Natural Resources Defense Council The Bay Institute American Rivers Audubon California California Sportfishing Protection Alliance Friends of the River October 27, 2014 Melissa Harris Project Manager U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Planning Division 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825-1893 Sent via U.S. Mail and via email to
[email protected] RE: Comments on the Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Investigation Draft Environmental Impact Statement Dear Ms. Harris: On behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Bay Institute, American Rivers, Audubon California, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, Friends of the River, and our hundreds of thousands of members and activists in California, we are writing to provide comments on the Upper San Joaquin River Basin Storage Investigation Draft Environmental Impact Statement (“DEIS”). The DEIS fails to adequately assess the potential impacts of constructing and operating new storage at Temperance Flat, and even its flawed analysis demonstrates that the alternatives will result in significant adverse environmental impacts. Yet the document fails to consider feasible mitigation measures to address the significant environmental impacts that are likely to result from the alternatives analyzed in the DEIS. Overall, as documented in detail in the pages that follow, the DEIS fails to comply with the requirements of CEQA and NEPA. In particular, the DEIS: Fails to consider a reasonable range of alternatives; Fails to incorporate climate change into the operational modeling