ersary niv An 017 100th – 2 17 19 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • GARY W. BLACK, COMMISSIONER • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2017 • VOL. 100, NO. 24 • © COPYRIGHT 2017 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • GARY W. BLACK, COMMISSIONER A SPECIAL NOTICE TO GEORGIA PECAN GROWERS If you are a farmer selling pecans in bulk, ensure that your buyer is a licensed and bonded dealer of ag products in Georgia. All buyers operating in the state of Georgia must be licensed and bonded by the Georgia Department of Agriculture, unless all their transactions are in cash. For more information, call 404.656.3725. Cooler temperatures raise the threat of Avian Influenza in Georgia Biosecurity is key to preventing, containing an outbreak of disease By Kendall McWilliams “It’s sort of like if you send
[email protected]. your kid into a daycare with a Keep your flock healthy gov cold. The rest of the kids are going to have it by the end of Isolate your birds from visitors Coming on the heels of Georgia’s first the week,” said Steve Brinson, and other birds. brush with an outbreak of avian influenza deputy director of emergency Prevent germs from spreading last March, the Georgia Department of Ag- management for the GDA. “If by cleaning shoes, tools and riculture is ramping up efforts yet again to you leave the virus in there equipment. prepare for the winter season when birds are long enough, it can multiply Clean vehicles and cages. most susceptible to the virus. and mutate, and in three or Avian influenza is a virus that affects bird four weeks it can become high Avoid sharing tools and populations.