar Award (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia, and the Logistics and Transport Australia) Logistics Association of Australia, as well as by For the best student in a masters program with a major our special guest Les Wielinga, Director General in transport or logistics management Transport NSW who also gave the closing address. Awarded to: Adrian Ellison

Jane Rogers receives her award Claudia Bottini (L) receives her award

from Phillip Clarkson, Ambassador, Chartered Institute of Logistics and The NSW Bus and Coach Association Prize Transport Australia For the best overall performance in the Certificate of

Transport Management program Awarded to: Susan Chaffey and Jane Rogers Sir Hudson Fysh Award (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia) For the best student in a masters program with a major Richard Ellison (C) receives his in transport or logistics management award from Denis Awarded to: Claudia Bottini Horder (R), President, Logistics Association of Australia Zheng Li (L) The Logistics Association of Australia Prize receives his award For outstanding achievement in the logistics program from Les Wielinga, Awarded to: Richard Ellison Director General, Transport NSW Peter Graham (L) receives his award from Professor Greg Patmore, The Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies Pro-Dean, Prize Faculty of For research excellence in transport or logistics Economics and Awarded to: Zheng Li Business

The Mrs MA Ching Prize For outstanding achievement in the graduate program in transport or logistics Awarded to: Peter Graham

Page 16 of 43 ITS-MONASH POSTGRADUATE AWARDS The presentation of awards to outstanding students is held in conjunction with the annual The 2010 prizes for excellence in postgraduate Ogden Transport Lecture. This high profile event work were awarded at the Ogden Transport provides the ideal forum in which to recognise the Lecture. achievements of our most successful students. Awards are sponsored by industry and Women in Transport Scholarship government and recognise the achievements of $10,000 prize awarded by the Victorian Government to students completing subjects in the undergraduate, women who demonstrate excellence in transport and postgraduate and industry programs. logistics and are enrolled in postgraduate study Awarded to: Clare Davey

Paul Carter receives his award from Jill Earnshaw, Manager, Program Integration and Evaluation, Network and Asset Planning

Prize winners and prize sponsors following the awards The VicRoads Prize in Transport Engineering ceremony held in conjunction with ITS-Monash’s Awarded to the postgraduate student who has achieved annual Ogden Transport Lecture. the highest average mark in their coursework units Awarded to: Paul Carter


The following awards recognised excellence in Naomi Langdon achievement amongst bachelor of engineering receives her students. commendation from Associate The GHD Highway Design Prize Professor Geoff Awarded to the group of Bachelor of Engineering Rose, Director of students who submitted the best highway design ITS-Monash Awarded to: Tom Bond, Shanika Ekanayake, Fraser Goff and Severin Staalesen Special commendation for excellent results in The Richardson Prize in Transport postgraduate coursework Awarded to the Bachelor of Engineering student Awarded to: Naomi Langdon showing the greatest proficiency in one transport elective and project Nirajan Awarded to: Brent Hodges Shiwakoti (R) receives his award The Traffix Group Prize from Gerard Awarded to the Bachelor of Engineering student Waldron, General showing the greatest proficiency in Level 4 transport Manager of engineering elective subjects ARRB Awarded to: Sarah Mahmoud

Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and ARRB-Monash Prize for Postgraduate Transport Management Scholar Research Awarded to provide support for travel to Brisbane to For excellence in postgraduate research in transport attend the AITPM 2010 National Conference Awarded to: Nirajan Shiwakoti Awarded to: Tim Dresser


Bus Association of Victoria Award The Pitcher Partners Large Operator Award For the best overall performance in the Transport Best performance in unit: Financial Management Management Course in Bus and Coach Operations (bus Awarded to: Bernard McNamara and coach operations, AO accreditation) Awarded to: Bernard McNamara

Henry Neal (R) Catherine Griffiths receives her receives his award award from Chris Loader, from Peter Ayers, Manager Transport Planning General Manager and Policy, Bus Association of Grenda Transit Victoria

Grenda Transit Large Operator Award

Best performance in unit: Human Resource


Awarded to: Henry Neal Bus Association of Victoria Award For the best overall performance in the Transport Management Course in Bus and Coach Operations

(charter and tour operations, AC accreditation) Awarded to: Catherine Griffiths Renee Haoust receives her award from Andrew Doug Willmot (L) receives Cornwall, Managing his award from Shaun Director, Ventura Rodenburg, Manager Bus Safety Compliance, Transport Safety Victoria

The Ventura National Bus Award Best performance in unit: Marketing, Planning and Operations Transport Safety Victoria Small Operator Award Awarded to: Renee Haoust Overall best performance for a small operator Awarded to: Doug Willmot

Cos Sita (L) receives his award from Astrid De Alwis, ITS-Monash

iComply, AC/AO Operator Award Best performance in unit: Introduction to Legislation and Operations Awarded to: Cos Sita

Page 18 of 43 RESEARCH


INTERNATIONAL NEW: Professor Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc Professor Graham Currie and Dr Majid Sarvi (with Olympic transport - key lessons for the Hajj / Omrah N. Hounsell and R. Kinnear) event Optimising the design and implementation of public Center of Research Excellence, Umm Al-Qura transport priority initiatives University (Hajj, Saudi Arabia) [2010: $50,300] ARC Industry Linkage Project [2010-12: $740,000]

NEW: Professor David Hensher and Professor Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Corinne Mulley Modelling the environmental impacts of commercial Centre of Excellence in Bus Rapid Transit development vehicle tours and freight management policies in urban Volvo Research and Education Foundation, areas. Sweden [2010-2015: $300,000] ARC Discovery Project [2008-10: $200,454] Professor Peter Stopher Dr John Rose (with K.Howard, S. Jan, A. Cass, S.J. Greater Cincinnati household travel survey Chadban and R.D. Allen) Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio, USA Community preferences for organ donation and [2008-11: $200,378] allocation in Australia ARC Discovery Project [2009-11: $240,000] Dr Yibing Wang Real‐time monitoring, surveillance and control of road STATE GOVERNMENT networks under adverse weather conditions European Commission’s Cooperation in Science NEW: Dr Majid Sarvi and Technologies (COST) Program [2008‐2012] Real time network traffic management decision support – pilot study and evaluation AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL VicRoads [2010: $46,000]

NEW: Professor Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc NEW: Dr Russell Thompson Investigating transport disadvantage, social exclusion Management of strategic freight corridors and well being in Metropolitan, Regional and Rural literature review Victoria VicRoads [2010: $15,000] Interface Councils of Melbourne [2010: $40,000] NEW: Professor William Young, Associate NEW: Professor David Hensher Professor Geoff Rose, Astrid De-Alwis Assessment of the commuter's willingness to pay a Bus risk management and the Bus Safety Act (2009) congestion charge under alternative pricing Transport Safety Victoria [2010: $30,000] regimes and revenue disbursement plans Associate Professor Geoff Rose (with Dr M. ARC Discovery Project [2010-13: $426,444] Symmons) NEW: Associate Professor Geoff Rose (with Eco‐driving trial design, evaluation and reporting Professor R McClure, Associate Professor M. Victorian Department of Transport [2009‐11: Pierini, J. Earnshaw, P. Daly, R. Griffiths, S. $74,525] Cockfield and F. Calvert) Dr Yibing Wang A systemic model to underpin enhanced management of Real‐time traffic state estimation, incident detection, powered-two-wheelers as part of a safe, sustainable and detector fault diagnosis for large-scale freeway transport system systems in Melbourne ARC Industry Linkage Project [2010-13: $1,267,900] Vic Roads [2009‐10: $40,000] Professor Graham Currie Professor William Young and Majid Sarvi (with B. Investigating transport disadvantage, social exclusion Corben and N. Candappa) and well being in metropolitan, regional and rural Intersection design for safety Victoria Vic Roads [2008‐10: $2M] ARC Industry Linkage Program [2006-2010: $1.6M]

Page 19 of 43 INDUSTRY

NEW: Professor Graham Currie NEW: Professor Corinne Mulley Volgren Future Bus design program – scoping project 12th World Conference on Transport Research Volgren [2010: $32,000] 2010 Business School - Overseas Conference Travel UNIVERSITY Grant, Portugal, July 2010 [2010: $4,050]

NEW: Dr Rhonda Daniels NEW: Professor Corinne Mulley Closing the accessibility gap: quantifying the role of The role of public transport interactions in flexible transport services agglomeration economies Business School - Research Grant [2010: $11,281] Business School - Research Grant [2010: $4,799]

NEW: Dr Rhonda Daniels NEW: Dr Sean Puckett Accessibility planning: understanding variations in Design and Administration of a Stated travel time to access key activities Endogenous Attribute Level (SEAL) Survey Business School - Research Grant [2010: $17,000] [2010: $5,000]

NEW: Dr Rhonda Daniels NEW: Dr Sean Puckett The role of public transport interactions in Freda and Ken Lansbury Early Career Research agglomeration economies Fund [2010: $5,000] Business School - Research Grant [2010: $4,799] NEW: Professor Peter Stopher NEW: Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Travel time budget analysis from multi-day and panel Analysing speeding behaviour: A multilevel modelling data approach Business School - Research Grant [2010: $17,989] Business School - Research Grant [2010: $14,974] NEW: Professor Peter R. Stopher, Dr Yun Zhang, NEW: Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Belinda Halling, Christine Prasad, Jun Zhang, Understanding driving behaviour and cognition of Laurie Wargelin and Qingjian Jiang risk: Towards more effect road safety interventions World Conference on Transport Research Business School - Research Grant [2010: $19,008] Business School - Overseas Conference Travel

Grant, Portugal [2010: $4,050] NEW: Associate Professors Stephen Greaves and

Dr John Rose (with Simon Fifer and Richard NEW: Dr Ada Suk-Fung Ng and Dr Sean Puckett Ellison) (with Professor Mary Brooks, Canada) 7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis A study of port choice preference in the context of Business School - Overseas Conference Travel international supply chains Grant, Norway [2010: $1,435] Business School - Research Grant [2010: $8,100]

NEW: Professor David Hensher Professor Graham Currie Projects that facilitate international collaborative Social Research in Transport (SORT) Clearinghouse research projects – On the optimal use of the revenue Faculty of Engineering, Monash University from road pricing [2009‐12: $207,000] Strategic Research Initiatives [2010: $7,000]

NEW: Professor Corinne Mulley Accessibility impacts of Liverpool-Parramatta Transitway Business School - Research Grant [2010: $20,000]

NEW: Professor Corinne Mulley Closing the accessibility gap: quantifying the role of flexible transport services Business School - Research Grant [2010: $11,281]




23 February 2010 19 October 2010 The airline industry: Trends, challenges and Market access rather than travel-time-saved: strategies rethinking transport project benefit-cost analysis Dr John Wensveen, Dean, School of Aviation at Associate Professor Cameron Gordon, University Dowling College in New York of Canberra

30 March 2010 10 November 2010 Decarbonising logistics: A European perspective The high cost of free parking Professor Alan McKinnon, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University Professor Donald Shoup, Professor of 27 April 2010 Urban Planning, Maritime reform and the coasting trade University of Dr Mary Brooks, William A. Black Chair of California, Los Commerce at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Angeles Canada

18 May 2010 16 November 2010 An overview of developments in the aviation GS1 and the transport and logistics industry - A industry in South Africa with special reference to global update the role of low cost carriers Andrew Steele, Industry Manager, GS1 Australia, Professor Jacobus Walters, Director, ITLS-Africa; LAA-ITLS Joint Seminar Series Head of Department, Department of Transport 30 November 2010 and Supply Chain Management, University of Six in the City - Exodus in the PM and other Johannesburg network challenges in the City of Sydney 1 June 2010 Terry Lee-Williams, Framing CO2 as a transport problem, the example Transport Strategy of Latin America Manager, City of Dr Lee Schipper, Project Scientist Sydney with Global Metropolitan Studies, University of California

at Berkeley

INTERNATIONAL VISITORS 15 June 2010 Managing airline survival in a highly competitive ITLS-Sydney also received visits from Dr Stephane environment Hess (University of Leeds, UK); Professor Michiel Dr Rico Merkert, Visiting Research Fellow; Bliemer (Delft University of Technology, Holland); Lecturer in Air Transport Economics, Cranfield Professor Hsiao-Fen Wang (National Tsing hua University University, Taiwan); Professor Chris Nash (University of Leeds, UK); and Dr Andrew Allan 14 September 2010 (University of South Australia), as well as visiting How financial constraints affect the design of researchers from France, Germany, Iran, Italy, and public transport services The Netherlands. Professor Sergio Jara-Diaz, University of Chile

Page 21 of 43 ITS-MONASH to ride in weather like this! Exploring the sensitivity of ANNUAL OGDEN TRANPORT LECTURE cyclists to changes in the weather and Marilyn Towards sustainable urban mobility: Insights Johnson View from the bike: Improving safety for on- from Portland's journey road cyclists. Professor Dill held discussions with Professor the Department of Transport, Bicycle Victoria and Jennifer Dill the Amy Gillett Foundation. She was introduced to describes the the Melbourne Bike Share scheme by its manager, successes and Dr Daniel Paez of the Department of Transport. challenges faced in Portland, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH WORKSHOP Oregon SEMINAR SERIES 7 May 2010 Overcoming barriers to movement in urban areas The Ogden Transport Lecture is a free public for older people lecture initiated in 2001 to recognise the key role Professor Roger Mackett, Centre for Transport that Ken Ogden played in the formation and Studies, University College London development of the transport program at Monash 15 June 2010 University. The 2010 lecture was delivered on 24 Measures of transport inequality: Applying Lorenz August by Professor Jennifer Dill, Director of the curves and other economic distribution concepts Oregon Transportation Research and Education Associate Professor Cameron Gordon Consortium, Portland State University. The lecture Faculty of Business and Government, University of focused on Portland, Oregon, a US city that has Canberra built an international reputation for its achievements in developing a more sustainable 27 July 2010 urban transport system. Portland’s mixture of, Evaluating routes on urban road networks using busses and bicycles, along with innovative the mean-variance approach approaches to urban land use, distinguish it from Associate Professor Naoki Ando, Graduate School most North American cities. Professor Dill of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan described the factors that have contributed to 10 August 2010 Portland’s success, the challenges ahead and the The potential advantages of high speed rail in the lessons can we learn from Portland’s journey. Basque country of Spain Mikel Murga, Center for Transportation and RIDIN’ ON THE EDGE SYPOSIUM Logistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr Daniel Paez (R) and Kim Edwards 3 November 2010 (C) (Department of Nanosimulation: Modelling people, not just cars Transport) take Gordon Duncan, Azalient, Stirling University, UK Professor Jennifer Dill (L), on a tour INTERNATIONAL VISITORS of the share bike facilities located L-R: Associate Professor round inner city Geoff Rose, Associate Melbourne. Professor Naoki Ando and Dr Russell Thompson A half day symposium was held to highlight insights from the leading edge of bicycle transportation research. The seminar featured a keynote presentation from Professor Dill, Putting Portland’s cyclists under a microscope, a GPS study of ITS-Monash also received visits from Professor S.C. cycling route preferences. Presentations by Monash Wong (Hong Kong University), Professor Kouros researchers included Dr Russell Thompson Mohammadian (Illinois University, USA), Monitoring physical activity from active transport; Dr Professor Srinivas Peeta (Purdue University, USA), Mahmoud Mesbah Planning of bike-lane networks; and Associate Professor Naoki Ando, Dr Yuki and PhD candidates Farhana Ahmed I’m not going Nakamura and Professor Eiichi Taniguchi (all from Kyoto University, Japan).

Page 22 of 43 PUBLICATIONS Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Attribute Processing, Heuristics and Preference Construction in Choice BOOK Analysis (Invitational Keynote Paper for Choice Modelling Conference, Leeds UK. March 30-April Greene, W. H. and 1 2009)' in Choice Modelling: State-of-the-Art and Hensher, D. A. (2010) the State-of Practice: Proceedings from the Modelling Ordered Inaugural International Choice Modelling Choices: A Primer, Conference, ed. S.Hess and A. Daly, Emerald Press, Cambridge University Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. 35-70. Press, Cambridge, United Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'The Estimation of Travel Kingdom. Demand using Revealed and Stated Preference Data' in Feasibility Decisions in Transportation Engineering: Strategies for Transport Evaluation, ed. A. Cappelli and S. Nocera, McGraw Hill, United States, pp. 85-110. BOOK CHAPTERS Puckett, S.M. and Rose, J.M. (2010) 'Observed Bliemer, M. and Rose, J.M. (2010) 'Serial Choice Efficiency of a D-Optimal Design in an Interactive Conjoint Analysis for Estimating Discrete Choice Agency Choice Experiment' in Choice Modelling: Models' in Choice Modelling: State-of-the-Art and State-of-the-Art and the State-of Practice: the State-of Practice: Proceedings from the Proceedings from the Inaugural International Inaugural International Choice Modelling Choice Modelling Conference, ed. S.Hess and A. Conference, ed. S.Hess and A. Daly, Emerald Press, Daly, Emerald Press, Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. 139-61. 163-93. Campbell, D., Hess, S., Scarpa, R. and Rose, J.M. (2010) 'Accommodating Coefficient Outliers in SPECIAL JOURNAL EDITION Discrete Choice Modelling: A Comparison of van de Velde, D., Veeneman, W., Hensher, D.A. Discrete and Continuous Mixing Approaches' in and Steel, R. (2010) 'Editors of the Special Edition: Choice Modelling: State-of-the-Art and the State-of Reforming Public Transport throughout the World', Practice: Proceedings from the Inaugural Research in Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. International Choice Modelling Conference, ed. 1, pp. 1-410. S.Hess and A. Daly, Emerald Press, Bingley, United Kingdom, pp. 331-52. JOURNAL ARTICLES Chintakayala, P. K., Hess, S., Rose, J.M. and Aftabuzzaman, M., Currie, G. and Sarvi, M. (2010) Wardman, M. (2010) 'Effects of Stated Choice ‘Exploring the Underlying Dimensions of Elements Design Dimensions on Model Estimates' in Choice Affecting Traffic Congestion Relief Impact of Modelling: State-of-the-Art and the State-of Transit Cities’, Cities. Published online September Practice: Proceedings from the Inaugural 2010 doi:10.1016/j.cities.2010.08.002. International Choice Modelling Conference, ed. S.Hess, and A. Daly, Emerald Press, Bingley, Aftabuzzaman, M., Currie, G., and Sarvi, M. (2010) United Kingdom, pp. 195-215. ‘Evaluating Congestion Relief Impacts of Public Transport in Monetary Terms’, Journal of Public Collins, A., Hensher, D.A. and Li, Z. (2010) Transportation 13(1):1-24. 'Regional airports and opportunities for low-cost carriers in Australia' in Development of Regional Archer, J. and Young, W. (2010) ‘The measurement Airports: Theoretical Analyses and Case Studies, and modelling of proximal safety measures’, ed. M.N. Postorino, WIT Press, Southampton, Proceedings of the ICE - Transport, 163(4):191-201 United Kingdom, pp. 149-74. Archer, J. and Young, W. (2010) ‘Signal Treatments to Reduce the Likelihood of Heavy Vehicle Crashes at Intersections: A Micro-simulation

Modelling Approach’, American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136( 7):632-639.

Page 23 of 43 Barr, S., Fraszczyk, A. and Mulley, C. (2010) Currie, G., Richardson, T., Smyth, P., Vella- 'Excess travelling - what does it mean? New Brodrick, D., Hine, J., Lucas, K., Stanley, J., Morris, definition and a case study of excess commuters in J., Kinnear, R. and , John Stanley (2010) Tyne and Wear, UK', European Transport ‘Investigating Links Between Transport Research Review, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 69-83. Disadvantage, Social Exclusion And Well-Being In Melbourne – An Update On Results’, Research in Bliemer, M. and Rose, J.M. (2010) 'Construction of Transport Economics 29(1):287-295. experimental designs for mixed logit models allowing for correlation across choice observations', Delbosc, A. and Currie, G. (2010) ‘Transport Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Problems That Matter – Social and Psychological vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 720-34. Links to Transport Disadvantage’, Journal of Transport Geography. Published online Feb 2010 Bonsall P. and Young W. (2010) ‘Is there a case for doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.01.003. replacing parking charges by road user charges?’, Transport Policy, 17:323-334. Garrard, J., Greaves, S.P. and Ellison, A. (2010) 'Cycling injuries in Australia: Road safety’s blind Cheng, V., Rhodes, J. and Lok, P. (2010) 'A spot?', Journal of the Australasian College of Road framework for strategic decision making and Safety, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 37-43. performance among Chinese managers', International Journal of Human Resource Greaves, S.P. and Fifer, S. (2010) 'Development of a Management, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 1371-92. Kilometer-Based Rewards System to Encourage Safer Driving Practices', Transportation Research Chung, D., Hensher, D.A. and Rose, J.M. (2010) Record: Journal of the Transportation Research 'Toward the betterment of risk allocation: Board, vol. 2182, pp. 88-96. Investigating risk perceptions of Australian stakeholder groups to public–private-partnership Greaves, S.P., Fifer, S., Ellison, R. and Germanos, G. tollroad projects', Research in Transportation (2010) 'Development of a Global Positioning Economics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 43-58. System Web-Based Prompted Recall Solution for Longitudinal Travel Surveys', Transportation Currie, G. and Delbosc, A. (2010) ‘Modelling the Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Social and Psychological Impacts of Transport Research Board, vol. 2183, pp. 69-77. Disadvantage’, Transportation, 37(6):953-966. Greene, W.H. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Does scale Currie, G. and Delbosc, A. (2010) ‘Exploring the heterogeneity across individuals matter? An Trip Chaining Behaviour of Public Transport Users empirical assessment of alternative logit models', in Melbourne’, Transport Policy, 18(1): 204-210 Transportation, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 413-28. Currie, G. and Loader, C. (2010) ‘Bus Network Greene, W.H. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Ordered Planning for Transfers and the Network Effect in Choices and Heterogeneity in Attribute Processing', Melbourne, Australia’, Transportation Research Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, vol. 44, Record, 2145:8-17. no. 3, pp. 331-364. Currie, G. and Tivendale, K. (2010) ‘An Inclusive Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Hypothetical bias, choice Planning Process for Citywide Bus Network experiments and willingness to pay', Restructuring: Experience and Impacts’, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Transportation Research Record, 2145:18-29. vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 735-52. Currie, G. and Delbosc, A. (2010) ‘Bus Rapid Hensher, D. A. (2010) 'Incompleteness and clarity Transit in Australasia: An update on progress’, in bus contracts: Identifying the nature of the ex Built Environment 36(3):328-343. ante and ex post perceptual divide', Research in Currie, G., Richardson, T., Smyth, P., Vella- Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 106- Brodrick, D., Hine, J., Lucas, K., Stanley, J., Morris, 17. J., Kinnear, R. and Stanley, J. (2010) 'Investigating Hensher, D.A. and Greene, W.H. (2010) 'Non- links between transport disadvantage, social attendance and dual processing of common-metric exclusion and well-being in Melbourne – Updated attributes in choice analysis: a latent class results', Research in Transportation Economics, vol. specification', Empirical Economics, vol. 39, no. 2, 29, no. 1, pp. 287-295. pp. 413-26.

Page 24 of 43 Hensher, D.A. and Li, Z. (2010) 'Accounting for Jou, R. C., Hensher, D. A., Liu, Y. and Chiu, C. S. differences in modelled estimates of RP, SP and (2010) 'Urban Commuters’ Mode-switching RP/SP direct petrol price elasticities for car mode Behaviour in Taipai, with an Application of the choice: A warning', Transport Policy, vol. 17, no. 3, Bounded Rationality Principle', Urban Studies, vol. pp. 191-95. 47, no. 3, pp. 650-65. Hensher, D.A. and Layton, D. (2010) 'Parameter Layton, D. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Aggregation transfer of common-metric attributes in choice of common-metric attributes in preference analysis: implications for willingness to pay', revelation and implications for willingness to pay', Transportation, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 473-90. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 394-404. Hensher, D.A., Mulley, C. and Yahya, N. (2010) 'Passenger experience with quality-enhanced bus Li, Z., Rose, J.M. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) service: the Tyne and Wear ‘superoute’ services', 'Forecasting automobile petrol demand in Transportation, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 239-56. Australia: An evaluation of empirical models', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Hensher, D. A. and Stanley, J. (2010) 'Contracting Practice, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 16-38. regimes for bus services: What have we learnt after 20 years?', Research in Transportation Economics, Li, Z. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Toll Roads in vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 140-44. Australia: an Overview of Characteristics and Accuracy of Demand Forecasts', Transport Heslop, S., Harvey, J., Thorpe, N. and Mulley, C. Reviews, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 541-69. (2010) 'Factors that comprise driver boredom and their relationships to preferred driving speed and Li, Z., Hensher, D.A. and Rose, J.M. (2010) demographic variables', Transportation Planning 'Willingness to Pay for Travel Time Reliability in and Technology, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 75-89. Passenger Transport: A Review and Some New Empirical Evidence', Transportation Research Part Hess, S., Rose, J.M. and Polak, J.W. (2010) 'Non- E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 46, no. trading, lexicographic and inconsistent behaviour 3, pp. 384-403. in stated choice data', Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. Li, Z., Rose, J.M. and Hensher, D. A. (2010) 405-417. 'Forecasting petrol demand and assessing the impact of selective strategies to reduce fuel Hess, S. and Hensher, D. A. (2010) 'Using consumption', Transportation Planning and conditioning on observed choices to retrieve Technology, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 407-21. individual-specific attribute processing strategies', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Masiero, L. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Analyzing vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 781-90. loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity in a freight transport stated choice experiment', Johnson, V., Currie, G. and Stanley, J. (2010) Transportation Research Part A: Policy and ‘Exploring Transport to Arts and Cultural Practice, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 349-58. Activities as a Facilitator of Social Inclusion’, Transport Policy. Published online at Mazloumi, E., Currie, G. and Rose, G. (2010) doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2010.06.001. ‘Using GPS Data to Gain Insight into Public Transport Travel Time Variability’, ASCE's Journal Johnson, V., Currie, G. and Stanley, J. (2010) of Transportation Engineering, 136( 7):623-631. ‘Measures of Disadvantage: is Car Ownership a Good Indicator?’, Social Indicators Research, Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M. and Currie, G. (2010), ‘A 97(3):439-450. Policy Making Tool for Transit Priority Optimization in an Urban Network‘, Jou, R. C., Hensher, D. A., Wu, P. H. and Fujii, S. Transportation Research Record, 2197:54-62. (2010) 'Road Pricing Acceptance: Analysis of Survey Results for Kyoto and Taichung', Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M., Ouveysi, I. and Currie, G. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, (2010) ‘Optimization of transit priority in the vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 172-87. transportation network using a decomposition methodology’ Transportation Research Part C.

Published online at doi:10.1016/j.trc.2010.05.020

Page 25 of 43 Mulley, C. (2010) 'No car lanes or bus lanes– which Stanley, J. and Mulley, C. (2010) 'Workshop report: is best?', Traffic Engineering and Control- Social inclusion', Research in Transportation December, Vol 51(11), pp. 433. Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 275-79. Mulley, C. (2010) 'Promoting social inclusion in a Stanley, J. and Longva, F. (2010) 'Workshop report deregulated environment: Extending accessibility – A successful contractual setting', Research in using collective taxi-based services', Research in Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 80-8. Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 296- Stanley, J. (2010) 'Goal achievement with trusting 303. partnerships at the tactical level', Research in Ng, A., Lim, A.L.C., Leong, C.H. and Cheng, C.H. Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 99- (2010) 'A competitiveness measurement 105. framework for regional container hub ports: a case Stanley, J., Stanley, J., Vella-Brodrick, D. and study in East Asia', International Journal of Currie, G. (2010) ‘The place of transport in Logistics Systems and Management, vol. 7, no. 3, facilitating social inclusion via the mediating pp. 368-392. influence of social capital’, Research in Rose, J.M. and de Dios Ortuzar, J. (2010) 'Guest Transportation Economics, 29(1):280-286. Editorial - Methodological advancements in Tirachini, A., Hensher, D.A. and Jara Diaz, S.R. constructing designs and understanding (2010) 'Restating modal investment priority with respondent behaviour related to stated preference an improved model for public transport analysis', experiments', Transportation Research Part B: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Methodological, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 717-19. Transportation Review, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1148-68. Rose, J.M. and Masiero, L. (2010) 'A Comparison of Tirachini, A., Hensher, D.A. and Jara Diaz, S.R. the Impacts of Aspects of Prospect Theory on (2010) 'Comparing operator and users costs of light WTP/WTA Estimated in Preference and rail, heavy rail and bus rapid transit over a radial WTP/WTA Space', European Journal of Transport public transport network', Research in and Infrastructure Research, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 330- Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 231- 46. 42. Sarvi, M. (2010) ‘Improving the efficiency of Tong, A., Howard, K., Jan, S., Cass, A., Rose, J.M., freight traffic at congested freeway merging Chadban, S., Allen, R.D. and Craig, J.C. (2010) sections’, Transaction Letters: The International 'Community preferences for the allocation of solid Journal of Transportation Research, 1(4):309-322. organs for transplantation: a systematic review.', Scarpa, R., Thiene, M. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) Transplantation, vol. 89, no. 7, pp. 796-805. 'Monitoring Choice Task Attribute Attendance in Zhang, Z. and Figliozzi, M.A. (2010) 'A Survey of Nonmarket Valuation of Multiple Park China's Logistics Industry and the Impacts of Management Services: Does It Matter?', Land Transport Delays on Importers and Exporters', Economics, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 817-839. Transport Reviews, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 179-94. Shiwakoti N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G., and Burd, M. (2010) ‘A biologically inspired modelling approach CONFERENCE PAPERS for collective pedestrian dynamics under emergency conditions’, Transportation Research Aftabuzzaman, Md., Currie, G. and Sarvi, M. Record, 2196:176-184. (2010) ‘Modelling the Spatial Impacts of Public Transport on Traffic Congestion Relief in Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G. and Burd, M. Melbourne’, 89th Transportation Research Board (2010) ‘Enhancing the safety of pedestrians during Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 emergency egress: can we learn from biological January 2010. entities?’ Transportation Research Record, 2137: 31-37. Aftabuzzaman, Md., Currie, G. and Sarvi, M. (2010) ‘Understanding the Factors of Traffic Stanley, J., Stanley, J., Vella-Brodrick, D. and Congestion Relief Impact of Public Transport in Currie, G. (2010) 'The place of transport in Global Cities’, 89th Transportation Research Board facilitating social inclusion via the mediating Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 influence of social capital', Research in January 2010. Transportation Economics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 280- 86.

Page 26 of 43 Aftabuzzaman, Md., Currie, G. and Sarvi, M. Currie, G. and Delbosc, A. (2010) ‘Exploring (2010) ‘Exploring the Sensitivity of Urban Public Transport Disadvantage, Social Exclusion And Transport Mode Share to Traffic Congestion Relief’, Well-Being In A Spatial Context’, World World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Aftabuzzaman, Md., Currie, G. and Sarvi, M. Currie, G. (2010) ‘ Enhancing Rail Capacity Using (2010) ‘A New Index for Measuring City Wide Free Fare Incentives To Shift Demand Peaks’, Congestion Relief of Public Transport’, World World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Currie, G., Delbosc, A. and Forbes, P. (2010) Aghabayk, K., Moridpour, S., Wang, Y., Young, W. ‘Improving The Value Of Transport Research and Sarvi, M. (2010). ‘Understanding the lane Using Advanced Web Tools To Improve Research changing behaviour of large vehicles on Arterial Dissemination’, World Conference on Transport roads’, Proceedings of 22nd Australian Road Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Research Board Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Currie, G. and Tivendale, K. (2010) ‘An Inclusive 12-15 October 2010. Process for City Wide Bus Network Restructuring - Ahmed, F., Rose, G. and Jacob, C. (2010) ‘Impact of Experience and Impacts’, 89th Transportation weather on commuter cyclist behaviour and Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, implications for climate change adaptation’, D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Australasian Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Currie, G. and Tivendale, K. (2010) ‘City wide bus Australia 29 September-1 October 2010. network restructuring Using An Inclusive Archer, J. and Young, W. (2010) ‘A micro- Planning Approach’, Australasian Transport simulation approach to estimate safety at Research Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 unsignalised intersections’, 89th Transportation September-1 October 2010. Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, Currie, G. and Delbosc, A. (2010) ‘Understanding D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. ridership drivers for bus rapid transit systems in Beck, M., Rose, J.M. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'The Australia’, Australasian Transport Research Forum, Role of Environmental Attitudes in Emissions Canberra, Australia 29 September-1 October 2010. Charging and Vehicle Selection', 33rd Australasian Currie, G. and Delbosc, A. (2010) ‘Quantifying Transport Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Links Between Time Poverty, Well Being and Australia, 29 September - 1 October. Social Exclusion’, 89th Transportation Research Bhattacharjya, J., Leonard, J. and Walters, D. (2010) Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 'Multi-Level Enablers/Inhibitors of Knowledge 10-14 January 2010. Transfer in Interorganizational Networks', 14th Currie, G. (2010) ‘A Quick Cost-Effective Program International Business Information Management to Address Rail Overcrowding – the Melbourne Association Conference IBIMA 2010 - "Business Free ‘Early Bird’ Ticket Experience’ 89th Transformation through Innovation and Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Knowledge Management - An Academic Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Perspective", Istanbul, Turkey, 23 - 24 June. Currie, G. and Loader, C. (2010) ‘Bus Network Burd, M. Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M. and Rose, G. Planning for Transfers and the Network Effect in (2010) ‘Nest architecture and traffic flow: large Melbourne, Australia’, 89th Transportation potential effects from small structural features’, Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, Ecological Entomology, 35(4):464-468. D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Chintakayala, P. K., Rose, J.M. and Hess, S. (2010) Currie, G. and Reynolds, J. (2010) ‘Pedestrian and 'Investigation spatial transferability of models Vehicular Safety at Light Rail Stops in Mixed estimated on stated choice data collected on four Traffic’, 89th Transportation Research Board different continents', European Transport Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 Conference ETC 2010, Glasgow, United Kingdom, January 2010. 11 - 13 October.

Page 27 of 43 Currie, G., Delbosc, A. and Mahmoud, S. (2010) Fifer, S., Greaves, S P., Rose, J.M. and Ellison, R. ‘Perceptions and Realities of Personal Safety on (2010) 'A Combined GPS/Stated Choice Public Transport for Young People in Melbourne’, Experiment to Estimate Values of Crash-Risk Australasian Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Reduction', 7th Triennial Symposium on Australia 29 September-1 October 2010. Transportation Analysis TRISTAN VII 2010, Tromso, Norway, 20 - 25 June. Daniels, R. and Mulley, C. (2010) 'A proposal for accessibility planning in NSW: research and policy Figliozzi, M. A. and Zhang, Z. (2010) 'A Study of issues', Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Transportation Disruption Causes and Costs in Transport Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Maritime Transportation', Proceedings of the 89th Australia, 29 September - 1 October. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board 2010, Washington, D.C., United States, 10 - Daniels, R. and Mulley, C. (2010) 'Overcoming 14 January. barriers to implementing Flexible Transport Services in NSW', Proceedings of the 33rd Fraszcayk, A. and Mulley, C. (2010) 'Do they travel Australasian Transport Research Forum 2010, too much? A definition of excess travel and a case Canberra, Australia, 29 September - 1 October. study of excess travellers in Tyne and Wear, UK', 12th World Conference on Transport Research Daniels, R., Mulley, C. and Nelson, J. (2010) 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July. 'Contribution of flexible transport services to the social inclusion agenda: An international Giaimo, G., Andersen, R., Wargelin, L. and Stopher, comparison', 12th World Conference on Transport P.R. (2010) 'Will It Work? Pilot Results from the Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11 - 15 July. First Large-Scale GPS-Based Household Travel Survey in the United States', 89th Annual Meeting Delbosc, A. and Currie, G. (2010) ‘Designing of the Transportation Research Board 2010, inclusive transport surveys: Sampling Washington, D.C., United States, 10-14 January. disadvantaged people’, Australasian Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 Greaves, S.P. and Ellison, A. (2010) 'Personality, September-1 October 2010. risk aversion and speeding: An empirical investigation', 12th World Conference on Delbosc, A. and Currie, G. (2010) ‘Exploring The Transport Research Conference 2010, Lisbon, Separate And Combined Influences Of Transport Portugal, 11-15 July. Disadvantage And Social Exclusion On Well- Being’, World Conference on Transport Research, Greaves, S.P. and Fifer, S. (2010) 'Development of a Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. kilometre-based charging regime to encourage safer driving practices', 89th Annual Meeting of Ellison, A. and Greaves, S.P. (2010) 'Driver the Transportation Research Board 2010, Characteristics and Speeding Behaviour', Washington DC, United States, 10-14 January. Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 Greaves, S.P., Fifer, S., Ellison, R. and Familar, R. September - 1 October. (2010) 'Development and Implementation of a GPS/Internet-based Design for Longitudinal Ellison, R. (2010) 'A Spatial Approach to Modelling Before-and-After Travel Behaviour Studies', 12th of Freight Externalities', Conference of Australian World Conference on Transport Research Institutes of Transport Research CAITR 2010, Conference 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July. Canberra, Australia, 29 September - 1 October. Greaves, S.P., Fifer, S., Ellison, R. and Germanos, G. Ellison, R. and Greaves, S.P. (2010) 'Travel time (2010) 'Development of a Global Positioning competitiveness of cycling in Sydney', Proceedings System Web-Based Prompted Recall Solution for of the 33rd Australasian Transport Research Longitudinal Travel Surveys', 89th Annual Forum 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 September - 1 Meeting of the Transportation Research Board October. 2010, Washington DC, United States, 10-14 January. Ellison, R., Fifer, S. and Greaves, S.P. (2010) 'A Hatton MacDonald, D., Morrison, M., Rose, J.M. comparison of methods to reclassify trip purpose and Boyle, K. (2010) 'Untangling differences in within trip chains', Proceedings of the 33rd values from internet and mail stated preference Australasian Transport Research Forum 2010, studies', 4th World Congress of Environmental Canberra, Australia, 29 September - 1 October. and Resource Economists, Montreal, Canada, 28 June-2 July.

Page 28 of 43 Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Keynote Address: Informed Mazloumi, E., Currie, G., Rose, G. and Sarvi, M. Thinking on Frequency, Connectivity and (2010) ‘Using Traffic Flow Data to Predict Bus Visibility of Integrated Metropolitan Wide Public Travel Time Variability Through an Enhanced Transport', 33rd Australasian Transport Research Artificial Neural Network’, 89th Transportation Forum 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 September-1 Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, October. D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Hess, S., Rose, J.M. and Bain, S. (2010) 'Random Mazloumi, E., Currie, G., Rose, G. and Sarvi, M. Scale Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Models', 2010, ‘Statistical Confidence Estimation Measures 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation for Artificial Neural Networks: Application in Bus Research Board 2010, Washington, D.C., United Travel Time Prediction’, 89th Transportation States, 10-14 January. Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Johnson, V. Currie, G. Stanley J (2010) ‘Transport To Arts And Cultural Activities: Determinants, McNair, B., Bennett, J. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) Dynamics And Impacts on Social Inclusion’, World 'Strategic response to a sequence of discrete choice Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, questions', 54th Annual Conference of the Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Adelaide, Australia, 10-12 February. Li, Z., Tirachini, A. and Hensher, D.A. (2010) 'Embedding risk attitudes in a scheduling model: Mesbah, M., Sarvi, M., and Currie, G. (2010) ‘A Application to the study of commuting departure Policy Making Tool for Transit Priority time', 4th International Symposium on Optimization in an Urban Network’, 89th Transportation Network Reliability, University of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States, 22-23 July. Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Mahmoud, S. and Currie, G. (2010), ‘The Relative Modipour, S. and Rose, G. (2010) ‘Lane Changing Priority of Personal Safety Concerns for Young Behaviour of Heavy Vehicle Drivers’, Proceedings People on Public Transport –Nature of Concerns of 22nd Australian Road Research Board and User Priorities for Action’, Australasian Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-15 October Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 2010. September-1 October 2010. Moutou, C. (2010) 'Can using sociological theories Mandiartha, IP, Duffield, C.F. and Thompson, R. on mobility and power help transport researchers ‘Road networks management under uncertainty: A to recognise local businesses matter?', The stochastic based model’, The 5th World Congress Australian Sociological Association (TASA) on Engineering Asset Management, Brisbane, Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 25-27 October 2010. Australia, 6-9 December. Mandiartha, P., Duffield, C.F., Thompson, R.G. Moutou, C. (2010) 'Designing research tools for and Wigan, M.R. (2010) ‘Stochastic Based Models collecting small business owner reactions to For Low Volume Road (LVR) Network sustainable transport initiatives in their local town Management’, Australasian Transport Research centres', CAITR 2010, UNSW ADFA, Canberra, Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 September-1 Australia, 28 September. October 2010. Mulley, C., Aditjandra, P. and Cao, X. (2010) Masiero, L. and Rose, J.M. (2010) 'The role of the 'Understanding neighbourhood design impact on reference alternative in the specification of travel behavior: An application of structural asymmetric discrete choice models', 10th Swiss equations model to the British micro-analysis data', Transport Research Conference, Monte Verita, 12th World Conference on Transport Research Switzerland, 1-3 September. 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July. Mazloumi, E., Currie, G. and Rose, G. (2010) Paez, D. and Currie, G., (2010) ‘Key Factors ‘Using Traffic Flow Data to Predict Bus Travel Affecting Journey to Work in Melbourne using Time Variability Through an Enhanced Artificial Geographically Weighted Regression’, Neural Network’, World Conference on Transport Australasian Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Research Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Australia 29 September-1 October 2010.

Page 29 of 43 Pender, B. and Currie, G., (2010) ‘Exploring Sobhani, A., Young, W., Logan, D., Archer, J. Priorities in Transit Scheduling Between Small and (2010) ‘A Modelling of the safety of intersections’, Large Bus Companies’, Australasian Transport Conference of Road Safety on Four Continents, Research Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 Abu Dhabi, UAE, 28-30 March 2010. September-1 October 2010. Sobhani, A., Logan, D., Young, W. and Puckett, S.M. and Rasciute, S. (2010) 'Freight Bahrololoom, S. (2010) ‘Towards a microscopic stakeholders’ sensitivities under road user approach for modelling the traffic safety of charging: a latent class approach', Proceedings of intersections’. Proceedings of 22nd Australian the 33rd Australasian Transport Research Forum Road Research Board Conference, Melbourne, 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 September-1 October. Australia, 12-15 October 2010. Richardson, M., Rose, G., (2010) ‘Alternative Stopher, P.R. and Wargelin, L. (2010) 'Conducting personal transportation: Bridging the gap between a Household Travel Survey with GPS: Reports on a cars and sustainable transport’, World Conference Pilot Study', Proceedings of the 12th World on Transport Research Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July Conference on Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, 2010. Portugal, 11-15 July. Rose, G. (2010) ‘Evolving E-bike technology and its Stopher, P.R. and Zhang, Y. (2010) 'Is Travel implications for light electric vehicle regulation’, Behaviour Repetitive from Day to Day?', The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Transport Electric Vehicle Symposium, Shenzhen, China, 5-9 Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 November 2010. September-1 October. Rose, G. (2010) ‘Insight from operation of a Stopher, P.R. and Zhang, Y. (2010) 'Stability of campus-based bicycle share scheme’, World Travel Time Expenditures and Budgets – Some Conference on Transport Research Lisbon, Preliminary Findings', Proceedings of the 33rd Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Australasian Transport Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 September-1 October. Rose, J.M., Collins, A., Hess, S. and Bain, S. (2010) 'An analysis of the impact of non-compensatory Stopher, P.R., Prasad, C. and Zhang, J. (2010) 'Can behaviour on logit model estimation', Proceedings GPS Replace Conventional Travel Surveys? Some of the 12th World Conference on Transport Findings', Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July. Transport Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Australia, 29 September-1 October. Shalaby A, Woo, K. and Currie, G. (2010) ‘Exploring Transit Ridership Drivers in Toronto Stopher, P.R., Prasad, C. and Zhang, J. (2010) and Melbourne’, 89th Transportation Research 'Comparing GPS and Prompted Recall Data Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, Records', Proceedings of the 12th World 10-14 January 2010. Conference on Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July. Shakelton, M. and Young, W. (2010). ‘Towards performance measures for road infrastructure Stopher, P.R., Zhang, Y. and Jiang, Q. (2010) 'Tour- research programs– the Australian Experience’, based Analysis of Multi-Day GPS data', 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 January Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 2010. July. Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G. (2010) Taniguchi, E., Thompson, R.G. and Yamada, T. ‘Enhancing the safety of pedestrians during (2010) ‘Incorporating Risks in City Logistics’, Sixth emergency egress: Can we learn from biological International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of entities?’ 89th Transportation Research Board Model Output, Milan, Italy, 19-22 July 2010. Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 Toleman, R. and Rose, G. (2010) ‘Towards a January 2010. legislative framework to deliver sustainable Smit, R., Rose, G. and Symmons, M. (2010) transport outcomes’, World Conference on ‘Assessing the Impacts of Ecodriving on Fuel Transport Research Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July Consumption and Emissions for the Australian 2010. Situation’, Australasian Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 September-1 October 2010.

Page 30 of 43 Toleman, R. and Rose, G. (2010) ‘Active Zhang, Y., Stopher, P.R. and Halling, B. (2010) Infrastructure Management (AIM): Using 'Changes in Community Perceptions resulting infrastructure management to deliver sustainable from a Before and After Evaluation of a outcomes’. World Conference on Transport “TravelSmart” Program in South Australia', Research Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July 2010. Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 Tong, A., Howard, K., Jan, S., Cass, A., Rose, J.M., July. Chadban, S., Allen, R. and Craig, J. (2010) 'Community preferences for the allocation of solid Zhang, Y., Stopher, P.R. and Jiang, Q. (2010) organs for transplantation: a systematic review', 'Developing Tour-based Data from Multi-Day GPS XXIII International Congress of The Data', Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Transplantation Society TTS 2010, Vancouver, Transport Research Forum 2010, Canberra, Canada, 15-19 August. Australia, 29 September-1 October. Wang, Y., Papageorgiou, M., Gaffney, J. Papamichail, I., Rose, G, and Young, W. (2010) OTHER ‘Local ramp metering in the presence of random Stanley, J. (2010) 'ADC Cities Report: Enhancing location bottlenecks downstream of a metered On- Liveability', ADC Forum Cities Report 2010. Edited ramp’, 89th Transportation Research Board Annual by Anton Roux and Professor John Stanley Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2010. Stanley, J. 2010 'Sustainable population: an urban transport perspective', The Parliamentary Library - Wang, Y., Papageorgiou, M., Gaffney, J. Population papers series (Department of Papamichail, I., Rose, G, and Young, W. (2010) ‘Pi- Parliamentary Services, Parliament of Australia, Aline For Local Ramp Metering Involved With Canberra) Random Downstream Bottlenecks’, Proceedings of 22nd Australian Road Research Board Conference, Truong, T. (2010) 'A comparative study of selected Melbourne, Australia, 12-15 October 2010. Asian countries on carbon emissions with respect to different trade and climate changes mitigation Young, W., Beaton, D., And Satgunarajah, S (2010) policy scenarios', Asia-Pacific Research and ‘An Analysis Of The Spatial Distribution Of Training Network on Trade Working Paper Series, Parking supply policy and demand’, Australasian No. 86, November 2010. Transport Research Forum, Canberra, Australia 29 September-1 October 2010. Truong, T. (2010) 'Review of Analytical Tools for Assessing Trade and Climate Change Linkages', Zhang, Y. and Stopher, P.R. (2010) 'Exploring Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Travel Time Budgets with GPS Data', 2nd Trade Working Paper Series, No. 81, July 2010. Workshop on Time Use Observatory TUO 2 2010, Termas de Chillan, Chile, 17-19 March. Truong, T. and Kemfert, C. (2010) 'WIATEC: A World Integrated Assessment Model of Global Zhang, Y. and Stopher, P.R. (2010) 'Habitual and Trade Environment and Climate Change', DIW Repetitive Patterns of Travel Behaviour', Working Paper No. 1021, Deutsches Institut für Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin. Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July. Truong, T. and Mikic, M. (2010) 'Trade and Climate Change – Development of the Emission Zhang, Y., Stopher, P.R. and Casinelli, F. (2010) Intensity Indices', Asia-Pacific Research and 'What Lies Behind Travel Behaviour Change: Who Training Network on Trade, Alerts on Emerging Changes and Who Does Not in Response to a Policy Challenges, No. 6, August 2010. TravelSmart Programme in South Australia', Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July.

Page 31 of 43 WORKING PAPERS Search based internet surveys: Airline stated Social exclusion and the value of mobility choice John Stanley, David Hensher, Janet Stanley, Andrew Collins, John Rose and Stephane Hess Graham Currie, William H. Greene and Dianne Vella-Brodrick Metropolitan bus service contracts: Thoughts on the next round Does scale heterogeneity across individuals David Hensher and John Stanley matter? An empirical assessment of alternative logit models Passenger transport in the UK 1920-1950: The William H. Greene and David Hensher drive for 'co-ordination' of transport modes Professor Corinne Mulley Literature review of induced travel Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc What does it cost to travel in Sydney? Spatial and equity contrasts across the metropolitan region Development of a kilometre-based rewards system David Hensher and Xiaofen Chen to encourage safer driving practices Stephen Greaves and Simon Fifer Willingness to pay for travel time reliability in passenger transport: A review and some new Accounting for differences in modelled estimates of empirical evidence RP, SP and RP/SP direct petrol price elasticities Zheng Li, David Hensher and John Rose for car mode choice: A warning David Hensher and Zheng Li Heterogeneous truck routing policies with tour routing time restriction Development of a GPS/GPRS prompted-recall Ada Suk Fung Ng and Mei Khing Ong solution for longitudinal driving behaviour studies Missing and inaccurate information from travel Stephen Greaves, Simon Fifer, Richard Ellison, surveys: Pilot results Yun Zhang and George Germanos Peter Stopher and Stephen Greaves An evaluation of TravelSmart tools for travel The accuracy of proxy responses in a stated choice behaviour change setting Yun Zhang, Peter Stopher and Belinda Halling Matthew Beck, John Rose and David Hensher Interrogation of responses to stated choice The logistics implications of the emerging business experiments: Is there sense in what respondents model tell us? David Walters and Jeffrey Newton David Hensher and Andrew Collins

Factors that comprise driver boredom and their A combined GPS/stated choice experiment to relationships to preferred driving speed and estimate values of crash-risk reduction demographic variables Simon Fifer, Stephen Greaves, John Rose and S. Heslop, J. Harvey, N. Thorpe and C. Mulley Richard Ellison

Results of an evaluation of TravelSmart in South Can GPS replace conventional travel surveys? Australia Some findings Peter Stopher, Yun Zhang, Jun Zhang and Belinda Peter Stopher, Christine Prasad and Jun Zhang Halling Comparing GPS and prompted recall data records Short sea shipping: Lessons for or from Australia? Peter Stopher, Christine Prasad and Jun Zhang Helen B. Bendall and Mary R. Brooks

Interactive stated choice surveys: A study of air travel behaviour Andrew Collins, John Rose and Stephane Hess


FELLOWS Professor David Hensher John Clements Singapore’s Land Transport Authority Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK International Advisory Panel; Board of Advice, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies - Africa, Professor David Hensher South Africa; Standards Committee on Logistics, American Society of Planners; Academy of Social Australia; NSW Department of Transport Sciences in Australia; Institution of Engineers, Technical Advisory Committee, Australia Australia (Companion); Australian Institute of Transport Planning Management; Chartered Claudine Moutou Institute of Logistics and Transport, Australia Newtown Precinct Business Association, Australia Professor Corinne Mulley Dr Ada Suk-Fung Ng Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK ITLS Representative, Friends of the Logistics Association of Australia; National Committee for Professor Peter Stopher Transport, Australia; Sydney Transport Panel, American Society of Civil Engineers; Institute of Australia Engineers Australia (Civil College), Australia Dr Robert Ogulin Professor William Young Academic Advisory Board, Australian Logistics Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK; Council. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Australia and NZ; Institute of Transportation Engineers, Dr Sean Puckett USA Centre for Research of Institutional Economics, Roma Tre University, Italy

PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEES Associate Professor Geoff Rose US Transportation Research Board: University John Clements representative, travel demand management Passenger Transport Group Committee Member, committee member; review panel for inaugural Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport National ITS Awards, ITS Australia (Victorian section) Dr John Rose Professor Graham Currie Innovative Methods in Transport Analysis, Transportation Research Board (USA) Committees Planning and Appraisal Programme Committee, on Research (Chair), Light Rail Transit Systems, European Transport Conference; Travel Survey Bus Transit Systems, and Public Transportation Methods Committee, Transportation Research Planning and Development; Transport and Social Board, USA Inclusion Committee Dr Majid Sarvi Dr Rhonda Daniels Transportation Research Board (USA) Committee NSW Premier's Council for Active Living – Traffic flow theory and transportation network Workplace Travel Planning Group, Australia modelling Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Christopher Skinner University of Sydney Representative, Australasian National Committee on Transport Engineering, Transport Research Forum; Transportation Engineers Australia; Standards Committee IT-023 Research Board (USA) Committees ADC20 [Air Transport Information and Control Systems, Quality] and ABJ40-4 [New Technologies in Travel Australia; TC204 Working Group 1 (ITS Surveys] Architecture, Taxonomy and Terminology) of International Standards Organisation Technical Committee TC204, Intelligent Transport Systems, Australia

Page 33 of 43 Professor John Stanley Professor Peter Stopher Advisory Board, Australian Davos Connection Scientific Committee Member, Travel Demand Forum Future Summit; Director, VicUrban Board, Management Conferences, UK Australia; Member, Victorian Alpine Resorts Co- Professor John Stanley ordinating Council, Australia Australian Davos Connection Forum Cities Professor Peter Stopher Summit: Enhancing Liveability, Australia Transportation Research Board (USA) Committees Dr Russell Thompson on Survey Methods, Passenger Travel Demand 7th International Conference on City Logistics Forecasting, Transportation Planning Applications, Organising Committee and Traveller Behaviour and Values; Committee on Planning and Economics, American Society of Dr Yibing Wang Civil Engineers; Scientific Advisory Panel Member, 13th IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent African Centre of Excellence for Studies in Public Transportation Systems Program Chair and Non-Motorised Transport, South Africa; Professor William Young Australasian Transport Research Forum, Australia; ITSC 2010 Program Committee Survey Harmonisation and Technology Implementation, COST Project TU 0804 EDITORIAL POSITIONS Dr Yibing Wang Technical Committee on Transportation Systems, Professor Graham Currie International Federation of Automatic Control; Editorial Board: Road and Transport Research Advisory Committee of the European Project Journal Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Professor David Hensher Cooperative Traffic management in the Volume and Series Editor: Edward Elgar Information Society; Paper Review Subcommittee Publishing, Handbooks on Transport and the of the Freeway Operation Committee, Environment, UK; Elsevier Science Handbooks in Transportation Research Board, USA Transport, UK Alan Win Area Editor: Transport Reviews, UK President, Institute of Management Consultants, Editorial Board: Journal of Choice Modelling, UK; NZ Cooperative Transportation Dynamics, Germany; Professor William Young Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, UK; Committee CE-001 Australian Standards Transport Policy, UK; Journal of Transport Association, Parking facilities standards parts 1-6 Planning and Technology, UK; Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, UK; Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and CONFERENCE COMMITTEES Transportation Review, UK; Journal of Transport Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Economics and Policy, UK Co-organiser, Conference of the Australasian Editorial Advisory Board: International Journal of Institutes of Transport Research; Australasian Transport Economics, Italy; Transportation, The Transport Research Forum, Australia Netherlands Professor David Hensher Associate Professor Peter Lok International Executive Chair and Co-Founder, Editor: Journal of Global Business and Technology, International Conference Series on Competition USA and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport Professor Corinne Mulley Associate Professor Geoff Rose Editorial Board: Journal of Transport History, UK ITSC 2010 Program Committee; World Conference Dr Sean Puckett on Transport Research – Scientific Committee; Editor: Book Series of Empirical Workshops of Australasian Transport Research Forum – National Centre for Research of Institutional Economics, Steering Committee; Conference of Australasian Roma Tre University, Italy; Journal of Logistics Institutes of Transport Research – Organising and Sustainable Transport, Italy Committee

Page 34 of 43 Dr Majid Sarvi Group; Sydney Leaders' Forum - Planning for Editorial board: Journal of Transportation Letters; Sydney's Future - Government and Business, Editorial board: Journal of Intelligent Department of Planning, NSW State Government; Transportation Systems; Editorial board: Journal Sydney Metropolitan Strategy Review: Key of Advanced Transportation Stakeholder Forum; City of Sydney Council; NSW Transport and Infrastructure: Blueprint Reference Professor Peter Stopher Group Editorial Board: Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, Dr John Rose USA; Journal of Transportation and Land Use, Australia: Macquarie Bank, John Holland and USA; Transport Reviews, UK. Thiess; Cegidem (formally Decision Research Asia). Dr Yibing Wang Professor John Stanley Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Standing Committee on Transport (Heads of Transportation Systems Technical Committee on Australian federal and state transport agencies) on Transportation Systems; Book review editor: the Moving People strategy Transportation Research Part C; Associate editor: International Journal of Vehicle Information and INVITED PRESENTATIONS Communication Systems; Editorial Board: The Open Transportation Journal; Guest editor: Special Geoffrey Clifton Issue on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks for IEEE PhD Workshop, Academic Association of Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools Conference, Australia. Professor William Young Editorial Advisory Board: Institution of Civil Professor Graham Currie Engineers TasBus Transport Forum, Hobart; Keynote, TasBus Conference, Hobart; Committee for Economic Development of Australia; Keynote, INDEPENDENT EXPERTISE Wyndham City Council Transport Access and Professor Graham Currie Inclusion Forum, Melbourne; Designing Submissions: State Parliament Select Committee Sustainable Transport for Sustainable Cities Forum, Inquiry of Train Services; Federal Senate Inquiry Melbourne; Victorian Local Governance into Public Transport, Standing Committee on Association, Melbourne; Monash Research for an Rural and regional Affairs and Transport Ageing Society Forum, Melbourne; Transport and Panel member: Eastern Metro Regional Electorate Crowd Management Forum, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Council, Liberal Party Policy Discussion Group; Kernot Table Presentation, Melbourne; Australian Clayton Australian Labour Party Electorate Fabians Seminar, Melbourne; Urban Transport Council Discussion Group Planning Summit, Brisbane; Metropolitan Transport Forum, Melbourne; Keynote, Casey Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Transport Form, Melbourne; Committee for NSW Department of Environment and Climate Melbourne, Melbourne; Glen Eira Metropolitan Change, Australia Transport Forum, Melbourne; Time to Talk Professor David Hensher Canberra 2030 with Wendy Harmer; University of NSW and Australian federal governments; Canberra; The High Cost of Free Parking, Macquarie Bank; NSW Sydney Transport Sector Melbourne; Public Transport Priority in Study (NSW government); Land Transport New Melbourne; Deputy Chair, Davos Australia Cities Zealand Summit, Melbourne Associate Professor Peter Lok

Baodao Optical Group, China

Professor Corinne Mulley Urban Transport Planning Summit, Brisbane; Transport Symposium for Western Sydney Public Transport Users; Department of Planning, NSW State Government; The Premier's University Government Business Forum; Premier's Council for Active Living Workplace Travel Planning

Page 35 of 43 Dr Rhonda Daniels Associate Professor Geoff Rose Panel member, Rouse Hill Transport Forum; International and local developments in Bicycle Presentation to water transport bureaucrats Sharing Schemes; Seminar for Economics Society through University of Indonesia; Council of Social of Australia, Melbourne; Emerging Implications of Service of New South Wales’ Transport Policy Electric Bicycles Seminar at OTREC, Portland State Advisory Group, Australia; 10,000 Friends for University Greater Sydney Workshop; Bus Industry Dr John Rose Confederation National Conference, Australia; INFORMA Australia Western Sydney Community Forum, Australia; City of Sydney Council, Australia Chris Skinner Keynote, Advanced Information Networking and Alexa Delbosc Applications Conference; Engineers Australia Healthy Ageing Research Unit, Melbourne Transport Engineering Panel Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Professor John Stanley Australasian College of Road Safety's seminar - Moving People – Solutions for a Growing Toward Best Practice Cycling Infrastructure; Australia, Bus Industry Confederation Annual Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University, Conference; Overhauling Australia's road pricing, Workshop: New frontiers in transportation Committee for Economic Development of modelling Australia; A National Moving People Policy for Professor David Hensher Australia, Sydney Transport Panel, Engineers Keynote speaker at opening of Institute for Australia Business Research, University of Waikato, New Professor Peter Stopher Zealand; Keynote, Australasian Transport Keynote, International Conference on Travel Research Forum; Keynote, 51st New Zealand Demand Management, Aberdeen, Scotland; Beijing Association of Economists Annual Conference, Transportation Research Centre, China University of Auckland, New Zealand; New Zealand Ministry of Transport; High Speed Rail World Conference, Australia; Chair, Lloyd's List Workshop on Road Pricing, Australia Claudine Moutou PhD Workshop, Academic Association of Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools Conference, Australia Professor Corinne Mulley Keynote, Community Transport Organisation, Australia; Public Transport Planning Short Course, Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University and Transportation Research Centre, and University of Auckland; Council of Social Service of New South Wales’ Transport Policy Advisory Group; Australasian Forum for Transport Research; World Congress of Transport Research, Portugal; Central Policy Meeting of the NSW Labor Party; Workshop on 'Link and Place', City of Sydney; Panel leader, 'Planes, trains and automobiles - getting the public transport mix right in our metro areas', National Infrastructure Conference

Page 36 of 43 IN THE MEDIA

PUBLIC TRANSPORT BICYCLES Our Chairs in Public Transport for NSW and Victoria Associate Professor Geoff Rose was interviewed by continued to be in demand by print and broadcast G Magazine on the current state of electric bicycles journalists for a range of issues including the new in Australia. Associate Professor Stephen Greaves transport plans for Melbourne and Sydney. was interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper about Sydneysiders’ relationship with Professor Graham Currie (Chair, Victoria) gave a bicyclists. Associate Professor Greaves was also number of interviews to local, national and interviewed by Radio France Internationale on his international broadcasters including ABC TV’s 7:30 views on a proposed Sydney bike-share scheme. Report and The Age Newspaper on congestion Professor David Hensher was asked to share his relief, land use and public transport. He was also views on bicycle lanes on Bourke Street, Sydney interviewed by The Age Newspaper on the roll-out and their implications for traffic, with the Sydney of the new myki ticketing system across Morning Herald Newspaper. Melbourne in 2010. He was interviewed on ABC Radio Canberra about the infrastructure needs of ITLS-SYDNEY – INTERFLEET TRANSPORT Canberra to 2030 and was invited to speak on OPINION SURVEY strategies to reduce congestion in Beijing (China Radio International). As the newly launched ITLS-Sydney – Interfleet Transport Survey gained traction Professor David Professor Corinne Mulley (Chair, NSW) was Hensher was in demand from the national media interviewed on ABC Radio Sydney by Adam to comment on the survey results. Professor Spence and spoke to the Sydney Morning Herald Hensher comments were quoted in the print media Newspaper about the new MyZone fare system for nationally (The Australian, The Age Newspaper, Sydney. Professor Mulley appeared on Channel 7 Adelaide Advertiser, Australasian Bus and Coach TV News to discuss the on-time running of Magazine, Courier Mail (Queensland), and the commuter trains. ABC Radio interviewed Brisbane Times) and locally (mX Sydney and the Professor Mulley on her views on the impact of the Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper) and online Auditor General's report on the performance of (ABC Online, International Business Times, and Sydney's buses which led to a discussion about the Supply Chain Review Magazine) and he was network planning and the impact of strategic interviewed by a number of radio stations (ABC corridors. She spoke to Travel - the Community (Brisbane, Newcastle and Sydney), 2UE). Transport Organisation Magazine about how community transport fits into the transport system SUSTAINABLE CITIES in NSW and discussed buses for Sydney’s future with YOpinion (Internet). Professor Mulley’s views In addition to the widespread positive media on the light rail plan for Sydney work were cited in coverage received on his ‘Moving People - the Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper article. Solutions for a Growing Australia’ report Professor David Hensher was also asked for his (newspapers – The Australian, Herald Sun, views on Sydney’s transport plan by a number of Brisbane Times, and the Sydney Morning Herald – newspaper (The Australian, The Age, Daily and ABC Online) Professor John Stanley was also Telegraph, and Sydney Morning Herald,) and ABC in demand for his views on sustainable cities Radio. following the launch of the Australian Davos Connection's Cities Report: Enhancing Liveability, CONGESTION CHARGING which he co-edited. The launch of the report Dr John Rose spoke to 2UE Radio about congestion received widespread media attention, including a charging and was quoted in the Sydney Morning number of articles (newspapers – Australian Herald Newspaper. He also gave a television Financial Review, Daily Telegraph, Sunday interview (Channel 7 News) on toll road financing. Canberra Times, and Sun Herald – and online – Professor David Hensher was also asked for his ABC News, The Climate Spectator Magazine, The views on toll roads with Channel 9 TV, 2UE Radio Fifth Estate, and ON LINE opinion) as well as and the Sydney Morning Herald Newspaper all generating interviews and other coverage on ABC asking him for his view on the toll on Sydney’s M4. TV News and on radio (ABC Radio (National, Sydney, Illawarra), 2UE, 2GB, and Star FM).

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Page 38 of 43 OUR PEOPLE

BOARDS OF ADVICE Dr Peter Barnard The purpose of the Advisory Committee at ITS-Monash General Manager, International Markets and and the Board of Advice at ITLS-Sydney and is to Economic Services for Meat and Livestock support the continued development and utilisation of Australia (MLA) the Key Centre as a centre of excellence adding value to the community. The academic and commercial Warren Bennett membership of the committees gives a broad network for Executive Director, Board of Airline the sharing of expertise and experience. Particular Representatives of Australia contributions from members include: high-level advice on issues identified by the Committees and Key Centre Professor Chandra Bhat staff for inclusion in the teaching and research programs Department of Civil Engineering, University of and assistance with integration of the faculty and Texas at Austin, USA student activities, within the community of stakeholders. Jyotirmoyee Bhattacharjya ITLS-SYDNEY BOARD OF ADVICE Doctoral Program, ITLS-Sydney

Professor Axel Börsch-Supan Director, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging, University of Mannheim, Germany

Professor Ken Button Director, Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics Centre, George Mason University, USA Board of Advice Meeting, November 2010 Andrew Collins (The Board also met in May 2010) Doctoral Program, ITLS-Sydney L-R: Phil Potterton, Andrew Collins, Jyotirmoyee Bhattacharjya, John King, Wendy Adam, Dr Alastair Stone, Professor Paul Cousins Professor David Hensher, Stephen Rowe, Llew Russel, Darryl Professor of Operations Management and CIPS Mellish and Hal Morris. Professor of Supply Chain Management, Chair, ITLS-Sydney Board of Advice Manchester Business School, The University of Dr Alastair Stone Manchester, UK Managing Director, Pacific Infrastructure Corporation Doug Dean Managing Director, Veolia Environmental Services Professor David Hensher Director, ITLS-Sydney Paul Forward Principal, Evans and Peck Wendy Adam National Traffic and Transport Planning Executive, Jim Glasson Parsons Brinckerhoff Chief Executive Officer, ComfortDelGro Cabcharge Gillian Akers Senior Associate, Strategic Design and Professor Phil Goodwin Development Pty Ltd Professor of Transport Policy, Centre for Transport and Society, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of the West of England, UK

Nicholas Hann Managing Director, Infrastructure, Macquarie Bank, Australia / Canada

Page 39 of 43 Len Harper Phil Potterton Executive Director, The Chartered Institute of Canberra Manager, GHD Meyrick Logistics and Transport in Australia Professor John Pucher Brad Harrison Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, President, Logistics Association of Australia Ltd Rutgers University, USA

Professor Trevor Heaver, Emeritus Mark Rainbird Centre for Transportation Studies, Operations and Managing Director, AWA Logistics Division, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Canada Associate Professor Geoff Rose Director, ITS-Monash Stuart Hicks Chair, National Transport Commission, Chair, Stephen Rowe Planning and Transport Research Centre and Chair, Director, Busways Group John Curtin Institute of Public Policy Llew Russell Michael Kilgariff Chief Executive, Shipping Australia Ltd Chief Executive Officer, Australian Logistics Council Tony Sheldon State Secretary, NSW Branch of the Transport John King Workers Union Managing Director, Aviation and Tourism Management Pty Ltd Professor John Stanley Adjunct Professor and Bus Industry Confederation Scott Lennon Senior Research Fellow in Sustainable Land Partner - Economics, PricewaterhouseCoopers Transport, ITLS-Sydney

Stephen Lucas Professor Wayne Talley Managing Director, Warrnambool Bus Executive Director, International Maritime, Ports and Logistics Management Institute, Old Professor Alan McKinnon Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA Director of the Logistics Research Centre, Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Professor Kenneth Train Department of Economics, University of California, Darryl Mellish Berkeley, Vice President, National Economic Executive Director, Bus and Coach Association Research Associates, USA NSW Professor Peter Wolnizer Hal Morris Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business, The Chief Executive, Australian Logistics Council University of Sydney

Professor Juan de Dios Ortúzar ITS-MONASH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, The Advisory Committee met in November 2010. Chile Chair, ITS‐Monash Advisory Committee Professor John Stanley Professor Tae Oum Adjunct Professor and Bus Industry Confederation UPS Foundation Chair in Transport and Logistics, Senior Research Fellow in Sustainable Land Sauder School of Business, University of British Transport, ITLS‐Sydney Columbia, Canada Associate Professor Geoff Rose Professor Greg Patmore Director, ITS‐Monash Associate Professor, Pro Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business, The University of Sydney

Page 40 of 43 Neil Aplin OUR STAFF COAG Road Reform Unit and Chair, The National Marine Safety Committee ACADEMIC STAFF

Professor Graham Currie Chair in Public Transport, Monash University

Charmaine Dunstan Director, Traffix Group Pty Ltd

Rob Fremantle Executive Director, Network and Asset Planning, VicRoads

Professor David Hensher Director, ITLS‐Sydney ITS-Monash Staff L-R: Professor Graham Currie, Brenda O’Keefe, Professor Michael Hopkins William Young, Pauline Forbes, Bill Kilpatrick, Dr Russell Executive Director (Policy and Communication), Thompson, Dr Majid Sarvi, Associate Professor Geoff Rose, Department of Transport Dr Yibing Wang, Nirajan Shiwakoti and Alexa Delbosc

Peter Hunkin Key Centre Director and Director, ITLS-Sydney Transport Advisory Leader, Sinclair Knight Merz Professor David Hensher BCom(Hons) PhD UNSW, FASSA FCIT FAITPM Dr Michael Kennedy CompIEAust MAPA Chief Executive Officer, Mornington Peninsula Shire Director, ITS-Monash Associate Professor Geoff Rose Brian Negus BEng QIT MSc PhD Northwestern MIEAust CPEng General Manager Public Policy, RACV MITE Dr Ken Ogden Chair of Civil Engineering, ITS-Monash Ken Ogden and Associates Professor William Young BE(Hons) UNSW GradDipMgt MBA Deakin MSc Kate Partenio PhD Monash FIEAust FCIT FITE MACRS Director, GTA Consultants

Chair in Public Transport, ITS‐Monash Dr Tim Patton Professor Graham Currie Director, Spatial Analysis and Research BSc(Hons) Huddersfield MSc Cranfield Department of Planning and Community Development Chair in Public Transport, ITLS-Sydney Professor Corinne Mulley Ian Pitcher BA(Hons) Nott MSc PhD LSE, FCILT Director, Victoria Division, AECOM

Professor of Transport Planning, ITLS-Sydney David Teller Professor Peter Stopher Business Development Manager, Veolia Transport BSc(Eng) PhD Lond, FIEAust MASCE MASA MITE Australia

Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Gerald Waldron Management, ITLS-Sydney Managing Director, ARRB Group Professor David Walters Professor Xiao‐Ling Zhao BA Alberta MSc Bradford PhD Cranfield Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University

Page 41 of 43 Associate Professor in Transport Management, Senior Research Fellow in Public Transport, ITLS- ITLS-Sydney Sydney Associate Professor Stephen Greaves Dr Rhonda Daniels BA(Hons) Leeds MSc Wales PhD Louisiana State BSc UNSW PhD Sydney MPS UNSW

Honorary Professor in Aviation Management, Senior Research Fellow, ITS‐Monash ITLS-Sydney Dr Russell Thompson Professor Werner Delfmann BAppSci RMIT MEngSc Monash PhD Melb Prof Dr Dr hc Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ITLS-Sydney Honorary Associate Professor, ITLS-Sydney Dr Stuart Bain Associate Professor Peter Lok BInfTech BEng(Hons) PhD Griffith MIEEE BAppSc MHP UNSW MBA PhD UTS Research Fellow, ITS‐Monash Honorary Associate Professor in Transport Mahmoud Mesbah Planning and Management, ITLS-Sydney PhD Monash John Apelbaum BE GradDip Mon MEngSc Melb; CPE FIE Aust Program Director, Transport Management Course FCILT in Bus and Coach Operations, ITS-Monash John Clements Honorary Professor in Sustainable Transport BCom(Hons) DipEd Melb MEc MAdmin, FCILT Systems, ITLS-Sydney Professor Truong Truong Course Manager, Transport Management Course BE(Hons) UWA LLB MA MEngSc Sydney PhD Macq in Bus and Coach Operations, ITS‐Monash Astrid De Alwis Adjunct Professor and Bus Industry Confederation BA Melb GDipT&DMgt RMIT MMktng Monash Senior Fellow in Sustainable Land Transport, ITLS- GDipHRM Monash Sydney Professor John Stanley Lecturer, Safety Management Program, BCom(Hons) Melb MPhil Ston ITS‐Monash Bill Kilpatrick Senior Lecturer in Transport and Logistics MRiskMan Monash Management, ITLS-Sydney Lecturer, ITS-Monash Dr John Rose Nirajan Shiwakoti BEc(Hons) PhD Sydney BEng Tribuvan MEng Hokkaido Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, ITS-Monash Research Fellow, ITS‐Monash Dr Yibing Wang Alexa Delbosc BSc Sichuan MEng Chongqing PhD Tsinghua BA Lewis and Clark MA Harvard Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain

Management, ITLS-Sydney Dr Ada Suk-Fung Ng BSc Curtin WA PhD CUHK

Lecturer in Transport and Logistics Management, ITLS-Sydney Dr Sean Puckett BA(Hons) WWU MA Washington PhD Sydney ITLS-Sydney Academic Staff Lecturer in Civil Engineering, ITS-Monash L-R: Professor David Hensher, Dr John Rose, Professor Dr Majid Sarvi Corinne Mulley, Professor Peter Stopher, Dr Ada Suk-Fung BEng(Hons) MEng PhD Tokyo Ng, Professor David Walters, Dr Sean Puckett, Associate Professor Stephen Greaves, and Dr Rhonda Daniels


Sascha Albers Research Analyst, ITLS-Sydney Dipl.-Kfm., CEMS-Master, Dr. rer. pol. Russell Familar BSc M App Stats MSU-IIT PhD UOW Matthew Beck BEc(Hons) MPhil Sydney Research Analyst, ITLS-Sydney Jenny King Andrew Collins MTM Sydney GradDipCom BBuild UNSW BSc (Hons I) BA UNSW Research Analyst, ITLS-Sydney Dr Nigel Harris Yang Lan BSc Durham PhD Newcastle BSc NEU MCSEM MITM UTS

Michael Hasking Research Analyst, ITLS-Sydney CTM Dr Wu Quan BSc MEng BIT PhD UTS Dr Peter Hidas MSc PhD BME Research Analyst, ITLS-Sydney Jun Zhang Frederic Horst BEng(Hons) Wuhan BBus Dusseldorf MTM Sydney

Gareth Jude PROFESSIONAL STAFF BA(Hons) York MBus UTS DipEd Sydney Administration Assistant, ITLS-Sydney Dr Robert Ogulin Bart Ahluwalia MBA PhD MGSM BA(Hons) Lond

Jersey Seipel Administration Assistant, ITLS-Sydney MA FH Frankfurt Kaylene Bodell

Dr Farhad Shafaghi Office Manager, ITLS-Sydney MTech PhD Brunel Jo Dumergue

Professor Graeme Sheather Finance Coordinator, ITLS-Sydney BArch UNSW MSc Technion M.Ekistics AFAIM Anne Fernando CPA ACMA Chris Skinner BSc Lond MEngSc UNSW MBA Deakin Website Manager, SORT Clearinghouse and World Transit Research, ITS-Monash Alan Win Pauline Forbes CMC, CPIM Administration Manager, ITS-Monash Brenda O'Keefe RESEARCH STAFF Research Associate, ITS-Monash Projects Manager, ITLS-Sydney Rita Seethaler Ruth Steel MSEc PolSc Bern PhD Monash BA(Hons) Lanc MSc MPhil Brist

Senior Research Analyst, ITLS-Sydney Administration Coordinator, ITLS-Sydney Christine Prasad Annette Thomas BSc(Hons) Monash CertHE Unitec NZ

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