

1. Why does Conrad have one of Marlow's listeners relate the story, rather than make Marlow the narrator of the no vel who speak s dir ectly t o the r eader?

2. Why does the narrator note Marlow's resemblance to a Buddha, at the beginning as well as the end of Marlow's s tory?

3. Why does Marlo w w ant t o tr avel up the Cong o Riv er?

4. What is Marlow's atude toward the African people he encounters on his trip up the Congo? In describing them, why does Marlow say that "what thrilled you was just the thought of their humanity—like yours—the thought of your remote kinship with this wild and passionate uproar" (p. 63)?

5. What does Marlow mean when he says that "there is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies" (p. 49)?

6. Why does Marlo w c onsider it lucky tha t "the inner truth is hidden" (p. 60)?

7. What does K urtz mean when, as he's dying , he cries out, "The horr or! The horr or!" (p. 112)?

8. What is the significance of the report Kurtz has wrien for the Internaonal Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs? Why does Marlow tear off the postscriptum, which reads "Exterminate all the brut es!" (p. 84), be fore giving the r eport t o the man fr om the Compan y?

9. Why does Marlo w think tha t K urtz w as r emarkable?

10. Why does Marlo w t ell the In tended tha t K urtz's las t w ords w ere her name?

11. What does Marlo w mean when he sa ys tha t K urtz "w as v ery lile mor e than a v oice" (p. 80)?

12. What does the narrator mean when he says of Marlow's narrave that it "seemed to shape itself without human lip s in the hea vy nigh t-air of the riv er" (p. 50)?

13. Is it possible t o dis nguish be tween civiliz ed and unciviliz ed socie es?

14. Is c omplete self -knowledge desir able? Is it possible?

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