February 1, 2019 suwarog’omasuwiini (9) Odd

Culture 3 • Health 4-5 • Education 6 • Sports 16

Cooking Clifford Subscription or advertising PRSRT STD information, 970-563-0118 matters with attends book U.S. POSTAGE PAID Ignacio, CO 81137 $29 one year subsciption family fair Permit No. 1 $49 two year subscription PAGES 5 PAGE 6 March 27, 2020 Vol. LII, No. 7

FOOD DISTRIBUTION SOUTHERN UTE INDIAN TRIBE Tribe increases safety So. Ute Food Distribution: Serving the measures and issues community in a time of need ‘Stay At Home’ order By Jeremy Wade Shockley The Southern Ute Drum

The Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s Food Distribution program has seen an uptick in demand from the local community, and increasingly, younger families are benefit- ing from the service. This was before the COVID-19 crisis increased needs for food sup- McKayla Lee/SU Drum plies throughout the country; Southern Ute Emergency and Risk Manager, Donald especially true in rural com- Brockus helps brainstorm ways to best operate the munities where resources are Southern Ute Permanent Fund during the COVID-19 often limited. The Southern pandemic. Ute Food Distribution pro- Staff report 25, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. gram continues to provide Southern Ute Indian Tribe Because it is crucial to nutritious and healthy food slow down the spread of choices to the community Jeremy Wade Shockley/SU Drum archive The Southern Ute In- COVID-19, the Tribe is during the crisis under the Food Distribution Program Manager, Deanna Frost emphasizes a healthy diet with the dian Tribal Chairman, requiring all tribal mem- direction of program man- program’s goals of providing more fresh produce, including fresh farm eggs. While demand for Tribal Council, and Inci- bers to stay at home un- ager and Southern Ute tribal food is on the rise, the program’s commitment to providing for the community is unweavering. dent Management Team less it is essential. member Deanna Frost. (IMT) are replacing the The Order is based on “My participation rate taling 343,” Frost said. “Our younger families, from age gram, seeing that it is not advisory issued on March Tribal Council’s con- went up since January; we tribal member participation 19 to mid-30s.” how it used to be; we have 23, 2020 with a ‘Stay at tinuous assessment of served one hundred more rate has gone up tremen- “New tribal elders have Home’ Order effective participants in February, to- dously. We started enrolling also enrolled in the pro- Food distribution page 9 today, Wednesday, March At home page 8 SOUTHERN UTE INDIAN TRIBE CORONAVIRUS Tribe continues core services for Chairman Sage restricts tribal operations to limit tribal membership during Covid-19 Staff report be mailed to the recipients COVID-19 exposure Human Resources by the Finance Department. Probation Office: Proba- In response to the rapidly tion will maintain services Staff report developing events surround- but will be contacting pro- Southern Ute Indian Tribe ing COVID-19, the South- bationers by phone. ern Ute Indian Tribe’s Per- Family Court Support Southern Ute Chair- manent Fund government Office: The Family Court man, Christine Sage along will modify the programs Support Office will be with Southern Ute Tribal and services to ensure the available by phone only for Council, the Southern Ute protection and safety of trib- emergency situations. Indian Tribe Incident Man- al members, tribal employ- agement Team (IMT) and ees, and our community. FINANCE tribal entities, ordered the The identified operations The processing of monthly courtesy SunUte Community Center Southern Ute Indian Tribe have been modified in accor- tribal distribution payments SunUte employee, Divine Windy Boy answers calls at to modify tribal govern- dance with the recommen- will continue as normal, in- Southern Ute COVID-19 Call Center. The call center will ment services and business dations made by the Center cluding communications remain active, and can be reached at 970-563-0214. operations. • If symptoms arise, for Disease Control (CDC) with membership for chang- The Southern Ute Tribal and/or COVID- which includes guidelines es to method of payment or regular mail. ly providing tutoring and stu- Permanent Fund, Southern 19 is suspected, the for social distancing and (check /direct deposit), any Purchasing: Purchasing dent support through emails, Ute Growth Fund, South- employee is required to restrictions on congregat- other changes, and answer- will process as normal re- text, and phone calls. There ern Ute Shared Services consult their primary ed groups no larger than ing questions. All checks/ad- motely. is partial funding available and positions within the healthcare provider for 10 people, and at least six vices will be mailed. Checks Contracts and Grants: if students need assistance Sky Ute Casino Resort COVID-19 screening feet apart. Social distancing will not be available for pick All aspects of contracts and with technology and other have been directed to work or access telemedicine also includes limits on per- up at the tribal offices. Mi- grants management will educational needs. remotely unless otherwise consultation services son-to-person contact, group nors trust account services continue as normal. communicated. Critical from Anthem found here meetings, and other social will continue. All checks/ Budgeting and Planning: HOUSING AND functions have been re- (https://livehealthonline. activities. advices will be mailed. All aspects of FY2021 bud- CONSTRUCTION vised and only critical trib- com). The non-essential func- Tribal Credit: The pol- get planning will continue. SERVICES al staff must report to their • Tribal members who tions have been identified and icy that limits loan draws Staff will work remote- workstations. have traveled outside a comprehensive list of mod- to $1,000 has been waived. CULTURAL ly and on an on-call and This became be effective of a 50-mile radius are ified services and hours of Applications will be tak- PRESERVATION emergent basis. All major Monday, March 23, 2020. strongly encouraged to operations are detailed below. en over the phone and will The Cultural Preservation electrical, plumbing, sewer, self-quarantine for 14 not require tribal member Department staff will be gas, and HVAC systems will THE DIRECTIVES days for their own health TRIBAL COURT signature. Final loan docu- working remotely, but avail- be addressed by staff. Staff ARE AS FOLLOWS and safety as well as The Southern Ute Indi- ments will still require tribal able via phone to respond may ask the tribal member- that of members of their an Tribal Court will be held member signature, but not to questions about cultural ship to leave the home or • Identified tribal staff household and the tribal Mondays, Wednesdays, and require a notary. Signed events, upcoming tribal fair, isolate in a spare room while who reside in the State community. Fridays. Hearings are held documents may be received and any other related matters. work is taking place. Staff of New Mexico will be • Staff from the Southern from 1:30 p.m. until all hear- through email, fax, or reg- will respond to emergency required to work remote- Ute Permanent Fund ings have concluded. The ular mail. The deadline for EDUCATION requests at the Cedar Point ly beginning, Monday, are not expected to report court will accept filings as submitting applications will SUIMA: The Southern Townhomes. Rent payments March 23, 2020 with to their workstations. All usual; however, any motions be Tuesday at 3 p.m. each Ute Indian Montessori Acad- and processing will continue exception Southern Ute staff needed to perform or pleadings can be submit- ; applications received emy is closed and staff will and must be post marked by law enforcement agen- critical operations will ted by email (tribal court after that time will be pro- work remotely providing on- the fifth of the . There cies and tribal staff in began working remote- will be accepting filings by cessed the following week. line instruction and monitor is currently some emergen- some operations within ly on Monday, March email given the current cir- Loan checks/advices will be student process through on- cy housing available at the the Southern Ute Growth 23, 2020. Exceptions cumstances and the filing fee mailed Friday of each week. line programs, emails, phone townhomes and J Road. Of- Fund and key Southern include designated trib- should be mailed), mail, or Accounts Payable/Ac- calls, and texting. Families fice phones will be forward- Ute Shared Services in- al personnel from the fax. The court will only set counts Receivable (AP/ will have access on the SUI- ed to staff who can walk the frastructure staff. following departments: cases on an emergency basis AR): The cashier window MA website for daily Ute membership through some • According to a public Tribal Information Ser- and will be resetting previ- will be closed. Accounts Language lessons (https:// basic repair tasks. service announcement vices, Clean Team, ously set matters for a later Payable will process as www.suima.org). issued from the IMT Grounds Maintenance, date when the environment is normal. Someone from AP/ Higher Education: High- JUSTICE AND sent on Friday, March Food Distribution, Legal safer for all parties. Currently, AR will be in the office on er Education will work re- REGULATORY 20, 2020, all tribal staff Department, Southern Web/Video Conferencing ca- an as-needed, emergent ba- motely advising student The Southern Ute Police who voluntarily travel Ute Police Department, pabilities are being evaluated sis to process rush medical through email, regular mail, Department will continue outside of the identi- Southern Ute Detention for potential implementation emergency checks when and phone calls. GED and to provide law enforcement fied safety area (includ- Center, Division of Gam- for Court operations. needed. Accounts Receiv- Adult Education lessons will services, radio communica- ing San Juan County, ing, Southern Ute Tribal Child Support: No child able will process as normal be provided through emails tions (911), criminal inves- N.M.) will be placed on Rangers, Southern Ute support will be available for but remotely. Signed repay- and phone calls. tigations, and victim ser- a 14-day self-quarantine pick-up at the tribal court. ment agreements may be Public Education: Public symptom watch period. Operations page 8 All child support checks will received through email, fax, Education will work remote- Core services page 7 EvenUpdate wawHchuwiiniwaini (2) (8) FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019

Many Ago

Jeremy Wade Shockley/SU Drum archive 10 years ago Lights dimmed in the Denver Coliseum during the Saturday night Grand Entry as attendees celebrated tribal veterans with an Honor Song. The ceremony was repeated five times over three days at the Denver March Powwow. Thousands of representatives from tribes across the United States convened at the annual event to participate in traditional dance, song, storytelling and other activities. This photo first appeared in the March 12, 2010, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.

Jenny Gummersall/SU Drum archive 20 years ago The Denver March Powwow, the first major powwow of the season, attracted its usual huge crowds March 17-19, 2000. Lindsay Box Jr., Miss Indian Colorado/Little Miss Southern Ute, and Marcy Herrera, Miss Indian Colorado, were part of the Grand Entry, with special honorees leading the dancers into the arena. This photo first appeared in the March 24, 2000, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.

SU Drum archive 30 years ago The 1990 Hozhoni Days Powwow was held at Whalen Gym on the Fort Lewis College Campus on March 23-24, 1990. Pictured here are members of a Southern Ute drum group. This photo first appeared in the March 30, 1990, edition of The Southern Ute Drum.

SU Drum archive 40 years ago Head table of the Hozhoni Days Powwow, Master of Ceremonies Rev. Allen Neskai keeps things rolling at the powwow. This photo was published in the March 28, 1980, issue of The Southern Ute Drum. FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019 suwarog’omasuwiinipeini (3) (9) CultureOdd

HISTORY COLORADO All History Colorado museums, Ute Indian Museum are closed

Staff report tact our museums with any tains, are available here. History Colorado questions you might have. • Forward, History Col- Please know that we will orado’s blog, features Out of care for our com- continue to bring our mis- both quick and in-depth munities, volunteers and sion and museums to you articles. staff, all History Colorado while we are closed. We are • You can search and museums, including the Ute eager to connect with you browse our permanent Indian Museum, are now even as we must distance collection online here. closed to the public for at ourselves to limit the spread • We also offer these On- least the next three in of this virus. We invite you line Exhibits & Digital response to COVID-19. Up- to keep enjoying your in- Badges. dates about our operations terests in history that we so • Our social media chan- will be posted on this page as passionately share. Here are nels, where we offer they become available, along some of our digital activities history with both brevity with any further information and resources available to and levity. we can provide. All events you any time: and programs have been Our podcasts, including Thank you for your under- cancelled. the critically acclaimed first standing and support, and for We remain hard at work season of Lost Highways: taking good care of yourself behind the scenes, and you Dispatches from the Shad- and each other. We are eager are most welcome to con- ows of the Rocky Moun- to welcome you back soon!

courtesy Ute Indian Museum EvenHealth wawHchuwiiniwHchuwiini (4) (8) FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HEALTHY RECIPES BEE Heard: Emotional Try a meatless meal this week wellbeing in isolation By Lisa B. Smith, RDN Shining Mountain Health and Wellness Staff report Native Connections Program Why not try a meatless dish this week? If you have had trouble find- How to cope while in ing meat at the grocery store, you can isolation? prepare a dish using alternative ingre- The Suicide Prevention dients. You don’t need to eat meat to Lifeline which is funded by get protein. the federal Substance Abuse Plants are a good source of non-ani- courtesy My Recipes.com and Mental Health Services whelming at this time. Sec- [Fact sheet]. (2014). Re- mal protein and there are many benefits Administration (SAMHSA) ondly, get your endorphins trieved July 12, 2015, from to eating meatless once or twice a week. • Beans, peas, lentils: Such as black has put out many great cop- up by staying active and American Psychiatric Asso- These include reducing risk of lifestyle beans, Anasazi beans, chickpeas ing and strategy tips on how making sure you get enough ciation website: http://www. induced diseases such as heart disease, (garbanzo beans), red lentils to cope while in isolation. sleep at night. How do you psychiatry.org/american-in- diabetes, obesity and some cancers. • Whole grains: Such as quinoa, oats, According to Mental Health get your endorphins up? A dians-alaska-natives Meatless proteins are also less expen- buckwheat, amaranth, brown and America, over 21 percent of walk down your driveway, sive and are budget friendly. wild rice (paired with beans) Native Americans and Alas- eating chocolate or chili MY3 APP There is also an environmental ben- • Nuts and seeds: Such as almonds, pea- kan Natives have been diag- peppers, meditating or even If you or someone you efit to eating less meat. These include nuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin nosed with a mental illness laughing. Nuchu are good at love suffers from suicide ide- reducing greenhouse gasses, its impact and sunflower seeds, nut butters in the past year (2014). Many finding ways to laugh. ations, there is an app called on the environment, as well as improv- • Soy products: Such as tofu, tempeh, factors play a role as to why Other coping techniques MY3 available for download ing animal welfare. Eating meatless a edamame, soymilk Native Americans experience include: Connecting with free of charge from Apple few times a week can be a beneficial • Vegetables (these have small amounts a mental health illness, but loved ones and talking with App Store or Google Play. change, so give it a try! of protein): Such as broccoli, kale, we won’t get into that in this them about how you feel, You can create a support sys- Some plant sources of protein: mushrooms article. Instead, we’re going getting accurate health in- tem made up of people you to talk about how to cope formation from a reputable feel you would like to talk to Three Bean Chili with today’s stresses. For source and integrate tradi- when your having thoughts Ingredients: more information check out tional healing and spiritual of suicide, you can also build 2 Tablespoons olive or vegetable oil Directions their website at www.suicide- practices into your routine. your own safety plan, access 1 onion, diced 1. Heat oil in a heavy 6-quart pot over preventionlifeline.org For more coping strat- important resources, get sup- 1 red bell pepper, diced medium heat. Cook onion, bell pep- egies, check out www.vi- port at times of greatest risk 1 green bell pepper, diced pers, jalapeno, garlic, and salt, stir- Coping Techniques brant.org and you will have access to 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced ring frequently, until tender, for ap- First off, let’s limit the the National Suicide Preven- 4 cloves garlic, minced proximately 10 minutes. amount of news we watch Citation: Mental Health tion Lifeline 24/7 directly 1/8 teaspoon salt 2. Stir in chili powder, cumin, oregano and see on the social media. Disparities: American In- from the app. 2 tablespoons chili powder and tomatoes, simmer over medi- Too much news can be over- dians and Alaskan Natives Remember: there is hope 2 teaspoons ground cumin um-low heat for 5 minutes, stirring and a life to look forward 2 teaspoons dried oregano occasionally. to, even in your darkest mo- 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes 3. Add beans to mixture and simmer Local Resources ments. MY3 can help you 2 cups black beans (or 1 15.5 oz. can) over medium-low heat, stirring oc- get through your most diffi- 2 cups kidney beans (or 1 15.5 oz. can) casionally, for approximately 20 • So. Ute Health Center: Behavior Health 69 Capote Dr., cult times. 2 cups pinto beans (or 1 15.5 oz. can) minutes. Ignacio, CO, 970-563-4581. For local Native Americans. Water or broth (chicken, beef or vege- 4. Add water or broth as needed for de- Call to schedule a counseling appointment. Want to help and be a table) as needed to desired consistency sired consistency. • So. Ute Social Services: 116 Capote Dr., Ignacio, part of the change? Sour cream, shredded Cheddar cheese, 5. Top each serving with plain Greek CO, 970-563-2331 for local Native Americans needing Looking for community fresh cilantro leaves (optional) yogurt, cheese, and/or cilantro. assistance with child welfare needs and family support. members and youth to join • St. Ignatius Catholic Church: Pastor Cesar Arras, the Prevention Coalition MENTAL HEALTH 14826 CO-172, Ignacio, CO 970-563-4241. tasked to reduce youth sub- • Ignacio Community Church: Pastor Randall Haynes stance usage, eliminate men- 405 Browning Ave., Ignacio, CO (currently located tal health stigma and start the Easing mental health in the inside ELHI), 970-759-3633. discussion around suicide • Second Wind Fund of the Four Corners: Believes and prevention. Upcoming that every child and youth at risk of suicide should Prevention Coalition Meet- face of COVID-19 have access to the mental health treatment they need. ing: Until further notice no We match children and youth at risk for suicide with meetings are being sched- By Trennie Collins Southern Ute Reservation. not provide for themselves, licensed therapists in their communities, 720-962-0706. uled. Contact Precious Col- The Southern Ute Drum Community responsibility to and above all, the children, • Women’s Resource Center: Creates personal, social lins, Native Connections Pro- protect the elderly and peo- the future of humanity,” once and professional growth opportunities for all women in gram Coordinator for more With the uncertain times ple with medical conditions, said Sitting Bull, a Hunkpapa La Plata County, 970-247-1242. information 970-563-2487. lingering upon us in deal- bringing us back to a war- Lakota leader. ing with COVID-19, mental rior mentality by creating a Mental health includes our Upcoming Trainings: health is still important, if not guarded culture and helping emotional and mental well- 24/7 State & National Resources Until further notice no more important, in these times those who need us the most. being; it affects everything trainings are being scheduled. of social distancing. Especial- “Warriors are not what from how we feel, to how • Colorado Crisis Line: 844-493-8255 or Text “TALK” ly for those with preexisting you think of as warriors. The we handle how we feel and to 38255. You’ll immediately be put in contact with a mental health conditions. warrior is not someone who cope. Everyone has mental trained counselor, ready to text with you about anything. Trying to flatten the curve fights, because no one has health; mental health prob- • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Has both in the spread of COVID-19 the right to take another life. lems are common, and many an online chat and 24/7 phone line at 1-800-273-8255 if has made us all aware of our The warrior, for us, is one people can recover from you are thinking of suicide or need help for a loved one. part in how this disease is who sacrifices himself for the them. Examples of some • The Trevor Project: Seeks to serve LGBT youth, has a transmitted, and how fast it good of others. His task is to mental health problems in- 24/7 suicide prevention line at 866-488-7386. reaches communities, even take care of the elderly, the those that are rural, like the defenseless, those who can Mental health page 5 HISTORICAL TRAUMA Giacci helps us heal from our past By Trennie Collins The Southern Ute Drum

The Ute Mountain Victim Support Services hosted a Historical Trauma Training at the Ute Mountain Ute Casino March 10 -11. The training was presented by Elena Giacci, Anti-Sexu- al and Domestic Violence Training Specialist out of Albuquerque, N.M. Giacci has been an advo- courtesy K. Pinnecoose/Weenuche Smoke Signals cate for American Indian and Alaskan Native peoples Elena Giacci, the instructor for the 2020 Historical Trauma Training held at the Ute Mountain Ute Casino Tuesday, for 31 years and is the Chair March 10 – Wednesday, March 11, gathers envelopes of the Albuquerque Mayors from participants before getting started on a group activity Domestic and Sexual Vio- aimed at teaching the importance of consent. lence Task Force and Faculty Leader of Native Project 2.0. calls New Mexico her home. “We are free to take care Giacci, a Dinè woman, who “We can’t call it histor- of ourselves in any way we herself has felt the forces of ical trauma when it’s still want to,” Giacci explained. historical trauma and knows going on,” exclaimed Gi- This training really was what it takes to try to under- acci. “Pretending it didn’t about being able to look stand this historical journey. happen doesn’t mean it into the past and try to see Giacci is not a stranger to didn’t happen.” the future with a bright- this area, she was in Ignacio, Giacci is hoping to bring er light. Things that were Colo. in 2013 and gave the forward the past while try- touched upon are: MMIW presentation, “Kindness,” to ing to heal from injustice Movement, colonialism and help individuals overcome that is still going on in Indi- historical trauma and now an Country. Giacci helps page 5 FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019 suwarog’omasuwiinimanügiini (5) (9) HealthOdd

Cooking, it matters

Jeff Jefferson, watches as chef Karlos Baca Shining Mountain Health and Wellness demonstrates how to cut vegetables safely. Diabetes Patient Coordinator, Shaw Marie Tso peels and dices up squash. Chef Karlos Baca watches as tribal elder, Linda Eagle grinds handfuls of blue corn, so the Cooking Matters class could make fresh pressed tortillas for quesadillas and salsa. Photos by McKayla Lee The Southern Ute Drum

he seasonal Cooking Matters class was held T on Wednesday, March 4 in the Southern Ute Education Department Kitchen. These classes help the community learn about proper food handling techniques and ensure healthy food options for families. Chef Karlos Baca led the latest class with the help of Shining Mountain Health and Wellness staff members. Together the class made blue corn quesadillas with a Chef Karlos Baca teaches Shining Mountain Health and Wellness program manager, Morgann Box how to press mango habanero salsa. fresh blue corn tortillas.

Easing mental health • from page 4 Giacci helps us heal • from page 4 clude depression, anxiety, tancing themselves six feet ing on some of your favorite conquest, Indian Child Wel- United States, which expired their tribe were killed, most eating disorders and person- apart. However you decide music. Whatever works for fare Act, how to be an ad- in 2011. In 2013 President of them women and children. ality disorders. to engage with each other you, write it down. It helps vocate in today’s world and Obama signed the Violence The Sand Creek Massacre There is no one cause is up to you, but the key to write out what you will do consent in our communities Against Women Reauthori- happened what is now the why people experience is to try to not socially and when you start feeling the along with learning how to zation Act which ended in southeast part of Colorado. mental health problems. physically disengage from effects of social distancing. communicate your story. 2018 and is now pending re- Trail of Tears, American There are many risk fac- everyone and everything. Writing down when you feel “How do you feel? What authorization under the cur- Indians being forced to re- tors that can play a part in One way we can prepare a certain way; you will try can you share? What did rent congress. locate from their ancestral why or when someone ex- ourselves for these changes to do an activity to change you learn? How did you Still a major factor is, lands. The Indian Removal periences a mental health is to notice your own emo- those feeling. If this doesn’t heal?” asked Giacci. how does tribal jurisdiction Act in 1830 was the start of crisis, such as biological tional health first by accept- work, maybe write down Before colonization, vi- effect non-Native perpetra- this, leaving approximately factors, traumatic life expe- ing how you feel and by who you will call to talk to olence to Native American tors? When enacted, VAWA 60,000 Southeastern Native riences, or family history of creating a plan on what to about how your feelings. women was rare. Many tribes would allow Tribal govern- Americans homeless and mental health problems. do when you feel this way. Remembering that we would handle these matters ments and court systems to exposed to disease and star- While the Center for Talking to your family mem- are resilient Indigenous within their own communi- prosecute non-Native perpe- vation while heading to what Disease Control (CDC) bers, friends or our house- people who have dealt with ties and such punishments trators in domestic violence we now call reservations in suggest staying at home if mates about how you feel trauma and going to back to were given: shunning, ban- cases. Without it being reau- present day Oklahoma. you’re sick, making sure is a good thing, and maybe what our elders taught and ishment, loss of rights to fish- thorized, Tribal governments Long Walk of the Navajo you cover your coughs and you can also be a part of their have passed down through ing or hunting and even death. or court systems will have also knows as the Long Walk sneezes and making sure plan when they start feeling the generations. It was up to each tribe on how no power over those cases, of Bosque Redondo which you disinfect and clean; down or even frustrated with If you or someone you to protect and honor their leaving American Indians happened in 1886, when the how can we stay mentally social distancing. know is feeling over- women. Now our indigenous all over the United States U.S. Federal Government at- fit? How do we self-care “Acknowledge your feel- whelmed with depression, women are one of the most vulnerable to the hand that tempted an “ethnic cleanse” while social distancing, and ings and remember feelings anxiety or sadness you can highly victimized groups in abuses them. of the Navajo people and what does that look like? come and go and they will call Substance Abuse and the world. According to the With all this trauma that forced them to walk from For some, social distanc- pass,” said Angelina White- Mental Health Services Ad- Indian Law Resource Center continually aggravates Amer- what is now Arizona to east- ing might not be such a big horse, Southern Ute Trib- ministration (SAMHSA’s) in the United States, violence ican Indians not only as tribes ern New Mexico. deal – and for some – this al Social Services Family Disaster Distress Helpline against indigenous women or people, but individuals, we Closest to home was changes their whole dai- Therapist. “That’s what we at 1-800-985-5990 or text has reached unprecedented must ask – what exactly hap- Meeker Massacre also ly routines and structure. have to remind ourselves TalkWithUs to 66746. If levels on Tribal lands and in pened in the American Indian known as “Ute War.” In Sept- These changes can create when we are feeling anx- you or someone you know Alaska Native villages. More history books? meber of 1879, Utes attacked a range of emotions for ious during this time.” is having a mental health than four in five American Wikipedia explains histor- an U.S. agency, ultimately individuals and can also How to make a plan. crisis you can call the Na- Indian and Alaska Native ical trauma as a cumulative killing Indian Agent Nathan force us to become cre- When you notice yourself tional Suicide Hotline at women have experienced vi- emotional harm of an indi- Meeker along with his em- ative in ways we connect feeling sad, mad, frustrat- 1-800-273-8255 or go to olence and more than one in vidual or generation caused ployees. U.S. Major Thomas with people. For example, ed and maybe angry, what their website at suicidepre- two have experienced sexual by a traumatic experience or Thornburgh and his troops some people have start- do you do? Do you have ventionlifeline.org or call violence. event. Historical Trauma Re- were also killed, continuing ed up singing by hosting a space in your home you 1-844-493-TALK (8255) Regardless of how far sponse (HTR) refers to the the conflict. Resulting in the watch parties and viral can go to so you can pray or or text TALK to 38255 for we as a society have come, manifestation of emotions removal of Uncompahgre powwows on social media, maybe take a few breathes, free, confidential and pro- American Indian women and actions that stem from and White River Utes from since all the powwows and clear your mind and maybe fessional support. For local are still being unjustly disre- this perceived trauma. Colorado and reduction of social gatherings are being even bless yourself off? Or support call the Southern garded. The lack of data on When we as people think Southern Utes’ land holdings cancelled. Some are taking maybe taking a walk or jog Ute Behavior Health Divi- the amount of Missing and about historical trauma a within Colorado. walks together around their works for you, or putting on sion at 970-563-4581 or in Murdered Indigenous Wom- lot of times, we think of the “What we really have to neighborhoods, while dis- your headphones and turn- case of emergency call 911. en is alarming. The U.S. boarding school era. Amer- do is reconnect people,” Attorney’s Office in 2011 ican History books often said Giacci. “How can we indicates that just under 37 overlook other genocidal create a narrative for our- Due to the evolving Covid 19 Outbreak and the Potential percent of all Indian Coun- tactics that were used against selves as communities and for Transmission in the Four Corners Region try submissions for prose- Native peoples, but there are individuals.” cutions were declined. That many other instances that Overall, Giacci revealed The SUIT Health Center, including Dental and Optometry will be operating means that 1,041 of 2,840 constitute genocide against hope for Indigenous peo- on reduced hours beginning on March 16, 2020, until further notice. of the cases that were sub- the American Indian people. ple who are now finding Only Scheduled Urgent Care Type appointments will be accepted from mitted to the U.S. Attorney’s Involuntary sterilization hope of survival through Office were not accepted and was one tactic used by the traditional practices, group 7:30 am – 11:30 am ONLY turned away for prosecution, U.S. Government; which support, speaking out about Nursing Visits from 12:30 – 4:30 pm ONLY leaving local and Tribal gov- over 25 percent of the Indige- their experiences and taking No Walk ins Accepted ernments reeling for justice nous women of the U.S. were the time to heal and build All PATIENTS ARE REQUIRED TO CALL AHEAD FOR APPOINTMENTS for these women within their unknowingly or pressured to up resiliency in their own **All Suspected Covid 19 patients will be evaluated in the Back-Parking Lot own communities. get sterilized or even have way. To understand is to be- as currently required** Still Tribal governments their babies taken away, un- lieve that we as a people can For all other patent care visits, call your provider for alternate arrangements face discrepancies when it aware that they were even overcome all adverse effects All Specialty Medicine (psychiatry, rheumatology and nephrology) Visits will comes to jurisdiction within still alive, and given to pre- the past has held over us. Occur in the Maouche Capote Building – please check in with the receptionist their own reservations. In dominantly white families. “You have to look deep- 2003, the National Congress Physical violence was also er, way below the anger, the as required of American Indians (NCAI) used against indigenous peo- hurt, the hate, the jealou- started a Task Force on Vio- ple as well. During the Sand sy, the self-pity, way down Pharmacy Hours will be from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm – Only Window service will lence Against Women, and Creek Massacre, conflict deeper where the dreams be offered,there will be no pharmacy access in the clinic building then in 2005, the Violence between the Cheyenne and lie, son. Find your dream. Against Women Act (VAWA) Arapaho people by the Unit- It’s the pursuit of the dream All Behavioral Health Patients remain on the same schedule – No Sick Patients created a long-awaited rela- ed States Army occurred in that heals you,” American to Behavioral Health, please call your therapist for a phone consultation tionship between the Amer- November of 1864. It is es- Indian Olympic Gold Med- ican Indian Tribes and the timated that 500 people from alist, Billy Mills said. EvenEducation wawHchuwiininaveeini (6) (8) MarchFebruary 27, 1,2020 2019

SUIMA SUIMA hosts family night From the Eagle’s Nest Helping your child cope with at home isolation

Staff report SU Indian Montessori Academy

With SUIMA being closed during this time due to COVID-19, here are rec- ommendations about how to help your child cope with so much time isolated at home.

1. Be honest and factual. Children deserve clear, accurate information at their level. Reassure courtesy SU Indian Montessori Academy them, but you also don’t Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy Ute Language photos McKayla Lee/SU Drum want to hide anything. Guide, Shawna Steffler gives a Ute language lesson in Toddler Room 3. The Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy hosted the annual Scholastic Book 2. Be calm. Avoid talking Fair on Thursday, March 12. Students, parents and teachers filled the Dining Hall to to your child in a spirit cya can be worked into read directions to a board watch student led skits and then spent the evening searching for new books. The of anxiety. the daily routine, but limit game, or read to you. books and activities provided the students with an opportunity to enrich their learning 3. Answer questions hon- other types of online pro- They can even write a — and to have some fun while doing it. SUIMA student, Olyvia Watts performs a play estly. gram such as Minecraft, letter to the school prin- with her classmates for parents and teachers to watch while attending the annual 4. Teach preventive mea- Fortnite, etc. cipal (hint, hint – she Book Fair on Thursday, March 12. sures. Use the Montes- 7. Take time to build your will write back!) sori method of modeling Ute Language skills 11. Have fun! Build a fort. and then encourage your together, by accessing Have an indoor picnic. child to practice these lessons on the SUIMA Take a walk. Create things: website. playlists. Have a dance a. Cough or sneeze into 8. Have your child help party in the kitchen. your elbow. with household chores. Write funny tweets b. Wash your hands Have your child decide about how hard this is. c. Give those around what chores they can you their space do and help them make In a world where children 5. Routines are important. a chart to keep track of often feel over-scheduled Khloe Rock and her brother Credence Help your child get out what was accomplished. and overwhelmed, try to Rock find books to take home during the of bed, have breakfast, 9. Keep up on academic frame this time as a break Book Fair on Thursday, March 12. take time to read or do skills, but also have fun. from the stresses and pres- schoolwork that has Playing cards or dice can sures children face. been sent home, have be a way to review math Offering children oppor- lunch, etc. skills. Cooking offers tunities to go outside or ex- 6. Establish screen time opportunities to work perience unstructured play guidelines. Going to on- with fractions. are valuable opportunities. line academic programs 10. Make time for reading “Play,” Montessori ar- Aeden Richards reads from his script with such as FRECKLE, LEX- and writing. Children gues, “is the work of the the help of his teacher Danielle Burns. IA, ABCmouse, and ab- can read to a sibling, child.”

SUIMA Events and Activities

The Powerhouse Respond to the Coronavirus • SUIMA is closed until further notice. Be safe. Be Healthy! The Powerhouse is joining local schools and other organizations in taking precautions to slow the potential spread of coronavirus. Out of consideration for our visitors, staff, and community we will temporarily close our facility and cancel upcoming public programs. Beginning Saturday, March 14, the Science Center and MakerLab will be closed to the public, and intend to remain closed until Durango 9-R School District deems it appropriate to reopen public schools. Canceled activities include: • Toddler Time (March 18) • Trivia Night (March 19) • Seven Rivers Winter Farmers Market (March 19) • Home School Chemistry Workshop (March 27)

We regret the hardship this closure will cause families, especially during a time when schools are not in session. The Powerhouse remains committed to sparking curiosity and powering exploration through providing daily at-home STEM activities to engage parents and students in shared learning. Follow us on Facebook (@powscicenter) for The Powerhouse at Your House. Our implemented enhanced safety protocols will remain in place when we return to regular operations: • Removing small, difficult to clean activities from the gallery. • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces daily and additionally as needed. • Adding additional hand sanitizing stations throughout campus. FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019 suwarog’omasuwiininaveekyaveini (7) (9) NewsOdd

CORONAVIRUS Land assignment awarded Statement from Chairman Sage

By Christine Sage In an effort to reduce the With tribal members resid- Southern Ute Chairman exposure of the tribal mem- ing both on and off-reserva- bership and impacts to the tion, the Tribe is preparing to The health, safety, and wel- tribal organization, I have assist the tribal membership fare of the entire tribal mem- restricted all employee busi- during this time. Assistance bership is of utmost impor- ness travel effective imme- can very depending on loca- tance to me as we navigate diately as well as prevented tion, household, health con- our way through the grow- outside contractors and busi- ditions, etc., and in order to ing concerns related to the ness to be conducted on the provide the best customer ser- coronavirus disease 2019 or reservation. I have made this vice to the tribal membership, COVID-19. While there are decision out of an abundance requests should be specific. no presumed nor confirmed of caution for the Tribe, the Please continue to look for cases on the Southern Ute tribal membership, and most updates on the Tribal Council Indian Reservation, I have importantly the tribal elders social media, in the Southern tasked the tribal organization in hopes to reduce the ex- Ute Drum, and on KSUT to proactively prepare for the posure and contraction of Tribal Radio, in your mail, spread of this virus. In the last COVID-19. I truly believe and on the tribal websites. Fabian Martinez/SU Drum few days and at my request our tribal elders should be If you are concerned about One lucky winner was chosen for the 2.45-acre land assignment that was advertised the tribal staff have thorough- cared for and looked after; the your symptoms, please con- by the Lands Division on Tuesday, March 17 in the Tribal Council Chambers. John ly reviewed potential impacts CDC has identified elderly tact your primary health care E. Baker Jr.’s card was pulled in the drawing for the land assignment by Chairman to the tribal membership in- and those with weakened im- provider or call the South- Christine Sage. Another 45-Day Notice and subsequent drawing will take place at a cluding health care services, mune systems are at a high- ern Ute Health Center at later date for an assignment on Highway 550. accessibility to programs and er risk. Any loss to the tribal 970-563-4581 to speak to a direct services, tribal busi- membership is devastating, health care professional. ness, and most importantly and we risk losing our tradi- Visit the Southern Ute Tribe’s website, www.southernute-nsn.gov, and the concerning health of our tions, language, and culture if Christine Sage, The Southern Ute Drum’s website, www.sudrum.com, for updates and information. tribal elders and high-risk we do not make every effort Chairman, Southern Ute populations. to protect our tribal elders. Indian Tribe

Tribe continues core services for tribal membership • from page 1 vices during this time. work remotely and respond Statistics will continue to uled as of Friday, March to the tribal membership as BOYS & GIRLS CLUB Division of Gaming: to major repairs as necessary process enrollment applica- 18, 2020, as well as medi- well as the Southern Ute The Boys & Girls Club Division of Gaming inves- and continue monitoring tions, certificate of Indian cal emergencies. Staff will Indian Tribe Incident Man- is closed during this time. tigators will provide tribal building maintenance needs. blood (CIB), tax exemption continue to deliver medi- agement Team as requested. There will be no direct ser- building security patrols on Grounds Maintenance: forms, and notary public cation, groceries, bill pay, Lands: The Lands Divi- vices provided, but Club and off campus, extra pa- Grounds maintenance will services. This will be avail- and post office runs within sion will work remotely and staff will be offering pro- trols of Casino, and assist address trash pick-up and able on Monday – Wednes- the approved safety zones. continue to provide land as- gramming, activity supplies tribal court with required maintenance throughout the day – Friday from 8 a.m. Elders Services has the right signment administration and and virtual support to fami- paper service. tribal campus and only in the until 12 p.m. in the Central to refuse medical transport commercial crossing permits lies remotely. Southern Ute Detention spaces where critical staff Receiving building. based on approved screen- on an emergency basis. Center: The detention center and IMT are working. The Southern Ute ing questions and a Doc- Agriculture: Agriculture TRIBAL PLANNING will continue to provide ser- Drum: The Southern Ute tor’s recommendation. Staff will continue to provide The Tribal Planning De- vices for inmates. Effective TRIBAL HEALTH Drum will continue to main- will implement safe contact custom farm and agriculture partment will work remote- immediately, all visitation is Tribal Health Services is tain production and provide practices with tribal elders support services including ly, continuing to plan func- suspended. This includes all the most critical department special coverage on the by phone. In-person visits pest management. tions on current projects. contact and non-contact vis- providing services to the trib- COVID-19 outbreak and must adhere to the tribal Water Resources: The its. Education, PBT breath al membership during this other current issues. policy and practice of social Water Resources Division SUNUTE COMMUNITY samples for courts and pro- time. Please continue to call Mail service remains distancing based on recom- will continue to provide irri- CENTER bation have been suspended. the Southern Ute Health Cen- available. We will continue mendations from the South- gation support services and The SunUte Community Food and supply deliveries ter prior to your arrival; this to meet the needs of trib- ern Ute Indian Tribe Inci- water administration. Center facilities are current- will be dropped at the Sal- practice is for the health and al departments who have dent Management Team. Range: The Range Di- ly closed during this time. ly Port behind the kitchen. protection of both the patients crucial tasks that involve Elders Services staff will vision will continue to pro- The driver will not enter the and health care providers. postage. The schedule cre- work with other programs vide emergency gas well LEGAL facility as trustees and staff Tribal Health Center: The ated to address tribal gov- within the Tribal Services spill management response The Prosecutor will attend will bring supplies into the Health Center will be open ernment mail delivery and Department to coordinate and oilfield onsite inspec- court hearings as scheduled kitchen. Office supplies will Monday through Friday mail pick up will be, Mon- services for Tribal Elders/ tions only when critically by the tribal court. The legal be dropped at the main ad- from 7:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. day – Wednesday – Friday 8 Members with disabilities. necessary. department will be available ministrative entrance. No for urgent appointments and am – 12 pm, First mail run Food Distribution: Food Forestry: The Forestry for child and elder protec- one will be allowed access pharmacy only. Respiratory at 8:30 am and the last one Distribution is encouraging Division will continue to tion services for the Depart- to the facility other than ailment screenings will be at 10:30 am. The only excep- people to apply online. Staff provide emergency fire- ment of Social Services and SUDC staff that is scheduled conducted in the tent locat- tion would be if the last day are currently developing an wood services only, IMT can be contacted by phone. to work that day. SUPD, ed behind the Southern Ute of the month or first day of online, pdf-fillable applica- planning, and forestry con- SUSS, Los Pinos Fire Pro- Health Center beginning at the month falls on a Tuesday tion and, upon completion, tract administration. SOUTHERN UTE tection District, and mainte- 8 a.m. All specialty medical or Thursday, we will come in will be placed on the trib- Wildlife Resources: The MUSEUM nance are allowed to enter clinics are postponed. to do the postage and deliver al website. Home delivery Wildlife Resources Divi- The Southern Ute Museum the facility on an as needed Dental Clinic: The dental the mail to the post office in orders will be taken over sion will continue to provide is currently closed but will basis. SUDC will continue clinic is closed. the morning. the phone. Priority will be bison heard management, work remotely and continue to house contract inmates Optometry: Optometry given to the elderly and dis- hunting/fishing licenses trib- the caretaking of exhibits, but will not be accepting services will be ceased until TRIBAL SERVICES abled tribal membership. al member only, and Lake collections, and archives. new contract inmates at this further notice. Emergency Family Ser- Participants will call in food Capote dam early warning time. Bail bondsman will be Behavioral Health: Be- vices (EFS): EFS is en- orders and receive a time to system monitoring. Bison PERMANENT FUND permitted into the Sally Port havioral health staff will couraging clients to utilize pick-up their order. Entry meat will be available to the INVESTMENTS but will not enter the facility. be reaching out to patients, the online application and will be through the back tribal membership, schedule The Permanent Fund In- Anyone who enters the fa- providing services and how submission process to limit gate, guests will review the for pick-up is forthcoming. vestments will work remote- cility including bondsman in to cope during stressful the in-office exposure. EFS order in the loading area, Lake Capote: Open only ly to continue to manage the the Sally Port will be asked times. Providers are ad- is working with Farmers sign in receipt of food, and for SUIT members and Tribe’s investment capital. if they have exhibited any dressing the possibility of Fresh and Grocery Store exit through the front gate. immediate family only on symptoms of COVID-19. utilizing tele-medicine. to accept applications from Vocational Rehabilita- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SO. UTE COVID-19 CALL Tribal Rangers: Tribal Public Health Nurse & EFS online through email so tion: Vocational Rehab. will and Sunday; shoreline and CENTER Rangers will continue to Community Health Rep- tribal members can receive provide consumer meetings dock fishing only; lakeside The Southern Ute Indian patrol the reservation and resentatives (CHR): The food vouchers at the store. via phone or email and col- restrooms are open – camp- Tribe COVID-19 Call Center serve as first responders. public health nurse and All clients must call ahead laborative meetings with lo- ground facilities closed but will remain active through Animal Control Officers CHR’s will provide medi- to request funds available cal vendors and resources via camping allowed; limited the duration of the modified will continue to provide ser- cation deliveries, non-emer- to them. Clients will need conference call, Zoom, and bait shop sales through win- government services being vices for the community. gent medical transport, to contact EFS through the other technology services. dow. For Lake Capote ques- provided. Tribal members Environmental Programs home visits, and case man- phone located at the front Social Services: Social tions, please call the Lake can reach the call center by Division: Environmental Ser- agement as needed. Dialysis desk of the Mouache-Capote Services will provide im- Manager at 970-883-2273 or dialing 970-563-0214. Calls vices will work remotely with transports will continue. building. EFS will be work- mediate response to client The Southern Ute Wildlife regarding medical concerns the exception of monitoring Shining Mountain Health ing in collaboration with calls, emergencies, and con- Division at 970-563-0130. should use extensions 2651 stations for air quality and wa- and Wellness: The Shining Elders Services to provide tinued collaboration with and 2654; calls with gen- ter quality within the boundar- Mountain Health and Well- applications to/from Tribal the Southern Ute Police De- HUMAN RESOURCES eral questions or concerns ies of the Southern Ute Indian ness staff will temporarily Elders and/or disabled cli- partment. The tribal hotline Human Resources De- should use extensions 2652 Reservation. modify their scope of work to ents for assistance. EFS is for child abuse and neglect partment staff will work and 2667. Call center hours assist the Southern Ute Indian also temporarily modifying will continue to be avail- remotely and available by of operation are 6 a.m. until PROPERTY & Tribe COVID-19 Call Cen- services for off-reservation able. Therapy sessions will email and phone for assis- 10 p.m., 7 days a week until FACILITIES ter. Staff are identifying the tribal members by provid- be provided over the phone, tance with employee bene- further direction is mandated Custodial Services: Cus- program capacity to provide ing the option of receiving through Facetime or Skype, fits and employee questions/ by the Southern Ute Indian todial Services is one of the weekly cooking and other re- $200 or $100 for grocery, as and home visits as needed. support. Risk Management Tribe (IMT). most vital departments op- lated information. long as funds are available. continues to be involved In addition to fielding erating at this time and will Elders Services: El- NATURAL RESOURCES in the Southern Ute Indian calls, the call center will be continue to provide clean- TRIBAL INFORMATION ders Services will contin- The Department of Nat- Tribe Incident Management making proactive calls to ing and sanitation of only SERVICES ue normal operation hours ural Resources will provide Team and the COVID-19 tribal elders, the disabled and the spaces where critical Administration: TIS of Monday through Friday ongoing duties that are es- response efforts. high-risk tribal membership. staff and IMT are operating. staff will work with limit- from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., sential for continuity of op- If you are a tribal member Motor Pool: Motor Pool ed staff continue to process however limited service for erations and maintaining the INTERNAL AUDIT and concerned about your will cease all services to vehi- mail for the tribal govern- medical, grocery and house- Tribe’s business interests. The Internal Audit depart- symptoms, please contact cles except for emergency ser- ment, answer and transfer hold necessity delivery, and The department will consid- ment will work remotely to your primary care provid- vice vehicles and other needs incoming calls to tribal emergency services will be er emergency meetings only. assist with the continuity of er or call the Southern Ute for critical tribal operations. departments, and provide provided. Medical transport GIS: GIS will work re- government operations and Health Center at 970-563- Building Maintenance: modified services. will be provided only for motely to continue to pro- meet with Tribal Council re- 4581 to speak with a health Building maintenance will Vital Statistics: Vital doctor appointments sched- vide map support services garding on-going projects. care professional. EvenNews wawHchuwiini (8) FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019

CORONAVIRUS Tribe implements travel restrictions

Staff report Tribal employees return- Human Resources Depart- elderly, those who are clas- 16, 2020, Tribal staff who at 970-563-2363. Southern Ute Indian Tribe ing from personal travel ment has been in collabora- sified in the high-risk pop- may have medical ques- If further clarification who have any reason to tion with the Incident Com- ulation for susceptibility, tions or need clarification on is needed for staff regard- As the nation, the state of believe they have been ex- mand Team and developed a the tribal community and to symptomatic concerns can ing the travel stipulations, Colorado, and the Southern posed to COVID-19 or who flowchart as attached to as- maintain continuity of op- call the Southern Ute Health business restrictions, and/ Ute Indian Tribe continue to have symptoms of respira- sist and clarify any concerns erations for our tribal gov- Center 970-563-2362. For or return to work proto- assess the number of posi- tory illness must self-report or questions related to travel ernment. We all share those tribal members who may col, staff will be directed tive cases of COVID-19, the to their immediate supervi- at this current time. responsibilities equally, and have medical questions or to contact Mr. Don Brock- Southern Ute Tribal govern- sor by telephone at the start The current directives, ask your cooperation, sup- need clarification on symp- us, Risk Manager, for the ment is continuing to re- of their next shift or sooner being issued by the South- port and assistance in mak- tomatic concerns following Southern Ute Indian Tribe strict all employee business if at all possible. ern Ute Tribe’s COVID 19 ing these protective mea- the return from traveling to at 970-563-2449 or via travel for all business and Southern Ute Indian Incident Command Team sures successful. exposed areas can call the email at dbrockus@south- governmental entities. Tribe’s Permanent Fund are designed to protect the Beginning Monday, March Southern Ute Health Center ernute-nsn.gov.

Updated Employee Travel Restrictions

La Plata County is now experiencing community spread of Covid-19. In consultation with San Juan Basin Health Department, the Incident Management Team has decided that the restriction of travel to New Mexico is outdated. Please be aware that the Tribe and State have issued Stay at Home Orders. The relaxation of travel restrictions to New Mexico does not mean that employees should travel any more than necessary abiding by the stay at home orders.

Sincerely, Southern Ute Indian Tribe – Incident Management Team

Chairman restricts operations • from page 1 Tribe issues stay at home order • from page 1 Health Center, and; until further notice. Exposure-related Ques- this rapidly-changing and • Travel required by law oil, natural gas, and other • SunUte Community Cen- tions serious public health emer- enforcement or court or- fuel for personal and trib- ter (operating as the South- A summary of continuing • Have you traveled in the gency. The Southern Ute der or as necessary for al use. ern Ute COVID-19 Call core services for the South- last two weeks, if yes, Indian Tribal Council urges participation in a legal • To provide for delivery Center; SunUte facilities ern Ute Indian Tribe during where? all tribal members to listen proceeding. of food, pharmaceutical will be closed otherwise.) the COVID-19 outbreak can • Has any member of your for radio announcements, • Going to or from educa- products, and any other • Staff from the Southern be found on the tribal web- family traveled anywhere check the Tribe’s official tional facilities to support essential personal and Ute Growth Fund are sites, tribal social media, in the last two weeks, if social media and website, distance learning or to get household products. not expected to report to with the Southern Ute In- yes, where? or call the COVID-19 Call meals or related services. • To provide for essential their workstations and be- dian Tribe COVID-19 Call • Have you or a family Center at 970-563-0214 • To get supplies to work household and building gan working remotely on Center, on KSUT Tribal Ra- member been in contact for the most up-to-date in- from home. maintenance, safety, and Monday, March 23, 2020. dio, and by mail. with a COVID-19 posi- formation. The Tribe will • To perform other neces- sanitation. Exceptions include des- tive patient? make every effort to keep sary household functions • To provide for vehicle ignated tribal personnel SUIT COVID-19 Are you currently expe- the membership informed. to maintain cleanliness of maintenance. from the following oper- CALL CENTER riencing any of the follow- At the time of this release, the home and to ensure • To participate in legal ations: Southern Ute Util- ing symptoms? there are no presumptive cases the health and safety of proceedings in the South- ities, essential operations/ The Southern Ute Indian • Fever of 100.4 degrees or of COVID-19 on the Southern the membership and their ern Ute Tribal court. maintenance personnel Tribe COVID-19 Call Center higher Ute Indian Reservation. Tribal families, including for • For public transportation related to natural gas pro- will remain active through • Cough members may leave their res- purposes of disposing of such as taxis and other duction and mid-stream the duration of the modified • Shortness of breath idence only to perform essen- trash and using laundry private transportation pro- operations, and critical government services being • Sore throat tial activities. services. viders providing transpor- support staff as needed. provided. Tribal members • Abnormal fatigue • To engage in other es- tation services necessary Growth Fund personnel can reach the call center by Essential activities con- sential activities as au- for purposed expressly au- shall implement the re- dialing 970-563-0214. “As the Tribal Chairman, sist of the following: thorized in writing by thorized in this Order. quired health screening Calls regarding medical I hold the lives of the trib- • Care for elders, minors, the Executive Office af- • For the delivery of mail prior to entering a Growth concerns should use exten- al staff, tribal membership, dependents, people with ter consultation with the by the postal service and Fund location. sions 2651 and 2654; calls and their families, as well disabilities or other vul- Tribe’s Incident Com- other shipping services. • Staff from the Southern with general questions or as the tribal resources in my nerable people. mand Team. • For the delivery of gro- Ute Shared Services are concerns should use exten- hands. Making the decision • To buy food, pet supplies ceries, food, goods or ser- not expected to report to sions 2652 and 2667. Call to modify tribal services and essential household The order also restricts vices directly to residenc- their workstations and in- center hours of operation and business operations to products for themselves, the following: es or other businesses. stead began working re- are 6 a.m. until 10 p.m., sev- an even greater degree was a household member, a • All public and private • To provide profession- motely on Monday, March en days a week until further made by prioritizing the family member, an elder, gatherings of five or more al services, such as legal 23, 2020. Exceptions in- direction is mandated by the health, safety and welfare person with disabilities, people. or accounting services, clude designated critical Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the entire tribal member- or other persons in need • All visitors on the South- when necessary to assist I.T. infrastructure staff. (IMT). In addition to field- ship and tribal staff. We each of immediate assistance. ern Ute Indian Reserva- in compliance with le- • The Sky Ute Casino ing calls, the call center will have a responsibility to at- • To obtain medical sup- tion (“Reservation”) lo- gally necessary activities Resort ceased all opera- be making proactive calls to tempt to limit the exposure plies or medication or to cated on Tribal or Trust such as representation in tions on Monday, March tribal elders, the disabled and of COVID-19, especially visit a health-care profes- land are directed to return court or preparation of es- 23, 2020 at 3 p.m. The high-risk tribal membership. to the tribal elders and the sional for yourself, a fam- home. For purposes of tate planning documents. hotel, all dining opera- high-risk population of the ily member, a household this order a visitor is a • To provide any additional tions, gaming operations, TRIBAL STAFF Southern Ute tribal mem- member, an elder, person person who is not a tribal essential services to tribal and bowling alley will be SELF-SCREENING bership and our community. with disabilities, any other member, is not an invited members and authorized closed. All events will be PROTOCOL Modifying tribal services person in need of immedi- guest of a tribal member, residents on Trust or Trib- postponed. and business operations and ate assistance, or a pet. does not maintain his or al land. • All staff needed to per- Southern Ute Tribal staff asking tribal staff to work • To care for a family her permanent home on form critical services identified to report to their from home will help “flatten member or pet in another tribal or trust land on the Any individual who ex- and work remotely that workstations are required to the curve”, thereby reducing household. Reservation, or who is not hibits symptoms must iso- need additional resources take their temperature with the risk of contracting and • To engage in banking or an employee of the Tribe. late themselves. should notify their imme- a thermometer to accurately spreading COVID-19, and other financial transac- The Call Center has mod- diate supervisor who will provide symptom informa- putting additional stress on tions or services. No visitors will be al- ified its hours to 8 a.m. un- work with the chain of tion. If you can answer “yes” the healthcare system. Please • To go to work in an es- lowed to come on the Res- til 5 p.m., 7 days a week. command, SUSS, and the to any of these questions, stay home, take this time to sential or critical business ervation, other than to pass The Call Center is strictly IMT to resolve all logis- including COVID-19 symp- enjoy your loved ones. This activity or service as de- through on a county, state, an information gathering tical issues. This is espe- toms, staff must call their time can be spent sharing our termined by their em- or federal highway, except and dissemination resource cially applicable to com- supervisor and consult their traditions and culture with ployer or a governmental for the following purposes: for the tribal membership puter needs and remote primary healthcare provider those in your household,” authority. • To provide medical or during this time. connectivity. for COVID-19 screening stated Chairman Sage. • To engage in outdoor activ- home care. If you are a tribal member • All staff identified for or access the telemedicine ities like walking, running, • To provide emergency and concerned about your IMT operations and meet- consultation services from If you are a tribal member fishing, hunting, or walk- services. symptoms, please contact ings must be available to Anthem found here (https:// and concerned about your ing a dog, as long as they • To provide and allow for your primary care provid- assist the IMT when re- livehealthonline.com) If symptoms, please contact maintain a safe social dis- the continuation of essen- er or call the Southern Ute quested. your response is “no” to all your primary care provid- tance from others. Group tial and critical govern- Health Center at 970-563- • All Tribal buildings will questions and symptoms, er or call the Southern Ute sports are prohibited. ment services as deter- 4581 to speak with a health be on lockdown with no staff are required to report Health Center at 970-563- • To provide for the funeral mined by the Tribe. care professional. public access. to work. 4581 to speak with a health arrangements of a family • To provide/deliver of water. • This will remain in effect care professional. or household member. • To provide deliveries of March 27, 2020 suwarog’omasuwiini (9) News

CENSUS 2020 SKY UTE CASINO RESORT Civil Rights advocates respond Tribe announces temporary, to Census operational changes closure of Sky Ute Casino Staff report help mitigate the spread of been no known cases of in the wake of COVID-19 Sky Ute Casino Resort COVID-19, this is the appro- COVID-19 at Sky Ute Ca- priate decision at this time.” sino Resort or the Southern Staff report ing the suspension of field stakeholders and partners to Citing the recommen- The temporary closure Ute Indian Reservation, we Civil Rights operations until April 1. respond appropriately and dations of various public applies to all Sky Ute Ca- are suspending all opera- At the same time, state and effectively to promote par- health experts regard- sino Resort operations and tions to promote the social The co-chairs of The Lead- congressional leaders, along ticipation. ing the virus known as amenities: Casino, Hotel, distancing practice recom- ership Conference on Civil with some organizations, The Census Bureau al- COVID-19, the Southern Willows Café Bistro, Seven mended by public health of- and Human Rights’ Census have begun calling for the ready has flexibility on Ute Indian Tribe today an- Rivers Steak Seafood Spir- ficials,” continues Chairman Task Force – Arturo Vargas, census response period to be extending the enumeration nounced that it would close its, Shining Mountain Café, Sage, “Our continued best CEO of NALEO Educa- ‘extended’ or ‘delayed,’ due timeframe, which it had all of Sky Ute Casino Re- Rolling Thunder Grill, Sev- wishes are with those direct- tional Fund; John C. Yang, to concerns about the po- planned to conclude on July sort’s operations including en Rivers Bingo Hall, and ly affected by this virus.” president and executive di- tential impact of the health 31 under normal circum- the hotel and its restaurant, Rolling Thunder Lanes. This information is being rector of Asian Americans emergency on the count. stances. The self-response Willows Café Bistro. The Tribal leaders will moni- released in conjunction with Advancing Justice | AAJC; There are numerous and period (which is still in temporary closure of the tor developments regarding the Southern Ute Indian and Vanita Gupta, president difficult consequences to effect during NRFU) will hotel and restaurant begins the virus to assess the exact Tribe Incident Management and CEO of The Leadership delaying census operations, provide the Census Bureau March 23, 2020, at 3 p.m. reopening date. Team Public Information Conference on Civil and Hu- and significant implications and stakeholders with in- “As always the health “Although there have Officer (PIO), Amy Barry. man Rights – issued the fol- for data quality and the ac- formation on how much ad- and wellbeing of our guests, lowing statement in response curacy of the results. More- ditional time beyond July employees and community to the U.S. Census Bureau’s over, because households 31 may be needed. How- is of utmost importance,” decision to suspend 2020 can self-respond until July ever, the further away from says Chairman, Christine Census field operations until 31, it is too soon to know Census Day, April 1 (the Sage, of The Southern Ute April 1, 2020. whether such action is nec- reference date that is set in Indian Tribe. “In an effort to “Temporarily suspending essary. Accordingly, we law), data are collected, the field operations for the 2020 have not yet taken a posi- greater the impact on data Census is the right decision tion on whether the Cen- quality and consistency, for now. Our organizations sus Bureau should extend so these decisions must be Notice from The Southern Ute Drum are leading outreach in or- the nonresponse follow-up made with consideration der to protect our communi- (NRFU) and self-response for the consequences. NOTE, DUE TO COVID-19: The print edition of the newspaper will be temporarily ties, and our role as trusted period. We believe all We encourage Congress suspended due to closures and circumstances surrounding public safety, and the messengers is more import- stakeholders must fully to consult with the Census welfare of our staff. The newspaper will continue to be published electronically, and ant than ever. consider the implications Bureau to see what resourc- will be available as an e-Edition (PDF https://www.sudrum.com/eEditions/) and online: We are helping to inform for data quality and cen- es it might need to expand www.sudrum.com. The Southern Ute Drum will adhere to the publication schedules shifts in strategy and opera- sus accuracy of extending the NRFU operation as soon and deadlines for 2020, in order to get relevant news and information out to the tions and we urge the Cen- operations, before urging as the Bureau can safely re- Southern Ute tribal membership, tribal departments and community in the best, and sus Bureau to be transparent such action. And we worry sume field operations. We most efficient, way possible going forward! with stakeholders, partners, about the impact on self-re- are also urging Congress to Thank you, and Congress about where sponse these early calls for closely monitor the progress Jeremy Wade Shockley, Editor/Media Manager it is facing operational chal- an extension might have. of the census to determine The Southern Ute Drum lenges, the changes it is mak- We believe these issues if the Census Bureau will ing to its planned operations, must be fully discussed, be able to meet the statuto- and where it needs additional understood, and considered ry deadlines of December support. We need everyone by Congress in consultation 31, 2020 for the reporting to take part in the census be- with the Bureau, stakehold- of the final apportionment cause essential rights, fund- ers, and experts. count, and April 1, 2021 for ing, resources, and political We support shifts in tim- the transmission of the re- power are at stake. ing of certain operations. districting files to the states. Thankfully, communities The Census Bureau is ad- Congress may well need around the country can con- justing strategies in real to consider adjustments to tinue to count themselves at time, and we are working these deadlines once it has home by going online, call- diligently to help inform sufficient information on ing the Census Bureau, or these decisions. However, the status of the 2020 Cen- filling out the paper form. there is a difference between sus operations. This issue We encourage all households these types of shifts and pro- has deep and broad impli- to respond and be counted.” posals to ‘delay’ or ‘extend’ cations, primarily political Policy Statement from the census. We urge the Cen- and conceivably partisan. The Leadership Confer- sus Bureau to be transparent It must be approached care- ence Census Task Force with stakeholders, partners, fully and knowledgeably for Co-Chairs: We understand and Congress about where those reasons. that the success of the 2020 it is facing operational chal- The Census Bureau needs Census is in peril given the lenges, the changes it is mak- our support and cooperation current public health crisis ing to its planned operations, at this time more than ever, and that the Census Bu- and where it needs addition- just as much as we must reau is making operational al support (such as appro- continue to insist on a fair changes in response, includ- priations). This will allow and accurate census.

Food distribution • from page 1 progressed so much!” The center is still open from 8 a process. I would like the program also delivers to a.m. – 5 p.m. membership to know that tribal elders and disabled. The staff is now taking we are still adjusting and A variety of food items are extra precautions, which evolving to the current situa- available, including fresh include a deep clean at the tion. Please bear with us and produce, frozen meats, end of each day, and some be patient. Eventually we in addition to shelf stable extra set up each morning. will get it to run as smooth canned goods, dry goods Frost askes that community as possible,” she reiterated. and boxed cereals. members picking up their “We have a big white dry All of Deanna Frost’s em- food orders accommodate erase board outside [with ployees are tribal members, this modified workflow. instructions], we will deliver many of them are younger, “Today is the first day the food to the car and fill out and she attributes some of after our big shipment. The the issuance form.” the new-found community front desk phone is usually Because of the high de- interest in the program to busy because our admin is mand, new enrollments are her employees. As the word taking food orders,” Frost limited to tribal members gets out with the younger explained. “I am encourag- and Native American fami- generation, many of whom ing everyone to call my di- lies from a recognized tribe. are now the heads of house- rect line at 970-563-2531.” The program will continue holds in their own families, “Our warehouse is fairly to serve non-native families people are signing up. small, we can’t store a lot of from inside the Southern Ute “We usually only get one food. So, it is a relief that we Reservation who are already shipment. This month we got the second shipment of enrolled in the program. got two because of the vi- food in. I do foresee our par- Frost is currently trying to tie rus, people are in need of ticipant rate raising more.” their program into the USDA food. It is just something Usually customers would Foods Disaster Assistance, that happened, so USDA al- simply walk in, but due to which would allow the Trib- lowed us to order a second precautions surrounding the al program to order more, in shipment in one month’s coronavirus, now no one an effort to feed a broader time. I would expect the de- is allowed inside but staff. community base. mand for food to continue,” “Now we are trying to de- “I would like to thank my Frost stated. velop a plan that is appoint- staff for having the courage The Southern Ute Food ment based. We still have to come in everyday through- Distribution program is not those that do come, but we out this virus — working and affected by the Tribe’s re- encourage people to set up doing a great job!” cent government closures, an appointment because it The Food Distribution as their team is providing a makes it easier for us — and center is located in down- core service to the member- safer for everyone.” town Ignacio, at 740 God- ship. The Food Distribution “We’re adapting, but it is dard Ave. News tog’omsuwiini (10) March 27, 2020

UTILITIES UTILITIES LPEA delays rate increase, Temporary suspension of allocates $90,000 to support utility disconnections, late fees Staff report at a later date. As a reminder for tribal community during COVID-19 Southern Ute Utilities Customers that are able member customers, you can to make payments on arrange monthly payments Staff report generate the funds needed to $50,000 will be allocated to Due to the current their accounts on time are to your utility account di- La Plata Electric Association update and improve LPEA’s assist LPEA members who COVID-19 pandemic, the strongly encouraged to rectly from Tribal Finance. electric infrastructure, im- cannot pay their bills due to Southern Ute Utilities Divi- do so. Payment methods We strongly encouraged The La Plata Electric As- prove reliability to mem- job loss and business clo- sion Management has decid- include and are accepted this automatic payment ar- sociation (LPEA) Board of bers, and keep up with the sure; $25,000 will be allocat- ed that, effective immediate- Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. – Noon: rangement to remain cur- Directors today approved a cost of inflation. Delaying ed to the Community Emer- ly, there will be a temporary rent on your account. Please rescue package to support the effective date of the rate gency Response Fund; and suspension of utility discon- • Payment over the contact Utilities Office 970- its members and community increase from April 1st to $7,500 each will be provided nections, including a waiver phone at 970-563- 563-5500 to arrange for an during the COVID-19 pan- July 1st will cost the utility to the Community Emergen- of late fees for the following 5500 by credit card application to set up vol- demic. LPEA, which already roughly $1 million. To offset cy Action Coalition and the utility services provided, (highly recommended) untary deductions to avoid announced it will suspend this loss, the board approved Pagosa Outreach Coalition. which include: • Payment at Wells large arrears in payment disconnects for non-pay- a withdrawal from LPEA’s Fargo Bank (Ignacio balances. You may call ment for its residential and emergency rate stabilization 3. Suspension of discon- • Solid Waste (Trash Col- Branch): Have your Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. – Noon. small-commercial members fund, which was created in nects for non-payment: lection) account number and/or It is our highest prior- until further notice, will now 2019 to safeguard business As previously announced, • Sewer your utility bill readily ity to provide and main- also delay its rate increase operations in emergency sit- LPEA had suspended all dis- • Water available tain critical services to the three , and allocate uations. The board views the connects for non-payment • Natural Gas • Payment by mail: Southern Ute Tribal mem- $90,000 in unclaimed capital creation of this fund as fortu- until further notice. While Please mail statement bership and community credits to utility bill assis- itous, because it can now be no residential or small-com- We will NOT shut off stub with your check during this pandemic. tance and local emergency used to help LPEA members mercial utility services will any utility services for or money order (made Safety is our number one response programs. in this time of great need. be disconnected during the residential utility accounts payable to Southern priority for our employees “LPEA is a not-for-profit suspension, this is not a debt with balances considered Ute Utilities Division) and our customers. electric cooperative, which 2. Allocation of $90,000 in forgiveness program. LPEA past due during the billing to PO Box 1137, Igna- Contact Information: means it is owned and oper- unclaimed capital credits: members are still expected to periods of April and May cio, CO 81137 Hayes Briskey, Utilities ated by its members at cost,” As LPEA is a not-for-prof- pay their bill when they are 2020. This timeframe may • Credit card, money Manager 970-563-5502; said Bob Lynch, LPEA it utility delivering service to able, either through a flexi- be extended dependent on order, cashier’s check, Julian Baker, Assistant Board President. “We, the its members at cost, any pay- ble payment plan or funding COVID-19 circumstances or cash – Walk-in or Manager, 970-563-5515; board and LPEA employees, ments made by members in assistance. Members should in the near future – official Drive-up at Utilities or Emergency – SUPD, are a part of the communi- excess of the cost required to contact LPEA at 970-247- notification will be released Office. 970-563-4401 ties we serve, and we want provide their electric service 5786 for more details. to do what we can to help are placed into a patronage our neighbors in this time of capital account in each mem- LPEA is a mem- PUBLIC SAFETY need. We do not take these ber’s name, usually referred ber-owned, not-for-profit, decisions lightly, as they will to as “capital credits”. When electric distribution coop- put additional financial and the cooperative is able, cap- erative serving La Plata and Avoiding coronavirus administrative pressure on ital credits are “retired” and Archuleta, with segments of the organization, but we feel returned to members as bill Hinsdale, Mineral and San strongly that this is the right credits or by check. If these Juan counties. LPEA is the scams and price gouging thing to do.” checks are not cashed after fifth largest cooperative of The LPEA COVID-19 three years, they are con- 22 in Colorado, and aims to Staff report torney General’s office by are no medical treatments rescue package includes the sidered to be “unclaimed”. provide safe, reliable elec- Southern Ute Indian Tribe phone at 1-800-222-4444 for the virus and any prom- following three elements: Unclaimed capital credits tricity at the lowest reason- or go online to report the ised treatments over the are traditionally assigned to able cost to its approximate- Hand sanitizer at $67 a incident at stopfraudcolo- phone or internet are fake. 1. Delay of rate increase: community causes, and in ly 34,000 members. For bottle. Toilet paper at $15 rado.gov. In addition, you Like the incidents of price The 2020 rate increase this spirit, LPEA will assign additional information, con- a roll. Unfortunately, we can contact the Southern gouging, if you see or ex- was unanimously approved $90,000 to assist those in tact LPEA at 970-247-5786 have seen instances of this Ute Legal Department at perience this, report it to by the board in January to its service area as follows: or visit www.lpea.coop. in our stores and on the in- 970-563-2141 and they can the Attorney General or the ternet. As with any public assist you in reaching out to Legal Department. crisis, when concerns over the Attorney General. Finally, be careful with UTILITIES the coronavirus increase, The Department of Jus- emails that claim to be from there will be some people tice also has a division to the World Health Organiza- who prey on people’s fears investigate Disaster Fraud. tion or other group promis- LPEA implements Continuity for their personal financial You can reach the Disaster ing a vaccine or test for the advantage. But what can Fraud at 1-877-720-5721, virus. Delete it. This is what we do about it? or online at justice.gov, or is called a phishing scam. If of Operations Plan amidst First, if you see someone email [email protected]. you click on the email, the price gouging, report it. The Second, beware of person who sent it will try growing coronavirus concerns Colorado Attorney Gen- scams. Now that more and to gain access to personal in- eral’s Office is collecting more people are confined to formation on your computer. Staff report go and Pagosa Springs tocols to reduce the risk information on individuals their homes, we are seeing As always, if you have La Plata Electric Association are closed to the public. within its buildings, in- and stores that are taking an increase in telephone any questions or need any Drive through options cluding enhanced clean- advantage of people’s fears and computer scams. Often assistance, please contact a From 8 a.m. on Monday, are available at each of- ing and sanitizing. through overcharging the these are promising treat- member of Tribal Council, March 16, La Plata Electric fice and phones remain • LPEA is encouraging public for necessary prod- ments for the coronavirus the Executive Office, or the Association (LPEA) will open Monday through members to pay their bill ucts. You can reach the At- for a price. Currently there Legal Department. modify its operating proce- Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from home. Members dures to proactively respond at 970-247-5786. can receive their bill via to the growing novel Coro- • In-home energy audits email, make energy pay- navirus pandemic. Under will not be conducted. ments using a credit card, its Continuity of Operations Members can still call or pay from a check- Plan, LPEA will prioritize LPEA for remote assis- ing account through the the continuation of reliable tance at 970-247-5786. LPEA SmartHub App. electric service to its more • LPEA meeting facilities The Pay-by-Phone au- than 46,000 meters while are closed to all public tomated system is also also protecting the safety events. Existing events available 24 hours per and health of its employees will be cancelled or day. For more informa- and members. postponed. tion on payment options, “Given LPEA’s essential • Board meetings, begin- members should call mission to power the lives ning with the March 25th 970-247-5786. of our communities, it’s vital meeting, will be held re- LPEA will resume normal that we proactively address motely via video confer- operations as soon as is safely all potential threats that would ence. The public will be possible. For more informa- prevent us from achieving able to participate virtu- tion and updates from LPEA, that,” said LPEA CEO Jes- ally, and meetings will be members should visit https:// sica Matlock. “We’ve been recorded for later view- lpea.coop/coronavirus closely monitoring the ongo- ing. Access details will be LPEA is a mem- ing situation with the novel made available at: https:// ber-owned, not-for-profit, Coronavirus. While there are lpea.coop/board-direc- electric distribution coop- still no confirmed cases in La tors-meeting-agendas erative serving La Plata and Plata or Archuleta County, • LPEA’s Annual Meeting, Archuleta, with segments of we believe it’s LPEA’s civic currently scheduled for Hinsdale, Mineral and San duty to be proactive and act May 16, 2020 at Pago- Juan counties. LPEA is the before we must.” sa Springs High School, fifth largest cooperative of Under the new plan, may be postponed. 22 in Colorado, and aims to LPEA operations will • Staff are cancelling non-es- provide safe, reliable elec- change as follows until fur- sential travel and conduct- tricity at the lowest reason- ther notice: ing meetings virtually. able cost to its approximate- • Main lobbies in Duran- • LPEA has instituted pro- ly 34,000 members.

Advertise in your newspaper! 970-563-0118 March 27, 2020 tog’omsuwiini-suukus-chipikwag’atü (11) Hunting

2020/2021 On-reservation Hunting Season Dates, Rules and Regulations

Hunt Date Summary Southern Ute Tribal Season Dates and Bag Limits (Enrolled Southern Ute Tribal Members Only, unless specified) Pick-up Season Dates MULE DEER AND ELK Deer, Elk, Fall Turkey Aug. 17 Season Dates: Early Archery Aug.29– Sept.11 Archery August 29 – September 11, 2020 General Sept.12 – Dec.31 General September 12 – December 31, 2020 Upland Game Birds Aug.17 Sept.1 – Dec. 31 Mountain Lion Sept. 21 Nov.1,2020–Aug.8, 2021 Permits Issued Beginning August 17, 2020 Spring Turkey March 16 March 28 – May 31 Bag Limits 3 Mule Deer (1 Buck and 2 Does**) 4 Elk (1 Bull and 3 Cows**) Small Game Anytime Calendar Year ** Tribal Members must have their first doe or cow validated to receive their second doe or Waterfowl and Migratory Game birds Aug. 17 See CPW season dates cow tag and have their second cow validated to receive their third cow tag.

REMINDERS FOR 2020-2021 Duplicate Permits SPRING TURKEY Lost or destroyed hunting permits will be re- Season Dates March 28 – May 31, 2020 Continued Mandatory Validation on placed by the Division of Wildlife Resource Bucks and Bulls Management for a cost of $5 per permit. Permits Issued Beginning March 16, 2020 All bucks and bulls harvested on the Southern Bag Limits 1 bearded turkey. No beard length restrictions, but a harvested bird must Ute reservation or within the Brunot Treaty New Address/Telephone Number/ have a beard naturally attached. Area are subject to a mandatory validation by Driver’s License Information FALL TURKEY the Wildlife Division. Bucks and bulls must If you held a previous year’s hunting permit be validated within 5 business days of har- and your home address, telephone number, Season Dates Early Archery: August 29 – September 11, 2020 vest. Hunters can call the Wildlife Division or driver’s license information has changed, General September 12 through December 31, 2020 or simply stop by our offices for a validation. you are required to provide the new infor- Division staff are flexible on when and where mation to the Division of Wildlife Resource Permits Issued Beginning August 17, 2020 we perform validations. Please be prepared to Management. Bag Limit 1 Turkey (either sex) answer some basic questions on where and MOUNTAIN LION when the animal was harvested. LEGAL WEAPONS Season Dates November 1, 2020 – August 8, 2021 or until the harvest quota is filled OHV Approved Roads Legal weapons for mule deer, elk and Permits Issued Beginning September 21, 2020 In 2018, the Tribal Traffic Code was updated. mountain lion shall include: This update included specifying approved 1. Shotguns of 20 gauge or larger firing a Bag Limit 1 mountain lion (either sex) roads for Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) use. single slug. Dogs Using trained hunting dogs in the take and attempted take of mountain OHVs include 4-wheelers, Side-by-sides, 2. Any bow with at least 40 pounds of lions will be allowed. snowmobiles, motorcycles, jeeps and trucks. draw weight. Hunting arrows must in- Restrictions It is unlawful to kill mountain lion kittens or female mountain lions Not all remote reservation roads, two-tracks clude a broadhead with an outside cut- accompanied by kittens. Kittens are defined as mountain lions exhibiting etc. are approved for OHV use. Maps can be ting diameter of at least 7/8” with at visible spotting of the fur. Female mountain lions accompanied by kittens obtained from SU Wildlife. least 2 blades. Each cutting edge must are defined as female mountain lions that have kittens traveling with them be within the same plane throughout the or dependent on them. Shed Antler Collection length of the cutting surface. Harvest Quotas 7 mountain lions total or 4 female mountain lions A shed antler collection season has been es- 3. Crossbows with a minimum draw tablished. The season will run year-round weight of 125 lbs, and a minimum draw It is the hunter’s responsibility to call the harvest quota information line to check the status of harvest quotas and hunt area closures prior to hunting. Call 970-563-0130 any time for and is open to tribal members only. There is length of 14” from the front of the bow quota status. no permit required or restrictions on Tribal to the nocking point of the drawstring. Members pertaining to shed antler hunting/ A positive mechanical safety device is ***The mountain lion hunting season will remain open until the season ending date or until collecting. Non-members, including spouses, required. Bolts must be a minimum of the harvest quota is filled, whichever comes first. immediate family or others, may not pick up 16” long, having a broadhead a mini- CROSSING PERMITS AND GUIDING AND OUTFITTING FOR MOUNTAIN LIONS and possess shed antlers while on tribal lands. mum of 7/8” wide and a minimum of 2 cutting blades. Cutting edges of broad- Non-members accompanying Tribal Member lion hunters must possess a Hunter Accompany Crossing Permit, which can be purchased from the Wildlife Division. The Crossing Permit Daylight or Fluorescent Orange heads must be in the same plane for the is specifically to accompany a permitted hunter while hunting on Tribal land. The permittee or Pink clothing entire length of the cutting surface. Un- is expressly prohibited from carrying a firearm, or providing hunter assistance in the form During the big game hunting season, it is un- less specifically approved by the Man- of equipment, specially trained dogs, pack animals, or other similar types of hunting aids lawful to hunt mule deer and/or elk with a agement Division, crossbows are illegal commonly provided by professional guides and outfitters. firearm unless the person hunting is wearing during the early archery season. BLACK BEAR* a head covering and an outer garment above 4. Muzzleloading rifles with a single barrel the waistline, both of solid daylight fluores- of at least .40 caliber for deer, and .50 Season Dates There is no open season for black bear. cent orange, or pink color, totaling five hun- caliber for elk. **The Tribe designates the black bear as a protected, culturally sensitive species that shall dred (500) square inches or more of clothing. 5. .357 magnum or larger handguns with a not be subject to harvest by Tribal Member hunters either on-reservation or within the Brunot barrel length of 6 inches or longer, using Treaty area under a Southern Ute Tribal-issued permit. Bobcat Seals .357 magnum or larger caliber ammuni- UPLAND GAME BIRDS INCLUDING DUSKY GROUSE AND QUAIL Bobcats can be sealed at the Tribal Wildlife tion with soft nose or hollow point bullets. office. Hunters or trappers wishing to ship 6. Center-fire rifles or center-fire handguns Season Dates September 1 – December 31, 2020 their bobcat hides to a tannery or a taxider- chambered for a center-fired cartridge, a Permits Issued Beginning August 17, 2020 mist must have their hides validated with a minimum of .23 caliber. No fully auto- Bag Limit Dusky Grouse: 3 birds per day federal CITES seal. Stop in at the Wildlife matic firearm may be used. All bullets Quail: 8 birds per day office if you need a CITES seal. must be soft nose or hollow pointed and not weigh more than 350 grains. MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS INCLUDING DOVES, PIGEONS, RAILS AND SNIPE Guiding and Outfitting Permits Issued: Beginning August 17, 2020 Guides and outfitters must be permitted by Legal weapons for turkey shall include: the Division of Wildlife Resource Manage- 1. Turkeys may be hunted with shotguns Migratory game bird season dates and bag limits will coincide with the State of Colorado migratory bird hunting seasons. Please obtain and read the Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2016 ment before operating on the Southern Ute except .410 gauge; bow and arrow, Small Game Hunting Brochure for more information regarding migratory game birds. Indian Reservation. To obtain a guiding and crossbow; rifles and handguns, cen- outfitting permit or to acquire a list of per- ter-fired cartridges only; and muzzle- WATERFOWL INCLUDING DUCKS, GEESE AND COOTS mitted guides and outfitters, contact the Di- loading rifles and handguns; Permits Issued Beginning August 17, 2020 vision of Wildlife Resource Management. Legal weapons for waterfowl shall include: Waterfowl season dates and bag limits will coincide with the Pacific flyway season Carrying a Tribal I.D. while in the Field framework and the State of Colorado waterfowl hunting seasons. Please obtain and read 1. Any shotgun 10 gauge or smaller and the Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2020 Waterfowl Hunting Brochure for more information. To assist Tribal Rangers, it is a good idea to not capable of holding more than 3 Waterfowl hunters are required to obtain a federal duck stamp before hunting waterfowl carry your tribal I.D. while hunting on the res- shotshells in the chamber and magazine (available at the Post Office). ervation. Simply carrying your I.D. will imme- combined. Shotshells must not contain SMALL GAME (INCLUDING FURBEARERS) diately identify you as a Tribal Member, who lead pellets; with the proper permits is legal to be hunting Permits may be picked up at any time during the calendar year. The season runs year-round. on the reservation. Contact time may be some- Legal weapons for small game (including Small game shall include beaver, badger, bobcat, coyote, fox species, muskrat, prairie dogs, what longer if you do not carry your tribal I.D. upland birds) shall include: rabbits and hares, raccoon, ringtail, squirrel species, and weasel species. 1. Any rimfire or center-fire rifle or hand- HUNTING PERMITS gun, any shotgun, any bow and arrow or While no bag limits apply to small game species, certain rules and regulations do apply to trapping: crossbow. Important Regulations for Trapping: Southern Ute Tribal Members 1. Permission from assignee to trap. No person shall trap furbearers on private, assigned The following conditions must be met to HUNTER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS and allotted lands without the permission of the landowner, assignee or person in obtain Southern Ute Tribal Member hunt- charge of the property. ing permits: Hunter Safety Requirements 2. Interference with traps. It is unlawful to interfere with, disturb, remove or otherwise molest any trap, snare or other device lawfully set by a trapper, or remove any furbearer • Must be an enrolled Southern Ute Tribal All hunters under the age of 21 years must from said devices. Member 12 years old or older and be able have successfully completed a hunter safety 3. Unattended traps. It is the duty of a trapper to endeavor to prevent undue suffering to present an enrollment card at the time education course prior to issuance of permits. by wildlife captured or trapped. It is unlawful for any person to set a trap and leave it permits are picked up. Hunters under age 21 must present their hunt- unattended in excess of twenty-four (24) hours unless chemical or mechanical methods • Hunters under the age of 21 must possess er safety education card to the Division of are provided to prevent suffering of trapped animals. a hunter safety card and must present it at Wildlife Resource Management when acquir- Traps in the field must have identification of the trapper attached and available for Enforcement the time permits are picked up. ing permits and must carry the card with them to see upon checking the trap. Identification must include the trapper’s name and phone number. • Issued permits must be signed by the ap- while hunting. The DWRM offers hunter ed- Identification methods can include engraving into a trap or attaching an identification tag (metal plicant. ucation classes twice per year. Please contact preferred). Other methods can be acceptable as long as the tag is visible for inspection. • Mail-out permits will be provided to the office for more information. SHED ANTLER COLLECTION SEASON non-resident Tribal Members only after No Permit Required receiving a letter including the Tribal Hunters Under Age 18 Member’s name, date of birth, copies of Hunters under 18 years of age may only Season Dates Year Round their enrollment card and hunter safety hunt regulated species when accompanied Shed antler collection on Tribal Lands is open to Southern Ute Tribal Members only. There education card (if applicable), and a list by an adult. is no permit required or restrictions on Tribal Members pertaining to shed antler hunting/ of permits desired. Permits will not be collecting. Non-members, including spouses, immediate family or others, may not pick up valid until signed by the applicant. On-reservation page 14 and possess shed antlers while on tribal lands. Hunting tog’omsuwiini-waiku-chipikwag’atü (12) March 27, 2020

On-Reservation Hunting Season • from page 13 DESIGNATED HUNTING • Buck Deer and Bull Elk: Mandatory ny the permitted Southern Ute Tribal Mem- Shooting from a Motor Vehicle Validation. ber while hunting. Non-Southern Ute Tribal It is unlawful for any person to shoot any Designating Enrolled Southern Ute Tribal member hunters are required to have Members who are in the immediate family type of firearm from a motor vehicle to take Tribal Members mule deer bucks and bull elk validated of a permitted Southern Ute Tribal Member wildlife. Penalties include a $300 fine and Enrolled Southern Ute Tribal Members over within 5 business days of harvest. Please hunter may accompany the hunter without 15 points towards permit revocation. the age of 12 may designate another enrolled call the DWRM to make arrangements. obtaining a crossing permit. For the purposes Southern Ute Tribal Member who meets • Spring and Fall Turkey: No Validation of accompany crossing permits, immediate Wastage of Game Meat / the hunting permit eligibility requirements Required. family is considered a spouse, mother, father, Abandoning a Carcass to hunt for them during the regular hunting • Doe mule deer and Cow elk: Mandatory son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparent, It is unlawful to abandon any edible portion season. Southern Ute Tribal Members who Validation Exception. grandchild, son in-law, daughter in-law or of wildlife or permit it to go to waste. Pen- wish to designate another Southern Ute Trib- Hunters planning to pick up a second doe legal guardian of the permitted Southern Ute alties for big game include a $1,000 fine and al Member must pick up and sign their own tag or a second or third cow elk tag must Tribal Member hunter. Note that a maximum 15 points. Other wildlife includes a $250 fine permits, and the Division of Wildlife Re- have their doe or cow validated prior to of two permittees at a time are allowed per and 15 points towards permit revocation. source Management will place the name of picking up additional tags. Southern Ute hunter and the crossing permit Additionally, it is unlawful to take any wildlife the designated hunter on permits at that time. • Mountain Lion: Mandatory Validation. will be valid for 30 days or until the end of and abandon the carcass or take wildlife only Designated hunters will only be allowed to Validation must take place within 24 the hunt season, whichever comes first. Cost for the head, claws, teeth, hide, antlers, horns, harvest female deer and elk, or turkey of ei- hours of the kill. Contact the Division for crossing permits will be $20 per permittee, tusks, or organs with the intent to abandon the ther sex during the general fall hunting sea- of Wildlife Resource Management or and each permit is valid for accompanying a carcass or to mutilate any living wildlife. Pen- son. Designated hunters will not be allowed Southern Ute Tribal Rangers during reg- single specified Tribal member hunter. alties include fines ranging from $25 - $20,000 for any other form of hunting. ular business hours or contact Southern and 25 points towards permit revocation. Ute Dispatch outside of regular business OPEN AND CLOSED AREAS FOR Designating Division of hours to arrange validation. HUNTING ON THE RESERVATION Closure of Lake Capote Recreation Area Wildlife Resource Management • Upland game birds, waterfowl and small The Lake Capote Recreation Area will be The Division of Wildlife Resource Manage- game: No Validation Required. Open Areas closed to all hunting. Hwy 160 borders the ment will provide designated hunting services Open areas for huntable species shall in- closure area on the north and Hwy 151 on to enrolled Southern Ute Tribal Member el- EVIDENCE OF SEX REQUIREMENTS clude all lands within the exterior boundar- the west. The range fence directly south ders (55 years of age or older), single women, ies of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation. of the lake (running east/west) defines the or physically disabled individuals. Requests Evidence of the sex of harvested mule deer, For private, assigned and allotted lands, southern boundary and the east boundary must be made to the Division of Wildlife elk, wild turkeys, and mountain lions must hunters must first obtain written access will follow the eastern bank of Stollsteimer Resource Management, and all animals will remain naturally attached to carcasses while permission from the landowner. For USFS Creek running north. be harvested during the regular Southern Ute transporting animals from the field, while lands and Navajo State Park lands contact Tribal Member hunting season. in camp, or until the animal is validated (if the respective agencies for information per- Off-road Travel on Tribal Lands necessary). Evidence of sex for mule deer taining to access restrictions. It is unlawful to travel off of established TAGGING AND VALIDATION and elk include the head and/or the testicles roads and two-tracks with any vehicle REQUIREMENTS or udder. Evidence of sex for wild turkeys Closed Areas while on Tribal lands. This includes ATVs. is the beard (for males). For mountain lions, Closed areas shall include all grounds im- Penalties include a $100 fine and 5 points Tagging Requirements the reproductive organs of both males and mediately surrounding the Lake Capote towards permit revocation. All big game must be tagged by the person females must be left attached for sex identi- Recreation Area including the campground. who harvested the animal. The hunter must fication purposes. For precise boundaries contact the Wildlife Schedule of Civil Penalties Connected physically notch (cut) the Month and Day Division. to Poaching Convictions on the of harvest on the tag, and sign the permit GUIDING AND OUTFITTING Southern Ute Indian Reservation in Ink immediately after harvesting the an- ADDITIONAL HUNTING imal. The hunter must then remove the tag Guides and outfitters must be permitted by REGULATIONS Big Game: Mule Deer from its backing and affix to the carcass. the Division of Wildlife Resource Man- Trophy Buck $10,000 + 15 Points All big game animals must be securely agement before operating on the Southern A complete listing of regulations pertaining (24” or greater inside tagged with the carcass tag prior to trans- Ute Indian Reservation. To obtain a guid- to hunting on the Southern Ute Indian res- spread) portation. If numerous trips are required to ing and outfitting permit or to acquire a list ervation is contained in Title 13: Wildlife Buck $5,000+ 15 Points remove the carcass from the field, the tag of permitted guides and outfitters, contact Conservation Code. Contact the DWRM should remain attached to the portion of the the Division of Wildlife Resource Manage- for a current copy of Title 13 or visit our Doe $1,000+ 15 Points carcass left in camp or in a vehicle. ment. Illegal guiding and outfitting on the website: http://www.southernute-nsn.gov/ Big Game: Elk There is an additional “Antler Tag” attached reservation is a serious offense with conse- wrmweb/. Additionally the Division has Trophy Bull $10,000+ 15 Points to the carcass tag. This was developed for quences for both the hunter and the person a limited number of the Southern Ute In- (6 + points on one Tribal Members to be able to have proof of providing the guiding or outfitting services. dian Tribe Wildlife Laws Handbook 2008 antler) legal harvest on both a set of antlers (or horns) Please contact the Wildlife Division imme- available to Tribal hunters. Please ask about Bull $5,000+ 15 Points and on a carcass if the two are separated. The diately if you suspect illegal guiding and them in the Wildlife office. antler tag should be affixed to antlers kept at a outfitting is taking place on the reservation. Cow $1,000+ 15 Points residence or brought to a taxidermist. Failure to wear Daylight or Fluorescent Mountain Lion $5,000+ 15 Points Validation is the inspection of a harvested ACCOMPANY CROSSING PERMITS Orange or Pink Garments Shed Antlers $2,500+ 15 Points animal and may or may not be required de- During the big game hunting season, it is pending on the species or hunt type. Part of The Division of Wildlife Resource Manage- unlawful to hunt mule deer and/or elk with a **Additional penalties associated with the validation process may also require the ment issues crossing permits to non-South- firearm unless the person hunting is wearing a poaching convictions often include point hunter obtaining a validation tag as proof of ern Ute Tribal Members to accompany head covering and an outer garment above the accrual and revocation of hunting and inspection prior to the hunter leaving the res- permitted hunters while hunting. Persons waistline, both of solid daylight fluorescent fishing privileges on the Southern Ute Indian reservation for 2 – 5 years** ervation with the harvested animal. For fur- holding crossing permits may not hunt or orange or pink color, totaling five hundred ther information regarding validations and carry a firearm of any type while accompa- (500) square inches or more of clothing. Pen- validation tags, please contact the DWRM. nying a permitted hunter. Persons holding alties include a $50.00 fine and 5 points to- AUTHORITY a crossing permit may not provide special- wards permit revocation. Persons specifically Validation Requirements ized guiding and outfitting-type assistance hunting for fall turkey, or specifically hunting These hunting regulations are approved by Depending on the season and species hunt- to permitted hunters. Contact the DWRM for mountain lions when big game seasons the Southern Ute Indian Tribal Council un- ed, validation of harvested animals may be for more details on crossing permits or to are running concurrently are not required to der authority as outlined in Title 13, required. Guidelines vary and are given in have crossing permits issued. wear blaze orange but are encouraged to do • Article 1, Section 13-1-106, Subsections detail by species and hunting season below. Non-Southern Ute Tribal Members who are so for their own safety in the field. (1) through (3); not in the immediate family of a Southern • Article 2, Section 13-2-101, Subsections • Early Archery mule deer, elk, and turkey: Ute Tribal Member hunter must acquire a Failing to Tag Wildlife Properly (1) through (5); Mandatory Validation. crossing permit so that they may accompa- It is unlawful for any person to fail to tag • Article 2, Section 13-2-104; Article 2, wildlife properly. In its simplest form, tag- Section 13-2-105, Subsections (1) through ging means to sign and punch the dates on (3); your tag and affix it to the animal’s carcass. of the Southern Ute Indian Tribal Code re- Penalties include a $100 fine and 10 points vised and amended by Tribal Resolution towards permit revocation. No’s. 89-34, 01-69, and 02-215. March 27, 2020 tog’omsuwiini-peiku-chipikwag’atü (13) Hunting

2020/2021 Brunot Area Hunting & Fishing Seasons & Regulations

to other Southern Ute Tribal Members or • Crossbows with a minimum draw weight Permitting Season Type Season Dates other Native Americans. Only the individ- of 125 lbs, and a minimum draw length Start Date ual named on the Brunot Area permit is au- of 14 inches from the front of the bow Spring Turkey March 16 March 28 – May 31 thorized to hunt or fish, per the terms of the to the nocking point of the drawstring. A permit. “Designated hunting” – the trans- positive mechanical safety device is re- Mule Deer fer of certain permit types between Tribal quired. Bolts must be a minimum of 16 Rocky Mtn. Elk August 17 September 2 – November 22 Members – is an option only for on-Res- inches long, having a minimum broad- Fall Turkey ervation hunting (i.e., hunting within the head width of 7/8 inch, and a minimum Bighorn Sheep* August 29 – October 8 (Sheep) exterior boundaries of the Southern Ute of 2 cutting blades. Cutting edges of Mountain Goat* August 17 September 8 – October 31 (Goat) Reservation) and is not allowed within the broadheads must be in the same plane for Moose* September 12 – October 14 (Moose) Brunot Area. the entire length of the cutting surface; Mountain Lion September 21 November 1, 2020 – April 25, 2021 • Shotguns of 20 gauge or larger firing a Mail-Out Permits single slug; September 1 – December 31 Upland Game Birds August 17 Mail-out permit(s) will be provided at no- • Muzzleloading rifles with a single barrel (Grouse, Ptarmigan, Pheasant and Chukar) cost by the SUIT Division of Wildlife only of at least .40 caliber for deer, and .50 Waterfowl season dates and bag limits to a non-local Tribal Member and only caliber for elk; Waterfowl and Migratory will coincide with the Pacific and Central upon receipt of a signed letter of request • .357 magnum or larger handguns with a August 17 Game Birds flyway season framework and the State of from the Tribal Member. The letter must barrel length of 6 inches or longer, using Colorado waterfowl hunting seasons. include the hunter’s name, mailing address, .357 magnum or larger caliber ammuni- date of birth, copies of the Southern Ute tion with soft nose or hollow point bul- Small Game Anytime Calendar Year Tribal identification card and hunter safety lets; Fishing Anytime Calendar Year education card (if applicable), and a list of • Center-fire rifles or center-fire handguns the permit(s) desired. Permits will not be chambered for a center-fired cartridge, REMINDERS FOR 2020/2021 Permitting for Brunot Area hunting and valid until signed by the applicant. a minimum of .23 caliber. No fully au- HUNTING AND FISHING fishing is managed entirely through the tomatic firearm may be used. All bullets Tribe’s Division of Wildlife office, located Permit Replacement must be soft nose or hollow pointed and Brunot Big Game opening date Be aware in the Annex Building on the tribal gov- Lost or damaged Brunot Area permits may not weigh more than 350 grains. that the opening date for Brunot mule deer ernment campus near Ignacio, Colorado. be obtained at the Southern Ute Division and elk is different than the opening day for Permits may be obtained in-person at this of Wildlife office for a $5 per permit fee, Legal weapons for turkey shall include: On-reservation hunting. Brunot hunting be- office or by mail for those Tribal Members regardless of permit type. Lost or damaged • Shotguns except .410 gauge; bows and gins on Wednesday, September 2nd, which living outside the Reservation area. Brunot permits will be immediately voided, and crossbows (i.e., as specified above for coincides with the opening of the State Area hunting and fishing permits are issued notification of voided permits will be sent deer, elk, etc.); rifles and handguns, cen- of Colorado big game hunting seasons. free-of-charge for the first issuance. A $5 to tribal law enforcement. ter-fired cartridges only; and muzzleload- On-reservation hunting, early archery, be- fee applies for replacement of lost or dam- ing rifles and handguns; gins Saturday, August 29th. aged permits. Rare Game Permitting Rare Game application and draw schedule Unlike other Brunot Area permitting, per- Legal weapons for waterfowl shall include: Applications for rare game (Bighorn Sheep, Permitting Start Dates mitting for Rare Game (i.e., Rocky Moun- • Any shotgun 10 gauge or smaller and not Moose, Mountain Goat) will be accepted Brunot Area hunting and fishing permits tain bighorn sheep, moose, and mountain capable of holding more than 3 shotshells at the Wildlife office during the month of are available to pick up at the Southern Ute goat) is handled through a permit applica- in the chamber and magazine combined. May. The draw and subsequent notification Division of Wildlife office (or mail out) be- tion and drawing process. Availability of ap- Shotshells must not contain lead pellets. of winners for rare game permits will take ginning on the start dates specified on the plications will be announced through local place in June. Contact the Wildlife office inside cover of this Proclamation through media in the Ignacio area, and applications Legal weapons for small game and upland for applications and any questions about the end of the established season. Note: Ex- will only be accepted during the month of gamebirds shall include: this process. cept for Fishing and Small Game, the per- May. Random drawings from among the • Any rimfire or center-fire rifle or hand- Continued Buck and Bull Mandatory Val- mitting start dates do not correspond to the applicants will then determine the recip- gun, any shotgun, and any bow and arrow idation. In order to better support harvest actual season start dates. ients of a very limited number of hunting or crossbow. management and protection of deer and For Rare Game (i.e., bighorn sheep, moose, permits. Notification of these individuals elk resources, the mandatory buck and bull mountain goat), successful applicants in will occur during the month of June. Those Evidence of Sex validation continues. Buck deer and bull a lottery process will be notified of their who repeatedly apply but do not receive a Evidence of sex for harvested mule deer, elk taken from the Brunot Area must be permit availability through the Division of permit will accrue bonus points, which will elk, mountain lion, turkey, bighorn sheep, validated by Wildlife Division or Wildlife Wildlife following permit drawings held improve future chances of selection. mountain goat, and moose must remain Enforcement staff within five (5) business each June. For detailed information on the rules gov- naturally attached to the carcass while days of harvest. erning the Tribal Council-approved lottery transporting animals from the field, while Permit Eligibility process and bonus point system, please in camp, or until the animal is validated (if SEASON FRAMEWORK Only Southern Ute Tribal Members may contact the Southern Ute Division of Wild- required). Evidence of sex will include the obtain Brunot Area hunting and fishing per- life office. head and/or testicles or udder. For moun- Hunting and fishing seasons are established mits from the Tribe and the following cri- tain lions, the reproductive organs of both annually by the Tribe for all game species teria must be met in order to obtain a valid HUNTING REGULATIONS male and female must be left attached for found within the Brunot Area. The table permit: identification purposes. For wild turkey the found on the inside cover of this procla- Presented in this section are the 2020/21 beard must remain attached. mation specifies the current seasons (i.e., • All applicants must present a Southern Tribal Council-approved regulations per- the start and end dates for legal harvest), as Ute Tribal identification card at the time taining to the harvest of Brunot Area Big Carcass Tagging well as the permitting start dates. Most sea- of permit pick-up. Game, Rare Game, Small Game, Upland The carcass of a harvested large game an- sons will be the same or very similar from • For hunting, but not fishing, only appli- Gamebirds, and Waterfowl. imal (i.e., mule deer, elk, mountain lion, year to year, however, dates of several sea- cants 12 years old or older may obtain turkey, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or sons may vary slightly. a permit, and those under the age of 21 Legal Weapons moose) must be tagged by the person who Those animal species not identified as hav- must present a hunter safety card. Legal weapons for harvesting mule deer, harvested the animal. The hunter must ing designated seasons, and those not pro- • The applicant’s hunting and fishing privi- elk, mountain lion, bighorn sheep, moun- physically notch (cut) the Month and Day tected by the Tribe from harvest for cultural leges must not be currently suspended or tain goat, and moose shall include: of harvest indicated on the permit and sign or conservation reasons (see Protected Fish revoked through the Tribe’s wildlife pen- the permit in ink immediately after harvest- & Wildlife), may be harvested without a alty-point system. • Any bow with at least 40 pounds of draw ing the animal. The hunter must then re- Tribe-issued hunting or fishing permit. • Issued permits are not valid unless signed weight. Hunting arrows must include move the permit face (i.e., the “tag”) from by the applicant. a broadhead with an outside cutting di- its backing and affix it to the carcass. Cultural and Ceremonial Hunting ameter of at least 7/8 inch with at least 2 All big game animals must be securely tagged Those Tribal hunters wishing to hunt for Permit Transferability blades. Each cutting edge must be within with the carcass tag prior to transportation. If cultural or ceremonial purposes within the The transfer of Brunot Area hunting and the same plane throughout the length of numerous trips are required to remove the Brunot Area and outside of the regular, fishing permits is strictly prohibited, even the cutting surface; carcass from the field, the tag should remain Tribal-approved seasons must contact the attached to the portion of the carcass that is SUIT Division of Wildlife prior to hunting. Season Bag Limits for Big Game, Rare Game, first brought to camp or to a vehicle. Special authorization is required for any For antlered animals (i.e., buck deer, bull hunting outside of the established seasons, and Small Game elk, bull moose) and horned animals (i.e., and at least two weeks advance notice of a Hunt Type Bag Limit (per hunter) bighorn sheep and mountain goat), an op- cultural/ceremonial hunting need should be Mule Deer 2 (1 buck and 1 doe) tional antler/horn tag is also provided as a provided. tear-off portion of the permit. The antler/ Rocky Mtn. Elk 2 (1 bull and 1 cow) horn tag should be used if the head and car- PERMITTING Mountain Lion 1 (either sex) cass are to be separated (e.g., if the head All Tribal Members hunting or fishing with- Fall Turkey 1 (either sex) is going to a taxidermist and the carcass is in the Brunot Area must carry with them going to a meat processor). the appropriate permit(s) issued by either Spring Turkey 1 (bearded gobbler) the Tribe or State of Colorado. Tribal Mem- Bighorn Sheep (Two permits available for 2020) 1 (either sex) Deer & Elk Harvest Reporting bers who obtain Tribal permits are subject For 2020, Hunters are still required to have Mountain Goat (Two permits available for 2020) 1 (either sex) to the Tribal seasons and regulations set buck deer and bull elk validated. Hunters forth in this Proclamation, to be enforced Moose (Two permits available for 2020 1 (either sex) should be prepared to describe generally by the Tribe. Those who obtain State hunt- Small Game 1 Unlimited where and when an animal was harvested. ing or fishing permits must hunt or fish in Validation must occur within five business 1 accordance with State seasons and regula- Small Game includes: bobcat, coyote, fox, all weasels (except river otter), ringtail, days of harvest. The Division will work tions (see the Colorado Parks and Wildlife), raccoon, prairie dog, beaver, muskrat, rabbit/hare, marmot, and tree squirrels. with hunters to arrange a time and place which will be enforced by the State. It is to meet to validate their animals. Doe deer unnecessary, but allowable, for a hunter or Daily Bag Limits for Upland Gamebirds and cow elk harvests still must be called angler to be permitted by both entities. and Waterfowl into the Division; however, a full validation On-Reservation hunting and fishing per- UPLAND GAMEBIRDS isn’t required. Failure to report the success- mits (i.e., within the exterior boundaries of ful harvest of any mule deer or elk from the Southern Ute Indian Reservation) and Dusky Grouse, Ptarmigan, Pheasant, Chukar 3 of each per day the Brunot Area could subject the hunter to off-Reservation hunting and fishing per- WATERFOWL and MIGRATORY GAMEBIRDS penalties under the Tribe’s Wildlife Conser- mits for the Brunot Area are separate and vation Code. Waterfowl and migratory game bird season dates and bag limits will coincide with the non-interchangeable. It is the responsibili- Pacific and Central flyway season framework and the State of Colorado waterfowl ty of each hunter and angler to be properly Rare Game and Mountain Lion Harvest hunting seasons. Please obtain and read the Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2020 permitted for the area hunted or fished, and Validation Waterfowl Hunting Brochure for more information. Waterfowl hunters are required to to follow any and all applicable regulations obtain a federal duck stamp before hunting waterfowl (available at any Post Office). for that area. Brunot Area page 14 Hunting tog’omsuwiini-wachuku-chipikwag’atü (14) March 27, 2020

Brunot Area Hunting & Fishing Season • from page 13 Hunters are required to have validated any much smaller area located east of the Con- lawful for any person, except those au- the purpose of catching fish, is prohibited mountain lion, bighorn sheep, mountain tinental Divide thorized by law, or by the Tribe’s De- in all Brunot waters. Chumming does not goat, or moose harvested from the Brunot Please note that, under Federal law, all wa- partment of Justice and Regulatory, include the use of bait, lures, and flies as Area. Validation is the physical inspection of terfowl hunters are required to purchase Enforcement Division, or Wildlife Man- specified in the Standard Angling Meth- the animal by staff of the Tribal Division of and possess a Federal Duck Stamp. A Duck agement Division, to carry or possess any ods section. Wildlife staff are not available for weekend Stamp can be purchased at a local Post Office. firearm other than a pistol or revolver in • Bait. Permitted baits are worms, insects, validations; therefore, animals must be val- or on any motor vehicle, unless such crayfish, vegetable matter, artificial salmon idated during regular business hours (Mon- Trapping of Small Game firearm is unloaded. For purposes of this eggs, PowerBait, fish (dead only) and am- day - Friday, 8 a.m. -12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.). Trapping of small game is a special harvest section, a rifle or shotgun shall be con- phibians (live or dead), provided that fish For mountain lion, the carcass must be in- methodology that is highly regulated at the sidered unloaded if it is unloaded in the and amphibian species used for bait must spected within 48 hours of the harvest. The State level and is similarly regulated by chamber; a muzzle-loader shall be con- be non-native to the Brunot Area. Check hunter must present the carcass with skin the Tribe within the Brunot Area. The pur- sidered unloaded if it is not primed, and, with the Wildlife Division on native species attached. pose of the regulations is to minimize the for such purpose “primed” means having prohibited from use as bait. Bait restrictions For bighorn sheep, mountain goat and potential impacts of trapping on non-target a percussion cap on the nipple, a primer still apply in certain Special Management moose the carcass must be inspected within wildlife, especially rare, threatened, or en- in the breech, or flint in the striker and Fisheries identified herein. five business days of the harvest. The hunt- dangered species. For the Brunot Area, the powder in the flash pan; and a bow shall • Planting Fish. It is unlawful to release er must present the carcass as well as the species of concern with trapping are the be considered unloaded if an arrow is not or move into any Brunot Area waters any head with horns or antlers and skull intact. Canada lynx and river otter, both of which nocked on the string. Penalties include a fish from aquaria, ponds, bait buckets, or The carcass may be quartered in the field. are the subject of major re-introduction ef- $300 fine and penalty points toward sus- any other external fish source. If the harvested animal is a ram bighorn forts and are protected from take through- pension of hunting/fishing privileges. • Fishing Pole Attendance. Anglers must sheep, the Tribal Division of Wildlife will out the San Juan Mountains region. • Shooting from Road. It is unlawful for attend their fishing pole (be within 50 affix a permanent mark (plug) to the horn Trapping is allowed year-round, per the es- any person to shoot any type of firearm feet) at all times. as proof of legal harvest. tablished Small Game season, and a trap- from or across or onto any maintained • Minnows. It is unlawful to take, possess, per must obtain a Small Game permit to public road. “Road” shall mean the area transport, or sell live minnows anywhere Mountain Lion Hunting engage in any trapping of wildlife in the extending 50 feet on either side of the cen- within the Brunot Area. Mountain lion hunting in the Brunot Area Brunot Area. Wildlife that may be trapped ter line of the roadway. Penalties include a is divided into four separate units, and each are those species covered under the Brunot $250 fine and penalty points toward sus- Bowfishing unit has an associated harvest quota. The Area Small Game permit, including bobcat, pension of hunting/fishing privileges. Bowfishing is allowed for northern pike and mountain lion season is open either until coyote, fox, all weasels (except river otter), • Shooting from a Motor Vehicle. It is un- carp at all times in all Brunot Area waters. the season end-date or until the unit quota is ringtail, raccoon, prairie dog, beaver, musk- lawful for any person to shoot any type Bowfishing is also allowed for kokanee filled, whichever occurs first. If the quota for rat, rabbit/hare, marmot, and tree squirrel. of firearm from a motor vehicle to take salmon concurrent with times and locations a unit is filled, the season will immediately All trappers must comply with the follow- wildlife. Penalties include a $300 fine designated for salmon snagging. See Salmon close for that unit. A Brunot Area lion permit ing tribal trapping regulations: and penalty points toward suspension of Snagging for specific locations and timing. is valid for hunting in all units that have not hunting/fishing privileges. Legal equipment for bow fishing shall in- reached the designated harvest quota. Please • Trapper Notification & Reporting. A clude recurve, compound or longbows with refer to the mountain lion unit map in this trapper must provide at least two weeks FISHING REGULATIONS reels and arrows attached with fishing line. Proclamation for the location of each unit. advance notice to the Tribal Division Arrows must have barbed heads and be of Wildlife of any planned Brunot Area Presented in this section are the Tribal-ap- equipped with a safety slide keeping the trapping effort. The notice must include proved seasons and regulations pertaining line in front of the bow at all times. The lion harvest quotas, approximate location of traps, number to fishing within the Brunot Area for 2020. by unit and type(s) of traps to be used, and ap- The fishing season is the calendar year, Jan- Daily Bag and Possession Limits Lion Unit Harvest Quota proximate timeframe for operating the uary 1st through December 31st. Except as The Daily Bag Limit is the maximum num- traps. Within two weeks of completing noted under Special Management Fisher- ber of game fish you can take in one day. L1 7 lions or 4 females the trapping, the trapper must have traps ies, standard angling methods and daily bag The Possession Limit is the number of fish L2 1 lion either sex completely removed from the field and limits apply to all Brunot Area fishing by you may have in your possession at any one report to the Division the trapping results Tribal anglers. time, including in your creel, ice chest, ve- L3 2 lions either sex (i.e., identify all target and non-target Important Note: Numerous creeks and hicle, camp, or home. The possession limit L4 2 lions either sex species captured, animals retained or har- rivers with sport fisheries cross over the for all game fish is no more than one daily vested, and all non-target mortalities). Brunot Area boundary. It is important for bag limit (single species or in aggregate), as Lion hunters should be aware that Lion • Trap Attendance. Any individual op- anglers to remember that, upon leaving indicated in the Daily Bag and Possession Unit 1 (L1) encompasses both the Southern erating a trap within the Brunot Area is the Brunot Area, Brunot fishing permits Limits table. Bag and Possession Limits do Ute Indian Reservation and a portion of the required to physically inspect the trap at are no longer valid; State permit require- not apply to those species where “Unlimit- Brunot Area. Even though L1 is a combina- least once every 24 hours. Note that this ments and regulations apply outside ed” take is indicated. tion of Reservation and Brunot lands, lion is not a “once daily” requirement; a trap- of the Brunot Area. When entering the The Daily Bag and Possession Limits for hunting on the Reservation portion requires per cannot inspect a trap on one morning Southern Ute Indian Reservation, reser- trout, bass, sunfish, crappie, walleye and a reservation permit, while lion hunting in and return in the afternoon the next day, vation requirements apply. saugeye are IN AGGREGATE, meaning the Brunot portion requires a Brunot per- as this would be in excess of 24 hours. that the limits for each group of fish consist mit. The lion permits for both areas are not • Trap Types Allowed. Only live traps may Standard Angling Methods of one species or a mix of the different spe- interchangeable. be used for trapping in the Brunot Area, Game fish may be taken by hook and line, cies indicated. which includes any non-lethal cage, box, as well as by bowfishing (see Bowfishing). Important Mt. Lion Hunting Information or Snead-design colony traps. All other Fishermen are allowed up to two fishing Special Management Fisheries • A mountain lion telephone informa- methods of trapping are prohibited, in- rods at a time per angler. For bait fishing, Special Management Fisheries are specific tion line is available for hunters to call cluding, but not limited to, all types of one line may be used with up to two single streams and lakes within the Brunot Area to check on the status of the quotas in legholds, snares, and instant kill traps. baited hooks attached. For lure fishing, one where closures and/or special harvest and each unit. It is the hunter’s responsibil- • Bait Restrictions. Visual lures, fresh line may be used with one artificial lure at- tackle restrictions are in place to protect or ity to call the harvest quota information meat baits, fish oil, and anise oil lures tached. Artificial lures may have up to two enhance the local fish population. These line IMMEDIATELY BEFORE hunting meant to attract felids are not permitted hooks (single, double, or treble) attached. locations include: Trophy Trout Waters, to check the status of harvest quotas and due to the risk of injury or mortality for For fly-fishing, one line may be used with Cutthroat Conservation Waters, Trophy unit closures. Call 970-563-0130 at any Canada lynx. up to two flies attached. Bass Waters, Spawning Waters, and Salm- time for quota status. • Target and Non-Target Captures. All on Snagging Waters. All anglers must com- • It is unlawful to kill mountain lion kittens captured target species must be killed General Fishing Restrictions ply with the special regulations in place for or female mountain lions accompanied on-site when the trap is checked. All • Legal Fishing Hours/Duration. Fishing these designated waters. by kittens. Kittens are defined as moun- captured non-target species that are may occur 24-hours a day, unless the dai- tain lions exhibiting visible spotting of un-injured must be released. Accidental ly bag or possession limit is met. Once A. Trophy Trout Waters. For the waters the fur. Female mountain lions accom- mortality of non-target animals must be the daily bag or possession limit is met, listed below, anglers may use artificial panied by kittens are defined as female reported to the Wildlife Division, per the the angler must discontinue fishing. flies and lures only, with no bait fishing mountain lions that have kittens traveling trapper reporting requirement. • Illegal Fishing Gear/Methods. Use of allowed. Unless otherwise noted, only with them or dependent on them. Canada lynx and river otter that are cap- the following gear or methods to catch two trout 16 inches in length or longer • Trained hunting dogs may be used to tured but un-injured must be immediately fish is prohibited on all Brunot Area wa- may be kept, per day. hunt mountain lions. released. Accidental capture of these spe- ters: all net types (excluding hand-held • Animas River. From Lightner Creek to cies must be reported within 12 hours of landing nets), trotlines, traps, explosives, the south Brunot Area boundary located Upland Gamebird Hunting discovery to the Tribal Wildlife Division. poisons, guns, or any other gear or meth- at Rivera Crossing Bridge. Hunting for Upland gamebirds is allowed • Interference with Traps. It is unlawful od not specified in the Standard Angling • Bear Creek. From headwaters down- within the Brunot Area. Upland Gamebirds to interfere with, disturb, remove or oth- Methods section. stream to the Dolores River. includes dusky (blue) grouse, ptarmigan, erwise molest any trap lawfully set by a • Chumming. Chumming, or placing in pheasant, and chukar partridge. Columbi- trapper, or for a non-operator of a trap to the water any type of fish attractant for Brunot Area page 14 an Sharp-tailed grouse and Gunnison Sage remove any animal from said trap. Grouse may occur within the Brunot Area also; however, populations of these birds OTHER HUNTING REQUIREMENTS Daily Bag and Possession Limits are very low and hunting of these species Limit • Hunter Safety Requirements. Game Fish is not allowed. All hunt- (All Water Types) Trained hunting dogs may be used to hunt ers under the age of 21 years must have Trout* upland game birds. successfully completed a hunter safety 4 education course prior to issuance of per- (Rainbow, Brown, Cutthroat, Splake, Golden, Lake, Brook over 8”) Waterfowl and Migratory Gamebird mits. Hunters under age 21 must be able to Brook Trout (under 8”) 10 Hunting present their hunter safety education card Kokanee Salmon 10 Hunting for Waterfowl and other migratory when acquiring permits and must carry gamebirds is allowed within the Brunot the card with them while hunting. Both Northern Pike Unlimited Area. Waterfowl includes various species the Tribe and Colorado Parks and Wildlife Common Carp Unlimited of ducks, mergansers, coots, dark and light offer hunter education classes and should geese, snipe, and rails (Virginia and Sora). be contacted for more information. Yellow Perch Unlimited Migratory gamebirds include doves (mourn- • Hunters Under Age 18. Hunters under Bullhead Unlimited ing, white winged and collared) and band- 18 years of age must be accompanied by White Sucker Unlimited tailed pigeons. Because waterfowl and mi- an adult while hunting. gratory gamebird seasons and bag limits are • Daylight Fluorescent Orange or Pink. Game Fish Limit set by the federal government, the Tribe does For non-archery hunters hunting mule Lakes/Reservoirs Rivers/Creeks not currently have the ability to set its own deer, elk, or moose within the Brunot season dates and bag limits for these species. Area, it is required that the hunter wear a Channel Catfish 10 Unlimited Therefore, Tribal Member hunters pursuing head covering and an outer garment above Bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted)* 10 Unlimited these species must abide by season dates and the waistline of solid daylight fluorescent Sunfish (Bluegill, Green, Redear, Pumpkinseed)* 20 Unlimited bag limits set by the State of Colorado. orange or pink color, totaling 500 square The Brunot Area encompasses parts of both inches or more of clothing. Penalties in- Crappie (White and Black)* 20 Unlimited the Central and Pacific Flyways. Most of clude a $50 fine and penalty points toward Walleye and Saugeye* 5 Unlimited the Brunot Area is within the Pacific Fly- suspension of hunting/fishing privileges. Tiger Muskie 1 fish, 36” or larger Unlimited way, while the Central Flyway portion is a • Loaded Firearm in Vehicle. It is un- FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019 tog’omsuwiini-manüku-chipikwag’atüsuwarog’omasuwiini (9) (15) HuntingOdd

Brunot Area Hunting & Fishing Season • from page 14 • Dolores River. From McPhee Dam December 31. All kokanee salmon Cortez, Colorado and west of Mesa Verde If the hunter wants to utilize the service of downstream to the west Brunot Area caught before November 15 must be re- National Park. For purposes of Brunot Area a non-SUIT member guide/outfitter, OR if boundary, near Lone Dome State Wild- turned to the water immediately. hunting by Southern Ute Tribal Members, the hunter is hunting under the authority of a life Area. • Vallecito Creek (CR501 upstream to UMU land should be considered private State hunting permit, the guide/outfitter must • Emerald Lakes (Big & Little). Locat- Weminuche W.). Snagging of kokan- property and not huntable without the ex- comply with all applicable State and Feder- ed 10 mi northeast of Vallecito Res. ee salmon is permitted above Vallecito pressed permission of the UMU Tribe. al permitting requirements and regulations • Lake Fork (of Gunnison River). From Reservoir from November 15 through pertaining to guiding and outfitting. The High Bridge Gulch downstream to the December 31. All kokanee salmon LAND USE REGULATIONS Colorado Department of Regulatory Agen- north Brunot Area boundary. caught before November 15 must be re- cies (DORA) and/or the U.S. Forest Service • Los Piños River. From headwaters turned to the water immediately. Virtually all of the public lands within the should be contacted for more information. downstream to the Weminuche Wilder- Brunot Area – whether federal, state, or The terms “hunting” and “fishing”, as they ness boundary. PROTECTED FISH & WILDLIFE locally controlled – are subject to a wide relate to guiding and outfitting, are used in- • Piedra River. CATCH & RELEASE range of land use regulations, some of terchangeably. ONLY from USFS Road 631 bridge In order to ensure the long-term conser- which are not exclusively directed to fish downstream to the lower boundary of vation of many rare and protected species and game matters. Common examples in- Things to ask to be sure your the Tres Piedra Ranch (1.5 miles above that occur within the Brunot Area, the Tribe clude, but are not limited to, restrictions on: guide/outfitter is legal US160). All trout must be returned to does not allow harvest of certain fish and open fires, recreational shooting, overnight • Do you have the appropriate Tribal/State the water immediately. wildlife by Brunot Area hunters and an- camping, wood cutting/collecting, boating, /Federal Permits? • Rio Grande River. From the lower glers. These include all species protected livestock use, and especially off-road vehi- • What are your permit and/or registration boundary of River Hill Campground from take under the various Federal wild- cle use (e.g., 4x4 trucks, ATV’s, motorcy- numbers? (near Rio Grande Reservoir) to the east life laws (e.g., Endangered Species Act, cles, mountain bikes, snowmobiles). One • Will we be hunting on public lands at any Brunot Area boundary, just west of Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald and Gold- of the more significant land use regulations time? Creede, Colorado. en Eagle Protection Act); those species pro- affecting hunters is a vehicle ban in certain • Do you have a Bureau of Land Manage- • Vallecito Creek. From headwaters tected under State of Colorado Title 33, and areas. Within State Wildlife Areas, federal ment or U.S. Forest Service Permit? downstream to the Weminuche Wilder- designated wildlife populations that are the wilderness and research areas, and special- ness boundary. subject of special research or re-introduc- ly-designated portions of National Forest, Indications of an illegal outfitter tion efforts. vehicle access is commonly banned either • The outfitter does not provide you with a B. Cutthroat Conservation Waters are For the Brunot Area, the protected wildlife seasonally or year-round. The purpose of written contract streams and lakes within the Brunot species most likely to be encountered by those regulations includes public safety and • The outfitter counsels you not to talk to Area that are managed to conserve pure- hunters include: Canada lynx, river otter, the protection of natural resources from state or federal officers or asks you to say strain Colorado River and Rio Grande Gunnison sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, public over-use and abuse. you’re just friends or family hunting to- cutthroat trout. Anglers may fish these all raptors (eagles, hawks, falcons, owls), The Tribal Council recognizes that requir- gether. waters with artificial flies and lures only, and all songbirds. The protected fish species ing compliance with nondiscriminatory but all fish must be returned to the wa- most likely to be encountered by anglers in- federal, state, and local land use regulations Verify an outfitter as legal ter immediately. Cutthroat Conservation clude: Colorado River and Rio Grande cut- in the Brunot Area as a matter of Tribal law Contact the SU Wildlife Division for infor- Waters include: throat trout (designated pure populations), may limit or interfere somewhat with the mation on Tribal guides and outfitters. • Big Bend Creek (8 mi southwest of Du- roundtail chub, flannelmouth sucker, and exercise of the Tribe’s Brunot Agreement Contact the Colorado Department of Reg- rango Mtn. Resort) bluehead sucker. rights by tribal members, but the Tribal ulatory Agencies to verify a non-Southern • Clear Creek (6 mi northwest of Hermo- None of these protected fish and wildlife Council finds that requiring compliance Ute Tribal Member guide or outfitter. sa) species may be harvested by Tribal Brunot with such regulations as a matter of Tribal www.dors.state.co.us/outfitters • Cooper Lake (10 mi southwest of Lake Area hunters or anglers. For a complete law is an advisable exercise of Tribal sover- Contact the Colorado Outfitters Association City) list of protected species, please contact the eignty in the interest of comity and to: www.coloradooutfitters.org • Deep Creek (6 mi west of Telluride) Tribal Division of Wildlife. • Avoid the applicability of such regula- • Elk Creek (10 mi west of Telluride) In addition to the protected species iden- tions to Brunot Area hunting and fishing If you suspect illegal guiding and outfitting • Hermosa Creek, East Fork (at Durango tified above, the Tribe has also designated from being determined in federal or state contact the Southern Ute Wildlife Division Mtn. Resort) black bear as a protected, culturally sen- court; immediately for assistance. Illegal guiding • Hermosa Creek (headwaters to conflu- sitive species that shall not be subject to • Avoid potential litigation with an uncer- and outfitting is a serious offense and can ence with East Hermosa Cr.) harvest by Brunot Area hunters under a tain result; have severe consequences for you and the • Piedra River, East Fork (15 mi north- Southern Ute Tribal-issued permit. Tribal • Avoid potential intergovernmental con- guide/outfitter involved in the activity. The west of Pagosa Springs) hunters, however, retain the option of ob- flicts. above information is provided to keep you • Rio Lado (10 mi southwest of Rico) taining a State permit for harvesting black safe and legal while hunting on and off the • Sloan Lake (10 mi northeast of Silver- bear. Such regulations, therefore, shall apply to reservation. ton) Tribal Member Brunot Area hunting and • Spring Creek (8 mi west of Rico) OPEN AND CLOSED AREAS, PRIVATE fishing as a matter of Tribal law. The Tribal INCORPORATION OF ADDITIONAL PROPERTY, AND INDIAN LAND Council reserves the right to create excep- REGULATIONS BY REFERENCE C. Trophy Bass Waters include two res- tions to the general applicability of such ervoirs where harvest is restricted to a Open Areas regulations to Tribal Member Brunot Area The following sections of the Southern Ute smaller number of fish and/or specific Open Areas for hunting and fishing shall hunting and fishing. Indian Tribal Wildlife Conservation Code, size ranges in order to promote healthy generally include all public lands within It is the responsibility of Tribal Member as amended and published as of the date of reproductive bass populations. the Brunot Area boundary, which consist of Brunot Area hunters and anglers to know adoption of this Proclamation, are adopted • McPhee Reservoir. All bass (either most Federal government and State of Colo- and understand the various land use regu- by the Southern Ute Indian Tribal Coun- smallmouth or largemouth) between the rado-owned lands (e.g., National Forest and lations that are in place and enforced within cil and incorporated by reference into this sizes of 10” and 15” must be immedi- Bureau of Land Management lands, State the Brunot Area. Violations of the regula- Brunot Area Hunting and Fishing Procla- ately returned to the water. The Daily Wildlife Areas, State Parks, State school tions are not only violations of Tribal law, mation. The purpose of the incorporation is Bag and Possession Limit for bass from sections). Certain exceptions apply on some but also may constitute violations of state to provide for the applicability of the incor- McPhee Reservoir is 5 fish. Federal and State-owned properties, or por- and/or federal law, and, therefore may be porated sections to Tribal Member Brunot • Totten Reservoir. Located near Cortez, tions thereof; see Closed Areas below. prosecuted in Tribal, state, or federal court. Area hunting and fishing notwithstanding anglers may only keep smallmouth and In a state or federal prosecution for violation any on-Reservation applicability limitation largemouth bass that are 15 inches in Closed Areas of such regulations, therefore, it may be an that may be expressed or implied in those length or longer. Anglers must also refrain Closed Areas are those lands within the ineffective defense to assert that the Tribal sections. All Tribal Members who wish to from fishing along the north shore of the Brunot Area where hunting and/or fishing Member was exercising Brunot Agreement hunt or fish in the Brunot Area must comply reservoir from March 1 through May 31 is not allowed by the Tribe for (1) public rights, since those regulations are applica- with the requirements set forth in the incor- in order to protect nesting waterfowl. safety reasons, or (2) sensitive resource ble as a matter of Tribal law. Hunters and porated sections. The regulations contained protection reasons. These areas include: anglers should contact the Tribe’s Wildlife in this Proclamation shall govern in the D. Spawning Waters are streams and • all properties within the limits of any Management Division or other appropriate event of any conflict with the requirements lakes within the Brunot Area that are Brunot Area town or municipality; management agencies for more information contained in the incorporated sections. inhabited by spawning populations of • all properties or areas closed by local on applicable land use regulations (e.g., kokanee salmon and/or wild trout. In government (i.e., city or county) for pub- U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Article 1 (except for §13-1-106) order to conserve these important fish- lic safety reasons; Management, Colorado State Parks, Colo- Definitions, Organization, Regulations eries and ensure successful reproductive • any place in close proximity to camp- rado Parks and Wildlife, etc.). • Section 13-2-105: Denial, Suspension cycles, special seasonal fishing closures grounds, boat ramps, marinas, trailheads, and Revocation of Permit Privileges are necessary. The Brunot Area Spawn- occupied buildings, private residences, GUIDING & OUTFITTING • Section 13-2-106: Administrative Appeal ing Waters and corresponding closures and any other facilities where hunting • Section 13-2-107: Judicial Review are listed below. presents an undue risk to users, residents, A “guide” or “outfitter” is a person who • Article 3: Offenses • Big Emerald Lake Inlet Creek (CLO- and/or the facilities; accepts compensation for (1) guiding, • Article 4: Penalties and Procedures SURE). All fishing is prohibited in Lake • any areas closed by Federal or State agen- leading, packing, protecting, supervising, • Article 5: Evidence and Additional Pen- Creek inlet for ½ mile above Big Emer- cies to protect archaeological, wildlife, or instructing, or training persons in the take alties ald Lake from April 15 thru July 15. other sensitive natural resource sites; or attempted take of wildlife; or (2) provid- • Grimes Creek (CLOSURE). All fish- ing facilities (e.g., tents, cabins, camp gear, JURISDICTION AND LAW ing is prohibited in Grimes Creek from Note: Additional fishing-related closures food, or similar supplies, equipment, or ac- ENFORCEMENT September 1 thru November 14. are also specifically identified in the Spawn- commodations), equipment or services for The Tribe and State of Colorado have a • Groundhog Reservoir Inlet Creeks ing Waters section of the Brunot Area Fish- hunting activities, including but not limited shared responsibility for establishing ap- (CLOSURE). All fishing is prohibited ing Regulations. to the transportation of individuals, equip- propriate hunting and fishing regulations in Nash Creek and Groundhog Creek in- ment, supplies, or wildlife by means of ve- for the hunters and fishermen under their lets for 1/2 mile above Groundhog Res- Private Property represents a substantial hicle, vessel, or pack animal. respective authorities in the Brunot Area, as ervoir from April 15 through July 15. portion, approximately 25%, of the entire The guiding and outfitting of a Tribal Mem- well as for enforcing those regulations. It is Brunot Area. Although permitted Brunot ber Brunot Area hunter requires special au- the Tribe’s intent to provide a law enforce- E. Salmon Snagging or using hooked de- Area hunters and anglers are authorized to thorization of the guide/outfitter from either ment presence in the Brunot Area utilizing vices to snag salmon in parts of their take game species on private property, the the Tribe OR State and Federal authorities, Southern Ute Tribal Rangers. bodies other than the mouth, is only al- hunter or angler must always obtain access depending on (1) the SUIT member status Tribal hunters and anglers are likely to en- lowed for kokanee salmon in designated permission from the landowner prior to en- of the guide, or (2) whether the hunter is counter both Tribal and State law enforce- waters during certain times of the year. tering private land. It is always the hunter’s hunting under authority of a Tribal or State ment officers while in the Brunot Area and Standard daily bag / possession limits or angler’s responsibility to know where hunting permit. should be prepared to show appropriate for kokanee and gear restrictions for private land occurs, even if land boundaries If a hunter with a Tribal Brunot hunting per- identification and permits, if requested by lure fishing apply to snagging. are not clearly marked in the field. Hunters mit wants to utilize the service of a Tribal any law enforcement officer. In general, if • Florida River (above Lemon Reser- and anglers should carefully review maps Member guide/outfitter, this guide/outfitter a violation of a Tribal wildlife regulation voir). Snagging of kokanee salmon is provided by the Tribe, as well as those must first be permitted by the Tribe, per Trib- has been committed by a Tribal-permitted permitted above Lemon Reservoir from published by State and Federal lands agen- al permitting requirements, and the guide/ hunter or angler, that hunter or angler shall September 1 thru December 31. cies. Always seek knowledgeable help if in outfitter must comply with the Tribe’s estab- be subject to Tribal citation and prosecution • Grimes Creek (upstream of Vallecito doubt about land status. lished guiding and outfitting rules and regu- in Tribal Court. Res. water line). Snagging of kokan- Indian Land within the Brunot Area is a lations. More information on these require- Tribal hunters and anglers are required to ee salmon is permitted above Vallecito small portion of the Ute Mountain Ute ments and regulations is available through carry with them their Tribal identification Reservoir from November 15 through (UMU) reservation extending to south of the Tribe’s Division of Wildlife office. cards as proof of Tribal-enrolled status. EvenSports tog’omsuwiini-naveeku-chipikwag’atüwawHchuwiini (8) (16) FebruaryMarch 27, 1, 2020 2019

BOBCATS GIRLS BASKETBALL BOBCATS BOYS BASKETBALL IHS girls denied chance Curtailed by COVID: Boys’ to earn State win season cut short Virus fears truncate tourney after day one loss Bobcats’ State run ends with quarterfinals loss

By Joel Priest By Joel Priest Special to the Drum Special to the Drum

Initially informed her Following his boys’ sec- squad had battled the CH- ond game of the 2019-20 SAA Class 2A Girls’ Bas- season back in early De- ketball State Champion- cember, Ignacio head coach ships’ No. 2 seed evenly Chris Valdez commented on the Budweiser Events on not only the Bobcats’ Center scoreboard from the ability to go toe-to-toe with floor, Ignacio head coach – and defeat – a State-cali- Justa Whitt’s seventh-seed- ber opponent, but also on a ed Lady Bobcats actually relative inability to silence outscored Holyoke 29-27 in Joel Priest/Special to the Drum that opponent’s top gun. that respect. With practically no crowd behind them – due to restricted “We had different peo- Also able to out-gun the entry policies enacted in hopes of preventing possible ple on him all game,” he Lady Dragons 5 to 3 from COVID-19 exposure – the Ignacio Lady Bobcats listen to said, speaking of Limon ju- three-point land on Day 1 of senior captain Makayla Howell’s final pre-game pump- nior Kory Tacha, who shot the three-day tournament, up phrases prior to playing Holyoke in the Class 2A State over, around and through it would have appeared the Championships’ ‘Great Eight’ round Thursday night, March the ’Cats for a game-best 12, inside the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, Colo. underdog was more than 23 points, barely a week capable – and worthy – of Awarded only two free- from seemingly predestined after rushing for two pulling off a ‘Great Eight’ throw chances during the defeat Jan. 16 at non-league touchdowns and catching upset Thursday, March 12. fourth quarter, and just four 2A Del Norte. another to power the Bad- But Whitt and all red-and- during the whole second The Lady Tigers – also gers past Strasburg in the black backers were forced half, Ignacio fell 47-34 as able to qualify for the CHSAA Class 1A State to witness helplessly a hor- HHS went 12-of-16 from Championships and seeded Football Championship. rifying coincidence unfold the aptly-dubbed charity fourth – had prevailed 53-50 “And ... everybody did a during the last eight regu- stripe during the final frame, that afternoon, going 23-of- good job. But he’s always lation minutes, which ulti- 19-of-26 after intermission, 35 from the foul line while been ... a great shooter; that Joel Priest/Special to the Drum mately denied the program and a decisive 20-of-31 Ignacio, which sank seven [number] 23’s a monster.” With fellow senior Ocean Hunter (32) also flocking to a first-ever State triumph. from start to finish com- treys to DNHS’ zero, ended Fast forward to Thurs- the ball, Ignacio’s Bird Red (23) swoops in to ultimately Having strung togeth- pared to IHS’ 5-of-12. up 5-of-6. day, March 12 – Day 1 of block the shot of Ault Highland’s Colton Pettit (22) er an impressive 15 con- “We definitely had a Ill-fated on a weekend fea- the Class 2A State Basket- during the teams’ Class 2A State Championships ‘Great Eight’ showdown Thursday night, March 12, inside the secutive wins over foes breakdown in the fourth turing both Friday the 13th ball Championships’ ‘Great Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, Colo. It was one great (including 3A Pago- quarter, and unfortunately, and the Shakespeare-fabled Eight’ – when it looked as of relatively few defensive highlights in an 80-35 defeat. sa Springs and 2A-Region the foul situation hurt us,” Ides of March about two though an entire Mon- VIII Tournament cham- Whitt said afterwards. “You days after that, and playing sters, Inc., still might not see that ever.” ing end-to-end for two pionship opponent Rocky can’t win a game when 20 with the COVID-19 spec- be enough to help the dou- “Highland is 30 points points, and the Huskies Ford) and small (such as free throws are made, and ter hanging over the most- ble-elimination bracket’s better than us,” Valdez would also establish 6’5” regular 2A/1A San Juan we only get a shot at four.” ly-empty (aside from es- No. 2 seed eventually deny conceded, “and we fell junior Bowen Tolle in the Basin League rivals Man- Called for eight infrac- sential game-day personnel the No. 1 the title which apart at times. There were paint; his first six points cos and Telluride) before tions, many of the baffling, working at the venue, each eluded them last winter. times where if we played helped Highland’s lead journeying to distant Lar- head-scratching variety, player/coach was allowed And unfortunately, af- our game we could’ve reach a jaw-dropping 30-6. imer County, the Lady during the closing eight up to four guests) building, ter LHS withstood 7-seed made it more respect- Amazingly, the canines ’Cats were undone as minutes alone, the Lady the Lady Bobcats fell be- Peyton’s second-half rally able, but we came out and actually failed to score they’d been the previous ’Cats were unable to mount hind 12-4 after one quarter earlier in the evening, No. 8 turned the ball over too during the stanza’s last time they’d come up short: the sort of comeback which Ignacio was first to face vo- early and too often.” 1:07, but treys by Jase Bas- from the free-throw line. had nearly snatched victory Girls denied page 20 racious Highland and show “That kind of threw ev- sire and Tate Bassire keyed to all what would likely erything off from there,” a crippling 12-2 run start- happen to any crew not as said junior Bryce Finn. “It ing the second quarter, and CHSAA motivated. could have got a lot worse, the Huskies (24-1 overall) Fairly familiar with to be honest.” would go into halftime 4 the Ault-based Huskies Four IHS giveaways minutes, 40 seconds later Prep sports paused until and their brothers Bassire within the opening 60 sec- in complete control, 52-16, (senior Tate and junior onds helped Highland break after a Jase Bassire right- Jase) from a 65-54 loss out to a 9-0 lead, with ju- wing triple with 0:01 left. at least mid-April in the 2018 tournament’s nior guard Jesse Vasa driv- “That was the same thing CHSAA extends coronavirus cancelations fifth-place game, Valdez ing the lane for two baskets the last time we came up couldn’t help but be even and Tate Bassire burying here, we got off to a really By Joel Priest more impressed by HHS’ the first of his four – and slow start,” said Valdez, al- Special to the Drum non-stop onslaught – ulti- HHS’ nine – three-point- luding to IHS’ 65-44 loss to mately producing an 80-35 ers. Valdez quickly called Byers on Day 1 of the ’18 With the worldwide coro- victory – in the ’20 quar- a timeout, but the deficit tourney, in which the Bull- navirus’ spread aggressive terfinals. would grow to 15-0 before dogs began on a 12-0 run enough to warrant canceling “We’ve never seen a team Bobcat senior Ocean Hunt- and held a 25-12 lead after NCAA ‘March Madness’ on like [Highland], and none of er managed to work inside just eight minutes. “Got basketball courts and Ma- our teams in our area play for a close-range hoop with punched in the mouth and jor League Baseball Spring anything like that,” he said. 4:03 left in the first frame. never recovered, really.” Training games on diamonds “Not with the speed, ag- En route to scoring ten Junior Holden Morgan’s throughout the United gressiveness and physical- first-quarter points, Jase States, as well as potential- ity. Defensively, we never Bassire responded by rac- Boys season page 20 ly jeopardize the upcoming 2020 Summer Olympics in Joel Priest/Special to the Drum Tokyo, the Colorado High Colorado High School Activities Association Assistant CHSAA School Activities Associa- Commissioner Justin Saylor commences removing event- tion initially took a wait-and- specific chair-back covers late Thursday night, March 12, see approach. inside the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, following CHSAA COVID-19 Update Originally hoping to re- CHSAA’s decision to terminate the State Basketball start sanctioned sports and Championships – not just in Class 2A, but all classifications By Bert Borgmann dia and school advisory is nament and Student other events around April 6, – due to precautions taken against the spread of/exposure Colo. High School to keep the membership ap- Leadership Advisor U CHSAA released an update to the global coronavirus outbreak. Activities Association prised of the latest decisions have been postponed Tuesday, March 17, just five “This media and school ship Advisor U. events have from the CHSAA office.” until later in the spring days after the State Basket- advisory is to keep the been postponed, also pend- The Colorado High These updates include: pending changes in the ball Championships were membership apprised of the ing changes to public-gath- School Activities Associ- • The Spring Sports public gathering re- suddenly terminated as a latest decisions from the ering limitations. ation, following the most moratorium is extend- strictions. precaution against spread CHSAA office.” Located in Aurora, the recent recommendation ed through April 18. • The CHSAA office of and exposure to the These updates include CHSAA office will also re- of state and federal health CHSAA encourages will remain closed un- COVID-19 scourge – stat- extending CHSAA’s Spring main closed until March 30, officials, has announced schools to set stricter til March 30, with staff ing the stall will continue Sports moratorium through with staff working remotely changes in the spring sports standards on student working remotely from even longer. April 18, and the Associa- from home. The Associa- and activities schedules. gatherings outside of home. “In light of Governor tion encourages schools to tion will, according to the “In light of Governor the high school. The CHSAA will recog- Jared Polis’ announcement set stricter standards on stu- e-mailed bulletin, recognize Jared Polis’ announcement • All CHSAA Music nize individual participants Monday, March 16, where dent gatherings outside of individual State Basketball Monday, March 16, where Events have been can- from the CHSAA State new restrictions were man- its member high schools. Championships partici- new restrictions were man- celled for 2020. Basketball Championships dated to slow the advance Additionally: all CHSAA pants with a memento in the dated to slow the advance • The CHSAA Hall of with a memento in the of the virus, narrowing the Music events have been coming weeks to recognize of the COVID-19 virus nar- Fame, scheduled for coming weeks to recognize minimum standards for canceled for the remainder their leadership and resolve rowing the minimum stan- April 14, has been their leadership and resolve public gatherings, we are of the 2019-20 calendar; the during that ill-fated week. dards for public gatherings, cancelled. during that week. announcing that the Associ- 4/14 CHSAA Hall of Fame As most sports fans know, we are announcing that the • The CHSAA Legisla- National and state de- ation will follow the guide- induction ceremony has national and state decisions Association will follow the tive Council meeting, cisions related to the lines that went into effect at been canceled; the 4/15 CH- related to COVID-19 are guidelines that went into scheduled for April 15, COVID-19 virus are chang- 8 a.m. today and will remain SAA Legislative Council changing daily, sometimes effect at 8 a.m. today and has been postponed ing daily, even hourly, so in effect for 30 days,” CH- meeting has been postponed hourly. Further updates will remain in effect for pending changes in the new updates will be posted SAA Commissioner Rhon- pending changes in the pub- can be found online at CH- 30 days,” CHSAA Com- public gathering re- on CHSAANow.com and da Blanford-Green was lic-gathering restrictions; SAANow.com and will also missioner Rhonda Blan- strictions. communicated via email to quoted in the e-mailed up- the State Speech Tourna- be communicated via e-mail ford-Green said. “This me- • The State Speech Tour- schools and media. date as saying. ment and Student Leader- to schools and media. March 27, 2020 tog’omsuwiini-naveekyavuku-chipikwag’atu (17) News

VETERANS AFFAIRS STARWHEELS Horoscopes by “The Star Lady” Recognizing Vietnam Veterans Day Staff Report ^ d ARIES (March 21 – April 20) LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23) National Conference of HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIES. APRIL has a We can’t have everything all of the time. You State Legislators variety of planetary influences all sandwiched may have to settle for less things some of the between Fools Day and the 30th. First up is time. MARS and SATURN have settled into VENUS gliding into the sign of GEMINI on lively AQUARIUS. Take note LIBRA, MARS Vietnam Veterans Day the 3rd. She wants to talk, and talk. MERCU- will square off with the planet URANUS on the commemorates the sacrific- RY connects with NEPTUNE on that same 7th, both you and the young ones will be anxious es of Vietnam veterans and day. Don’t make important decisions, they to do something entertaining. A more inventive could change. Sensitive issues might erupt, energy arrives on the 6th and 7th when the silvery their families and is part of a and carry over into the 4th. A rare JUPITER/ enters your sign. Weather permitting, it’s national effort to recognize PLUTO match up opens the door to new pos- brilliance on the 7th might have the men and women who sibilities on the 4th. Later, on the 20th the us gazing in awe at the heavenly sight. were denied a proper wel- MOON moves into ARIES and stays through come upon returning home the 21st igniting your ARIAN fire, and stoking e SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22) your persistence. Patience is in short supply. Between VENUS in chatty GEMINI, and JU- more than 40 years ago. The Vietnam War Veterans PITER in your communication section, your Jeremy Wade Shockley/SU Drum _ TAURUS (April 21 – May 20) conversations are certain to be numerous. JUPI- Recognition Act, signed into Your sign ruler VENUS will be waving good- TER’S influence puts an optimistic perspective law in 2017, designates March Southern Ute Veteran Rod Grove gives a brief history of the Vietnam memorial in the Southern Ute Veterans Memorial bye when it transits into GEMINI on the 3rd. on your words. This is NOT the time to perpet- 29 of each year as National Conversations tend to focus on money mat- uate negativity SCORPIO. PLUTO your plan- Park on Tribal campus, emphasizing the impact that the ters. A JUPITER/PLUTO connection works in etary ruler has been living in the sensible sign Vietnam War Veterans Day. Vietnam War has had on many returned veterans — many your favor on the 4th. MERCURY will enter of CAPRICORN who’s domain is WISDOM. Most states celebrate who lost their lives at home due to the effects of Agent the assertive sign of ARIES on the10th. It may Spread that around instead. It would be more “Welcome Home Vietnam Orange, PTSD, alcoholism and drug abuse. lack some of the usual ARIES power of per- helpful to others. Try to be a cheerleader, not a Veterans Day” on March 29 suasion. It’s better to rely on your diplomatic jeer leader. Times like these require assurance. or 30 of each year. Though skills. Later, on the 19th the SUN returns to your sign and shifts the focus back to more f SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21) there is some debate, March personal goals. Plan, organize, and implement. Regardless of the MOON’S passage through 29 is generally viewed as the sign of harmonious LIBRA, a determined a more appropriate date. ` GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) challenge between MARS and URANUS On that day in 1973, the A welcomed visitor enters your sign on the 3rd. might tempt you to give a heated response to last combat troops were It’s VENUS, and she is leaving her TAURUS someone in your presence. Think first. Words home to venture forth into fresh territory, your spoken in haste can’t be taken back. MER- withdrawn from Vietnam sign GEMINI. If current virus conditions pre- CURY enters the sign of ARIES on the 10th and the last prisoners of war vail, stay balanced, and informed. The MOON and 11th. It sets up a busy weekend. No doubt held in North Vietnam ar- in your sign on the 25th and 26th strengthens some of you will be filling up Easter bas- rived on American soil. your confidence. Believe in yourself, and your kets, and some of you will be sampling their On March 28, 2017, the personal power. While we all may be social delightful contents. Marshmallow Bunnies, distancing, you have a first-rate opportunity to chocolates, Jelly beans anyone? President signed into law: learn something new. Avoid “the know it all” S. 305, the “Vietnam War people. They don’t know EVERYTHING! g CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20) Veterans Recognition Act Jeremy Wade Shockley/SU Drum VENUS launches the month with a pleasant of 2017,” which encourages Southern Ute Vietnam Veteran and former association a CANCER (June 22 – July 22) link to SATURN on the 4th. With the excep- the display of the U.S. flag commander, Howard Richards Sr. gave opening remarks These are changing times MOON KIDS. Op- tion of Aliens from outer space coming here tions may be limited. JUPITER, and PLUTO for a visit, there are other enjoyable days to on March 29, National Viet- to attendees honoring Vietnam veterans in 2017. will launch their month long marriage on the 4th. follow. JUPITER and PLUTO (both currently nam War Veterans Day. The last time these two joined their planetary in your sign) are influenced by the MOON in hands was in 2007. Our best choice is to adapt a pleasing manner on the 6th. After you have to the adjustments we are making, and then set polished off all the EASTER candy, a majes- fresh goals for a more productive future. Please tic SUN will be rolling into the earthy sign EMERGENCY SERVICES keep in mind that PLUTO is the planet of regen- of TAURUS on the 19th. Get comfy CAPRI- eration. JUPITER is the planet of positive new CORN. This is likely to be a satisfying week- growth. Add JUPITER’S colors to your sur- end, do what pleases you. roundings, royal purple, and mixed reds. Los Pinos Fire Protection District h AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 18) b LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22) Since last month when the giant ringed planet Now that MARS and SATURN are in your SATURN entered your sign, it’s possible that cancels mill levy election opposite sign of AQUARIUS, you may find you began to experience some major changes. it harder to get your point across to others in This planet is the ‘BIG BOSS” of the Solar Staff report It’s the right thing to do un- medics to several currently the household. JUPITER and PLUTO are still System. What he says goes. Expect to be test- Los Pinos Fire Dept. der the current situation in unstaffed backup ambulanc- in command of the house of work and health. ed AQUARIUS. But if it’s any consolation the area and world. es. We are looking into any, Do your best to maintain safe and healthy you won’t be the only one taking the test. In routines. These are unusual times Lions. You some way or another we will all be making Even with overwhelming Yes, this will be difficult and all options to do the best might want to add a few healthy snacks to the adjustments to our lifestyles. Tap into your support from area home and financially for the district, but we can to respond to the Easter baskets along with the candy. APRIL is memory reservoir. Whenever SATURN visits, business owners that the we are all in difficult times. public’s needs during this gifting us with a SUPERMOON on the 7th. If the question is, are we living up to the commit- District staff has met with We can stretch our savings serious situation. the night sky is clear, you will see LUNA in all ments we have agreed to. for a mill levy increase, out a little longer just like ev- Many, many hours of her shining glory. i PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20) Tony Harwig, Fire Chief of erybody is currently having hard work over the past half c VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23) Howdy PISCES people. MERCURY’S hap- the Los Pinos Fire District, to do. As the economy and a year went into the election A supportive trine from VENUS and SATURN py passage through your sign ends on the along with 100 percent sup- the job market for the people by all involved and we so on the 4th might arouse a desire to become more 10th as it zooms into the energy driven sign port of the Board of Direc- we protect gets better we will much appreciate all of you. organized. Where to begin is the next big ques- of ARIES and adds an element of importance tors have voted to postpone approach the taxpayers again Thank you to everybody tion. An opposition between the MOON and to your actions. Tempers may flair on the 7th NEPTUNE on the 5th could add to the fog of when MARS challenges URANUS. Thanks to the mill levy election sched- for the needed assistance. that has supported this effort confusion. It’s ok VIRGO, as long as you don’t MERCURY’S attempts to tone things down a uled for May 5, 2020. The The district is dipping by attending presentations act in haste chances are you will figure it out. You much friendlier atmosphere arrives later in the crews and administration into reserves at nearly one and giving valuable input. have a natural instinct for organization. Howev- afternoon and evening. The in are currently focused 100 million dollars a year to run Please give thanks to all er, there are also VIRGO’S who don’t give a peace loving LIBRA on the 7th, soothes away percent on the Covid-19 the current minimum staff- the doctors, nurses, scientists, hoot about any of that. No matter, the MOON irritation, and allows a calm and tranquil at- and JUPITER have your back on the 19th. mosphere to take over. pandemic response along ing levels from just the one dispatchers, grocery workers, with answering the regular station in Ignacio, leaving truck drivers and the count- emergency calls. We also the other four without staff- less others working so hard Carole Maye is a Certified Astrology Professional with over 30 years of astrological study and practice. Private horoscope consultations can be arranged by appointment, via email: [email protected] have concerns for the peo- ing. The district is making behind the scenes to keep this ple that would be working plans to dip into savings country protected and mov- as election judges and staff even deeper as the Covid-19 ing forward. Let’s all work along with the postal service pandemic advances by pos- hard and do our part to defeat SunUte: About NAIG 2020 personnel and printing com- sibly adding non-EMS cer- this horrible virus and come panies. Everyone’s safety tified operators as needed out of it with a renewed ap- Attention Team Colorado athletes, parents, and coaches, due to the recent and wellbeing are and al- for the ambulances so we preciation of our freedom and COVID-19 situation and how it changes by the hour. The decision was made ways will be our priority. can spread out the trained love for one another. by the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) Council and the NAIG 2020 Host Society to postpone the game set for July 12-18, 2020. A Request from Los Pinos Fire Dept. We will host a meeting as soon as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted to Chief Tony Harwig go over what is going to happen next. As always if you have any questions, please free to contact SunUte’s Recreation Coordinator Kelsey Frost at 970- The Los Pinos Fire Department requests that if the public has any questions or 563-2660. concerns about the Corona Virus, that they contact San Juan Basin Public Health. Their website is www.sjbpublichealth.org. Phone numbers for updated information include: 303-389-1687 and 877-462-2911. If you believe you have symptoms, call your doctor to receive further instruction and to see if you meet the criteria for testing. If you do not have a doctor, call San Juan Basin Public Health’s front desk at 970-247-5702, option 1. Los Pinos Fire is here to serve for emergency medical and fire protection calls.

THE SOUTHERN UTE DRUM Drum A biweekly newspaper owned and operated by the Southern Ute Indian Tribe on the Southern Ute Indian Reservation in Ignacio, Colo. Deadline SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $29 per year • $49 two years PHONE: 970-563-0100 • DIRECT: 970-563-0118 TOLL FREE: 1-800-772-1236 • FAX: 970-563-0391 Next issue MAILING ADDRESS The Southern Ute Drum: PO Box 737 #96, Ignacio, CO 81137 April 10 PHYSICAL ADDRESS 356 Ouray Drive, Leonard C. Burch Building, Ignacio, CO 81137

STAFF EXTENSIONS & EMAIL ADDRESSES Deadline The Southern Ute Drum ([email protected]) Jeremy Shockley • Editor, ext. 2255 ([email protected]) Robert Ortiz • Composition Tech., ext. 2253 ([email protected]) April 6 McKayla Lee • Reporter/Photographer, ext. 2252 ([email protected]) Trennie Collins • Admin. Assistant/PR Coordinator, ext. 2251 ([email protected])

Articles, photos, The Southern Ute Drum does not assume responsibility for unsolicited advertisements, public material and does not guarantee publication upon submission. notices, letters and greetings Published biweekly and mailed 1st class from Ignacio, Colo. may be submitted in person, Printed by the Farmington Daily Times in Farmington, N.M. by mail, or by email to: The Southern Ute Drum is a member of the Native American Journalists Association, the Society of Professional Journalism and the Colorado Press Association. [email protected] Notices tog’omsuwiini-wawHchuku-chipikwag’atu (18) March 27, 2020

Payroll & Tribal Distribution Checks Notice

With the closure of the Sky Ute Casino Resort due to COVID-19, the tribal membership and tribal staff will be unable to utilize the Casino’s Cashier Window to cash checks. The Tribe has confirmed that the local Wells Fargo bank will be open from 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. to provide this services to tribal members and tribal staff, even if they do not bank with this financial institution. Wells Fargo has modified their operation to drive-thru banking only. Staff will need to provide two forms of identification to perform these types of transactions. Please make appropriate plans for payroll and dividend distributions. The Sky Ute Casino Resort management would like to offer their apologies for this inconvenience, but believes the health and safety of the tribal membership and tribal staff is best served by this decision.

Before The Southern Ute Ethics Commission Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Case No. 01-2019 The Respondent subsequently appealed the Notice: Decision to the Southern Ute Indian Tribal IN THE MATTER OF THE ETHICS Court. Esther Rima v. Southern Ute Indi- COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST: an Tribe Ethics Office and David Smith, No. Esther Rima 19-AP-171. On March 6, 2020, the Court en- PO Box 737, Ignacio, CO 81137 tered its Findings and Order on Appeal from the Southern Ute Indian Ethics Commission This matter came before the Ethics Commis- (Findings and Order). The Findings and Or- sion for a hearing on October 30, 2019. A der upheld the Decision of the Commission in quorum of the Commission was present. The all but one respect: The Court determined that Commission’s legal counsel, Steven Boos, was the sanctions ordered by the Commission were present. in excess of the authority of the Commission. Hearing Officer David Gomez presided over When a case concerns an Executive Officer, the hearing and ruled on matters within his au- such as the Respondent, the Commission may thority. The Ethics Office was present through only recommend sanctions to the Chairman of its acting Director, Phil Drake, and its attorney, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and it is within Michael Santo. The complaining party, David the exclusive authority of the Chairman to im- Smith, was present and gave testimony. pose those sanctions. The Findings and Order The Respondent, Esther Rima, and her legal therefore reversed the Decision insofar as the counsel, Lisa Shellenberger, did not appear at sanctions and remanded that sole issue to the the hearing and provided no testimony or oth- Commission. The Findings and Order are in- er evidence to the Commission. Consequently, corporated by reference in this Order. the decision in this matter was based solely on The Commission met on March 10, 2020 to the testimony and evidence submitted by the consider the issue of sanctions, as remanded to Ethics Office. the Commission by the Tribal Court. A quorum The Commissioners who were present at the of the Commission was present. The Commis- hearing met on November 5, 2019 for the sion agreed to recommend the following sanc- purpose of full deliberation and unanimously tions to the Chairman: adopted the Decision of November 7, 2019, Esther Rima be disqualified from seeking or which is incorporated by reference in this Or- holding appointed tribal office for a period of der. The Decision found that at the time of the three years, pursuant to § 19-7-lOl(l)(a)(iv) of acts that are the subject of the complaint in the Ethics Code. This disqualification shall run this case, the Respondent was an official of the consecutively with, and following, the two- Southern Ute Indian Tribe and her acts as an year disqualification agreed to in the settlement official of the Tribe were subject to review and of Case No. 06-2018 so that the Respondent is sanction pursuant to the Ethics Code, notwith- disqualified for a total of five years. standing her later resignation. The Decision Within 30 days, as a corrective action pursuant also found that there was clear and convincing to § 19-7-101(5) of the Ethics Code, the Re- evidence that the acts described in the Find- spondent shall send written letters of apology ings constituted a violation of§ 19-2-101 of to Lorelyn Hall and to the Legal Department. the Ethics Code (Abuse of Authority) by the Copies of these letters shall be provided by Respondent. As sanctions for these violations, the Respondent to the Ethics Office and to the the Decision then ordered that the Respon- Commission. dent be disqualified from seeking or holding The sanctions recommended by the Commis- appointed tribal office for a period of three sion were forwarded to the Chairman of the years from the date of the Decision, pursuant Southern Ute Indian Tribe on March 11, 2020. to § 19- 7-101(l )(a)(iv) of the Ethics Code. The Chairman approved the sanctions recom- This disqualification was ordered to run con- mended by the Commission on the same day secutively with, and following, the two-year and sent a copy of the signed Order back to the disqualification agreed to in the settlement Commission. On March 13, 2020, the Ethics of Case No. 06-2018 so that the Respondent Commission met and made a final order in this would be disqualified for a total of five years. case entering the sanctions approved by the The Decision further ordered that within 30 Chairman into the record of this case. days of the date of the Decision, as a corrective Because of the extensive nature of the docu- action pursuant to § 19-7-101(5) of the Ethics ments referenced in the Order of March 11, Code, the Respondent send written letters of 2020, any person wishing to see the original apology to Lorelyn Hall and to the Legal De- Decision of the Ethics Commission or the partment. Copies of these letters were ordered Findings and Order of the Tribal Court may to be provided by the Respondent to the Ethics obtain copies at the J&R administration build- Office and to the Commission. ing upon request. March 27, 2020 tog’omsuwiini-suwarog’omasuku-chipikwag’atu (19) Classifieds

Southern Ute Growth Fund • Job announcements 100th Annual Southern Ute Fair Please visit our website at www.sugf.com/jobs.asp for full job details and to apply online. Tribal Member employment preference • Must pass pre-employment drug test/background check. Theme & Logo Contest Southern Ute Growth Fund, Human Resources • P.O. Box 367 • Ignacio, CO Phone: 970-563-5064 • Job hotline: 970-563-5024. The deadline for the Southern Ute Fair You may still mail in your entries to: Theme and Logo Contest deadline will Cultural Preservation Department Administrative Assistant (part-time) – Dept. of Energy (Ignacio, CO) remain for April 3 at 5pm. Attn: Tara Vigil Closing 4/3/20 – A part-time position that is responsible for assisting with office, clerical, PO Box 737 #88 and accounting duties for staff of the Department of Energy (DOE). Maintains a positive The Special Events Coordinator will ONLY Ignacio, CO, 81137 and effective working relationship with coworkers, supervisors and the general public. Min- imum Qualifications: Must be an enrolled Southern Ute Indian Tribal Member. High School be in the office on April 3 from 8 a.m. – diploma or equivalent is required and one year of clerical experience is required. Must have 5 p.m. to accept any submissions if you Please ring the Cultural Preservation experience with typing, general filing, copying, and scanning of documents. Must have, or would like to drop it off at the Southern doorbell which is located next the be able to obtain, an understanding of the processing of legal documents. Must have, or be Ute Cultural Preservation Department. Museum Big Classroom entrance. For any able to obtain, knowledge and understanding of the process of organizing and updating land questions please call the Special Events records for all energy projects of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe. Must have knowledge and skill using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Outlook, and Internet Explorer and be Coordinator at 970-563-2985. willing to learn database software currently used in Energy Department. Must have strong organizational skills. Must have willingness to take initiative, assist others, learn new skills, and participate in a productive team-oriented environment. Must be able to obtain Federal REQUEST FOR BIDS Security Clearance in order to work with energy revenue and auditing records. Must have valid driver’s license for state of residency and be insurable under the Southern Ute Indian Southern Ute Powwow Committee Tribe Growth Fund vehicle insurance policy. Must pass criminal history background check and pre-employment drug test. The Southern Ute Powwow Committee are accepting bids for the upcoming Southern Ute Bear Dance and Southern Ute Tribal Fair Powwows. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 970-553-9291 or at [email protected] Southern Ute Shared Services • Job announcements Bear Dance weekend: May 22-23 Tribal Fair weekend: September 18 – 20 Please visit our website at www.southernute.com/careers for full job details and to apply online. • Porta Pots • Porta Pots Tribal Member employment preference • Must pass pre-employment drug test/background check. • Security staff • Security staff Southern Ute Growth Fund, Human Resources • P.O. Box 367 • Ignacio, CO • Cleaning staff • Cleaning staff Phone: 970-563-5064 • Job hotline: 970-563-5024. • Sound system • Sound system Chief Information Officer – SU Shared Services (Ignacio, CO) Closing 3/31/20 – Operations of the Tribe’s Shared Services organization (SUSS). SUSS is responsible for serving as the shared information technology service provider for the Tribe’s House for Sale • Asking $174,000 Permanent Fund, Growth Fund, and Sky Ute Casino Resort. This position reports directly to 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, Cedar Point, Sagebrush Ave., Ignacio, CO. Living room has the SUSS Committee, composed of the Permanent Fund Executive Officer, the Growth Fund laminate wood floor, carpet in bedrooms, back yard fenced, one shed with electric hook up, Executive Director, and the Casino General Manager. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in MIS, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related field and fifteen years sprinkler system works for front yard. Serious inquires only, leave message 970-563-3161. diverse experience in the Information Technology industry, ten of which must be supporting: accounting, human resources or ERP systems. Must have five years supervisory experience. Must have five years experience in senior Information Technology management. Must have In The Southern Ute Tribal Court five years experience managing information technology systems in a business environment. Of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe • On the Southern Ute Reservation Must have experience with budget preparation and compliance. Must have experience with en- PO Box 737 #18, 149 CR 517, Ignacio, CO • 970-563-0240 terprise network infrastructure and security design and industry best practices in a hybrid cloud environment. Must have experience with computer operations and help desk management. NOTICE OF PROBATE before the Tribal Court at the above address on APRIL Experience in a Microsoft 365 and Azure environment. Must have knowledge of common Op- In the Estate Of, 28, 2020 at 4:00 PM. All persons having claims against erating Systems such as Windows 10, Windows 2016 and Windows 2019. Must possess strong Case No.: 2020-0041-CV-PR the above estate are required to file them for allowance leadership and communication skills. Must have strong computer-based data management and Roberta Scott, Deceased with the Tribal Court at the stated address on or before analysis skills and troubleshooting skills. Must be willing to assist others, learn new skills, and Notice to: Heirs, devisees, legatees, creditors and all the time and date of said hearing, as above set forth or participate in a productive team-oriented environment. Must be able to obtain a Southern Ute other persons claiming an interest in said estate: The said claims shall be forever barred and all persons in- Indian Tribe Gaming Support License and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Indian terested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and Act (HIPPA) Certification. Must have valid driver’s license for state of residency and be insur- Reservation, Ignacio, CO: Greetings: Take notice that answer said Petition and offer evidence in support of able under the Growth Fund vehicle insurance policy. Must pass a pre-employment drug test a petition has been filed in this cause, alleging that the their position. The Court will proceed to hear the mat- and criminal history background check. above decedent died leaving certain assets, and asking ter at the date and time set above, or such later time to for the determination of heirs of said decedent, the ad- which the matter shall be continued and to make the ministration of said estate including the allowing of determination therein necessary. creditors of said decedent and for distribution thereof. Dated this 17th of March, 2020. You are notified that said cause will be set for hearing Paula Trujillo, Deputy Court Clerk Back Page waamasuwiinini (20) March 27, 2020

IHG girls denied chance • from page 16 IHS boys season cut short • from page 16 as Holyoke sophomore Lau- five third-quarter points Tolle (16) and Tate Bas- athon Whitt, inactive for ren Herman knocked down complemented well Tolle’s sire (12) joined him in the game but in attendance two triples during the last four, and HHS would go double figures, while Mor- and participating as a team two minutes. into the fourth quarter gan totaled nine points and manager for girls’ head Howell nailed Ignacio’s seated atop a comfortable Vasa six. coach and mother Justa. first three with 5:59 left 68-25 cushion and ready Not long after the game “When they went above in the second quarter, cut- to polish off a sort of mer- – played before a relative and beyond, were unself- ting the deficit to 12-7, but cy-rule devastation often skeleton crowd, limit- ish, and helped each other Holyoke (23-1 overall), seen inside IHS Gymnasi- ed to essential game-day up. Those times make those motivated by senior point um during 2A/1A San Juan personnel and up to four kids who they are, and guard Emily Jelden’s first Basin League play. family members or guests those are the memories I’m four points, were able to Junior Joe Garcia bur- per player/coach due to going to take from ’em.” rebuild a 19-11 halftime ied a three-pointer during enacted COVID-19 pre- “You’ve got a lot of great lead despite IHS sophomore the home stretch and fin- vention measures – it was things that’ll happen,” he Avaleena Nanaeto draining ished with six points off the announced by CHSAA continued. “Be excited, take a corner three with 1:33 left bench for Ignacio. Fellow that the Championships’ some great memories from before the break. junior reserve Dylan La- remaining contests would this and move on; don’t Still, the Lady ’Cats were barthe totaled five points, be canceled, in hopes of make this the best thing that relatively unshaken, having and combined with Garcia curbing possible exposure ever happened to you. And held HHS sophomore cen- for 6-of-12 free-throw ac- to the rampant virus. thank you for ... giving me ter Kristen Vieselmeyer to curacy (the ’Cats ended up Disappointed by the hand everything you have.” just five points and senior 8-of-18; the Huskies went dealt them, the Bobcats Definitely a matchup forward Shianne Willmon 7-of-8). nonetheless concluded an sure to re-energize southern – who’d signed on March 4 Finn was held to just excellent bounce-back sea- Colorado fans, as it had in to play fast-pitch softball at five points, all before in- son – finishing 18-5 overall postseasons past, Ignacio’s Columbus, Neb.-based Cen- termission, while Hunter after going an uncharacter- opponent in the consolation tral Community College – and fellow starters Tris- istic 10-10 in ’18-19 (down semifinals on Day 2 would to only two, as the duo com- ton Thompson and Brady from 20-6 in 2017-18). have been 4-seed Sanford bined to go just 1-of-5 in the McCaw each booked four “We’re in a situation (20-5), toppled 49-36 early free-throw department. Joel Priest/Special to the Drum points along with sopho- where we got knocked on Day 1 by No. 5 Wray; “We knew that we were more reserve Gabe Tucson. down,” said Valdez, “but I the Eagles (19-6) would Leaving Holyoke’s Sarah Razo (left) and Victoria Race (44) going to be playing girls ... helpless defensively, Ignacio sophomore Avaleena Nanaeto Slowed by foul trouble know we can get back up have next challenged – or bigger than us; we knew we (35) spins quickly to the basket during the Class 2A State early, senior Keegan Schur- again.” tried to – Highland in the really had to shut out the in- Championships’ ‘Great Eight’ round Thursday night, March man managed to net three Denied at least one more ‘Final Four.’ side,” said Howell, “so we 12, inside the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland, Colo. points. game in IHS varsity togs Joining them in the oth- were fronting the girls as Able to cash three were Hunter, Schurman er winners’ semi would much as we could, hoping 4:07 left. laina Taylor. three-pointers – all during and vital reserve Bird Red. have been Limon (23-2) to push them out. That was Sophomore Monika Lu- “Throughout the process the second quarter – Jase “What I want of these and 3-seed Yuma (21-3), our major goal.” cero became the seventh Ig- of communicating our plan Bassire racked up 25 points kids is that ... this isn’t go- fortunate to edge No. 6 “I think it was nerves at nacio player to score in the regarding the state basket- for Highland. ing to be the biggest mo- Fowler on Day 1, 55-51. the beginning of the game, clash, hitting a three-point- ball tournaments in the face “He was all over the ment of their life,” Valdez The Grizzlies (22-3) would and that always happens up er, but with Vieselmeyer (15 of the COVID-19 pandem- place,” Finn said, “just said, speaking of – and have next met Peyton (19- here,” Whitt said. “We went points) and Herman (12) ic, we have maintained that ended up in the right spot at – a senior class also in- 6) in consolation-semifinal in the locker room, the girls each going 4-of-4 from the the tournaments would be all the time.” cluding reserve post John- action. regrouped and were ready to foul line during the fourth played unless a state agency fight. They did, and it was quarter and Jelden (12) or a host venue made a de- awesome.” 3-of-6, Holyoke was able to cision affecting that status,” Awesome to the extent pull away. CHSAA Assistant Commis- The Southern Ute Drum’s that after Lady Dragon se- Wearing No. 1 on her sioner Bert Borgmann said nior Sarah Razo hit a three- jersey, Howell fouled out in a mass e-mail sent just ball to put HHS up 24-14 with, fittingly, 1:01 remain- before 11:30 p.m. Crossword Puzzle with 5:42 left in the third ing and six points to her “On Thursday evening, quarter, it took just 2:25 of name. Finishing with four the CHSAA office was in- clock time for IHS to rally fouls, Nanaeto would also formed by the University as close as 25-24 after threes book a half-dozen while of Denver that the school by senior Larissa Gallegos junior Ebonee Gomez, who would no longer be able to and junior Jayden Brun- sparked IHS’ third-quarter host the Class 3A tourna- son sandwiched a harmless recovery with back-to-back ment. With uncertainty at Jelden FT. layups, totaled a team-best all additional sites, includ- “In past games we’ve eight points while also ing a state-of-emergency slowed down in that third playing with four person- declaration by the city of quarter, which really kills als. Incredibly, Lucero Denver, the difficult deci- us,” Brunson said. “And and junior Charlize Valdez sion has been made to can- we knew coming out strong, (three points) also battled cel the remainder of all tour- pushing it really hard, mak- with four fouls apiece, and naments in all classes.” ing sure we scored in that Gallegos ended up saddled IHS would have next quarter was going to be re- with three. faced 3-seed Rye (24-1), ally crucial.” Brunson (five points) and shocked 46-31 earlier on But Vieselmeyer would Lucero combined to win Day 1 by No. 6 Sanford, hit a free throw with 2:57 Ignacio the game’s bench- in the consolation semis. left, and Holyoke closed points category, 8-2 over Meanwhile, after downing out the quarter rebuilding HHS senior Victoria Race, No. 5 Wray (17-8) in the a 31-24 lead mostly from who’d scored four points Championships’ very first the stripe; Jelden went in the teams’ previous en- contest, 63-46, Del Norte 5-of-6 during the third gagement (Willmon and (21-3) would have next and Vieselmeyer 2-4, with Razo also were varsity Lady faced 1-seed Limon (24-1) Herman adding a key two- Dragons in ’17-18, but nei- in the ‘Final Four’ with SHS point hoop. ther scored against IHS). (16-7) and Holyoke also to Having ended Ignacio’s Due to intensified con- square off. 2017-18 season with a 45- cerns regarding the afore- “In the face of this un- 35 win in the Champion- mentioned coronavirus, precedented public health Across Down ships’ consolation-bracket CHSAA decided later that emergency, we are com- 1 Fundamentals 1 Mesoamerican people overthrown by semifinals (HHS went 20- night to cancel the next pelled to discontinue play 5 Disposed the Conquistadores of-26 from the stripe during two days’ play, leaving in all tournaments,” Com- 8 Baggy type of suit 2 Tree branch that Day 2 action; IHS went the Lady Bobcats with a missioner Rhonda Blan- 9 Native American hockey variety 3 Second longest African river 6-of-15), John Baumgart- finalized 18-6 record and ford-Green was quoted in 13 Melody 4 Bullock ner’s bunch started the fi- no chance to bounce back the e-mail as saying. “We 14 Pith helmets 5 Puerto Rico setting nal frame on a 5-0 scoring for senior regulars Howell want to thank those who 15 Pelted with cackleberries 6 Chemical warfare gas used in WWI burst, and still held a dou- and Gallegos, plus reserves have supported us through 17 Flake or chip of stone 7 “The Birds” actress --- Hedren ble-digit lead, 40-29, after Elizabeth Valdez, Bella the difficult decisions in 18 A Rockette, for example 10 Stingy Jelden sank two FTs with Pena, Bela Torres and He- these uncertain times.” 20 It can be super at elections 11 “The Old Curiosity Shop” orphan 21 The Principal People, a k a Cherokee 12 Big fashion letters 28 Eat greedily 16 Like some airport shops 29 Cereal fungus 19 Myanmar leader Aung San --- Kyi LOCAL IGNACIO WEATHER 30 Arbitrate 21 Pinnacle of perfection 32 Evils 22 Afternoon ZZZs Your weekend forecast! 33 Ship 23 Celtic whiskey 34 Drag 24 Habeas corpus and certiorari Friday, March 27 Saturday, March 28 Sunday, March 29 35 “Hands off!” 25 Inuit white house? 36 Tofu bean 26 What you become when 15 Across 27 Bewildered 28 Cherokee, for example, on wheels 31 --- Parker, first Native American Commissioner of Indian Affairs Answers for this crossword will appear in April 10 issue of the Drum.

44˚F partly sunny 48˚F sunny 52˚F partly sunny Answers for March 13, 2020 crossword puzzle: Snow showers, 50% Across: 1 Cults, 6 Dahl, 10 Pre-op, 11 Idea, 12 Adena, 13 Smirk, 15 Sure, 16 Odessa, Weather forecasts collected from www.weather.gov 17 Decanter, 19 PHs, 22 Chi, 23 SNL, 24 Diegueno, 27 Farrar, 28 Spew, 32 Steed, 33 Calle, 34 Unto, 35 Ogens, 36 Sear, 37 Debut. Down: 1 CPAs, 2 Urdu, 3 Leer, 4 Toned, 5 Spa, 6 Disdain, 7 Admen, 8 Heists, 9 Larsen, 14 Karl, 16 Ocher, 18 Ecuador, 19 PDFs, 20 Hiatus, 21 Serene, 25 Greta, 26 Osage, 29 March 24 April 1 April 7 April 14 April 22 Pleb, 30 Elnu, 31 West, 33 Cod.