Union Breaks Contract by 'Wildcat' Strike, U. S. Metals Charges

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Union Breaks Contract by 'Wildcat' Strike, U. S. Metals Charges first With The News! F$r Value—Shop The Ait „ ,„ Astride All The Activities K° K The Town With Your The Lai-pat And Bert Shop* And Home-Town Paper In 13M Am An Our IX—NO. 13 X X CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1950 PRICE ITVK CENTS ,|;iv Program Air Medal, with Two Gold Stars, Awarded to Anthony J. Pusillo July 4th By President Truman for 'Meritorious Achievements9 in Battle Union Breaks Contract CARTERET—For his "meri- were In keeping with the high- the success of his plane. Ills tenth mission during this period. in Boro torious achievement)! In aerial est (radltlom of the United courage and devotion to duty In Corporal Pusillo contributed ma- (Hints durlnr operations aKalnxt States Marine Corps." the face of hostile anti-aircraft terially to the sucneim of his enemy Japane.v- forces In the .,,,] This community The medal was accompanied fire and aerial opposition were plane." Bismarck Archipelago aira, 19M '"/•i ,u,t, next Tuesday to by a letter from Francis P, Mat- in keeping with the highest tra- Ills third citation, a bronze By 'Wildcat' Strike, and 194S," Anthony J. Pusillo of ,i residents to remain thews, Secretary of the Navy. ditions of the United States star in lieu of a third air medal, ,••,.„. Fourth of July by 11 Atlantic Street today rrwlvtd Naval Service." tin air medal with two rold stars nctlnt In behalf of the President. was for his work in the same r H1 ;,il-day borftugh af- from thr President of the United The citation in as toltaws: Stars Awarded are* from "11 February to 25 "For meritorious achievement February 1945. Completing his itrc has prepared a State*. In lieu of a second air medal, l|i[i;1 In aerial flight while aervlnt as fifteenth mission during this y '!',.„ in keep the people In The permanent citations were Pnslllo received a gold star for U. S. Metals Charges . , , ., safe and sane cele- received by Pusllln alonj with a an aerial photographer in Ma- the following citation: rlod, Corporal Pusillo rendered ,,,,.,,, will tie no need to Jetter from (irnrrnl C. B, Cates, rine Bomber Squadron 42S dur- "For meritorious achievement valuable assistance to his pilot ing operations against enemy in aerial flight while serving as and contributed materially to the ,.; i,uck" that heavy holl- commandant of the Marine Mayor Sets Tan Days '.!,' ;ui(i take your life In Corps. General Catrs In his let- Japanese forces in the Btsmarck ah aerial photographer in Ma- success of the plane. His cour- Girl Scout News WorkStoppage "„!,. nimn you can stay at ter said of the CarUret man, who Archipelago area from 21 De- rine Romber Squadron 423 in age and devotion to duty in the To Aid Crippled Kiddivx ,"., .,.ivr a g°°d time. served as a corporal In the Ma- cember 1944 to 8 January 1945. action against enemy Japanese face of Intense enemy anti-air- CABTERET—Today ar.d to- . milni;, activities will rines: "Be assured of my deep Completing his fifth mission forces In the Bismarck Archi- craft fire were In keeping with Issued; Wins Wide m morrow will he "U* day*" In the Talk Rejected ,. Hi,- public park where appreciation of your devotion to during this period, Corporal pelago area, from 21 January to the highest traditions of the duty and gallant action which Pusillo contributed materially to 6 February 1945- Complettng his United States Naval Service." borough. The event in brln* ,.|, i,r mimprous contests Acclaim in Roro sponsored by the Perth Amboy ,'..'; i-.iiTS. In the afternoon F.lkn, Lodite No. 7(14, for the bene- Over Location .',! ,'i., :i series of baseball CARTERET—The second issue fit of the crlnpled kiddle* fuml ..•Mii ",nmes. Church Announces Auxiliary of CWV of the Olrl Scout News w«s dis- of thr orxanlxiLtton. Mum of the | CARTERET-~Company officials ,,ni circus parade will USMR Credit Union Is Granted tributed this week to the troops. Elks are Carteret renldents. j of the United States Metals Refin- between 8:30 and The paper was printed at the Mayor Stephen Sklba ha* in- ing Company arc now awaiting the ''v,i m the early evening Summer Schedule To Sponsor Picnic high school on the last day of the sued a proclamation urnint nil next move of the union officials In ! :„• a wrestling match In Charter by Federal Government schpol year. Deserving of credit resident* of the oornurh to pur an effort to settle the strike now .','„ unknowns" will tan- CARTERET—Rev. Orion C. CARTERET—In an announce- Federal Credit Union. It Is pointed CARTERET—The Ladles Aux- for the work of setting up the chase and wenr a 11( in its third day at the local plant. ,. iks display will go on Hopper Jr., minister of the First ment made by the secretary of Ihf out, that through this transfer an liary of St. Ellas Post, CWV, nas PaPer R°es to Matilda Moras, Speaking for the company, J. ",'•.• k and this will be fol- organization, Meyer Rosenblum, employe will not only be able to set July 17 as the date for the in- editor, _and Helen Dlken and Rose W. Youtz. assUtant to the man- ',, iiini k dance with music Presbyterian Church, has an- the employes of the U. 8. Metals save regularly by payroll deduc- nounced a new schedule for Sun- stallation of new officers. Mrs. Marie Kudrock, her assistants. RORO COUNCIL Oh'S ager, said today that "service has i in i\ twelve-piece band. Refining Company have been no- tions Just as before, but the many In the Issue Is such material as been interrupted at the plant ind day services for the summer Andrew Kahora is chairman of LIQUOR LICENSES ,ii ,(ill he charged the sum tified that the federal government advantages and services of the arrangements. current naws, poet's corner, jokes the walkout is not In accordance '.,;,i. and the entire pro months. has Branted a charter to the V.S. credit union will be at their dis- A special club project has been and a Qlrl Scout activity page. CARTERET—All liquor licenses with our contract with the union." , ;; n toward sponsoring a The pastor said the schedule has M.R. Employes Federal Credit posal. The editors request that the troops "Union officials have not fulfilled been arranged to "take advantage Union. started with Mrs. Michael Hlla and in the borough were renewed Wed- ,',,.';, i r about 300 Cartere Mrs. Elizabeth Vasgary as co- send in material for the next issue their obligations under the con- ,',,'. ..•]<! in the high schoo: of cooler hours of the morning nesday nlgtit at an adjourned Officers of the credit union air chairmen. The day camp workshop at the meeting of the Borough Council tract to use their best efforts in ., n \i month. and to permit earlier departures John A. Dlckson, president; Elm^r Over 200 Dogs Receive Ukrainian Pavilion was held Mon- having normal operations re- from town for those who plan to The auxiliary will sponsor a held for that purpose. liieuorks at Night Dragos, vice president; Harold Van Anti-rabies Injections picnic for the children of the* par- day, Tuesday and Wednesday of Renewed were 42 plenary retail sumed," Youtz declared. He satd go out of town." Sunday school Ness, treasurer; Meyer Rosenblum. this week. Plans were made at this that the company had called a ,i;, r,!ii'. and afternoon ac- will be held from 9 to 9:45 and ish August 20 In Rocky Hill. The consumption licenses, six dealers' assistant treasurer-secretary. Othf-r l CARTERET—This week was time and the camp is now ready meeting In an Elizabeth hotel yes- , ! i>. undpr the direction the morning hour of worship will youngsters will attend the 8 A. M. and five club licenses. >i, iika. recreation director members of the board of directors "dog week" in the borough with mass and leave Immediately after to get under way. Wednesday, July The next regular meeting of the terday afternoon which the union be held at 10 o'clock. Include John J Paaipankl, John upwards of 200 pooches subject- 6, will be registration day. The had at first agreed to, then later :,i The circus will be by chartered bus. Mrs. Joseph camp will open at 10 A. M. Scouts council will be held July 6. ,. Mis. Loretta Nevlll and "Women in the Old Testament" Yura, Matthew Cherepskl, James ed (i inoculations. Gaydos Is chairman. the union told company officials will be the general topic of a sum- Mester and Curt Hoffman. Health Inspector Michael Yar- are asked to come early and bring that the meeting place was un- •::•, .show Is being staged The next meeting of the group their fee. Wirh'olinakl, a member mer series of sermons. The sub- The supervisory committee con- rheski announced that 100 ca- is scheduled for July 10 in the acceptable to them. ,: i-iionl faculty and an topics will be as follows: July 2, sists of John Schein, chalrmnn; nine pets had been inoculated on parish hall. Plan Day Camp Recent Graduate The assistant manager of the ,,.• i, i! of wrestling at the "Rachel—It was Love"; July 9, Joseph Gaydos and Louis Med-j Monday at Tom's Warehouse in Each girl will bring a lunch the plant stated that the union asked "Ruth—It was Devotion"; July 16, wick, supervisory committee; credit | Essex Street. Many more had the first day. Those who are going to that the meeting be held at either unknowns" will be "Delilah—It was Business"; July committee, John Paslpanki, chair- injections Tuesday night at do day cooking will discuss thel Honored at Party of three places—the plant itself, i.
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