Burma Project G 080901
Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographical description GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 3. Schlüssel. − 2004. VII, 211 S. G., R. D: B-SBB(1 B 72836-1-3 Haus 2) Overland communication with Western China : a brief US: YU(SML PL3933 G37 1998+ statement of how the matter stands at present / by R. G. With a map. – Liverpool: Webb, Hunt & Ridings, [1872]. 8 p. ditto. 4. überarb. Aufl. − ibd. − (Süostasien Arbeitsmateria- GB: BL(10057 dd 4) BL-APAC(Tr 606)* lien [Working papers], ISSN 1619-3377 ; [11]) 1. Sprachlehrbuch − 2003. XIV, 233 S., Illus., Index. − (... ; G.H.Q.(I) [11,1]) ‘India / General Headquarters India / Inter Services Public Relations Directorate Tradition and modernity in Myanmar Gabaude, Louis Gaffey, Paul Les Karen : répertoire des sources en langues occidentales Where are the children of Burma? / Paul Gaffey. – Armidale, disponibles dans les bibliothèques de l'EFEO de Paris et de [N.S.W.]: Centre for Peace Studies, Univ. of New England, Chiang Mai 1997. [30] p. – (Discussion paper / Centre for Peace Studies, Univ. of New England, 1324-3764 ; 10) Gabbett , E. ISBN 1863894284 Report on court-houses and offices in Burma US: NIU(SEA HQ792.B93 G344 1997) Gabbett , Michael Gage , Andrew Thomas <1871-1945> The bastards of Burma : Merrill's Maurauders [sic] and the A botanical tour in the South Lushai hills / by A. T. Gage. – Mars Task Force revisited / by Michael Gabbett. – Albu- Calcutta : Govt. Print., (for P. and A.), 1901. p. 331-369, querque, N.M.: M. Gabbett, c1989. XIV, 143 p., maps. map. – (Records of the Botanical Survey of India ; 1.13) US: CU(Kroch Library Asia D 767.6 .G33z 1989) GB: BL-APAC(IOR/V/25/450/1)* OAU(Alden SE Asia D767.6 .G32 1989x) US: LC(QK358.A4 v.1, no.13) Ref.: OCLC25299095 The vegetation of the District of Minbu in Upper Burma / by Gabrielli, Giuseppe Paolo A.
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