51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020) 1459.pdf THE YOUNG MARE BASALTS IN CHANG’E-5 MISSION LANDING REGION, NORTHERN OCEANUS PROCELLARUM. Yuqi Qian1,2, Long Xiao1, James W. Head2, 1Planetary Science Institute, School of Earth Sci- ences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China (
[email protected]), 2Department of Earth, En- vironmental and Planetary Sciences, Brown University, Providence, 02912, USA (
[email protected]) Introduction: The Chang’e-5 mission (CE-5) is Results and Discussion: China’s first lunar sample return mission, which will Geomorphology. The young basalt unit in the collect ~2 kg of samples by drilling and collecting sur- Rümker region is a smooth mare plain. The mean eleva- face regolith samples [1, 2]. The northern Oceanus Pro- tion is -2184 m, and the mean slope is 0.88° with a base- cellarum region near Mons Rümker has been chosen as line length of ~ 180 m. Highland mountains (some are the landing and sampling region (Rümker region, 41- Imbrian Basin rings, Fig. 2, right, C), steep-sided domes 45°N , 49-69°W ). (silica-rich, i.e., Mairan domes) are embayed by these The northern Oceanus Procellarum is located in the young basalts. The Rima Sharp sinuous rille extends Procellarum-KREEP-Terrain [3], characterized by ele- across the area, and four source vents closely associated vated heat-producing elements [4], thin crust [5], and with the rille are identified (Fig. 2, right, A, B). Numer- prolonged volcanism [6, 7] (<2.5 Ga, Fig. 1). This re- ous wrinkle ridges occur in the region, and most of them gion was chosen on the basis of the occurrence of some formed before the onset of Rima Sharp.