Deanery News November 2020

Hope – the universal currency 2021 Dairy Dates: Deanery Synod Meetings With recent announcements from Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna and a fur- ther encouraging announcement this week from the Oxford- AstraZeneca 7pm via Zoom team, we are witnessing remarkable scientific advances coupled with in- creasing confidence that COVID can be controlled. Deputy Chief Medical Extraordinary meeting: th Officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam likened it to a penalty shoot out with Wednesday 27 January Pfizer’s results the first goal in the back of the net, Moderna’s the second. (Vision consultation) As each goal is scored, confidence grows and with it hope. Wednesday April 21st The sense of optimism that we might have turned a significant corner is st countered by reflections on lives lost, the thoughts and worries that trou- Wednesday July 21 ble us, the isolation and loneliness we still feel, and now placed in tier 3 Wednesday October 20th restrictions. Yet hope knows no boundaries. It is the universal currency of all humanity. Just as the sun breaks through each morning, so hope breaks Leadership Team through at every opportunity. Meetings As we ponder on the immediate horizon of 'what will Christmas be like?’ Wednesday 20th January the horizon beyond may elude us. 2021 will be a pivotal year. Whilst much of our national life will hope to be gathered around the mass vaccination Tuesday 23rd March of millions, much of our diocesan life will gather around the vision and Tuesday 6th July strategic priorities emerging from it. This may seem inconsequential com- pared with the urgent national scene, but it will occupy significant space in Tuesday 28th September our common life as church within community. If you want to join the con- versation we would welcome your participation. In as much as your local Full Chapter Meetings resources will allow, may I encourage you to fill your PCC places on dean- 10.30am via Zoom ery synod. Your voice matters. Thursday 21st January Hope is what we crave – for our families – for our communities – for our churches. It’s why faith in Jesus is so utterly compelling. If we never lose Diocesan Synod Meetings sight of him, we never lose sight of hope. And as someone recently said th ‘God is in the midst of it all and because of that, everything will be all right Saturday 20 March in the end.’ Saturday 3rd July

Rev’d Colin Pearson Saturday 9th October Area Dean PEAK DEANERY NEWS Eileen Burt,

Deanery Administrator

Contributions are very wel- come from across the Deanery From our Lay Chair

If you have noticed your clergy walking round in deep thought, it may be that they

are thinking about some of the changes Libby has been sharing with them about the changes she is wanting to implement in her new vision. It will be revealed in early December to Diocesan Synod. A few Lay people have been involved in two small focus groups to look at various issues surrounding it and the last Diocesan Syn- od, whilst not revealing the full plans for implementing the vision, did raise a few issues. I called a meeting of The Diocesan House of Laity in October and we raised some good questions.

+Libby is facing putting across her plans in very unsettling and unforeseen national circumstances. What each person of faith in Derby Diocese needs to do, is to sit down and consider what must be changed in the way we live church if we are to con- tinue to be an influence in our families, towns and villages and how can we best do it fairly and evenly?

The instinct in some rural communities is to sit back and hope no-one notices you are there so you can get on with life. On this occasion, this is not a good policy! Now Is the time to read, pray and think, then make your voice heard and have your say in one way of another ! Change is coming and we need to be involved in it!

… but enjoy Christmas

And take hope from it!

Best wishes

Christine McMullen, Lay Chair – Peak Deanery Synod

Lay Chair – Derby Diocesan Synod

Peak Deanery Synod 2020

At your October APCM’s you will have voted for your new PCC members, Safeguarding Officers, Church Wardens and Deanery Synod members. Thank you to all who have served in their roles and who are now retiring, and thank you to those who are now in position on the Deanery Synod 2020—2023. It will certainly be an interesting time as the Vision is discussed an implemented throughout our Deanery. Please note the dates of our meetings on the front page. Please also ensure that the relevant forms have been completed and returned to Derby Church House so that our database can be updated. If you have not completed the GDPR form so that your details can be added, please be in contact and I can send you the form. It can be completed on-line providing you have a sole email address—ie not joint use or generic.—Eileen Burt, Peak Deanery Synod Secretary [email protected] Announcements

Downing Street has announced that Her Majesty The Queen has approved the nomination of the Revd Canon Malcolm Macnaughton, presently Chief of Staff to the , as the next of Repton in the .

Malcolm was educated at Queens’ College Cambridge and trained for ministry at Ridley Hall. He served his title at St Andrew’s Haughton-le-Skerne, in the , and was ordained Priest in 1982. He was appointed Priest-in -Charge at the Anglican Methodist Local Ecumenical Part- nership of All Saints, Newton Hall in the diocese of Durham in 1985. In 1990, he became Team Vicar of St John’s Hox- ton in the , and served as Area Dean of Hackney from 1994 to 1999. In 2002, he was appointed Team Rector in the Hambleden Valley Group of Churches in the , and became Area Dean of High Wycombe in 2005. Malcolm took up his current role as Chief of Staff to the Archbishop of York in 2007.

Malcolm is married to Pam, an ordained pioneer minister and a leadership specialist with the Church Pastoral Aid Society. We welcome Bishop Malcolm to the Derby Diocese.

Hello to members of the Peak Deanery. My name is Paul Moore, and I was recently licensed by Bishop Libby as Priest-in-Charge of the benefice of Hathersage with Bamford & Derwent and Grindleford. I’m looking for- ward to meeting and getting to know you in this Deanery and to our working together. I was brought up in rural Nottinghamshire, and we used to come to Der- byshire for day trips. I never dreamt I would be living here one day. I’ve been vicaring for over 30 years in Oxford, West Yorkshire, Cowplain, near Portsmouth, where Messy Church started in 2004, and, most re- cently, I was Archdeacon for Mission Development in Winchester Dio- cese, with a very wide role including mission planning in parishes and deaneries, fresh expressions and pioneering, social enterprise, new forms of training for lay ministries, development of our own ordination course and engaging with the six Anglican Provinces with which we have Companion Links. I’m passionate about finding ways to reach people who don’t do church , and am looking forward to joining in with what God is doing in the Hope Valley. My wife, Lucy is Team Leader for Messy Church worldwide, and is on Zoom at most hours of the day and night. We have a grown up son and daughter, and a small but feisty dog. For relaxation, I enjoy playing guitar and saxophone, listening to jazz, rock, folk and classical music, walking and reading ob- scure novels. The Venerable Dr Paul Moore Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of Hathersage with Bamford & Derwent and Grindleford Bishop’s Badge Awards 2020 Despite the restrictions of the Pandemic, we are delighted that the following members of the Peak Deanery have been awarded the Bishop’s Badge 2020. Mr Vincent Ryder, Reader at St Andrew’s Hadfield, for tirelessly keeping in touch with church mem- bers, most without internet, showing great love and kindness, leaving them meals to demonstrate they are remembered. Mr Philip Cartledge and Mrs Rosie Shipley from the Buxton Team Parish, for supporting and hosting online zoom gatherings so people felt less isolated. For enabling and encouraging spiritual conversa- tions around classical and choral music. Mrs Hazel Everatt of the Buxton Team Parish, for encouraging people to keep in touch with phone calls and online zoom service and Miss Jill Hulme of the same parish, for setting up, learning about and hosting many zoom meetings and services during the pandemic.

Congratulations to you all for your dedication to God’s work during these unusual times.

Training opportunities

Growing faith and developing ministry Sign up now for January 2021 Three options available : 1. Sign up for the First year of the Diocesan Certificate in Mission and Ministry course to help with growth in faith and the development of ministry. This is now all online and can be completed from the comfort of your own home. The course is modular and each module consists of seven sessions which you complete on your own and three which you complete with other students on Study Days via Zoom. 2. Think you may have a calling to be a Reader? The first year of the new Reader Training course starts in January and is now a discernment year which you can take while working with a Vocations Advis- er and the supervision of your incumbent. This gives you the opportunity to explore whether Reader min- istry is for you. You will need the support of your incumbent (or the equivalent in a Vacancy) in order to sign up for this course. 3. Just keen to deepen your faith and increase your knowledge? Take single modules as and when they are running. The modules running next term (16 January to 20 March 2021) are: Introductory Level Mod- ule: Called to be the People of God Advanced Level Module: Mission and Evangelism

Modules each cost a flat fee of £25, payable prior to commencement of each one (you only pay for the modules you study). Closing date for applications for next term’s modules, the Certificate in Mission and Ministry and the Reader Training Course is Friday 8th January 2021 Find out more and request an Information Pack visit the Discipleship Training website https:// or contact the course administrator [email protected]

All Learning in Faith events can be found at : How will you be marking Christmas 2020?

This year Advent and Christmas will be unlike any other year, but it will still happen. We would like to make sure that the spirit of Christmas reaches all corners of the county to celebrate with those people who can and support those that will find this year extra hard. This year we are looking for contributions from all over the diocese for a special project that will go live on 1 December. We are looking for real stories of how you are planning to cele- brate, how you will reach out to friends, family and others within your community, the ways your church will en- courage worship, how your community is coming together - figurative if we can’t physically - to share around the diocese. We would also like to hear about any projects that are coming up, night shelters, food banks, collection of gifts for the community, serving meals, work with school etc. We would like you to send us short (30seconds – 1 minute) videos or photographs and a short written article (approx. 100 words) explaining how Advent and Christ- mas will be different for you this year and how you will be marking it. Submissions should be with us by Friday 4 December but the earlier the better! If you have an exciting project coming up but are unable to film a video your- self do get in touch and we will try to support you. Please send your submissions to communica- [email protected] including your full name, area where you live and the church you worship in (if appropri- ate). We will share as many as we can within the project, our social media channels and publications. We look for- ward to hearing from you. Communications Team, Church House Derby [email protected]

Comfort and Joy

Comfort and Joy is the Church of ’s 2020 Christmas campaign. Comfort and Joy holds together the hope that Christmas will bring joy and celebration after a uniquely difficult year with an acknowl- edgement that – for those who have lost loved ones or livelihoods, or who are potentially still not able to be together with loved ones – it may be the Church’s role, both nationally and locally, to provide con- solation, rather than assume everyone will be ready to join in jubilation. There will be weekly reflections published on social media and available by email and app for each Sun- day of Advent. We have partnered with a number of public figures to produce short reflections explor- ing the theme. Comfort and Joy: Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas mirrors the structure of a traditional carol service, exploring both biblical texts and the words of much-loved Christmas carols. Taking inspiration from a traditional carol service, it features daily reflections for the Christmas season from Kate Bottley, Jonathan Bryan, Bob Chilcot, Martha Collison, Stephen Cottrell, Guli Francis-Dehqani, Chine McDonald, Sally Phillips and Justin Welby. Beginning on Christmas Day and ending on 2 January, each day explores a Bible reading and a familiar carol, encouraging us to look with fresh eyes at how the timeless truth of Christmas might shape our lives in these extraordinary times and inviting us to hear again the message of the angels - good news of God’s unfailing love for a world that is weary and hurting. Churches all over the country will be marking Advent and Christmas in both new and familiar ways, both in person and online. Find out more about the campaign, access online services, download the free app featuring audio versions of all the featured carols at comfortandjoy advent-christmas-2020-comfort-and-joy Christmas Resources for Children

CAN WE STILL DO CHRISTMAS? YES!!! It's going to look different this year, but there are lots of ideas and resources to try. Here are a few of them... JOIN IN AT HOME NATIVITY - for many churches a Nativity or Crib service perhaps on Christmas Eve is a special event for children and their carers. This JOIN IN AT HOME NATIVITY is designed for an online event with children and those they are with being able to take part at home. Click here to find the resources on the Derby website: Alternative Christingle ideas:

This 2020 BRF Messy Church Christingle, created in partnership with The Children’s Society, offers a re- source that looks at how the candle flame of a Christingle can become a flame of happiness and hope that is passed on to others every single day. Some of the all-age activities suggested in this resource will ex- plore ideas associated with sharing light, while others open up ways in which we can support The Chil- dren’s Society in passing on God’s light to those in need, in particular to vulnerable children and young people.

Choose either the full session, or a shorter/simpler version that would be ideal for your Messy Church families to do by themselves at home, if they are self-isolating or if your Messy Church is still not able to meet. Mission Statistics 2020

Clearly, the collection of Statistics for Mission data will have been severely disrupted for 2020. We completely understand that you won’t have a complete picture for the year. However, some data will be available, such as electoral roll, life events and others – please submit any data that you have and don’t worry about incomplete data. As in previous years, the deadline for submitting your 2020 Statistics for Mission return is the 31st of January 2021. The Parish Returns website is at If you or others in your parish need help in using the system, the user guide should give you all the help you need. If you don’t have a copy, you can download one once you’re logged on through the Users Menu. If you need log in details, please contact [email protected] Although we do not accept returns submissions on paper forms, you may find it helpful to use a paper form to collect the data in your parish before then submitting it online. If you would like to do that, you can download a copy from the home page of the Parish Returns website. If you need help and advice in completing the Statistics for Mission return, don’t forget the Statistics for Mission web page on the diocesan website. It has a wealth of guidance, information, tools and resources to help you collect and use the statistics effectively in your parish, including an Introduction to Statistics for Mission.

A note about finance returns. The online Parish Returns system will also be used for these returns; however, they are not due until the 31st of May 2021 in order that accounts may be audited and approved before final submission (although you can enter the data earlier if you wish). Treasurers will receive more information on finance returns nearer the submission time, but please contact our finance director, Martyn Marples, for more information. If your Treasurer has changed at the APCM, please let Eileen know and she can change / add the details for you on the system.

Finally, do remember that although these statistics are vital in helping the diocese and the national church, their most im- portant role is to help you with your own mission and ministry in the church. Do consider prayerfully as you collect the infor- mation what God might be saying through it, and how it might help your church to fulfil its own call from God. Jason Kennedy 50 years of Gamesley Church

Sunday 20th September was a big day of celebration as Gamesley Church met to celebrate the 50th Anni- versary of The Bishop Church and Centre being consecrated. The , the Rt Rev’d , successor to Bishop Geoffrey Allen, visited. The visit was a poignant one for Bishop Libby who grew up in Dinting and whose childhood faith was nurtured in the youth group at St John’s, Charlesworth. The Rev’d Felicity Walters has been campaigning through the time of three successive local MP’s to get the building which has become an eyesore, refurbished. Earlier this year circumstances came together for the DCC to finally action the promised first stage of the work, renewing the car park frontage and the kitchen, work which by co-incidence started on the day following the 50 years celebration.

Before (left) and after (right)

Around the Deanery

It has been a strange few months since I last travelled in the Deanery. My travels have been curtailed, not because of the pan- demic, although that has been a contributor, but because my car sadly became irreparable and I no longer have one!

So this time I can offer you a look at a church on my doorstep, St James in Buxworth. The church is set in the small village of Buxworth, between Chinley and Whaley Bridge, was built circa 1874 and is Grade II listed. It is also where my husband’s family worshipped, his grandfather was proud to be a ‘sidesman’. Eileen Burt, Deanery Administrator

My in-laws married at St James in April 1953 Safeguarding

Safeguarding Leadership Courses - now booking The new Safeguarding Leadership module replaces C2, C3, and ‘refresher’ training, and is a requirement for all those who have any leadership responsibility in the church.

All those with the Bishop’s licence (clergy, readers and lay ministers), churchwardens, and many others who hold positions of leadership in work with children, young people or adults who may be at risk or are vulnera- ble must complete this course.

There is no bar to others completing this who don’t ‘qualify’, as increased awareness at this level helps to communicate the importance of safeguarding within the church community.

The module is a mixture of reading and preparation work, two ‘Zoom’ sessions, and some review and evalua- tion work.

All churchwardens need to attend this level of training every three years. New churchwardens need to com- plete this training, along with the on-line C0 and C1 courses, as soon as possible, and within three months from appointment. Continuing churchwardens should do this course once they are approaching three years since they completed the old C2 course.

To book a place on this online course, or to make enquires regarding future courses, please email [email protected] indicating your role, and parish.

A night out with a difference

A sprinkle of starlight in the gloomy winter months Glossop churches come together to host free online show In a gloomy winter with most things cancelled or at least looking uncertain, local vicars, the Rev’ds Felicity Walters, David Mundy, Toby May and Nick Gur- ney wanted to offer everyone in Glossopdale something to look forward to. Although parties and theatre trips are out this year, the vicars have come up with an online show produced by Oxfordshire based theatre company the LAMPS Collective, as an event to mark on the calendar, a ‘night out’.

The online viewing is on Sunday 13th December at 7.30 pm. After the show, viewers are invited to stay on ‘In the Bar’ at 8.45pm, drinks and nibbles to hand, to meet those involved in the production and other members of the audience, to hear about the challenges of putting on the show, and to discuss some of the issues which it raises, including mystery and miracle, what is tem- porary and what lasts.

If you are interested in idea of hosting a show, you can contact LAMPS who create them and resources with Christian themes.