Note: I provide this essay only as background. My panel talk will summarize Protestant Constitutionalism more generally and also argue for its contemporary relevance. Please contact me with questions:
[email protected] Samuel Cooper’s Old Sermons and New Enemies: Popery and Protestant Constitutionalism GLENN A. MOOTS ABSTRACT This article reinterprets the role of Protestantism in the American Revolution by examining the unpublished sermon manuscripts of Boston Congregationalist minister Samuel Cooper. Even as late as 1775, Protestant ministers like Cooper identified Protestantism withlibertyandRomanCatholicismwithtyranny.Butthesesameministerseagerlyallied with Catholic France against Protestant Britain in the Revolution. Cooper even redeployed colonial war sermons against his new British foes in the Revolution. The shifting loyalty of ministers like Cooper cannot be explained by mere expediency or secularization of the political elite. Rather, the explanation lies in the evolving nature of transatlantic Protestant constitutionalism—the ongoing association of Protestantism with liberty and the rule of law—over 2 centuries. On March 15, 1775, off-duty British soldiers and Loyalists held a mock town meeting outside the British Coffee House in Boston. They played their opponents to type and concluded with a costumed mock oration performed by Loyalist surgeon Dr. Thomas Bolton. Publication of Bolton’s oration followed, probably printed by a Loyalist printer outside of Boston. Not coincidentally, March 15 also saw the publication of an oration delivered just 9 days earlier— that year’s official annual oration commemorating the Boston Massacre delivered by Dr. Joseph Warren (Akers 1976, 23–25). The roster of commemorative orators since 1771 was a “who’s who” of Patriot leaders: John Hancock, Glenn A.