Power Straggles and Trade in the Gulf 1620-1820

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Power Straggles and Trade in the Gulf 1620-1820 Durham E-Theses Power straggles and trade in the gulf 1620-1820 Al-Qasimi, Sultan bin Muhammed How to cite: Al-Qasimi, Sultan bin Muhammed (1999) Power straggles and trade in the gulf 1620-1820, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/9336/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk Power Straggles and Trade in the Gulf 1620-1820 Sultan bin Muhammed al-Qasimi The copyright of this thesis rests %^^^lBaWftJ% with the author. No quotation from W C/lljll^^ it should be published without the written consent of the author an ^ m. M information derived from it should J^I^Ip^^ min^W%^ be acknowledged. AllflS I^l<lp9 Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Geography University of Durham June 1999 24 AlKflm Contents 1 Claudius Ptolemaeus.This edition attributed to Waidseemiiiier. 1513. This map seems to be based on 24 Alexander Dairympie. Plan of Muscat cove and Mutrah harbour surveyed in 1783. British Museum, 435. 45 Chart of the Persian Gulf (with harbour insets). May 1862. Published by the Admiralty, London. the 1477 map, but contains extra detail, and coast lines are not exactly the same.There are more K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 366. (A private collection of original maps). boundaries (as in the 1478 map) and inland seas are more conspicuous. Seas are shaded at the coast. 25 Alexander Dairympie. Chart of the head of the Guiph of Persia. British Museum, 435. K17. 46 Afreekening van de Persische Golf, by Johannes van Keuien. 1753. Published in Amsterdam.VEL SVI A. Gothic lettering is used. (A private collection of original maps). Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 367. 47 A chart of the Gulf of Persia by Carsten Niebuhr. 1799. ARA, AKF 38, Map 1, Country Trade East India 2 Bernardus Sylvanus. 1511. Sexta Asiae Tabula. Published in Venice by Jacobus Pontius de Leucho. An 26 Alexander Dalrympie. A corrected chart of part of the Persian Guiph (includes Kishm) by John McCluer. Pilot, printed in London. antique wood-cut map on two sheets depicting the peninsula of Arabia and a part of India. It bears the 1786 and 1787. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 368. 48 Rough Sketch of Busheer Roads. December 1808. (A private collection of original maps). distinction of being the first map of Arabia printed in two colours. (A private collection of original maps). 27 Alexander Dairympie. Part of the Guiph of Persia from an English MS commissioned by Thomas Holmes 49 Carte des embouchures de I'Euphrate. N Beliln. Petit Atlas Nautique, 1764. (A private collection of 3 Hubert. 1651. "A description of the eartli into which the inhabitants of Babei dispersed after the (including Gabaroon) with Part of the Persian Guiph from an English MS communicated by Claud original maps). destruction of the tower." A copper engraved map copied from a medieval map. (A private collection Russell. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 369. 50 Jacob van der Shiey (fl 1760 - 1770). lie d'Ornius ou de Jerun. (f Eiiand Ormus of Jerun). Germany. of original maps). 28 Alexander Dairympie. Chart of the river Euphrates from the city of Basra to the Guiph of Persia. British Original copper-plate engraving with hand colouring. (A private collection of original maps). 4 G. Gastaldi. 1548. Arabia Felix Nova Tabula. Venice. A copper-plate engraved map. (A private collection Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 370. 51 La Rade de Gammeron, Suivant les Memoires les plus recens des meilieursVoyageurs. Published by of original maps). 29 Alexander Dairympie. 1778. A Plane Chart of part of the Guiph of Persia partly corrected by Edward Pieter Van der Aa. Amsterdam, 1714. An original copper-plate engraving with hand colouring. 5 G. Castaidi. 1570. II Disegno delta Seconda Parte deli Asia. Gastaldi was the most important 16th Harvey. From It Harvey's MS at East India House (includes Kishm etc.). British Museum, 435. K17. (A private collection of original maps). centuiy Italian cartographer His maps are very rare as they were issued separately to order and were not part Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 371. 52 Carte de la Perse redigee en partie d'apres le voyage et ies cartes de M. Niebuhr. Brion de la Tour, of an atlas. (A private collection of original maps). 30 Alexander Dairympie. Similar to Map 29 but by Lt John Cant. From a MS at East India House. British c. 1780 -1790. (A private collection of original maps). 6 Abraham Orteiius (1528 - 1598).Turcici Imperii Descriptio. 1570. Antwerp. Original copper-plate Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 372. 53 Gasparo Viegas of c. 1537 (a Portuguese chart). The oldest European nautical chart showing Kliark, but engraving with hand colouring. (A private collection of original maps). 31 Alexander Dairympie. Part of the coast of Persia by Lt John Cant. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical without a name. National Library, Florence. GasparViegos I 50 Bibl. Nicaudica. 7 R Bertius.Turcicum Imperium. c.1610. Amsterdam. A copper-plate engraved map. (A private collection of Charts 1 - 475, p 373. 54 Fernao Vas Dourado of c. 1570. One of the eariiest Portuguese nautical charts, mentioning the name of original maps). 32 Alexander Dairympie. Gulf of Persia by John Thornton from the edition of 1763, and Samuel Thornton Khari< (Carga), Published in A Cortesao, Monumenta, Cartographica.Vol 3 p 305. NBThere is an eariier 8 Turcici Imperii imago, c. 1616. (A private collection of original maps). from the Edition of 1716. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 374. printed geographical map by Gastaldi: the 2nd version of his map of the Gulf already has the name but in the 9 Pieter van den Keere (1571 - c.1646). Persici vei Sophorum RegnlTypus. c.1620. Amsterdam. Original 33 Alexander Dairympie. 1745. Guiph of Persia by M. D'Apres published in the old edition of the Neptune wrong position. British Library Dourado 1580, MCP III 305. copper-plate engraving with hand colouring. (A private collection of original maps). Oriental. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 375. 55 Survey of the route to Basrah made by the first Dutch expedition in 1645. Kliark is called Carack, 10 John Speed. 1626. The Turldsh Empire. (A private collection of original maps). 34 Alexander Dairympie. Gulf of Persia laid down in 1758 and published in 1776 by M. D'Anville. Kharku is called Cargo.The route to Basrah is between Kharts and Kharku. In the bottom left corner is an 11 John Speed (1522 - 1629). The Kingdom of Persia. 1646. London. Original copper-plate engraving with D'Anville was the first geographer to the King of France. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical CharU 1 - 475, image of the Dutch attack on Qishm fortress. State Library, Vienna, Atlas Van der Hem, Vol. 38. hand colouring. (A private collection of original maps). p376. 56 The most detailed Dutch chart of the survey of the route to Basrah. 1646. Khark is called Kgarack and 12 Mariette for N. Sanson. 1652. L'Arabie Petree, Deserte, et Heureuse. Paris. A copper engraved map 35 Alexander Dairympie. Guiph of Persia published in Amoenitatum exoticarum... rerum Persicarum by Kharku is called Cargo.The Dutch ships sailed between Khark and Kharku. Karisruhe State Library, Arlus depicting Arabia. Englebert Kempfer in 1712. From MS commissioned by Claud Russell. British Museum, 435. K17. Gijsels papers 478. 13 Richard Biome. 1670. A Map of the Empire of the Sophie of Persia, with its Several Provinces. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 377. 57 Dutch Nautical Chart, from a small atlas of c.1653. (based on 1645 - 1646 travels). British Library Ms 14 Nicoiaum Visscher. c.1670. Magni Turcorum Domini Imperium in Europa, Asia, et Africa. Amsterdam. 36 Alexander Dairympie. Guiph of Persia by Johannes van Keuien (published 1753). British Museum, 435. Add 34184. 15 Glacoma de Rossi. Regno de Persia. Rome. 1679. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 378. 58 Isaac de Graff. Dutch Paper Manuscript giving two routes between Khark and Kharku and along the 16 Christopher Brown (fi 1648 - 1712).The Persian Empire Divided into Twenty Governments. 1712. 37 Alexander Dairympie. Guiph of Persia partly corrected by Lt Edward Harvey 1779 and Guiph of Persia Persian coast, c. 1690. This is geometrically a very accurate chart.The Hague, General State Archives. London. Original copper-plate engraving with hand colouring. by Lt John Cant. British Museum, 435. K17. Nautical Charts 1 - 475, p 379. VEL 221. 17 Carsten Niebuhr. c.1772. Sinus Persicus. Maps of the Gulf. From observations and information gathered in 38 Alexander Dairympie. 1764. Guiph of Persia from an English MS by John Friend 1704 and Guiph of 59 Johannes van Keuien, Nautical Chart of the Gulf printed in Amsterdam, 1753. A survey of the route 1765. Persia from M Bellin.
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